How to get a mortgage for an individual entrepreneur in Sberbank. Can I get a mortgage for a sole proprietorship?

In order to take a mortgage loan for an individual entrepreneur in Sberbank, first you need to decide what type of mortgage you need. There are 2 types of secured real estate: the purchase of housing or commercial real estate. If you have your own real estate (residential or commercial), you can take out a loan against its security for the purchase of other real estate (also residential or commercial). And also, on the security of existing real estate, you can take a loan for some needs or for the development of an individual entrepreneur (special equipment, equipment, etc.). Let's look at all the offers of Sberbank for individual entrepreneurs.

Types of mortgages for individual entrepreneurs in Sberbank
  • To purchase housing, Sberbank offers a mortgage for the purchase of finished or under construction housing. The programs are designed for clients who receive a salary in this bank. But this does not mean that an individual entrepreneur cannot take a mortgage from Sberbank. It's just that the conditions for IP will be slightly different. Perhaps an individual entrepreneur will receive a loan at an interest rate slightly higher than for ordinary clients. And also, the bank may require a down payment greater than under the mortgage program. Everything is individual. The main thing is that the individual entrepreneur can confirm his income. If an entrepreneur submits taxes in a generally established form, this is an ideal option for a bank, because. in this form, you can trace the entire budget of the IP, all its income and expenses. If an individual entrepreneur submits in a simplified form, but he has a stable business, he has all the workbooks, internal accounting - all this will help to prove his solvency to the bank. With the support of the guarantor, the entrepreneur will receive an additional plus to the opportunity to obtain a mortgage on favorable terms. Even if an individual entrepreneur does not have the opportunity to officially confirm income, it is still possible to take a mortgage on housing at Sberbank under the “Mortgage for 2 Documents” program. The difference with conventional programs is that the interest rate is slightly higher, and the down payment must be at least half the cost of the property being purchased.
  • For the purchase of equipment, modernization, repair, refinancing from other banks, Sberbank offers the Business-Invest loan program. The term of the loan is also 10 years. Interest rate from 14.81%. The maximum amount is also not limited, it all depends on the solvency of the entrepreneur. In addition to collateral, an additional guarantee is required.
  • The latest offer from Sberbank is the Business Rent program. This loan is for entrepreneurs - lessors of commercial facilities under existing collateral for any purpose, as well as refinancing loans from other banks. The maximum loan amount for Moscow is 1 billion rubles, in large cities of Russia - up to 600 million, in the regions - up to 200 million rubles. Interest rates start at 13.75% and up.
  • Sberbank can offer individual mortgage conditions for the purchase of apartments, suites and non-residential premises in the city of Sochi in the Ideal House complex built by Sberbank's subsidiary SB Invest. The interest rate on this offer is from 10.8-11.7% and above, depending on the term of the loan and the down payment.

    Common to all types of loans at Sberbank is the absence of commissions for consideration and early repayment. Mandatory property insurance.

    As you can see, Sberbank has the opportunity to take a mortgage for an individual entrepreneur. The main thing is to prove your solvency and reliability. And the bank will always go forward. Good luck with your loans!

    The problem of housing concerns many citizens of our country. The solution to this problem is a mortgage loan. Getting a positive bank decision for individuals with official employment and a permanent income is not a problem. With a sufficient amount of income, a credit institution in most cases goes towards the client. With persons who are engaged in entrepreneurial activities, the situation is a little more complicated.

    Self-employed mortgages come with risks. Income from entrepreneurial activity is unstable, and when a business is closed, an entrepreneur is liable to creditors with all his property. When applying for a mortgage loan, the bank imposes special requirements on the borrower-entrepreneur.

    Requirements for an individual entrepreneur to obtain a mortgage

    When applying for a mortgage for an individual entrepreneur, banks evaluate the life of the business. The minimum period of entrepreneurial activity before contacting the bank is limited by the credit institution. In practice, experienced entrepreneurs receive approval; the bank treats young businessmen with caution.

    Factors that increase bank loyalty:

    • The presence of a positive credit history in this bank;
    • Transparent evidence of the sole proprietor's solvency and maximum collateral;
    • General system of taxation;
    • Stable income;
    • Entrepreneurial activity is carried out for at least a year;
    • Large down payment.

    Important! Entrepreneurs using the simplified taxation system can also count on receiving a mortgage loan. However, when calculating the tax, profit should be taken into account, not turnover. This scheme allows you to set the real income of IP.

    The main requirement when applying for a housing mortgage for an individual entrepreneur is to provide real data on the solvency of the entrepreneur.

    Why do not approve (do not give) a mortgage on housing to individual entrepreneurs

    Any bank regards an individual entrepreneur as a risky borrower. It is quite difficult to track the real income of a business.

    Denial of credit awaits an entrepreneur whose income is seasonal. Also, the decision of a credit institution is influenced by the duration of the business. If the IP is registered for less than a year, then the bank will make a negative decision on the mortgage, even if the income is high.

    A positive answer on a mortgage can be obtained by providing complete information about income. The activity of the entrepreneur must be transparent. If you provide false data, the bank will give a negative decision on the mortgage loan.

    What documents are needed (required) for a mortgage for an individual entrepreneur

    The package of documents for obtaining a mortgage loan for individual entrepreneurs differs from the standard list for individuals. The main difference is in the documents confirming income. If a certificate from the place of work is enough for an individual, then for a business owner, the bank imposes increased requirements.

    To confirm income, the entrepreneur must provide:

    • Certificate of registration of entrepreneurial activity;
    • Declaration of income for the last year - confirmation of income of an individual entrepreneur for a mortgage with a simplified tax;
    • Declaration for two years - confirmation of income for entrepreneurs using the general taxation system;
    • Rental and leasing agreements (copies);
    • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
    • Reporting documentation on the movement of funds on accounts;
    • License (if activities requiring licensing are carried out).
    Registration of a mortgage for an individual entrepreneur with zero reporting (declaration)

    Most credit organizations consider entrepreneurs with a zero balance to be unreliable borrowers. Each bank requires proof of income. Zero reporting means no income.

    There are several reasons for having a null declaration:

    • The entrepreneur has just passed the state registration and received the status of an individual entrepreneur;
    • The entrepreneur survived the crisis and temporarily "froze" activities;
    • The entrepreneur is trying to hide real income from the controlling tax authorities.

    The bank will offer new entrepreneurs to re-apply in a few months. This is necessary to assess the profitability of a young business. For an entrepreneur who is going through a crisis, the bank can make concessions if the borrower has a good credit history or a reliable guarantor.

    Important! When applying for a mortgage for an individual entrepreneur, the "civilian" credit history of the entrepreneur plays an important role.

    Getting a mortgage with zero reporting is almost impossible. In the case of a positive decision, a mortgage for an individual entrepreneur with a zero declaration is issued on very unfavorable conditions - minimum amounts, the shortest possible time, increased interest rates.

    Which banks give IP mortgages on UTII (imputed)

    An entrepreneur who pays a single tax on imputed income cannot provide reliable information on his income. The bank receives only possible income, the real figures are known only to the entrepreneur.

    It will significantly speed up the approval of a mortgage loan for individual entrepreneurs on the basis of the presence of a current account in this bank. The lender sees the borrower's turnover, which allows him to estimate his real income. When using cash register equipment, you can provide information from the cash book, as well as the book of income and expenses. These data must be certified by tax officials. The more evidence of the entrepreneur's solvency the bank receives, the more likely it is to get a mortgage approved.

    A mortgage for an individual entrepreneur on UTII is possible if the entrepreneur attracts a co-borrower, an employed citizen with a large regular income.

    Not every bank provides mortgage loans to entrepreneurs. Those organizations that give a mortgage loan for individual entrepreneurs put forward rather stringent conditions. When choosing a credit organization, you should contact those lenders that offer special mortgage programs for small and medium-sized businesses. You should study the rating of banks, where it is better to take a mortgage for private entrepreneurs.

    Express mortgage for individual entrepreneurs in Sberbank - conditions in 2019
    Mortgage amount Up to 10 million rubles
    Loan term 10 years
    annual rate 15,5%
    Mortgage security Guarantee;

    Pledge of real estate

    An initial fee 20-25%
    Business Requirement
    Requirements for the borrower Availability of a current account in the branch in which the mortgage is processed
    Program website

    Attention! You can become a participant in the Sberbank salary project for individual entrepreneurs without employees. This will increase your chances of getting approved for a mortgage loan.

    How to get an IP mortgage on a patent at VTB24

    Providing a mortgage for an individual entrepreneur on a patent is a risk for a bank. Registration of a mortgage loan under this taxation system is possible subject to the availability of a current account with VTB24. This allows the lender to view the turnover of the business and assess the solvency of the entrepreneur.

    Bank opening
    Mortgage amount Up to 30 million rubles
    Loan term Up to 30 years old
    annual rate 12-14%
    Mortgage security Guarantee;

    Pledge of real estate

    An initial fee Up to 50% of property value
    Business Requirement At least 12 months have passed since the state registration of IP
    Other requirements

    No debts on previous loans.

    Promsvyazbank Alfa-bank Gazprombank
    Mortgage amount Up to 60 million rubles
    Loan term Up to 30 years old
    annual rate From 10.5%
    Mortgage security Guarantee;

    Pledge of real estate

    An initial fee Not required
    Business Requirement At least 12 months have passed since the state registration of IP
    Other requirements Availability of a current account in that branch;

    Availability of salary cards in Gazprombank

    Do they give mortgages? This question is of interest to many individual entrepreneurs. After all, a mortgage for many Russians is the only possible way to acquire their own housing.

    With the annual growth in the number of registered individual entrepreneurs in the Russian Federation, there is also an expansion of state programs to support representatives of small and medium-sized businesses.

    State support contributes to the development of business in Russia and the improvement of the welfare of society as a whole.

    Despite government support programs for individual entrepreneurs, it is quite difficult for many entrepreneurs today to purchase residential real estate. As a result, programs designed to help small and medium-sized businesses acquire real estate on acceptable terms come to the fore. To date, one of the most popular and sought-after programs is a mortgage for individual entrepreneurs.

    Mortgage features for individual entrepreneurs

    It should be noted that individual entrepreneurs (compared to ordinary borrowers) are in a more difficult position. The fact is that banking institutions and credit organizations often have some difficulties when working with individual entrepreneurs.

    This is especially true of the issue of determining the income of an individual entrepreneur. After all, IP, as a rule, do not receive fixed income. The package of documents provided by the entrepreneur does not always accurately reflect the real picture of income.

    In connection with this state of affairs, we can conclude that mortgages for individual entrepreneurs are at an early stage of development today. An individual entrepreneur who wants to get a mortgage for an individual entrepreneur must convince the bank (credit organization) of his solvency.

    Rules for granting a mortgage for individual entrepreneurs

    Note that there are a number of specific factors that contribute to increasing the chances of obtaining a mortgage for individual entrepreneurs, namely:

    • income stability (permanent, not seasonal income);
    • transparency of income (the ability to prove your solvency to the bank);
    • the use of DOS (general taxation system) rather than STS (simplified taxation system) is more preferable;
    • good credit history (for example, the presence of any repaid without delinquency loan).

    Individual entrepreneurs on a simplified taxation system also have a high chance of taking out a mortgage loan, but in the case of paying tax not on turnover, but on profit. In this case, it will not be difficult for the bank to establish the real amount of income of an individual entrepreneur.

    In addition to factors that increase the chances of an individual entrepreneur to receive a mortgage, there are also certain rules. If they are observed, the response of the bank to provide mortgages for individual entrepreneurs is likely to be positive.

    A mortgage for an individual entrepreneur will be approved by the bank if:

    • apply to banks that work with special programs for lending to small and medium-sized businesses;
    • apply to banks a year (or more) after opening a business;
    • reporting on income received will be transparent;
    • the financial security provided to the creditor will be maximum.
    Documents for granting a mortgage for an individual entrepreneur

    A mortgage for an individual entrepreneur differs from a mortgage provided to ordinary borrowers by the composition of the package of necessary documents.

    A mortgage for an individual entrepreneur is provided by the bank on the basis of the following documents submitted by an individual entrepreneur:

    • documents for the last tax period (for individual entrepreneurs who work on the personal income tax system);
    • tax return for 1 year (for individual entrepreneurs on the simplified tax system);
    • tax return for 2 years (for individual entrepreneurs on UTII);
    • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
    • certificate of state registration of IP;
    • license (copy) to engage in certain types of activities.

    The list of documents for granting a mortgage for an individual entrepreneur can be supplemented at the discretion of the creditor bank. Therefore, it is better to check with the bank in advance what documents are specifically required to obtain a mortgage loan.

    Which banks give mortgages to IP?

    It should be noted that not all Russian banks are ready to provide mortgages for individual entrepreneurs. Many banks that provide mortgage loans to citizens (not entrepreneurs) often offer entrepreneurs not very loyal and favorable conditions. Mortgage rates in such banks are quite high, and the package of documents required to obtain it is much larger than the standard one.

    To date, mortgages for individual entrepreneurs on relatively favorable terms are available in just a few Russian banks. Among them:

    VTB 24:
    • mortgage term: 10 years;
    MDM Bank:
    • mortgage term: 5 years;
    • the minimum interest rate is 13.5%.
    • mortgage term: up to 120 months;
    • the minimum interest rate is 14.25%;
    • advance payment: 20% (of the cost of housing).
    Sberbank. Deltacredit. Registration of a mortgage for an individual entrepreneur

    State registration of a mortgage is the making of a corresponding entry in the unified state register of rights to real estate that the property is pledged.

    When registering a mortgage, the state protects the rights of each of the parties to the agreement, giving it legal force.

    Mortgage registration is carried out by the federal executive body - Rosreestr in parallel with the registration of ownership rights to the acquired property. In the certificate of ownership, the registration authority makes a note that the immovable property is under encumbrance.

    The procedure for registering a mortgage agreement for an individual entrepreneur

    As a rule, the procedure for registering a mortgage agreement for an individual entrepreneur consists of five successive stages.

    Stage number 1 - submission of documents to the registration authority.

    Stage number 2 - legal examination of documents.

    Stage No. 3 - check for the absence of contradictions (with the information already contained on the pledged real estate).

    Stage number 4 - making an entry in the state register.

    Stage number 5 - making appropriate entries in the title documents.

    By and large, the term for registering a mortgage for an individual entrepreneur should take only 5 working days. And I must say that the registration of a mortgage in some Russian banks really does not take longer.

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    Thanks to government support programs, there are more and more individual entrepreneurs every year. This allows you to develop small businesses and improve the welfare of society. However, despite the high status of "entrepreneur", many of them experience difficulties in acquiring residential real estate. Therefore, one of the most popular programs is a mortgage for entrepreneurs.

    What are its features?

    If for ordinary borrowers the paramount question is at what salary they give a mortgage, then for individual entrepreneurs a more difficult situation is developing. An individual entrepreneur is his own boss, accounting and lawyer. However, most credit institutions face difficulties precisely with the determination of his income, since persons engaged in entrepreneurship do not receive the usual wages. The documents that entrepreneurs submit to the tax office also do not always reveal the real state of affairs, and often stable tax payments do not always indicate the success of their business. Therefore, mortgages for individual entrepreneurs are still at the initial stage of their development, and the main task that they face today is to convince the bank of their solvency.

    Mortgage for entrepreneurs: who can get it easier?

    Several factors favor obtaining a loan. For example:

  • The entrepreneur has already taken some kind of loan, for example, to open a business, and successfully paid it off, marking the beginning of a positive credit history;
  • A transparent income scheme and the ability of an individual entrepreneur to prove his solvency to the bank;
  • The use of a common entrepreneur rather than a simplified taxation scheme;
  • The income of the entrepreneur is stable and not seasonal.
  • In a word, any banks unanimously stand up for transparency and, most importantly, stability of income. But even those who work under a simplified taxation scheme have the opportunity to get a loan. The main thing is to pay tax not on turnover, but on profits. Then it will not be difficult to establish what the real income of the entrepreneur is.

    Today, mortgages for individual entrepreneurs are more accessible thanks to government support. But still, a lot of questions remain, how to get an IP mortgage so that there are no difficulties in obtaining it? The main rules for successfully obtaining a mortgage include:

    • Income reporting should be transparent;
    • It is advisable to apply to banks where programs for lending to small and medium-sized businesses have been created;
    • Try to provide the lender with as much security as possible;
    • Apply to the bank for a loan not immediately after opening a business, but at least after a year of its successful existence. A stable income will be a good reason to issue a mortgage for an individual entrepreneur.
    What documents are required?

    A mortgage for individual entrepreneurs differs from the classic one in the documents that must be provided:

  • Tax return for the year (formed by those who work under the simplified taxation system).
  • Tax return for two years (provided by those working on a single tax on imputed income).
  • Documents for the last tax period for those who report on the tax system on personal income.
  • Certificate of state registration as an individual entrepreneur.
  • A license or a copy of it to engage in certain types of activities.
  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  • At the same time, the documents for the housing being purchased, as well as the documents for registering a mortgage, which will be required upon a positive decision of the bank, will not differ from those provided for conventional lending. Do individual entrepreneurs get a mortgage on the basis of these documents only? Their list can be supplemented at the discretion of the bank, so you should be prepared to work hard on collecting the necessary papers.

    Another question is how to get an IP mortgage so that it is also profitable? This is a really serious problem, since most banks offer loans to individual entrepreneurs at high interest rates. Often their size reaches 30%, which ultimately results in a huge amount of overpayment.

    Which banks to contact?

    Not every bank allows an entrepreneur to improve living conditions. And those that have appropriate programs offer rather strict conditions. First, as mentioned earlier, the increased interest rate. Secondly, a voluminous package of documents, which is significantly larger than the standard one.

    Today, mortgages for individual entrepreneurs are available in the following banks:

  • Sberbank. It offers fairly favorable lending conditions, which differ little from mortgages for individuals. However, you should be prepared to collect an impressive package of documents.
  • VTB 24. Offers a mortgage for up to 10 years, while the entrepreneur must make an advance of 20% of the cost of housing.
  • Uralsib. The loan term is offered up to 120 months in the amount of up to 95 million rubles. An interest rate of 14.25% is offered. The borrower needs to provide himself at least 20% of the cost of housing.
  • Deltacredit. It has just started working in this area and is actively developing lending to individual entrepreneurs.
  • MDM Bank. Ready to provide a loan for up to 5 years with a minimum interest rate of 13.5%.
  • The number of banks offering loans to individual entrepreneurs is constantly increasing. But the choice of a lender should be treated very carefully and you should not chase after a small profit, let it be a reliable and trusted bank that inspires confidence among other borrowers.