Gender and age pyramid: species, types, groups. Analysis of the sex and age pyramid of Russia

Age-sex pyramid

Age-sex pyramid of the population of Russia, 2009

Age-sex pyramids- a graphical representation of the distribution of the population by sex and age, which is used to characterize the sex and age composition of the population.

The age-sex composition of the population represents the ratio of age-sex groups - populations of people of the same age. This is the main element of the age structure of the population. Depending on the objectives of the study, one-year and enlarged age groups are distinguished: five- and ten-year-olds. However, larger age groups are also used to assess general structural shifts.

Age-sex pyramids are diagrams in which the number of people of each age (or their proportion in the population) is depicted as a horizontal bar of a certain scale. The bars are located one above the other in order of increasing age values, on the left side of the diagram - for men, on the right - for women. Age-sex pyramids are usually built according to one-year or five-year age groups, and sometimes even ten-year groups. However, age and sex pyramids built according to large age groups do not reveal the detailed features of the age and sex composition of the population.

The composition of the age-sex structure of the population is primarily the result of the evolution of population reproduction. The type of population reproduction, formed by the processes of fertility and mortality in the present and past periods, determines the ratio of the population of different age groups.

Age structures

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    Glossary of terms on social statistics

    AGE (AGE-SEX) PYRAMID- graphical distribution of the population by age and sex. It is a two-sided directional chart in which the number of people of each age and gender, or their proportion in the population, is depicted as a horizontal bar of a certain scale. ... ... Social statistics. Dictionary

    PYRAMID OF AGE-SEX- graphic image of the age and sex structure of the population. P.v. p. is constructed as follows. Age groups are plotted along the vertical axis, and on the horizontal axis, the number of men on the left, women on the right (instead of the population, they can ... ... Russian sociological encyclopedia

    AGE PYRAMID- AGE PYRAMID, pyramid of ages, age-gender pyramid, graphic. image distribution of people by age and gender. It is a two-sided directional chart, for which the number of people of each age and sex or their share in ... ...

    KOREA- (cor. Joseon, lit. Country of morning freshness), located in East. Asia, on the Korean Peninsula (incl. Islands) and on the adjacent part of the mainland. Pl. 221 t. km2 (including the demarcation zone of 1.3 t. km2). Since 1905, K. protectorate, then (since 1910): colony ... ... Demographic Encyclopedic Dictionary

    ZIMBABWE- (Zimbabwe), Republic of Zimbabwe, state in South. Africa. Pl. 390.6 tons km2. Us. 7.74 million hours (1983, census). Capital of Harare (ex. Salisbury; 656 vol., 1982). Included in the Commonwealth. Since the 1880s 3. possession of the UK (up to ... ... Demographic Encyclopedic Dictionary

    FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY- FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY, Germany (Bundesrepubhk Deutschland), state in the Center. Europe. Pl. 248 tons km2. Us. 59.7 million hours (1983) Capital Bonn (292 vols., 1982) Germany is a highly developed industrial country. Germans make up 92.6% of all of us. (1983).… … Demographic Encyclopedic Dictionary

    BULGARIA- (Bulgaria), People's Republic of Bulgaria (People's Republic of Bulgaria), NRB, state in the V. Balkan Peninsula, washed by the Black m Pl. 110.9 tons km2. Us. 8949 vol. (1983). Capital Sofia (1179 vol., 1983). B. socialist. state in, developed industry. ... ... Demographic Encyclopedic Dictionary

    GERMAN DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC- (Deutsche Demokratische Republik), East Germany, state in the center. parts of Europe. Pl. 108.3 tons km2. Us. 16.7 million hours (1983). Capital Berlin (1173 vol., 1982). GDR highly developed industry. a country. GDR socialist. state in, formed on the territory. east Germany... ... Demographic Encyclopedic Dictionary

    GREECE- (Hellas), Hellenic Republic (Hellenike Demokratia), state in South. Europe, on the Balkan Peninsula and my number. o vakh (the largest Crete, Euboea, Rhodes, Lesvos). Pl. 131.9 tons km2. Us. 9.8 million hours (1982). The capital of Athens (over 3 million, with suburbs, ... ... Demographic Encyclopedic Dictionary

Age-sex pyramids- a graphical representation of the distribution of the population by sex and age, which is used to characterize the sex and age composition of the population.

The age-sex composition of the population represents the ratio of age-sex groups - populations of people of the same age. This is the main element of the age structure of the population. Depending on the objectives of the study, one-year and enlarged age groups are distinguished: five- and ten-year-olds. However, larger age groups are also used to assess general structural shifts.

Age-sex pyramids are diagrams in which the number of people of each age (or their proportion in the population) is depicted as a horizontal bar of a certain scale. The bars are located one above the other in order of increasing age values, on the left side of the diagram - for men, on the right - for women. Age-sex pyramids are usually built according to one-year or five-year age groups, and sometimes even ten-year groups. However, age and sex pyramids built according to large age groups do not reveal the detailed features of the age and sex composition of the population.

The composition of the age-sex structure of the population is primarily the result of the evolution of population reproduction. The type of population reproduction, formed by the processes of fertility and mortality in the present and past periods, determines the ratio of the population of different age groups.

Age structures

The Swedish statistician and demographer A.-G. Sundberg proposed to distinguish three types of age structures of the population: progressive, stationary and regressive.

  • progressive type characterized by a high proportion of children and a low proportion of the older generation in the entire population. Its formation is based on an extended type of reproduction. The age pyramid has the shape of a triangle, the base of which depends on the birth rate.
  • At stationary type, which is based on a simple type of reproduction, the age pyramid is bell-shaped with an almost balanced proportion of children and senile age groups.
  • The narrowed type of reproduction leads to the formation regressive type, whose age pyramid has the shape of an urn. It is characterized by a relatively high proportion of elderly and old people and a low proportion of children.

The formation of the age structure of the population is greatly influenced by wars, as a result of which, firstly, there is a decrease in the population of military age, and secondly, a sharp decline in the birth rate. At the regional and sometimes national level, large changes in the age structure can occur as a result of migration, usually increasing the number of men of working age. As a result of these causes, the edges of the age pyramid become uneven, reflecting historical changes in the nature of population growth and decline. Such violations leave traces in the age structure of the population for a long time.

The analysis of the age-gender pyramid makes it possible to characterize not only the demographic history of the state, but also to predict demographic situation in future.

Types of age-sex pyramids

Growing age-sex pyramid

  • High birth rate
  • Most of the young
  • Low proportion of elderly
  • Short lifespan
  • Young
  • Population growth
  • Given the age structure of large developing countries

Age-sex pyramid is reduced

  • Low birth rate
  • Low percentage of young
  • A large proportion of adults and the elderly
  • High life expectancy
  • Population aging
  • The population remained stable or declined
  • Taking into account the age structure, the most developed countries

Age-sex pyramid rejuvenating

  • typical of developed countries that experience more high level fertility as a result

The age-sex pyramid is a graphic representation of the distribution of people by their sex and age at some point in time. This is a two-sided chart in which the number of people of each age and sex (or their proportion in the population) is shown as a horizontal bar of the same scale. The bars are arranged one above the other in order of increasing age values ​​(usually from 1 to 100 years), on the left - for men, on the right - for women. Age-sex pyramids are built according to censuses and surveys. The area of ​​the steps of the pyramids corresponds to the number of people of a given age and gender or their share in the population (while the length of the steps corresponds to the density of a given age group - the number of people per unit of age).

When analyzing the pyramid, 2 points are taken into account: Tikhomirova N.P. Demography. Methods of analysis and forecasting. Proc. allowance for universities. - M .: Exam, 2205. - 256 p.

  • 1. Comparison pyramid shapes in countries with different demographic regimes . For example, in developing countries the base of the pyramid is wider, as children and youth make up a significant proportion of the total population compared to adults and the elderly. In developed countries, on the contrary, the base of the pyramid is narrowing, as there is a gradual redistribution of the population in favor of older ages (population aging). In the absence of migration, the shape of the age-sex pyramid depends on trends in fertility and mortality.
  • 2. Analysis of the details of the age pyramid: small and large generations . The influence of demographic processes (fertility, mortality and migration) on the shape of the age pyramid:
  • 1) Birth rate The number of some generations may turn out to be smaller in comparison with neighboring generations already at birth. In order for the decrease in the number of births to be reflected in the shape of the pyramid, it must be short-lived, otherwise the "failure" on the pyramid will not appear.
  • - the number of children born can be affected by a decrease in the birth rate. In some years, women give birth to fewer children on average.
  • - the number of children born can also be affected by the age structure of potential mothers (in some years there are relatively fewer women in young reproductive ages) or their marital structure (the number of married potential mothers is decreasing).
  • 2) Mortality Epidemics, death in the war of men of military age;
  • 3) Migration

The composition of the population by sex is usually considered together with the age composition as the age and sex composition of the population. It is expedient to do this because of differences in age-specific mortality of men and women. For every 100 girls born in Russia, an average of 105-106 boys are born; it is a biological constant among those born alive. It can be expressed in another way - for every 1000 newborns, there are an average of 512 boys and 488 girls. There are certain patterns of the sex of the born child, depending on the status of the marital status, age, living conditions of his parents, especially his mother. Married parents have more boys, and illegitimate children have more girls. The greater the age of the mother and the greater the serial number of births, the lower the proportion of boys among those born. That is, for older mothers, the youngest children tend to be girls. During the period of difficult living conditions (war, economic crises etc.) more among born girls. After leaving these difficult living conditions, there are already more boys among those born. This is due to the conditions of gestation and gender differences in intrauterine mortality. It should also be taken into account that the biological resistance of men (boys) is lower than that of women (girls); the mortality of male embryos and fetuses is also higher, this is especially acutely felt in difficult periods in the life of the country and family. The behavioral factor of the population also affects the sex ratio of babies born. At the end of the 20th century, the practice of prenatal diagnosis of the sex of an unborn child appeared and expanded. The desire of parents to have a child of a certain gender and the use of prenatal diagnostics to a certain extent contribute to an increase in the frequency of artificial terminations of pregnancy (abortions). Due to the mortality of men by adulthood, the ratio of men and women is gradually leveling off, and at older ages the number of men is much less than women. Russian statistical yearbook. 2005: Statistical Sat. / Rosstat, 71p.

In 1894 the Swedish statistician and demographer A.-G. Sundberg proposed to distinguish three types of age structures of the population: progressive, stationary and regressive.

  • · The progressive type is characterized by a high proportion of children and a low proportion Medkov V.M. Demography. Textbook for universities: add. m-tion of images. RF.-M.: INFRA-M, 2005, 92s.. of the older generation in the entire population. Its formation is based on an extended type of reproduction. The age pyramid has the shape of a triangle, the base of which depends on the birth rate.
  • · In the stationary type, which is based on a simple type of reproduction, the age pyramid has the shape of a bell with an almost balanced proportion of children's and senile age groups.
  • · The narrowed type of reproduction leads to the formation of a regressive type, the age pyramid of which has the shape of an urn. It is characterized by a relatively high proportion of elderly and old people and a low proportion of children.

population sexual man woman

In accordance with three types of age structure, population reproduction modes can be distinguished: Andreev E., Vishnevsky A. et al. Weekly "Demoscope Weekly" // Russian Age and Gender Pyramid. No. 215 - 216 of September 26 - October 9, 2005, 479s..

  • Expanded reproduction - in each next generation there are more people than in the previous one: the population is growing rapidly (typical for most modern developing countries of the world);
  • simple reproduction - in subsequent generations there are about the same number of people as in previous ones; population, as a rule, almost does not change (typical for some developing and developed countries);
  • narrowed reproduction - there are fewer people in subsequent generations than in previous ones; the population is declining (typical for most developed European countries, including Russia).
The age-sex pyramid is a convenient and visual way to demonstrate the relationship between different social groups of the population, which is widely used in demography. So, usually the age-sex pyramid is based on two main parameters: gender and age of a group of people. At the same time, it is possible to build such a figure for communities of various sizes: from a small locality to an entire country or even the world.

The standard pyramid is an area divided vertically into two parts, one of which corresponds to the display structure of the male population, the other - the female one. To ensure greater visibility of the figure, these parts are usually given different colors, for example, blue or light blue for men, red or pink for women.

The horizontal division of the figure is made on the basis of the age structure of the population. For convenience of display, the entire population is usually combined into age groups with an interval of 5 years. Thus, the left part of the pyramid, displaying the male and female population, consists of horizontal plates, which are located one above the other. In this case, the lower part of the pyramid usually displays the youngest population, and as you move up the chart, the age of the groups increases.

Pyramid Analysis

As a result, the age-sex pyramid makes it possible to visually determine in which age groups there is a predominance of the male population in relation to the female population, at what ages this predominance is opposite, and in which the ratio of men and women is approximately the same.

As numerous demographic studies show, similar trends are observed in this respect in most developed countries. So, usually more boys are born than girls, so in the younger age groups, that is, in the lower part of the pyramid, you can see a wider part of the “male” half of the diagram compared to the “female”. By about age 30, this ratio usually levels off, and at the age of 40 years and older, the number of women most often outnumbers men. Demographers tend to explain this structure of the pyramid as a way of life for men, which implies higher mortality due to injuries, accidents, hard work, a tendency to bad habits, and other reasons.

At the same time, a comparison of several age-sex pyramids built for the same community can provide a useful opportunity to study it. demographic structure in dynamics. This, in turn, makes it possible to determine the dominant trend in the change in the socio-demographic characteristics of the community - for example, it can be the aging of the population or, on the contrary, its rejuvenation.

The article deals with the analysis of the structure of the population Russian Federation by gender and age using statistical graphs.

  • Analysis of the financial position of an enterprise to predict the probability of its bankruptcy
  • Improving financial forecasting in the Russian Federation
  • The need to plan the organization's cash flows
  • Verification of economic indicators. Key points

The age-sex pyramid is a graphical distribution of the representation of the population by sex and age, which is used to characterize the sex and age composition of the population. The age-sex composition of the population represents the ratio of age-sex groups, that is, populations of people of the same age. Grouping by age is built both for the entire population, and for men and women, for the urban population, rural and others. In this pyramid (graph), a scale of age groups is built vertically (in ascending order from bottom to top), on both sides of which strips are laid, the length of which corresponds to the number of persons of each interval age (men to the left, women to the right), subject to equal intervals. In the case of unequal age intervals, the length of the strips is taken based on an age interval of 1 year, i.e. as a distribution density.

The grouping, or distribution, of the population by sex makes it possible to determine the number (and proportion) of men and women in the total population. For example, in 1995 Of the 148.3 million people in Russia, 69.8 million were men and 78.5 million were women, or 47% and 53%, respectively. By the way, this ratio in the country as a whole is quite stable; it persisted for Russia throughout the 80s and 90s. Therefore, this grouping is more interesting for individual regions, districts. Data on the sex composition, given by territories, give an idea of ​​the even or uneven ratio of men and women in certain regions of the country. In turn, this ratio often depends on the production direction of the region's economy. Grouping by gender must be given in combination with other grouping characteristics (age, social status, education, etc.)

Grouping by age is also one of the main tasks in statistics. To solve many practical problems, it is necessary to define different age contingents: nursery, preschool, school; population of working age; younger and older than working age; the number of people of voting age, etc. All age groupings of the population are divided into one-year age groups, on the basis of which any interval groups can be built. The distribution of people into one-year age groups opens up the best possibilities for analyzing the state and changes in the age structure. However, data on the age structure in the one-year grouping are subject to the deforming influence of such a phenomenon as age accumulation. Many people do not attach much importance to the accuracy of their age, and in the past, many did not know their exact age, so they indicated it in the census approximately.

The composition of the age-sex structure of the population is primarily the result of the evolution of population reproduction. The type of population reproduction, formed by the processes of fertility and mortality in the present and past periods, determines the ratio of the population of different age groups.

The formation of the age structure of the population is influenced, firstly, by the decline in the population of military age, and secondly, by a sharp decline in the birth rate. At the regional and sometimes national level, large changes in the age structure can occur as a result of migration, usually increasing the number of men of working age. As a result of these causes, the edges of the age pyramid become uneven, reflecting historical changes in the nature of population growth and decline. Such violations leave traces in the age structure of the population for a long time.

The gender structure is affected by a decrease in the birth rate on the number of individual age groups of the population in the form of so-called gaps in the age structure, wars, the state of the population in marriage, etc.

  1. The age-sex pyramid is growing:
    • – High birth rate;
    • Most of the young;
    • Low proportion of elderly;
    • Short lifespan;
    • Population growth.
  2. The age-sex pyramid is reduced:
    • – Low birth rate;
    • Low percentage of young;
    • A large proportion of adults and the elderly;
    • High life expectancy;
    • Population aging.
  3. Age-sex pyramid rejuvenating:
    • – Distribution of a group of classes of the main pyramid;
    • Characteristic of typically developed countries that experience higher birth rates as a result of population policies.

Table 1 Dynamics of the number and specific gravity population by sex

Total population, million people

in the total population, %

And based on the indicators in the table, we can say that the number of women prevails over the number of men. That, since 1926, the population has increased every year.

Table 2 Average variant of population forecast by sex

men, thousand people

women, thousand people

there are women per 1000 men

The average version of the forecast is characterized by a reduction in the ratio of men and women by 20 people.

Compared to 1990, the population under working age is significantly lower in 2015, while the population over working age is larger.

Figure 2 characterizes the change in the size and composition of the Russian population in the future.

The sex and age pyramid is similar to real pyramids, since with increasing age the number of people in age groups decreases and the stripes become shorter. The age pyramid of an ideal population, in which fertility and mortality would remain unchanged for a long time, would look like an almost isosceles triangle with straight sides (but still with some skew to the right, i.e. towards the female "half"). However, this does not happen, because both the number of births and the number of deaths fluctuate over time, sometimes very sharply. A sharp drop in the birth rate forms a corresponding depression in the age structure, which will be the deeper, the more significant the reduction in the number of births. And this depression will never even out until all those born in the years in which this depression fell have died. On the contrary, a sharp increase in the birth rate forms a ledge on the pyramid, which is the greater, the greater the increase in the birth rate (the number of births). The alternation of rises and falls in the birth rate as a result of any social cataclysms causes the so-called "demographic waves" on the age structure (pyramid).


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