Purchase of ancient, royal and antique coins, banknotes and gold rubles. Free assessment of coins of Russia and the USSR Determining the value of coins online

The examination of the coin is carried out by specialists of the National Numismatic Register, if necessary, involving third-party experts knowledgeable in the highly specialized field of numismatics. Examination of a coin allows you to determine the key characteristics of the coin necessary for its further use for commercial purposes or as a valuable collection item. Advantages of coin examination:


All information about coins that have been certified by the National Numismatic Register (NNR) is entered into the NNR information database. As a fact of confirmation, NHP issues a certificate, which is assigned a unique number, which is important for the owner of the coin, since the certificate number is attached to a specific coin.


The National Numismatic Registry accepts only authentic items for certification. NNR specialists have many years of practical experience working in leading numismatic companies in Russia, allowing them to determine the authenticity and safety of coins. If additional study of the subject is necessary, NNR may engage third-party experts or organizations specializing in specific areas of numismatics to conduct an expanded examination.

More information about the benefits of conducting an examination of a coin in order to secure the collection can be read in the “” section.


Coins that have been assessed by the NPR will certainly be of increased interest on the numismatic market. A detailed description of the coin, including an assessment of safety, determination of the exact weight, authenticity and variety of the coin, will allow you to quickly sell the coin, and will also have a positive impact on the growth of its value.


Thanks to the available identification number NNR certificate for a coin included in the register, it will be possible to easily trace the sales history onauctions or online stores, which is an undeniable advantage when buying a coin both for your collection and for investment purposes.


The Russian numismatics market contains a large number of options and varieties of coins. The description of the variety and type of coin provided by the NNR during the certification process will help numismatists organize their collection and find missing pieces. More details in the section on types of coins.


Including coins in the register will certainly help coin owners actually confirm, if necessary, the rights to their numismatic objects, thereby minimizing the negative consequences associated with unfounded claims to existing numismatic collections in terms of recognition of them as archaeological objects.

Coin evaluation is necessary to determine its authenticity and value.

The authenticity of a coin is the most important issue in numismatics, which must be resolved unambiguously for each specific coin, because counterfeits are common.

To determine the authenticity, the copy is sent for examination.

When should I order an examination of coins for authenticity?

Counterfeiters' Tools

A counterfeit can be made at the same time that the counterfeit coin was in circulation, that is, the counterfeiters violated the state's monopoly on mintage.

Most often, this counterfeit coin was made from metals whose cost paid for the creation of a copy.

The copy was lighter, and its purity was lower.

Or the core of the counterfeit coin was made of cheap materials, and on top it was covered with a layer of gold or silver.

Counterfeiting metal banknotes was also profitable when the cost of a genuine coin turned out to be much higher than the production of a counterfeit.

However, such counterfeits of “their time” are often valued much higher than the original coins.

Another type of forgery is made when the originals have gone out of circulation and have acquired collector's value.

The production of such coins from the very beginning is aimed at deceiving the collector. Modern copies are difficult to distinguish from coins of past times.

Counterfeiters are constantly improving their methods of making counterfeits, but scientific progress also helps in conducting examinations.

How to determine the value and authenticity of a coin?

Coin catalog

The difference between a copy and a genuine copy:

Where and how to find out about the value of a coin?

If the coin is genuine, then its owner or a numismatist who wants to purchase it faces a second question - how to find out what its real value is? Determining the price involves many factors, the most important of which are the age of the coin, its rarity and appearance.

And, if with the first two everything is quite simple, then preserving the appearance of the coin is a rather complicated matter.

Of course, there are standards by which the examination is carried out. But even now, coin valuation is more an art than a science, and the value of the same coin can vary significantly among different appraisers.

Three assessment systems are most common in Russia.

The first one is international system coin evaluation is now the most famous among collectors in Russia. The assessment of coins and their condition is related to the abrasions on the coin. For each coin, the part most susceptible to wear is determined. For example, on coins issued in Russia in 1886 - 1894. the most vulnerable spot is the portrait eyebrow.

Coin conditions are characterized on a scale from Brilliant Uncirculated to Poor.

The second is the evaluation of coins according to the system created by W. Sheldon. This system allows us to reduce the influence of subjectivity on coin valuation.

The system consists of a scale from 1 to 70, where 1 is the worst rating, 70 is the ideal condition of the coin.

It distinguishes coins that were minted using improved technology - they have a shiny surface and sharply minted details. Thus, coins of Tsarist Russia until the 18th century have a value of 4 – 19, that is, they have a collection value only if they are exceptionally rare, and mainly have scientific value.

The third system was created in Russia, but it is rather unclear.

The value is also reduced due to unmarked surfaces of the coin, defects from cleaning, traces of restoration, scratches and chips. The shine of the coin and the presence of a light, translucent patina on it increase the value.

For rare modern coins, in particular those issued in Russia, there are tables from which you can find out their approximate value.

How to learn to evaluate coins yourself?

It is important for a beginning numismatist to gain experience and be able to estimate the value of a coin independently.

To do this, he can first try to find out the cost himself.

To do this, he will need a magnifying glass and an image of the desired coin from the catalog.

After the surface of the coin has been thoroughly examined under a magnifying glass, you need to compare it with the image of the original coin.

Counterfeiters rarely copy the original in detail; usually the discrepancies are found in small details.

After self-evaluation, the coin should be sent for examination to a professional appraiser and wait for his conclusion, which can either confirm or refute the conclusions drawn. How more coins If a collector analyzes it in this way, the more accurate his ability to assess authenticity will be in the future.

My father has been involved in numismatics for over 30 years and has amassed an impressive collection of coins. Unfortunately, he died without leaving a will and did not have time to create an inventory or register of his collection.

In six months, our mother, me and brother will inherit. My mother and I would like to keep the collection, but my brother wants to sell it and get money.

Please tell me how to evaluate the collection so as not to run into people who want to profit from the coins? How to make an inventory? And is there a legally competent way to preserve the collection - maybe give your brother’s share in money? What if, after the appraisal and upon entering into an inheritance, he wants to take away the most expensive and rare specimens?


You will need to have the collection appraised by some appraisers to get an idea of ​​its approximate value. Be prepared for the fact that stores most likely will not buy it at the real price.

Victor Tyurin

is interested in numismatics

Let's sort it out in order. First, I’ll tell you how to make an assessment correctly.

Fast and free - the “Simulate Sale” method

Most quick way to evaluate your collection - go to a store where they sell and buy coins. This may be an ordinary antique salon, but it is better to contact a specialized numismatic store. For example, in Moscow these are “Club “Numismatist””, “Monetnik”, in St. Petersburg - “Conros”, “Coins-SPb”, “Numizmania”. Let them know that you would like to appraise and sell the coins you received. Your request will not surprise anyone: this is a common occurrence in such stores. Sometimes a specialist will come to your home for an assessment, sometimes the collection will need to be brought to the store - as agreed.

Before the grading procedure, take photographs of the coins in advance. This is necessary so as not to lose anything or mix it up when moving from place to place. Then check the quantity. If there are a lot of coins and they are all in albums, then the easiest way is to photograph the album sheets along with the coins.

Most likely, the appraiser will give you a price lower than the market price in order to be able to resell the coins at a profit. The discount is most often at least 30-40%. The specialist reports the minimum cost, because he cannot always quickly assess the degree of safety of all coins, defects, prospects for sale, etc. He takes the risks upon himself, insuring himself by lowering the price.

Sometimes you can even try to evaluate it on the Internet using a photograph of a coin. Explore online auctions for collectors: Find Coins, Rarity.

I recommend carrying out this assessment procedure 2-3 times with different appraisers. One will say “50 thousand for everything!”, the second will promise 80 thousand, and the third - 120 thousand. This means that the real market price of the collection is most likely not lower than 150-180 thousand.

More objective and paid - the “Specialized Assessment” method

If you want to evaluate the collection more objectively, you can independent assessment. True, you will have to pay for this. Usually it costs several thousand rubles.

The same numismatic stores sometimes offer independent valuation as a separate paid service.

You can also look at the list of appraisal companies in your city and find out who will take on such a task. The easiest way is to find a list of the main appraisal companies in your area. For example, you can look at the list of accredited appraisers from Sberbank. The list is, of course, focused on real estate valuation, but no one would hurt to clarify whether they will take on an atypical request. Many appraisers may refuse because they only work with real estate, so the search may take some time.

Tell the appraiser that you do not plan to sell the collection and that you are interested in independent examination and market value. You can refer, for example, to the fact that you want to insure the collection, and Insurance Company To do this, she required an assessment report.

Long and free - on your own

You can study the theory and evaluate the coin collection yourself.

For domestic coins the best option- these are the above-mentioned sites “Find-coins” and “Rarity”. I have already written about how to use them in more detail. Select the section with market prices, enter the name of your coin and see the latest transaction prices for it. Don't think of these numbers as a firm minimum price, but rather as a guideline.

This is what this process would look like on the Rarity website.

It is more difficult with foreign coins. You can browse several sites of numismatic online stores: “Club “Numismatist””, “Unicoin” and others. Look for coins on sale that match yours and record the offered prices.

The self-assessment process can be quite time-consuming. Most likely, you will not be able to sell coins at store prices. But as a guideline this may be fine.

Use several techniques to obtain an estimate. Get 2-3 free estimates from potential buyers and additionally look on the Internet for the cost of at least part of the coins.

Please be aware that the amount obtained is very approximate and is most likely an underestimate. It is important to understand the relative value of the collection: 10-20 thousand or several hundred thousand. In addition, you are unlikely to be able to sell the collection at maximum prices anyway.

Do not exaggerate the value of the collection you received. This will not impress the appraiser, and illusions are useless to you. For example, a shabby copper penny from the time of Nicholas II often costs about a hundred rubles, although it is more than a hundred years old.

How to make an inventory?

At first, I recommend making a table in a regular Excel file or Google Sheets. This is the easiest way to compile a list of coins with a description of the main characteristics. You can adjust the number of cells for each coin yourself, but you definitely need to write down the signs by which you can quickly identify it: denomination, year, images on the front and back, etc.

Example of a table describing coins



Queen Elizabeth II

Edge (coin edge)


approximate cost

250 R

The Rare Coins Auction House evaluates the authenticity and value of coins of Tsarist Russia, tabletop and award medals and numismatic literature. We also carry out the purchase and sale of coins and medals of Tsarist Russia, accept rare ancient coins in collectible condition for auction, and help in the formation of collections. We have extensive experience in Russian numismatics, and also have a rich numismatic library, which allows us to conduct a highly professional examination of old coins and guarantee their authenticity.


The Rare Coins Auction House carries out the purchase of coins, tabletop medals and entire collections. For sales offers, use the form below.


With us you can get an assessment online.

We recommend that you trust the assessment of the authenticity, state of preservation and market value of coins and medals only to professionals. Our experts will help you evaluate market value coins of Tsarist Russia, award and table medals or numismatic literature and receive recommendations for their implementation. If the Rare Coins Auction House is interested in the items provided for evaluation, you may be offered an urgent purchase or putting them up for auction. We do not evaluate modern copies of coins. How to distinguish a copy of a coin from the original, read our article " How to recognize a fake?".

For online examination, fill out the form below, attach an image of the item (this can be pre-revolutionary publications and catalogs, gold coins of Tsarist Russia or other rare coins, medals in the form of photographs or scans: for medals and coins - on both sides, for printed publications - title and reverse side).
The accuracy of the assessment directly depends on the quality of the photograph. We also strongly do not recommend washing and cleaning coins yourself: a “patina of history” can have a beneficial effect on the final value of the coin. Requests without a photo will not be considered.


In chapter SHOP an assortment of royal coins and medals, literature and accessories is presented.

Certificates of Authenticity are available upon request for coins purchased from us.


It’s very easy to get a free preliminary assessment of coins on our website – just send us a photo. You can do this in any convenient way:

  • viber and whatsapp (as well as MMS and iMessage) by number 89259240279 (fastest method)
  • Email [email protected]
  • form feedback Online

How to properly photograph coins for grading?

In 95% of cases, it’s enough just to take a photo from both sides, the main thing is that the image is clear and not blurry. At the same time, the size of the photo is not important, it is important that the coin is simply clearly visible.

If there are a lot of coins, then you can take group photos (5-10-20 pieces in one photo), or photograph the entire album page. In this case, it is better to take pictures not in a pile, but by placing the coins next to each other.

A photo of the edge (rib) is not needed in all cases; you don’t have to take it specially, if such a photo is required - we usually request it separately.

How long does the online assessment take?

We try to estimate the cost as quickly as possible. In practice, this means that 90% of requests received during business hours are processed within an hour or two, but much more often - almost instantly!

However, there are situations when we take longer to respond. This can be caused by various reasons:

  • experts are physically busy with complex examinations or lengthy meetings;
  • the request for an assessment came during non-working hours (for example, at night or late in the evening) - in this case, we will process it the next day;
  • in some cases, the coin is not of interest to us ourselves, but we know clients or dealers who might be interested.

In such cases, we may ask the buyer if he is interested, and the time to respond is up to him, not us.

If you require an urgent response, you can call and ask that your application be processed as a priority. If such a possibility exists, we will immediately assess the cost, this service is free.

How to conduct an authenticity examination?

Our enormous professional experience allows us to determine the authenticity of coins even from photos in 90% of cases. The remaining 10% are high-quality fakes the highest level or situations when, due to poor condition, it is difficult to say something remotely. In these cases, to establish the exact result, it is necessary to watch the item live. Just look - to determine authenticity, we extremely rarely use anything other than a magnifying glass, since high-quality modern fakes have long learned to match the weight and standard of metal to genuine samples. The authenticity examination is carried out in the format of a free consultation; we do not make written documents; for such papers you should contact the State Historical Museum.

How long does the proposed buyback price last?

As a rule, from several weeks to several months. But in fact, there is no clear answer to this question.

It is worth understanding that the market and economic situation can change, which in turn can lead to changes in prices for certain items - and they can either become more expensive or cheaper. The story that antiques or collectibles always go up in price is a myth! Coins are a product whose price is regulated by the balance of supply and demand, and there are many examples of how some items are rapidly becoming cheaper for one reason or another.

The main thing you need to know about our store: we always strive for an individual approach to each client and value our reputation!

Therefore, we DO NOT practice, for example, situations where they tell you over the phone “it costs up to 100 thousand”, but on the spot they offer 15-20. Unfortunately, some market players are guilty of this.

If we indicate a specific cost or price range, we stick to the stated amounts and try to deal with clients honestly and openly. And in some cases you can bargain with us! Contact the PurchaseCoins store and you will receive a quick, qualified and free assessment of your coins from professional numismatists with many years of experience!

You can send a photo in any convenient way:

The office where the coins are redeemed is located in the Taganskaya-Koltsevaya metro area, you can see the detailed directions.

Also, for your convenience, a PRICE LIST with approximate prices for some of the most common coins has been posted. It mainly concerns the period of the USSR and modern Russia; It is not possible to put a price tag on coins of the Tsarist period - the price for them very much depends on the condition, a photograph is required for evaluation.

If you want to sell or evaluate coins and antiques in Moscow, contact the store website! Professional assessment, adequate market prices and an individual approach to the client are just some of our advantages.
Contact us daily, from 10 to 18