Where can you get a lot of money? Ask for money

Everyone would like to have stable income, and even better, millions, billions in your account. But where to get the money? On the street you will not meet a millionaire who will give you money. However, there are rich millionaires who give money away to people for free. They willingly share their fortune. Who they are and why they do this will be discussed in detail in this article.

There are special funds to which millionaires often donate their money. Therefore, it is best to search on the Internet not for “millionaire giving away money,” but for “relief funds.” They don’t help everyone, but only those who have a really difficult situation. Perhaps someone’s house burned down or they had health problems. In such a situation, it is worth asking for financial help from millionaires.

List of rich people who give away money

1. Warren Buffett is one of the richest people on the planet. His fortune is constantly growing and now stands at about $45 billion. It was Warren who helped Bill Gates develop his business. Gates now ranks above Buffett in terms of wealth.

There is a rich man who gives out money from San Francisco. But he doesn’t give out that much money (from 30 to 100 dollars). First, he hides money in different parts of the city and asks him to find it in his.

How to ask money from rich people?

In this matter, the main thing is honesty. Write to millionaires about your difficult situation, and perhaps it will have a positive reaction and you will eventually receive money. Don’t forget to include your details: phone number, address, etc. Search forums and sites where rich people visit. Register with them and start asking for help indicating your problem and details.

24420 records.

Dima from St. Petersburg wrote on 05/11/2019 at 20:44:

Dima from St. Petersburg. Hello! My name is Dima, I’m 20 years old, I live alone, I rent a room, I’m in a hopeless situation, I urgently need money, I have no one to borrow and no one to help, I work for meager money, I’m working my ass off, I only have enough for food, but I have to save a lot, I rely on my own strength, but I can’t cope, because of problems and difficulties I have depression that brings me to a dead end, I need financial help from caring people who can afford to help as much as finances allow, I don’t ask for much, but I need support , I will be grateful to everyone who will not remain indifferent and help by putting themselves in my place ((Card number: 5336 6903 1048 7683

Novel from Moscow wrote on 05/11/2019 at 20:44:

Hello! I'm tired of working like hell, but I don't have enough money. Help for a little week of happiness... 4276 3800 9252 8012 Sberbank card number. Thank you everyone!!!

Taras from the city of Yamal wrote on 05/11/2019 at 19:10:

Taras from the city of Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug Hello, kind people with a big kind heart, I ask you to help me financially. I have three children, the eldest boy is 7 years old, the middle girl is 5 years old, the youngest is 3 years old, I live in the far north of Russia, I work without sparing myself, I suffered from pneumonia 3 times, I can’t find a good job with a good salary, in the summer I want to take my kids to the seaside to a sanatorium, please help. Here is the number of my qiwi wallet, please help https://qiwi.com/p/79519912751 Card 4279 6700 1890 4264 Sberbank, I write many times, no one has helped yet

Svetlana from the city of Tyazhin wrote on 05/11/2019 at 17:03:

Hello, I'm asking for help, it turned out that I got into a very difficult situation and the money needs to be collected before Monday to solve the problem, I’m not asking you to just give it away quietly, the amount is 40,000 rubles, Sberbank card 5336 6900 7904 5649!! Thanks in advance everyone!!

Valentine from the city of Saratov wrote on 05/11/2019 at 17:01:

If you have a financial need, write. [email protected] I'll help

Larisa from Kirov wrote on 05/11/2019 at 17:01:

Good people, please help me, I’m in a credit hole, I have more than 600 thousand rubles in debt, help me in any way I can, card number 4276 2800 1680 6074, thank you very much in advance

Sergey from Kirov wrote on 05/11/2019 at 16:50:

Good afternoon I ask for help, who can help. Microloans are under pressure...I will be grateful! 4276270019706199

Alexander from the city of Nizhny Novgorod wrote on 05/11/2019 at 15:58:

TO EVERYONE WHO HAS THE OPPORTUNITY TO HELP, PLEASE HELP SAVE MY MOTHER FROM DEATH, AN URGENT FUNDS COLLECTION IS OPEN FOR THE TREATMENT OF MY MOTHER, the operation is scheduled for 05/15/2019. There is not enough money for treatment, even 100 rubles can help save her life. Don’t remain indifferent, I ask you! There is very little time left before the operation, the operation is paid, you need 140 thousand rubles + a long course of recovery after the accident. Money is very short, any financial support will help; urgent operation is needed in connection with an accident 05/11/2019, mother was driving home from her aunt, the driver of an oncoming Kamaz truck lost control as a result of which a head-on collision occurred. The driver is dead, the mother survived, but is in serious condition, in a coma at the moment in intensive care. Severe brain contusion with pressure on the right hemisphere and acute massive subdural hematoma. severe head injury. closed fracture of the femur at the border of the middle lower and third. open fracture of the left humerus. transverse fracture of the right femur. Multiple open fractures of the bones of the left hand with damage to the flexor tendons of the fingers 2200 0806 3174 2505 bank RUSSIA

Natalia from the city of Belgorod wrote on 05/11/2019 at 14:46:

Hello. Please cash assistance from caring people...after the death of my parents, divorce, I found myself with debts that I want to pay off and forget everything, like a bad dream...I work, but I can’t cope with the situation...I never asked anyone for anything, just now there is no way out, I’m not asking for millions, just anyone who can help me start a new life... thank you and God bless you... let me leave the card number 5336690315656175

Sergey from Minsk wrote on 05/11/2019 at 13:33:

Hello. I am 55 years old, I live in Belarus, I am disabled due to a somatic illness, although I am a doctor myself. The pension is barely enough for medicines and payments utilities, I’m not talking about nutrition at all. I am forced to ask for help to purchase a BiPAP machine, without which I cannot breathe on my own, 8-10 breathing stops per hour. The cost of such a device is 4000 euros. I don’t have that kind of money and there’s nowhere to get it. I am a lonely person, I also no longer have relatives. Of course, I no longer believe in announcements of this kind, because... There are only scammers on the Internet, but people always hope for something. As they say, a Catholic priest marries people, but does not marry himself, but a doctor saves people from death, but he himself dies. Once again I am writing with the hope of help, although I no longer hope for anything or anyone Visa 4585217029503674

Victor from the city of Samara wrote on 05/11/2019 at 13:14:

Hello. I'll help you with money. Write. [email protected]

Alexandra from the city of Rostov Veliky wrote on 05/11/2019 at 13:06:

Good day! If possible, please help! I have accumulated rent and loan debt and are threatening to go to court. I found a job, but my salary is still far away, and the amount is not enough to repay on time((. qiwi +79108114279

Valentina from the city of Sholokhov wrote on 05/11/2019 at 12:41:

I never asked people, but then I had to, my husband left for another family, my daughter and I were left alone, I grew up in an orphanage, I don’t have any relatives, and my relatives still don’t talk to each other, as if I had left for another, and here it’s still spring, my daughter and I I spent a month with pneumonia, I was politely asked to leave work, I’m often sick, my debt for the apartment is getting bigger and bigger, I don’t even know what to do, I borrowed debts that they don’t give anymore, kind people don’t refuse help, leave your addresses, I’ll pay you back every penny, kiwi9994427890

Victor from the city of Samara wrote on 05/11/2019 at 09:35:

Hello. I will help you solve your financial difficulties. I will provide financial assistance. [email protected]

We will provide financial support. from Russia wrote on 05/11/2019 at 08:42:

Life is structured in such a way that no one is immune from any cases when there may be an urgent need for money, but there is simply nowhere to get it. This can be in various situations - money for housing, for repairs, for surgery, for medicines, for rehabilitation, and it may also not be enough for a vacation trip or for a new iPhone. In our reality the required amount You can ask for it free of charge or on loan, and this can be done in different ways. We will provide financial and material support to those who really really need financial assistance. We will try to help as best we can. Stop taking loans and ruining your life in bondage, we will get you out of the debt hole, we will help with rehabilitation and other urgent needs. The funds are provided to you for free use. Amounts are negotiated individually. In the purpose of payment, we indicate - “Gratuitous investments and sponsorship, not subject to VAT.” The transfer operation is carried out anonymously and takes no more than one hour. Please write any questions you have by email. mail: [email protected]. We will respond and provide clarifications as applications are processed.

Alexander from the city of Tambov wrote on 05/11/2019 at 07:34:

Hello, dear readers of this site! My name is Rogov Alexander Alekseevich. I am 32 years old. As my fate decreed, due to the fault of the doctors I became disabled. I have cerebral palsy. Disability group 1 was established. I live with my mother at the address: 392530 Russia, Tambov region, Tambov district, Krasnosvobodnoe village, Centralnaya street 2-3. I understand perfectly well that it is very embarrassing to ask for help, and not all people can help. Because not all people themselves live prosperously. But I have no other choice. Therefore, I am appealing to you, dear, caring people... The thing is that my mother and I live in a damp apartment. All dampness and moisture comes to our apartment from the basement. We live on the 1st floor, so dampness and moisture enter our apartment instantly. In the basement, the entire sewer system is 100% worn out. The pipes all burst there a long time ago. And all the liquid flows directly into the basement. No one cleans it up there or pumps it out. We have been living like this for 8 years. Dampness and moisture cause terrible things to happen in our apartment. The walls are covered with mold, the wallpaper and plaster do not hold up. Recently the ceiling in my room collapsed. And it was only by luck that I survived. There is a terrible smell in the apartment due to the dampness and moisture that I breathe 24 hours a day. Sorry, all this makes me vomit every day. Due to dampness and moisture, almost all my teeth fell out. My joints hurt a lot. It really hurts me to live in such conditions. I cry from pain every day. In fact, in such conditions, my mother and I are simply rotting alive. All furniture, clothing and equipment rot from dampness and moisture. we threw a lot of things into the landfill because it all rotted. Of course, to the best of our ability and ability, we renovate the apartment. But it doesn't last long. We are not rich people. We live on a pension, our pension is not large and mainly goes to pay for housing and communal services and also to buy expensive medicines without which I cannot live a day. As they say, there are many holes, but only one patch. And sometimes you don’t know where to put this patch. In 2015, the court ordered our local administration to provide me with normal, comfortable housing. But this decision has not been implemented for 3 years. The state is simply mocking me. Meanwhile, I continue to live and rot alive. Financial assistance The state doesn’t help me and my mother either. Since our income, namely pension, exceeds the level living wage only 100 rubles. I, in turn, turned to the all-Russian newspaper “My Family” for help. The editors carried out their own check. And on July 2, 2018, my request for help was published in the newspaper. Some newspaper readers helped me with money. But this money was only enough for some of the drugs. I have no one else to turn to for help, so I decided to write here. I will be grateful to every person who helps me even with a ruble. I will also not refuse any other help from you. Considering that mom has problems with banks, we don’t have any bank cards and accounts. That's why cash You can transfer to me in two ways. Or by postal order in my name at the above address. Or to the phone number 8-953-126-07-88 (Tele-2). Money is withdrawn from the SIM card. I will also be happy to answer all your questions. My email [email protected]. This is not cheating. but the real truth. Each of you can come and see how my mother and I live. Hurry to do good. And it will come back to you double size. Thanks in advance everyone! God bless you

Alexander from Moscow wrote on 05/10/2019 at 21:31:

CAUTION SCAMMER WORKS ON THE NETWORK DECEIVING PEOPLE FIN HELP CONTACT VK id480144610 WAITING FOR EVERYONE OR CALL 89104600146. If a person has become a victim of scammers, you should immediately contact the police. Even if the amount was small, it is worth writing a statement. Perhaps this is not the first time you have contacted us, and you will be able to provide the police with additional information to catch the criminals. ... Be careful when entering into any contacts on forums and groups. Can they be held accountable for fraud? Any person can be prosecuted and punished if his actions show signs of criminally unlawful acts.

Assistance in the selection of financial services/organizations. Not an offer.

Borrow a large sum of money urgently

We apply for a loan through one, our own bank. We work with any credit history. We work with damaged credit history, arrears, stop lists, etc. We carry out the application without going through credit scoring. Therefore, we guarantee the result. Amounts from 200 thousand to 3 million. Ages from 21 to 55 years. Registration and residence in the Russian Federation.
For clients with a good credit history - SPECIAL CONDITIONS! Borrowers with good credit history possible amount up to 10 million without collateral. Obtaining a loan is possible in any region of the Russian Federation. Submitting an application remotely. The commission is deducted upon receipt of the loan. There are no prepayments, deposits, guarantors! Interest rate 13% per annum up to 7 years. With the possibility early repayment.
Calls are accepted Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Moscow time. Email works 24 hours a day

Name: Pavel

Mail: [email protected]

IP Tselukhina M.M.

I am not a bank representative, broker or intermediary, and I do not offer semi-legal schemes. I private investor, with considerable experience in this field.
I lend to people with registration in any region of Russia, I consider each application personally. You can agree with me on a convenient loan repayment schedule.
I approve! I'll solve yours financial issue on favorable terms!
I refuse only if you provide inaccurate information, engage in inappropriate dialogue, or have an outstanding criminal record.
I also work with citizens of the CIS!
Currently available financial resources for issuance, contact us now!

Name: Evgenia Nikolaevna

Mail: [email protected]


Financial assistance without proof of income, collateral or guarantors!
You leave a request to receive funds, within 1-2 hours we notify you of the decision.
Your CI and other nuances are not taken into account in the consideration. The offer is unique in that the interest for use is only 10% (per annum).
In this case, you can receive an amount from 50 tr. up to 2 million rubles For more details, please contact us by email marked "Help".
Sincerely, Vladislav Anatolyevich.

Mail: [email protected]

Name: Vladislav Anatolyevich

Mail: [email protected]


If banks refuse to receive a loan or you have a bad credit history, informal employment, don’t despair! I will help you personally! I will lend up to 2,000,000 rubles at 11% per annum for up to 10 years. All you need is a passport to get it! I don't do any credit checks! No proof of employment is needed! Apply for a loan against receipt within 20 minutes! No prepayments! If you need money urgently, write today! I will answer everyone!

Mail: [email protected]


Need money? Contact us. We are engaged in financing citizens from a private investor. We work strictly without prepayments. Credit history does not influence the decision. Amounts up to RUB 2,500,000. No commissions, insurance or other nonsense. You receive the money on your card or bank account after signing the contract. Send a photo with a passport in your hands to my email with the mark not for credit (this way your data will not go to banks and others financial institutions, so that there are no surprises later), We review the application within 30 minutes. Next, we sign the contract and receive the money. A personal meeting is possible; there are representatives in almost all cities. Write in more detail, I will respond promptly. Without

Name: Andrey Alekseevich

Mail: [email protected]


We will solve your financial problems today! A private lender will lend money on adequate terms, with interest rates lower than bank rates. We work in the regions of our country. Money without guarantee, collateral and advance payments with any credit history and any debt loads. We issue them to everyone - students, pensioners, citizens with a criminal record, etc. Conditions are individual for each specific case and borrower

You can receive the money the next day after applying.
Review is fast and loyal. Credit history is not important.
The interest rate is around 25% per annum, lower only in state banks.
Term up to 84 months, with the right to choose and early repayment.
The contract is concluded by a notary. Protects both our interests and yours. Minimum documents.
For citizens of the Russian Federation at least 21 years old. No prepayments or deposits.

You can receive the money within 24 hours after applying.
The fastest possible review and minimum requirements.
That is, without a certificate of income or employment. No collateral or guarantors.
Doesn't issue money credit institution, so there is no CI check.
Therefore, all your credits, loans, etc. do not affect the consideration.
The offer is valid for Russian citizens aged 21-68 years.
No upfront payments or any other investments on your part!

Money on fair terms without hidden fees and commissions for all citizens of the Russian Federation, even if they have unofficial earnings.

The company issues loans to persons over 21 years of age residing and registered in the Russian Federation, with any CI. We will provide a loan in the amount of up to 750,000 rubles. for a period of up to 10 years. No prepayments or commissions. At 25% per annum.

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The idea of ​​an unconditional basic income appeared in the last century. Every month you simply receive a certain amount of money to spend as you wish.

website tells in which countries and cities today citizens are already paid money for nothing and what this changes in the world.


According to the decision of the government organization, since 2017, 2,000 unemployed residents of Finland aged 25 to 58 years have received 560 euros monthly. Recipients are randomly selected and will lose all welfare benefits, but will continue to receive money if they find work. If the results are positive, the number of participants will increase next year. The experiment will last 2 years.

The average salary in Finland is 2,202 euros.

Livorno, Italy

Since June 1, 2016, by decision of the mayor, the 100 poorest families of the city receive an unconditional basic income in the amount of 517 euros monthly. Since January 2017, another 100 families have been included in the project. According to the mayor, this approach is a way out of the complex multi-stage distribution system social benefits. Naples and Ragusa are observing the experiment, planning to introduce similar programs.

The average salary in Livorno is 1,480 euros.


Thanks to non-profit organization GiveDirectly 6,000 rural Kenyans will receive $22 monthly for the next 12 years. For the local population, this is a huge amount: 45% of them have never held such money in their hands. Many participants in the experiment said that they spent money on renovating houses, buying drinking water, buying livestock, and donating money for the development of schools.

The average salary in Kenyan cities is $291.

Utrecht, Netherlands

From May 2017, 250 residents of Utrecht will receive 960 euros monthly from the state for 2 years. Participants in the experiment are divided into 6 groups, in which the amount of payments is tied to certain work-related requirements. For example, members of one group may receive additional 150 euros if they take up volunteering. If the experiment is successful, several more cities plan to support the project.

The average salary in Utrecht is 2,227 euros.

Marica, Brazil

By decision of the mayor of Marika, 150,000 residents of the municipality receive $30 monthly, regardless of their status on the labor exchange. Low-income families get additional $28. If the results are positive, payments will increase.

The average salary for the state of Rio de Janeiro, which includes Marica, is $642.


In 2017, the Government of India is going to again launch a pilot project, which showed excellent results 7 years ago. Then, 6,000 village residents, thanks to UNICEF support, received small payments of a few dollars for 18 months. The project greatly influenced the lives of untouchable families, giving them virtually freedom, independence and the opportunity to change their lives in the future. Untouchables are considered marginalized and slaves from birth in India. They do hard work, they are forbidden to visit temples and study, or communicate with representatives of other castes.

The average salary in Indian cities is $535.

Ontario, Canada

Starting in May 2017, 4,000 low-income people aged 18 to 64 from 3 Ontario regions will receive a basic income from the government based on their current earnings. For example, if a person earns $10 thousand a year, then the basic income will be $11,989, and in total for the year the person will receive $21,989. People with disabilities receive additional $500 per month.

Average salary in Ontario -

This article was prompted by an opus in the foreign press: 7 ways to get free money that you might have forgotten about. We are mainly talking about situations in relation to US practice, but many points are also true for Russia, plus it is interesting to see where the bureaucracy is moving.

Don't give up on easy money and look for all kinds of ways to earn it.

However, the authors, calling this money “easy”, are not familiar with our bureaucratic chief executives and have not seen hours-long queues for the next stamp on the next certificate to obtain another certificate in order to get something from it...

US Tax Administration (Internal Revenue Service (IRS)) – https://www.irs.gov/. Check to see if the government owes you an overpayment of taxes last year that you never received.

In Russia we have a number tax deductions, For example , . By the way, the system works.

Banks and credit unions

If you have been a customer of a bank or credit union, you can look for unclaimed funds by contacting the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) - https://www.fdic.gov/.

There are no unified registers in Russia, but if you do your business carefully, you will probably find old statements and accounts, and you can always contact the bank for a certificate.

Unclaimed funds

At http://unclaimed.org/ you can find any unclaimed property, including cash.

There is no such service in Russia yet.

Old savings bonds

If your grandparents once gave you savings bonds, then perhaps it's time to cash them in? Go to http://www.treasuryhunt.gov/ and look for savings bonds that are already due.

Russians can stick these bonds instead of wallpaper.

Forgotten insurance premiums

Are you ready to find a new place to live? Then don't forget to bring your insurance premium with you. Before moving out, be sure to contact the owner of your rental property.

The owner has the right to use a portion of your contribution to cover damages you cause and other costs, such as unpaid utility bills, but not physical wear and tear on the property. To prevent this from happening, document everything - from bills for home repairs to the condition of the apartment at the time of entry and exit, as well as the fact of rent and payment of the insurance premium.

For Russia this point is valid.

Corporate payments

Don't ignore the hundreds or even thousands of dollars you can save with your employer's benefits package.

The largest and most obvious source of easy money is pension plan. It not only allows you to defer tax payments pension contributions, but also provides the opportunity for a shared contribution (this is when contributions from employees and employers are distributed on a parity basis).

Check with your company's HR department about those compensation payments or loans for various work-related goods and services that can bring you additional income.

In Russian realities, at many companies, employees can also cash out part of the social package. For example, companies operating in the North often pay their employees for air tickets to the south; you just need to bring and hand in the tickets to the HR department and you will be refunded for them (depending on the terms of the collective agreement).

If you believe you were not paid severance benefits from your previous employment, contact the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation - http://www.pbgc.gov/.

In Russia, you can try contacting the Pension Fund.

Seek help from a commission-only financial planner. He will become your confidant in this matter. US residents can find such specialists in the XY Planning Network - http://www.xyplanningnetwork.com/ - and the National Association of Professional financial consultants(National Association of Professional Financial Advisors (NAPFA)) – https://www.napfa.org/.

Obviously, an average person from the United States has a much greater chance of receiving what they have not received, unlike a Russian, hence the whole industry that has grown up around the opportunity to receive “free” funds.