Associations to the word “Construction. Dictionary of construction and architectural terms Beautiful words related to construction

Hello, dear readers and listeners of the English conversation course “That’s What They Say in America”! For the third lesson, we, in one way or another, touch on the topic of the location of various events or the location of any objects. And today we will delve a little deeper into this topic and learn to ask questions about the location of various works on a construction site, and also remember words and expressions from past lessons that will also help us master today’s lesson.

Vocabulary on the topic “Construction work” in English

Today’s conversation stems from the following situation: Voice of America radio correspondent Martin Lerner this time decided to meet with the construction site foreman. To this end, the reporter visits the construction site, where he talks with the foreman, asking questions about the location of various construction or repair work. The construction manager, in turn, happily answers the journalist’s questions and talks with interest about his difficult work:

Martin: Where do the trucks come from? —Where do the trucks come from?
Foreman: They come from the cement factory. — They come from the cement factory (cement manufacturing plant)
Martin:Where is that? - Where is it)?
Foreman:It's about ten miles from here. - It's about ten miles from here
Martin: Where do the men and women eat their lunch? —Where do men and women eat their lunch?
Foreman: They eat where they work. — They eat where they work
Martin:What’s that man doing up there? - What is that person fixing (doing, repairing) there?
Foreman:He’s putting up the forms for the cement. — He lifts the cement molds.

Look and also remember the vocabulary from the lesson We give examples and explain

Read Martin's conversation with the construction site foreman several times, then listen to the audio recording of the lesson, in which the journalist communicates with other construction workers, and other words from the lesson are also voiced. Listen carefully to the Russian-speaking speaker Anna Filippova and follow all the instructions step by step, listen to the advice to master the lesson material step by step:


Use an audio recording of the lesson as great opportunity hear the live speech of ordinary Americans, learn to perceive it, and to practice your own English pronunciation. After all, the main goal of the audio course “That’s What They Say in America” is to help you master spoken English for communication in the States. Don't miss the opportunity to practice your American pronunciation.

Construction work in English

Using a convenient table, you can learn new expressions, nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs and other “construction” vocabulary. You will be able to see how to correctly ask questions about the location of various works on a construction site in English, and how to answer them correctly, and also repeat the vocabulary from previous lessons.

Save and print the chart, hang it in a visible place and repeat until you have mastered all the vocabulary. Find yourself a friend from America, chat with him on various everyday topics. Overcome the language barrier through communication with a native speaker.

Be sure to do Homework:

  1. Read it out loud several times and memorize the dialogue at the beginning of class.
  2. Be sure to memorize the table.
  3. Translate the following questions and answers about construction into English, copy the finished version into your notebook:
  • Where is the office located? — On the 7th floor
  • Where do women work? — At the end of the building
  • Where are the workers? — They are at the crane
  • Where's the tap? - Over there
  • Where does the foreman work? — At the gate (near the gate)
  • Where do they eat? — They eat where they work
  • Where are these trucks from? - From the city.

Garden of Continuous Bloom a specially designated area in a park or botanical garden in which herbaceous perennials, shrubs, and trees are arranged, selected according to their flowering time throughout the year.

Garden plot of land a plot of land provided to a citizen or acquired by him for growing fruit, berries, vegetables, melons or other agricultural crops and potatoes, as well as for recreation (with the right to erect a residential building, without the right to register residence in it, and economic buildings and structures)

Garden-chinampas floating garden of Mexico, a small island of tree branches and reeds, on the surface of which soil was poured and various plants were grown.

Soot finely dispersed amorphous carbon residue formed during incomplete combustion

Fathom Russian measure of length, determined by the average size of the human body. Small fathom - from the hand raised to shoulder level, to the floor. Oblique fathom - the distance from the sole of the left foot to the end of the fingers of the raised right hand. 1 fathom = 48 vershoks = 7 feet = 84 inches = 2.13360 m.

Soot formation a phenomenon that occurs during incomplete combustion of a gas and is characterized by the deposition of soot on surfaces in contact with combustion products or flames.

Sacristy(Late Latin sacristia “sacrum - sacred utensil), a room in a Catholic church, located north or south of the choir - in the corner between the choir and transept. It served as a repository for church utensils, books, a place for conducting some rituals, and a room for vestments and rest for the clergy. The village is also erected as an independent extension, mainly as a small centric building, often richly decorated.

Salon(French salon). 1. Main hall, front living room, reception room. 2. Art goods store. 3. Demonstration hall for trade items.

Saman (from Turkic) an air-dried brick made from a mixture of clay, sand and straw. Applicable as construction material in treeless areas.

Self-ventilation self-regulating ventilation, a system of limited air exchange through systems of chambers, profiles or built-in window units self-regulating valves to regulate indoor air humidity and prevent condensation on the internal surfaces of windows. Self-ventilation systems are not installed in wooden windows, since air exchange occurs naturally through the pores of the wood.

Unauthorized development- construction of a building or other structure, on plot of land, not allocated in the manner prescribed by law. The person who carried out such development does not acquire ownership rights to the constructed objects.

Self-stressing of cement the ability of cement stone to strain the reinforcement embedded in it

Self tapping screw a screw that forms a special thread in the hole of one of the plastic or metal products being connected

Self Drilling Self Tapping Screw Self Tapping Screw with Drill Shape End

Self-insurance a short rope (possibly a metal chain or synthetic tape) attached at one end to an individual belay system, and at the other end having a fixed carabiner, with the help of which the steeplejack can secure himself to an organized anchorage point. Self-belaying can be sliding (on horizontal railings) or made using a gripping unit (clamp) on inclined and vertical railings.

Male (nailless) roof roof structure in which the planks are laid on horizontal logs - sleg. The ends are lightly cut into the transverse logs of the frame, forming the pediment.

Male pediment log gable.

Males pediments, a triangular continuation of the end walls of the log house.

Sandrik a decorative architectural detail in the form of a cornice or pediment (sometimes supported by two brackets, pilasters or columns on the sides of the opening), above window or door openings on the facades of buildings, less often in interiors.

Sanitary Protection Zone (SPZ) the territory between the boundaries of the industrial site and the territory of residential development, landscape and recreational zone, recreation area, resort.

Sanitary protection zone a zone of space and vegetation specially allocated between industrial enterprises and residential areas in order to protect human health.

Sanitary cuttings silvicultural activity carried out in plantations of unsatisfactory sanitary condition by cutting down individual diseased, damaged, drying, withered trees or the entire drying (dead) tree stand.

Sapropel freshwater sludge formed at the bottom of stagnant reservoirs from decay products of plant and animal organisms and containing more than 10% (by weight) of organic matter in the form of humus and plant residues. Sapropel has a porosity coefficient e > 3, as a rule, a fluid consistency IL > 1, high dispersion - the content of particles larger than 0.25 mm usually does not exceed 5% by weight

Sarcophagus originally the name of a rock of limestone that promotes the decomposition of the body and was used to make coffins. Hence the figurative meaning - coffin, small tomb.

Convergence a gradual decrease in the diameter of round timber or the width of unedged lumber throughout its entire length, exceeding the normal slope equal to 1 cm per 1 m of length of the assortment

Prefabricated air duct a section of air duct to which air ducts laid on the same floor are connected.

Precast concrete structures- factory-made building structures that are mounted directly on the construction site.

Reset Wastewater discharge into the environment of untreated water of industrial and domestic origin. There is an indicator of maximum permissible discharge (MPD) of the maximum permissible mass of a pollutant, determined in accordance with the established regime in a given place per unit of time in order to ensure environmental quality standards at the control point.

Discharges liquid substances that are subject to removal (discharge into soil or water) outside the production area, including their hazardous and/or valuable components, which are captured during the purification of these liquid substances and disposed of in accordance with the requirements of national legislation and/or regulations.

Piles wooden, metal or reinforced concrete “rods” that are buried in the base of buildings and structures in order to transfer loads to dense (continental) soils.

Dump landfill (specially equipped place) for disposal of industrial and household waste. Since industry and residential areas currently produce large amounts of waste that cannot be completely recycled for technological and economic reasons, landfills are a necessary attribute of the life of cities and other populated areas. IN Russian Federation and in many other countries, the disposal and disposal of industrial and household waste falls under the competence of local governments, so most landfills are municipally owned.

Welded steel pipe steel pipe made from strips or rolled sheets by forming and welding

Welded (sectional) bend an elbow made from a section of pipe using assembly and welding

Rolled Double Layer Brazed Steel Pipe brazed steel pipe made by rolling a strip into two layers and then soldering it with copper over the entire contact surface of the layers

Super Hard Fiberboard hard fibreboard, further strengthened by special treatment

Supercurrent current, the value of which exceeds the highest operating current of the electrical installation.

Light sprout sprout, the wood of which is close in color to the surrounding wood and does not contain bark inclusions.

Light chemical color a chemical stain that colors wood in pale colors that do not mask its texture.

Svetlitsa light room, a bright spacious room in the mansion, intended for handicrafts and other clean household activities. S. was located in the women's half, mainly in the upper part (on the 2nd or 3rd floor).

Light eyes eyes, the wood of which is similar in color to the surrounding wood

Light sapwood mushroom colors sapwood mushroom stains that color the wood in pale tones without masking its texture

Luminous efficiency h the ratio of emitted luminous flux to power consumption.

Light pocket a room with natural light adjacent to the corridor and serving to illuminate it. The role of a light pocket can be played by a staircase separated from the corridor by a glazed door at least 1.2 m wide. In this case, the width of the light pocket is taken to be the width of the opening into the staircase.

Light complex a group of lamps (2 or more) of the same purpose, installed on one supporting structure.

Light lantern glazed covering structure for lighting a staircase or patio.

Light angles of the light opening (windows and window systems with loggia) horizontal and vertical angles within which direct rays of the sun enter the room.

Light range finder an electromagnetic rangefinder using electromagnetic waves in the light range.

Translucent enclosing structure a building structure designed to provide natural lighting to the interior of a building or structure.

Translucent facade modern translucent facades are a two-tier model, including a lower, technical module with engineering equipment for heating, cooling and ventilation, and an upper module, fully or partially translucent with opening systems, sun protection and photovoltaic cells for energy generation.

Light transmitting coating a covering consisting of load-bearing structures and a fence made of light-transmitting elements or self-supporting light-transmitting elements. The light-transmitting coating can have different shapes: flat, including inclined, vaulted, domed, folded, etc. The fire resistance limit of light-transmitting elements is not standardized.

Curly wood (wildness) tortuous or random arrangement of wood fibers. It is found on all tree species, more often on deciduous trees and mainly in timber from the butt part of the trunk.

Free-standing scaffolding devices that have their own stability in the working position and do not require their attachment to the load-bearing structures of buildings and structures.

Vault 1. ceiling or covering of structures that has a geometric shape formed by a curved surface. 2. a building structure of a curved shape that serves to cover a room. There are parts of the arch: the heel is the supporting part of the arch. castle - the upper part of the vault. shelyga - a line passing through the castle part of the vault and connecting its upper points. span - the distance between the heels of the arch. lifting boom - a plumb line from the castle part to the straight line connecting the heels. cheek, or lunette - torey, section of the arch. 3. a spatial structure, overlap or covering of structures, having a geometric shape formed by a convex curved surface (a combination of curved surfaces or a combination of curved surfaces with a plane), formed by a system of wedge-shaped stones (or wedge-shaped seams between stones), which gives in addition to the vertical load on the supports, there is also a horizontal thrust. The horizontal thrust may be absent, be minimal, or be suppressed in the body of the ring tightening or other reinforcement embedded in the body of the steel. S. can be not only a system of stones, but also a monolith of reinforced concrete, made of metal structures etc.

S. are divided into: increased (the ratio of the arrow of the arch or rise to the span of the arch is more than 1/2); reduced (the boom-to-span ratio ranges between 1/4 and 1/2); flat (boom to span ratio less than 1/4).

Vault cooperage surface S.B. formed by the movement of a flat curve forming a guide along the curve.

Vault fan-shaped is formed by ribs (ogive and 2 tiercerons), emanating from one corner, having the same curvature, making equal angles to each other and forming a funnel-shaped surface. Found in English. gothic.

Vault star-shaped one of the forms of the cross Gothic (ribbed) frame, which has auxiliary ribs - tiercerons and piers. The main diagonal ribs of the cross vault are clearly visible in the frame.

Vault mirror closed S. with the top in the form of a horizontal plane (or very flat S.). The remaining lateral cylindrical parts of the closed vault are called paddugs and can be smooth or with strippings. A horizontal plane, called a mirror, is usually separated from the frame by a clear frame and is often used for painting. S.Z. It is often used for decorative purposes, since the room itself can be covered with a beam or rafter structure from which a false vault is suspended. S.Z. became most widespread during the Renaissance.

Vault wedge-shaped it was laid out from wedge-shaped stones or had wedge-shaped seams between the stones.

Vault crusade is formed by the intersection of 2 cylindrical vaults at right angles and consists of 4 formworks - the simplest case of covering a square room with a vault. Greatest perfection S.K. reached during the Gothic period. At this time, they switched from a semicircular vault to a pointed one, and S.K. It was a frame structure in the form of a network of ribs on which the formwork rested, which made it possible to concentrate pressure only on the corner supports. Early Gothic developed a special type of S.K. on 6 formworks.

Vault crusade Gothic the main feature is clearly defined profiled diagonal ribs that make up the main working frame, which carries the main loads. The formworks were laid out as independent small vaults, supported by diagonal ribs.

Vault christened closed S., cut through by 2 intersecting cylindrical (or other shaped) vaults, at the intersection of which there is a light drum.

Vault dome part of a sphere cut off by a horizontal plane. dome.

Vault false formed by a gradual overlap inside horizontal rows of masonry. Does not provide horizontal thrust. The oldest species of S.

Vault rib a vault on a frame made of ribs that absorb and transmit the load of the vault to its supports.

Vault sailing on sails, is formed by cutting off parts of the spherical surface of the dome with vertical planes. Conventionally, it is divided into two zones: the lower - load-bearing and the upper - supported, flat part of the sphere, called skufia. Sometimes the skufya was given a semi-circular shape.

Vault half-dome part of a sphere cut off by a horizontal and vertical plane. conha.

Vault semicircular circular, cylindrical S. with a guide representing a semicircle, s

Vault reticulate The vault is similar to the cross one, but without diagonal ribs. In their place are 4 spherical sails165. Net vault

S.S. may have a diagonal edge, but it does not pass through the shell, but rests against the ring.

Vault folded cellular, in this S. there is no independent rib frame - the sharp edges of the folds themselves form a strong frame^

Vault closed It is formed by extensions of the walls inclined along a given curve, converging in a horizontal shell of the wall, with a rectangular plan or at one point when covering a cylindrical room. S.S. is a derivative of a cylindrical vault, transmits vertical pressure and thrust along the entire length to the walls. S.S. was famous in the architecture of Western Asia, Dr. Rome and in Gothic architecture, but was rarely used. More widespread during the Renaissance.

Vault closed with stripping a type of closed vault. The presence of formwork along the axes of the trays changes structural system arch - forces are transferred to the corners. ,

Vault cell phone- a type of folded vault with closed partitioned folds in the form of rhombic faceted depressions (pyramidal depressions).

Vault ogival cylindrical S. with a guide representing 2 arcs of a circle intersecting in a she-lyga.

Vault cylindrical spatial curvilinear covering. The surface of a surface is formed by the movement of a generatrix of a straight line (which remains parallel to itself) along a flat curve (guide). For the first time S.Ts. appeared in the IV-III millennium BC. in Egypt and Mesopotamia. The material was mud brick. To reduce the expansion, the vaults were laid out in several rows in the transverse direction, and the spaces between them were filled with earth and clay. S.Ts. was also common in the architecture of Dr. Rome. According to the shape of the guide S.Ts. are divided into circular (semi-circular), box, elliptical, parabolic and pointed. S.Ts. rests on parallel supports (walls, rows of pillars, arcades, etc.), may be on strippings.

Vaults box elliptical, parabolic, cylindrical vaults with a guide, which is a box (three- or multi-center), elliptic or parabolic curve. They have a large expansion, which is usually extinguished by piles. They are used to cover rooms that are larger in area than with semi-circular vaults.

Master plan of utilities a plan that shows all types of designed utilities and structures, determining the completeness of the gaskets and the simultaneity of excavations during implementation engineering infrastructure development (object).

Connections 1.wooden, metal or reinforced concrete elements that tighten the heels of arches, vaults and other building structures in which thrust forces arise. They dampen the thrust transmitted to the pillars and walls of the structure. 2. tie rods, wooden beams or metal rods, which were placed in the walls or pulled together the heels of arches and vaults to compensate for the thrust on the walls or pillars of the building.

Connection a linear mounting device that does not have its own stability, working in tension and compression.

Connection single-row connecting a house with a “timber”, connecting a wooden residential building and a barnyard with a barn under a common gable roof.

Smoothed DC direct current with slight wave-like impulses. In this case, the pulsation coefficient does not exceed 10%.

Sgraffito, graffito(Italian sgraffito or graffito - lit., scratched) a method of decorative finishing of facades, which consists of applying two thin multi-colored layers of plaster to the wall surface and then scratching the dried top layer with a metal tool to the bottom - the background one.

Rip off a defect in an asbestos-cement product consisting in the absence of part of the outer layer on the front surface

Sedushka (slang) a small hanging cradle on which a climber works. It is connected to the trigger device and, if necessary, has hooks for hanging tools and equipment.

Sekos naos, cella (Gr. otskaya - sanctuary), the main internal room of the ancient temple, where the statue of the deity is located. In front of the entrance to the S. there was often a pronaos, behind it there was an aditon or an opisphodom. S. corresponded to the main room of the megaron, in which the hearth was located.

Castle Secrecy the number of different combinations of its locking device, each of which corresponds only to a specific key or code

Sectional gallery house a type of sectional house. In a purely sectional planning scheme, all residential cells of a section are connected directly by a staircase as the only vertical communication. In a sectional gallery scheme, a section is formed due to the horizontal connection of gallery cells with subsequent access to the vertical connection by a staircase. Typically, a section in houses of this type consists of 6-8 or more apartments.

Sectional house a residential building made up of residential sections. A residential section is understood as a group of residential cells (apartments), repeated floor by floor, united by a single vertical communication link - a staircase, an elevator. The number of cells on one floor of sections can be two, three, four, six.

Section of a residential building a building or part of a residential building (separated from other parts by a blank wall) with apartments (residential units of dormitories) having access to one staircase directly or through a corridor. The length of common corridors that do not have natural light at the ends and adjacent to the staircase should not exceed 12 m. The area of ​​apartments on the section floor should, as a rule, be no more than 550 sq. m. m.

Residential building section part of a building whose apartments have access to one staircase directly or through a corridor and separated from other parts of the building by a blank wall. The length of corridors that do not have lighting at the ends and adjacent to the staircase should not exceed 12 m. The total area of ​​apartments on the section floor should not exceed 500 m2.

Radiator section a radiator element having one column along its front in one casting.

Residential territory territory intended for accommodation housing stock, public buildings and structures, including research institutes and their complexes, as well as individual communal and industrial facilities that do not require the construction of sanitary protection zones; for the construction of intercity communication routes, streets, squares, parks, gardens, boulevards and other public places

Seni the non-residential part, usually of a village house, adjacent to the residential part of the house. It is used for household needs, and in summer for overnight stays.

Senj canopy made of stone, wood or metal on columns or pillars, canopy.

Septic tank for wastewater treatment a structure for mechanical wastewater treatment by settling with anaerobic digestion of their sludge.

Core the narrow central part of the trunk, consisting of loose tissue, characterized by a brown or lighter color than the surrounding wood. At the ends of the assortment it is observed in the form of a spot (about 5 mm) of various shapes, on the radial surfaces - in the form of a narrow strip.

Engineering networks pipelines and cables for various purposes (water supply, sewerage, heating, communications, etc.) laid in the territories settlements, as well as in buildings.

Glass meshes- reinforcing elements of plasters and floor screeds. The basis of glass mesh is glass fiber threads.

Signaling a device that provides a sound or light signal when a warning value of a controlled parameter is reached.

Driers solutions of metal salts of fatty acids in organic solvents, used to speed up the drying of varnishes and paints.

Silicate paints The main component of silicate paints is liquid potassium glass. Such paints are used on plasters with a high lime content; then the coating using this material is most firmly bonded to the substrate.

Force impact impacts, which are understood as both direct force impacts from loads and impacts from displacement of supports, temperature measurements, shrinkage and other similar phenomena that cause reactive forces.

Forceful operational impact on the assembly seam the impact arising from the mutual movements of the window frame (frame) and the wall opening when linear dimensions change due to temperature, humidity and other influences, as well as during shrinkage of buildings.

Silhouette (from French) outline, outline of an object.

Sima(gr. oshcha - nose up; mjuos - snub-nosed, upturned). 1. Terracotta or marble gutter formed by the edge tiles of the roof above the stone outer slab of the cornice I Greek. temple. It was supplemented with water cannons in the form of lion heads, masks, etc., from the holes of which rainwater drained. S. I of the Ionic order was decorated with rich ornamental carvings. 2. Crowning profile rome. cornice.

Sineva gray color of sapwood with bluish or greenish tints

tn-c-s system the functions of the zero working and zero protective conductors are combined in one conductor in part of the network.

tn-s system zero working and zero protective conductors operate separately throughout the system.

tn-C system the functions of the zero working and zero protective conductors are combined in one conductor throughout the entire network.

Ventilation system, natural a technical installation consisting of structural elements designed to ensure a given air purity in a room.

Ventilation system, mechanical a technical installation consisting of a set of equipment interconnected by structural elements, designed to ensure the specified air purity in the room.

Drainage system a complex of structures for collecting, draining outside residential buildings, purifying and discharging treated wastewater into a water intake, as well as for processing and neutralizing the resulting sediment.

Water management system a set of water supply and sanitation systems.

Water supply system a complex of structures for collecting water from a source, purifying it and supplying it to the consumer.

Gas supply (gas distribution) system of a city (village) gas pipelines from gas distribution stations to consumers, LPG installations, structures on gas pipelines and means of protection against electrochemical corrosion, hydraulic fracturing, gas pipelines, gas equipment for industrial and agricultural production, boiler houses, administrative, public and residential buildings.

Gas supply system of the city (village) gas pipelines from gas distribution stations to consumers, LPG installations, structures on gas pipelines and means of protection against electrochemical corrosion, hydraulic fracturing, gas equipment for buildings of industrial and agricultural enterprises, boiler houses, consumer service enterprises, public buildings and residential buildings.

Air conditioning system A technical installation consisting of a set of equipment interconnected by structural elements, designed to create and automatically maintain at least one indicator of microclimate and air cleanliness in a room or a separate zone.

System specific construction of walls by using external facing layers of brick with concrete filling inside

i"nom (lime with sand), mixed with crushed stone and broken bricks. I For strength at certain intervals, horizontal rows of bricks were laid through the entire thickness of I walls. The Roth of Rome originated with construction technology. S.K. was also used in Ancient Rus' , having arrived here through the Byzantine construction school.

Local suction system local exhaust ventilation system, the air ducts of which are connected to local suction.

Carrying system (cargo, launch, working) a system consisting of a support rope or cable, a descender, fall protection devices and/or safety technical means for holding the worker and the required work aids or work items.

Heating system a technical installation consisting of a set of equipment interconnected by structural elements, designed to receive, transfer and transmit a given amount of heat to a heated room.

Loop clamp system denotes a tool-free, self-attaching fastening of the “skin” to the main sole or sanding “plate” for vibratory, eccentric and delta sanders.

System fire alarm a set of fire alarm installations installed at one site and controlled from a common fire station.

Fire prevention system a set of organizational measures and technical means aimed at eliminating fire conditions

System related design feature Church of the Rhine School. It consists in the fact that for each bay f of the central nave there are 2 side bays (on each side), to which the thrust of the vaults of the middle (central) nave is transmitted. In S.S. there is an alternation of supports: bo- | Next, massive pillars support the vaults of the central nave, and the intermediate supports, which are lighter, support the vaults of the side naves.

Safety system a set of safety rope, fall protection equipment and/or safety technical means to prevent a fall.

Heating system a set of interconnected power plants that supply heat to a region, city, or enterprise.

Maintenance and repair system a set of interrelated means (documentation, maintenance and repair processes and performers) necessary to maintain and restore the quality of the installations included in this system

General power supply system a set of electrical installations and electrical devices of an energy supply organization designed to provide electrical energy to various consumers (receivers of electrical energy).

Individual water supply and sanitation systems systems designed for individual houses with up to 10 people.

Local water supply and sanitation systems systems designed for low-rise residential buildings with a population of 10 to 200 people.

Centralized water supply and sanitation systems systems designed for low-rise residential buildings with a population of over 200 and 500 people.

Engineering protection systems for territories against flooding and inundation hydraulic structures for various purposes, united into a single territorial system, providing engineering protection of the territory from flooding and flooding.

Heat consumption systems a complex of heat-consuming installations with connecting pipelines or heating networks that are designed to satisfy one or more types of heat load (heating, ventilation, hot water supply, technological needs).

Sistil(gr.), type ancient Greek. temple, intercolumnium [which is equal to 2 lower diameters of the columns.

Cité-Jardin(French situer - to place; jardin - garden), garden city. Form of residential development in France. S.-J. - not only [individual villages that play the role of satellites of large cities, but also neighborhoods of the suburbs of large industrial centers (in this * S.-Zh. differ from English garden cities). In the first years after World War I, S.-J. were built up with low-rise buildings, but for economic reasons, multi-storey types of buildings began to develop in the middle of nature, not much different from cities. sky residential areas.

Environmental situation a combination of conditions, processes and circumstances of a natural and man-made nature that determine the state of natural or natural-technical systems.

Siphon drainage fittings assembly for forming and maintaining a hydraulic seal.

Rock wide panels of birch bark, sewn with birch bark. With the help of S. they insulated wooden roof, laying it either on the beds or between two layers of plank (timber).

Rocky ground reliable, durable, do not wash out, do not swell, do not freeze. You can lay the foundation directly on its surface.

Skansen an open-air museum that contains ethnographic monuments from various regions of the region; These are mainly monuments of folk wooden architecture.

Scat side of the roof with a certain angle of inclination

Mowing at points of displacement trough the magnitude of the change in the right (before deformation) angle of a square, the sides of which are parallel and perpendicular to the strike line of the formation. A distinction is made between bevelling in the direction of strike (across the strike) of the formation and in a given direction

Wells cylindrical cavities in the soil with a diameter of more than 76 mm and a depth of more than 5 m, formed by drilling machines to place explosive charges in them during drilling and blasting operations, both for loosening the soil and discharge explosions when constructing shelves in mountainous areas

Square(English square), a small area landscaped with trees and shrubs, located in an urban area. Designed for short stays and recreation. Planning is most often regular. The central part of the village often serves as the site for a fountain or a monument surrounded by flower beds.

Through growth open growth facing two opposite sides

Through wormhole Wormhole coming out on two opposite sides

Through curl A curl extending onto two opposite sides of a piece of lumber or piece.

Pass-through pocket a pocket facing two opposite sides of a piece of lumber or piece.

Skena skene (gr. oxnvr) - main. meaning tent, wooden\structure), one of the three main parts of the ancient Greek. theater In a broad sense it means the entire stage building, more precisely -

stage wall with decorations and logeion. At first, S. is a temporary wooden structure for changing clothes and exiting the actors, located out of sight of the public. Later used to indicate the setting of the play. From the 5th century BC. S. began to be built directly behind the orchestra. In the 4th century. BC. S. appeared from stone. The S. façade or decorative wall placed at some distance from it (proskenium) initially had 1, later 2 floors. At both ends of the S. building there were side extensions - paraskenia. In the IV-III centuries. BC. in front of the S. there is an extension of the proskenium, the roof of which (logeon) in the Hellenistic period became the main performance space for the actors who had previously played in the orchestra. The S. wall had 3 (or 5) openings to the logeion, where the actors came out from the second level of the S. and set up the scenery. S. was separated from the theater by passages. S. was further developed in Rome. theater, representing a two-three-story building with a richly decorated facade, not separated from the theater by a passage (unlike the Greek one).

Skeet(gr. aokt)tg)<; - подвижник, аскет), жилище, устраивае-мое монастырями для монахов-отшельников. Иногда разрастался в обычный уединенный монастырь. После раскола церкви (2 пол. XVII в.) - поселки монастырского типа в глухих местах.

Staples clamps, fastenings in masonry made of large stones of regular shape, serving to firmly connect two stones in one horizontal row. S. are made in various shapes and from different materials (metal, wood, marble).

Chip of the edge of a fibreboard (chipboard) a defect in the form of local damage to the edge of a fibreboard (chipboard) spreading across the surface.

Skola with split wood in the end zone of the timber. As you move away from the end, the thickness of the broken off part decreases. Occurs during harvesting or processing of timber.

Corrosion rate of building material the rate of change in the properties of a building material in a product or structure per unit of time due to exposure to an aggressive environment.

The rate of oxidation of pollutants by activated sludge the mass of organic substances that oxidize 1 g of ash-free substance of activated sludge in 1 hour.

Crane speed speed of movement of the crane in steady state; determined when the crane moves along a horizontal path with a working load and at a wind speed of no more than 3 m/s at a height of 10 m.

Water filtration speed the volume of water passed through a unit of filter loading area in a certain time interval.

Fast filter for water purification filter for water purification, operating at a filtration speed of 5 - 15 m/h.

Bevel cut non-perpendicularity of the end of the longitudinal axis of the assortment

Scotia(gr. okotsh - darkness), a bummer, which in cross-section is an asymmetrical fillet with the profile of a two-center arc (from 2 quarter circles of different radii) or a more complex curve. It is found in the profile of column bases, usually without decorations.

Scriptorium(Late Lat. scriptorium “Lat. scripta - scribe), in Catholic monasteries of the VI-XII centuries. workshop for copying manuscripts. From the 13th century S. began to be replaced by urban guild writing workshops.

Sculpture chrysoelephantine chrysoelephantine (XpvaeXe^pavnvoq - made of ivory « Xpvoos - golden, trimmed with gold and eXeipaq - elephant, gender eXeyavToq - ivory), sculpture made of gold and ivory in ancient art. In the 5th century BC. This technique was usually used to create colossal statues of gods installed in the cella of the ancient Greeks. temple. The statue consisted of a wooden frame, on which ivory plates were placed, conveying the effect of a naked body. Hair and clothes were made of gold, and eyes were made of precious stones. Other metals and wood were sometimes used for attributes.

Skufja(Late Greek OKovi/xa “Ancient Greek ohcvipoq - cup,

bowl, which S. resembles), the upper part of some vaults, usually having the shape of a spherical segment. In the original sail vault, with the same radius of the spherical surface, the sails and sails merge into a single shape. Sometimes S. is given an elevated dome shape with a smaller radius than the radius of [arusov.

Slightly princely S. on the upper corner of the roof, in the roof on the yutoks - under the cover, which for greater reliability is attached to it with stamics.

Lay down(singular slightly), longitudinal logs, load-bearing part of the wing. They cut through a log along the slope of the pediment (male, edge). S. have a significant thickness, close to the diameter of the logs in the walls - such a thickness eliminates their sagging and eliminates the need for construction bulls. Chickens are attached to S. S. have a double function: connections between male pediments and purlins. S. create an overhang of the roof over the pediment.

Lay down horizontally placed logs forming a roof structure in Russian wooden architecture.

Vein marks whitish or darkish stripes on the surface of the veneer, arising from veins lying underneath at a depth of no more than 1 mm

Sleznik 1. The crown slab of the crown cornice. A recess is made on the lower surface to drain rainwater from the walls of the building (dripline). In the Doric order, the S. has a slope corresponding to the roof, and on the lower surface there are protrusions - mutulae or modulons. Same as Geyson. 2. A break that has a straight (or complex curve) line in cross-section, which in the upper part turns into a concave curve, hanging in front like a “bird’s or hawk’s beak.” Found in the Doric order, it gives a deep shadow. 3. A groove on the surface of the cornice through which rainwater flows bypassing the wall.

Sloboda Svoboda, a suburban settlement (group of settlements), located along the road leading to the city, behind the settlement. In Russia they are known in the XI-XVIII centuries. S. enjoyed temporary exemption from paying taxes and other duties, which is where their name came from.

Complex curvature curvature, characterized by two or more bends in the assortment in one or more planes.

Complex warping longitudinal warping along the face, characterized by several bends.

Laminated panel a panel having several main layers made of concrete or of concrete and non-concrete heat-insulating materials and products, including a panel with a screen.

Layer of fibreboard (chipboard) zone of a wood-fiber (chipboard) board, limited by two planes parallel to the surface of the board, and having a structure that is uniform and different from adjacent layers (layers) in density, binder proportion, size of fibers or wood particles and their orientation

Wear layer the top layer of a parquet plank from the face to the top of the tongue or groove, the wear of which determines the life of the parquet flooring.

Gossip holes in the edges of hipped masonry, processed like window openings with platbands. Perhaps the bell towers served as resonators.

Adjacent-isolated apartments for multi-generational families Apartments, each of which is provided with the necessary set of main and ancillary (and, if necessary, also auxiliary) premises, united through an opening (or openings). Moreover, these apartments may have common rooms (entrance, hall, corridor, dining room, laundry room and others).

Mixer a water-folding device that provides mixing of cold and hot water, as well as regulation of its flow and temperature by the consumer

Concrete mixture a mixture of binders, fillers, sealers and, if necessary, additives before it is laid.

Dry concrete mixture concrete mixture without mixer.

Estimated cost of construction the amount of all costs associated with the construction (reconstruction) of an enterprise, a separate building, structure or their complexes; price of products in construction.

Key offset, offset process of adding modulo 2 counters with a key.

Displaced core eccentric location of the core (as a rule, accompanied by ovality of the trunk).

SNiP "Building norms and rules" set of instructions for construction and repair work. Includes a section on working at height.

Building demolition an exceptional measure related to urban planning and other objective circumstances (high physical and moral wear and tear, emergency condition, etc.).

Own chassis of a mobile (inventory) building or structure

a transport device intended for the relocation of a mobile (inventory) building or container-type structure.

Sovelit powder from a mixture of magnesium carbonate, calcium carbonate and asbestos

Compatibility the ability of objects to be used together in specific conditions in order to meet relevant requirements.

Combined lighting lighting, in which natural light, which is insufficient by standards, is supplemented with artificial light.

Combined neutral working and protective conductor (pen conductor) a conductor that combines the functions of protective and neutral working conductors.

Combined bathroom a room equipped with a toilet, bath (or shower) and washbasin.

Flange connection a fixed detachable connection of a pipeline, the tightness of which is ensured by compressing the sealing surfaces directly against each other or through gaskets of a softer material located between them, compressed by fasteners.

Connecting lines wires and cables that provide connections between components of a fire alarm system.

Connecting element an element of a lifting device that connects the gripper with the working body of a lifting machine.

Solena type of tile in ancient Greek. buildings. S. - large rectangular tiles were laid in rows in such a way that the top one was on the edge of the bottom one, and the seams formed along the edges were covered with long and narrow tiles of another type - calypters. The tiles were made mainly from clay; in the richest buildings, marble tiles were used. A sheathing was built under the clay tiles. Large marble tiles were laid directly on the rafters.

Solea(Latin solium - throne, throne), in an Orthodox church, the raised floor in front of the altar barrier or the entire length of the iconostasis, a place for worship.

Tapeworm a separately growing tree or shrub.

Closed crack crack no more than 1.0 mm wide

Canopy closure the ratio of the sum of the areas of horizontal projections of tree crowns (without taking into account the area of ​​their overlap) to the total area of ​​the forest area.

Nozzle the part through which gas enters the burner.

Air permeation resistance of the building envelope The reciprocal value of the air permeability coefficient of the enclosing structure

Soil resistance on the side surface of the probe soil resistance on the side surface of the Type I probe rods.

Resistance to vapor permeation of the enclosing structure the reciprocal value of the flow of water vapor passing through a unit area of ​​the enclosing structure under isothermal conditions per unit time with a difference in the partial pressures of the internal and external air of one Pascal.

Resistance to heat transfer (heat transfer or heat perception) the reciprocal of the heat transfer coefficient.

Heat transfer resistance of the enclosing structure coefficient, which is the reciprocal of the heat transfer coefficient and characterizes the heat-saving properties of the structure (material).

Sorptive humidity of the material equilibrium relative humidity of a material in an air environment with constant relative humidity and temperature.

Magpies wooden dowels-ties, fastening the horse harness and shell

Composite panel a panel consisting of several separately manufactured reinforced concrete elements or reinforced concrete and other basic elements (not counting window and door units), the integrity of the structure of which is created by the subsequent connection of these elements using connecting products or other means.

Composite wall a wall consisting in thickness of two walls: outer and inner.

Soffit(Italian soffitto - ceiling). 1. A horizontal row of lamps mounted at the top and sides of the stage. Lighting fixtures with several light sources in a common reflector. 2. The surface of any architectural detail visible from below: beams, arches, external cornice, etc., often had decorative processing.

Social infrastructure a complex of service objects and relationships between them, ground-based and remote, within an urban planning formation (territories, settlements, groups of settlements, etc.).

Mature plantings age group, which includes forest plantations that have reached the established cutting age (ripeness) of the forest.

Specialized apartment residential building a serviced residential building with apartments for the elderly or for families with disabilities.

Special additive for cement additive to cement introduced to give it special properties or regulate certain quality indicators

Special cement cement, which, along with the formation of strength, is subject to special requirements.

Back(Latin spina - spine), a low wall in the middle of the arena in Rome. circus, which was surrounded by chariots during competitions. S. were decorated with statues, obelisks, columns, and small temples. At its ends there were marks or targets, each representing 3 conical pillars mounted on a common pedestal. Next to the throws there were stands on columns. On one of them there were images of 7 bronze dolphins, on the other - 7 bronze eggs, which were removed one by one from the stand as a sign of the chariots passing the circle.

Spira(Latin spira - bend, twist), part of the base of the column (optional), located under the torus and representing a low cylinder with a concave generatrix. Could be fluted with horizontal flutes.

Spiral welded electric welded steel pipe electric welded steel pipe made from strips or sheets by spiral forming and continuous welding of the joint with a spiral seam.

Solid particle board particle board without voids or channels.

Continuous roll heel in the form of significant continuous sections located on one side of the core and covering half or more of the cross-sectional area.

Solid panel panel without air gaps and voids.

Complete demolition of buildings total destruction of existing construction projects and, in general, traces of once existing buildings.

Clear cuttings forest felling, in which stands of trees that have reached the age of felling (ripeness) are cut down in one go. There are regional Rules that define silvicultural standards and methods of felling, taking into account the characteristics of local forest conditions.

Method of ascent and descent using a rope and/or cable a manual method of overcoming a difference in height to enter a work area using a cable or rope for support (but without lifting machines).

Residual current switching capability the value of the expected differential current that the RCD-D is capable of turning on, passing during its shutdown time and turning off under given operating conditions without impairing its functionality.

Air sprinkler fire extinguishing installation a fire extinguishing sprinkler installation, the supply pipeline of which is filled with water (aqueous solution), the rest - with air under pressure.

Fire sprinkler system automatic fire extinguishing installation equipped with sprinklers.

sprinkler sprinkler with a locking device for the outlet opening, which opens when the thermal lock is activated.

Middle-aged plantings age group, which includes forest plantations, starting from age class III and limited by the age of ripening.

Average illumination of streets, roads and squares illuminance, area weighted average

Average road surface brightness area-weighted average brightness of dry road surfaces in the direction of the eyes of an observer located on the axis of traffic movement

Sredokrestie in Romanesque and Gothic churches, the space formed by the intersection of the naves with the transept.

Detection Tools detecting and implementing appropriate remedial actions.

Scaffolding means devices intended for organizing workplaces during construction and installation work at a height or depth of more than 1.3 m from the ground level or ceiling

Key Management Tools a secure enclosed volume (such as a room or cryptographic equipment) and its contents for housing cryptographic elements.

Load-handling means a device designed to ensure reliable and efficient connection of the load with the working body of the lifting machine

Fire protection agent a fire-retardant composition or material that has fire-retardant effectiveness and is specifically designed for fire protection of various objects

Cement setting time time of the beginning and end of setting of the cement paste, determined under standardized conditions

fused sprout trace of a closed growth in the form of an elongated section (seam) of twisted wood on the surface of the veneer

fused knot a knot, the annual layers of which have grown together with the surrounding wood over at least 3/4 of the perimeter of the knot cut

Log house 1. A log house is a structure without a floor or roof and consists of several crowns stacked on top of each other. The number of crowns is determined by the thickness of the logs and the height of the house. 2. walls of a chopped wooden structure, assembled from properly processed logs. The logs are stacked “in a cage” - one on top of the other and in the corners they are connected “into an oblo” (“into a bowl”), “into a paw”, etc.

Log house six-shaped from land in wooden temple architecture the most ancient type of building. There is no intermediate quadrangle between the ground and the six; the crowns of the frame are laid on the ground. The log house ends with a tent.

Traction stabilizer a device installed in the combustion gas circuit of the boiler to reduce the influence of chimney draft on the burner characteristics and combustion process.

Stabilizing additives substances that help reduce the delamination of concrete mixtures

Shutters board covering the window. S. are made carved and painted.

Stages(gr. arabiov - ancient Greek measure of length, 150-190m; lists), an oblong arena intended for running competitions, with seats for spectators. It was located on a natural slope. In Dr. In Greece, S. was built near the most revered sanctuaries, where games and competitions of pan-Hellenic significance were held. Sometimes a gymnasium was adjacent to S. S. usually counted on running back and forth. The ends of the S. were usually blunt, rarely one end was rounded. The start and finish were marked with stone slabs or pillars.

Stadium(gr. STobiov), a covered or uncovered structure for sports competitions with stands for spectators, sports fields, and auxiliary premises. The prototype of modern S. is the ancient Greek. The name S. arose due to the fact that the length of the main lists at Olympia was 1 stade. The villages have not been built since the 4th century. (with the ban on the Olympic Games) until 1896, when, with the establishment of the international Olympics in Athens, a new one was built on the ruins of the ancient S.

Steel fiber reinforced concrete steel fiber reinforced concrete is concrete dispersedly reinforced with steel fibers - fiber, which makes it possible to obtain a new composite material that is significantly different in its physical and mechanical characteristics from the concrete matrix.

Furnace Welding Steel Pipe a steel pipe made from heated strips by forming and welding, which involves using the ability of molecular adhesion of the compressed surfaces of metals heated to a high temperature in a furnace.

Metal coated steel pipe steel pipe coated inside and (or) outside with a metal layer.

Non-metallic coated steel pipe steel pipe coated inside and (or) outside with a non-metallic layer.

Steel pipe a steel product with a ring-shaped, oval, polygonal or other shape of a hollow cross-section of relatively long length

Stamiki wooden rods connecting the ohlupen and Knyazevaya slega (ridge beam) and passing through them through rectangular holes. In the lower part of the S., protruding from the timber, there is an eye into which a wedge-shaped bolt is inserted in the transverse direction. The upper end of the S. has a widening that closes the hole, and is decoratively processed with combinations of a cone, cylinder, and ball. In different areas it has different names: columns, soldiers, balls, birds, etc.

Standard monofraction sand quartz natural sand with standardized grain and chemical composition, intended for testing cement.

Standard polyfraction sand a mixture of fractions of quartz natural sand containing rounded grains, with a standardized grain and chemical composition, intended for testing cement.

Standard temperature mode of temperature change over time when testing structures for fire resistance, established by the standard

Standard cement mortar a homogeneous mixture of cement, standard sand and water in a standardized ratio.

Water treatment station a complex of buildings, structures and devices for water treatment.

Water purification station a complex of buildings, structures and devices for water purification

Wastewater treatment plant a complex of buildings, structures and devices for wastewater treatment and sludge treatment.

Static probing the process of immersing a probe into the soil under the influence of a static pressing load with measuring soil resistance to probe penetration.

Become self-insurer provide insurance through self-insurance.

Staffage figures of people, small genre scenes introduced into the composition of the landscape park to revitalize them.

Stationary machine a machine that does not have the ability to move under its own power and requires installation work to be installed at the workplace.

Stationary partition The stationary partition is based on a frame made of wooden, aluminum, steel or PVC profiles onto which the panels are attached. The main feature of such structures is that they are attached to both the floor and the ceiling, after which their configuration can no longer be changed.

Sash an element of a window unit connected to the frame using fittings. Depending on the type of fittings, the sashes are either rotary or tilt-and-turn.

The sash is narrow a vertical flap designed to ventilate the room. The width usually does not exceed 450 mm.

Reinforced glass Annealed, chrome-plated or nickel-plated steel wire is pressed into it, which serves as a frame that holds small fragments of glass when it is damaged.

Liquid glass an air binder made by firing a mixture of quartz sand and soda. The resulting glass, after crushing, is dissolved in water. Sodium liquid glass is used in the production of concrete with special properties (acid-resistant, heat-resistant), fire-retardant paints and other materials.

Tempered glass glass that has undergone special thermal or chemical treatment to increase its strength. The glass tempering process consists of two stages: heating and subsequent rapid cooling using air blowing. Cooling the surface layers leads to their rapid hardening, while the inner layer of glass pulls the surface layers with it, which causes compressive stresses in them. In this case, the inner layer is subject to tension, since the surface has already hardened. As a result, a stress system is formed in the glass (the outer layers are highly compressed, the inner layers are stretched), which provides the glass with high mechanical and thermal strength compared to ordinary glass. When broken, tempered glass breaks into small fragments that do not have sharp edges.

Laminated glass This is a complex structure consisting of several (two or more) glasses connected to each other by a laminating layer. Polyvinyl film or liquid resin can be used as the laminated layer.

Reflective glass (stopsol) has a durable silver coating with an amber or blue tint and has high reflective properties.

Soft coated glass glass is produced by vacuum deposition and is a three-layer (or more) structure of alternating layers of silver dielectric (BiO, AlN, TiO2, etc.). The main disadvantage of i-glasses is their relatively reduced abrasive resistance compared to K-glass, but given that such a coating is inside the glass unit, this does not affect its performance properties.

Heat-saving glass- high-quality glass with a thin-film coating, which is applied by vacuum magnetron sputtering. By letting solar energy into the room, they do not allow the heat flow created by heating devices to escape outside. There are two types of heat-saving glass: i -glass (LOW-E) has a “soft” silver-based coating, which gives the product a bluish color. i-glass is used only in the production of sealed double-glazed windows, and the coated side must face the inside of the double-glazed window. Transmits more than 75-83% of visible light, while reflecting more than 90-95% of heat back into the room. k -glass has a “hard” coating based on durable oxides, nitrides of titanium, tin or indium, giving the product blue or yellowish tints. k-glass is used as regular glass or solar control glass. Transmits 60-80% of visible light, reflects 60 to 90% of heat back into the room. The former may appear slightly tinted due to the durable smoky finish. The surface of the latter has less resistance to external influences, but the thermal insulation characteristics of glass are much higher. At an outside temperature of -26°C and a room temperature of +20°C, the temperature on the glass surface inside the room for a conventional double-glazed window is +5.1°C, for a double-glazed window with K-glass +11°C, with I-glass +14° WITH.

Tinted glass- glass having a certain shade. A distinction is made between mass tinting (the introduction of a dye during the glass melting process) and the application of special films to already manufactured standard glass. In addition to decorative properties, it can transmit a certain spectrum of light waves.

Energy-saving glass with soft coating: K-glass.

To impart heat-saving properties to glass directly during its manufacture, a thin layer of metal oxides InSnO2 is created on its surface using a chemical reaction at high temperature (pyrolysis method), which is transparent and at the same time electrically conductive. This coating has high chemical and mechanical resistance.

Cellular glass (foam glass) is a cellular thermal insulation material obtained by sintering glass powder in an oven with its simultaneous swelling under the action of a gas generator. This is one of the most durable thermal insulation materials (average density 1200 kg/m3).

Glass block glass blocks are products with a hermetically sealed cavity formed by joining two pressed glass plates.

Glass wallpaper fire-resistant rolled material based on embossed fiberglass, glass wallpaper is fire-resistant.

Double-glazed window sealed structure consisting of glass and a spacer frame filled with a desiccant. Depending on the number of glasses, there are single-chamber (2 glasses) and double-chamber (3 glasses) double-glazed windows. The thickness of a standard single-chamber double-glazed window is 24 mm (glass 4 mm, air gap 16 mm, glass 4 mm). The double-chamber double-glazed window has a thickness of 32 mm (3 glasses of 4 mm each and two air layers of 10 mm each). Inside the glass unit there is dried air or inert gas. Single-chamber and double-chamber double-glazed windows are divided into models for general construction purposes and with special properties. The first ones are most common in construction and are used to create facade glazing and dividing partitions. Double-glazed windows with special properties are energy-saving, sun-protective, noise-proof, and impact-resistant (triplex). Solar control windows are needed to reduce the intensity of solar radiation indoors. They are made using different types of glass.

Glasspore granules obtained by swelling of soluble liquid glass or the so-called silicate lump - a product of cooling a molten sodium or potassium glass. It has an average density of 200-300 kg/cub.m.

Stekloprofilit (profile glass) a long-size glass product produced by rolling.

Glass roofing material rolled roofing and waterproofing material on a fiberglass base, obtained by applying bitumen binder and topping to the base on both sides.

Glass works glazing of window sashes, balconies, loggias and shop windows with regular and display glass, as well as applying special films to the glass

Stele(gr. otg\kt] - pillar), a vertically standing stone slab (usually a tombstone) with an inscription or a relief image. In Dr. In Greece, as a rule, it was crowned with a pediment or acroteria. Gravestones originate from the custom, widespread in the Bronze Age, of placing a heavy stone on the deceased, preventing him from leaving the grave. With the emergence of the idea of ​​a soul independent of the body, S. began to be erected as the habitat of this soul. Stone pillars or slabs with carved on them with texts or images placed in honor of some important event, victory over the enemy, in memory of large buildings.

Wall cheek a wall that limits the barrel vault (or stripping) in the transverse direction. Such a wall does not participate in the perception of the pressure of the vault; window and door openings are usually installed in it.

Stenniki wall lighting for one or several candles. S. had reflectors - metal, mirrored with relief details.

Wall benchmark (brand) leveling benchmark installed on the supporting structures of permanent buildings and structures.

Water permeability degree a characteristic that reflects the ability of soils to pass water through itself and is quantitatively expressed in the filtration coefficient Kf, m/day.

Salinity degree characteristic that determines the amount of water-soluble salts in soil Dsal, %.

Degree of corrosion of building material technical characteristics of changes in the properties of building materials due to corrosion

Frost heaving degree a characteristic reflecting the ability of soil to frost heave, expressed by the relative deformation of frost heave

Degree of room leakage expressed as a percentage, the ratio of the total area of ​​constantly open openings to the total surface area of ​​the room.

Degree of fire resistance of a building (structure, fire compartment) classification characteristic of an object, determined by indicators of fire resistance and fire hazard of building structures

Extent of combustion spread classification characteristic of the fire hazard of a structure, determined based on the results of standard tests of structures for combustion propagation

Solubility in water a characteristic reflecting the ability of soils to dissolve in water and expressed in the amount of water-soluble salts, qsr, g/l

Stereobat(gr.atereo|Zat77s<отересх;- крепкий, твердый), по Витрувию, - ступенчатое основание древнегречес. храма или дру-гого монументального здания. Состоял из трех ступеней, верхняя из которых (или только ее поверхность) называлась стилобатом. Стереобат устраивался на верхнем, частично приподнятом слое фун-дамента, - евтинтерии.

Lock rod part of the lock that serves to transmit torque from the lock handle to the latch bolt

Kernel columns fust, the middle approximately cylindrical part of the column. It was crowned with a capital, and below (as a rule) there was a base.

Fastener rod part of a fastener that directly fits into the holes of the products being connected or is screwed into the material of one of them

Stylobate(gr. sgtiHoRatuya< orvXos - колонна, столб и Раирсо - твердо стою). 1. Каменные плиты под колоннами.■2. Верхняя плоскость крепиды. 3. Верхняя ступень или верх-няя поверхность стереобата.

Stylobate(gr. - column, pillar and - stand firmly). 1. Stone slabs under the columns. 2. Upper plane of the crepida. 3. Upper stage or upper surface of the stereo unit.

Rack pillar, column, etc., serving as a support for beams, floors and working on central and eccentric compression.

Resistance of the additive to external influences requirements limiting the level of various external influences (climatic or any other), compliance with which does not lead to a change in the quality of the additive

Mechanism durability aspect of assessing the effectiveness of the subject of assessment, namely the ability of its security mechanisms to withstand direct attacks on flaws in their algorithms, principles and properties.

Columnar foundation In terms of material consumption and labor costs, columnar foundations are 1.5-2 times more economical than strip foundations, and when laid deep, they are 3-5 times more economical. Columnar foundations are especially effective in heaving soils when they are deeply frozen. Columnar foundations also have limitations in their use. Firstly, columnar foundations are bad in horizontally moving soils due to insufficient resistance to overturning - in this case, a rigid reinforced concrete grillage is required. Secondly, the use of columnar foundations is difficult on weak-bearing soils when building houses with heavy walls. Thirdly, when installing columnar foundations, difficulties arise with the construction of the base: you have to fill the space between the pillars, the wall and the ground (taking in), which is quite difficult. The main element of a columnar foundation is a pillar (pile). The pillar can be wooden, stone, brick, concrete or reinforced concrete. You can use an asbestos pipe by filling it with concrete.

Pillar 1. Massive internal support - rectangular or cross-shaped in plan, supporting the vaults. 2. Tower I, a tower-like structure not connected with the fortress walls, standing separately.

Stomion entrance part of the domed ancient Greek. tombs, I facing the dromos. A relief triangle is arranged above the entrance - a space not filled with masonry. I After the burial, the village was covered with a wall, and the dromos was covered to protect it from plunder.

Lock washer a washer that serves to prevent self-unscrewing of fasteners using structural elements. The structural elements of the washer are legs, toes, teeth, etc.

Watchmen in the XV-XVII centuries. small ancient Russian fortified

points located on elevated places, serving for | monitoring enemy movements.

Third party conductive part conductive part that is not part of the electrical installation.

Wastewater liquid discharges from populated areas with admixtures of atmospheric and industrial waters.

standing stoa (gr. otoa otoicl), long open galleries - colonnades with one or two rows of columns (in the last case, the outer row was built in the Doric order, the inner one in the Ionic order). Villages often had a wall along one of the long sides and were decorated with statues and paintings. They were built separately or in a complex. Public buildings of the Hellenistic era served as places for walks, theater foyers, state halls for city celebrations, etc. S. were framed by squares on 2, 3, sometimes 4 sides.

Insurance connection of an object to be insured (a steeplejack, a tool) with an attachment point, a safety rope or a railing, guaranteeing protection against falling from a height. Providing financial guarantees for damages with the help of insurance organizations is one of the mandatory organizational measures in extreme activities. A short name for the entire physical safety chain.

Top insurance belaying a climber using a rope, the anchor point (or bend) of which is located above the climber.

Dynamic insurance a set of measures (techniques and devices) to dampen the jerk when belaying the bottom in the event of a fall.

Insurance loaded a safety rope intentionally loaded with the weight of the climber (without breaking). This is an auxiliary technical technique, for example, for support with pendulums. It does not require subsequent rope rejection, since there is no tugging force.

Lower belay belaying with a rope going to the moving climber from below. Used in combination with dynamic belay.

Safety system ropes, cables, chains that prevent a climber from falling from a height in an emergency

Jib) crane design that provides the required reach and/or lifting height of the load-handling member.

Lifting boom height of the planar (arch, truss) or I spatial (dome) part of the structure, measured along the axis from | the plane of the heels to the highest point of the system (arch key, etc.).

Strelnitsy fortress towers in Russian fortifications.

A later name that appeared in Russian chronicles after the 2nd half. XIII century and preserved until the middle. XVI century - vezhi, pillar | . The name was used ch. arr. in Moscow lands. S. I were built rectangular and polygonal, at an early stage I were built wooden, later they were replaced with stone ones (if there were wooden walls), primarily, as a rule, roadways.

Strelnitsy branch bridgehead fortress towers, built on the outside of the moat and serving as reinforcement for the main gate tower. Appeared instead of complex obnoxious devices in the end. XV-beginning XVI centuries S.O. They were open at the top, had a battle passage on the walls and were lower in size than the main tower. Passage towers did not always have S.O.

Strelnya tower in ancient Russian fortress architecture.

Stretching the process of carpet tensioning, in which the carpet is laid on narrow slats along the walls with two rows of nails driven in at an angle and tensioned using special tools.

Strekha 1. The lower hanging edge of the roof (usually a hut, hut). 2. Roof (hut, hut).

Stroboscopic effect the phenomenon of distortion of visual perception of rotating, moving or changing objects in flickering light, which occurs when the frequency characteristics of the movement of objects coincide and the light flux changes over time in lighting installations made with gas-discharge light sources powered by alternating current.

Construction industry production in industrial conditions of products for use as an element of building structures of buildings and structures.

Construction site production territory allocated in the prescribed manner for the placement of construction structures, as well as machines, materials, structures, production and sanitary premises and communications used in the process of erecting construction buildings and structures.

Construction production carrying out a complex of preparatory and basic construction, installation and special construction work during the construction and reconstruction, technical re-equipment, major repairs of all types of buildings and structures in any climatic zones

Construction and technical properties of cement a set of properties of cement that characterize its ability to form strong and durable cement stone as a result of hardening

Construction products reinforced concrete panels, slabs, beams, door and window blocks and similar parts and factory-made elements installed at the construction site.

Building mixture cement, sand and water mixed in a certain proportion. It is used in the construction of stone (brick) masonry as a binder.

Construction type of production activity, the result of which is construction products or construction materials and products.

Construction material material intended for the creation of building structures of buildings and structures, as well as the manufacture of building products.

Construction works production and economic activities aimed at the construction, repair, reconstruction of buildings and structures.

Building mixture materials mixed in a certain proportion: cement, lime, gypsum, sand and water. Mortar is used in the construction of stone (brick) masonry and finishing work as a binder. The mortar is divided: according to the type of binders (cement, lime, gypsum and complex); by purpose (masonry, finishing and special).

Construction the branch of material production in which fixed assets for production and non-production purposes are created: ready-to-use buildings, structures and their complexes.

Sling the applied name for flat tapes. Let us note that in S.I. Ozhegov’s dictionary the word sling is given, but in parachute-paragliding (and hence in mountaineering) usage, it has long been the feminine gender: sling.

Sling the applied name for flat tapes.

Rafters load-bearing elements of a pitched roof that support the base of the roof (sheathing or decking). The design depends on the shape of the roof and the location of the supports. The replacement of floor coverings with log gables in wooden huts with rafters led to changes in the facades - planked gables and cornices made of boards decorated with carvings appeared, masking the transition to the gables from the chopped walls. The simplest structures consist of rafter legs, posts, and struts. S. can be made of wood, reinforced concrete, metal or mixed.

Rafter truss part of the supporting structure of the roof, the basis for sheathing and roofing. Consists of rafters, beams and ceilings. The design of rafter systems is determined by the shape of the roof. Their main element is the rafter legs, which are laid along the slope and support the sheathing. The lower ends of the rafter legs rest on the outer walls.

Line development arrangement of houses with a gap between buildings, and the houses are not located along the same line, but on ledges.

Soil structure spatial organization of soil components, characterized by a set of morphological (size, shape of particles, their quantitative ratio), geometric (spatial composition of structural elements) and energy characteristics (type of structural connections and total energy of the structure) and determined by the composition, quantitative ratio and interaction of soil components

Knock, knock, knockKNOCK ( it. stucco - gypsum, alabaster), artificial marble for wall decoration and architectural details. The highest grade of plaster, with great strength, takes on the appearance of marble after polishing. The composition includes lime and crushed marble. The Romans call it opus albarium. S. was known in Dr. Egypt, widely used in ancient Rome. architecture and later (from the 15th century) in the architecture of Italy, France, etc. In Russia it has been known since the 18th century.

Step bolt a bolt whose smooth part diameter exceeds the nominal thread diameter.

Joint plywood plywood made by joining two or more sheets to increase its size.

Stuka (knock) (from Italian) the highest grade of plaster, which contains finely sifted gypsum with marble powder, alum, and glue. When hardened, it acquires very high strength.

Screed base under the covering - a floor layer that serves to level the surface of the underlying floor layer or ceiling, give the floor covering on the ceiling a given slope, cover various pipelines, distribute loads across the non-rigid underlying layers of the floor on the ceiling.

Substruction (from Latin) a structure that supports one or another part of an architectural structure from below.

Security Subject an active object that is granted or denied access to security objects according to the permission policy.

Castle lever a part of a lock that serves to lock the lock bolt in a certain position and is operated by a key

Loams and sandy loams mixtures of sand and clay particles. Loams contain from 10 to 30% clay particles, sandy loams - from 3 to 10%. In wet soils, the depth of the foundation should be no less than the calculated freezing depth.

Loam loose sedimentary rock containing 10-30% clay particles (less than 0.005 mm in size). Based on the content of clay particles, heavy (20-30%), medium (15-20%) and light (10-15%) loams are distinguished. They are used as raw materials for the production of bricks, tiles, and, less commonly, ceramic tiles.

Sulfate corrosion of concrete corrosion of concrete as a result of interaction of cement stone with sulfates.

Sulfate resistance of cement the ability of cement stone to withstand the destructive effects of aqueous media containing sulfate ions.

Sulfoaluminate (ferritic) clinker clinker consisting predominantly of calcium sulfoaluminates (ferrites).

Sulfoaluminate (-ferritic) cement cement obtained from sulfoaluminate (-ferritic) clinker.

Sandy loam loose sedimentary rock, with a content of clay particles less than 10%. It is used as a raw material in the production of building ceramics.

Crackers, denticles, denticles, a series of small rectangular projections in the cornice of the Ionic, Corinthian and variant of the Roman Doric order. And also in the Ionic entablature in a two-part version instead of the frieze between the architrave and the cornice.

Dry masonry masonry performed with bandaging of seams, but without the use of masonry mortar. Metal anchors are used to fasten the blocks

Dry mortar mixture This is a mixture of dry components of binder, filler and additives, dosed and mixed at the factory, mixed with water before use.

Dry mixes loose, rationally selected mixtures of binders, aggregates, fillers and special additives (setting and hardening regulators, adhesives, plasticizers and others). Designed for preparing mortars, mixtures for leveling concrete floors, gluing building tiles, preparing primers, putties, plasters and grouts. Dry mixtures are mixed with water at the work site.

knot part of a branch enclosed in the wood of the trunk.

Spheristerium(lat. sphaeristerium “gr. ousirshtri), a large room at the thermal baths for playing ball and various exercises, in which there were various devices for gymnastics. S. faced the afternoon sunny side, otherwise it was heated by a stove.

Sphinx(gr. cwt), sculpture (image) of mythical creatures (guardian spirit, embodiment of royal power) with the body of a lion and with a human (male, less often female) head, sometimes with the head of a sacred animal (ram, hawk). S. were placed in Dr. Egypt in front of the temples and royal tombs as guardians of these sacred places. The original for the human head of S., depicting one of the Egyptian gods (the god Tum), was usually the reigning pharaoh. Similar names are also typical for other countries. East. lamassu.

Contractions supporting elements holding the panels in working position.

Setting of cement irreversible loss of mobility of cement paste as a result of hydration.

Engineering protection schemes - general, detailed, special design material developed for the purpose of determining and justifying the optimal complex of engineering protection, its aggregated estimated cost and priority of implementation.

Scene(lat. scaene, scene « gr. (aKrjvrj’) - tent^r, tent), part of a theater building, an elevation or platform ^ on which a theatrical performance takes place. The name comes from the Greek. Skene's words. The initial form of the Hebrew S. - ancient non-Greek orchestra. theater, where the choir was located and actors played, who later switched to proskenium, to Romans. theater - proscenium.

Interlocking blocks encryption of information in such a way that each ciphertext block is cryptographically dependent on the previous ciphertext block.

Removable lifting device any equipment connecting a load of payable capacity to a crane and which is not part of either the crane or the load. The removable load-handling device is easily removed from the lifting device and disconnected from the load.

Raw sewage sludge sludge from primary settling tanks.

Sandwich panels panels made from a thermal insulation core, most often mineral wool, expanded polystyrene and polyurethane foam. The outer and inner surfaces of the panels are usually rigid steel, aluminum or plastic sheets.

According to research from UK recruitment agency CBSbutler, you could earn £54,000 in 2017. To do this, you had to work as an engineer in the oil and gas industry. It takes a lot of effort to see numbers like these in your bank account. One of them is to learn English and become a sought-after specialist in a foreign or Russian company.

Even if you have nothing to do with engineering, we recommend that you read the article. For example, the English names of screws and dowels will be useful to you if you assemble furniture according to instructions in English or buy exclusive materials on English-language sites.

Brief dictionary of technical terms

We tried to collect the terms that are most often found in the work of an engineer. Of course, we only covered the basic vocabulary. If you want to master English in a more narrow engineering field, you can do this on ours. Whether you are a design engineer or an electrical engineer, we will select the materials that will be useful specifically in your industry.

If you know basic terminology, scroll to the end of the article: we have collected 33 useful resources for you that will be useful for developing your listening and reading skills. Plus, our list of video blogs, podcasts, series, and courses will help make learning fun.

General terminology

First, let's look at the names of engineering industries and the names of some positions.

mechanical engineeringengineering mechanics, mechanical engineering, mechanical systems design
electrical engineeringelectromechanics, technical design of electrical circuits
civil engineeringdesign and construction of civil facilities
structural engineeringindustrial design / construction design
biomedical engineeringbiomedical engineering
chemical engineeringchemical engineering
software engineeringsoftware engineering
systems engineeringsystems engineering
an engineerengineer, designer
an engineering techniciantechnical engineer


Let's move on to the basic set of words that are necessary for drawing up drawings and diagrams.

design informationproject information
a design solutiondesign and technical solution
an itempart, product, unit
CAD /kæd/ (computer-aided design)computer-aided design system
technical requirementstechnical specifications, requirements
to overdesignoverdesign
a drawing (abbreviated as dwg)drawing, diagram
a blueprintblue (copy of drawing)
a detail drawingdetailed drawing
a general arrangement drawinggeneral layout drawing, general diagram
a preliminary drawingsketch, preliminary drawing
a working drawingrough diagram, working drawing
schematicsschematic drawing, plan
a drawing boardtablet, drawing board
to draw up a drawingdraw up a drawing


The following lexical set will help you take measurements by correctly indicating the radius of the circle and the error in English.

a measurementmeasurement, calculation, system of measures
calculationscalculations, calculations
dimensions (abbreviated dims)dimensions
linear dimensionslinear dimensions
a directiondirection
a tape measuremeasuring tape
a theodolitegoniometer
an anglecorner
a degreedegree
a grademetric degree
a radius (plural: radii)radius
circumferenceperimeter, circumference
a constantconstant
a surfacesurface
a facefront surface
a circlecircle
a concentric circleconcentric circle
a curved linecrooked line
an extremityextreme point
a spandistance between objects
cross-sectional areacross-sectional area
surface areasurface area
smoothsmooth, even
inclinedinclined, at an angle
to measureto measure
to increaseincrease
to decreasereduce
Accuracy of measurements
dimensional accuracyaccuracy of measurements
a deviationdeviation
a rounding errorrounding error
performance gapinequality in indicators
tight tolerance = close tolerancesmall permissible deviation
loose tolerancewide permissible error
within tolerancewithin acceptable values
outside toleranceout of range
to varyvary
to round up or downround up or down
a centrelinecenter line, center line
an offsetbias
centre-to-centredistance between centers/axes
a reference pointreference point, starting point
a gridnet
a gridlinegrid line
a diagonaldiagonal
perpendicular toperpendicular to
to set outmark position
to locatelocate, place
to run parallel withbe parallel
to intersect atintersect at

Materials technology

A short dictionary on materials technology will help you work with wood, concrete or metals.

an elementelement
a compoundcompound
chemical compositionchemical composition
a chemical reactionchemical reaction
a mixturemixture
an alloyadmixture
a coefficientcoefficient
non-metals (carbon, silicon)non-metals (coal, silicon)
metals (iron, copper):
  • ferrous metals
  • non-ferrous metals
metals (iron, copper):
  • metals containing iron
  • non-iron metals
a precious metala precious metal
raw materials:
  • powder, fine particles
  • a pellet
  • a fiber
raw materials:
  • powder, fine particles
  • granule
  • fiber
  • carbon steel
  • alloy steel
  • stainless steel
  • tool steel
  • high-speed steel
  • carbon steel
  • alloy steel
  • stainless steel
  • tool steel
  • high speed steel
a composite materialcomposite material
a reinforcing materialreinforcing material
a matrixbinder, solution
carbon fibercarbon fiber
moltenmolten, liquid
to disintegratedivide into parts
to flowflow
to covercover
to meltmelt
to rustrust
a natural polymernatural polymer
a synthetic polymersynthetic polymer
  • acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS)
  • polycarbonate
  • polyvinylchloride (PVC)
  • acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS plastic)
  • polycarbonate
  • polyvinyl chloride
thermosetting plastics = thermosets:
  • epoxy resin
  • polyimide
  • epoxy resin (rubber)
  • polyimide
an elastomerelastomer
Minerals and ceramic materials
a mineralmineral
oreore mineral
an abrasive materialabrasive
a kilnkiln
  • float glass
  • safety glass
  • toughened glass = tempered glass
  • laminated glass
  • sheet glass
  • shatterproof safety glass
  • tempered high strength glass
  • laminated safety glass
to annealharden, burn
fine aggregatefine aggregate
coarse aggregatecoarse aggregate
concrete mix designselection of concrete mixture composition
an additiveadditive
a retarderretarder (concrete)
reinforced concretereinforced concrete
reinforcing barsfittings
formwork = shutteringformwork
to cast concretelay concrete mixture
  • hardwood
  • softwood
  • hardwood
  • softwood
solid wood:
  • grain
  • knots /nɒts/
solid wood:
  • bitches
engineered wood:
  • a particle board = chipboard and medium-density fiberboard (MDF)
  • a oriented strand board (OSB)
  • a glue-laminated section (abbreviated glulam)
composite wood material:
  • medium density fiberboard (MDF/Fibreboard)
  • oriented strand board (OSB)
  • laminated veneer lumber
timber = lumberlumber
a sawmillsawmill
resintree resin
stress-gradedgraded by strength
to sawto nag
Properties of materials
material propertiesproperties of materials
thermal propertiesthermal properties
a thermal insulatorthermal insulation material
a coefficient of thermal expansioncoefficient of thermal expansion
a coefficient of linear expansioncoefficient of linear thermal expansion
tensile strengthtensile strength
compressive strengthcompressive strength
elasticityelasticity, firmness
ductilityelasticity, pliability
  • scratch hardness
  • indentation hardness
  • scratch resistance hardness
  • indentometric hardness, indentation hardness
durabilityservice life, wear resistance
fracture toughnessfracture resistance
thermal conductivitythermal conductivity
stiffhard, inelastic
brittlefragile, fragile
to conductpass, pass
to fracturecrack, burst
to resist wearbe resistant to wear

Manufacturing and assembly

Making and assembling appliances and furniture from parts is a task not only for a talented engineer, but also for anyone who has started a renovation with their own hands.

manufacturingproduction, manufacturing
machiningmachining, machining
computer aided design (CAD) / computer aided manufacturing (CAM)computer-aided design system/computer-aided manufacturing system
a workpiecepart, blank
a blankworkpiece
blankingblank cutting
drillingdrilling, drilling
grindinggrinding, sharpening
  • flame-cutting
  • guillotining
  • plasma cutting
  • laser cutting
  • flame cutting
  • guillotine cutting
  • plasma cutting
  • laser cutting
tools for cutting:
  • a machine tool
  • a circular saw
  • a band saw
  • a power hacksaw
  • a milling machine
  • a lathe
  • a waterjet
  • a cutting disk
  • an abrasive wheel
cutting tools:
  • metal cutting machine
  • a circular saw
  • band-saw
  • hacksaw
  • milling machine
  • lathe
  • water jet cutting machine
  • circular knife
  • grinding wheel, grinding wheel
swarf = chipsmetal shavings, sawdust
a jointconnection, joint
an edgeedge
a ridgeedge
a rebategutter, groove
a helical groovescrew groove, spiral groove
a threadscrew thread
a tongue-and-groove jointcleat"
a cavity = voidcavity, depression
a through holethrough hole
a blind holeblind hole
pointedpointed, pointed
proud = raisedconvex
recessedrecessed, flush mounted
flush withflush with, flush with
to slot intosecure in groove
to screw intoscrew in
to tapernarrow, cone
to machineto machine, to machine
to rotate = to spinrotate
a boltbolt
a nut (here)screw
a washer:
  • a flat washer = a plain washer
  • a spring washer
  • flat washer
  • spring washer
a screw:
  • a slot head screw
  • a crosshead screw
  • a machine screw
  • a grub screw = a set screw
screw, screw:
  • slotted screw
  • Phillips head screw
  • small mounting screw
  • set screw, safety screw
a self-tapping screwself-tapping screw, self-tapping screw
a screw anchordowel
a rivet:
  • a solid rivet
  • a blind rivet = a pop rivet
  • solid rivet
  • blind rivet, single-sided rivet
tools for fastening:
  • a spanner = a wrench
  • a hex key
  • a torque wrench
  • a screwdriver
  • pliers
  • a rivet gun
fastening tools:
  • wrench
  • hex key
  • torque wrench
  • screwdriver
  • pliers
  • hand tool for setting rivets, riveter
to tighten (here)screw tight, tighten
to loosenloosen
to work looseto become unsteady
to screw inscrew in, screw in
Permanent connections
  • resistance welding
  • spot welding
  • seam welding
  • ultrasonic welding
  • shielded metal arc welding (SMAW) = arc welding = stick welding
  • gas welding
  • contact electric welding
  • spot welding
  • seam welding
  • ultrasonic welding
  • metal arc welding
  • gas welding
brazingrefractory soldering
solderingsoft soldering
a solventsolvent
to weldweld, brew
to fusealloy
to evaporateevaporate, evaporate

Energy and temperature

Forms of energy, temperature measurement - in the following selection of terms.

  • kinetic energy
  • thermal energy
  • electrical energy
  • sound energy
  • light energy
  • chemical energy
  • nuclear energy
  • kinetic energy
  • thermal energy, thermal energy
  • electricity
  • sound energy, acoustic energy
  • light energy
  • chemical energy
  • atomic energy, nuclear energy
energy efficiencycoefficient of performance (efficiency)
energy sourceenergy source
waste energywasted energy
a joulejoule
a wattwatt
wattagepower in watts
degrees Celsiusdegrees Celsius
heat capacityheat capacity
heat transferheat exchange, heat transfer
a heating systemheating system
a convectorRadiator

Water supply

The next section covers piping and fluid handling.

water supplywater supply
pipeworkpipeline network
a mainmain pipe
a drainsewer pipe, drainage pipe
a hosehose
a pumppump, pump
a turbineturbine
a valvevalve
a pressure gaugepressure measuring device, manometer
pressure differentialpressure drop
fluid dynamicsdynamics of liquids and gases, fluid dynamics
to flowflow


Let's move on to engines, motors and gears.

an engine:
  • a petrol engine
  • a diesel engine
  • a jet engine
  • Gas engine
  • diesel engine
  • jet engine
an internal combustion engineinternal combustion engine
an electric motorelectric motor
thrustreactive motive force, thrust
a fuel injectorfuel injector
transmissiontransmission, transmission
a gear = a gear wheel:
  • a spur gear
  • a helical gear
  • a bevel gear
  • a crown gear
  • a worm gear
gear, cogwheel:
  • spur gear
  • helical gear
  • bevel gear
  • ring gear
  • worm gear
a gear traingear block, gear transmission
a chainchain
chain drivechain transmission, chain drive
a wire ropecable
a crankshaftcrankshaft, crankshaft
a flywheelflywheel
reciprocating motionreciprocating movement
rotary motionrotational movement
to interlockconnect, mesh
to mesh togetherto get involved, to get involved


The last section of our brief technical dictionary will help you assemble an electrical circuit and measure the frequency of alternating current.

  • direct current (DC)
  • alternating current (AC)
  • D.C.
  • alternating current
an ampereampere
an electric chargeelectric charge
a charge carriercharge carrier, current carrier
an electromotive force (EMF)electromotive force (EMF)
a voltvolt
an ohmohm
a devicedevice
an appliancedevice
an electrical insulatorelectrical insulator
power ratingrated power, maximum permissible power
electric shockelectric shock, electric shock
technical failuretechnical failure, malfunction
Power supply
electrical supplypower supply, electrical supply
mains electricitygrid electricity
a power gridelectrical network, energy network
a hertz (Hz)hertz
AC generationAC generation
field coilelectromagnetic coil, inductor coil
electromagnetic inductionelectromagnetic induction
a power stationpower station
a power line = a transmission linepower line
a generatorgenerator
a rechargeable batteryrechargeable battery, battery
to chargecharge
Electrical circuit
an electric circuitelectrical circuit
a parallel circuitparallel circuit
a series circuitseries circuit
a conductorconductor
a semiconductorsemiconductor
a switchboardswitchboard
switchgeardistribution equipment
a power socketpower socket
an electric wireelectrical wire, electrical wire
a strandstranded wire
extra-high voltage (EHV)ultra high voltage
to earthground
to switch oninclude
to switch offturn off

Useful resources

The time has come for those same 33 resources that they promised to provide earlier.

CONSTRUCTION, noun. Units only action according to the meaning of ch. build; construction of buildings or other structures, objects

CONSTRUCTION, noun. Manufacturing of large-sized, complex, labor-intensive products with a long production cycle

CONSTRUCTION, noun. Object, place, site (construction site) where construction is carried out, as well as the structure itself

CONSTRUCTION, noun. Branch of science, technology and economics related to the construction and reconstruction of buildings

CONSTRUCTION, noun. Transferred, units only creation, organization of something

Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

CONSTRUCTION, construction, cf. 1. units only Action according to verb. build, in 1 value Urban construction. Construction of new neighborhoods in cities. Grandiose school construction took place across the country. History of the CPSU(b). 2. An institution, an organization engaged in the construction, construction of something, the place where the construction is carried out, as well as the structure itself, the building (new). Work in construction. Hydraulic engineering construction. 3. portable, units only Action according to verb. build, in 5 meanings, organization, creation. New situation - new tasks of economic construction. Stalin. The Council of People's Commissars of the USSR... directs the overall development of the country's armed forces... The Constitution of the USSR. Socialist construction.