For the sake of profit, capitalism goes to any crimes. Karl Marx on Russian corruption

Marx has an example about pins, but it is in footnotes to the main text containing quotes from other books.
I just looked over the capital again, and the footnotes turned out to be more interesting than the main text.
For example, the famous text about 300% of the profits for which the capitalist will commit any crime is written in footnotes.

'Capital', says the Quarterly Reviewer, 'avoids noise and scolding, and has a timid nature. This is true, but it is not the whole truth. Capital is afraid of no profit or too little profit, just as nature is afraid of the void. But once sufficient profits are available, capital becomes bold. Provide 10 percent and capital is ready for any use, at 20 percent it becomes lively, at 50 percent it is positively ready to break its head, at 100 percent it defies all human laws, at 300 percent there is no crime that it would not risk, even under pain of the gallows. If noise and scolding are profitable, capital will contribute to both. Proof: smuggling and the slave trade"

The original text of the post.
IMHO, the liberator was written by a man born in England, who was tortured by Adam Smith at school, but not born in the Soviet Union. In the liberator V. Suvorov there is such a text.

-And who, in your opinion, will carry shit in communism? Now shut up, we're getting closer.<...>We overturned the third stretcher, and I triumphantly declared: - Everyone will clean up after themselves! And besides, there will be cars! He looked at me regretfully. Have you read Mars? "I read it," I answered vehemently. -Remember the example about pins: if one person makes them, then three pieces a day, and if you distribute the work among three, one cuts the wire, the other sharpens the ends, the third attaches tails, then there will already be three hundred pins a day, one hundred per brother . This is called the division of labor. The higher the degree of division of labor in a society, the higher its productivity.
Only Marx does not have an example with pins (Marx wrote on a larger scale, in his capital examples are based on extensive statistics, pins and dogs are not his style), but Adam Smith has in the first chapter "a study on the nature and wealth of peoples."
A worker who is not trained in this production (the division of labor made the latter a special profession) and who does not know how to handle the machines used in it (the impetus for the invention of the latter was probably also given by this division of labor) can hardly, perhaps, with all his diligence make one pin a day and, in any case, will not make twenty pins. But with the organization that this production now has, it as a whole not only represents a special profession, but is also subdivided into a number of specialties, each of which, in turn, is a separate special occupation. One worker pulls the wire, another straightens it, a third cuts it, a fourth sharpens the end, a fifth grinds one end to fit the head; the manufacture of the head itself requires two or three independent operations; its nozzle is a special operation, the polishing of a pin is another; an independent operation is even wrapping finished pins in bags. Thus the complex labor of making pins is divided into about eighteen independent operations, which in some manufactories are all performed by different workers, while in others the same worker often performs two or three operations. I happened to see one small manufactory of this kind, where "only ten workers were employed, and where, consequently, some of them performed two or three different operations. Although they were very poor and therefore insufficiently equipped with the necessary tools, they could, by working with tension, work out together more than twelve pounds of pins a day. And since there are slightly more than 4,000 medium-sized pins in a pound, these ten men worked out over 48,000 pins a day. But if they all worked alone and independently of each other, and if they were not accustomed to this special work, then, undoubtedly, not one of them could work twenty, and perhaps even one pin a day. . In a word, they certainly would not have worked out 1/240th, or perhaps even 1/4800th of what they are now able to work out as a result of a proper division and combination of their various operations.
The "Hand of Moscow" will not operate with examples from Adam Smith, because in professional activity spies are not included in social science, but in the Soviet Union they didn’t teach him, they basically taught Lenin here, they didn’t even teach Marx, except for the manifesto of the Communist Party, because there is a lot that is harmful to the scoop - Russophobia and the double meaning of some places. During perestroika, there were even rumors about a student imprisoned for reading Marx in the library :)

“There is no such crime that capital would not commit for the sake of 300% profit,” said Karl Marx about the indefatigable appetites of the bourgeoisie. However, in the history of Russia we can find facts that seem to completely refute this statement.

We are talking about the post-revolutionary restoration of Russia. The ruined economy demanded products of heavy industry, which was practically destroyed inside the country. In return, the Soviet government could offer three things: grain, minerals, and gold.

It was then that something almost unbelievable happened. The capitalists suddenly refused to accept gold as a means of payment in trade with Russia! This amazing behavior of the capitalist powers went down in history under the name of the "golden blockade". The need to stop being a raw materials appendage of the West was obvious to the leaders of Russia both now and then. We look at the dates: at the XIV Congress of the CPSU (b) in 1925, a course was set for an urgent breakthrough in industrial production – « socialist industrialization". And then, in 1925, the West begins the "golden blockade." The meaning of this act is simple - now the USSR can buy machine tools and machines only for its natural resources.

Gold will lie in the cellars of Gokhran as a dead weight. Oil, timber and grain, especially grain - that's what the West wants to get for the supply of its equipment. The country's leadership is forced to play by these rules: equipment is paid for natural resources, after all, they don’t take gold from us! Was Karl Marx wrong, and the world capitalists were no longer interested in either profit or gold? No, Marx's words about crime for profit were completely justified. Only the crime was prepared of a special kind, monstrous, and the profit was to be calculated in thousands of percent! The West is carefully preparing to conquer Soviet Russia without military intervention.

The first step towards this is the refusal to accept gold from the USSR, the second step is an embargo (import ban) on the supply of Soviet goods to the West. In fact, the export of timber and oil products is prohibited. That is, everything that pays for the supply of Western cars for the ruined Russian economy. The first five-year plan begins in 1929, in 1930-1931 the United States introduced restrictions, a similar decree was issued in France in 1930. On April 17, 1933, the British government announced an embargo on the main export goods of the USSR.

It covers up to 80% of our exports. First, the West refused to accept gold from the USSR as payment, then everything else except grain. The Stalinist leadership is faced with a choice: either refusing to restore industry, i.e. capitulation to the West, or the continuation of industrialization, leading to a terrible internal crisis. If the Bolsheviks take grain from the peasants, there is a very high probability of starvation, which in turn will most likely lead to an internal explosion and a shift in power. Either way, the West wins. Stalin decides to go ahead. Since the summer of 1929, collectivization begins Agriculture. The state collects grain and sends it to the West, there are no stocks. Stalin's hope for a new harvest. It turns out to be small - there is a drought in the country. The country cannot buy food either for gold or for currency, because it is not available because of the embargo.

Attempts are being made to urgently import grain from Persia, where they agree to accept gold. If they fail, disaster strikes. What in Ukraine is now called "Holodomor". In 1932-1933, a lot of people die, and only after that, right after that (!) the West is again ready to accept oil, timber and precious metals from the Bolsheviks. In 1934, grain exports from the USSR ceased altogether. In October of this year, the European Parliament recognized the Holodomor in Ukraine as a crime against humanity. Culprit - leadership Stalinist USSR. But the document of the European Parliament does not answer two questions: Why did the capitalists behave so “strangely” by refusing to accept gold from Stalin? Why did they want only grain as payment from us?

“It is profitable to sell, it is profitable to buy, in order to take more and give less ...” This is how the heroes of the famous vaudeville “KHANUMA” sing, created according to the play by Avkseny Tsagareli and staged by Georgy Tovstonogov. This phrase contains the whole essence of capitalism.

At one time, in the historical work "CAPITAL", Karl Marx wrote: “There is no such crime that capital would not go to for the sake of 300 percent of the profit.” The Predatory Character of Capitalism viewed from the day of its existence.

The 19th-century English publicist T. J. Dunning wrote: Capital ... avoids noise and scolding and has a timid nature. This is true, but it is not the whole truth. Capital is afraid of no profit or too little profit, just as nature is afraid of the void. But once sufficient profits are available, capital becomes bold. Provide 10 percent and capital is ready for any use, at 20 percent it becomes lively, at 50 percent it is positively ready to break its head, at 100 percent it defies all human laws, at 300 percent there is no crime that it would not risk, even under pain of the gallows. If noise and scolding are profitable, capital will contribute to both. Proof: smuggling and the slave trade.

The emergence of capitalism has opened a "Pandora's box" in the matter of moral degradation modern society. Indulging the basest feelings, capitalism has created a consumer society, regardless of any grave consequences in the future. If we trace the path of mankind in the development of art, culture, morality, then we can say with confidence that the peak of their development was passed at the end of the 19th century, just the beginning of the development of capitalist relations. Comparing the culture and morality of that time with that of today, one can see a gigantic gulf between them. Refined music, paintings made by great artists, poems and prose by great masters, moral relations between people, everything that humanity was proud of, have sunk into oblivion. Modern music has become rhythmic noise, painting is a daub worthy of a Neanderthal brush, moral relations between a man and a woman are already approaching bestial. Find the difference between the dances of the savages and the modern youth disco. Modern girls easily demonstrate their charms on the beach, and they are accompanied by greasy looks of "lovers" of female beauty. The time is coming to the moment described in the BIBLE and associated with the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, for the moral corruption of their inhabitants. Of course, there are grains of high relations and truly creative achievements, but these are already exceptions to the general negative trends.

In this, in essence, there is the vile essence of man himself. No commandments, moral canons are able to eradicate this filth in a person. Yesterday's poor man, practically a saint in his thoughts, a person who has received unexpected wealth today, tomorrow becomes a cruel exploiter without shame or conscience. For example, the main character of the famous series - " Date Tutashkhia ”, sets out to eradicate evil and improve the world, which leads him to the path of conflict with the law and the state and turns him into an exile, an abrek. In one village, he takes the "good" of the local rich man and gives it to the humiliated and offended poor man. After some time, visiting this village, Data sees the same picture, only the former poor man appears in the form of a cruel exploiter. The combination of human animal essence with a thirst for profit gives a terrible result. This is banditry, this is war, based on religious and national intolerance, as well as purely predatory crimes, these are banal quarrels in the family.

Of course, there are also altruists who are able to give up all earthly blessings in the name of their neighbor. But their few and their altruism borders on mental illness.

An indispensable attribute of a market economy is such a concept as competition, which, by all accounts, is the engine of progress. In fact, this is an imitation of competition and is a technique that can create consumer excitement.

Example: on the street, two grocery stores are located not far from each other. In the first and second sugar costs the same - 10r. As a potential buyer argues: I have sugar at home, I will buy it when I run out of it, no matter what clutter up the space in the kitchen cabinet. Tomorrow, going to the first store, he discovers that sugar is already worth 15 rubles, and in the second - the same yesterday's 10 rubles. How is the buyer doing? He immediately buys 3 kg, until the "burdock" the owner of the second store also raises the price, while the buyer will save (as he thinks) 15 rubles, although he does not need additional sugar yet. But the buyer is unaware that the owner of these two stores is the same, and by a similar technique with prices, he forced him to purchase a product that he does not need yet.

Competition exists as an initial form, when markets are captured. Commodity producers force out, first of all, weak competitors. When competitors of approximately equal strength remain in the occupied territory, corporate collusion comes into force. There are no more obvious competitors, because any competition is in favor of the consumer, and entrepreneurs will never allow this. Prices for goods are set as high as possible, but giving a person with an average income the opportunity to purchase these goods.

Here is an example: in the market, chicken eggs cost almost the same from different sellers - 30r. per tray (tray contains 30 eggs). A car from a neighboring area drives into the market with the same goods of eggs. The arriving owners of the goods, having taken an interest in the prevailing prices for eggs, decided to compete with local egg sellers and set the price per tray - 25 rubles. Naturally, the consumer quickly got his bearings and a queue appears at the car, with newly arrived egg sellers. After a short time, a man appears and politely explains to the newly arrived sellers that the price of their goods should correspond to that accepted in this market. Those, anticipating a brisk sale, ask the adviser not to interfere in their affairs. Then a “steam room” team of strong guys appears and smashes the goods of not accommodating sellers to smithereens, but they themselves will crush their sides. "Justice" has been restored, and everything is running its course again. In the invoice remains an ordinary buyer. He wanted to eat 2 eggs for breakfast today, having bought cheaper eggs, but apparently it’s not fate, he will have to be content with one egg, because. eat 2 eggs, he can't afford it.

If there are other markets in the same city, then the same prices are set for them, for the same reasons.

This is dictated by one desire of sellers - to get the maximum possible profit and prevent other competitors from bringing down the price. There are many cases when part of the goods was simply destroyed for one purpose - to maintain a high price for it, and hence a high profit. No morality works here, and appeals to the conscience of the capitalists will also not help.

As a rule, corporate collusion develops into a monopoly on this product, and then the sinister side of capitalism manifests itself: bribery, murder, criminal capital merging with power begins. The state begins a hard struggle against monopolism, publishes antimonopoly laws, but the result of this struggle, as a rule, is insignificant. Almost all states with a free, market economy, except for dictatorships, face this phenomenon. But dictatorships are themselves self-discharging power structures, since bring only misfortune to their people.

But is everything so hopeless?

Imagine the market again. Two apple merchants bought 100 kg each from a supplier. apples, one variety and one quality, 2p. for 1kg. The first, in order to order maximum profit, set the price at 10 rubles. for 1kg. The second merchant - 3p. for 1kg. Naturally, all buyers are smart and lined up for apples to the second seller. Half of the working day passed and the second seller sold all his goods, and the first one sold only 3 kg. They were bought by buyers with high incomes, who do not care about prices, as long as they do not stand in line.

Summary of the working day. The first earned 30r. for the whole working day. 10 rub. he gave to the state in the form of a tax (30%) and his net income amounted to 20 rubles. Payment to the supplier will not be conditionally taken into account, because here both merchants were on an equal footing.

The second earned 100r. Of these, 30 rubles. - tax and net profit it was -70r. He called his supplier and ordered 200kg for tomorrow. apples, and the first refused a new supply, because. has not yet sold 97kg. The supplier complained to the second that for the additional volume of ordered apples, he would be forced to hire more workers, and to the first that he would be forced to fire several workers.

And here is the result of the work of the first one - full time, low personal profit, small income to the state from sales tax, unemployment has increased and thus the state will receive less tax from employees, dissatisfied buyers, supplier income has been reduced.

The second one has half a day, high profits, high income to the state, lower unemployment, additional tax on additional workers, satisfied customers, increased supplier income.

Everything seemed so simple and everyone should be happy with the second result. But that's the trouble, that the predatory laws of the free market will not allow you to go the second way, contrary to all logic.

A striking example of conscious rational logic in a free market environment, at the dawn of the automobile industry, was Henry Ford (1863 - 1946). Working for Thomas Edison and without any significant capital, Henry Ford was obsessed with the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bmaking a car accessible to everyone. But not because he was imbued with love for his neighbor, but because he realized that getting a small profit from each car sold, in total, a huge profit would be obtained from the sale of a large number of them. Henry Ford remains true to his idea, to turn the car from a luxury item into a means of transportation. Ford's factories experienced a grand rise in 1908, when Ford launched its so-called Model "T" on the market. Over the period from 1908 to 1927, more than 15 million cars of this model were produced. This was such a record that only much later, in 1972, managed to beat " Volkswagen". Ford-T sales bring huge profits, because Ford's motto has always been " cheap and good ", but not "cheap and bad ". Quality is doing something well even when no one is watching. He was convinced that: “Only two incentives make people work: thirst wages and the fear of losing her” and was guided by this rule all his life.

At the same time, he, as a successful industrialist, does not get hung up on making extra profits. It is he who owns the phrase: “The main use of capital is not to make more money, but to make money for the sake of improving life,” and big money will appear as a consequence of this rule. In this case, everyone is satisfied: the producer, the consumer and the state.

To come to such a conclusion, overcoming the general trend of obtaining excess profits among producers, the State should “help”. It consists in to adopt a law on the maximum amount of profit, differentiated, for different branches of production and depending on priorities.

It will not be difficult to control such a law: the cost of production + the statutory profit percentage (20 - 30%). The value should depend on the priorities at a given time. If, for example, the cost of producing one pair of shoes of this model is 100 rubles, then you can sell it for 100 - 130 rubles. The price difference is competitive. Profit growth will depend on the number of pairs of shoes sold. Cost is easy to control accounting documents, having for comparison, general data on the market prices and services. At the same time, the stratification of society into the very rich and the very poor will decrease, as a result, society will become more equitable.

Another example: construction company built a house. The cost of its construction amounted to 1 mln.r. Naturally, the company wants to get the maximum percentage of profit, let's say 5 ml.r. But the law says - a maximum of 30% of the profit, i.e. 1.3 ml. If you want more, build more houses. For 10 houses, the profit will be 3 mln.r. Housing prices will fall sharply. There will be an incentive for everyone: builders, residents and the state, unemployment is reduced.

It is a well-known truth that the basis of the economy is small and medium-sized businesses. A country that pays close attention to this has a stable economy.

To this conclusion, in 1921. V.I. Lenin came and already at the X Congress of the RCP (b) the law on the NEP was adopted (new economic policy), which made it possible to quickly restore the national economy, destroyed by the First World War and the Civil War. The new economic policy assumed state regulation of a mixed economy using planned and market mechanisms. Foreign capital was attracted, in the form of concessions, monetary reform(1922-1924) and as a result, the ruble became a convertible currency, and the market was filled with goods and services. Even the AMO automobile plant (later ZIL) was preparing for privatization. After the death of V. Lenin in 1924, I. Stalin came to power, who abruptly turned the country towards pure socialism. Adherents of the NEP were destroyed or exiled to the Gulag camps. Began "stick" industrialization.

The second attempt to follow the path of the NEP was made by M.S. Gorbachov, introducing the cooperative movement in the country, which began to sharply fill the market with goods and services. People saw the prospect of improving the economy and raising the standard of living in the country. But the GKChP happened. After arriving from Foros, the first thing M.S. Gorbachev said was: “And yet I believe in socialism…” . This was the end of the cooperation.

An attempt to revive the principles of the NEP in China was made by Deng Xiaoping. This attempt was successful. He laid the foundations for China's economic development, which allowed China to gain a reputation as the fastest growing economy in the world. The second outstanding achievement of Deng Xiaoping was the CCP's rejection of leaderism, which was the main ruin of the socialist countries. A law was adopted on the mandatory replacement of the leadership of the party elite, moreover, all at once. Today, the third generation of the leadership of the CPC, led by Xi Jinping, has arrived in China. China's rigid power structures and market economy, brought to light a rapidly advancing economy. A global intervention of Chinese goods began in all countries of the world. The Chinese authorities, in order to suppress corruption, easily go to public executions of officials who take bribes. And people support them in this. Draconian punishments for violators of the law have led to a sharp decrease in the contingent of offenders. This is also evidenced by the experience of Thailand. Threw a cigarette butt - $ 200 fine, caught distributing drugs - the death penalty, etc. Honest citizens breathed a sigh of relief, opinion polls say. The state began to effectively protect them from any "evil spirits", in all areas of life. Maybe this looks cruel, but in this case it is difficult to expect a relapse and society will be grateful to the state for a peaceful life.

What is the main reason for failures in the formation of small and medium-sized businesses? Lack of experience and initial capital. The state says: let's develop your business! And what happens as a result, new businesses open and in most cases, they quickly burn out. No courses on mastering the basics of business help. Everything is calculated at random. In this regard, the state should take on the work of creating and initially promoting businesses. A single center should be created that conducts marketing in a certain area where people live, identifies the urgent needs of the population, plans the creation of certain businesses, invests money and hires workers. At the same time, all these actions are carried out at a highly professional level, the most optimal way. Preference in hiring workers should, first of all, be given to the elderly and the elderly, as the most vulnerable part of the population. It turns out a paradox: the state increases the retirement age, hoping to reduce the non-able-bodied population, but in reality it turns out that people are simply doomed to a beggarly existence, because. already, when a person is over 50, no one hires him, although this is the most responsible contingent of workers, with great life experience and qualifications. It is these people, with their responsibility to the cause, who will be able to raise the development of small and medium-sized businesses. When a state-controlled business begins to generate a steady income, management of it is transferred to the employees of this business at a reasonable price on the basis of a collective agreement. A team that has gained experience in business will already be protected from initial inept actions. The production hierarchy among workers will be established in the most rational way. A small joint-stock company will be created.

The state uses the funds received to open new businesses. This practice is already taking place among some businessmen whose business is to create businesses. They create small businesses and then successfully sell them. The owners of such businesses are former employees.

The problem of the economy is also the export of capital abroad in search of cheap labor. And, as a result, receiving excess profits. The implementation of such plans undermines the economy, increases unemployment, reduces tax revenues to the state budget, and so on. Goods returned to the country are also a devastating factor in the economy, because. they are more competitive because of the low price. The price is so low that it is the main competitive feature against quality in the struggle for the consumer, who is mostly poor or low-income. The locomotive of such intervention in goods is China, as well as the rapidly developing economies of India, South Africa and Brazil. Russia is also trying to join this race, even a new BRICS community has been created, although in terms of population Russia lags behind its partners (except for South Africa), and this is a decisive factor in obtaining low prices for goods.

Manmohan Singh, Dmitry Medvedev, Hu Jintao and Luis Inacio Lula da Silva.

Today, all stores for various purposes are filled with goods from China, the main advantage of which is the price. Violated the main principle of Henry Ford " cheap and Fine". Is done " cheap and bad". The main consumer thinks something like this: why do I need this expensive, high-quality Japanese TV, with a guarantee for 20 years (which is still not a fact), when I can buy a Chinese, cheap one and after 3 years, with a light heart, throw it away, because. by this time, more advanced televisions will appear.

How to protect yourself from such an intervention of goods that destroy the economy? The state should adopt a law equalizing all producers of the same product, both local and imported. The optimal price is set for a certain product, based on the cost (plus 20 - 30% profit) of its production in a given country. If Chinese manufacturers want for their goods, for example: boots, 30r. , although the cost of such boots in the country is 100 rubles. then they get 30. , but the displayed price should be - not less than 100 rubles. The difference goes to state revenue. Then the main factor of competition enters the arena - quality. Having in front of them approximately equal prices for shoes, the consumer will prefer better ones. If an imported product becomes cheaper due to the improvement of its production technology and now its quality, at an average price, becomes higher than that of local producers and the consumer begins to buy imported goods more intensively, then this will become an incentive to improve the technology and local producers. At the same time, the export of capital abroad becomes a meaningless exercise.

There will be harmony in the production and sale of goods and services for the benefit of the bulk of the population. The outflow of capital abroad will stop, as this will not bring an increase in profits, the economy will stabilize. This practice of price and profit control by the state will help to end economic wars and normalization of relations between countries.

Mikhail Zosimenko.

In May 2014, during his election campaign, Petro Poroshenko said that if he was elected, he would bring peace to Ukraine in just a few days. People believed him, and those who did not believe, for those American "sponsors" added the percentages he needed so that Pyotr Alekseevich won in the first round.

Almost five years have passed since then, the war has destroyed the unity of the country, its economy, forced millions of people to leave its territory. And it was during this same time that the president himself and his entourage made fortunes on it ...

War is the best business in the world

It has always been so. War is not only the grief of people, killed or crippled destinies, war is also the best business in the world. If not for two world wars, the United States would not be the world's greatest power today. While Europe bled, all its accumulated wealth flowed into overseas banks, and American corporations made billions of dollars from the war.
The same can be said about any other war, including the Ukrainian one. It is precisely for the war in Ukraine that Western “partners” are ready to give money, it is precisely for the sake of waging an endless confrontation with Russia that they sponsor the existing regime, contrary to all their previous rules, and even despite the fact that Petro Poroshenko systematically forgets about the promises he made even before the ink has dried on the paper.

And the West is happy with this, because all these “IMF conditions” (corruption, reforms and other nonsense for okhlos) are needed only for the media. Since the money, despite the failure to fulfill the "obligations", is issued again and again, it means that the main condition for which they are allocated is fulfilled. And this is war and all the derivatives arising from it.

Why is Ukraine losing industry today? Why, as a result, millions of destitute citizens, who have nothing to support their families, pulled out of it? Why was Ukraine driven into debt bondage and, in fact, deprived of its ability to make independent decisions, no matter how small?

If you remove the information husk, then the answer is simple and obvious. All this is the derivative of the war, which suits the West very much. After all, it is precisely because of it that European industry finally destroys the path of a small but competitor, because it is precisely in European plants and factories that millions of cheap and problem-free workers leave to work, it is precisely its capitalists who have received unlimited access to Ukrainian natural resources.

And for this it is not a pity to "pay" even those 10-20 billion dollars ... which will definitely return. After all, they are not gifts, but money lent, which Ukraine is obliged to return (with interest, of course). And if not with money, then it will ultimately pay off with the best black soil in the world, which the West was never able to conquer 75 years ago by force of arms.

To whom the war, and to whom the mother is dear

The actions of Europeans and Americans are understandable. They are pragmatic and alien to any sentiment. They spit on the thousands of Ukrainians killed, their destroyed cities and destroyed future. But how disgusting against this background look those who make money in this war inside the country. What kind of scum are those who, having promised her peace, and having every opportunity to establish it, rebuilt their business empires on a war footing and began to earn billions on this.

The capitalist is ready to commit any crime for the sake of profit:

“Provide 10 percent and capital is ready for any use, at 20 percent it becomes lively, at 50 percent it is positively ready to break its head, at 100 percent it violates all human laws, at 300 percent there is no such crime that it would not risk. , even under pain of the gallows.

But Poroshenko and his entourage are precisely the capitalists. Let's remember how many percent of the profit Petr Alekseevich and his henchmen (the same Svinarchuks) earned on the supply of spare parts to the Armed Forces of Ukraine. We will even ignore the fact that they did not invest a dime in it initially. We will not even focus on the fact that they traded with the "aggressor" country. Even without taking this into account, the total profit of some commercial "operations" significantly exceeded those ill-fated 300% for which any capitalist would commit any crime worthy of the "gallows".

And someone else is surprised that at the same time Petro Poroshenko “tramples all human (and not just Ukrainian) laws” and is “ready to break his head” (and not only himself) in order to stay at the trough and be able to earn on such a profitable war and further? It would be rather surprising to see the opposite.

It is very useful to simply look at the familiar, seemingly very complex. That's what I did with respect to corruption. Before this simplification, corruption seemed to me to be a very complex social phenomenon that is extremely difficult - if not impossible - to overcome. He perceived corruption as a completely abnormal manifestation of purely personal vices: self-interest, greed, dishonesty, immorality. But I looked at corruption simply, and unexpectedly for myself I understood about this phenomenon, I hope, the most important thing. Or at least very important.
And Karl Marx inspired me to simplify the seemingly complex phenomenon. Here is this thesis from the 1st volume of "Capital": "Provide capital with 10 percent of the profit, and capital is ready for any use, at 20 percent it becomes lively, at 50 percent it is positively ready to break its head, at 100 percent it flouts all human laws , at 300 percent - there is no such crime that he would not risk, at least under pain of the gallows. It was rightly said by another genius: "Marx's teaching is eternal, because it is true."
I remembered this provision from Capital, through the Internet, just in case, I clarified the quote from the original source. That's right, Marx presented the essence of the "relentless" work of business in this way - in a personal, psychological, human dimension. And immediately my surprise at the massive spread of corruption, my contempt for corrupt officials disappeared. More precisely, my attitude towards corruption and corrupt officials has fundamentally changed.
The basic economic law of capitalism is to make a profit by appropriating the results of someone else's labor. In the countries of capitalism, which has a long history, various scales and types of business have been developed - small, medium, large, industrial, intellectual, speculative, financial. At the same time, businessmen have occupied their niches, having passed the sieve of fierce competition. And, despite this, many firms disappear, many new ones appear. Means? This means that anyone with a certain set of abilities can open and develop their own business. This is also served by special institutions - banks, Insurance companies, investment institutions, funds, etc. Of course, the countries of "old" capitalism are by no means models of law, morality and beneficence.
But in Russia the situation is completely different. Russian capitalism was not cultivated, did not prove its fruitfulness. And Russian business did not grow "from small to medium, from medium to large." Capitalism in Russia arose instantly, illegally, thievishly, at the behest of high-ranking privatizer friends. And all-powerful oligarchs immediately appeared in the country. True, private industries and firms appeared in large numbers in the late 1980s. But by the mid-90s, the oligarchy had taken over everything that brought significant profits. In the 2000s, it became almost impossible to start a more or less profitable own business.
And many wanted to be rich, including officials of different levels, from different institutions. But until about the middle of the 10s, the bureaucratic community received very modest salaries. The exit has been found. Corruption! Two parties were interested in corruption - both officials and businessmen seeking illegal benefits, benefits and acquisitions. So, in conditions of practical impossibility to organize and conduct legitimate business, corruption in Russia has turned into a perverted form of business.
Russian corruption is a fantastically profitable business, an order of magnitude higher than the "modest" 300%, which, according to Marx, inspire the capitalist to commit any crime, even at the risk of his life. To condemn the immorality, dishonesty, self-interest of Russian corrupt officials is not from the sphere of political economy, but from the field of primitive humor.
This is the essence of the current Russian corruption - with its scale, prevalence, immorality, savagery. And irresistible. Russian corruption is just one type of Russian business. The fight against corruption in the Russian Federation is tantamount to a fight against business, against its very Ugliness capitalism, against the "free market". With private property - "according to Chubais-Gaidar-Yasin-Khodarkovsky-Medvedev-Borovoy." But no one puts forward such a task before the country, parties, society.
Overcoming Russian corruption is a particular problem. There are two possible ways to overcome this problem. The first is the rejection of capitalism and the construction of socialism of the modern national Russian type. The second is the cultural overcoming of savagery.