Depending on the duration of the insurance experience. Determine the length of service for a pension

Retirement insurance is required. Receive insurance payments citizens can only under certain conditions. They will be discussed in this article.

An important point in the accrual system pension payments was the introduction of a scoring system. Simply put, in order to receive a well-deserved insurance part, you must not only work out the necessary experience, but also score the required number of points. Their amount will also go up, and for 2024 you need to collect 30 B to receive legal old age benefits.

The experience will depend on several things:

  • Official registration of labor relations between the employee and the employer.
  • Deductions made to the PF account (their amount should not be less than 20% of the employee's established salary).

These points are true for the working population. With regard to persons with disabilities, the legislation establishes a minimum period insurance experience necessary to receive the relevant benefits. For 2018, it is 1 working day for which the employer made contributions. The issue of formalization has always been in the first place. Since before the advent of the reform, the pension was calculated based on the number of working years for which the corresponding deductions were made.

The question of what the length of service means is becoming relevant not only for people close to retirement age, but also for young people.

Insurance experience is the number of years of official service required to receive post-employment benefits. Recall that earlier the minimum length of service for assigning a labor pension was equal to 5 years, for which a citizen received the highest income.

How is it considered and what is included in the insurance period for calculating a pension?

The insurance period is necessary if you want to receive a full pension in the state-established retirement years. If you have not worked a sufficient period, you can only qualify for social benefits. In this case, the period of retirement is postponed by 5 years. Therefore, it is more profitable to receive insurance compensations in old age than social ones.

Since insurance payments are made up of work experience, you need to know how many years you need to work to receive the due payments. As already mentioned, every year the amount of insurance experience increases, therefore:

  • For 2018 the minimum SS for receiving a pension in Russia is 9 working years.
  • In 2019 this will increase to 10.
  • And further until 2024 up to 15 years old.

What else is included in the insurance period for the appointment of a pension?

  • Travel time military service(1.8 B).
  • During maternity leave or illness.
  • During the period of care for a child, not exceeding a total of 6 years.
  • If a person registers with an employment center and receives benefits for this.
  • Caring for a family member with 1 disability group and a minor with a disability.
  • Care for the elderly over the age of 80.
  • If the family of a serviceman moves to a new place where there is no opportunity to get a job.

Thus, the insurance period is accrued not only for the actual hours worked. However, all of the above conditions must be documented.

What is the length of service required for retirement?

The pension now consists of an insurance part, which is affected by the length of service and a fixed payment. If, after reaching retirement age, a person continues to work, then his payments will be recalculated taking into account additional working years.

To receive old-age insurance benefits, a person must work in Russia for the required amount of time. Or gain sufficient length of service, which may include both working years and periods related to the insurance period established by law.

How many years do you need to work for the calculation of insurance payments?

In order to take a well-deserved rest and not lose the insurance part, a person must work for a minimum period of 9 years in 2018 and 15 years in 2024.

If you plan to work after retirement, then the recalculation of payments will occur as follows:

  • If you work another 5 years after retirement, then the fixed part will be increased by about 36%, and the number of points will almost double.
  • If, after reaching retirement age, you work for another 10 years, then the fixed part will increase by 2 times, and the points will increase by almost 2.5 times.

Recalculation of pensions is made by employees according to a special "pension formula". It is important that pensioners work officially and all necessary deductions are made.

Minimum terms for calculating and receiving pension payments

If you meet all the requirements for receiving an old-age insurance payment, then you can safely apply to the local branch of the FIU. Read about registering with the FIU via the Internet The application process takes place in several stages:

  • First of all you need to collect full package documents confirming your identity and the necessary experience.
  • Next, you go to your local PF office and apply for insurance benefits.
  • The PF employee checks all submitted documents and the accuracy of the information. If necessary, makes inquiries to the appropriate authorities. The term for checking documents and calculating the pension does not exceed 10 working days. The deadline includes the day of submission of the application, but does not include weekends and holidays.
  • If approved, you will receive insurance benefits.

It is important to meet deadlines. After dismissal, you must provide all documentation and apply within 3 months. If you did not manage on time, then the date of submission of the application will be considered the day the last document was submitted.

When you apply, you will be prompted to select your preferred payment method.

  • To a pension card. most popular and convenient way. You do not have to go anywhere, the money will be received monthly on the set day. You can pay for purchases by card or cash. You can withdraw them at the nearest ATM corresponding to your bank.
  • Through the organizations delivering pensions. You can find a complete list of them on the PF website.
  • Through the nearest post office. You can receive money in the mail, or through registered mail with home delivery.

How to calculate?

Retirees also need to know , How is the insurance part calculated? An important point in its calculation is the value of the individual pension coefficient (IPC). For each employee, it is calculated based on the length of service and the level of wages.

Knowing the IPC, PF employees calculate a pension according to the formula SP \u003d IPK * SPB + FC, Where

joint ventureinsurance pension

IPK is the value of the pension coefficient, and

HF- fixed part

St. Petersburg- the value of one point

If in 2018 the amount of a fixed payment is 4982 rubles, 90 kopecks, and the cost of one point is 81.49, then the calculation will take place as follows:

SP \u003d IPK * 81.49 + 4982.9

At the same time, it is reported that in 2018 the total amount of pension payments should not be lower than living wage installed in the region. If your pension does not reach the subsistence level, then the Pension Fund is obliged to make social supplements.

Useful video

What is insurance experience and how it differs from work experience, not many people know. According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, when calculating a pension after 2002, it is the insurance period that is taken into account.

By insurance, we mean the period of time during which an able-bodied person was officially employed and contributions to the Pension and Insurance Funds were deducted for him. This period also includes some periods of incapacity for work, which are also taken into account when calculating a pension. These include:

  • the time when an able-bodied citizen cared for a disabled person of group 1 or a disabled child;
  • when a parent took leave to care for an infant up to one and a half years, in total no more than 4.5 years;
  • when an able-bodied citizen cared for an elderly person over 80 years old;
  • was unemployed, but was registered with the labor exchange and received unemployment benefits;
  • the time when the person was in military service;
  • residence of military spouses in military camps, where there is no opportunity for full-fledged employment, for 5 years;
  • for the spouses of diplomats, the first 5 years of residence abroad are counted;
  • at the time of imprisonment, if the person was subsequently found not guilty;
  • took part in socially useful work, which was paid officially;
  • temporary incapacity for work when a person was paid benefits.

Currently, the amount of pension accrual directly depends on the insured working time.

Until 2002, the size of the pension depended directly on the length of service. It is understood as the time when an able-bodied person carried out labor activities and deducted for him pension contributions.

The grounds for accounting for the period of the beginning and end of working time are considered to be entries in the work book on hiring and dismissal. The dates specified in the employment contract have a similar effect.

Seniority also implies certain periods of time when a person did not work for good reasons. Such reasons include the following:

  1. Special, associated with harmful and life-threatening work activities. This period is taken into account in the insurance and seniority. This type of work provides grounds for early retirement.
  2. Periods when labor activity was not carried out, and pension contributions continued to be deducted.
  3. The entire period of public service. All civil servants are entitled to a seniority pension, earlier retirement and many other benefits.
Currently for accrual minimum size insurance pension must have 7 years of such experience. And every year this amount increases to reach the maximum of 15 years.

Thus, in a few years, in order to receive an insurance pension, a citizen will have to have 15 years of work experience, as well as:

  • reach the established retirement age of 60 and 55 years for men and women, respectively;
  • accumulate a total number of pension points 30.

Subject to all three conditions, citizens will be able to apply for a labor pension.

Continuous work experience

There is also the concept of a continuous labor period, when an employee has worked at one enterprise for a large number of years. If you have labor awards, you can get the title of "Veteran of Labor", which gives good benefits:

  • when taxing;
  • when paying utility bills;
  • when traveling in public transport;
  • medical;
  • labor;
  • social and some others.
In the Soviet Union, for the sake of these benefits, many citizens worked for decades at the same enterprise. But now young workers have almost no opportunity to receive this title, since awards are practically not issued.

Therefore, at present, a continuous working time period does not in any way affect the future pension.

Calculation of insurance experience

During their working life, many people periodically change jobs, and there are periods that do not fall under the insurance working time calculation. In this case, it is necessary to add up those periods that are considered insurance. There are 2 ways to calculate in this case:

  1. By adding separately years, months and days.
  2. By rounding to full terms and adding only years and months.
The first method is more accurate, so it is used in practice much more often. When calculating, it is important to subtract all the time when a person was on vacation at his own expense or skipped work.

Also, insurance periods include the time when a person was engaged in individual entrepreneurial activity. The duration is taken into account legal entity from opening to official closing.

When calculating the insurance period, the following documents confirming it are taken into account:

  • employment history;
  • employment contracts;
  • certificates from the place of work indicating the periods of work;
  • certificates from the archives confirming the period of work;
  • military ID;
  • other documents confirming the beginning and end of the period that is taken into account.
In special cases, if the work book is lost through no fault of its own, the testimony of 2-3 witnesses may be taken into account.

Who is considered

The calculation of the insurance period can only be calculated for a certain category of citizens that meets the established conditions. These conditions include the following:

  • compulsory pension insurance;
  • foreign citizens permanently residing in the territory of Russia, subject to regular deductions of contributions to Pension Fund;
  • disabled citizens who are family members of the insured citizen, upon his death.
In the presence of one or more of the above conditions, a person has the right to calculate the length of service and receive pensions.

Types of insurance experience

The legislation of our country distinguishes several types of insurance periods, which can be classified as follows:

  1. Continuous, when a person did not interrupt the labor period for which there were deductions to the PRF for a certain time. At the same time, the period between dismissal from one place and employment in another place should not be more than 1 month.
  2. Mixed, when a person worked in ordinary organizations and in a government agency. If there are not enough years to receive a service pension, this period will be included in the calculation of the labor pension.
  3. Special implies periods of work in unfavorable, life-threatening working conditions.
  4. General - includes all the listed periods of insurance experience.

Therefore, all able-bodied population who plans to retire no earlier than 2024 must make contributions to the Pension Fund for at least 15 years and accumulate at least 30 pension points in the amount of these contributions. The amount of 1 point is indexed annually depending on inflation. Only in this case it will be possible to apply for a pension in the future.

With the beginning of the reform of the pension system, Russian citizens are faced with a new concept for them "insurance record". The question of it worries not only people who enter retirement age, but also middle-aged people.

The size of the pension paid by the state to Russian citizens when they reach retirement age depends on its value, in accordance with the norms of legislative acts.

What it is

The concept of "insurance experience" means the total duration of the payment of insurance premiums, tax for the period of the employee's production activity at any enterprise.

At its core, insurance experience is one of the types of legal act. It allows you to establish a pension, the amount of which is commensurate with the duration of the insurance period.

In this case, a prerequisite is making payments in the form of insurance premiums to the Russian Pension Fund.

The employer deducts insurance premiums for an employee in the FIU. The state, in turn, guarantees the reimbursement of citizens' incomes that they lose when they reach retirement age. The pension is paid by the state on a monthly basis.

There are two types of insurance experience:

Since the specified time, the calculation methodology has been amended by the provisions of the decree issued by the government on October 2, 2014 under “On approval of the Rules for calculating and confirming the insurance period for establishing insurance pensions”.

These include:

  • leave to care for a small child, extended up to 6 years, is included in the insurance experience;
  • periods of insurance experience can be confirmed by documents in electronic form;
  • the fact of making payments to the FIU must be confirmed by citizens who work under copyright and license agreements;
  • intervals that were taken into account when assigning a pension in accordance with the norms of legislative acts of a foreign state are not included in the insurance period of a citizen.


At its core, the length of service expresses the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of production activities. For example, its duration is calculated in years.

The list of types of work and other activities, together with an indication of the features of their accounting in the insurance period, is given in the act "On approval of the rules for calculating and confirming the insurance period for establishing labor pensions." It was published by the government on July 24, 2002 under the number 555.

approved by order of the Ministry of Health new technique on which the duration is calculated. It was published on February 2, 2007 under number 91.

In particular, it notes that individual intervals of labor activity should be found in calendar order based on a whole month equal to 30 days, a full year of 12 months. Moreover, every 30 days must be converted into a full month, every 12 months into a full year.

Periods of employment must be documented:

  • an entry in the work book, which reflects all production activities;
  • labor or civil law contract on the implementation of a particular form of labor activity, type of work;
  • an author's or license agreement for the performance of certain types of works of a creative nature;
  • witness testimony, as noted in paragraph 35 of Government Decree No. 555, published on July 24, 2002.

For example, if you take the period June 23, 2014 to February 28, 2016, then you get 1 year, 8 months, 8 days.

Duration of insurance experience:

for 2014 will be equal to 6 months 8 days
for 2015 12 months
2016 2 months


The numerical indicator of the insurance period has gained significant significance since January of the past year, when a new methodology for calculating the old-age insurance pension was introduced in order to implement the reform of the pension system. It is on him that the amount of the pension provided by the state as compensation for lost income depends.

The legislator has established a minimum insurance period with baseline equal to 6 years, which has become the main criterion for assigning a pension.

It is gradually increasing in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Law, so this year its value is 7 years. It should be extended to 15 years by 2024.

In order for a disability pension to be granted as a result of a general illness, the employee must have an insurance record at the time of the onset of disability.

At the same time, its duration is determined by the age of the person who applied for its appointment. It should be noted that the older his age, the higher should be the indicator of insurance experience.


According to generally accepted rules, the duration of production activities must be documented. Certificate of insurance experience is one of them.

It is compiled in free form, because the form approved by the legislator does not exist. It is compiled in compliance with the rules of personnel records management.

It contains information:

  • name of the enterprise, legal address, details of the enterprise;
  • date, outgoing reference number;
  • personal data of the person to whom the certificate is issued, his position;
  • the basis with a corresponding reference to the labor law standard, which serves to calculate the duration of the insurance period. For example, a job order;
  • about the periods of service during which insurance premiums were paid.

It must contain the date of issue of the certificate. It is signed by the head of the enterprise, who writes down its transcript next to the signature.

And in addition to the above, it should be noted that the size of the labor pension assigned as a result of old age is determined by the amount of insurance premiums transferred.

They are paid by the employer to the FIU instead of the employee, who must be insured on a mandatory basis in accordance with the instructions of the pension insurance system.

Video: What counts as insurance experience

The article will discuss the differences between work and insurance experience. What opportunities they give, how they are charged, and how they differ from each other - further.

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In order to be eligible for a pension or other benefits, a person must have experience. It is general labor and insurance.

Which one is used to calculate the pension? In order not to confuse these concepts, it is necessary to understand what is the difference between them.

Basic moments

Experience plays a major role in financial security person - both at the time of his labor activity, and at the time of his retirement.

Seniority is not accrued for absenteeism or being on vacation at the employee's own expense. The insurance experience is confirmed by the presentation of the necessary documents to the Pension Fund.

Documents can be verified a year before the expected retirement. Proof of seniority is.

If all periods of labor activity were indicated in the document, then there will be no problems when calculating a pension or other benefit.

A minimum of 5 years of work experience is required to accrue a pension. However, its size will be minimal. The insurance period is taken into account when calculating sick leave.

When the allowance is calculated for, those periods are taken into account when the citizen carried out labor or other activities, while paying insurance premiums.

The longer the experience, the higher the payout. Normally, the calculations look like this:

If the insured employee has less than 6 months of service, the benefit will be 1% of the salary.
For sick leave insurance period starts from the moment insured event. Calculated in calendar days.

What it is

Insurance experience - the total duration of the periods when a person was officially employed, and the employer deducted contributions for him.

The insurance period includes the following periods:

  • military service (or equivalent to it);
  • the spouses stayed in a military camp, which made it impossible to work (less than 5 years);
  • spouses-diplomats were abroad;
  • the person had a temporary disability (with the preservation of payment);
  • the allowance was paid by the labor exchange;
  • a woman cared for a baby for 1.5 years;
  • the employee took part in paid public works;
  • a period of imprisonment if proven innocent;
  • the person cared for a disabled person or a person over 80 years of age.

Insurance experience is measured in months. A month will be credited as full, if the amount of the contribution for it is not lower than the minimum.

If the amount is lower, then the person has the right to pay extra so that the month is counted as a full month for accrual of experience.

Seniority - a period of activity of various types, necessary to receive payments - benefits from the state, pensions.

Contains quantitative and qualitative characteristics. The first is the length of service. The second is the conditions of labor activity (harmfulness, danger, etc.).

What are their functions

The main purpose of seniority is to perform correct calculations in order to establish the exact amount of the pension. It is also taken into account when calculating social benefits, state.

Citizens with seniority will be able to apply for a pension - according to length of service or upon reaching the age.

The length of time during which a person paid contributions to the Pension Fund gives him the right to receive a pension.

That is, the longer the contribution period is, the larger the pension will be. The length of service makes it clear whether a person has the right to receive an old-age pension or not.


In order for the state to start paying you a pension, it is not enough to reach a certain age. In addition, Russian pension legislation is not ideal and is constantly changing. For this reason, ordinary citizens are interested in what should be the length of service for retirement, taking into account recent changes, as well as the difference between work and insurance experience.

What is seniority for retirement

Under the length of service, it is customary to understand the total duration of labor, social, entrepreneurial and other types of activity in accordance with the law. Based on these data, vacation pay, allowances for wages, pension and other payments. It is customary to distinguish three types of work experience:

  • insurance. For accounting, the time during which insurance premiums were deducted to the Pension Fund is taken. Contributions are paid by the employer from each transfer Money in favor of the employee throughout the entire working life.
  • continuous. The concept includes employment in one organization. You can save continuous experience by working in different organizations, but the break between changing jobs should not exceed one month.
  • special. Accounting for hours worked occurs within the framework of a specific labor activity.

General insurance

The insurance period is the time when a citizen made contributions to the FIU, while he could work both in Russia and abroad, if this does not contradict the law and international treaties. In addition, the total length of service, taking into account recent changes, includes the time of service in the army, temporary disability and the period of caring for a child up to one and a half years. If you received unemployment benefits, you can also count on enrolling this time in the insurance period.

Special retirement experience

In the presence of seniority, some people have the right to early retirement for a well-deserved rest or to accrue pension payments. The concept of special experience means the performance of certain activities for a certain time in a certain area and in a certain profession. This type includes, for example, employment in the regions of the Far North, teaching activities, underground work and other difficult working conditions.


In view of recent changes, the length of service for retirement is considered continuous, when a person worked all the time in one place. If he moved from one place to another, the total experience can also be considered continuous, but subject to certain requirements. Firstly, the break between job shifts should not be more than a month, and in case of dismissal of one's own free will - no more than three weeks.

Only here there is one “but”: upon dismissal of one’s own free will, it is necessary to work at the next place for at least 12 months. early reason dismissal should be respectful - reduction, termination of the contract, etc., but not dismissal under the article or severance of labor relations of one's own free will. In this case, the seniority will be considered interrupted.

What length of service is taken into account when calculating a labor pension

Until 2002, pension payments were calculated depending on how many years a person worked. For women, this figure was 20 years, and for men - 25. For each additional year, an additional payment was charged. In connection with the reforms carried out and taking into account recent changes in legislation, the length of service for calculating a pension no longer plays a major role, since insurance is taken for calculation. Today, the amount of pension payments depends on the transfers that were made to the FIU and the timing of their payment.

What is included in the insurance period

In addition to deductions to the Pension Fund, there are a number of "non-insurance periods" when time will be counted in the length of service, but only if before and after that the person was officially employed. These include:

  • maternity leave with 1, 2, 3 and 4 children until they reach one and a half years, but in total no more than six years;
  • work in the border service, internal affairs and the federal penitentiary service;
  • service in the army or equivalent to it;
  • illness, as a result of which temporary incapacity followed;
  • participation in public and social works;
  • later proved unjustified imprisonment and imprisonment;
  • receiving unemployment benefits;
  • caring for relatives over 80 years old, children, the disabled;
  • spouse (s) who is in the military or public service outside the Russian Federation or at the place of service, but not having the opportunity to find a job.

Experience under special working conditions

Taking into account the latest changes, in order to receive a special pension, a man must work in special working conditions for at least 10 years, and a woman for 7 years. However, this will not be enough if the total length of service is less than 20 years for the stronger sex and 15 for the weak. Special working conditions include:

  • employment in hazardous conditions;
  • employment in difficult conditions;
  • work in special professions;
  • work in the Far North or equivalent areas.

Conditions for retirement

Each person independently decides when he wants to go on a well-deserved rest, but for this it is necessary to comply with certain requirements. Taking into account the latest changes in legislation, the main indicators are:

  1. reaching a certain age. If a person worked under normal conditions, the law sets a threshold of 60 years for men and 55 years for women. When working with special conditions, this figure drops to 55 and 50 years.
  2. general work experience. The minimum figure for the representatives of the stronger sex is 25 years, and the weak - 20.
  3. Mandatory pension insurance. A person applying for a pension must be insured and pay contributions to the Pension Fund.

Early retirement regardless of age and length of service

For all categories of citizens, the requirement for a minimum insurance period is unconditional. On the other hand, there are certain persons who may qualify for early pension payments, regardless of the number of years and length of service. These include people who worked in mines and mines, rescuers of emergency services, medical workers, persons who worked on ships of the fishing industry, etc. The main criterion for retirement is the length of labor output.

Social grounds for early retirement

Taking into account recent changes, some persons who have a certain insurance experience, for social reasons, may qualify for early payment. These include:

  • mothers of many children;
  • the visually impaired and those who became them as a result of a military injury;
  • persons who worked in the regions of the Far North.

In addition, the unemployed of pre-retirement age, and citizens who are registered with the Employment Center, but not earlier than 2 years before the retirement age, can go on vacation earlier than the generally established age.

How many years do you have to work to get a pension?

Many citizens are waiting for pension payments, so they are interested in what is the minimum length of service for a pension in Russia today, taking into account recent changes. Since the legislation in the field of pension reforms is constantly undergoing changes, it is necessary to constantly monitor changes in order to ensure at least a small but stable income in old age.

To establish an old-age insurance benefit

If you turn to the law "On Insurance Pensions", you can make sure that men go on a well-deserved rest at 60 years old, and women - at 55. You can also see there that the length of service for retirement in old age depends on certain requirements. In addition, the disability insurance pension is assigned in the presence of any length of service, regardless of the time and reasons for the onset of disability. The same requirements are inherent in the calculation of payments due to the loss of a breadwinner.

To assign a state pension

From federal budget pension money is allocated:

  • for length of service: federal state civil servants, cosmonauts, military personnel and persons equated to them, employees of the flight test staff;
  • by disability: victims of man-made or radiation disasters, cosmonauts, military personnel and persons equated to them, participants in the Great Patriotic War, employees of flight test personnel;
  • in case of loss of a breadwinner: families of military personnel, employees of flight test personnel and astronauts;
  • by old age: victims of man-made or radiation disasters;
  • social pensions: for children with disabilities (including by birth), the disabled, persons not entitled to an insurance pension.

To receive pension payments under the line federal bodies requirements apply only to the total length of service:

  • for federal civil servants since 2019 it is 15.5 years (from 2019 - 16.5 years);
  • for cosmonauts and pilots - 25 years for men or 20 for women;
  • military personnel is established in accordance with the law of the Russian Federation of February 12, 1993 No. 4468-1 on pension provision specified persons;
  • liquidators - 5 years;
  • disabled people - no requirements.

The minimum length of service for the appointment of an old-age pension

Until recently, the minimum insurance period for an old-age pension was 5 years, but taking into account the latest changes since 2015, the calculation has become as follows:

  • from 01.01.2015 the minimum was 6 years;
  • from 01/01/2016 rose to 7 years;
  • from 01.01.2017 8 years are required;
  • from 01.01.2018 will be 9 years old.

In this way, until 2024, it is planned to gradually increase this indicator to 15 years. If the value at the time of entering a well-deserved rest is lower, a person will be assigned a social pension, to which there will be an additional payment up to the subsistence level of the region where he lives.

The procedure for calculating the experience

In line with federal law"On labor pensions in Russian Federation» each insured person must be assessed for their pension rights, and the number of years does not affect this indicator. The assessment of pension rights takes place in two stages, based on the worked period of employment: before January 1, 2015 and after. In the first case, the calculation takes place using the calculation rules that were in force at that time and taking into account the preferential procedure. In the second, the procedure for calculating length of service is regulated by the provisions of Law No. 400-ФЗ “On Insurance Pensions”.


When there are no special conditions, the length of service is accrued in calendar order. However, taking into account recent changes, correction factors are used for some categories:

  • 1.5. They are used for citizens who were exposed to radiation during actions to eliminate the consequences of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant (with the exception of military personnel);
  • 2.0. Employment in leper colonies or other institutions to combat dangerous epidemics is taken into account. Under this coefficient are subject to military service.
  • 3.0. For combatants and those undergoing treatment and rehabilitation after military injuries.

What periods are not taken into account

Each person must understand that there are certain time periods that are not taken into account in the insurance period. These include:

  • periods taken into account when assigning a pension in accordance with the norms of the legislation of another state, however, foreigners can count on the appointment of an old-age pension if they permanently reside in Russia;
  • periods of service before the appointment of a disability pension, or labor activity taken into account when determining the amount of pension payments for length of service.

Pension in the absence of insurance experience

Taking into account the fact that a person did not work at all, he is assigned a social old-age pension (if there are no other possible grounds for receiving another type of state pension). This is a statutory minimum amount- a kind of guarantee of the state. However, the beginning of the retirement age is increased to 65 for men and 60 for women.

Representatives small peoples Siberia and the North, engaged in natural labor, also receive a social pension, but men from 55, and women from 50. In addition, in the complete absence of the fact of employment with a disabled person or a deceased breadwinner, an appropriate social pension is assigned, the amount of which is indexed in accordance with the order of the Government of Russia.