How to transfer money from a beeline phone to a Sberbank card without commission. Transfer money from beeline to card 7878 money transfer beeline to card

Reading 5 min. Views 122 Published on 11/14/2018

Most mobile operators today have tools that allow customers to use a mobile phone account as an analogue of a wallet. Beeline was no exception. The package of its services contains transfers from a mobile account to numbers of other subscribers, to various organizations (for example, online stores), as well as to bank debit cards and credit cards. The latter service is especially popular with customers. Consider how to transfer money from Beeline to a Sberbank card and how much it will cost to use this service.

How can I transfer money from a Beeline account to a Sberbank card

Beeline subscribers can perform operations with a mobile account both via the Internet and simply from their own mobile phone. In both cases, the cost of the transfer will be the same, as well as the speed of its processing.


The easiest way to withdraw money from Beeline to a Sberbank card is to use an SMS command. This method does not require a web connection, a cellular connection is sufficient. Accordingly, the subscriber will be able to use it from anywhere in the country, and even from abroad. So, we create a new SMS, in the text of which, through spaces, we indicate:

  • recipient's card type (Visa, MasterCard, Maestro, etc.);
  • 16-digit number of the destination card;
  • transaction amount.

The transfer amount can only be whole, without kopecks. It is entered without separators. For example,Not"165.00" rubles, but just "165".

Important! The operation can be performed only for addressee cards whose number contains 16 characters. Maestro cards may sometimes have shorter numbers. For them, the translation tool will not work.

After creating an SMS, it must be sent to the service number 7878. The request to withdraw money from the SIM card will be processed. And the funds themselves will be credited to the card within three working days. Sending such SMS will be free. But for the transfer itself, the system will write off the amount determined by the tariff from the sender's balance.

Using USSD command

At the moment (November 2018), transferring money from Beeline to a Sberbank card using a keyboard command is carried out as follows:

  • we type a combination on the gadget's keyboard *135*0#;
  • we are waiting for a response from the bot of the Beeline service. Translation;
  • follow the instructions of the bot.

The cost of withdrawing funds made by this method will be the same as for all other options.

By the way! In case of an error when entering the recipient's data or for other reasons, the user can withdraw the transfer made by him. The money will be returned to him on the sim card within 30 days after the relevant application is written at the company's office.

In your personal account on the Beeline website

On the official website of Beeline, any subscriber can create a personal account. This will allow him to independently connect and disconnect services, control the state of the balance, etc. But to withdraw money from smiki to a savings card, registration is not required at all. The withdrawal form is in the public domain, and anyone can use it.

How to proceed to transfer from a SIM account to a Sberbank card:

Then you will need to fill out the withdrawal form - drive in the addressee card number, debit phone number, email address, transaction size and code from the picture. We recommend that you enter a valid email address. A receipt for the withdrawal of funds will be sent to it. In the event of a hitch with the transfer or the need to prove to the recipient that the money has been sent, this document will come in handy.

When all fields are filled, click "Pay". Then we wait for the arrival of SMS from Beeline with a one-time password to the specified phone number. Enter the password in the window that appears on the site, thereby confirming the operation.

Commission fees

How much does it cost to withdraw money from Beeline to a Sberbank card? This will directly depend on the size of the transfer:

  • fixed price of 60 rubles.- when withdrawing up to 600 rubles;
  • 10% of transaction volume- when withdrawing from 601 to 13,500 rubles.

The amount of the commission will be the same when making a transaction through the site and using an SMS command. When preparing for the transfer, it should be noted that Beeline has strict requirements for the balance of the amount on the SIM card. After withdrawing money to the card, the telephone balance must be at least 30 rubles. Otherwise, the system will automatically refuse the subscriber to perform the operation.

It is also necessary to remember the existing withdrawal restrictions:

  • payment cannot be less than 50 rubles;
  • you can withdraw no more than 14,000 rubles per day;
  • the maximum volume of transactions per week and per month - 40,000 rubles;
  • no more than 10 operations can be performed per day;
  • weekly transfer limit is 20;
  • You can perform no more than 50 transactions per month.

Important! The above conditions apply to the operation of withdrawing money from a SIM account to a Sber card. If the subscriber draws up the withdrawal of money to the account, and not to the card, the commission and restrictions will be different.

Is it possible to make a transfer without commission

There is currently no possibility to withdraw funds from a SIM card to a Sberbank card without paying a commission for this. Even when making a transaction through the personal account on the operator's website, the amount will be deducted from the sender, according to the declared tariff.


Withdrawing money from a Beeline SIM card to a savings card (both your own and owned by a third party) is quite simple. For this, there are special forms in the open part of the official website of the operator, as well as in his subscriber account. If there is no Internet at hand, the owner of the SIM card can use a short keyboard command or send a withdrawal request via SMS. The speed of processing requests, as well as the cost of the operation, will be the same, regardless of the method chosen by the subscriber for its implementation.

The balance of the mobile operator Beeline is an analogue of an electronic wallet, which can be used not only for payments, but also for replenishing a credit card account. You can withdraw money from Beeline to a Sberbank card in several ways at once, each of which suits a certain segment of subscribers.

Is it possible to transfer money from the phone

Some believe that this operation requires access to a personal account, which is opened through the Beeline official website. However, the only necessary condition for such an operation is a positive and sufficient balance of the mobile phone.

This includes the conditions associated with restrictions that are set for both the use of a banking product and a phone account:

  1. The operator remembers the numbers of the plastic to which the transfer is made. There is a limit set here - 5 cards of one holder, to which it is permissible to withdraw money.
  2. The recipient can accept money in this way only from 2 mobile phone numbers.
  3. Financial restrictions - per day no more than fourteen thousand rubles, and per month the level of restriction is forty thousand.

Instructions for withdrawing via phone

The easiest and most affordable way is to use the device itself and the availability of the SMS command service. Sberbank supports three types of payment systems Visa, MasterCard and Maestro.

It is the designation of the type of credit card that should be entered before the eighteen or twenty-digit code printed on the title side of the card. The last indication in the message should indicate the amount. A space sign is placed between all values, in contrast to the card number. It is prescribed together, despite the display of the number on the plastic.

Important! You should not add the title unit of the Russian currency (RUB or RUB), since all transactions are made only in it.

The number to be entered in the recipient field is indicated as 7878.

Before departure, you should know that there is no commission for the operation. That is, the balance will not decrease due to sending a message, but the transaction fee will still be charged. When interacting with various players in banking services, one of the operators charges a fee. Up to 5,660 rubles, a fixed fee is set, and over this amount, an additional five percent is debited.

Write-offs are almost always made instantly. If the transfer is carried out at night, then the withdrawal of the card to the balance may be delayed until the morning, because the bank must check the operation.

On the Beeline website

For amateurs and active users of mobile and online applications, there is a simple way that involves connecting to the Internet. It is not required to enter your personal account, since the main operations that can be performed with the balance of the phone number are freely available and require filling in the main fields.

The algorithm for withdrawing money is as follows:

Before the end of the transaction, you should carefully check everything, paying special attention to the total amount that you plan to withdraw.

It will not be possible to withdraw funds from the phone account without a commission.

Help of intermediaries - is it worth using the services

This is the most expensive and unreliable transfer method, since in addition to paying for the operation, you will have to pay an intermediary commission.

The fact is that site users offer to transfer funds to their Beeline number without commission. And at the same time use a transaction between Sberbank cards. If the intermediary resides in another region, then the bank will also charge two percent for the transfer in addition to the service fee.

Thus, it is possible to withdraw money from a Beeline account to credit it to plastic without much difficulty, but subject to a commission fee. Each subscriber has all the advantages of replenishing his bank card with a sufficient balance of the mobile phone.

How to transfer money from Beeline to a bank card - instructions for making transactions and the nuances of their implementation.

Situations may arise in which there is an urgent need for money. So that the subscriber can receive them, a service is provided by the mobile company - the transfer of funds from Beeline to a bank card. There are several options for such operations.

Translation Features

Since you can transfer money from Beeline to a Sberbank card in different ways, it is necessary to clarify the features of the transaction. The operation is possible thanks to an agreement between the mobile operator and the bank. You can make a payment with a surplus balance of the prepaid system. With postpaid, this is also possible. You need to link an advance account to your number, which will be replenished. The term for crediting funds is equal to days. The Bank reserves the right to make a transfer within a period of up to 5 days.

Payment terms:

  • the transfer is made for a maximum of 5 credit cards servicing one current account;
  • for 30 days can be carried out only from 2 subscriber numbers;
  • withdrawal is available on all major payment systems: Visa, MasterCard, Maestro, etc.;
  • a fee is charged for the transaction.

On a note!

Abroad, the service cannot be used via SMS messages, but other methods work.

Translation methods

There are 3 ways to do this. Let's take a closer look at each option.

Through the official website


  1. Open the official website (
  2. Go to "Money transfers" (section "Payment and finance") / "Transfer to card from phone".
  3. Write down the credit card number, phone number, e-mail (a check will be sent to it). An employee of the company will calculate the commission and how much money will be written off in total.
  4. Check the box to agree to all terms.
  5. Pass the protection by entering the numbers from the picture on the site.
  6. Submit the completed form.

To confirm the transfer from the Beeline phone, a password from the operator will be sent to the card, which is indicated in the pop-up window. After 1-2 minutes, the payment will go away, and the operator will write off the commission.


If it is not possible to transfer money through the World Wide Web, then you should try to transfer money from a Beeline phone to a Sberbank card via SMS. Short number - 7878. The main thing is to compose the text correctly. The message includes the name of the payment system, credit card number, and the amount rounded without cents.

For example, Maestro 0123456789123456 500

After carrying out these manipulations, the client will receive a response containing information about the amount of the transfer and the commission. If you agree to the terms, you must confirm the intention, which can be given by responding to the operator's request. With this action, the funds will be sent to Sberbank.

If the exact details of the payment system are not known, enter the word Card. The bank itself will determine all the data and make the transfer. Transfers to the subscriber's social card are not possible.

If more than 16 characters are specified, the operation will fail. To get out of this situation, you can transfer funds to a current account, the details of which are in the bank, and transfer money from it.

USSD request

Another possibility is to use a USSD request. To use it, you need to dial *135# and follow all the indicated instructions. You will need to provide payment details and indicate the amount of the transaction, select the payment method "From phone". Then you will have to confirm all the data on the transfer and agree to the terms. If the operation is successful, a message about the status of the transaction will be received.

On a note!

Using the *135*0# request, you can track the status of money transactions, return transfers, and link up to 5 credit cards to manage them.

Commission size, restrictions

Transaction operations are carried out taking into account the fulfillment of all the requirements of the operator. When transferring up to 600 rubles. a fee of 60 rubles is charged. All money above the specified amount is transferred under a 10% commission. For example, if you need to withdraw 3000 rubles, then the percentage will be 300 rubles.

This deduction is paid by the sender - debited from the balance, non-refundable after the refusal of payment or its return. They may refuse if at least 50 rubles remain on the balance sheet after the operation.

There is a limit on the allowable amount of payment - up to 15,000 rubles. taking into account the remuneration of the operator (the transfer itself will be 13,500 rubles). Restrictions also apply to other terms: within 7 days you can send a maximum of 45,000 rubles, and in 30 days - 90,000 rubles.

It is also indicated how many transactions can be carried out for a certain period. For 1 day, the operator makes it possible to make up to 10 transfers, for 7 days - 20, for 30 days - 50.

How to avoid commission

Since it is not possible to transfer money from Beeline to a Sberbank card without a commission, you should familiarize yourself with the amounts charged before carrying out the operation. It is possible to make a transaction using these services on a card (one's own or someone else's) only taking into account the payment of a commission. The percentage for the implementation of these manipulations will be deducted from the balance of the sender's phone.

When choosing a method using SMS, the message is sent to the operator free of charge.

Thus, having a mobile phone at hand, it can always be used as an electronic wallet. Any money transfer can be made from it. You can perform the necessary actions with and without Internet access using SMS or a USSD request. Even when traveling abroad, you can withdraw money from your phone.

Transfer from Beeline to Sberbank card carried out quickly enough and does not require special knowledge or skills. Today, all popular telecom operators can provide such an opportunity as withdrawing funds from a phone account to Sberbank.

Features of transferring money from Beeline to a Sberbank card

For this operation, there are certain “rules” or conditions that are set by both the bank and the operator:

  1. From one phone, you can transfer money to 5 different cards, but on condition that they have the same owner.
  2. One plastic can be replenished with only two SIM cards.
  3. The minimum withdrawal amount is 50 rubles, the maximum is 14,000 per day.
  4. The balance after transactions on the mobile account should not be less than 50 rubles.
  5. The total amount of transfers should not exceed 40,000 rubles per month.
  6. When carrying out the operation, a commission of 10 to 60% may be charged.

Transferring money from a Beeline number through a service on the operator's website

If you have the Internet at hand, you can transfer funds from a Beeline SIM card online by card number.

For this:

  1. Go to the official website
  2. Click the menu in the top right corner.
  3. Find "Payment and finance": money transfers.
  4. Select "Transfer to a bank card from a mobile phone".
  5. Enter the plastic identifier, phone number, the required amount, confirm the code from the picture and agree to the terms of service.
  6. Click "PAY".

Transferring funds from Beeline to a Sberbank card using SMS

Another way to transfer funds to the card is via SMS. This requires a message with the following content: card XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 1000 » send to short number 7878 .


  • 1000 – replenishment amount;
  • card– service provider code. If you do not know what the code of the payment system in which the plastic is registered, then leave “card” as it is.

The transaction will be successful if the card ID consists of 16 digits.

If the number consists of 18 digits, then you will have to choose a different type of operation.

Transfer to the card

Now it is possible for a Beeline subscriber to transfer money to any plastic, including with the MIR and Maestro payment systems (via the Internet).

For any transfer you will need information:

  1. Payment system code.
  2. Plastic identifier without spaces or separators.
  3. Write-off amount.
  4. Beeline SIM number from which money will be debited.

Transfer to a bank account

If you do not have information about the recipient's card number, then you can use the current account, for this you need to know:

  1. Service provider code (in this case sberbank ).
  2. 20 digit account ID.
  3. How much money needs to be debited from the account and the phone number for debiting.

For an SMS request, the text will look like this:

sberbank 111111111111111111111 200

Is it possible to transfer by number 900

Through SMS to number 900, it will not be possible to carry out a transaction from a mobile account. However, it is possible to transfer funds between cards, replenish another mobile account, and much more.

Transfer from Beeline balance to Sberbank via USSD request

To carry out the operation of transferring money from a phone to a card, you can use a USSD request.

For this:

  1. On your smartphone, you need to dial *135#, call.
  2. An interactive menu opens, enter the recipient's phone number (or Sberbank number, if you are the recipient of the funds) and the total amount of the debit.
  3. Select "pay by phone".
  4. Check if you received an SMS confirming the transfer and its status.

The recipient of funds needs to wait for an SMS with a link, by clicking on which, he will have to choose the method of receiving funds and enter the appropriate details.

With the help of this service, it is possible to link up to 5 bank cards to the SIM card of the phone, view their list, request SMS with information about the transfers made, and even return the transactions.

Tariffs and limits for transferring from mobile Beeline to a Sberbank card


The commission when transferring money from a beeline number through the site is:

  • Amount from 10 to 600 - 60 rubles commission.
  • From 600.01 to 13500 rubles - 10%.

Through a USSD request or through SMS, the commission will be the same.

When sending money to a current account, the commission is 2.99%, regardless of the size of the shipment.


Through the website or SMS to a bank card:

  • The minimum amount is 50 rubles, the maximum is 14,000 rubles. per day, 40,000 per month;
  • Limitations of 10 transactions per day, per week - 20, per month - 50;

If you transfer funds to a bank account, then the size of the minimum transaction amount will be 500 rubles.

USSD request is limited to:

  • a minimum amount of 600 rubles and a maximum of 13,500 rubles;
  • the total volume of transfers per month should not exceed 90,000 rubles;
  • The maximum number of transactions is 30 per month.

How long occupies the whole process:

  1. The transfer from the site or through the number 7878 takes from 5 minutes to 3 working days.
  2. When transferring to the current account, the funds will be credited within the next banking day.

Is it possible to transfer without commission

Today, there is no way that would save the user from the obligation to pay a commission, one way or another, the provider charges part of the funds for this service. The maximum that can be done is to save money by sending money not to the card number, but to the current account.

The considered methods have their own characteristics, restrictions and tariffs, which one to use, you need to determine the Beeline subscriber himself, based on the amount, the availability of the Internet at hand and the known information of the recipient.

Today, mobile operators are trying to diversify the range of their services, offering customers new opportunities. Such a popular mobile service as Beeline was no exception in this regard.

The Beeline operator offers customers, in addition to communication services, also payment functionality that allows you to remotely manage your own bank cards. In this material you will find answers to questions related to the transfer of funds from Beeline to plastic of various banking companies, including the card of Sberbank of Russia.

The procedure for transferring money from Beeline to a card

Currently, Beeline is actively developing a remote money transfer service. And today, the following methods of transferring funds from a cell phone to a bank card have become available to subscribers of the operator:

  • by sending SMS to service number 7878;
  • using a special USSD command;
  • through the official website

Each of these options has both pros and cons. However, the following limitations remain common to them:

  • The client will be able to use the service of transferring money from Beeline to a bank card only if, after activating the number, he spent at least 150 rubles on communication services;
  • After the transfer, an amount of 50 rubles or more should remain on the phone balance;
  • The transfer fee depends on the amount of funds sent and can be, for example, when transferring an amount within 1000, a fixed 50 rubles. commissions. In the case of sending funds to a bank card in the amount of 1,001 to 14,000 rubles, the commission is 5.95% + 10 rubles. When transferring through the mobile portal, the commission fee will be 5%.
  • Payments are made in real time, but the transfer of money depends on the bank that issued the plastic.
  • The largest amount of departure is 14 thousand rubles, and the smallest is 50 rubles.
  • From the account of the Beeline mobile device, customers can transfer money not only to their bank cards, but also to another subscriber of the operator.

Ways to transfer money from Beeline to a card

Since the mobile phone is always at hand, the most convenient way to transfer funds will be transfer via cell phone via SMS. Instructions for action look like this:

1. On your mobile, dial a text message: Mastercard 1234567898765432 1000, where:

  • Mastercard - type of plastic card (it can also be Visa or Maestro);
  • 1234567898765432 - plastic number;
  • 1000 - the amount of money in Russian rubles.

2. This SMS - message should be sent to the short number of the service center 7878.

4. To complete the transaction to No. 7878, send another SMS with a confirmation password.

Beeline provides its customers with another way to transfer money from a phone to a bank card - using the USSD command service. To use it, follow these instructions:

  • dial on your mobile a combination of characters: *135# and press the "Call" button;
  • enter the addressee's card number (it can be either your card or someone else's) and the transfer amount;
  • wait for a response SMS with a follow-up guide to complete the operation.

When transferring money from Beeline to a card, the commission is 5% of the amount. At the same time, the minimum allowable payment is 10 rubles, and the one-time maximum is 15,000 rubles.

Features of transferring to a Sberbank card

It is possible to transfer money from Beeline to a Sberbank card in two main ways:

  • With your cell phone.
  • Through the Personal Account on the official Beeline website.

Transferring funds using the phone is considered the most popular. Send an SMS to 7878 indicating the type of card (Visa, MasterCard), its 16-digit number and the transfer amount. All information must be separated by spaces. Example: Visa XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 500. After that, a confirmation code will be sent to your phone, which must also be sent to No. 7878. If all the steps were performed correctly, the money for plastic will be received within five minutes.

Another common way to transfer funds from Beeline to a Sberbank card is to send them through your Beeline Personal Account. This method is carried out according to such instructions.