Extract from the military service record form. Features of obtaining official housing

Service housing for all those in need is one of the types of housing from a specialized fund. Persons whose living space does not meet established standards have the right to receive it; military personnel who are currently serving under contract in the Russian Federation, as well as members of their families indicated in the documents. How you can get this housing, what is needed for this and what are the features of the procedure for obtaining living space - we will consider further.

Procedure for obtaining official housing

While doing military service under a contract, an employee does not have to worry about housing: it is guaranteed to him by the state. In this case, three options for government support are possible:

  • Allocation of money for the purchase of housing;
  • Allocation of money for housing construction;
  • Providing a finished apartment.

Not only the citizen receiving housing, but also members of his family can live in official housing. Housing space, as a rule, is located in populated areas where a military unit is located, or in nearby areas. The need for housing must be reported no later than 3 months after joining the duty station.

Features of the procedure

It should be noted that the provision of official housing to military personnel is controlled by laws and regulations. That is why during the procedure the following features can be noted:

  1. When applying, housing is provided in any case. The only peculiarity is that it is not always possible to provide an apartment that corresponds to the recommended area. In such situations, housing may be provided that is smaller in size or located in a different area.
  2. Housing is provided to military personnel for the entire period of service.
  3. As a rule, a citizen serving under a contract has the right to independently choose the state option. support for obtaining official housing: cash, joining a construction cooperative, housing construction, a finished apartment, etc.
  4. If the serviceman is a foreigner, then for the period of his service he is provided with a room in a dormitory located in the same locality as the military unit (in military camps).

In the next article we will tell you how to privatize company housing.

Who can't get company housing?

Separately, it should be noted that the following do not have the right to receive official housing:

  • citizens who are students in military educational institutions, but do not have an officer rank;
  • persons undergoing military service upon conscription;
  • foreign military personnel;
  • employees who have been dismissed from service and are currently retired.

In addition, if a citizen who is serving under a contract has his own housing in a locality located near a military unit, then he will also not be able to apply for official housing.

List of documents for obtaining official housing

  • Passports of the military personnel with members of his family who will live with him. It will only be enough to provide the originals as such, and copies of all pages from the passports will need to be attached to the package of documents;
  • Certificate confirming family composition;
  • A certificate confirming the marriage or divorce of a military personnel;
  • A certificate confirming that the occupied housing at the previous duty station has been vacated;
  • A certificate confirming the citizen’s acceptance into service;
  • Certificate at the place of service from the BTI body;
  • A certificate confirming that the serviceman does not have living space on the territory where the military unit is located.

It should be noted that the participation of a citizen undergoing military service in the NIS (savings-based mortgage system) should not in any way affect the receipt of official housing.

Additional documents

In addition to the main package of documents, additional documents may be required. Despite the fact that such a need is noted in rare cases, you should worry about them in advance:

  • A special extract from the service record indicating the date of issue;
  • A copy of the contract confirming military service;
  • A copy of the order confirming the appointment of a serviceman to the position;
  • Other documents, for example, confirming the presence of a dependent child; certificates of the right to additional space, etc.

To avoid any difficulties when preparing documents, it is strongly recommended to have copies of all documents certified by a notary. If this is not possible, then they must be provided with the original.

In addition to a special package of documents, the serviceman will need to write a special report according to the established template. This document is a kind of request to provide a citizen with official housing. The report consists of three parts:

  1. "A cap" . This part contains information about to whom the document is sent. For example, the commander, major general.
  2. Main part . Here the request for the provision of official housing is indicated directly, as well as information about who will live with the serviceman. In addition, you will need to indicate on what basis you need to be provided with housing: as a rule, this is paragraph 1 of Article 15 of the Federal Law “On the Status of Military Personnel.” Finally, you can indicate that the serviceman does not have housing at his place of duty.
  3. Final part . Here you need to put a date, signature, and also clarify what position the serviceman holds.

The report is sent to the destination by registered mail.

If within 30 days after receipt by the addressee there is no action or response, then the letter can be resent or you can appeal to the garrison court with a complaint about the general’s inaction.

The form of the petition roughly resembles a report, but in general the form of its preparation remains free. An important nuance is that you need to know for sure to which authority you need to send the letter of petition. For example, you can send it to the city council or your employer. The application must indicate:

  1. The most complete list of reasons why you should be provided with housing.
  2. Your personal data, family composition.

A list of documents must be attached along with the application. The entire package will need to be sent to its destination and await a response. If there is no answer or it is negative, then you can challenge it to a higher authority.

The nuances of providing living space

Housing is provided to a military personnel in an official form: this means that the procedure for obtaining real estate may take some time. The difficulties lie not only in selecting a suitable option for the citizen, but also in the further conclusion of all the necessary documents. Among the nuances regarding these documents, the following can be highlighted:

  • The concluded contract is urgent. That is, at the end of his service, the serviceman, together with his family, undertakes to leave the premises.
  • If a serviceman has housing (or was previously provided with it) in populated areas located near a military unit, if possible, he should be provided with housing located in close proximity to the military unit.
  • In a situation where during the course of service the number of people living in the living space has decreased, the employee is provided with other housing, smaller in area.
  • Once, the employee is given the opportunity to choose a locality for residence.
  • In situations where the authorities providing housing urgently need it back (that is, residents living in the area need to be evicted), they are provided with other housing with a similar area.
  • New service living space can be provided only after the old one has been handed over.

If you have a large family, then you can get housing under this program.

Service housing for military personnel (video)

A specialist from the following video will help you objectively consider the problem of obtaining official housing, as well as give answers to the most common questions:

All rules and features of living in service housing are described in a pre-concluded contract. Some of them can be discussed and adjusted in advance.

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