VTB 24 write-off in the amount of 636 rubles. What commission does VTB24 bank charge for cash withdrawals?

When the need for cash arises, get the required amount A limit on cash withdrawals may interfere. It has to do with international politics banking services, as well as ensuring the personal safety of the client. Withdrawal limit VTB cards 24 depends on several parameters: product type, tariff, total amount per day or month.

Why do you need a limit on cash withdrawals from a card?

Setting a limit is not a whim banking organizations. VTB 24 sets limits for cash withdrawals on cards in order to primarily ensure the safety of clients. If the plastic is stolen, the scammers will not be able to get all the money. Besides, modern politics Banking seeks to encourage the use of cashless transactions through such frameworks.

The cash withdrawal limit at VTB 24 through an ATM or cash desk depends on how much money is withdrawn per day or month. If the total amount of money for a month exceeds a certain figure, then the money will not be issued.

Withdrawing cash from a debit card at an ATM

Like most banks, VTB 24 offers two types of banking products:

  • Debit. Serve to store the client’s personal money and to receive financial income- salaries, pensions, scholarships. If you reach a zero balance, you will not be able to receive banknotes in your hands.
  • Credit. This type allows you to store personal funds and borrow money from the bank if necessary. Many banks offer interest-free repayment periods. The limit on cash withdrawals from VTB 24 credit cards depends on the amount of the loan approved by the bank.

The choice of plastic depends on the purposes for which cooperation with the bank is planned. A debit card is used to formalize labor relations with government agencies. For use credit loan credit cards are used.

Today, VTB 24 Bank offers 4 service packages.


The tariff includes servicing three types of plastic: individual salary; cards for receiving Cash Back on all purchases, a card with accumulation of bonuses. You can withdraw up to 100 thousand rubles. per day, but not more than 1 million rubles per month.


Includes 4 types: media for accumulating bonuses for purchases; product for car enthusiasts with 3% Cash Back on purchases at gas stations; experience card with 3% Cash Back for paying bills in restaurants, cafes, cinemas; travelers card with bonus miles. The daily limit for cash withdrawal at VTB24 from the plastic card of this service package is 250,000 rubles, the monthly limit is 1 million rubles.


Consists of 4 types: accumulation of bonuses for purchases; car enthusiast card with 5% Cash Back on purchases at gas stations; experience card with 5% Cash Back for using plastic in public establishments; travel card with bonus miles. You can withdraw no more than 350,000 rubles per day, the monthly limit is 2 million rubles.

It should be taken into account that the cost of the service package is directly proportional to the quality and quantity of preferences provided to the client. The more expensive the package is, the more privileges and concessions may be provided in the future.

Limit on withdrawals from credit cards

The conditions for the cash withdrawal limit at a VTB 24 ATM for credit cards are significantly different. If for debit cards the interest for receiving money is withdrawn only when using ATMs of third-party banks, then credit cards are designed for the use of non-cash payments, that is, you will have to pay for receiving cash.

  • Pocket. Designed for withdrawing money. Commission - 1% at any ATM. The daily limit on cash withdrawals at VTB24 from media of this type is 100,000 rubles, the monthly limit is 1 million rubles.
  • Classic. Allows you to cash out up to 100,000 rubles. per day, monthly limit - 1 million rubles.
  • Golden. Limits receipt of banknotes to RUB 250,000. per day, monthly milestone - 2 million rubles.
  • Platinum. The daily withdrawal limit at VTB24 is RUB 350,000, monthly - RUB 3 million.

The conditions for lending and servicing loan products may change throughout the year, of which the financial institution is obliged to inform consumers. To increase the limit for withdrawing real money, you can use several products of different service packages at once. The amount of plastic within one package does not affect the total withdrawal amount.

Restrictions on receiving cash in the Privilege package

Privilege is a special set of services that allows you to combine all of the above advantages at the client’s discretion. The monthly cash withdrawal limit at VTB24 according to the Privilege tariff is 400,000 rubles, monthly 3 million rubles.


Despite the benefits and safety of non-cash payments, a large amount may be required. Any VTB24 debit card has a withdrawal limit, but the higher the card class, the higher it is. In addition, for VTB24 Privilege tariff clients, the withdrawal limit is assigned individually for each individual client. Another way out of the situation is to have several cards of different packages, this way you can bypass daily restrictions, but the total amount for the month will remain unchanged.

Free card service

There is no monthly fee for servicing the VTB Multicard provided that purchases on all cards (credit, debit, main and all additional) in the Multicard banking service package total more than 5 thousand rubles. per month.

If the condition is not met, the commission will be 249 rubles. per month.

There is no fee for issuing a VTB Multicard when submitting an application on the bank’s website.

When registering at a branch, a commission of 249 rubles is charged and returned to the master account in the form cash back, if the conditions are met free service during the first month of using the Multicard.

Terms are valid until 01/31/2020

How to earn income from interest on your balance

With the VTB Multicard, you can receive income from the accrual of interest per annum on the balance in the master account.

Size interest rate depends on the amount of purchases per month for all cards (debit, credit, main and all additional) in the “Multicard” banking service package:

Master account - bank (current) account individual, opens in three currencies: rubles, US dollars and euros, and provides for transactions not related to business activities. The master account is linked to the account debit card, making it possible to use cash in a master account for everyday purchases, as well as have 24/7 access to funds through ATMs or bank branches.

Make commission-free transactions:

The commission for online payments and transfers is returned to the master account in the form of cash back within the next calendar month, subject to purchases on all (debit, credit, main and all additional cards) in the “Multicard” banking service package for a total amount of more than 75 thousand rubles. per month. The limit for free transfers from a card to a card of another bank is 20,000 rubles/month.

Online transfers and payments without commission

With the VTB Multicard you can save on fees for online payments and transfers.

Pay for mobile communications, Internet and other services instantly and without commission in VTB Online.

Make commission-free transactions:

  • online transfers own funds from card to cards of other banks;
  • online transfers using details from the master account.

The commission for online payments and transfers is returned to the master account in the form of cash back within the next calendar month, subject to purchases on all (debit, credit, main and all additional cards) in the “Multicard” banking service package for a total amount of more than 75 thousand roubles. per month. The limit for free transfers from a card to a card of another bank is RUB 20,000/month. Cash withdrawals from any ATM in the world without commission

With the VTB Multicard, you can withdraw your own cash from the card without commission at any ATM, even at ATMs of other banks.

The commission for cash withdrawals from ATMs of other banks is returned to the master account in the form of cash back over the next calendar month, subject to purchases on all cards (debit, credit, main and all additional) in the “Multicard” banking service package for a total amount of more than 75 thousand rubles. per month.

There is no limit on the amount of free cash withdrawals.

In this article we will talk about all the intricacies of withdrawing cash from a VTB24 card, since although credit cards are most often used only for non-cash payments, situations may arise in life when you cannot do without “real money”. Let's take a closer look at the fee for withdrawing cash from a VTB ATM with credit card provided by the bank, as well as how to reduce its size as much as possible.

Naturally, in addition to borrowed funds, you can also keep your own funds in the account. For example, it could be yours, which will be credited to your account every month. This simplifies the cash-out procedure, because the fee for withdrawing your own VTB cash 24 is not provided. With credit funds, things are different.

It is better to find out in advance where and how best to get real money in your hands, and what percentage is set for cash withdrawals. It is worth taking care of this issue separately if you are going on a trip abroad: when withdrawing money from an ATM of a foreign financial organization, you risk getting hit with double the percentage.

As a rule, a withdrawal fee is charged at all ATMs without exception, but the size of this fee varies greatly. For example, some banks do not impose fees if the holder cashes out over a certain amount.

Others are canceling the collection of interest on cash withdrawals from credit cards for regular customers. Still others, on the contrary, set the tariff for withdrawing funds in advance. It is better to learn about all these subtleties in advance.

The main question that should be resolved before withdrawing money from the nearest ATM is: what percentage will be charged to the cardholder. VTB24 sets the fee depending on the type of credit card the client has and its status.

Fee for withdrawing cash from VTB24 cards

Let us tell you in more detail what limit and percentage for cash withdrawals is provided for each type of VTB24 bank client card. And here you should be careful, because often, when “plasticizing” a potential client, employees credit organization they are simply silent about the commission for withdrawing money from an ATM, and sometimes they are simply misleading, assuring that there are no commissions for withdrawing cash.

In this article we will look at the three main and, perhaps, most common types of credit cards among clients. So, these include:

Classic credit card

For cashing out funds within credit limit VTB24 cards are assigned a rate of 5.5% of the withdrawal amount, starting from 300 rubles. If the card, in addition to borrowed funds, also contains the holder’s own funds, then the commission for withdrawing them from the issuer’s ATM will be zero. In a foreign bank, when withdrawing an amount over 300 rubles, the client will be charged 1%.

The prescribed limit for withdrawing cash from a credit card of this type is: 100 thousand rubles daily and 1 million rubles per month. It is important to take this point into account when planning your spending.

VTB24 gold credit card

The limit on this card is twice as high as in the previous version. The established interest for withdrawing cash from a VTB 24 credit card in this case is 5.5% for an amount of at least 300 rubles. You can withdraw your own funds from a VTB24 ATM without any commissions. When using the services of a third-party bank, the commission will also be 1% of any amount over 300 rubles.

From the VTB24 Gold Card you can withdraw no more than 200 thousand rubles per day and up to 2 million rubles per month.

Platinum credit card VTB24

The commission for withdrawing funds from the credit limit for a VTB 24 platinum card holder will be 5.5% of the withdrawn amount over 300 rubles. Receiving personal savings from a VTB 24 card is free, but third party banks set a commission equal to 1% of the withdrawn amount of more than 300 rubles.

A limit has also been set for possible withdrawals - 300 thousand rubles per day and 3 million rubles per month.

Don't forget to repay your debt on time

After withdrawing funds, you need to carefully monitor the debt repayment schedule. Typically this “schedule” is set by the bank and is updated after each transaction. credit transaction. It is also necessary to clarify what rate the bank will apply when calculating interest on the debt if the client does not have time to return the funds before the expiration of the grace period.

A credit card is an attractive banking product that can provide the holder with a lot of opportunities. However, it is important to remember that these opportunities involve debt obligations to the bank.

When you decide to open a credit card at VTB 24, consider all possible options for its use. Including how profitable it will be to withdraw cash from it. Be prepared for higher interest rates, which are best inquired about in advance.

However, not everything is so bad here: as pleasant bonuses, VTB can offer its reliable customers points, discounts from bank partners or Cash Back when paying for purchases. Including via the Internet.

Bonus points are awarded for every 20-50 rubles spent, but the number of these points will vary depending on the type of credit card. For particularly active buyers, the CashBack amount can reach up to 5 thousand rubles per month.

Agree, it’s not that bad! Knowing the conditions for withdrawing cash from a credit card at ATMs of VTB 24 and other banks, you will not find yourself in an awkward situation with unexpected interest charges.

Cashing methods

  • Through operating cash desk, by providing the bank employee with your passport and card.
  • Through self-service devices - at VTB 24 ATMs, both of the issuing bank and its partners.

How to find the nearest ATM?

The list of ATMs and their location addresses are presented on the VTB 24 website. To find the most suitable option, you will need to refine your search parameters. So, in addition to cashing out, this may be the need for the ability to replenish the card or round-the-clock operation.

Some devices are designed to issue money in rubles, dollars and euros - it all depends on the choice of the card holder. The cash limit on classic credit cards is usually set in rubles. ATM opening hours are also indicated on the website. It may coincide with the operating hours of a bank branch or be 24 hours a day.

After selecting the necessary options, the location of a suitable ATM will be displayed on a diagram, which will show the approximate route to it.

Free card service

There is no monthly fee for servicing the VTB Multicard provided that purchases on all cards (credit, debit, main and all additional) in the Multicard banking service package total more than 5 thousand rubles. per month.

If the condition is not met, the commission will be 249 rubles. per month.

There is no fee for issuing a VTB Multicard when submitting an application on the bank’s website.

When registering at a branch, a commission of 249 rubles is charged and returned to the master account in the form of cash back if the conditions for free service are met during the first month of using the Multicard.

Terms are valid until 01/31/2020

How to earn income from interest on your balance

With the VTB Multicard, you can receive income from the accrual of interest per annum on the balance in the master account.

The interest rate depends on the amount of purchases per month for all cards (debit, credit, main and all additional) in the “Multicard” banking service package:

A master account is a bank (current) account of an individual, opened in three currencies: rubles, US dollars and euros, and provides for transactions not related to business activities. The master account is linked to a debit card account, which makes it possible to use funds in the master account for everyday purchases, as well as have 24-hour access to funds through ATMs or bank branches.

Make commission-free transactions:

The commission for online payments and transfers is returned to the master account in the form of cash back within the next calendar month, subject to purchases on all (debit, credit, main and all additional cards) in the “Multicard” banking service package for a total amount of more than 75 thousand roubles. per month. The limit for free transfers from a card to a card of another bank is 20,000 rubles/month.

Online transfers and payments without commission

With the VTB Multicard you can save on fees for online payments and transfers.

Pay for mobile communications, Internet and other services instantly and without commission in VTB Online.

Make commission-free transactions:

  • online transfers of own funds from cards to cards of other banks;
  • online transfers using details from the master account.

The commission for online payments and transfers is returned to the master account in the form of cash back within the next calendar month, subject to purchases on all (debit, credit, main and all additional cards) in the “Multicard” banking service package for a total amount of more than 75 thousand roubles. per month. The limit for free transfers from a card to a card of another bank is RUB 20,000/month. Cash withdrawals from any ATM in the world without commission

With the VTB Multicard, you can withdraw your own cash from the card without commission at any ATM, even at ATMs of other banks.

The commission for cash withdrawals from ATMs of other banks is returned to the master account in the form of cash back over the next calendar month, subject to purchases on all cards (debit, credit, main and all additional) in the “Multicard” banking service package for a total amount of more than 75 thousand rubles. per month.

There is no limit on the amount of free cash withdrawals.