Currency payments at a client bank - step-by-step instructions. The procedure for creating a request for a currency transfer to Sberbank business online Currency payments: general knowledge

For creating a currency transfer through the Sberbank Business Online system:

  1. In the currency transfer list form, click the toolbar button.
  2. A window will open Currency transfer order.

    A number of fields in the window will already be filled in by the Sberbank Business Online system. Fields with a white background must be filled in or edited manually. Fields with a gray background are filled in either by the user by selecting values ​​from the list, or by the system automatically in the process of filling out document details.


  3. Enter or edit the details values:
  • section A.1 “Rules for filling out fields” – features of filling out specific fields.
  • section A.2 “General requirements for filling out fields 33B, 23E, 50a, 52a, 56a, 57a, 59a, 70, 71A, 72, 77B of a currency transfer order” – requirements and rules for describing the format of the fields that are common to a number of basic fields.

A. Fill out the main fields of the document in the open tab Basic fields window Currency transfer order.

a. Enter or edit details values instructions for currency transfer :

  1. In field Number change the document number if necessary. By default, the system numbers documents in the order they were created during the calendar year.

    Attention! When saving a document, the system checks whether the document number is duplicated. If a copy of the same document with the same number has already been saved in the system this year, the document being generated will be saved with the next larger free number, and a message will be displayed about the new number.

  2. In field date change the date of the document if necessary. By default, the field is filled with the current date.
  3. In field Payment sent enter the value:
    • “inside” – when transferring funds to an account opened in the same bank;
    • “outside” – when transferring funds to an account opened in another bank.


    • When specifying the value “outside”, filling in the field becomes available (see clause 3.a.C.4).
    • When specifying the value “inside” in the Option field of block 50a: PAYER CLIENT, the value “Option K” is indicated.
  4. Fill in the field if necessary Urgency(see also section A.1.1 “Field Urgency”, Appendix A “Procedure for filling out payment order details for transferring funds in foreign currency”).
  5. Field IN is filled out automatically by the Sberbank Business Online system, indicating the name of the bank division to which the order is sent.

b. In block 50a: PAYER CLIENT, enter or edit the values ​​of the payer’s details (see also section A.1.4 “Field 50a Payer Client”, Appendix A “Procedure for filling out payment order details for transferring funds in foreign currency”):

  • Fields Name And TIN/KIO are filled in automatically by the Sberbank Business Online system.
  • In field Account No. (payer account) indicate the payer's foreign currency account number.
  • The first field (currency code) and the third field of the block Write-off amount will be filled with the code and currency designation respectively.
  • Fields Country, City and Address are filled in automatically. If there are no values, indicate the country, city and address of the payer in the appropriate fields.

c. In the block 33B: amount and currency enter or edit the values ​​of the amount and currency of the transfer (see also section A.1.2 “Field 33B Amount and currency” Appendix A “Procedure for filling out payment order details for transferring funds in foreign currency”):

  • In field Write-off amount block, indicate the amount of the amount to be written off.
  • If conversion is necessary:
  • If you refuse the conversion, clear the field. Multi currency transfer . Block fields Transfer amount, will be filled in automatically.
  • If the currency of the beneficiary's account is different from the currency of the debited or converted amount, fill in the field The payment currency is different from the beneficiary's account currency.

Note: When specifying the difference between the currency of the transferred amount and the beneficiary’s account currency, the system automatically fills in field 72: additional information accompanying instructions.

d. In the block 59a: CLIENT-BENEFICIARY enter the values ​​of the recipient’s details in one of the following ways (see A.1.8 “Field 59a Client-beneficiary”, Appendix A “Procedure for filling out payment order details for transferring funds in foreign currency”):

  • If the recipient's information has previously been entered into directory of beneficiaries:
    • Select the required beneficiary record directory of beneficiaries.
    • The Name, Account No., Country, City, Address fields will be filled with values ​​from the directory.
    • If the beneficiary is registered in the Russian Federation, fill in the TIN field.
  • If the beneficiary's details have not previously been entered into the directory of beneficiaries (new beneficiary), enter the beneficiary's details manually:
    • In field Name indicate the name of the beneficiary organization.
    • If the beneficiary is registered in the Russian Federation, fill in the field TIN.
    • In field BEI code(SWIFT code) from the directory of international banks, enter the BEI code (SWIFT code) of the beneficiary's bank.
    • In field Account No.(Beneficiary Account) Enter the beneficiary account number.
    • In field A country from the country directory, indicate the country in which the beneficiary is registered.
    • In the fields City and Address indicate accordingly the city and address where the beneficiary is registered.

e. In the block 23E: INSTRUCTION CODE create a list of instructions for field 23E in accordance with the instructions. “Creating and viewing nested lists” (see also section A.1.3 “Field 23E Instruction code”, Appendix A “Procedure for filling out payment order details for transferring funds in foreign currency”). When creating/editing instruction records:

B. Go to the tab Transfer details window Currency transfer order to indicate the details of the beneficiary's bank and other document details.

a. If the values ​​of the beneficiary details were filled in from the directory of beneficiaries (see clause 3.a.D), the block fields 57a: BENEFICIARY BANK And 56a: INTERMEDIATE BANK can be filled with values ​​from the directory.

Specify / edit the details of the bank servicing the beneficiary (see also section A.1.7 “Field 57a Beneficiary’s bank”, Appendix A “Procedure for filling out payment order details for transferring funds in foreign currency”), and the intermediary bank (see also Section A.1.6 “Field 56a Intermediary Bank” Appendix A “Procedure for filling out payment order details for transferring funds in foreign currency”) in one of the following ways:

  • If the SWIFT code of the beneficiary's bank is known:
    • Select from the drop-down list located in block 57a: BENEFICIARY BANK, value “Option A”.
    • In the block SWIFT code field, enter the value of the beneficiary's bank SWIFT code from the directory of international banks.
  • If the bank's SWIFT code is missing:
    • In field Clergy. code
    • In field Name
    • In field City
    • In field A country
  • If there is no SWIFT code and clearing code:
    • Select from the drop-down list located in block 57a: BENEFICIARY BANK, value “Option D”.
    • In field Name indicate the full name of the beneficiary's bank.
    • In field cor. check indicate cor. beneficiary's bank account opened with an intermediary bank.
    • If necessary, indicate the bank address in the field of the same name.
    • In field City indicate the city in which the bank is located.
    • In field A country indicate the country of the beneficiary's bank from the country directory.
    • Enter the details of the intermediary bank:
    • If you know the SWIFT code of the intermediary bank:

      a. Select from the drop-down list located in block 56a: INTERMEDIARY BANK, value “Option A”.
      b. In the SWIFT code field, enter the SWIFT code of the intermediary bank from the directory of international banks.

    • If you do not have a SWIFT code:
    • a. Select from the drop-down list located in block 56a: INTERMEDIATE BANK, value “Option D”.
      b. In field Clergy. code indicate the clearing code from the directory of national clearing codes.
      c. In field Name
      d. In field City indicate the city in which the bank is located.
      e. In field A country indicate the country of the intermediary bank from the country directory.

    • If there is no SWIFT code and clearing code:

    a. Select from the drop-down list located in block 56a: INTERMEDIATE BANK, value “Option D”.
    b. In field Name indicate the full name of the intermediary bank.
    c. If necessary, indicate the bank address in the field of the same name.
    d. In field City indicate the city in which the bank is located.
    e. In field A country indicate the country of the beneficiary's bank from the country directory.

b. In field 70: PURPOSE OF PAYMENT indicate the purpose of the payment (see also section A.1.9 “Field 70 Purpose of payment”, Appendix A “Procedure for filling out payment order details for transferring funds in foreign currency”):

  1. If the template directory for field 70 contains the necessary entry about the purpose of payment:

    a. Select the required entry from the directory.
    b. Field 70: PURPOSE OF PAYMENT will be filled with the value from the directory.

  2. Fill in / edit the payment purpose manually. If necessary, you can use the values ​​of the field 70 code word directory and the payment purpose directory (the values ​​will be inserted into the cursor position).

c. If it was previously indicated that the currency of the beneficiary's account is different from the currency of the transferred amount (see clause 3.a.C.4), field 72: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION can be filled in. Fill in / edit additional information manually (see also section A.1.11 “Field 72 Additional information”, Appendix A “Procedure for filling out payment order details for transferring funds in foreign currency”). If necessary, you can use the values ​​of the field 72 code word directory and the payee information directory.

C. Fill in the information about the method of payment for the commission and the person authorized to resolve issues regarding the transaction:

a. Go to tab Commissions, Additional window Currency transfer order.

b. In the block 71A: FEES AND EXPENSES indicate the method for writing off the commission (see also section A.1.10 “Field 71A Commissions and expenses”, Appendix A “Procedure for filling out payment order details for transferring funds in foreign currency”):

  • If expenses are paid by the beneficiary, fill in the BEN field.
  • If expenses are paid by both parties, fill in the SHA field.
  • If the costs are paid by the payer, fill in the OUR field.

c. In field 77B: INFORMATION FOR REGULATORY AUTHORITIES enter the data intended for regulatory authorities, manually or from the reference book of code words in field 77B (see also section A.1.12 “Field 77B Information for regulatory authorities”, appendix A “Procedure for filling out payment order details for transferring funds in foreign currency”) .
d. In the fields Full name And Telephone block Person authorized to resolve issues related to the transaction indicate the full name and telephone number of the authorized person from the directory of responsible persons or manually.
e. In the block Paid taxes indicate the details of the payment order (number, date, amount, etc.) for payment of VAT when paying for services.

D. If a debit is sent payment order for payment from funds targeted loan, in the block for specifying additional details of the same tab, enter information about the loan:

a. Fill in the selection field Target order(The remaining fields of the tab will become available for completion).
b. If necessary, fill in the selection field Use your own funds.
c. In field Number loan agreement indicate the number of the corresponding agreement.

E. Indicate the data necessary for the document to pass currency control:

a. Go to tab Currency control window Currency transfer order.

b. Attach a certificate of currency transactions to the order in one of the following ways:

Attention! All investments necessary to carry out a currency transfer operation must be linked to a certificate of currency transactions (the creation of a certificate of currency transactions is described in the section “”), and not to an order for a currency transfer.

  1. It is possible to view attachments linked to orders for currency transfers of the old version.
  2. Check the document before saving (see “Creating / viewing documents and templates”, tool “Checking the correctness of filling in document details”).

Attention! Save the document. When saving a currency transfer order, the presence of a certificate of currency transactions associated with the order will be checked. If it is missing, a certificate will be created automatically. This will provide a window Certificate of foreign exchange transactions

(creating a certificate of currency transactions is described in the section “Creating a certificate of currency transactions (138-I)”), the parameters of the certificate will be filled in with the corresponding values ​​of the currency transfer order. Currency payments at a client bank - instructions

Each bank, as a rule, has its own nuances. However, the general stages of the process of creating a payment order in foreign currency are similar. Read about how to create a currency order in the material.

Basic concepts and definitions In order to understand the additional (compared to a “regular” payment order) fields in a foreign currency payment order, you should study a little the technique of international transfers. After all, we almost always pay foreign counterparties in foreign currency. Currency payments with resident partners are prohibited by law, with rare exceptions (Article 9 of the Law of December 10, 2003 No. 173-FZ “On»).

exchange control .

International transfers require slightly more information than domestic transactions. It is most appropriate to give their names (designations) and decipher the essence a little so that it is clear why separate fields in the currency order are dedicated to them.

SWIFT is an international banking association. Banks servicing international payments register with SWIFT and receive an individual identifier code with the same name. Indicating the SWIFT code in the payment order allows you to clearly identify the bank to which the payment goes. Actually, the SWIFT code is an 11-digit electronic “address” of the bank in the SWIFT system.

BIC code is the same as SWIFT. The name is used from the ISO 9362 standard, which regulates methods for identifying participants in financial transactions.

BEI code is also an identifier in SWIFT, but not of a bank, but corporate client this bank. The bank can register its clients in the SWIFT system to increase the speed and accuracy of settlements. The BEI code also helps ensure that the payment sent goes to its destination.

Bank clearing code is also a bank identifier, but not in SWIFT, but in national clearing systems.

IBAN is another practically complex identifier: it identifies the bank (branch) and the client’s account number in international format(ISO 13616 standard).

ISO code - part of the ISO 3166-1 standard contains codes for the names of countries and subordinate territories. Used to indicate in payment document addresses.

IMPORTANT! There are other similar encodings. For banking purposes you need to use exactlyISO 3166-1.

Address - any address is indicated in the sequence: street, house number, city, district, postal code, country (can be ISO code). This is an international format.

The beneficiary is the one to whom we pay.

Intermediary bank (correspondent bank) - indicated if the beneficiary's bank directly holds an account in the corresponding currency with another bank (intermediary).

Thus, technically, the process of creating a correct payment order in currency is the correct indication of all identifiers of the payee and his bank.

There are several more pitfalls along the way of performing international translation, which are also worth dwelling on in more detail:

  • Prohibited SWIFT characters - the settings of this system do not allow characters to pass through

№ % # $ & @ ” = \ { } ; * « » ! _ < >

In addition, the system automatically replaces them with valid ones. Thus, the sequence of characters in the identifiers may be broken and an error may occur.

  • Information for client identification is the necessary information required by a Russian bank according to the provisions of Law No. 115-FZ dated 08/07/2001. Without specifying information about the client, as well as providing information on additional requests, the bank may simply not execute the payment.
  • Bank blacklist is a directory that contains information about persons, organizations, states and territories of registration (incorporation) in respect of which there are restrictions on Bank operations or transactions that should be considered questionable. For clients who are somehow blacklisted, transactions may be difficult or even impossible.

Creating a transfer order in foreign currency - step-by-step instructions

Having understood the technology and the nuances of processing a transfer, let’s consider the process of creating a currency order (instruction) step by step:

  1. We go to the client bank and select the options “Documents” - “Currency orders” - “Create payment order”. Interfaces may differ slightly in different client banks, but the standard path to creating payment documents usually goes through the “Documents” (or “Payment Documents”) menu. In this case, the number and date of the order are usually assigned automatically. Some systems may offer to choose whether the payment will go to another bank customer or to another bank. To create the transfer in question, you need to select another bank. Usually at this stage the transaction parameter is indicated - retention bank commissions for the translation. To do this, you need to select the appropriate value in the corresponding field in the drop-down list. Based on the available list, it will be clear which commissions can be deducted and how they can be withheld; in addition, the options can be clarified with the bank, so we will not dwell on this point in detail in the format of an article.
  2. In the appropriate fields, indicate the currency code and payment amount. In some cases, a simultaneous conversion option is available. For example, if the payer has money in rubles, and the payment must be made in dollars, you can mark “I agree with the conversion rate.” The bank, executing the order, converts the funds into the required currency.
  3. In the field for specifying the write-off account, select the corresponding client account. In this case, the remaining details are entered automatically from the information stored in the system. Usually at this stage the document also includes those details that the bank requires to comply with the provisions of Law No. 115-FZ. In addition, the SWIFT code of the payer’s bank is usually automatically entered (if you select a transfer to another bank in step 1).
  4. We indicate in a separate field the SWIFT code of the intermediary bank (if it is in the details provided by the counterparty). Next, the system itself will find all the other necessary information about the bank using the code. The same will happen if you indicate the clearing code instead of SWIFT (there is a separate field for this). If there is neither one nor the other, all fields will have to be filled in manually: address, bank name, city, country. Some client banking systems may return a payment without an identification code “to clarify the details.”

IMPORTANT! ANDSWIFT, and clearing code are selected from international directories. That is, next to the code field there should be an icon for a drop-down list of banks with codes.

  1. We indicate the details of the beneficiary's bank in separate fields (similar to the intermediary bank).
  2. In the appropriate fields we indicate the details of the payment recipient. All suggested fields must be completed. If there are IBAN and BEI codes, we start with them. It is possible that the fields “Recipient Name”, “City” and “Country” will be pulled up from the directories themselves.
  3. Fill in the “Purpose of payment” field. For international transfers - Latin. The use of English standardized code words is permitted.

NOTE! In some systems (for example, Sberbank), information about transfer fees is included in the payment order after specifying the purpose of the payment (and not in the first steps, as is standardly presented above).

  1. Next, we fill in the fields necessary for Russian currency control: for example, a transaction passport.

NOTE! To include a transaction passport in an order, as a rule, it should first be separately entered into the client bank in the “Documents” section. Then, when generating a payment, a drop-down list with information about the passports available in the system will appear in the “Passport” field. Accordingly, all that remains is to choose the one you need.

  1. We save the currency payment order (the “Save” button). At this stage, the system will conduct a preliminary check and issue comments in case of errors. The saved document can be signed and sent for execution.


Generating a foreign currency payment order in a client bank requires fulfilling some additional rules and entering a larger amount of information than when preparing a regular payment order.

Foreign exchange payments in rubles and in foreign currency have a number of nuances and difficulties. This is especially true if the payment is made using special program"Client-bank". Below we will consider what the features of such an operation are, and we will also analyze step-by-step instructions for action.

Currency payments: general knowledge

When making transfers between different countries, more information may be required than when making transactions within the country. That is why it is worth explaining the theoretical basis in order to better understand the sequence of actions and formulate a correct order for the transfer of money.

Here It is important to consider the following terms :

  • SWIFT- association of financial institutions on international level. Credit organizations from different countries register in the system and receive an individual code (11 characters).
  • BIC code- a set of numbers that is similar to regular SWIFT. When setting this code, the ISO standard is used
  • BEI code- bank client identifier. By assigning this parameter, the payment goes through faster and is guaranteed to be intended.

In addition to the abbreviations mentioned above, the following may appear: IBAN (common identifier), ISO code, address, beneficiary (recipient of funds). and financial institution, acting as an intermediary (correspondent). Currency payments are carried out correctly if the money transfer order is drawn up correctly, that is, all the mentioned parameters are correctly specified.

Complexities of SQIFT payments

A number of problems may arise during transactions involving currency , among which:

  • Introduction of a prohibited SWIFT symbol(for example, @, ”, =, \ and others). A detailed list is provided in software. In some cases, the program automatically replaces characters with those that are necessary.
  • User identification data. Without providing such information currency payment it won't work. The bank will simply ignore the money transfer order as incorrectly filled out.
  • Presence on the “black list”. SQIFT payments do not go through if the participant is in a special directory of persons subject to restrictions.

How to create a money transfer order: instructions

After reviewing the terminology, you can get to work. Step-by-step instructions involve performing the following steps:

  • Log in to the “Client Bank” and go to the documents tab, and then - currency orders. Now all that remains is to create an order to transfer money. The completed document is automatically assigned a number. Here you need to select banking institution. At this stage of the foreign currency payment, it is worth finding out the size of the commission. To obtain this information, select the appropriate option from the drop-down list.
  • Specify the currency code and payment amount. If you need to transfer funds to another currency, you must agree to the proposed exchange rate and conversion process. The bank executes the order and transfers the money into the required currency.
Clients - non-residents of the Russian Federation make transfers to foreign currency no limits.

Requirements for residents of the Russian Federation

Transfers by residents of the Russian Federation in foreign currency, as well as transfers in Russian rubles with the participation of non-residents of the Russian Federation, are subject to exchange control.

In accordance with currency legislation:

  • transfers by a resident of the Russian Federation when making a payment in favor of a non-resident of the Russian Federation both in rubles and in foreign currency are carried out without restrictions;
  • transfers in foreign currency between residents of the Russian Federation are prohibited, with the exception of the operations listed in Article 9, Part 6 of Art. 12, parts 3 art. 14 of the Federal Law of December 10, 2003 No. 173-FZ “On Currency Regulation and Currency Control,” including between close relatives ().
  • transfers by a resident of the Russian Federation from Russian Federation in favor of other resident individuals to their accounts opened in banks located outside the territory of the Russian Federation cannot exceed the equivalent of 5,000 US dollars at the official rate established by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on the date of write-off Money from the account of an individual - a resident of the Russian Federation on one transaction day.

When drawing up a payment document, the absence in the “payment purpose” field of information that allows you to determine the economic meaning of the currency transaction, and/or documents and information, as well as links to these documents in settlement document is a basis for refusal to carry out a currency transaction. When making a transfer for a third party, in the “Purpose of payment” field, in addition to other information, the full name of the person for whom the transfer is being made must be indicated.

The requirement to provide supporting documents applies to the implementation foreign exchange transactions related to translations:

  • in favor of legal entities - non-residents of the Russian Federation for an amount equal to or exceeding in ruble equivalent 600,000 rubles on the date of payment;

    For settlements with non-residents of the Russian Federation - legal entities for an amount equal to or exceeding 600,000 rubles in ruble equivalent on the date of payment, it is necessary to provide supporting documents for the transfer. Such documents may be:
    agreements (contracts);
    invoices (bills, invoices, etc.);
    correspondence with the payer by e-mail or paper media;
    other documents provided for in Article 23 Federal Law No. 173-FZ, on the basis of which foreign exchange transactions are carried out.

  • in favor of individuals - non-residents of the Russian Federation in an amount exceeding the equivalent of 5,000 US dollars at the Bank of Russia exchange rate on the date of payment;

    For settlements with non-residents of the Russian Federation - individuals for an amount exceeding the equivalent of 5,000 US dollars on the date of payment, it is necessary to provide information on confirmation of the currency and accounting status of the recipient (non-resident of the Russian Federation) of the funds and the content of the transaction. Information can be provided in any form, including indicated in the “payment purpose” field of the submitted payment document (for example, “ Material aid non-resident of the Russian Federation").

  • in favor of individuals - residents of the Russian Federation, who are spouses or close relatives of the client, to the accounts of these persons opened in banks located on the territory of the Russian Federation - regardless of the amount of the transfer;
    List necessary documents see next paragraph.

  • in favor of individuals - residents of the Russian Federation, who are spouses or close relatives of the client, to the accounts of these persons opened in banks located outside the territory of the Russian Federation, if the transfer amount exceeds the equivalent of 5,000 US dollars at the Bank of Russia exchange rate on the date of payment;

    When making payments between spouses or close relatives (relatives in a direct ascending and descending line - parents and children, grandparents and grandchildren), full and half-siblings (having a common father or mother) brothers and sisters, adoptive parents and adopted children, the following documents may be provided: confirming relationship:
    certificates issued by civil registry authorities (marriage, birth, etc.);
    court decisions;
    identity documents containing records of children and spouses;
    other documents provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
    Directive of the Bank of Russia dated July 20, 2007 No. 1868-U “On the provision by resident individuals to authorized banks of documents related to certain currency transactions”