What bailiffs can take for credit debts. What can a bailiff take for debts? Where to keep money from bailiffs

Last updated February 2019

All actions of the bailiff in relation to the debtor must be strictly within the law. There is an impressive list of what cannot be seized and what is prohibited from being seized. The state protects the place of residence of citizens, so it is impossible to deprive a person of his only home. However, you will have to pay your debt obligations.

When the bailiff starts looking for the debtor

Performance list- it is necessary to understand that the bailiff begins to look for the debtor and all his property only after receiving a writ of execution and the start of enforcement proceedings. This entire procedure can only begin following the results of the trial and a court decision that has entered into force.

A copy of the resolution on the commencement of execution. production- also, the debtor must receive by mail from the bailiff a copy of the resolution on the commencement of enforcement proceedings. From this moment you can begin to worry about the fate of the property.

  • The law gives the debtor a period of 5 days so that he can voluntarily repay the debt.
  • After the specified period, a decision is made to search for the debtor’s property and another 7% is added to the amount.

Written message about the visit- the bailiff must also report directly about his arrival at the debtor’s home in writing.

  • The bailiff can come at the appointed time and even break down the door if they don’t open it for him.
  • By the way, the time for visiting is limited and can only be from 6 am to 10 pm.
  • Night visits to debtors are prohibited.

How to delay a bailiff's visit

Application for deferment

Qualified lawyers recommend using a little trick during court hearings. Immediately after the court decision on the collection of funds comes into force, you must submit an application to the same judge for a deferment or installment plan for the execution of the court decision.

What will such a move do for the debtor? Usually the court indicates in its decision to recover the entire amount. The decision comes into force and then the bailiff begins his work to collect this amount, seizes housing, accounts, and describes the property.

By submitting an application for installment plan, an individual has the right to change the execution of the decision itself. It is possible to get a deferment of several months, a year or even more.

Serious documents must be attached to the application as evidence:

  • Perhaps the debtor is unable to pay the debt due to illness, treatment, or maternity leave.
  • Copies of payment slips confirming monthly transfers: utilities, loans from other banks are also attached here.
  • The debtor must calculate and propose a debt repayment schedule that is convenient for him, taking into account all payments. However, you should try to offer an adequate schedule, otherwise the deferment will be denied.
Appeal to appeal

If no serious reasons have been found for postponing the execution of the decision, then a simple appeal to the appeal will also help to delay the court proceedings for one and a half to two months. Naturally, in such cases the first court decision will not be canceled, but the bailiff will be able to begin proceedings only after the appeal decision has entered into force.

Debt recovery procedure according to law

The sale of property is not carried out by the bailiff himself, but by special organizations. If the amount received is not enough, then up to 50% of all earnings of the debtor, including wages, pensions, etc., are subject to seizure.

What documents must the bailiff present?

When a bailiff knocks on a debtor’s door, it is important to know a few things:

  • Don’t hide, it’s better to cooperate with the bailiff, because the law has given him the right to enter private property without the permission of the debtor and in his absence. In simple terms, he has the right to break down the door and describe the property, but only if there is written permission from the senior bailiff.
  • The bailiff must show the certificate and the order to initiate enforcement proceedings.
  • All actions of the bailiff are strictly regulated by law. He's just doing his job. Some people do it well, while others do it poorly. The debtor should not tolerate rudeness, threats and other incompetent behavior of the bailiff, because he has the right to a decent response within the framework of the law - to file a complaint. Judicial practice shows that the case is often decided in favor of the debtor.

What property bailiffs cannot seize

The legislator strictly regulated the list of property that cannot be taken from the debtor:

  • The only housing. This category includes an apartment, a house, a plot of land under a house, and a share in the right. Here, however, there is an exception - housing on a mortgage can be taken away if monthly payments for it are not made (see).
  • Home furnishings and individual items (clothing, shoes). The exception is jewelry and luxury goods.
  • Subjects that are required for professional studies. An exception is if the value of this property is above 100 minimum wages.
  • Household animals intended for personal use.
  • Seeds for sowing.
  • Products and money in the amount of 4-5 tr. for each family member.
  • Fuel for heating and cooking.
  • For disabled people - technical means of transportation.
  • Prizes, awards, medals, certificates.

You should know that they cannot take away your only home, but they have the right to arrest it. For the debtor, this will consist of imposing an encumbrance on the housing in the form of a seizure, which is officially recorded in Rosreestr.

Can bailiffs seize a husband's property to pay for his wife's debts?

The bailiff has the right to seize only the debtor's property. However, if this property is not enough to pay off the debt, then ½ share of the jointly acquired property is taken away. Simply put, they will take half of the husband’s property, which would have been due to the wife upon division of property.

A little trick: you can change the status of jointly acquired property with the help of a marriage contract, in the text of which you indicate the ownership of specific property or a general phrase that everything that will be registered in the name of the husband is his personal property and is not subject to division, and everything that is registered for the wife - similarly indivisible. Such an agreement can be drawn up at any time during the marriage, as well as before it. The document is certified by a notary.

Do bailiffs have the right to describe the property of relatives?

Only spouses can be liable for debts with property. Relatives have no right to disturb. However, the picture changes dramatically if the debtor is registered in the housing of his relatives. There may be several situations:

  • The debtor is registered, but does not actually reside.
  • The debtor is not registered and does not reside, but indicated the address of relatives as the place of actual residence.
  • The debtor is registered, previously lived, but moved.
  • The debtor is registered and actually lives in the housing of relatives.

In each of the cases considered, the bailiff begins to describe the property of the relatives. How to prevent this? It is necessary to prove that the debtor does not live in the housing of relatives. See also what to do if they call and threaten.

Mere words are not proof. It is necessary to draw up a written statement stating that the debtor does not live at the specified address. It must be signed not only by the owner of the property, but also by 2-3 neighbors, the local police officer and a representative from the HOA. It is advisable that the latter also put their own seals.

When should this act be done? Immediately, as soon as relatives began to be overwhelmed with calls and threats from banks.

What schemes exist to protect your property?

Indeed, there are legal schemes that allow you to preserve the debtor’s property if the bailiff comes to his home.

  • If there are receipts for equipment or furniture confirming that the buyer was another person, then you need to show them to the bailiff. In practice, people often do not keep receipts or they do not have the buyer's name.
  • Conclude a rental agreement with the owner of the property, which lists the furniture and equipment in the apartment that the debtor does not own, but has the right to use.
  • Conclude a storage agreement. For example, the debtor’s sister is doing renovations and entrusted her things to him for storage. Such a document will also confirm that the property does not belong to the debtor.
  • Conclude a gift agreement. The debtor simply donates his property and it does not matter to whom. A list should be made.
  • Conclude a marriage contract.

In any case, really valuable things should be removed from your home to avoid accidents. The bailiff can still describe all the property, so there is the option of going to court with an application to exclude the property from the general inventory. To do this, you will need to provide compelling evidence that the things do not belong to the debtor.

What income of the debtor is inviolable for the bailiff

The bailiff can seize funds from a salary card, credit card, pension, but what income does he not have the right to touch?

  • amounts received in compensation for damage caused to health;
  • funds received in connection with the loss of a breadwinner;
  • funds received in connection with injuries, wounds, injuries acquired during the performance of official duties;
  • compensation payments to victims of man-made disasters;
  • compensation payments for travel, treatment for certain categories of citizens;
  • compensation payments to workers, incl. in connection with the birth of children, marriage, etc.
  • child benefits;
  • payments under the maternity certificate;

However, there is one caveat. The bailiff does not have the right to collect alimony for a minor, but if it is received by bank transfer, the bailiff does not see the purpose of the payment and seizes the account. There are two ways to resolve the issue - seek justice in court or negotiate with the parent of the minor to receive money in cash.

How to remove arrest and blocking from a salary card

First of all, bailiffs arrest and block all cards and accounts. However, often these funds are the main source of income. What to do?
There is a proven and legal algorithm of actions:

  • Contact the FSSP.
  • Write an application to remove the seizure from your card. In the text, indicate that due to the blocking of the card, there is no opportunity to withdraw money and pay off the debt under enforcement proceedings.
  • Be sure to indicate the card number, debtor’s data, and data on enforcement proceedings.
  • The application must be completed in two copies. Take it personally to the FSPP office and receive a receipt stamp on your copy.
  • It is better to go to the bailiff who is handling the debtor’s case and report the application.
  • It is better to personally take the received decree to lift the arrest to the bank so that it does not get lost in the mail.
  • Within a matter of days the arrest will be lifted.

Failure to fulfill your debt obligations leads to a large number of problems, so before concluding a loan agreement, it is better to analyze your strengths, the possibility of making monthly payments and balance your income.

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The execution of a court decision first provides for a notification procedure, notifying the citizen of the need to repay the debt, and then a forced procedure if the person refuses to pay the required amount within the allotted time.

The procedure for the bailiff's actions is quite standard and is prescribed in the current legislation. First of all, seizure is imposed on bank accounts. Moreover, funds are equally debited from accounts in rubles or in foreign currency. Some citizens, knowing that they have debt, try to avoid such a measure of influence and are interested in the question of which banks do not cooperate with bailiffs in 2019. Today we will try to give a clear answer and explain the situation with the arrest of accounts.

The answer to this question lies in the provisions of Russian legislation. According to the law, in response to any request received from a government agency, a bank or other organization is required to provide complete information about the debtor, indicating the following information:

  • about whether the debtor has accounts and the amounts on these accounts in rubles and foreign currency;
  • on the storage of any other valuables, for example, deposits.

Banks are given about seven days to complete this action. In this case, the financial institution is obliged to draw up an appropriate document and send it to the address of the request. Some banks do not provide data to bailiffs. In case of refusal to perform such an action, a serious fine is imposed on the banking institution. In connection with all of the above, we can conclude that it is quite easy to obtain information about which banks do not transmit information to bailiffs, if you focus on the number of penalties that were applied to banks in this regard.

How to find out which banks do not cooperate with bailiffs?

By law, every bank is required to provide information to bailiffs. Therefore, we can say with confidence that when such a request is received, a large bank that has a certain reputation in the lending market will definitely provide the necessary information, which will subsequently lead to seizure. It is important to note that bailiffs can send requests not only to commercial, but also to government agencies.

Even if the bailiffs do not send official requests to the bank about whether a citizen has valid accounts, information of this kind is stored at the tax office. At the FMS you can find out about all financial and credit institutions that work with bailiffs. Taking into account such circumstances, the best chance of hiding your savings from bailiffs is to open accounts in the following institutions:

  • small commercial establishments, since requests are sent primarily to large and government organizations;
  • electronic payment systems, since online wallets are very difficult to track. In fact, at the end of 2017, more than 100 banking and credit organizations had already signed a corresponding agreement on full document flow in the FSSP. The list of such companies is expanding almost daily.

A citizen can try to determine which specific banks bailiffs most often work with and where they send requests first. Such institutions include Sberbank, VTB24, Gazprobank. Another significant point is that only an organization that has the right to do so can exercise the right to collect debt from the debtor’s account. To do this, you will need to enter a special register created by employees of the Federal Bailiff Service.

From what accounts can money not be written off by bailiffs?

Within the scope of Art. 70 and 81 Federal Law No. 229 of October 2, 2007, restrictions are established in relation to some cash savings of citizens. That is, collection on these funds cannot be made. We are talking about the following means:

  • savings in foreign currency, provided that ruble savings are sufficient to pay debts and satisfy claims;
  • money held in the referendum fund accounts;
  • funds in a special election account.

The listed rules were introduced only in the spring of 2016 after amendments were made to the basic law.

What to do if your account is frozen?

Even if restrictions have been imposed on the account, you should first make inquiries about the current situation, and then act in accordance with the available information. If there is a disagreement with the amount or other points, the citizen can file a claim in court.

The process can be easily won if the bailiff violated the law or the evidence presented by the applicant is sufficient to lift the arrest. 10 days are allotted for making such a decision, and then another 10 days for direct removal of the encumbrance.


Each bank is required to provide bailiffs with information regarding the availability of accounts and funds on them in relation to a certain civilian or company. This is necessary so that service employees can impose a penalty and receive from the debtor the funds that he is obliged to pay by law. If the law is violated, a fine is imposed on the bank.

But no matter what debt situation you are in, you always need a good and constant income in order to prevent the formation of any debts, and also to be able to correctly distribute your money “in your pockets” and store it correctly, preferably with the possibility of increasing it under interest.

What bailiffs can take for credit debts

Then all that remains is to protect your property from seizure. Immediately weed out things that the bailiffs cannot seize by law: for example, items that the client needs for work (computer, telephone, printer, etc.), as well as a stove and refrigerator, children's things.

What can a bailiff take for debts?

In any case, really valuable things should be removed from your home to avoid accidents. The bailiff can still describe all the property, so there is the option of going to court with an application to exclude the property from the general inventory. To do this, you will need to provide compelling evidence that the things do not belong to the debtor.

How to store money so that the bailiffs don’t take it

It is not Sberbank that blocks, but the court that blocks accounts in Sberbank on the first application of the bailiffs. They block without trial, etc., so you should definitely never keep money in the savings account. Our former management company bent half the house like that - it filed lawsuits against people, no one was notified about the courts. (Apparently the judge was a pocketbook, the director of the management company had great connections in many places) As a result, a decision was made on each claim and everyone who had a pension or salary card in the savings account was blocked instantly.

Keep your money in a jar... three-liter

  • a person became a borrower - took out a loan from a bank;
  • a person starts doing business - there is always the possibility of bringing the director or founder to subsidiary liability for the obligations of the business, and the “ichipist” (IP) generally bears full responsibility;
  • a person has received a subpoena or court order.

Note that government employees can even withdraw money from debit accounts and various electronic wallets, for example, Qiwi or Webmoney. By the way, judicial officers are provided with information about which bank the funds are stored in and exactly how much. The bailiff may submit a decision to write off funds to the bank. In this case, the financial institution undertakes to write off the required amount.

Which bank cards cannot be used by bailiffs to collect money from a debtor?

despite the fact that minor children are registered in the apartment. This will not be an obstacle for bailiffs. Bailiffs do not have the right to seize personal items, in particular shoes and clothing, household items and furnishings.

Which banks do not cooperate with bailiffs

A citizen can try to determine which specific banks bailiffs most often work with and where they primarily send requests. Such institutions include Sberbank, VTB24, Gazprobank. Another significant point is that only an organization that has the right to do so can exercise the right to collect debt from the debtor’s account. To do this, you will need to enter a special register created by employees of the Federal Bailiff Service.

Can bailiffs withdraw money from a savings book?

It often happens that a person learns about the seizure of money deposited in his savings book only when he tries to withdraw his funds or when he receives an extract from Sberbank. It is unlawful to seize money without providing the debtor with notice of the reasons for the decision, and such actions of the bailiff can be challenged in court and serve as a reason for obtaining a deferred payment.

Blog and practice

The future is certainly good. But let's come down to earth. I have to observe how people spend many hours in queues at the reception of the bailiff in order to return the amounts illegally written off. Recently, this phenomenon has become systematic. Let's talk about the reasons for the illegal write-off of funds by officials.

How to protect your income from foreclosure

According to the law, more than 50% of the income cannot be collected from all claimants from a person’s earnings. If you pay child support in the amount of 25%, then the bailiffs will be able to collect only 25% from you to pay off the debt to the bank. Of course, the same bailiff who collects alimony in favor of the bank will collect alimony from you according to the writ of execution, but alimony always comes first. In such a situation, the bank has no choice but to receive money to repay the debt in the amount of 25% of the debtor’s salary, or maybe less.

Can bailiffs withdraw money from a bank card?

An employee of a government agency charged with executing court decisions cannot always determine the nature of the capital stored in a bank account or card. For this reason, there are frequent cases of withdrawal of capital, the use of which for forced repayment of debt is impossible.

How to protect property from foreclosure for loan debts

Thirdly, if the debt is clearly disproportionate to the cost of the apartment, then it will not be taken away from you either. That is, if the debt is twenty to thirty percent of the cost of housing, then no one will foreclose on your apartment and you don’t have to worry about this. But if the debt is seventy percent of the cost of housing, in this case you should work harder and bring the debt to at least fifty percent and then you most likely will not lose the apartment.

Do bailiffs have the right to withdraw money from a bank card (credit card, salary card) or use a deposit?

If bailiffs seized a card from Sberbank or another organization without notifying the owner, this is illegal, is a serious violation and can serve as a reason for a complaint to the bailiff service.

This bureaucratic opportunity should not be neglected, since a well-founded complaint will significantly reduce the amount of payments. If the proceedings are violated, the debtor has the right to demand that penalties, fines and other penalties be waived from him, which he could have avoided with timely notification of the initiation of proceedings.

What income and property do bailiffs not have the right to take away for debts?

By referring to Article 446 of the Civil Procedure Code, you can find a list of property that cannot be recovered from a citizen on the basis of executive documents. If a person lives in an apartment, and this housing is the only property owned for these purposes, then the debtor will not be able to be evicted from it. If the debtor lives in a private house located on a plot of land, and this is the only housing he has, then it is also impossible to collect it. If the debtor owns several apartments or houses, then, depending on the amount of debt, according to the law, part of the property (apartment or house) will be taken away.

(Legal grounds for foreclosure on an apartment and other property of the debtor)

There is a well-known saying “my home is my castle,” reflecting the opinion that, supposedly, not a single bailiff or policeman will enter the house without the permission of the owners, which means that the bailiffs can simply be ignored, and that’s all. There is also a not fully substantiated assertion that the only property cannot be recovered for debts. In reality, this is, of course, not always the case. There is a lot to lose, and bailiffs have much more opportunities than it might seem to people ignorant of the law. It should be remembered that in accordance with Article 64 of the Federal Law “On Enforcement Proceedings” No. 229-FZ dated October 2, 2007. The bailiff can enter the debtor's apartment without the consent of the tenant. To do this, the executor only needs to obtain written permission from the senior bailiff, and in the event of eviction of the debtor, permission is not required at all. However, you shouldn’t be overly afraid of possible liability either - by doing this you can only harm yourself by following the lead of unscrupulous lenders. You just need to know well your rights and the capabilities of creditors and bailiffs in order to save your nerves and protect your property. You can read about this in this article.

What are the consequences if the loan is not repaid?

To begin with, it should be clarified that no creditor can take anything from you without a court decision. The creditor (lender) can only present written or oral claims to you and demand repayment of the debt within the time frame specified by him, or, if all possibilities for pre-trial settlement of the dispute have been exhausted, go to court. That's all. You cannot tolerate any threats or blackmail from collectors, banks and other persons, and at the slightest intimidation, you can and even need to file a statement with the police, describing all their illegal actions (threats, calls at inopportune hours, attempts to take your property or even enter your housing).

In any case, if it is not possible to reach an agreement with the creditor in pre-trial proceedings, you should contact specialists in the field of litigation in credit and debt matters. Please note that if you lose the trial, then, according to Article 61 of the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, in the aftermath (for example, if you remember something or find something in the contract that was previously ignored) you will not be able to apply for a review of the case in a court.

What to prepare for if a creditor goes to court

1. Immediately upon filing a claim, the creditor may send a petition to the judge to secure the claim. And if the petition is granted, the bailiffs will be fully entitled to describe and, if necessary, seize your property before the court makes a decision on the merits of the claims.

2. After the lender wins the case, the bailiff will be able to evaluate your property, for which he can invite an independent expert, after which all that remains is to foreclose on your property and sell it. Moreover, the valuation and sale of property is carried out at the expense of the debtor.

If the bailiff does not know where your property is located, he will be able to carry out a search using all the methods available to him, and he, in fact, has a lot of methods. For example, the executor simply needs to contact Rosreestr and other registration authorities and they will immediately provide him with complete information about what property is registered in the debtor’s name. If the debtor can still try to hide the car (and many do this successfully), then it will not be possible to hide the apartment. Unless you manage to donate (sell) it to your relative or other person before the creditor goes to court, and then only if the apartment was not under collateral.

However, you need to understand the following: even if the creditor initiates enforcement proceedings, no one will immediately take away your apartment. First, the bailiff will ask you to pay off the debt voluntarily. Moreover, it is not necessary to pay everything at once - you can agree to return the money in installments.

If you refuse to repay the debt voluntarily, then further collection will be carried out in a certain order:

First, the bailiff will check the funds in your accounts, deposits, and deposits in banks and collect them. Moreover, first in rubles, and in their absence or insufficiency - in foreign currency.

If you are officially employed and have wages, the bailiff can collect it. This is possible if the writ of execution contains a requirement for you to pay regular payments and (or) if an amount of no more than ten thousand rubles is collected. In this case, no more than fifty percent of wages and other income can be withheld. If you do not have money or do not have enough to fully repay the debt, then in this case the bailiff can foreclose on your property or property rights. At the same time, you yourself can indicate which property is better to recover, for example, in order not to lose an apartment, you can give a car to pay off the debt.

They can only collect the apartment that you own, that is, privatized. If your apartment belongs not only to you, but also to other persons (on the right of common ownership), then they can recover your share. This is a danger for those who live in the same apartment with the debtor: for example, his parents, wife (husband), children. If the bailiff forecloses on the debtor's share in privatized housing, then this share may go to the creditor. That is, an outsider will begin to own part of the apartment.

In what cases can you lose your apartment for debts?

Many of us know that it is impossible to deprive us of our only home, even for debts. And this is indeed partly true. In accordance with Article 446 of the Civil Procedure Code, it is impossible to recover housing or part of it if for the debtor and members of his family living with the debtor in his apartment (house), this premises is the only one suitable for permanent residence. Moreover, the single place of residence means either the only property owned, or the apartment in which the debtor is registered (registered). That is, even if a person currently lives in a rented apartment, or in the apartment of his husband (wife), or in any other place, but does not live in his personal home, this still cannot become a basis for applying for his only apartment (house) foreclosure or eviction from it. However, the same article provides an exception. Housing can be withdrawn if it was purchased under a mortgage agreement and is secured.

In addition, a person can be evicted if he lives in a non-privatized apartment (under a social tenancy agreement) and has more than six months of debt in payment for housing and utilities. In this case, tenants can be evicted for debts, but not to the street, but to another housing, the size of which coincides with the size of the premises established for moving in citizens (Article 90 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation).

What problems may arise for relatives living with the debtor?

Considering the possibility of legislation to evict a debtor or deprive him of his share in an apartment, it turns out that it is best to privatize your only home in advance in order to protect yourself from possible eviction. This is especially true for family members of the debtor, who may lose their apartment for the debts of their relative. Therefore, privatization can be a good way to protect yourself and your share in real estate. As for the property in the apartment in which the debtor relative lives together, a problem may also arise here, since if the bailiffs come to the house, they may not even figure out where whose property is, but will confiscate all things of value . In this case, you can proceed as follows:

  • write a statement to the creditor (bailiff) stating that the debtor (your relative) does not currently live in the apartment and does not have his own personal belongings;
  • find receipts and documents for all valuable property in the apartment in order to be able to confirm your ownership of it;
  • remove the debtor’s property, if such property exists, to a separate room (room);
  • allow bailiffs into the apartment only if the executor has written permission from the senior bailiff to enter the debtor’s residential premises.

What to do to avoid losing your apartment for debts

First, of course, contact a lawyer who will study the documents and give competent advice based on the individual characteristics of your case.

Secondly, you need to show to the last that you are, in fact, ready to pay your debts, you are simply in straitened circumstances and cannot (for objective reasons) pay off all the money at once. If you are ready to pay the funds in stages, the court (or bailiff) will meet you halfway and give you the opportunity to pay off the debt in installments and will not take away any property.

Thirdly, if the debt is clearly disproportionate to the cost of the apartment, then it will not be taken away from you either. That is, if the debt is twenty to thirty percent of the cost of housing, then no one will foreclose on your apartment and you don’t have to worry about this. But if the debt is seventy percent of the cost of housing, in this case you should work harder and bring the debt to at least fifty percent and then you most likely will not lose the apartment.

In general, it should be noted that it is very difficult to evict from an apartment, or even more so to impose a penalty on it, and there are not many such cases in Russia. In order to verify this, it is enough to go to the website of the Federal Bailiff Service and look at the lists of seized property that is being sold for debts in certain regions (subjects of the Russian Federation). And it turns out that, for example, in the Leningrad region there is no such property at all. And in Karelia, only five apartments were put up for sale, four of which were pledged for a loan and only one was not pledged. And in Moscow there are twenty-one such apartments in the entire city, and only two of them were not under collateral. In other words, the apartment can, in principle, be repossessed for debts, but such chances are minimal. And if you turn to an experienced lawyer for help, the costs are completely insignificant.

But when you are absolutely sure that neither you nor your close relatives have any debts, then you just need to understand the situation, namely, check yours and the debts of your close relatives (parents, children, brothers and sisters) on the website bailiffs, and also go to the bank and ask for a bank account statement to verify what exactly the money was written off for, unless, of course, your own searches for debts on the bailiffs’ website did not bring success. Also, it would be a good idea to contact the bailiffs themselves for information, namely directly to the contractor, if, of course, the necessary information has not yet been obtained either independently or from the bank. As they say, whoever seeks will always find, which means that you will still receive information on your debts sooner or later.

Bailiffs withdrew money from a bank card

Features of withdrawing money from a Sberbank card for debts Withdrawing money from a Sberbank card can occur in the following cases:

  1. Debt on bank loans (without collateral and property collateral).
  2. Failure to pay a fine (for example, for drinking alcohol in a public place).
  3. Debts to utility services for housing and communal services.
  4. Accumulation of arrears in alimony payments.
  5. Customs duties (for example, for registering an imported car).

But don’t panic if the fine is 100 or 500 rubles.
In this case, withdrawing money from the card is unlikely. When bailiffs seize part of the debtor's wages, it should be remembered that the maximum amount is 50% of the monthly amount.

Bailiffs do not have the right to withhold more than half of the salary.

Can bailiffs withdraw money from a salary card without warning?

If you don’t have a payment receipt, then in principle an account statement can help, if, of course, you paid using a card.
In general, in order to prove that you have no debt, you first need evidence that you have paid the fine or debt; for this we will use:

  1. Payment receipts;
  2. Account statements if you paid by card;
  3. Certificates of absence of debt;
  4. Other payment documents.

If you do not have any payment documents, then all you have to do is contact the traffic police (or another body to which you had a debt, specified in the resolution on enforcement proceedings) and from this body receive a certificate confirming the absence of debt.

This certificate will be useful to you to confirm payment of the fine.

Do bailiffs have the right to withdraw all money from a salary card?

But the procedure for conducting enforcement proceedings must be observed:

  • sending to the debtor a notice of initiation of enforcement proceedings indicating the period for voluntary fulfillment of obligations;
  • after the expiration of the period for voluntary repayment of the debt, the bailiff issues a decision on the application of coercive measures, including forced collection of property.

First of all, the bailiffs seize available funds, that is, cash and non-cash funds of the debtor.

Money can be stored in debit accounts or electronic wallets.

The law even allows for the possibility of writing off credit funds from cards. First of all, bailiffs send requests to all major banks of the Russian Federation in order to search for the debtor’s accounts.


After receiving a response, they prepare a foreclosure resolution.

What bailiffs can take for credit debts

Therefore, if you still work for your uncle and pay your taxes honestly and at the same time complain that the bailiffs are annoying you, then you definitely need to develop in terms of receiving unofficial income, and this is better for you and for your wallet , if you start doing this right now! Invest! Figure it out! Study the information! And remember that no one will help you with money if you don’t help yourself with it! How to save and protect your money from withdrawals? Where to store money so that no one can withdraw it except you? To ensure that no one can withdraw your money at any time without your knowledge, you need to get used to using offshore cards and services, which, by the way, have existed for many years, but for some reason you have not yet become their active clients, instead using regular bank cards issued by the banks themselves in the country.

The bailiffs withdrew money from the card without warning


In general, after the initiation of enforcement proceedings against you, the bailiff at your place of registration or last known place of residence must send you a copy of the decision to initiate enforcement proceedings against you.

But often such decisions are not sent and the debtor does not know that the bailiffs have started a case against him.

Just such a resolution will indicate on the basis of which executive document the enforcement proceedings were initiated and who the claimant is.

Demand that the bailiff in charge of your enforcement proceedings issue you this resolution.
After this, you will know who the debtor is and for what reason (what debt, or fine).
If you see that the fine is old and you paid it, then in theory you should have kept a payment receipt or other payment document.