Regulations on the procedure for professional certification of specialists in the field of pricing and estimate regulation in construction. Professional certification of estimators How to prepare for estimator certification

LLC CENTER FOR CONSTRUCTION CONSULTING (License of the Moscow Department of Education No. 036713 dated October 29, 2015) has been conducting professional certification of specialists in the field of pricing and estimate regulation in construction since June 1, 2016.

Certification is carried out to confirm the professional competence of specialists in the field of pricing and estimate regulation in construction, confirming their knowledge and skills.

Based on the results of certification, the applicant is issued:

1. Professional certificate;

The issued certificate is entered into the official register.

Cost of full-time certification

5,000 rub.

Requirements for specialists for admission to certification:

  1. Availability of higher or secondary vocational education;
  2. Work experience in construction – 5 years;
  3. Minimum 2 years of experience in pricing;
  4. Completion of advanced training courses in the field of pricing and shift rationing in construction in the amount of at least 72 academic hours over the last 5 (five) years.

To be admitted to the exam, a specialist must provide the following documents:

  1. Certificate applicant's application;
  2. A copy of a diploma of higher or secondary vocational education;
  3. A copy of the work book;
  4. A copy of the document on advanced training*.

* To confirm advanced training, the following may be provided:

  • certificate (certificate) of advanced training (according to the program for at least 72 hours);
  • Diploma of professional retraining.

In order to prepare for passing the exam, the Training Center LLC "CENTER SK" conducts additional classes:

If the applicant does not have a document on advanced training over the last 5 (five) years, the Training Center LLC "CENTER SK" can take advanced training courses in the following programs:

Course name


Estimate matter. Theory of pricing and estimate rationing in construction. Preparation of estimate documentation using the PC “Smeta.RU”

From January 1, 2020, mandatory certification will be introduced for all experts who sign opinions on estimate documentation. This was announced at the IV All-Russian Congress of Expertise by Vasily Antonov, Deputy Director of the Department of Permitting and Control of the Ministry of Construction of Russia.

According to him, the need to certify surveyors arose on the basis of incoming requests from the professional community. In this regard, the Russian Ministry of Construction has developed appropriate changes to Article 49 of the Town Planning Code.

“The list of areas of activity of experts has been supplemented by the area of ​​activity “Pricing and estimated rationing.” And everyone can send documents for certification in this area today,” said the deputy director of the Department of Permitting and Control of the Russian Ministry of Construction.

He added that a transition period has been established until January 1, 2020, during which experts can undergo certification. In addition, by Order 313 of the Russian Ministry of Construction, a new list of areas of activity of experts for obtaining accreditation by a legal entity was approved.

“In fact, the document combines three lists of areas of activity for experts. Today, the rights of all certified experts, including certified experts of state examinations, have actually been restored. That is, now all certified experts have the right to work also in non-state examinations,” emphasized Vasily Antonov.

He also recalled that on April 1 of this year, changes to the procedure for certification and re-certification of experts came into force (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2017 No. 1719). In particular, the testing form has been changed (for each question there are at least 6 answer options, at least two of which are correct). This makes it possible to identify the real knowledge of experts at a qualitative level and reduces the possibility of mechanical selection of memorized answers.

Experts who plan to review objects that are expected to be financed from budget funds undergo a knowledge test in 2 stages: computer testing and an oral exam.

Before the resolution came into force, experts of state examinations at the “federal level” underwent knowledge testing in the form of an oral examination, and state examinations of subjects exclusively in the form of testing, by analogy with experts of non-state examinations. Experts are required to undergo advanced training at least once every 3 years in the declared area of ​​activity and inform the Russian Ministry of Construction about this.

“Theoretically, the first suspension of the certificate is possible no earlier than April 1, 2021 in case of failure to submit a document on advanced training,” Vasily Antonov clarified.

At the moment, you can submit an application for certification, including through the Public Services Portal (EPGU) in electronic form.

At the same time, the Deputy Director of the Department of Permitting Activities and Control appealed to the entire professional community with a request to send applications for certification exclusively in electronic form, noting the main advantages of this method of sending documents (monitoring the progress of consideration of the application at all stages, eliminating the loss of documents in the mail as unclaimed ), since relevant changes to regulatory legal acts have already been prepared, providing for the submission of documents by an individual for certification exclusively in electronic form.

“The transfer of public services into electronic form is not a whim, but a requirement of the time. Prepared changes to regulatory legal acts are just one of the steps towards the possibility of passing certification from anywhere in the Russian Federation without leaving your office,” emphasized Vasily Antonov.

Currently, the requirements for the premises, their technical equipment are being determined, as well as the development of a software package and the corresponding regulatory framework.

Federal Agency for Construction and Housing and Communal Services


In order to increase the level of competence of workers in the field of pricing and estimate standardization in construction, to optimize the work of control bodies and state non-departmental examination bodies, investment and construction organizations taking part in the examination and (or) development of design and estimate documentation,

I order:

1. Approve the attached Regulations on the certification of workers involved in the field of pricing and estimate standardization in construction.

2. Employees who have passed the certification shall be issued personalized seals to identify the estimate documentation developed and (or) verified by them.

3. Certification commissions, when conducting certification of employees in the field of pricing and estimate standardization, shall be guided by the Regulations approved by this Order.

4. The Department of Methodology and Educational Programs in the Field of Pricing (D.N. Silka) shall record and maintain a register of issued certificates, as well as personalized seals.

5. Establish that:

- certification of workers in the field of pricing and estimate regulation in construction is voluntary;

- forms and procedures for certification of workers in the field of pricing and estimate standardization in construction are applied to the extent that does not contradict the Regulations approved by this Order and the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

6. I reserve control over the implementation of this Order.

E.E. Ermolaev

Regulations on certification of workers involved in the field of pricing and estimate standardization in construction

By order of the Federal
pricing center
in construction
dated June 30, 2006 N 5

I. General provisions

1. These Regulations regulate the procedure for certification of workers involved in the field of pricing and estimate standardization in construction, and establishes the corresponding professional requirements for them.

2. Certification is carried out in order to confirm the professional competence of the specified category of workers, their knowledge and skills, corresponding to the regulatory and methodological documents that make up the 2001 estimate and regulatory framework, the methodology of the Federal Center for Pricing in Construction and the Construction Materials Industry (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Center for Pricing), performing the functions of improving the methods of estimated standardization, preparing methodological and regulatory documentation on the issues of determining the estimated cost of construction.

3. Certification should contribute to the formation of personnel for contractors and design organizations, customer organizations, developers and investors, organizations involved in regulating issues of estimate standardization, as well as the systematic improvement of the professional level of estimate specialists.

4. Certification is carried out at least once every three years.

5. Certification is carried out by the relevant personnel certification center (hereinafter referred to as the certification commission).

6. Certification is carried out in three areas and includes:

a) certification of the employee’s educational level, taking into account modern requirements of science and practice;

b) assessment of the quality of the employee’s performance of official duties (production and labor discipline, efficiency of use of working time, attitude to mastering new knowledge and best practices, etc.);

c) assessment of the employee’s personal qualities.

II. Requirements for educational level of training

1. An employee involved in the field of pricing and estimate regulation in construction must know:

- basics of construction economics and features of construction in market conditions;

- estimated, market, contract prices in construction;

- composition and structure of design documentation for construction;

- basics of organization and technology of construction production;

- basic technical and economic characteristics and consumer properties of building materials and structures;

- basic provisions for calculating the scope of work according to working drawings;

- methodology and practice of determining prices for construction products at the base, current and forecast price levels;

- features of determining the cost of construction at individual stages of design;

- rules for calculations for completed work (finished objects, stages, structural elements and types of work);

- basic provisions for preparing and conducting investment trades (auctions).

2. An employee engaged in the field of pricing and estimate standardization in construction must be able to:

- work with contract and design estimate documentation, building codes and regulations;

- carry out a technical and economic assessment of design and space-planning solutions;

- check estimate documentation, including estimates based on working drawings;

- use information technologies for drawing up estimate documentation.

3. To confirm the educational level of training, the following may be submitted:

- certificate (certificate) of advanced training (according to a 72- or 110-hour program);

- certificate of advanced training (according to the 112-hour program);

- Diploma of professional retraining (500-hour program).

4. As an exception, for employees who have extensive experience in pricing and estimate regulation, a protocol of an interview conducted by the certification commission may be accepted. For these purposes, the certification commission conducts training seminars, if necessary.

III. Requirements for the employee’s performance of official duties and personal qualities

1. The certified person must provide the certification commission with a review (Appendix 1) from the employer, which contains an assessment of the quality of his performance of official duties and demonstrated personal qualities.

2. For those who are not working, an interview may be held instead of a recall.

IV. Organization and conduct of certification

1. The following employees are allowed to undergo certification:

- with higher or secondary vocational education;

- having at least 5 years of experience in the field of construction and at least 2 years in the field of pricing and estimate regulation in construction;

- trained in educational programs in the field of pricing and estimate regulation (as a rule, at least once every 5 years).

2. Certification of the applicant is carried out by checking business and personal qualities, conducting (taking) a qualification exam and issuing a certificate (Appendix 2).

3. Qualifying examinations are conducted in accordance with the Regulations for conducting qualifying examinations (Appendix 3).

4. Examination questions for qualifying exams are formed in the form of a test using a random sampling method from the database of examination questions for qualifying exams.

5. Examination questions for qualifying exams are formed in accordance with the lists of topics of examination questions, a list of normative and methodological documents, knowledge of which is mandatory for the qualified performance of the functions of an employee engaged in the field of pricing and estimate regulation.

6. Qualification minimums are approved by orders of the Federal Pricing Center.

7. The qualification exam is carried out in one stage. The duration of the qualifying exam cannot exceed one hundred and twenty minutes.

8. Providing organizational and technical conditions for taking qualification exams, reviewing the results of qualification exams, accepting documents for checking individuals for compliance with the qualification requirements established by this Regulation is carried out by the Federal Pricing Center and regional pricing authorities in construction.

The organizational and technical conditions for taking qualifying exams are approved by order of the Federal Pricing Center.

9. Technical support for taking qualifying exams is carried out by certification commissions.

Requirements for certification commissions, work procedures, as well as a list of certification commissions are determined by orders of the Federal Pricing Center.

10. To organize preparatory work and take qualification exams, the Federal Pricing Center, based on proposals from regional bodies for pricing in construction, approves the composition of certification commissions.

11. Applicants who submit to the certification commission:

- statement (Appendix 4);

- information about the place of work, contact details, etc.;

- properly executed copies of documents confirming education and work experience;

- review from the place of work.

12. An applicant who has scored at least 80 points (on a 100-point scale) when passing the qualification exam is considered to have passed the qualification exam.

13. The results of the qualification exam are approved by the protocol of the certification commission.

14. Applicants who have successfully completed the certification procedure receive certificates in the form established by the Federal Pricing Center no later than 20 working days from the date of certification.

15. Applicants who did not confirm the required professional level during the qualification exam are allowed to re-certify after additional training.

16. In the event of loss, damage or changes in the personal data of the certificate of a certified person, upon his application of the established form (Appendix 5) and sent to the certification commission, the Federal Pricing Center, within a period not exceeding 30 working days, makes a decision to issue a new certificate to the certified person.

17. When receiving a new certificate, a certified person must present a document confirming his identity and signs the statement of the certification commission for the certificate he received.

18. The Federal Pricing Center is the registrar of information about certified and issued certificates, including:

- unique identification number of the certificate;

- validity period of the certificate;

- location of the certification commission that made the decision to issue the certificate;

- last name, first name, patronymic of the certified person;

- contact details of the certified person;

- information about the organization that is the place of work of the certified person.

Appendix 1. Feedback from the employer

Annex 1

Certifying commission



(job title)

(date of)

(date of)

showed himself on the positive side, has a creative attitude to performing work duties, is proactive and disciplined.

He is a promising employee and is respected by the team.

(Position of manager)



Appendix 2. Certificate form

Appendix 2

Appendix 3. Regulations for conducting qualifying exams

Appendix 3

1. The qualifying examination is conducted in written or computer form.

2. The qualifying examination in written form is carried out in the following order:

2.1. On the day of the exams, the certification commission approves:

- list of applicants (examination sheet);

- sheets for entering the correct answers chosen by applicants (answer sheets);

- instructions for filling out answer sheets.

2.2. During the entire duration of the qualification exam, the presence of at least one member of the certification commission is mandatory.

2.3. Registration of applicants is carried out by members of the certification commission and observers, begins no later than 15 minutes before the start of the qualifying exam and ends by the time the members of the examination commission announce the start of the qualifying exam. Each applicant presents an identification document and signs the examination sheet, after which he is given instructions for filling out answer sheets.

2.4. An applicant who does not have an identification document or is late for the qualifying exam is considered a no-show.

2.5. Only applicants included in the examination list and who have completed the registration procedure are allowed to take the qualifying exam.

2.6. Before the exam begins, the applicant’s workplace must have:

- applicant identification card;

- answer sheet;

- calculator (if necessary);

- writing utensils (pen, pencil, eraser);

- instructions for filling out the answer sheet.

2.7. Members of the certification commission must provide applicants with information about the duration of the exam, the number of test questions, warn about the grounds for canceling exam results, and the need to remain at work until the end of the exam.

2.8. When conducting qualifying exams, applicants are prohibited from:

- leave the room where the exam is being held before it ends;

- copy and transmit information about the content of exam questions;

- delay the delivery of examination tests, answer sheets, identification cards after the time allotted for the examination has expired;

- remove answer sheets and exam tests from the room where the exam is being held.

Applicants who violate these requirements are removed from the classroom, and the exam results of these applicants are canceled.

2.9. At the end of the exam, members of the certification commission must inform applicants of the date and method of familiarizing themselves with the results of the exam.

3. The qualifying examination in computer form is carried out in the following order:

3.1. At the examination place, the applicant may only have writing instruments (pen, pencil and eraser) and a non-programmable calculator with a minimum set of arithmetic operations, as well as instructions for working with the computer program.

3.2. During the entire duration of the qualifying exam, at least one member of the examination committee must be present in the classroom (computer lab).

3.3. Applicants included in the examination list and who have completed the registration procedure are allowed to take the qualifying exam.

3.4. During the qualifying exam, applicants are prohibited from:

- use mobile communications;

- negotiate with other applicants;

- leave the classroom (computer lab) where the exam is being conducted until it is completed;

- use electronic media;

- run other programs in parallel with the examination program.

Applicants who violate the above requirements are removed from the classroom (computer lab), and the results of their qualifying exam are canceled.

3.5. The applicant may complete the qualifying examination early. After the time allotted for the qualifying exam has expired, the testing program ends automatically. Upon completion of the program, a message containing information about the results of the qualification exam appears on the applicant’s workstation.

3.6. If technical failures occurred during the technical maintenance of the qualifying exam, all facts of the failures that occurred must be recorded by the certification commission.

Appendix 4. Certificate applicant’s application

Appendix 4

(to be filled in block letters)

1. Last name, first name, patronymic of the applicant - indicate in full
(when changing your last name, indicate your previous last name in parentheses):

2. Citizenship:

3. Date of birth:

4. Passport data (identity document data):


when issued

Issued by

5. Contact numbers:



6. Email (if available):

7. Availability of education

Type of education, name
educational institution


Year of ending

8. Current place of work:

name of organization (full postal address)




Personal signature of the applicant

Appendix 5. Statement in case of loss, damage or change of personal data of the certified person’s certificate

Appendix 5

Certifying commission

(Name of the organization in which the certification commission was created)

(Full name of certified person)

Please allow me

(last name, first name, patronymic of the applicant - in full, in the dative case)

pass certification of an employee involved in the field of pricing and estimate standardization in construction.

Personal signature of the applicant

Electronic document text
prepared by Kodeks JSC and verified against:
official website of the construction industry and
housing and communal services (scanner copy)
as of 10/26/2015

The modern situation is characterized by dynamic development and change in processes in society, as a result of which specialists need to regularly improve their qualifications and officially confirm them in order to ensure further career growth and professional success.

Built to professional standards certification is one of the first, which received a recommendation for implementation by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology (Rosstandart). The system has its own certificate and mark of conformity. The certification system “Professional confirmation of qualifications in the field of cost engineering” was approved by Rosstandart and included in the register for reg. No. ROSS RU.I1758.04ISI0 dated September 27, 2017 Upon successful completion of the test task, specialists are provided with a certificate of conformity.

Having a system certificate confirms the high level of professionalism of the cost estimate engineer and is a significant advantage in the labor market. Certification of specialists according to this system allows you to establish compliance with the level of your professional competence the highest standards of knowledge and skills in the field of cost engineering. These provisions, first of all, determine relevance of the represented system.

The standard includes the following main labor functions:

  • estimated pricing and assessment of investment efficiency in the implementation of investment and construction projects;
  • analysis and determination of project costs;
  • regulation of pricing and valuation during the implementation of investment and construction projects.

Professional specialist certificate certifies compliance with qualification requirements when carrying out professional activities in the field of cost engineering in the direction of estimated pricing and assessment of investment efficiency in the implementation of investment and construction projects, including:

  • collecting data and determining the scope of work for business planning and establishing cost indicators for investment and construction projects,
  • determination of individual cost elements, types of work (services) and costs when implementing investment and construction projects,
  • estimated standardization for the implementation of investment and construction projects,
  • valuation of investment and construction projects,
  • analysis of estimate documentation and reliability of determining the cost of investment and construction projects for the creation (reconstruction, repair) of objects.

Requirements for obtaining a specialist certificate

  • availability of higher education (bachelor's program);
  • practical experience of at least 1 year.
  • availability of secondary vocational education and professional retraining programs in the relevant field;
  • certificate of completion of advanced training courses;
  • At least 3 years of practical experience.

Professional certificate of a specialist of the highest level of qualification certifies compliance with qualification requirements when carrying out professional activities in the field of cost engineering in the direction of analyzing and determining the cost of projects, regulating the scope of pricing and valuation in the implementation of investment and construction projects, including:

  • generation of documentation on the cost of the object of investment and construction projects;
  • analysis of the actual costs of investment and construction projects for the creation (reconstruction, repair) of facilities, trends in deviations in cost and timing from the implementation plan and forecasts for changes in the cost of such projects;
  • determination of the remaining cost of creation (reconstruction, repair) of objects at the stages of the plan for the implementation of investment and construction projects;
  • development, updating of investment and construction projects, legal, regulatory, technical, organizational and methodological, and other documents regulating pricing and valuation activities;
  • coordination of pricing and valuation activities during the implementation of investment and construction projects.

Requirements for obtaining a certificate of the highest level of qualification

  • having higher education,
  • certificate of completion of advanced training courses;
  • Requirements for practical work experience: at least 5 years.

results specialist qualification test are recorded in the professional register. Simultaneously with the issuance of the certificate of conformity, permission to use the conformity mark is issued.

Stages certification:

1) sending the application;
2) adoption and execution of a decision on the application;
3) passing a certification test;
4) registration in the register and issuance of a certificate of conformity.

When submitting an application, a specialist

  • fills out an application containing general information (full name, date of birth, registration address, level of education, place of work, length of service, level and name of qualification applied for);
  • attaches a package of documents to the application: a copy of education documents, a copy of the work record certified by the HR department, a portfolio of professional achievements or a reference letter from the place of work, a receipt for payment for certification services, an application for consent to the processing of personal data;
  • provides a copy of the passport (second page and registration information).

ISIIKKS reviews the received application, registers it in the database and no later than two weeks after its receipt informs the specialist of the decision. After registering the application and communicating a positive decision, a certification agreement is concluded with the specialist, and the specialist is allowed to take the certification test.