What is exit collection? Is the Sberbank field collection team coming? Will I have to pay off the debt?

Even if the thugs come

then don't open the door, call 02

They will be delivered and everything will be described in detail. Neither bankers, nor even collectors can force you to pay, they have no authority, and if they threaten, extort, insult, then based on the fact of threats, extortion, etc., you can file a complaint with the Police or the Prosecutor's Office. Officials of the Federal Bailiff Service of Russia (Bailiffs) can enforce the Court's decision, and this is still far away, but if it comes to court, they can not seize all the property in accordance with Article 446 of the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation.

For information:

Article 14.8 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offences. Violation of other consumer rights 1. Violation of the consumer’s right to receive necessary and reliable information about the product (work, service) being sold, about the manufacturer, about the seller, about the performer and about the mode of their work - entails a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine on officials in the amount of five hundred to one thousand rubles; for legal entities - from five thousand to ten thousand rubles. 2. Inclusion in a contract of conditions that infringe upon the rights of the consumer established by law - entails the imposition of an administrative fine on officials in the amount of one thousand to two thousand rubles; for legal entities - from ten thousand to twenty thousand rubles. 3. Failure to provide a consumer with benefits and advantages established by law - entails the imposition of an administrative fine on officials in the amount of five hundred to one thousand rubles; for legal entities - from five thousand to ten thousand rubles.

Article 333 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Reduction of the penalty If the penalty payable is clearly disproportionate to the consequences of the violation of the obligation, the court has the right to reduce the penalty. The rules of this article do not affect the debtor’s right to reduce the amount of his liability on the basis of Article 404 of this Code and the creditor’s right to compensation for losses in cases provided for in Article 394 of this Code.

Article 10 of the Federal Law "On the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation". Consideration and resolution of applications, complaints and other appeals in the prosecutor's office 1. The prosecutor's office, in accordance with their powers, resolves statements, complaints and other appeals containing information about violations of laws. The decision made by the prosecutor does not prevent a person from going to court to protect his rights. A decision on an appeal against a sentence, decision, determination and order of the court can only be appealed to a higher prosecutor. 2. Applications, complaints and other appeals received by the prosecutor's office are considered in the manner and within the time limits established by federal legislation. 3. The response to an application, complaint or other appeal must be motivated. If the application or complaint is refused, the applicant must be explained the procedure for appealing the decision, as well as the right to go to court, if provided by law. 4. The prosecutor, in accordance with the procedure established by law, takes measures to bring to justice persons who have committed offenses. 5. It is prohibited to forward a complaint to the body or official whose decisions or actions are being appealed.

The financial crisis and the resulting increase in overdue payments on bank loans have a number of consequences. Today, many debtors know about Sberbank’s mobile collection group firsthand. Let’s figure out what kind of group this is, what its responsibilities are, and whether this entity has a legal basis.

The Federal Law does not provide for situations in which a credit institution would have the right to pursue a policy of intimidation in relation to insolvent clients. However, this is what bank representatives do during on-site collection. This activity is similar to the practice of collection agencies, with the difference that the work is carried out by the bank’s security service.

The actions of the collection team are limited to interaction with the client during telephone communication or direct contact. Can psychological pressure be exerted on the client through threats, harsh demands and rude behavior? Let's look further.

Should we be afraid of this?

There is no legal basis for such activities. Disagreements and friction between the lender and the borrower must be resolved in court. A citizen has every right to contact the police if, during a visit, bank representatives try to illegally enter his private property. Other actions of this structure are also unlawful, especially those taken in a rude and harsh form.

If the on-site collection team from Sberbank tries to contact the debtor, he can ignore calls and not open the front door. As a last resort, it is permissible to film illegal attempts at pressure by group representatives. The presence of such evidence will instill additional confidence when contacting law enforcement agencies.

Will I have to pay off the debt?

The debt will still have to be paid. The illegality of the influence does not mean the absence of obligations on the part of the borrower. After the withdrawal of the on-site collection team, the bank may go to court, demanding the return of the debt amount and payment of interest and late fees.

These claims are quite legitimate and will most likely be satisfied by the court. If there is further failure to comply with the court decision, the case will be transferred to the bailiff service, operating within the framework of the law.


Debt collection by Sberbank with the help of visiting teams has no legal basis and does not pose a danger to the debtor. However, the procedure itself is quite unpleasant. In addition, by recalling the security officers, the credit institution may resort to legal measures to collect debt from the unscrupulous borrower. As a result, the loan will have to be repaid with the payment of an additional amount in the form of a fine. Therefore, it is wiser to cooperate with the bank servicing the loan, jointly developing ways out of the difficult situation.

If you have encountered unlawful actions on the part of the bank, write about it below!

Tip 1

Record conversations

Federal Law of July 3, 2016 N 230-FZ "On the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of individuals when carrying out activities to repay overdue debts and on amendments to the Federal Law "On microfinance activities and microfinance organizations" (or, as it is commonly called , "Law on Collectors") strictly regulates the rules of communication between collectors and debtors.

According to the law, collectors or employees of the collection department of a bank or microfinance organization have no right:

  • use physical force against debtors;
  • threaten to kill or cause harm to health;
  • humiliate the honor and dignity of the debtor;
  • threaten criminal liability;
  • “paint the walls” at the debtor’s entrance;
  • Post leaflets or otherwise distribute information about debt.

The law is quite young and is not always observed by employees of collection agencies. Therefore, we recommend recording conversations with debt collectors. And in case of incorrect communication with you, immediately complain to the Federal Bailiff Service of Russia. To do this, just register on the official website http://fssprus.ru/ and send a complaint through the “Online Reception” section, attaching documents confirming violations of the law by the collectors. This will help the law to work in full force.

Tip 2

Ask to introduce yourself

Collectors are required to introduce themselves before starting a conversation. You are required to provide: full name; job title; Name of the organization; clarify on what basis they are dealing with your debt. There can be two options: an agency agreement with the bank that issued the loan to you, or an assignment agreement with the same bank. In the first case, the loan debt remains owned by the bank; collectors are only hired to provide debt collection services. In the second case, your debt was transferred from the bank to collectors, i.e. You no longer owe the bank anything; all interaction will now be only with collectors.

If they refuse to provide you with the above information, do not hesitate to say: “Sorry, but without this information I see no point in continuing the conversation, because... It’s not clear who you are and what you need from me.” If calls of a similar nature continue to arrive, you need to contact law enforcement agencies, having previously recorded the telephone conversation. This is nothing more than extortion - an article of the criminal code.

Tip 3

Request a document confirming the authority of the collection agency

Ask to send an agency agreement or assignment agreement to your address by registered mail (depending on what method of cooperation is used between the bank and the collection agency), in order to make sure that the caller or visitor has any authority to communicate with you regarding your debt. Until you have documentary evidence, you can safely end the conversation with the phrase: “Unfortunately, I do not have documentary evidence of your authority. Therefore, I consider the conversation pointless.”

Tip 4

Tone of voice

There is no universal formula here, because... Each person is individual. But try to turn off anxiety as much as possible, turn on indifference and communicate calmly. To all attacks and psychological pressure addressed to you, respond just as calmly and clearly, do not get worked up, because... in the process of communication, collectors are looking for your weak points, and if you change your tone to a nervous one, for them it will be a sign of “hitting the target.”

Get help from a loan lawyer

Tip 5

Explain the reason for the lack of payments

If the creditor calls you for the first time, briefly explain your situation, as a result of which you cannot pay the loan. It is clear that often collectors are not interested in your arguments; their task is to receive payment as soon as possible. But in the future, if the calls begin to be too frequent, you can refer to the fact that you have already explained the situation and do not want to repeat the same thing 50 times.

Tip 6

Model answers

The conversation between collectors follows certain templates (sets of standard phrases), so if you don’t have money to pay the loan, and you understand that your arguments about losing your job and the inability to pay off loans are not interesting to your interlocutor, and the purpose of his calls and visits is simply you “ to get sick of it”, also answer with the most standard short phrases: “yes”, “no”, “hardly”, “I’ll try”, “I don’t refuse to pay, there’s no way now”, “I don’t know”, “I know”, “from me it doesn’t depend”, “it’s your right”, etc.

Here is a typical conversation between a debt collector and a borrower:

This question is answered by the Plenum of the Supreme Arbitration Court No. 42 of July 12, 2012. The text of the plenum is difficult to understand, but its essence is as follows:

Collector: Will you pay on the 25th or 26th?

You: Don't know.

Collector: Who knows?

You: I don’t refuse to pay, there’s no way now!

Collector (in a raised tone): WHEN WILL SHE APPEAR?!

You (calmly): I can not know.


You: No. No possibility now!


You: Don't know.

Tip 7

Without a piece of paper - you're a bug

During the conversation, you may often be offered various options for partial “debt write-off” and suspension of the accrual of penalties and fines. This, in principle, is the correct approach on the part of banks and collectors, but often they use such tricks simply to get some amount from you. Here are real examples: “Pay 10,000 by tomorrow, and we will not transmit information about your delinquency to the credit history bureau,” or “Pay 20,000 by the 20th, and I will forgive you 50,000,” etc. In the first case, the claimant is clearly disingenuous, because information in the credit history bureau is received automatically, and an ordinary employee cannot influence this in any way (more details about credit histories in the corresponding article). In the second case, the phrase “I will forgive” immediately confuses him; maybe he will forgive, but the bank?! Therefore, if you are ready to make any concessions in a conversation, ask to document this in the form of an additional agreement to the loan agreement. Without a signed document, these are just words...

Tip 8

Send claimants to court

If you understand that in the next month or two you will not be able to restore payments according to schedule, and your small payments do not reduce the debt, but on the contrary continue to grow. In court, there is a chance that the loan agreement will be terminated. In this case, the debt will be fixed (more details in the article), you will be able to reduce penalties and fines. Although callers really don’t like these words, do not hesitate to say: “At the moment, the best option for you and me would be to go to court. And according to the court’s decision, I will pay the bailiffs,” or “Unfortunately, the payments that are feasible for me now do not lead to a reduction in the debt, so I see no point in paying to nowhere. It’s better for you to go to court, according to which I will continue to pay.” And don’t listen to the collectors’ arguments that things will only get worse in court, that all legal costs will be borne by you, and that the debt will increase significantly. The debt in court is often greatly reduced, and most importantly, it is fixed (if the loan agreement is terminated by the Court), “the counter stops.”

Get protection from debt collectors for free

Tip 9

Be as prepared as possible for the conversation

At your disposal are the vast expanses of the Internet and our resource, thanks to which you can hold back any onslaught from collectors and bank collection services absolutely free of charge. If you find yourself in a difficult situation and can no longer pay your loans, read our website from cover to cover, and we are sure that you will find answers to all your questions and will be able to independently develop a strategy for behavior and getting out of debt. We do not recommend resorting to the services of anti-collectors and all kinds of financial protection at the stage of communication with collectors, because collectors will only be angered by the fact that you found money to pay for the services of third-party organizations, but do not pay them any money. Read more in the articles: “Anti-collectors”, Law firms: how not to buy air?.

Using our advice in conversations with debt collectors, you will create the image of an impenetrable, competent client and, with an understanding of the futility of “standard tricks,” will push you to quickly transfer the case to court. And after receiving a court decision, if the debts are unbearable, you will be able to “write off” them through the procedure

1. I have the following question. I had to pay on the 16th of this month, 2300 rubles. to Alfa Bank for a consumer loan, but did not pay because I don't have any money. On the 17th, a robot from Alfa Bank called me and gave me a choice of payment days from 1 to 3 days, I chose 3 days. As a result, I couldn’t pay because... I still don't have any money. Today is the 21st, they called me from Alfa Bank, from the collections department and asked why I promised to pay and did not pay my debt, to which I replied that before that a robot called me from their bank and I could only choose a maximum of 3 days, but I still don’t have the money to pay off my consumer loan. To which the girl on the other end of the line told me that they give me until the 24th to pay off the loan myself or reborrow from someone else, otherwise they promised to charge me the entire amount of my debt, which is 100,000 rubles. Before this, I had a debt restructuring done on 2 of my consumer loans with them. In this case, if I don’t have money to pay the loan on the 24th, can they charge me the full amount of debt and involve their bank’s field team? Before this, I had payment arrears, to the point of contacting the bank and their collection agency, but I had already paid off all these debts and tried to pay regularly, but this month, unfortunately, I was not able to pay on time. Thanks in advance for your answer.

Lawyer Khokhlacheva K.I., 42 replies, 21 reviews, online since 09.14.2018
1.1. Good afternoon. Such a condition must be specified in the loan agreement or restructuring agreement. Most often it is there, and the Bank has the right, under certain circumstances, to demand a refund of the full amount. However, the arrears that are accumulating are not interesting to any bank. If you do not have the money to repay the loan, but you do not want difficulties, contact the bank personally and ask to consider the issue of restructuring, explaining the circumstances.

2. I received a letter from KEF LLC stating that I have a debt to Sberbank in the amount of 36.386 rubles under an agreement dated November 25, 2014, in order to avoid negative consequences, I need to pay the debt within 3 days
In case of non-payment of the debt, an employee of the Field Collection Department of KEF LLC will conduct a personal inspection at the address of residence or work on 10.24.2019

Checking myself by name in the FSSP, I discovered that my enforcement case was terminated on May 31, 2019, Article 46, Part 1, Clause 3

What are my actions?

Lawyer Kashapov R.Z., 12573 answers, 6629 reviews, on the site from 05/28/2014
2.1. Hello Nastya
Next time, send the employees of KEF LLC to court, let them prove the validity of their claims in court.

2.2. Nastya, the problem is that the writ of execution can be presented again.
You need to contact the bailiffs to clarify this issue.
After you find out who issued the writ of execution, you need to obtain a judicial act from the court and consider the possibility of appealing it.
There are these options:
- a court order, you must receive it and submit an application for its cancellation on the basis of Art. 128, 129 Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, within 10 days from the date of receipt, if necessary, with restoration of the period in order Art. 112 Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation
- a court decision in absentia, it must be received and an application for its cancellation must be submitted within 7 days
A court decision in absentia is subject to cancellation if the court determines that the defendant’s failure to appear at the court hearing was caused by valid reasons that he was unable to inform the court in a timely manner, and the defendant refers to circumstances and presents evidence that may affect the content of the court decision. ( Art. 242 Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation)
- a court decision not made in absentia
In this case, it is necessary to appeal it on appeal (Articles 320, 321 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation), with the restoration of the period for appeal ( Art. 112 Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation). You must go to court with an appeal and an application to restore the deadline no later than a month from the day you officially learned about the court decision (for example, you received it in your hands)
You can contact one of the lawyers who responded to you.

Beware of intrusive calls from unidentified persons with persistent invitations to supposedly “free legal consultations.” There is nothing free there, except for voicing inflated prices, and most likely you won’t see lawyers at these “consultations” either :)

Lawyer Sadykov I.F., 49436 answers, 26528 reviews, on the site from 10/11/2017
2.3. An employee of the “field department” has no right to enter your home! You don’t even have to let him in the door. If they have the right to claim under an agreement with Sberbank, then let them act through the FSSP since there is already a court decision that has entered into legal force regarding this debt ( Article 13 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation).

If this is a completely different debt for which there was no trial, then send them to court and do not recognize the debt, so as not to restore the statute of limitations for new claims, which, apparently, has expired, taking into account the year of the debt. If they go to court, then declare the application of the limitation period (Article 199 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

Lawyer Mingazov Yu.S., 47110 answers, 14033 reviews, on the site since December 24, 2009
2.4. These are all horror stories of collectors, in this way they are trying to intimidate, the collector has no rights to come to you, much less visit your apartment, describe the property, etc., the only thing they can do is write such pieces of paper and call you on the phone.

Federal Law of July 3, 2016 N 230-FZ "On the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of individuals when carrying out activities to repay overdue debts and on amendments to the Federal Law "On microfinance activities and microfinance organizations"

The law defines the general rules for carrying out actions aimed at repaying debts, and establishes acceptable methods and restrictions of interaction with the debtor.

It is not allowed to engage in interaction with the debtor:

Persons who have an unexpunged or outstanding conviction for crimes against the person, crimes in the economic sphere or crimes against state power and public safety;

Persons located outside the territory of the Russian Federation to interact with the debtor on the territory of the Russian Federation;

Other persons to interact with the debtor using internationally.

Lawyer Popov P. E., 5769 answers, 2882 reviews, on the site from 05/26/2019
2.5. [b] Nastya!
Since the enforcement case was terminated on May 31, 2019, Article 46, Part 1, Clause 3, then send this company to court.
If there is a court order, then it must be canceled in order Article 129 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, due to disagreement regarding the procedure for its execution, simultaneously submit a petition, due to missing the deadline for filing an application, in the order Article 112 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation.
When the order is cancelled, submit an application to reverse the execution of the court decision in the order Article 443 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation.
This is if you have paid.
If not paid. The writ of execution can be returned to the bailiffs again in six months for execution.
Good luck!

Lawyer Shabanov N.Yu., 20164 replies, 9653 reviews, on the site from 03.23.2017
2.6. Hello, this is a bluff, no employee of these “Horns and Hooves” has the right to conduct any checks. Only bailiffs can come to your home if enforcement proceedings are initiated to inventory property within the framework of Federal Law dated October 2, 2007 N 229-FZ (as amended on March 6, 2019) “On Enforcement Proceedings,” Article 69. If they still call, send them to three letters, namely, to court. If they suddenly come home, just don’t let them on the doorstep. As for enforcement proceedings, they can be resumed if the claimant again presents a writ of execution for execution.

Lawyer Terentyev V.K., 3200 answers, 2111 reviews, on the site from 01/21/2019
2.7. Good afternoon
File a complaint against the debt collectors with the Office of the Federal Bailiff Service in Moscow.
They will check this letter and hold you accountable if they violated the requirements of the law.
You are not required to let anyone in except the bailiffs. Collectors have authority only for personal interaction and interaction by phone and letters.
Article 18. Federal state control (supervision) over the activities of legal entities engaged in the collection of overdue debts as the main type of activity included in the state register

1. Federal state control (supervision) over the activities of legal entities engaged in the recovery of overdue debts as the main type of activity included in the state register is carried out by the authorized body in accordance with the Federal Law of December 26, 2008 N 294-FZ "On the Protection of rights of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in the exercise of state control (supervision) and municipal control" taking into account the specifics of organizing and conducting inspections established by this Federal Law.
2. The basis for conducting an unscheduled inspection is:
1) expiration of the deadline for the legal entity to comply with the order issued by the authorized body to eliminate the identified violation;
2) receipt by the authorized body of information about facts of violation by a legal entity of the requirements of this Federal Law;
3) receipt by the authorized body of information about facts of non-compliance of a legal entity, its founders (participants), bodies and employees with the requirements established by this Federal Law;
4) the presence of an order (instruction) from the head (deputy head) of the authorized body to conduct an unscheduled inspection, issued in accordance with the instructions of the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation or on the basis of the request of the prosecutor to conduct an unscheduled inspection as part of the supervision of the implementation of laws on those received by the authorities prosecutor's office materials and appeals.
3. Preliminary notification of a legal entity engaged in the collection of overdue debts as the main type of activity included in the state register of an unscheduled on-site inspection on the grounds specified in paragraphs 2 - 4 of part 2 of this article is not allowed.

Article 19. Decisions and orders of the authorized body based on the results of inspections of legal entities engaged in the collection of overdue debts as the main type of activity included in the state register

1. Based on the results of the inspection, the authorized body makes a decision:
1) on issuing an order to eliminate the identified violation, if such a violation is the non-compliance of the legal entity, its founders (participants), bodies and (or) employees with the requirements established by Article 13 of this Federal Law, as well as non-compliance with the duties of the legal entity carrying out return activities overdue debt as the main type of activity included in the state register, provided for in Article 17 of this Federal Law, while there are no grounds provided for in Article 16 of this Federal Law for excluding a legal entity from the state register. The order is subject to execution within the period specified in the order, which cannot be less than thirty working days from the date of receipt of the order;
2) on the exclusion of information about a legal entity from the state register if there are grounds for exclusion of a legal entity from the state register provided for in Article 16 of this Federal Law.
2. A decision or order of the authorized body may be challenged in an arbitration court within three months from the date of the decision or issuance of the order.
3. Filing an application to invalidate a decision or order of an authorized body does not suspend the execution of the decision or order, unless the arbitration court makes a ruling to suspend the execution of the decision or order.

Ch. 3, Federal Law of July 3, 2016 N 230-FZ (as amended on July 26, 2019) “On the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of individuals when carrying out activities to repay overdue debts and on amendments to the Federal Law “On microfinance activities and microfinance organizations” " (Consultant Plus)

Lawyer Parfenov V.N., 140941 answers, 61229 reviews, on the site since 05/23/2013
2.8. You write: an employee of the Field Collection Department of KEF LLC will conduct a personal inspection at your residence or work address on 10/24/2019
The purpose of the visit is to collect and analyze data regarding the property and its condition, to take photographs for the further legal process against me! -this collection office does not have such powers
Such powers are available only in bailiffs - Article 12 of the Federal Law “On Bailiffs” dated July 21, 1997 N 118-FZ (latest edition)
Therefore, if one of the collectors comes to you, do not let anyone into your home. You can call the police in case of extortion of money. Article 163 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
And you can discuss debt repayment issues with debt collectors only if you are presented with a document confirming the re-initiation of enforcement proceedings against you

Federal Law of July 21, 1997 N 118-FZ (as amended on May 1, 2019) “On Bailiffs”
Article 12. Responsibilities and rights of bailiffs
Prospects and risks of litigation. Situations related to Art. 12

ConsultantPlus: note.
From 01/01/2020 in para. 1 clause 1 art. 12 amendments are made (Federal Law dated October 1, 2019 N 328-FZ). See future edition.
1. In the process of forced execution of judicial acts and acts of other bodies provided for by the federal law on enforcement proceedings, the bailiff:
takes measures for the timely, complete and correct execution of executive documents;
provides the parties to the enforcement proceedings (hereinafter referred to as the parties) or their representatives with the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the materials of the enforcement proceedings, make extracts from them, and make copies from them;
considers statements of the parties regarding enforcement proceedings and their petitions, makes appropriate decisions, explaining the deadlines and procedure for appealing them;
is obliged to recuse himself if he is interested in the course of enforcement proceedings or there are other circumstances that raise doubts about his impartiality;
receives and processes personal data, provided that they are necessary for the timely, complete and correct execution of executive documents, to the extent necessary for this;
(paragraph introduced by Federal Law dated July 27, 2010 N 213-FZ)
announces a search for the debtor under a writ of execution, his property, or a search for a child under a writ of execution containing a demand for the removal or transfer of a child, the procedure for communicating with a child, a demand for the return of a child illegally transferred to the Russian Federation or detained in the Russian Federation or for enforcement in relation to such the child's rights of access on the basis of an international treaty of the Russian Federation, and carries out such a search in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;
(paragraph introduced by Federal Law dated December 3, 2011 N 389-FZ, as amended by Federal Law dated May 5, 2014 N 126-FZ)

carries out interstate search of persons in accordance with international treaties of the Russian Federation and interaction on issues of interstate search with the competent authorities of foreign states in the manner prescribed by international treaties of the Russian Federation;
(paragraph introduced by Federal Law dated 01.05.2019 N 97-FZ)
ConsultantPlus: note.
From 01/01/2020 in para. 9 clause 1 art. 12 amendments are made (Federal Law dated October 1, 2019 N 328-FZ). See future edition.
Carry out, on the basis of a judicial act in a civil case, a search for a citizen - defendant and (or) a child in the manner established by the federal executive body exercising the functions of legal regulation in the field of ensuring the established procedure for the activities of courts and the execution of judicial acts and acts of other bodies;
(paragraph introduced by Federal Law dated 03/08/2015 N 57-FZ)
carries out proceedings on cases of administrative offenses in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation on administrative offenses;
(as amended by Federal Law dated March 12, 2014 N 34-FZ)
(see text in the previous edition)
when identifying signs of a crime, draws up a report about it and sends it to the head of the inquiry body (senior bailiff) for making a decision in the manner established by criminal procedure legislation.
(paragraph introduced by Federal Law dated March 12, 2014 N 34-FZ)
2. The bailiff has the right:
receive the necessary information when carrying out enforcement actions, including personal data, explanations and certificates;
(as amended by Federal Law dated July 27, 2010 N 213-FZ)
(see text in the previous edition)
check with employers the execution of enforcement documents for debtors working for them and the maintenance of financial documentation for the execution of these documents;
give citizens and organizations participating in enforcement proceedings instructions on the implementation of specific enforcement actions;
enter premises and storage facilities occupied by debtors or belonging to them, inspect said premises and storage facilities, if necessary, open them, and also, based on a ruling of the relevant court, perform the specified actions in relation to premises and storage facilities occupied by other persons or belonging to them;
arrest, seize, transfer for storage and sell seized property, with the exception of property withdrawn from circulation in accordance with the law;
seize funds and other valuables of the debtor located in accounts, deposits or storage in banks and other credit organizations in the amount specified in the executive document;
use non-residential premises with the consent of the owner for temporary storage of seized property, assign the responsibility for its storage to the relevant persons, use the transport of the claimant or debtor to transport property with expenses charged to the debtor;
(as amended by Federal Law dated August 22, 2004 N 122-FZ)
(see text in the previous edition)
if the provisions of the writ of execution, the method and procedure for its execution are unclear, apply to the court, another body or the official who issued the writ of execution with a request to clarify the method and procedure for its execution;

(see text in the previous edition)
announce a search for the debtor, his property or a search for a child;
summon citizens and officials based on executive documents in progress;
when performing enforcement actions, check identity documents from persons participating in enforcement proceedings;
(paragraph introduced by Federal Law dated July 19, 2009 N 194-FZ)
when conducting a search for a debtor, his property, a search for a child (executive search), a search on the basis of a judicial act in a civil case of a citizen - defendant and (or) a child, or an interstate search for persons in accordance with international treaties of the Russian Federation and when interacting on issues of interstate search with competent authorities of foreign states in the manner prescribed by international treaties of the Russian Federation, carry out executive search actions: request operational reference and investigative information from data banks and process personal data necessary for the search, including information about persons and their property, check identification documents of a citizen, if there is reason to believe that he and (or) his property are wanted or he is holding a child who is wanted, carry out identification, interview citizens, make inquiries, study documents, inspect property, inspect premises, buildings, structures, areas of terrain occupied by wanted persons or belonging to them, as well as vehicles belonging to these persons;
(as amended by Federal Law dated May 1, 2019 N 97-FZ)
(see text in the previous edition)
when performing official duties, seek assistance from employees of internal affairs bodies, migration registration bodies, federal security service bodies, bodies authorized in the field of protecting the population and territories from emergency situations, other government bodies, local government bodies, as well as military personnel and employees troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation;
(paragraph introduced by Federal Law dated July 19, 2009 N 194-FZ; as amended by Federal Law dated July 3, 2016 N 227-FZ)
(see text in the previous edition)
perform other actions provided for by the Federal Law “On Enforcement Proceedings”.
(as amended by Federal Law dated July 19, 2009 N 194-FZ)
(see text in the previous edition)

Lawyer Ikaeva M.N., 14632 answers, 6699 reviews, on the site from 03/17/2011
2.9. Hello Nastya

Your enforcement proceedings have not been completed or terminated, but the writ of execution has been returned to the claimant.
This indicates the possibility of resuming enforcement proceedings. You, in turn, have the right to challenge under Article 21 of the Federal Law of October 2, 2007 N 229-FZ (as amended on March 6, 2019) “On Enforcement Proceedings” for the expiration of the statute of limitations. If the 3-year deadline for debt collection is missed, then all actions must be stopped, and in your case the deadline has been missed. Therefore, you can ignore all these letters from KEF as nothing else

Article 46. Return of the writ of execution to the claimant after the initiation of enforcement proceedings
Prospects and risks of litigation. Situations related to Art. 46

1. The writ of execution, according to which the recovery was not carried out or was made partially, is returned to the claimant:
1) at the request of the claimant;
2) if it is impossible to execute an executive document obliging the debtor to perform certain actions (to refrain from performing certain actions), the possibility of execution of which has not been lost;
3) if it is impossible to establish the location of the debtor, his property or to obtain information about the availability of funds and other valuables belonging to him in accounts, deposits or storage in banks or other credit organizations, except for cases when this Federal Law provides for a search for the debtor or his property.

2.10. Send KEF LLC a statement of refusal to interact and a statement of withdrawal of consent to the processing of personal data. This is the most effective means of communicating with debt collectors and disseminating information about your debt to third parties. Violation of these statements is subject to administrative liability under Art. 14.57 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. You can also recover compensation for moral damages from collectors.

3. On January 14, 2017 at 7 p.m., scammers stole money from two Bank of Moscow credit cards. With salary and credit. Since November 1, 2016, I have been a non-working pensioner, but for some reason the Bank did not close the overdraft. My personal funds in the amount of 500 rubles were stored on the former salary account. Together with the bank overdraft, this amounted to 13,500 rubles. They were transferred to the MTS phone account. From a credit card of 350,000 rubles, the scammers managed to steal 58,000 rubles, making four purchases of 14,500 each and the money was transferred to the MTS Bank account. All the fraudsters’ actions occurred during a conversation with an employee of the bank’s call center on a separate issue about the availability of funds on the debit card. The employee informed me about the withdrawal of money by fraudsters and blocked the cards. The illegal transaction was not stopped, although the funds were only finally debited on January 16, 2017, according to bank records. A criminal case was opened at the Pechatniki police station, and I was recognized as a victim. The Bank does not recognize documents from the Department of Internal Affairs. Demands the return of money with fines and interest, threatens to sue. Now the collection agency "Everest" is handling the collection. The amount they demand is also much higher than that stolen by the scammers. I am 67 years old, I am a disabled pensioner, I have completely lost my health, I almost never leave the house, I suffered a heart attack, I suffer from bronchial asthma and many other diseases that are indecent to write about, I am in great pain. I have no property other than a TV. My pension is not enough for anything, and I am constantly threatened with court action and forced deduction of 50% of my pension for many years to come. My question to the lawyer is the following: how likely is it that the collectors from Everest will sue or will it not be profitable for them? Still, the problem has many side circumstances, and the salary card was not closed due to VTB’s fault, how can an unemployed person retain the ability to use an overdraft? This confirms the bank’s irresponsibility to the client and careless attitude towards the safety of funds. To be honest, I don’t even understand how this could have happened. And it’s just as impossible to explain things to VTB. Instead of a written response from the Russian Post, my requests receive multiple SMS messages to a phone number with the same content, stating that my question is being considered by them, but the response is taking longer than planned. This continues for several months in a row. Everest apparently has no documents about scammers at all. I offered to bring the papers to their office, but they refused, answering that personal contacts were not provided. Although I received letters about their outdoor events. Sincerely.

Lawyer Karavaitseva E.A., 57,780 answers, 27,414 reviews, on the site since 03/01/2012
3.1. You should not pay money that you did not receive.

Lawyer Sokolov D.G., 142251 answers, 33019 reviews, on the site since November 23, 2008
3.2. The fact is that you gave the scammers access to your accounts and they transferred the money. In this case, it is considered that you received them yourself.
Therefore, I cannot agree with my colleague’s opinion.
Regarding the overdraft, perhaps there is a violation on the part of the bank, and you can challenge the issuance of this amount, but I understand that this is a small amount, and the main amount was stolen from a credit card.
At the moment, we can only hope that the bank or debt collectors will miss the statute of limitations. When and whether they are going to file a lawsuit, I cannot say; it depends on them.
In addition, to find criminals.

Lawyer Frolov I.N., 648 answers, 389 reviews, on the site from 02/19/2018
3.3. Without a trial, it will not be possible to recover money from you. Advice to monitor your mailbox, as you may receive a copy of the claim or a court decision to issue a court order. If there is a court order, it must be canceled. I will dictate a sample application to you in court, or it is available on the stand. In the event of a claim, it is necessary to send an objection to the court and request case materials for study. Perhaps in a criminal case there may be information about the bank’s guilt. And it is necessary to declare a reduction in penalties. It is very profitable for collectors to sue, since you receive a pension, and they will be able to withhold up to 50 percent to pay off the debt if the court decides in their favor. And don’t pay a penny without a court order.

4. There is an overdue loan from Sberbank, they said that my debt has been transferred to a mobile collection group, I am in Novosibirsk, and my registration is in Yakutia, in a village, is there an option that they can come there? And for how long?

Lawyer Anikina N.G., 22444 answers, 10705 reviews, on the site from 09/23/2015
4.1. There is only one option, they can file a claim to terminate the loan agreement and collect payments and interest on them from you.

"How to win a lawsuit against a bank over a loan - a case for 5.6 million rubles."

"How to cancel a court decision in a case of debt collection under a loan agreement"

The second and third articles discuss disputes with VTB and Vostochny Bank. In the near future I will publish the case regarding Sberbank.

If you find it difficult to formulate a question, call the toll-free multi-line phone 8 800 505-91-11 , a lawyer will help you

6. I have 2 loans from the Russian Agricultural Bank, 3 cards each, the contract expired on June 27, 100,000 were not repaid, they write an SMS saying that the documents have been handed over to the mobile collection team, can they come.

Lawyer Cherepanov A. M., 31094 answers, 11231 reviews, on the site from 03/28/2013
6.1. No one except the bailiffs can come to you, and only if there is a corresponding court decision.

7. I need your help.

I have a debt to a microfinance organization
On the 17th they texted me from an unknown number:
Full name
Refusal to pay was recorded. Pay your Internet loan debt URGENTLY, legal. The department prepared an application for the issuance of a court order, an application to the Ministry of Internal Affairs regarding violation of Article 159.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, Articles 310, 810 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, provision of false information about the amount of income.

Next SMS:
A visit to the registration address and place of work by employees of the field department for compulsory collection is scheduled for September 19, 2019. It is not possible to contact you remotely. Call back immediately!

How to react to all this? And are these really collectors?

7.1. How to react? No way

Really collectors? Maybe yes maybe no.

Lawyer Soldat S.V., 3997 answers, 2687 reviews, on the site from 01/22/2018
7.2. Hello Ekaterina! Send to the lender a partial withdrawal of personal data, withdrawal of consent to interact with third parties, refusal to interact (if the delay is more than 4 months), a request for the destruction of personal data that is not necessary for the stated purpose of processing, refusal to execute an agreement on interaction, without acknowledging the debt. Your case will be withdrawn from the collectors, all calls and SMS will stop, both to you and to third parties, no one will come to your home.

Whether or not to communicate with anyone is up to you to decide.

Calls to work and other methods of disseminating information about your debt at your place of work are prohibited by 230-FZ, regardless of the consent of the debtor.

A complaint about unlawful actions of debt collectors must be sent to the FSSP.

In the future, most microfinance organizations will offer you to close the debt on favorable terms, often for the amount they took.

How to get out of the microloan “trap”?

8. Can a Sberbank mobile collection service come to me? If I cooperate with a law firm, calls are forwarded to them; I collect documents for bankruptcy; the bank is most likely aware.

Lawyer Naumov V.A., 2440 answers, 883 reviews, on the site since 04/15/2009
8.1. Alyona!
The bank most likely sold your debt to collectors. This is their way of threatening on-site inspections.
If an assignment agreement has been concluded (“sale of debt”), it is enough for the former creditor (bank) to send a notice of assignment to the debtor.
If the notification is sent by a new creditor, then he must additionally provide the debtor with evidence of the transfer of rights of claim. For example, a copy of the assignment agreement. Otherwise, the debtor will have the right not to fulfill his obligation (clause 1 of Article 385 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), but simply not to allow him into his home and not to communicate with them.
Good luck.

How to reduce the amount of debt on a microloan by 6 or more times - an example from judicial practice

How to win a lawsuit against a bank over a loan

Lawyer Rasputin A.S., 3866 answers, 873 reviews, on the site since 08/20/2009
13.5. A common horror story for collectors.

14. No letters arrived, only an SMS that the bank has the right to send on-site collection officers, but the laws say that first a court decision must be made and there must be a writ of execution. This message was sent from the left number, not the one from which the message from the bank came. "my name, if payment K.E.Sh is not received by 5.08, a refusal is recorded, DEPARTURE from 10:00 (according to Federal Law 230 p. 4) Alirzaeva D.M., accompanied by an employee of the FSSP on Shkolnaya St., 60, for peaceful pre-trial settlement through an inventory of property (in accordance with Federal Law 229)".
Do they have the right to do this or is this just a measure of dealing with debtors?

Lawyer Alekseev A. N., 2626 answers, 1625 reviews, on the site from 03/16/2019
14.1. The bank has the right to send employees to you, but only to serve notice of the debt. Naturally, bailiffs cannot participate in such actions without existing enforcement proceedings based on a court decision.

15. How can I negotiate with them to pay in installments? I owed 2000₽ now I owe 10,000! I live in a rented apartment alone with a 4-year-old child! Representatives of the Field Collection Department of KEF LLC can meet at your place of residence in case of non-payment of debt to WILDON INVESTMENT, 88OO22212O7. KEF LLC. 88002221695

15.1. Hello, Alena!
These are collectors. You may not pay them, but wait until the creditor goes to court.

16. I received an SMS “Your debt has been transferred to the mobile collection group. Please do not leave your locality and stay at home after 18.00 (can they come, and is it legal?

Lawyer Kozlov S.S., 2577 answers, 1447 reviews, on the site from 05/02/2019
16.1. Hello! No illegal. This limits your freedom of movement. Such restrictions can only be imposed by a court. It is advisable that one of the lawyers on the site help you draw up a letter to the source of the SMS with a demand to stop illegal actions, and a statement to the prosecutor’s office - on the basis of Art. 10 Federal Law on the Prosecutor's Office - the prosecutor will respond.

Lawyer Shvarts A.Ya., 52 replies, 21 reviews, online since 07/24/2019
16.2. Good afternoon, anyone can come to you, but they have no right to enter your house (apartment). Whether you let them in or not is your right. By and large, they will come to you to simply inform you that you have a debt, nothing more.

Lawyer E. S. Demeneva, 1637 answers, 769 reviews, on the site from 08/09/2018
16.3. Valentina, this is a common “intimidation” scheme to get you to pay off your debts.
There are NO legal grounds for creditors to demand this.
Therefore, you are NOT obligated to:
1. Stay at home at a certain time
2. Let creditors into your home.

How to reduce the amount of debt on a microloan by 6 or more times - an example from judicial practice

How to win a lawsuit against a bank over a loan

20. Unfortunately, you ignored Alfa-Bank’s demands to repay the overdue debt within the specified time frame.
In this regard, Alfa-Bank has the right to demand from you an early repayment of the entire loan amount with the remuneration due on the basis of Article 811, paragraph 2 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. In addition, if you fail to comply with the requirements, Alfa-Bank may resort to enforcement measures through the court. If enforcement proceedings are initiated under your contract, you risk not only harming your financial reputation, but you will also have to pay additional costs associated with securing a legal claim. It is in your best interests to change the current situation and pay the required amount of overdue debt within the specified time frame! Send a reply message with your current mobile phone number, at which a credit inspector will contact you shortly.
This message was sent to me from Alpha Bank. And the problem is that I cannot deposit such an amount of 100,000 thousand at once. I have two agreements for two credit cards that give this amount. Today the documents were handed over to a field collection specialist. I receive child benefits on my Alpha Bank salary card and they write them off. And today they wrote it off too. Although they need the full amount. The man said that I would reduce the amount. I want to know how I can get them to make one contract and I will pay a certain amount every month?

Lawyer Shpak E. Yu., 135 answers, 52 reviews, on the site from 08/12/2015
20.1. Apply for restructuring, outline your situation and your proposed solution. As for the benefit, please indicate separately that this benefit does not belong to you, but is paid to the child. Of course, banks often ignore requests from borrowers, but it’s worth a try; with a persistent and competent approach, they may make concessions. The main thing is to record all requests and communicate with the bank in writing. You can write a letter to the bank's head office.

How to reduce the amount of debt on a microloan by 6 or more times - an example from judicial practice

How to win a lawsuit against a bank over a loan

28. I had a debt for quick money. Now they have transferred my case to RSV. I paid them once. agreed on an installment plan. But I can’t pay because I don’t work. I received an SMS: Employees of the Mobile Collection Department of RSV LLC can arrange a meeting at your place of residence in case of non-payment of the debt.
What does it mean? Do they have the right? What to do in such a situation?

Lawyer Buimova M.S., 3776 answers, 1731 reviews, on the site from 08/08/2014
28.1. 1. in 99% of cases, such SMS is a method of psychological pressure
2. but they have the right to come to your home and talk
3. If you don’t want to communicate, you can simply not open the door, and you’ll be absolutely right
4. if you talk, ask to introduce yourself, show your identification card, a power of attorney from the RSV, and also documents confirming the transfer of your debt from fast money to the RSV. Only after the presentation of these documents is a constructive dialogue possible.

Lawyer Kukovyakin V.N., 10334 answers, 6741 reviews, on the site from 11/16/2017
28.2. Hello, Natalia!
They have no right to come to your home. Moreover, you can generally contact them with a statement about refusing to interact with collectors. Then they won’t even be able to call or write to you. When calling, tell them that you will resolve all issues only in court.

29. Today they called from the debt collection service, freedom from debt. I am 28 days past due on my debt. They said that if the money is not received by 15:00 today, then a visiting team will go to the registration address. What to do?

Lawyer Pitnichenko A. Yu., 2739 answers, 1896 reviews, on the site since 12/20/2013
29.1. Obviously, don't let the visiting team in. They are not bailiffs and do not have the right to describe the property. Only bailiffs have such powers.

30. Today I received 2 letters from collectors EVEREST, the same letters, they say allegedly on the 16th and 18th a visiting commission is being prepared for collection, I will attach these letters, I heard that no commission from collectors can be charged with collection by bailiffs, not collectors, and not courts It was this EVEREST FOR THE THIRD TIME FOR ME IN A MONTH AND LEAVES I don’t understand BANK OTP WHY ISN’T GOING TO COURT DOESN’T WANT TO FOLLY ON MY CARD THE BASIC DEBT IS 45,000 AND THE INTEREST RULES UP ON THE PROGRESS OF THE MAIN IS SMALL AND THEY DO NOT FILE AND ANOTHER CARD D NO DISCLAIMER FOR MANY YEARS THEY ARE THROWN TO THE COLLECTORS AND ALL THE QUESTION IS A COMIC EXISTS OR A SCARY.

Lawyer Karavaitseva E.A., 57,780 answers, 27,414 reviews, on the site since 03/01/2012
30.1. These commissions are structural departments of the organization involved in debt collection. By and large, it is like the legal department of a private office. Such commissions (departments) do not have any powers of independent enforcement. You can safely refuse to contact these people and not open the door to them. Only the Federal Bailiff Service has the powers of enforcement in accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On the Bailiff Service”.