How to check documents for a house before buying. How to inspect a house before buying and make the right choice

What should you pay special attention to when buying a home?

In case the house is not sold by the owner, this person must have a notarized power of attorney in his hands. There can be a lot of reasons why the house is not sold by the owner himself. Be sure to ask the reason. For example, the owner, due to some illness, cannot be present at the transaction. But you definitely need to find out what disease he has. The fact is that after the transaction, relatives who are dissatisfied with the sale of the house may appear and want to recognize the transaction as void.

If he cannot participate in the transaction himself because he broke his leg, then there is nothing terrible about it. But if he cannot participate due to some mental disorder, then in this case think a thousand times before participating in this kind of transaction. It can obviously be a deception. After buying a house, there will be relatives who disagree with the deal and will file a lawsuit. And by hook or by crook they will prove that the deal was made, so to speak, in a state of passion. They say that the seller did not and could not realize his actions due to such and such a mental illness. And the court may take their side, and you risk being left without a home and money.

Verification of documents

Before you enter into a transaction, you need to check all the documents, both for the property being purchased and the personal documents of its owner. You shouldn’t be embarrassed to find out on what basis he got the house.

You must ask the seller for his passport. Check his marital status. If he is officially married, then the transaction will require the consent of his spouse, but this is only if he did not get the house by inheritance or gift. Recently, real estate received by the owner by inheritance or gift agreement is not the joint property of the spouses, and is not subject to division upon their divorce. Therefore, the consent of the other spouse is not required to sell it.

If the house was bought by spouses during marriage, then the consent of the second will be necessary, and it must be certified by a notary.
It is also necessary to ask for documents for the house itself for verification. These documents should be:

Certificate of ownership of the house. But in 2015 they were canceled, and in return they began to issue extracts from the Unified State Register of Real Estate. An extract from the USRN was received from January 1, 2017;

Documents on the basis of which the house belongs to him.

These documents can be: a purchase and sale agreement, a gift agreement, an assignment of the right to claim, an equity participation agreement, a will and others;

Cadastral documents;

Technical documents.

You simply need to check the documents for the presence or absence of a house. It’s just that if there was a redevelopment in the house, and it was not legalized, then you will have to bear further responsibility for it. And, as you know, the punishment for illegal redevelopment can include eviction (this, of course, is a last resort).

We check the owner of the house ourselves

In order to be confident in your purchase, you also need to check the house and. You can check its owner yourself, as well as the encumbrances or lack thereof.
A legally clean house should not have any restrictions or encumbrances. And lately this has been happening more and more often.

What encumbrances may there be?

Encumbrances on the house can be:

If the house was purchased using borrowed funds from the bank, it is easier to say a mortgage. In this case, the house serves as collateral from the bank until the loan is fully repaid;

The house may be seized, for example by bailiffs. There are many reasons for this. For example, there is a very large debt for utility bills and taxes;

The house can be mortgaged using a conventional loan.

The reason for the occurrence of harmful energies in an apartment can be different. For the most part, such energy is created by the residents of this premises themselves, but there are also cases of deliberate damage to the home or a conscious (unconscious) evil eye, so it is important to know how you can check the house and cleanse it of negativity.

How to check a house for negativity?

Before checking out your home, get rid of any unnecessary items and do your usual deep cleaning. Like attracts like - a cluttered and dirty house will automatically generate “unhealthy” energy.

  1. Specialist help. The most effective way to diagnose a room is with a Spiritual Healer. It is not effective only if the Healer is an ordinary charlatan - you will lose time and money (at best). When contacting the appropriate specialist, make inquiries about him.

2. Using salt. Take regular salt and heat it in a frying pan (heat for 5-7 minutes, stirring). Then pour the salt into a white plate (without patterns) and place it in any corner of the room for 3 days. For one room in the house - 1 plate (about 300 g of salt). If the salt turns black, repeat the procedure, this indicates the presence of negativity. Used salt into the toilet (without touching it with your hands). What is good about this verification method? With this method, you check and at the same time “clean the house.”

How else can you check your home for negative energy?

3. Pendulum check.
The verification method is not complicated, but does not require shaking hands. It's good if there is a pendulum. If not, then it can be successfully replaced: a ring on a strong rope/chain, or an ordinary nut on a strong thread. (A nut is even preferable in some cases.)
Important! Before checking, you must wash your hands and tools with running water. This will wash away the alien energy from them and help them concentrate. (If possible, you can also take a shower to completely wash yourself off.)
So, hands and tools are cleaned and dried, and the mind is collected and ready to work.. If a room is being checked, then the starting point is the center. The pendulum is taken in the hand extended in front of you (right or left, as is more convenient). There is no need to untwist it, it should hang freely. We concentrate on finding problem areas. After some time, depending on the proximity to the lesion, the pendulum will begin to deviate and pull to the side. You should move where you want. We stop when it stops dragging.

Standing still, we again wait for the readings of the pendulum. Now he has led to a place of great accumulation of energy. Now we need to determine her character. With positive energy, the tool begins to rotate clockwise. When negative, against. The concentration is determined by the rotation speed. The greater the concentration of energy, the faster the rotation.

We remember or mark the place, and return to the center. It wouldn’t be bad if the places were also marked with notes about the sign of energy. The pendulum should be cleaned by rinsing it under water.

Checking for traces of negative effects on a person is carried out in a similar way. The object being checked is sitting. The operator holds a pendulum prepared for work above him. If there are traces of influence, the pendulum circles counterclockwise.


If you are “on good terms with the Domovoi,” he is the one who can warn you that something is wrong with the housing. Does Brownie exist, read

How to cleanse your home of negative energy, see here:

In some cases, the help of a good specialist is necessary. Cleaning rooms, objects, space from negative information and negative energy makes the place comfortable for life. If you feel that you cannot cope on your own, contact specialists and they will help you.

Hello. Any encumbrance/restriction on real estate undergoes state registration and is entered into the Unified State Register of Real Estate. (abbreviated as EGRN). That's why, all information about encumbrances on real estate is displayed in the Unified State Register of Real Estate, namely, what kind of encumbrance it is, in whose favor it is imposed and for what period (if any).

Method No. 1 - find out for free on the Rosreestr website

Personally, I don’t use the Rosreestr website and I don’t advise you to. The reason is that free (reference) information from the Unified State Register is not often updated on the Rosreestr website, or is simply uploaded there incorrectly. In the USRN itself, the information is correct and up-to-date; only the information on the website itself is “lame”. Often, instead of a specific encumbrance, it may be written “Other restrictions (encumbrances)” and sit and wonder what exactly this means. All this also applies to other free services - they take all the same information from the Rosreestr website and simply display it on their own.

If the apartment address has a building, then do not worry about the lack of a corresponding field. Just enter the address without the body and click on the “Find” button. In the next window, select the address where the desired building is indicated.

If you need the city of Moscow or St. Petersburg, then enter that in the “Region” field. To search for other settlements, first enter the name of the region, then the settlement.

  • In the window that opens, check the address and click on “Select object”.

    If you are buying an apartment, checking for encumbrances will not be enough

    In addition to the encumbrance, you need to check: the owners of the apartment; who is registered and discharged; is the redevelopment legalized? debts; history of the apartment, etc. How to check all this is written.

  • When planning to purchase a country house, cottage, cottage or townhouse, you should, even at the stage of searching or negotiations, very carefully study all the documents.

    As a rule, the choice of real estate is based on 2-3 options that you have already looked at, liked them and suited all the parameters. But it often happens that the property you are interested in may turn out to have “skeletons in the closet”. Not all documents may be drawn up, or they may be drawn up with violations, which can lead to further problems with their re-registration.

    In addition, there are many fraudulent schemes due to which the buyer receives a cottage or townhouse with an encumbrance. All this indicates that it is better to check in advance the legal purity of the home being purchased.

    Legal purity of documents. What needs to be checked?

    When negotiating with the owner of a country property, you should get answers to the following questions:

    1. does the object have a cadastral number;
    2. whether the seller has ownership rights, and how it is confirmed;
    3. whether the buildings erected on the site are legally built;
    4. whether the owner has problems with alcohol, drugs, or whether he is a patient in a psychiatric hospital, which classifies him as incompetent;
    5. whether other persons have any claims upon the sale of the land plot;
    6. Are there any encumbrances on the property?

    We start with the land

    When purchasing a country house or cottage outside the city, the buyer must be sure that the land underneath is owned. The document confirming this is the most important thing in the transaction. There are different options for obtaining a plot:

    • by inheritance;
    • By the tribunal's decision;
    • under a barter agreement;
    • under a purchase and sale agreement.

    However, all of them can be challenged by other persons. The most reliable is the act of the local administration stating that the land plot has been transferred into ownership.

    Another important fact is the period during which the seller owns the property. It is clear that the longer the holding time, the higher the reliability of the upcoming transaction.

    Attention - land categories

    Particular attention should be paid to the category of land. It is stated in the legal documents. Land can have different purposes:

    • individual housing construction (IHC);
    • dacha construction (DS);
    • personal subsidiary plot (LPH).

    For example, if a cottage is built on a private plot, then you cannot register in it. Moreover, such lands can be household or field, and residential buildings can only be erected on the former, and the latter are used for agricultural activities.

    There are some other subtleties. So, if a plot is located in a forest zone, then, in accordance with the law, it cannot be acquired as a property. In this case, the lease is for 49 years.

    In addition, lands located close to protected areas require serious attention. The sale of most of them has no legal basis.

    Rosreestr will tell you everything

    All information about the land and buildings erected on it is contained in Rosreestr. Each object (be it a house or a plot) must have a cadastral number. If it is missing, then such a purchase has no legal force.

    Today you can find out the necessary information yourself, without contacting realtors. Moreover, information is obtained in a few clicks on official website of Rosreestr .

    Knowing the cadastral number, the buyer can get answers to all questions regarding the site and buildings erected on it. And, of course, it is safest to obtain this information before negotiating a deal with the seller.

    The algorithm of actions is quite simple:

    1. go to the official website of Rosreestr;
    2. go to the section “Site inspection”;
    3. enter the cadastral number.

    As an option, check the data on the Public Cadastral Map, where you will also need the cadastral number of the property.

    Next, it remains to familiarize yourself with the data about the land: category of use, boundaries of the site. If there is no information about the latter, this should alert you. Since such information indicates the absence of land surveying.

    Thanks to this procedure, the boundaries of the land are clarified. If the site is not demarcated, then there may be problems with neighbors. And the land surveying service itself is not cheap. In addition, the boundaries of the allotment may be challenged by neighbors. And such issues are resolved in court.

    What is an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate? And what is it for?

    For the convenience of the buyer, on the official website of Rosreestr, you can order an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate (USRE). Again, provided that the cadastral number of the object is known.

    Here you can get a paper version of the document or an electronic one. They provide information about cadastral registration and a unified register of rights. This option is suitable if there are doubts about the owner.

    The document also indicates who owns the site for how long. You can safely trust this information.

    The Unified State Register of Real Estate (USRE) extract provides answers to one of the most important questions - whether there are encumbrances on the property. All types of encumbrances must be registered in Rosreestr and this information is available to everyone.

    The statement is presented in two types - extended or standard. The first provides more information about the previous owners, as well as all the actions that were carried out with the land plot. So, if the owners changed too often, the buyer should be careful - something is wrong with the property, since the previous owners quickly got rid of it.

    Now let's look at what types of encumbrances can be imposed on a house or plot.

    Types of encumbrances on country real estate:

    1. Arrest- in this case, the plot practically no longer belongs to the owner - it was seized for debts. In the future it will be sold to pay off the debt;
    2. Pledge– indicates that the land is the object of security for an existing loan (mortgage). You can sell an object with written permission from the bank;
    3. Easement– the imposition of this encumbrance means that the land has the right of limited use by other persons. Such a plot can be sold, but the easement remains in effect;
    4. Long-term lease– encumbrance of any real estate leased for a period of more than a year. When selling the property, the tenant also has the right to dispose of the land.

    What documents are important to check?

    Before completing a transaction, you should carefully study the package of documents from the seller:

    • land ownership certificate. It is relevant for objects purchased before 2016. If the purchase was made after this period, the buyer may be presented with an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate;
    • certificate of ownership of buildings erected on the site. It can be replaced by a building permit if the object is not completed or the owner did not have time to issue it. The document is issued for land for individual housing construction;
    • owner's passport. The details of which must match those specified in the purchase and sale agreement and the certificate of ownership;
    • cadastral passport(site plan, technical passport or building plan). It must contain information that matches what the seller indicated - the area of ​​the property, the type of permitted use (AUR), and other encumbrances, if any;
    • marriage certificate. This document is important if the property was purchased during cohabitation. You should definitely study the permission to sell from both spouses. The consent is drawn up by a notary, and the data in it must match the information from the spouse’s passport.

    Do you need a certificate of ownership?

    The seller of a house or plot is required to provide the buyer with a certificate of state registration of ownership. This document must be provided when registering ownership of the property. However, there are exceptions when a certificate is not required:

    • the property was registered before 2000. At this time, property transactions were handled by the Bureau of Technical Inventory (BTI), which did not issue a document;
    • the plot passed to the owner as a result of a court decision or by inheritance. In this case, the state registration procedure is not required.

    In other cases, a certificate is required. Moreover, it must be original. If a copy is presented, even certified by a notary, you should be wary. This may indicate the presence of some encumbrances. It will not be superfluous to check the original either.

    Particular attention is required to passport data, which must be identical to that indicated in the certificate. It also specifies the type of permitted use (AUR) and category of land and possible restrictions on the use of land.

    What else should I check?

    Due to the fact that in recent years the tax on land and buildings located on plots has increased significantly, the buyer should request a certificate from the tax office confirming the absence of tax arrears.

    It is important for utility services to check whether there are any debts for payment for housing and communal services.

    To avoid fraud, you must ask to present a certificate stating that the owner of the house (cottage, townhouse, plot) is a capable person and is not under supervision in a psychiatric or drug treatment clinic.