What you need to replace your medical insurance policy. How to change an old-style compulsory medical insurance policy to a new one

A compulsory health insurance policy allows a citizen to receive medical care completely free of charge in state and municipal health care institutions. Despite the fact that, to register it, you must contact an insurance company, the main activity of which is the provision of paid insurance services to the population.

If for any reason a citizen is not satisfied with the service provided by the company that issued him the compulsory medical insurance policy, he can independently change his insurer. How to do this, and can there be any obstacles in the way of a person who has expressed a desire to change the insurance company?

The right of a citizen to independently choose or change the compulsory medical insurance company is established by the provisions of the Federal Law of November 29, 2010 No. 326-FZ “On Compulsory Medical Insurance”. The list of insurers from whom a citizen can obtain an insurance policy can be found on the website of the territorial branch of the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund.

In order to change the insurer, you must contact the selected CMO with a corresponding application. The document must contain the following information:

  • name of the CMO to which the application is submitted;
  • FULL NAME. the applicant;
  • the name of the insurance company from which the applicant previously received insurance services;
  • the text of the application requesting the issuance of a compulsory medical insurance policy;
  • date of application and signature of the applicant.

You can also submit an application to change your insurer at the MFC. It is not necessary to notify the old company of your decision - within three working days after the citizen is insured in the new insurance company, information about this fact will be transferred to the previous insurer by its representatives.

List of documents

Depending on which category the citizen who has expressed a desire to change insurer belongs to, the package of documents required for this may vary:

a) For children under 14 years of age:

  • birth certificate;
  • passport of the child’s legal representative;
  • SNILS.

b) For persons over 14 years of age:

  • passport;
  • SNILS.

c) For foreigners permanently residing in the country:

  • resident card;
  • SNILS.

d) For foreigners temporarily residing in the country:

  • passport of a foreign citizen;
  • SNILS.

e) For persons who do not have a fixed place of residence:

  • identification; in its absence - a petition from the social service to issue the person a compulsory medical insurance policy.

f) For persons with refugee status:

  • a refugee certificate, or a certificate that an application for assignment of the corresponding status is being considered by a government agency, or a certificate of acceptance for consideration of a complaint about the unlawful deprivation of a person’s refugee status, or a certificate of temporary asylum on the territory of Russia.

In the event that it is not the insured person himself who applies for a change, but his representative, in addition to the above documents, he will need to submit:

  1. passport;
  2. a power of attorney to register as an insured person, drawn up in simple written form, and it does not need to be notarized - it is enough to have it certified by the organization where the policyholder studies, works or is undergoing treatment.

Replacement conditions

You can change your insurance company no more than once a year. However, the legislator provides for a number of exceptions to this rule, which provide the citizen with the opportunity to change the insurer before the expiration of this period. These include:

  1. change of place of residence;
  2. change of data on place and date of birth;
  3. change of surname, name or patronymic;
  4. termination of activity of the company to which the current policy was issued.

An application to change insurer must be submitted before November 1 of the current year. Otherwise, service by the selected organization will be provided only from January 1 of the following year, except for the cases listed above.

So, any citizen has the right to choose an insurance organization that will provide him with compulsory health insurance services. The list of insurance companies participating in the compulsory medical insurance program can be found on the website of the compulsory medical insurance fund branch. In order to change the insurer, you must draw up an application with the corresponding requirement and submit it to the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund or MFC in person or through a representative.

Within three days from the date of insurance, the new insurer will independently transfer information about the insured citizen to his former insurance company. You can change the CMO only once a year; it is possible to exceed the limit established by law only in exceptional cases, the list of which includes a change of place of residence, liquidation of the previous insurance company, etc.

Since 2011, Russia began to use a uniform compulsory health insurance policy - a plastic card, which, unlike previous samples, contains a chip with the patient’s personal data. The card also contains a photo and personal signature of the owner, which makes it difficult for unauthorized persons to use it.

As explained by the Moscow City Compulsory Health Insurance Fund, the new policy is more convenient for health workers if a person goes to a clinic or hospital other than their place of residence.

Do I need to issue a new policy before November 1st?

As reported by the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund, all types of policies previously issued in Russia are perpetual, be it a paper document or an old-style plastic card. Medical assistance under compulsory health insurance programs will be provided in full.

There is no time limit for obtaining a new policy. Therefore, it is not at all necessary to exchange old policies for new ones before November 1.

According to the law on compulsory health insurance in the Russian Federation, old models of policies are valid until they are replaced with new ones.

In fact, before November 1, you need to change the insurance company if for some reason the citizen is not satisfied with it. After November 1 until January 2019, this cannot be done. Such a pause, in accordance with the law, occurs every year. You can change your insurance company once per calendar year.

In what cases is the policy changed?

A person can change the policy if its format is paper. This will be appropriate, since the barcode located on a piece of paper may be erased, the form itself may become wrinkled, and such a policy cannot be laminated. A plastic card is easier to use (the old style green plastic card can also be replaced).

You can also change your policy together with the insurance company. If the latter does not suit you, you can choose a better organization.

If a citizen’s personal data (last name, first name, patronymic, date and place of birth) or gender has changed, he will have to receive a new policy within a month. In the case of a new place of residence, the policy does not change, but changes are made to the information about the insured person.

If a citizen has lost an insurance document or inaccuracies are found in it, he will also be issued a new policy.

Replacement of the policy is free of charge.

How to get a new type of policy in Moscow

To change your policy, you need to contact the insurance company or the MFC.

An application and the following documents will be required:

Passport (original + copy),

Photo for later placement on the card,

Old policy.

To get a policy for a child, you will need the parent’s passport, the child’s birth certificate and his SNILS. In this case, newborns up to 30 days after registration of birth are covered under the mother’s policy.

Obtaining a compulsory medical insurance policy in Moscow is possible from absolutely any insurance company that is engaged in this activity and has the appropriate license.

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All information regarding the address and name of the insurance company can be found at the medical institution. As for disabled people (group 1), these services can also be provided at home.

There are a huge number of insurance companies in the capital that can provide this package of services, namely compulsory medical insurance:

  1. "Rosgosstrakh-Medicine".
  2. Insurance company "Sogaz - Med".
  3. Insurance company "ROSNO-MS".
  5. Health insurance.
  6. Insurance company "Soglasie - M".
  7. Insurance company "Ingosstrakh - M".

Required documents

In order to purchase this package of services, you need to provide a certain list of documents, namely:

  1. Recipient's application
  2. Passport, for children under 14 years of age, a birth certificate must be presented
  3. Identity document of one of the parents, namely a passport

Also, as for foreign citizens, they must present:

  1. Passport of the country in which they reside
  2. Residence permit, i.e. a passport with a corresponding entry confirming the right to temporary stay in the Russian Federation.

If the application is accepted, the client is issued a temporary document that is valid for a month.

Instructions for obtaining a new policy

  1. First of all, you need to decide on the choice of insurance company. Since February 2011, citizens of the Russian Federation You are given the opportunity to directly choose your own insurance company. To carry out these actions, you must visit the official website of the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund and select your region.
  2. It is also worth approaching this issue very carefully, since it is impossible to change the insurance company within a year. This list can be seen on the official website of the insurance organization you have chosen. There are also 2 ways to submit this documentation: Through a representative or independently.
  3. The next step is to obtain a policy. The preparation period will be 1 month. Before its issuance, the client has the right to use a temporary document that will allow him to carry out all the services stated in the policy. An insurance company employee will notify you about the readiness of the policy via email or telephone.

Who needs to get a medical policy in Moscow first?

The following persons are entitled to receive this insurance policy:

  1. All citizens of the Russian Federation
  2. Foreign citizens who live in the territory of the Russian Federation.
  3. Stateless persons
  4. Refugees
  5. Temporarily residing persons in the territory of the Russian Federation (they have the right to receive only a temporary document that determines the duration of their stay in the country).

A compulsory health insurance policy is, of course, necessary for every person (even children), since, first of all, it is the key to receiving qualified assistance.

In any situation, the client has the right to receive medical care without the corresponding fee.

To apply for a compulsory medical insurance policy for a baby, you need to take the baby’s birth certificate from the registry office after you complete the registration. Next, you need to register the child at his place of residence. The final stage is the preparation of the relevant document.

To carry out these actions, you must contact the medical institution at the place of registration of the child and clarify information regarding the cooperation of this clinic with the insurance company.

Also find out her address and contact information for issuing compulsory medical insurance policies.

It is possible that its location is relatively close, and it is also possible that the insurance company is located in the clinic building itself.

If a child is registered temporarily (for example, lives in a rented apartment), then, first of all, it is necessary to temporarily register him at his place of residence, which is regulated in the rental agreement.

In turn, the necessary documents require a corresponding extension for a new period along with the extension of temporary registration.

How to obtain compulsory medical insurance for nonresidents

There are various situations after moving to another city for a new job. In the process of bustle, you don’t think about the need to obtain any documents.

But in life there are various circumstances in connection with which an unexpected emergency can occur, after which a person needs high-quality medical care.

At the place of work it is also necessary to present the relevant documents, which, in turn, can confirm absenteeism and absence from the workplace.

Such a document is a sick leave certificate. But receiving treatment in a clinic without a compulsory medical insurance policy is not possible.

In turn, if you do not have a residence permit, then this document can be obtained by registering at your place of residence.

If any difficulties arise, you must contact the compulsory health insurance fund.

This organization closely monitors the implementation of legislative norms related to the issue of compulsory medical insurance and identifies all violations, as well as provides assistance in drawing up documents. Once received, you must join the clinic that you find suitable. This procedure is carried out with the consent of the doctor. In case of avoiding abuse of power, it is necessary to fill out an application addressed to the heads.

A doctor from the medical organization you have chosen and at the same time will ask the insurance company for support.

A sample application must be taken from the reception desk of a medical institution. If the clinic you have chosen is not suitable for any reason, you have the right to refuse to receive these services and change the place of service.

The need for detachment disappears,

because this medical organization will independently submit a request to another clinic of your choice. Features of obtaining compulsory medical insurance through the State Services portal

You can conclude an agreement on compulsory health insurance on the Unified Portal of State Services.

You only need to place the application in electronic form on the website.

All required data about a citizen is obtained by creating a request to the Unified Identification and Authentication System and the system of interdepartmental electronic interaction.

As a result, the client receives a notification with his policy number plate.

  • when changing the last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth, place of birth, insured person;
  • establishing inaccuracy or erroneous information;
  • dilapidation and unsuitability of the policy for further use;
  • loss of the policy.

draw your attention to that if you change your place of residence (another region) or choose another insurance company, the policy cannot be replaced, and the insurance company’s seal is placed on the back of the paper form or changes are made to the electronic compulsory health insurance policy, if there are PIN and PUK codes.

To replace (restore) a compulsory health insurance policy:

To obtain a compulsory health insurance policy:

Who will be covered by the compulsory health insurance policy?

To yourself To another person

Documents for registration of compulsory medical insurance policy. Select your population category:

Adult citizens of the Russian Federation (except for military personnel and those equivalent to them)

    1. Birth certificate

    3. SNILS - certificate of compulsory pension insurance for a child (if available).

    1. Identification document (passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, temporary identity card of a citizen of the Russian Federation, issued for the period of registration of the passport)

    2. Identity document of the child’s legal representative

    3. SNILS - certificate of compulsory pension insurance for a child

    1. A refugee certificate or a certificate of consideration of an application for refugee recognition on the merits, or a certificate from the Federal Migration Service about the acceptance of a complaint against a decision to revoke refugee status or a certificate of temporary asylum in the territory of the Russian Federation

    2. Residence permit

    1. A passport of a foreign citizen or another document established by federal law or recognized in accordance with an international treaty of the Russian Federation as an identification document of a foreign citizen with a note on a temporary residence permit in the Russian Federation

    1. A document recognized in accordance with an international treaty of the Russian Federation as an identification document of a stateless person

    2. Residence permit

    3. SNILS - certificate of compulsory pension insurance (if available)

    1. A document recognized in accordance with an international treaty of the Russian Federation as an identification document of a stateless person, with a note indicating a temporary residence permit in the Russian Federation

    2. SNILS - certificate of compulsory pension insurance (if available)

    1. Passport of a foreign citizen or other document established by federal law or recognized in accordance with an international treaty of the Russian Federation as an identification document of a foreign citizen

    2. SNILS - certificate of compulsory pension insurance

    3. Employment contract of a working state - a member of the EAEU

    4. A detachable part of the notification form about the arrival of a foreign citizen or stateless person at the place of stay or a copy thereof indicating the place and period of stay

    1. Passport of a foreign citizen or other document established by federal law or recognized in accordance with an international treaty of the Russian Federation as an identification document of a foreign citizen

    2. SNILS - certificate of compulsory pension insurance

    3. A document confirming the person’s relationship to the category of officials, employees of EAEU bodies

    Power of attorney and identification document of the representative. To register a compulsory medical insurance policy for minors, a power of attorney from a legal representative is required.

Where to get a compulsory medical insurance policy

To apply for or reissue (replace) a compulsory medical insurance policy, you must contact the company personally or through a representative. RESO-Med has a large number of policy issuing points, this makes it possible to choose a convenient location and reduce the time for obtaining a document. You can find an office by calling or calling the company’s Contact Center at 8 800 200-92-04.

Compulsory medical insurance policy of a single sample

Compulsory medical insurance policy is a document confirming the right of a citizen to receive free medical care (services) in the scope of the basic compulsory medical insurance program throughout the Russian Federation and the territorial compulsory medical insurance program in the territory of the subject of the Russian Federation in which the compulsory medical insurance policy was issued.

According to 326-FZ, the production of compulsory medical insurance policies of a uniform standard is organized by the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, and their issuance to insured persons is carried out by insurance medical organizations (IMO) in the manner established by the Rules of Compulsory Medical Insurance.

A compulsory medical insurance policy or, as it is often called, a “medical policy” is necessary not only for receiving medical care. Often, a medical insurance policy or a copy of it is asked to be provided when enrolling a child in a kindergarten or school; when applying for a job, as a rule, the organizers of various sports competitions ask to present a compulsory medical insurance policy.

As for cases of seeking medical help, presenting a compulsory health insurance policy is the obligation of the insured person established by federal law (except for cases of emergency care).

Replacing a new policy or reissuing it is required only if the surname, first name, patronymic, date of birth, place of birth, insured person are changed, the information contained in the policy is determined to be inaccurate or erroneous, the policy is dilapidated and unsuitable for further use, or the policy is lost. The insured is obliged to notify his insurance company within a month of changes in his last name, first name, patronymic, place of residence, and identification document details.

With the application for surrender (loss) of the policy, military personnel are presented with the following documents:

1) an identification document (passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, temporary identity card of a citizen of the Russian Federation, issued for the period of registration of the passport);

3) policy (presented only upon surrender of the policy).

With compulsory health insurance, each citizen can be insured by only one medical insurance organization and have only one compulsory medical insurance policy.