Development of measures to improve the efficiency of lending to individuals. Ways to improve lending to individuals To improve bank lending to individuals

Sberbank of Russia OJSC offers the following types of consumer loans for any purpose:

1. Without collateral

Advantages of the loan: up to 1.5 million rubles for any purpose without collateral or guarantors, no fees, the possibility of receiving a VisaCreditMomentum / MasterCardCreditMomentum credit card or a personalized credit card

Quick decision-making on granting a loan;

To consider a loan application, you only need a passport;

Reduced rates apply;

Providing a loan in any lending department, regardless of the place of registration in the Russian Federation;

Possibility to apply for a loan from Sberbank Online without visiting a Bank office.

Table 3.1 - Lending conditions for a consumer loan without collateral at Sberbank of Russia OJSC

Table 3.2 - Interest rates on consumer loans without collateral at Sberbank of Russia OJSC

Requirements for borrowers: age at the time of granting the loan is at least 21 years old, age at the time of repayment of the loan under the agreement is no more than 65 years. Work experience of at least 6 months at the current place of work and at least 1 year of total work experience over the last 5 years.

The period for consideration of a loan application for clients receiving salaries into an account at Sberbank of Russia OJSC is within 2 hours from the moment the full package of documents is submitted to the Bank. In other cases - within 2 business days from the date of submission of the full package of documents to the Bank.

2. Loan guaranteed by individuals

Advantages of the loan: up to 3 million rubles for any purpose, attractive interest rates without commissions, the ability to take into account the spouse’s income in order to increase the loan size, the possibility of obtaining a VisaCreditMomentum / MasterCardCreditMomentum credit card or a personalized credit card.

For clients who have a salary card (deposit) or receive a pension on a card/deposit account at Sberbank:

To consider a loan application, you only need a passport;

Reduced rates apply;

Providing a loan in any lending department, regardless of the place of registration in the Russian Federation.

Table 3.3 - Lending conditions for consumer loans guaranteed by individuals of Sberbank of Russia OJSC

Table 3.4 - Interest rates on consumer loans guaranteed by individuals at Sberbank of Russia OJSC

Requirements for borrowers: age at the time of granting the loan is at least 18 years old, age at the time of repayment of the loan under the agreement is no more than 75 years.

Work experience of at least 6 months at the current place of work and at least 1 year of total work experience over the last 5 years.

The period for consideration of a loan application is within 2 business days from the date of submission of the full package of documents. You can receive a loan within 30 calendar days from the date the Bank makes a positive decision to provide a loan.

Partial or full early repayment of the loan is carried out upon an application containing the date of early repayment, the amount and the account from which funds will be transferred. The early repayment date indicated in the application must fall exclusively on a business day.

3. Loan to military personnel - participants in the savings-mortgage system

Advantages of the loan: for any purpose, including as an additional payment for the purchased apartment. Attractive interest rates, no commissions. Possibility to increase the loan amount by attracting a guarantor.

Table 3.5 - Lending conditions for consumer loans to military personnel - participants in the savings and mortgage system at Sberbank of Russia OJSC

Table 3.6 - Interest rates on consumer loans to military personnel - participants in the savings-mortgage system at Sberbank of Russia OJSC

Requirements for borrowers: age at the time of loan provision is at least 21 years old. Work experience of at least 6 months at the current place of work and at least 1 year of total work experience over the last 5 years, other:

The borrower must be a participant in the savings mortgage system;

The Borrower has previously / simultaneously submitted a loan application for a mortgage loan under the “Military Mortgage” program with Sberbank or the Borrower has an existing loan provided by the Bank under the “Military Mortgage” program.

The period for consideration of a loan application is within 7 working days from the date of submission of the full package of documents.

You can receive a loan within 30 calendar days from the date the Bank makes a positive decision to provide a loan.

The minimum size of the loan to be repaid early is unlimited, and no fee is charged for early repayment.

4. Loan secured by real estate

Advantages of the loan: attractive interest rates, no commissions. No provision or confirmation of the intended use of the loan is required.

Table 3.7 - Lending conditions for a consumer loan secured by real estate at Sberbank of Russia OJSC

Loan currency Russian rubles
Minimum loan amount 500 000
Maximum loan amount Should not exceed the lesser of: - 10.0 million rubles (inclusive);
- 60% of the estimated value of the property being pledged (inclusive). Credit term
Up to 20 years Loan issue fee
Absent Loan collateral
Pledge of a real estate property: - residential premises (apartment, including in a residential building, consisting of one or several block sections - “town house”; residential building); - residential premises with the land plot on which it is located;

- land plot;

- garage; - a garage with the land on which it is located.


Voluntary life and health insurance of the borrower in accordance with the requirements of the Bank.

Table 3.8 - Interest rates on consumer loans secured by real estate at Sberbank of Russia OJSC

The age at the time of granting the loan is at least 21 years, the age at the time of repayment of the loan under the agreement is 75 years. Work experience of at least 6 months at the current place of work and at least 1 year of total work experience over the last 5 years.

Loans are not provided to the Borrower/Co-borrowers if the Borrower/at least one of the Co-borrowers is:

Individual entrepreneur;

Head/director, deputy head, chief accountant, other person with the right of first signature of financial documents, a small enterprise (partnership, society, cooperative) with up to 30 employees;

An owner (participant) of a small enterprise (partnership, society, cooperative) with an ownership share of more than 5%;

Member of a peasant (farm) household.

Consumer lending in modern conditions occupies an important place in the activities of commercial banks and trade organizations. This type of loan stimulates the sale of goods and services, saves distribution costs, and brings significant income and profit to lenders. In turn, the population gets the opportunity to purchase the necessary thing at the moment of its highest relevance for the consumer. According to statistics, about 42% of Russian residents live on credit.

Consumer lending not only stimulates demand, but also performs an important social function. In terms of the number of loans issued, the leaders are small loans in the amount of up to 50 thousand rubles.

Figure 3.1 - Share of issued loans depending on the loan size

These days, the biggest benefit for banks and increased wealth is lending to the underserved mass segment. During the initial development of consumer lending, banks worked specifically with wealthy people. As the market became saturated, it became clear that we needed to look for other segments and switch to unsecured lending, because most clients had nothing to offer as collateral.

Satisfying the consumer needs of the population is a complex process of interaction between income and expenditure of the population. The volume of consumer spending of the population, depending on the amount of income, is satisfied fully or partially. If expenses are partially covered by income, the population has unmet needs. Depending on the amount of income, it is possible to satisfy these needs through the savings mechanism. Moreover, for groups of the population that differ in income level, different amounts of time are needed to accumulate savings in order to satisfy the need that has arisen. In this case, a temporary gap arises between the moment the need arises and the moment it is satisfied. Reducing the time gap is possible through lending to the population.

Consumer loans are usually focused on the purchase of goods. The share of purchasing goods in the population's income is the largest and amounts to 60%.

With the development of the banking system in Russia in recent years, there has been an increase in the number of banks, as well as their branches and representative offices. It is very difficult for the average consumer to decide on the variety of lending conditions offered by various banks. In the process of choosing the optimal loan terms, the borrower faces a number of problems.

Since borrowers have the opportunity to choose, the first step should be to familiarize themselves with the terms of the agreement and compare them with the conditions offered by other lending institutions.

The first problem that arises on the borrower’s path is becoming familiar with the terms of the loan agreement. The lending procedure of many banks is structured as follows: first, a loan application is formulated, then the credit dossier is checked, the borrower’s creditworthiness is studied, and only after making a decision to issue money, bank specialists issue an agreement. Thus, the borrower sees the loan agreement only at the end, on the day the agreement is signed, so, unfortunately, he does not have the opportunity to evaluate its terms immediately, at the beginning, much less compare with the terms of agreements of other banks.

The second problematic point is precisely the competent assessment of the cost of borrowed capital. The cost of borrowed capital is usually associated with the interest rate on the loan and theoretically, to determine the cost of borrowed capital, it is necessary to study the rates announced by banks and choose the lowest one. However, practice shows that such an analysis is insufficient.

Often banks charge this rate not once, but every time they pay the loan and interest on it. This procedure, in turn, affects the real loan rate, significantly increasing it. This is the next, third problem, the problem of the so-called “hidden commissions”; Therefore, it is a good idea for bank clients to immediately find out whether this procedure is a one-time procedure.

And finally, the fourth problem is organizational issues of obtaining a loan: as a rule, these are problems of bank management. The fact that their specialists, as a rule, do not provide information over the phone, does not work to the benefit of banks. Finding out what package of documents is required to obtain a loan, what scheme operates at the bank, and in general to obtain any information significant for the borrower by calling is almost impossible in some banks: employees ask to appear at the financial institution in person. This is understandable from the bank’s point of view, but it significantly complicates the information collection procedure for the borrower.

As a final confirmation of the effectiveness of the implementation of the proposed measures, a survey of the population of the city of Krasnokamsk was conducted.

Table 3.5 – Population survey on lending at Sberbank of Russia OJSC

Question asked Responses from respondents.
Do you need borrowed funds? 90% of 100% responded that they regularly use borrowed funds in their lives.
10% responded that they are trying to get by without borrowed funds by saving. Do you have a loan from Sberbank of Russia OJSC?
45% answered “Yes I have” 55% answered “No” For what reason are you not getting loans from Sberbank of Russia OJSC?
Of the 55% who answered that they do not have loans from Sberbank of Russia OJSC, 15% - “There is no time to travel and stand in queues” 25% - “There are more favorable conditions in other banks” 15% - refrained from answering Having learned about new opportunities, will you go to apply for a loan at Sberbank of Russia OJSC?

90% answered “Yes” 10% answered “We need to think about it”

From the survey, it is clear that residents of the city of Krasnokamsk need borrowed funds from the bank, but do not have the opportunity to go anywhere in order to apply for a loan. The survey results are presented more clearly below.

Figure 3.2 – Results of a survey of residents on the question: Do you want to get a loan from Sberbank of Russia OJSC?

Thus, in this chapter, the following measures are proposed to improve the efficiency of lending to individuals:

1. Open the loan manager’s rate

2. Organize and design billboards for lending to individuals in the bank branch in the city of Krasnokamsk and at customer service points, placing on these billboards complete and accessible information about the conditions for lending to the population;

3. Improve the loan restructuring program for individuals by reducing interest rates for bona fide bank borrowers for subsequent lending.

Increasing the efficiency of lending to individuals at Sberbank of Russia OJSC will allow the bank to strengthen its competitive advantage, attract new borrowers, and significantly increase its profitability.

Theoretical aspects of the process of lending by banks to individuals. Forms and functions of credit operations, stages and legal framework of the lending process. Analysis of the activities of the Central Branch of Sberbank: external and internal environment and lending procedures.

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    • -developed infrastructure (clients should be able to make non-cash payments in a large number of shops, restaurants, and pay for communication services by card);
    • - various access channels for obtaining the necessary information and services, providing clients with the opportunity for remote round-the-clock information services (by making service convenient for clients, providing new types of services, banks must strive to fulfill the main condition under which retail lending can be profitable - scale);
    • - sufficient equipment with technical means (for example, in Russia, with a population of almost 150 million people, only 9.5 thousand ATMs are installed, and in Canada, where 33 million people live, 30 thousand ATMs operate);
    • - a unified approach to managing all financial flows of the bank, integration of retail business into the general policy of the bank to obtain the greatest efficiency of the services provided;
    • - reducing costs and risks, increasing efficiency and quality of service to the public, reducing operating costs, as well as the time required for consideration of applications and issuance of a loan.

    Also, one of the most important problems recently is the competition of banks with trading organizations. The latter provide loans to almost everyone who applies for them. To do this, you only need to present to the store your passport and a certificate of income from your place of work for the last 6 months. Sometimes they don’t even require a certificate, but only the number of the pension insurance certificate or TIN. That is, the number of documents is sharply limited in comparison with what the bank requires, and the buyer does not need to waste time collecting all kinds of certificates and documents, insuring the loan objects and his own life and health. In addition, an important problem is the amount of interest at which a trading organization issues loans. It ranges from 0 to 29 percent per year in different stores, depending on the bank with which the store works. So O.V.K. charges 29 percent per year. But, as a rule, the interest rate is 10 percent per year. In addition, a deferment of payment of debt and interest is provided for 1-2 months. Sometimes the store includes the interest charged in the price of the goods in advance, and then selling the goods on credit looks like an installment payment for the goods, which also interests the buyer. Another positive point for the client is the lack of collateral for loans provided by trading organizations, while banks require a guarantee or collateral 2-4 times the amount of the loan and accrued interest.

    If a buyer takes out a loan from a store to buy a TV worth 12 thousand rubles. for 6 months, then the interest on the loan will be 600 rubles. Having paid an initial payment of 12,600 rubles. in the amount of 10%, the monthly payment for the remaining 5 months will be 2280 rubles. per month. Moreover, it takes 15 minutes to obtain a loan from a trade organization.

    If a person goes to the bank, he must deposit at least 30% of the cost of the item, which is 3,600 rubles. Interest on the remaining amount of 8,400 rubles. will amount to 798 rubles for 6 months. In addition, you need to collect a lot of documents, bring guarantors and still wait up to a week to get permission for a loan, or you may not receive it. In addition, the bank may require collateral amounting to several tens of thousands of rubles. It is difficult to imagine that in the home environment of an ordinary buyer it could cost 20, 30 or even more thousand rubles, and what could be provided as collateral.

    Also, the loan agreement may set a tariff for servicing a loan account - up to 3%, and a minimum of 250 rubles, which makes the loan even more expensive. Thus, the bank loses to trade organizations, both in the amount of interest and in the speed of granting loans. Therefore, the bank needs to simplify the process of issuing loans. lending individual commercial

    When studying the documents that must be submitted to the bank, it turned out that some documents duplicate each other. A passport is provided to the bank, from which a bank employee takes a photocopy. But in addition to the identity card, the borrower, guarantor, or pledgor must provide a certificate of registration at the place of residence. That is, despite the fact that the passport contains a registration mark, a certificate about the same is also required. The bank must require a certificate from the place of residence if it does not coincide with the place of registration.

    When using property as collateral for loan repayment, the borrower must provide the following when pledging the property:

    • - documents confirming ownership of an apartment, room: certificate of ownership of housing, transfer agreement, purchase and sale agreement, exchange agreement, gift agreement;
    • - a certificate of the value of the object from the MUPTI or another body that maintains technical records of real estate;
    • - a copy of the financial and personal account;
    • - extract from the house register;

    The house register indicates the registration at the place of residence, the area of ​​the building, its number, i.e. here the registration data at the place of residence, the area of ​​the property and other data that the bank has already received from the above documents will be repeated.

    In the case of a loan secured by an apartment or room being purchased or constructed under an investment agreement, the loan agreement must stipulate the borrower’s obligation to provide the bank with the necessary documents for concluding a mortgage agreement, including an insurance policy: for real estate and for himself.

    Sometimes, due to the complexity of the package of documents provided, a mortgage loan can take up to 4 weeks to process. One of the disadvantages is also the conclusion and provision of a marriage contract. It is necessary to reduce the specified deadlines for submitting documents for concluding a mortgage agreement by at least 2 times.

    The client’s creditworthiness in global banking practice appears as one of the main objects of assessment when determining the feasibility and forms of credit relations. The ability to repay debt is associated with the moral qualities of the client, his art and occupation, the degree of investment in real estate, the ability to earn funds to repay the loan and other obligations.

    The list of elements of the borrower's creditworthiness and indicators characterizing them may be broader or shorter depending on the purposes of the analysis, types of loans, loan terms, and the state of the bank's credit relations with the borrower. The optimal or acceptable values ​​of such indicators should be differentiated depending on the activities of the borrower, the specific terms of the transaction, etc.

    Today, there are several basic methods for assessing the creditworthiness of clients. Systems differ from each other in the number of indicators that are used as components of the overall assessment of the borrower, as well as in different approaches to the characteristics and priority of each of them. One of the ways to assess the creditworthiness of individuals is scoring.

    Customer characteristics are scored, the scores are summed up, and the resulting rating is compared with a threshold value. The critical value of the rating must be determined on the basis of statistical data and periodically reviewed to balance the two types of risk (issuing a loan to an uncreditworthy client and refusing to issue a loan to a creditworthy one). In addition to the “cut-off limit”, other intervals of the obtained scores can be developed, for example, the range of values ​​​​at which additional analysis is required is established, or for each interval with acceptable score values, the maximum possible loan size, the terms of its collateral and the interest rate are determined.

    The most important factors taken into account in this model are: age, marital status, number of dependents, residential real estate, income, bank accounts, length of employment in general and at this job, length of residence in the area, recommendations of other financial institutions.

    In addition, a distinctive feature of the scoring method is that it should not be applied according to a template, but should be developed independently by each bank based on the characteristics inherent in it and its clientele, taking into account the traditions of the country, changes in socio-economic conditions that influence people’s behavior. Before widely introducing scoring, each bank analyzes the effectiveness of the current model and, if necessary, modifies the set of borrower characteristics and the scale of their numerical ratings.

    The author of the method, David Durand, noted that the formula he derived can help assess the reliability of an ordinary borrower, but in extraordinary cases one cannot rely on its forecast. He identified a group of factors that help determine the degree of credit risk when obtaining a consumer loan.

    The following parameters and characteristics of the client can also act as credit scoring coefficients: the client’s participation in financing the transaction (the larger the share of funds contributed by the client himself, the better his rating), the purpose of the loan, marital status (preference is given to a family with less than three children), health status, education, career development, net annual income, average bank account balance, loan term (long-term loans are riskier and therefore lower the score, the loan term depends on the purpose of obtaining it). It should also be taken into account that frequent moves and changes of place of work give rise to doubts about the sustainability and stability of the borrower’s position.

    The experience of foreign banks shows that an applicant for a consumer loan receives increased points for careful repayment of previously used loans, stability of income (and, above all, wages), length of work in one place and period of residence at a given address, and the presence of their own housing. When assessing the scope of employment, preference is given to public service. The critical value of the rating should be constantly reviewed by the bank in accordance with the results of its work, so that changing conditions do not lead to the “cut-off limit” being too high and the bank incurring losses, but not in the form of missing money, but in the form of lost money. benefits from not providing credit to reliable borrowers whose scoring does not accurately reflect their real creditworthiness.

    There is another credit scoring system for assessing the creditworthiness of individual borrowers, the advantage of which is that it allows you to take into account many factors at the same time. On the other hand, the valuation method is more suitable for quickly responding to changes in the economic environment in the present or future. An experienced professional must be able to quickly take changes in the environment into account when predicting the future creditworthiness of a borrower. The credit scoring method in such cases is, as a rule, less effective; its disadvantage is that it is based on statistical data from past periods that have lost their relevance and truthfulness due to changes that have occurred.

    By creating conditions for carrying out an express analysis, the scoring method allows, in the presence of a potential borrower who has contacted the bank and filled out a special questionnaire, to give an answer about the possibility of issuing a loan within a few minutes, taking into account the information promptly received from the credit bureau. Recognizing the undoubted advantages of the scoring method, foreign banks invest great efforts in its development, sparing no money and time.

    In practice, a rational combination of the assessment method and credit scoring is used. The credit scoring method is used to identify obviously unreliable and obviously reliable borrowers. Those individuals whose scores fall between these two criterion values ​​are subject to additional analysis using more information and evaluative analysis methods.

    The scoring system for assessing the creditworthiness of individuals is beginning to develop in Russian banks. Being high-tech, this method is used in banks implementing large consumer lending programs using plastic cards. Currently, about 20 banks offer credit cards. However, scoring is mainly used to strengthen partnerships between credit and trade organizations in the form when a bank employee, being directly in the store, accepts completed questionnaires from those wishing to buy goods on credit containing the necessary information about clients (personal data; identification document details; address of residence; address of actual residence; marital status; number of children and dependents; type of property; information about education and place of work, etc.

    As for the possibility of deep adaptation of the credit scoring system to Russian conditions, this will require the creation of a number of socio-economic prerequisites: growth in living standards, expansion of the “middle class” layer (at least 25-30% of all economically active members of society), development of the mortgage system lending, etc. As the experience of other countries shows, only stable, progressive development of business, based on equality of all forms of ownership, can ultimately create active preconditions for the development of lending in Russia.

    The expansion of credit scoring control (especially when issuing credit cards) could be greatly facilitated by increasing resistance to the “transparency” of personal income, accelerating the creation of a credit reference bureau, training in skills and sharing experience in automated analysis of credit applications.

    At the center of economic work related to scoring, it is advisable to place a systematic test of the effectiveness of the current scoring model to adjust the rating scale, which should be made as bad loans are identified, economic conditions and the lifestyle of families change. The result of the next check of the effectiveness of the selection of borrowers may be a decision to shift the emphasis from one evaluation indicator to another, which at this time is more significant for determining creditworthiness. And vice versa - individual assessment indicators should be lowered in points or excluded from the current model altogether. It may be necessary to update the internal grading of scores for one or a number of indicators characterizing the quality of loan applications. Another important line of analysis worth noting is that a bank may experiment with a critical score to reduce or increase consumer lending depending on the ratio of bad to good loans. If the dynamics of this ratio improve, a bank that wants to expand its customer base and receive additional income can deliberately increase credit risk by reducing the critical amount of “passing” points for loan applications.

    Improving the scoring system for selecting borrowers with a balanced use of foreign experience should improve the quality of services provided by banks to the population and help increase consumer lending, stimulating demand for goods and expanding their production.

    The most important condition for the development of bank consumer credit in Russia is the intensification of state policy in the field of regulating the monetary income of the population, which, in particular, involves a transition throughout our country to such a progressive form of payment for hired personnel as the minimum wage for one hour of working time. The need for this is motivated by the following: the average level of total monetary income of the main strata of Russian society remains low. At the beginning of the 21st century. The real cash incomes of many Russians were much lower compared to the corresponding incomes of residents of countries - members of the European Community (EC), the USA and even many countries of the Third World. In modern Russia, the estimated nominal hourly wage rate is only 0.4 US dollars, while in the United States this figure ranges from 7 to 11 US dollars per hour. According to UN experts, the minimum wage below 3 US dollars per hour is unacceptable, since it leads to the destruction of the labor potential of the national economy. Taking into account the above circumstances, it would be necessary to include changes in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation providing for an increase in the minimum amount of labor for workers.

    A certain part of the deductible salary is still paid to many of our employees secretly in cash in rubles or US dollars, i.e. “in envelopes” in “black cash”, or according to the so-called gray schemes, which does not allow Russian banks to see the real cash income of individuals as potential borrowers. A significant part of the Russian population lives below the poverty line. According to calculations by specialists from the Institute of Socio-Economic Problems of Population of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the share of poor people in Russia is about 35%. According to independent experts, the simplest calculations show that the total number of poor Russians is about 100 million people, or more than 70%, and not 34%, as official Russian statistics estimate. “Simply rich” Russians now number about 5% in the country. The middle class in modern Russia is still very thin and is just being formed. Of course, here it is necessary to make certain adjustments for the cash income of Russians from the “shadow” economy, which is not fully taken into account by official Russian statistics.

    Further improvement of the organization of lending to individuals requires solving a number of problems. Consumer loans are currently issued not only by banks, but also by enterprises and organizations that do not have credit functions. In addition, lending to the consumer needs of the population by many organizations prevents the solution of many issues. It is difficult to study the prospects for the further development of consumer loans and agree on the terms of their use. The issuance and repayment of loans are linked to the indicators of the balance of monetary income and expenditure of the population.

    In this regard, it seems appropriate to significantly expand the list of types of loans provided to clients for education, to organize their own business, as well as to provide various services, including informing clients about programs to stimulate investment and entrepreneurship.

    It is necessary to soon adopt amendments to the legislation that will make it easier to work with real estate and collateral.

    Domestic banks must intensify their lending activities in relation to the population, expanding the range of loans provided to them for various purposes. First of all, it is necessary to create conditions for the development of consumer loans and loans that stimulate individual labor and private entrepreneurial activity of the population.

    Currently, many citizens need long-term loans for the purchase of agricultural machinery, vehicles, equipment, and materials for housing construction. Here, the market economy offers the widespread use of mortgage loans - long-term loans provided by banks secured by real estate, especially land.

    In recent decades, such a progressive form of banking services for corporate and private clients as Internet banking has become increasingly widespread, which usually means the provision of relevant services by banks to legal entities and individuals via the Internet using a special software and hardware complex.

    Modern Internet banking provides customers with the opportunity to quickly and without any participation of bank personnel receive a loan in the form of deferred payment for purchased goods and services through the use of credit cards in retail non-cash payments. Many American Internet banks are already issuing consumer loans to private clients for the purchase of cars and mortgage loans secured by mortgages on residential buildings, and provide loans to homeowners secured by their real estate.

    In Russia, the market for Internet banking services is at the initial stage of development. A small share of Russian banks offers their clients various forms of remote service via the Internet.

    In the process of improving lending to individuals, OJSC Avangard needs to:

    • - increasing awareness of new types of loans;
    • - compliance by banks with an individual approach when lending and taking into account the interests of each borrower;
    • - conducting marketing research of banks in order to identify the population’s needs for new types of loans;
    • - study foreign experience in lending to bank clients and constantly analyze Russian practice in this area.

    During a period of decline in client activity, it is necessary to carry out various promotions to attract clients. For example, reduce the interest rate for servicing a loan account, develop effective promotional activities, since not all types of loans are in equal demand.

    It is necessary to place emphasis on training employees of credit departments, inspectors, taking into account the fact that the bank serves different clients, to quickly find approaches to a potential borrower, and also to draw correct conclusions about the client’s solvency, thereby reducing the risk of loan non-repayment and not scaring off the borrower with your questions.

    Proposals to improve lending to individuals at PJSC Leto Bank

    The product offer of Leto Bank PJSC includes non-targeted consumer loans, loans for purchases at partner trading organizations and credit cards. But today the product line does not include mortgage and car loans.

    Despite the fact that today the mortgage market has practically frozen due to high interest rates and customer uncertainty about the future, many economists nevertheless consider this area to be quite promising. Therefore, Leto Bank PJSC needs to consider the possibility of providing this service in the medium term.

    By Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 20, 2015 No. 255, it was decided that the state will compensate the difference between the bank rate, which should not be higher than the key rate plus 3.5 percentage points, and the rate for the final borrower, which should not exceed 12 %. At the moment, the key rate is 14%, i.e. it turns out that the state will reimburse 4.5 percentage points. The government decree states that under the program banks will be able to issue mortgage loans worth 400 billion rubles. The program is valid for loans issued from March 1, 2015 to March 1, 2016 (or until the key rate drops to 8.5% (previously 9.5%)).

    However, the government's proposed program has some limitations. Thus, a mortgage loan under the above-described government program will only be available for the purchase of an apartment in a new building; The loan term is up to 30 years; The minimum down payment is 20%. The maximum possible loan amount is 8 million rubles for residents of Moscow, the Moscow region and St. Petersburg, 3 million rubles. -- for other regions of Russia.

    According to experts, the prospects for the development of mortgage lending in Russia are still high and there is every chance that mortgage housing lending will be available to a wider segment of the country's population. A great future is predicted for mortgages related not only to land, but also to aircraft and water vessels.

    Russian legislation provides for the possibility of purchasing different types of liquid property. For example, the Mortgage Law allows that, along with the acquisition of real estate, there is a mortgage for aircraft and water vessels.

    In connection with the crisis, almost all the largest banks, including PJSC Leto Bank, suspended their car loan programs due to the large volume of problem debt. In our opinion, Leto Bank PJSC needs to again consider the possibility of providing a car loan, since there is now a redistribution of bank shares in the car loan segment on the market. The lack of much competition and the problems of car dealers have led some banks to focus on issuing loans for the purchase of cars. The low level of sales allows banks to negotiate with car dealerships on very favorable terms. For banks today, increasing the volume of car loans is associated not so much with the level of liquidity of institutions, but with the presence of established partnerships with car dealerships and competent risk management.

    At the same time, work in the car lending segment will allow Leto Bank PJSC, firstly, to enter a new segment and increase lending volumes, and secondly, to attract new clients and increase the client base.

    To do this, you should develop and implement a car loan program, taking into account the experience of other credit institutions. The car loan scheme will differ from the standard process. The bank enters into a cooperation agreement with a car dealership. An individual fills out an application, the bank transfers money to the salon’s account, and the client picks up the car.

    When taking out a car loan, you must also take into account some important points. When assessing the risks of car lending by Leto Bank PJSC, it will not be enough to be limited to assessing the creditworthiness of the borrower - an individual.

    Since the purchased car will act as collateral, it is a mistake to consider the risk of car loans in isolation from the national automobile market, which determines the price of a specific vehicle on a specific date. When assessing the risk of car loans, taking into account the state of the automotive industry in the country will be no less important.

    Taking into account this factor will be especially relevant in connection with the announced plans of the Government of the Russian Federation for the possible extension of the program for subsidizing interest rates on car loans in order to support the national automotive industry. Since the average term of car loans in the Russian Federation is 5 years, banks need to predict the state of the car market in the medium term.

    Thus, the deterioration of the situation in the market and in the industry can be considered as a component of credit risk in relation to car lending, which emphasizes the specifics of this type of loan.

    Taking into account all of the above, we propose to add a car loan “I am buying a car” to the product line of Leto Bank PJSC. Provided for domestic or foreign used passenger cars, water transport, motorcycles or a new passenger car on the secondary market. Main goals: increasing the profitability of lending operations to individuals for the purchase of cars, increasing sales through the introduction of new products and active work with dealers.

    In table 3.3 shows the conditions for this tariff.

    Table 3.3 Main characteristics of the car loan “I’m buying a car”

    Amount of credit

    from 50,000 to 3,000,000 rub.

    Loan currency

    Rate (with CASCO)

    Rate (without CASCO)

    Credit term

    From 6 months to 5 years

    An initial fee

    10% or more of the price of the proposed transaction object


    CASCO (can be included in the loan amount), compulsory motor liability insurance, life and health insurance of the Borrower can be included in the loan amount for the entire loan term at the request of the Borrower.

    Calculation scheme

    · Penalty

    For improper fulfillment of the terms of the contract, a penalty of 20% per annum is charged on the amount of the overdue principal and overdue interest.

    Early repayment

    In whole or in parts

    Payment Methods

    Annuity payments (monthly in equal installments)

    No charge

    Age of the car at the end of the contract

    10 years for cars of foreign origin, 8 years for cars of domestic brands

    Application review period

    No more than one working day

    Providing a loan

    Occurs by transferring a non-cash payment by the creditor bank to the account of the car seller.


    Deposit of the purchased car

    The average term of a car loan is 3 - 5 years; it is this range of time limits for repaying the loan debt that most borrowers of this loan product choose. Such a framework is quite acceptable, since most often not too expensive brands of cars that are distinguished by reasonable prices are purchased on credit. Consequently, during such a period of lending, most car loan borrowers manage to cope with the debt without any problems.

    CASCO can be purchased separately from the loan from an insurance company or included in the loan amount.

    The interest rate without CASCO is significantly higher than with insurance. This is explained by the fact that CASCO fully covers the risks of loss or reduction in the value of the vehicle, which meets the interests of all interested parties.

    During operation, a vehicle may be damaged or irretrievably lost as a result of complete structural loss in an accident or theft. Comprehensive car insurance is designed to prevent the possibility of losing partial or full value of the collateral.

    Thus, CASCO serves as a tool for restoring or fully reimbursing the cost of a car, increases loan repayment and is another important criterion for the possibility of granting a loan. In the absence of collateral insurance, it is necessary to reduce the risks of loan non-repayment, and this way in this case is to increase the loan rate.

    The possibility of quickly selling a “young car” and the possibility of insuring it under CASCO makes a car loan a minimally risky type of lending for a bank. Accordingly, the interest rate on such a loan is lower. Table 3.4 shows the basic requirements for the borrower of a car loan “I’m buying a car.”

    Table 3.4 Basic requirements for the borrower of a car loan “I’m buying a car”

    Documents for obtaining a car loan:

    1) Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.

    2) Second document:

    • -driver's license;
    • -SNILS (Insurance Certificate of the State Pension Fund).

    When filling out the form, you must indicate the TIN of the organization in which the client works. Agreements can be concluded at bank branches and partner trading companies.

    During the entire period of using the loan, it is possible, if necessary, to change the terms of the loan using additional services discussed in section 2. The “I am buying a car” loan is being introduced at this stage for residents of regional centers where Leto Bank has offices.

    In the market of Russian banks, for example, Rosselkhozbank has from 14.75% to 17.25% (assigned based on the chosen term and amount of the contribution), Alfa-Bank has 17.49-21.49% (with CASCO), 25, 49% -26.99% (without CASCO), depending on the down payment.

    At the moment - 2015, Sberbank does not have a single car loan program. From December 22, 2014, it was decided to accept applications for car loans only through the subsidiary Cetelem Bank, which belongs to Sberbank (74% share). Currently, Cetelem Bank offers an interest rate of 19%.

    Sberbank's interest rate today is 13.5 - 16%,

    In our opinion, Leto-Bank PJSC offers a fairly favorable interest rate, taking into account the rates in other banks, and therefore can attract more clients. Also, to apply for a car loan, a small down payment of 10% is required.

    Advantages of the “I buy a car” loan:

    • -Obtaining a car loan from any car dealer - a partner of Leto-Bank;
    • -The “I Buy a Car” program does not require the involvement of a spouse in the loan;
    • -You don’t have to apply for CASCO insurance.
    • -When applying for a loan without CASCO, the down payment remains the same as with 10% insurance;

    Another new product that can be offered for introduction into the product line of Leto Bank PJSC is the “Countdown” consumer loan. This is a loan that can be issued for a period of 5, 10 or 15 months, in the amount of 20, 50 and 100 thousand rubles, respectively. If the borrower makes timely loan payments, the rate is periodically reduced. The loan term is divided into five equal periods, and each of them has its own rate (Table 3.5).

    Table 3.5 Consumer loan “Countdown”

    Loan amount, rub.

    Loan term, months

    Rate 49.9% per annum

    Rate 39.9% per annum

    Rate 29.9% per annum

    Rate 19.9% ​​per annum

    Rate 9.9% per annum

    1-2 months

    3-4 months

    5-6 months

    7-8 months

    9-10 months

    1-3 months

    4-6 months

    7-9 months

    10-12 months

    13-15 months

    The conditions for reducing the rate are: regular loan repayment, active use of the card, as well as activation and use of electronic banking services.

    The agreement establishes intervals for applying the interest rate on the loan (the intervals are applied in order of priority from the date of conclusion of the agreement). From the date of conclusion of the agreement, the interest rate for interval No. 1 is applied to the loan. At each last payment date in the interval, an analysis is made of the possibility of changing the interest rate and the amount of payment under the agreement. If on the last payment date in the interval the client has no overdue debt for a period of more than 5 (five) days, then for the next interval the interest rate provided for the corresponding interval is applied to the loan. If there is an overdue debt, the interest rate does not change, and in the new interval the interest rate on the loan that was in effect in the previous interval is applied.

    When the overdue debt is fully repaid for periods/periods starting from the date following the nearest payment date of the current interval, the interest rate and payment amount provided for the corresponding interval are applied.

    In table 3.6 shows the conditions for the “Countdown” consumer loan.

    Table 3.6 Terms for consumer loan “Countdown”

    Limit on spending transactions on the card, rubles, per day/month

    Credit term

    5/10/15 months

    Loan currency

    There is no commission for paying for goods, works, services using the card (including on the Internet)

    No charge

    Commission for cash withdrawal by card at ATMs of PJSC Leto Bank

    No charge

    Additional fees, commissions, moratorium on early loan repayment.

    No charge

    Possibility of early repayment

    Can be repaid in whole or in parts

    Commission for cash withdrawal by card in all other cases

    3%, minimum 300 rubles

    Penalty, per annum, is accrued on the amount of overdue principal and overdue interest

    Application review period

    In table 3.7 shows the basic requirements for the borrower of the “Countdown” loan.

    Table 3.7 Basic requirements for the borrower of the “Countdown” loan


    Russian citizenship

    Women from 18 to 70 years old

    Men from 21 to 70 years old


    Permanent registration in the region where there is a Leto-Bank branch

    Experience requirement

    Availability of a mobile phone, landline (home) telephone at the address of actual residence and work

    List of documents provided

    • · Russian Federation passports
    • · foreign passport/driver's license/bank card/pension card
    • · SNILS


    It is necessary to indicate the employer's TIN in the application form.

    If the client does not miss or delay monthly payments, the interest rate is uniformly reduced throughout the entire loan term by 10% each time - from 49.9% to 9.9%. The “Countdown” loan has no issuance fee, does not require collateral or proof of income, which is important for many who still receive salaries “in envelopes”. This loan offer provides insurance, but this service is at the request of the client, its cost is equal to 0.99% of the loan amount monthly.

    Additional loan options:

    Once a year, the borrower has the right to change the payment date to a more convenient one. This is very beneficial if, for example, the payment is due a few days before salary. By moving it to a day or two after payday, you can save your nerves. The cost of this service is only 190 rubles.

    • - Miss a current payment once in 12 months.
    • - Possibility to reduce the monthly payment once by increasing the loan term.

    If the loan is approved and the client signs a loan agreement, the money will be transferred to a Visa plastic card, which will allow you to withdraw cash or pay for goods or services without commission.

    The effective interest rate for such lending is given in table. 3.8.

    Table 3.8 Effective interest rate for consumer loan “Countdown”

    Loan amount, rub.

    Loan term, months

    Effective rate without insurance,

    % per annum

    Effective rate including insurance,

    % per annum

    Benefits of the Countdown loan:

    • -No proof of income from your place of work is required;
    • -No collateral required and no commission;
    • -The loan can be obtained at a car dealership within 1 day;
    • -Insurance that does not affect the rate;
    • -Minimum age for women - from 18 years;
    • -Reducing the interest rate by 10% monthly, subject to timely payments;
    • -Early repayment without commission;
    • -Possibility of repaying a loan from a bank card of another bank.

    Thus, as the analysis showed, such lending areas as car lending and consumer loan “Countdown” may become promising for Leto Bank PJSC.

    Trofimenko M.V. Methods for improving the system of lending to individuals // Economics and business: theory and practice. – 2016. – No. 6. – pp. 72-75.



    M.V. Trofimenko, student

    Scientific director: Doctor of Economics. Science L.V. Useful

    Maykop State Technological University

    (Russia, Maykop)

    Annotation. This article discusses and proposes several innovative methods for improving consumer lending to individuals, as well as their application in practice. An optimization formula has been developed that allows you to more accurately calculate the solvency of the future borrower, and, accordingly, in the future, reduce the level of overdue debt and non-repayment of consumer loans. The effectiveness of this formula has also been proven using a detailed example.

    Keywords: consumer lending, method, optimization formula, solvency, individual, bank.

    Consumer lending is one of the most significant areas in BA n kovsky activities. Constantly growing The current market of banking services is replenished with new participants, which leads to T swarm of struggle and growing competition.In a highly competitive environment, success with O accompanies the one who speaks modern language better e new management technologies and P optimization of the credit process as one O of the bank's basic business processes. Due to its special financial and social b credit process up to l wives to meet modern market requirements in a dynamically changing outside w her environment. In this regard, it is necessary O lead improvement activities A research into the consumer credit process O solutions that would allow minimizing And reduce the risks of non-repayment of loans and And reduce the costs of credit operations.

    In the economic literature, three categories of methods are distinguished. This is marketing O scientific, information and mathematical methods. This article has developed and proposed several innovative methods that will improve e f efficiency of banking services in the field of O consumer lending and reduce the risk of loan default.

    The most effective in conditions of high competition in the banking services market, according to specialists And stov, marketing methods are considered.

    In the field of credit card promotion, it seems appropriate extension and increase the number of joint projects with d acceptance of trade and service and information m Let all credit card recipients know this byissuing a memo with a list of partner companies. In addition, it is necessary Let's work on versions of the card design. For example, place a photo of its owner or passport data on the card, since they are very often needed, but the document is not always at hand, unlike a card. Also accent need with do for such competitive advantages Product properties , as low enough pr about a cent for withdrawal of funds dstv in bank about mate, compared to competitors, fast card issuance deadline, no restrictions on receiving cash.

    To further popularize this equally popular type of loans A for individuals, as an express loan, it is also necessary to carry out a number of measures O acceptance. The most effective rights O process improvement is measured in s giving this loan. Also to save e competitive advantages express loan It is advisable to keep the loan issuance time to a minimum level - no more than 30 minutes.

    Taking into account active development of the retail sector, sales volumes e delicious products in retail outlets will grow in 2016 , since level d O does not allow the majority of citizens to make movesthem to make large purchases for cash h nal calculation. Research has shown, that to obtain a loan, buyers choose And It’s not the bank or the program that’s in charge loans and niya, and store, where a product or service is purchased. Because buyers usually h but they compare products at different prices h local stores, or they buy goods in the store where the bank provides loans, in which O rum they have a good credit history. In this regard, the priority task for the bank should be the development of the most With relationship with trading networks I'm mi.

    In order to improve the needs And physical characteristics of mortgage lending individuals is intact e compatible in the near future O work and bring two credits to the market Extensive product: pre-mortgage lending and lending secured by existing real estate. Here you need to make changes to the order and parametersassessments of developers and real estate objects .

    In terms of efficiency and frequency of use, second place is occupied by the category of methods such as information or training methods.

    One of these methods is O conducting specialized training seminars for people wishing to take credit e dit. Such seminars will help dispel various doubts among clients, give answers e you to many questions of interest and thereby gradually improve the situation A tion with financial literacy of the population e tions in the country as a whole. It would be quite advisable it’s different to conduct similar lectures with gru P pamy of persons wishing to obtain a loan, especially if there are persons who do not have a credit history, i.e.that is, they are taking out a loan for the first time. Bonus for those who would at If children attend such courses, a slight reduction in the rate on a future loan may serve in the future, on average, say, by 0.5%.

    When developing methods to improve the efficiency of consumer credit And Therefore, it is necessary not to forget about the risks of non-repayment of the loan by the borrower. To try to minimize yes n ny risk, in the field of consumer credit e more needs to be done h nim calculation of borrowing solvency And ka. Now Sberbank is calculating pl A The capacity of the borrower - an individual according to the following formula:

    P = D4 x K x t , (1)

    D4 – average monthly net income;

    K – coefficient;

    T – lending period (in months).

    Let's consider this formula in terms of n concrete example. Let us assume that the average monthly net income is physically O th person is equal to 50,000 rubles. Period cr e Ditation is equal to 12 months. A coefficient And ent (K) is 0.5. We will calculate the payment O property of an individual according to the formula. We get

    P =50000 x 0.5 x 12

    From here we get that payment is possible b The net worth of an individual is 300,000.

    However, this formula does not take into account the amount of average monthly expenses of the future bank borrower. And this factor is important when determining the method b the possibility of paying off a future loan to an individual e skim face.

    In this situation, we can suggest P optimize this formula through T vom of an additional coefficient for a more accurate calculation of solvency O borrower's identity. Such a coefficient, for example, can be the total volume of monthly payments on loans of an individual in other banks. About O signify this coefficient by the letter S i v r e As a result, we obtain an updated formula for determining the solvency of individuals esky person:

    P = (D4- S ) x K x t , (2)

    where P is the client’s solvency;

    D4 – average monthly net income;

    S – sum monthly payments on personal loans in other countries n kah;

    K – coefficient;

    t – lending period (in months).

    I think this coefficient is no less important than others, since the payment e borrower's ability, i.e.that is, whether he can repay the requested loan or not is also influenced not only by his With monthly income, but also the amount of With moves, for example, the amount of monthly payments on loans of an individual in other banks.

    Let us prove this statement by And least. Let the average monthly net d O an individual's move is equal to 50,000 rubles. The loan period is 12 months. Let the coefficient (K) be equal to 0.5. Amount of monthly payments on personal loans And of a commercial person in other banks is equal to 20,000 rubles.

    We will calculate the solvency of individuals And of a person according to the formula:

    P = (50000-20000) x0.5 x 12

    We find that solvency f And for a person is equal to 180,000 rubles.

    As a result, according to calculations using formula 1, solvency is equal to 300,000 rubles, and using financial R mules 2 solvency is 180,000 rubles. Here it is necessary to conclude that the amount of monthly payments on individual loans in other banks significantly reduces the average e monthly income of an individual, and, trace O and, consequently, his solvency.

    In conclusion, it should be noted, that the system becomes vitally necessary e MA of constant monitoring of the state of the economy and banking sector. In other words , We are talking about serious analytical e work, well-established monitoring system O ring behind the processes occurring in the banking sector. Specialized staff And designated departments of the bank must e vigorously evaluate and analyze the market h new situation, constantly develop new and effective methods in the field of O consumer lending and more.This is a prerequisite survival ba n but in conditions of increased competition and instability banking system.

    So, this article discusses e how many methods for improving p O consumer lending to individuals, as well as their application in practice. An optimization formula has been developed that allows you to more accurately calculate the solvency of the future borrower, and, accordingly, reduce the level of O value of overdue debts and n e return of loans. Also proven to be effective To activity of this formula using a detailed example. However, despite the huge number of methods, each credit R the organization chooses the most effective V for her independently, based on p e results of using one or another e then in the past period.

    Bibliographic list

    1. Beloglazova G.N. Banking / G.N. Beloglazova L.P. Krolivetskaya. – M.: Fina n sys and statistics, 2014. – 353-355 With .

    2. Volodin A.A. Main problems of lending to individuals in Russia / A.A. IN O Lodin // Economist. – 2014. – No. 4. – P.10 – 14.

    3. Government DecreeRF dated January 11, 2000 No. 28 “On measures to develop si With topics of mortgage housing lending in the Russian Federation" (as amended by Resolution e tion of the Government of the Russian Federation 04/12/2001 No. 291 and 05/08/2002 No. 302) // Collection of laws A of the Russian Federation. – 2011. – Article 543.

    4. Khodzhaeva I.V. Assessing the creditworthiness of individuals / I.V. Khodjaeva // Ban kovsky business. – 2015. – No. 20. – P.42-46.


    M.V. Trofimenko, student

    Supervisor: L.V. Prigoda, doctor of economic sciences

    Maikop state technological university

    (Russia, Maikop)

    Abstract. This article describes and proposes several innovative methods of improving co n sumer loans to individuals, as well as their application in practice. The optimization formula was developed for a more accurate calculation of the solvency of the future borrower, and ther e fore for reducing the level of arrears and non-repayment of consumer loans in the future. The effect c tiveness of this formula on a detailed example is also proven.

    Keywords: loans to individuals, method, optimization formula, solvency, individual, bank.