How to set up an endless balance in 1s 8.3. Accounting info

Control over warehouse balances is a mandatory accounting procedure for any enterprise working with goods. Often you may encounter a situation where there is no product in the program, but it is actually in stock. In such a situation, there are two options:

  • Submit it for sale
  • Leave in stock until the circumstances of such a situation are clarified.

The choice depends on several factors, such as organizational policy or the specific situation. When the product is on the counter and the buyer is interested in it (holds it in his hands), it is not advisable to refuse to sell.

Some enterprises practice the formation of a sales document without posting it, but not all use this practice. In case of such situations, the 1C program in its latest versions suggests the possibility of disabling the control of negative balances.

When the control is activated, the sale of goods that are not in stock according to the program will give the user a warning: “The column “Quantity” is incorrectly filled in line 1 of the list “Goods”. “The indicated amount exceeds the balance. Remainder: 18. Not enough 111.093.

Disabling the control of negative balances in 1C

The operation of turning on / off the control of balances in 1C is carried out through the menu "Main" - "Settings" - "Accounting parameters" - "Stocks". Here you need to check the box "Allow inventory write-off when there is no stock according to accounting data".

After that, the action is confirmed by the "Record and close" button. In turn, such actions are guaranteed to become the basis for the formation of negative balances in accounting. They will need to be eliminated.

Report "Control of negative balances"

The formation of this report is carried out through the menu "Warehouse" - "Reports", where the document is presented. The user is required to define the request interval and click on the "Generate" button. The absence of a specified period will not allow showing negative balances, which is a feature of the system that requires mandatory filling in the "Period" column.

The finished report has the following appearance.

For the report itself, a standard set of filters is available, including grouping, sorting and other data transformations in accordance with the requests and needs of users. Through the "Show settings" button, you can manually include additional lines in the report.

At trading or manufacturing enterprises, negative balances “jump out” in accounting in the accounting system. They reflect excessively written off goods/materials.

What are the reasons for their occurrence?

Lack of parish

Often the most common reason may be the lack of a posted goods receipt or entry of opening balances. For example, you have purchased a product, but have not yet managed to post it in the system, but you have already managed to sell it. And it happens - the goods were credited, then moved to the store and sold, but someone canceled the posting of the receipt document.

In this situation, the correct course of action would be to check the presence of the receipt document in the database. If it exists and has not been completed, check the filling and complete it. If there is no receipt document in the database at all, you must enter it retroactively. At the same time, it must be understood that adding backdated documents in a closed tax period may result in changes in tax amounts, in particular VAT.


Another common reason for the phenomenon we are considering is oversorting or an excess of one item of goods (material) and, at the same time, a lack of another. For example, in the program, only a black wallet in the amount of 10 pieces is marked in stock, and in the store the seller sells a red wallet and registers its sale in the amount of 5 pieces in the database. As a result, the balance of black wallets in the database does not decrease, and our balance appears in the red wallets.

In this case, the correction of balances is solved in the following way: the posting of one product and the write-off of another are registered. To do this, a document “Goods posting” is created and 5 items are posted in it. red wallets. Next, a document “Write-off of goods” is created and 5 pieces are written off in it. black wallets.

When in 1C: Accounting 3.0 there is a negative balance for a product (materials), then when posting the document “Sales of goods”, an information message is displayed stating that it is not possible to post this document, since the number of units displayed in the tabular part of the document exceeds the balance.

Fig.1 Message in the document when there is no balance in the warehouse

Cautionary signals in the balance sheet - negative balances are highlighted in red!

Fig.2 Tracking by OSV

How to enable or disable the control of negative balances in 1C BP 3.0

You can set up control in the "Administration" section, then click on the "Documents Posting" link.

Fig.3 Setting

To disable control, you need to activate the flag on the parameter "Allow inventory write-off in the absence of balances according to accounting data".

Fig. 4 Permission to write off units with negative balance indicators

It happens that for an urgent sale of goods that also urgently need to be shipped, it is necessary to turn off the control for a while. The "Realizations" document is posted in the system and then control is turned on again. Then, be sure not to forget to analyze the balances in order to correct the error in accounting, due to which a negative product arose.

In order to control the balances in the context of warehouses, you need to set up analytics for them in the "Accounting Settings" through the "Administration".

Fig.5 Parameters

Click "Chart of Account Settings".

Fig.6 Setting parameter

Click "By nomenclature, batches and warehouses (by quantity and amount)".

Fig.7 Inventory accounting parameters

When installing analytics, by clicking "By warehouses (storage places)", we choose how to keep records.

Fig.8 Activation of analytics by warehouses

If the setting “by quantity and amount” is selected, respectively, accounting will be in quantitative and total accounting for warehouses separately, and if “by quantity”, then only quantitative in the context of each warehouse, and the write-off amounts are determined by dividing the inventory price by the entire quantity in all warehouses.

Control reports

The report "Control of negative balances" is used to analyze the detected negative balances of goods of organizations. You can open it through the "Warehouse - Control of negative balances".

Fig.9 Reports for the control of residues

Fig.10 Control report form

In the report settings, you can specify what data to build a report on, for example, group data by Organization, Warehouse, Write-off Document, Nomenclature, etc.

Fig.11 Control report settings

In the selection, you can specify on which data to generate a report, for example, for a particular warehouse or for a problematic item.

Fig.12 Selections in the control report

Fig.13 Formation of a control report

Negative balances are a kind of indicator of errors in accounting. It is important to constantly monitor stock balances and correct them in a timely manner. Existing incorrect balances create problems for the operational work of users, and can also cause incorrect calculation of cost, revaluation and other important accounting indicators.

How to control stock balances in the 1C 8.3 Accounting program?

In any organization, it is mandatory to control the balance in the warehouse. And not infrequently, a situation arises when the product is actually available, but it is not in the program. And here the accountant is forced to make a decision:

  • let him sell
  • Postpone until the cause of the situation has been clarified.

The decision, as a rule, is made on the basis of the policy that is maintained in the organization in relation to the accounting of balances. Sometimes you can put the product aside and tell the buyer that we cannot sell it to you now. Sometimes this is not possible. For example, in retail, when the buyer sees this product, or already holds it in his hands.

Of course, you can simply generate a sales document and not post the document, but this is not allowed in all organizations. Therefore, in the 1C 8.3 program (as in 8.2), it is possible to disable the control of negative balances.

If balance control is enabled, then when selling goods that are not in stock (or on the required account), the program will issue a similar warning:

Incorrectly filled column "Quantity" in line 1 of the list "Goods".

The indicated amount exceeds the balance. Remaining: 18; Missing: 111 093

Disabling the control of negative balances in 1C 8.3

To disable or enable balance control in 1C, you need to go to the "Main" menu, then in the "Settings" section, select the item "Accounting Settings".

In some versions of 1C Accounting, these settings are located in the Administration - Document posting settings menu.

In the "Accounting Options" you need to go to the 1C "Inventories" tab, and check the box "Allow inventory write-off in the absence of balances according to accounting data":

Then it remains to click the "Save and close" button. Now, when writing off, the balances will not be controlled.

But such a method will inevitably lead to the appearance of negative balances in the warehouse (meaning in the program). Let's see how to deal with it.

Report "Control of negative balances"

In the simplest case, you just need to select a period and click the "Generate" button. And here the first surprise lay in wait for me.

I specifically simulated in the test program the situation when I sold more goods than I have in stock. And he made this sale in 2013. Logically, I still have the same product in the red now, in 2016. Therefore, I didn’t even touch the period, but immediately clicked “Generate”. I didn't get anything. It turns out that the report can display information about negative balances only for the selected period.

This should be taken into account, because I often met the question in the forums: “Why doesn’t the report show me anything?”. The answers were different, mostly about incorrectly installed filters, but I never met about the period.

After I set the required period, the report was generated correctly:

All other settings are standard, you can set various filters, add groupings, change sorting, add additional fields (button "Show settings").


In any organization, it is mandatory to control the balance in the warehouse. And often a situation arises when the product is actually available, but it is not in the program. And here the accountant is forced to make a decision:

  • allow it to be sold;
  • Postpone until the cause of the situation has been clarified.

The decision, as a rule, is made on the basis of the policy that is maintained in the organization in relation to the accounting of balances. Sometimes you can put the product aside and tell the buyer that it is not possible to sell it now. Sometimes this is not possible. For example, in when the buyer sees this product or is already holding it in his hands.

You can, of course, simply generate a sales document and not post the document, but this is not allowed in all organizations. Therefore, in the 1C 8.3 program (as in 8.2), it is possible to disable the control of negative balances.

If balance control is enabled, then when selling a product that is not in stock (or on the required account), the program will issue the following warning:

Incorrectly filled column "Quantity" in line 1 of the list "Goods".
The indicated amount exceeds the balance. Remaining: 18; Missing: 111 093

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Disabling the control of negative balances in 1C 8.3

To disable or enable balance control in 1C, you need to go to the "Main" menu, then in the "Settings" section, select the item "".

In some versions of 1C Accounting, these settings are located in the "Administration - Document posting settings" menu.

In the "Accounting Options" you need to go to the 1C "Inventory" tab and check the box "Allow inventory write-off in the absence of balances according to accounting data":

Then it remains to click the "Save and close" button. Now, when writing off, the balances will not be controlled.

But such a method will inevitably lead to the appearance of negative balances in the warehouse (meaning in the program). Let's see how to deal with it.

Report "Control of negative balances"

In the simplest case, you just need to select a period and click the "Generate" button. And here the first surprise lay in wait for me.

I specifically simulated in the test program the situation when I sold more goods than I have in stock. And he made this sale in 2013. Logically, I still have the same product in the red now, in 2016. Therefore, I didn’t even touch the period, but immediately clicked “Generate”. I didn't get anything. It turns out that the report can display information about negative balances only for the selected period.