Inn can only be obtained by registration. Where can I get an identification number (TIN) at my place of residence?

Letter of the Federal Tax Inspectorate No. ММВ-7-6/435@ dated 20.04. 2010, a clarification of the concept of the term “Taxpayer Identification Number” or simply TIN was introduced. This is a personal number of a citizen or organization in the Tax Service of the Russian Federation, which is intended to collect information about income that is subject to taxation and control the deduction of taxes. It is issued once and can be received by any person both at the place of registration and at the place of residence (registration).

Do I need to change my TIN when changing my registration?

Many people, when moving to a new place of residence, are interested in the question: “Do I need to change the TIN certificate?” In this case, you need to pay attention to Art. 84 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, which states that the TIN certificate is valid throughout the entire territory of the Russian Federation and must be replaced in the event of:

  • loss;
  • change of personal data (full name or gender);

Important to know: The only reason for replacing a certificate when moving to a new place of residence may be employment in a government agency, which requires full compliance with the information in the documents.

How to apply for a TIN not at your place of registration

Since 2012, the procedure for obtaining a TIN has been simplified. Now it can be issued not only at the place of registration, but also at the place of actual residence. This greatly simplifies the situation in cases where it is necessary to obtain a TIN for a child who is studying in another city or even region. This point also applies to foreign citizens who work in the country under a contract and do not have a residence permit.

What is needed to obtain a TIN

Sample application for TIN (click to enlarge)

In order to obtain a TIN certificate, you must contact the local tax office in any convenient way:

  • personal visit to the regional tax office;
  • sending the necessary documents by mail;
  • filling out an application for issuing a TIN certificate through the website on the Internet.

For those who personally apply for a certificate, you must have the originals of the following documents with you:

  • application of the established form, filled out in printed capital font;
  • any document established by the state that proves identity (passport, birth certificate or military ID);
  • documents with information about place of residence.

For those people who are not citizens of the Russian Federation, additional documents will be required:

  • certificate from the Federal Migration Service for citizens of other countries working in the Russian Federation under a contract;
  • refugee certificate for immigrants from other countries who have not accepted Russian citizenship.

For those who are a proxy and are issuing a certificate for another person, it is also necessary to provide a notarized power of attorney.

To submit documents by mail, photocopies of the above documents certified by a notary must be enclosed in the envelope.

To submit an application online (using a website on the Internet), you do not need to send any documents other than the completed electronic form. However, they must be available at the time of receipt of the completed certificate from the tax authorities.

How to make a TIN according to registration

Sample TIN (click to enlarge)

The algorithm for obtaining a TIN at the place of registration looks almost the same. The difference is that the person applying for the certificate applies in a convenient way to the Tax Inspectorate at the place of registration. Thus, additional documents, namely:

  • certificate from the Federal Migration Service;
  • You will not need a refugee ID.

You can save time by skipping the trip to the tax office and filling out an application for a TIN online. For this purpose, a special section has been created on the official website of the Federal Tax Service, where online each citizen can submit an application for a TIN and receive related official information in a comprehensive form.

Advice to parents: In order to avoid the procedure for registering a taxpayer code not at the place of registration or conflict situations with the Tax Service of the Russian Federation, parents need to worry about assigning a TIN to their child in advance.

Currently, there are enough ways to obtain a taxpayer identification number (TIN).

Let's look at each of them in detail.

We’ll also find out how to get a TIN at a location other than your place of registration.

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Where can I get a TIN, production time?

The TIN contains a code of numbers that helps to organize taxpayers. It is required for employment.

It can be assigned to both legal entities and individuals. The tax office is responsible for preparing such documentation.

When a person does not have permanent registration, the question arises of how to obtain a TIN not at the place of registration, but at the place of residence. The legislation allows for the execution of this document according to the temporary registration or location of the taxpayer’s real estate.

There are a number of options to arrange this. For example, contact the inspection in person with a package of required documentation or send your representative there. It is important to bring all copies of the documentation along with the originals.

A tax specialist will check them against each other and return the originals immediately. If a representative is sent to the inspection, together with the usual package of documents, he must bring a special power of attorney, which must be certified by a notary.

Such paper contains the right to represent the interests of the taxpayer in the inspectorate. The finished TIN can also be collected by the taxpayer or his representative.

When it is not possible to come to the inspection in person or send a representative, it is also possible to send a package of documentation by mail. But then all copies of papers must be notarized.

In our time, progress has gone far ahead. Therefore, it is now possible to make various online requests via the Internet.

Here you can submit an application through the special website of the Federal Tax Service or using government services. The tax office website allows you to:

  • Send an application, but first you need to register on the site.
  • Receive the finished document by email in the form of a special pdf file. To do this, a special program must be installed on the computer to interact with the inspection.
  • The same operations can be performed on the government services website. But here, in addition to passing, you need to go through a confirmation procedure. This will take about a week.

It is possible to pick up the finished document within five days from the moment the application and package of papers are received by the authority. If the taxpayer or his representative does not appear for the TIN, the tax inspector will send it by mail to the place of registration.

Documentation for registration of TIN

Let's look at how to get a TIN at a location other than your place of registration in 2016, and what documents are needed.

The procedure for obtaining a certificate is quite easy.

To do this, you need to provide the inspector with a small package of documentation.

For a person over fourteen years of age:

  • application in a specially established form
  • identity document

For a child up to the age of fourteen:

  • parent or guardian statement
  • passport of the person submitting the application
  • a document certifying the birth of a child
  • paper confirming the baby’s registration, if there is no mark on the certificate

The TIN that was issued earlier does not need to be changed when changing registration. If it is replaced, there is no need to pay a fee due to changes in personal data.

There is also no need to obtain a new certificate in cases of change: personal data of the tax payer.

How to get a TIN again

There are often cases when such documentation is lost.

A new certificate is acceptable if the old one is lost.

A newly produced document is issued by the inspection upon presentation of the following documentation:

  • application requesting a duplicate
  • passport of an individual
  • document certifying
  • payment confirming payment of the state fee for re-registration of the TIN

The fee is three hundred rubles. Details can be clarified at the tax office or on the tax service website.

It should be understood that the inspection does not issue a duplicate, but a new certificate. But a new paper is issued, but the number remains the same. He will be the same all his life.

Ordering a repeated certificate is allowed by all those provided for the initial issue. They are listed above.

But it is only permissible to pick it up in person from the tax inspector or with the help of a representative. In the second case, it is necessary to have an appropriate power of attorney.

How to get a TIN - on video:

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Living on the territory of the Russian Federation, carrying out work activities, every citizen automatically becomes a taxpayer, which means you must have a TIN. The procedure for obtaining a TIN in the country is carried out in such a way that each person has his own individual taxpayer number. For some reasons, not everyone has permanent registration in their own home, but they still need to get a TIN somehow. Is this possible?

What is TIN

An individual tax number is assigned to every citizen in the country automatically based on their birth certificate. It has no connection to a specific place of residence. The employer often needs the INN to indicate payment details, refund tax compensation for treatment and other issues of interaction with the Russian tax authorities.

Method of assigning a TIN

Initially, a TIN could not be obtained without registration and residence in one specific place. Such strict rules were associated with the need to control the numbers assigned to taxpayers; there was no unified system for checking the duplication of documents. Since 2012, a new system for recording and tracking TINs has appeared, and therefore the rules for assigning numbers to citizens have been relaxed.

Now registration of taxpayer numbers is carried out electronically, this eliminates any possibility of re-assigning a TIN to one person. Now you can get a TIN not at your place of permanent residence. There is a whole list of territorial points where a citizen can issue this paper:

  • At your permanent residence address;
  • At the temporary registration address;
  • At addresses of real estate of any nature: up to a garage, dacha, etc.
  • A TIN without registration is also assigned at the place where documents for the vehicle are issued.

How does the new method of assigning a TIN work?

With the new procedure for registering taxpayer numbers, the need to know your TIN number has almost completely disappeared; in many places you are asked to provide only passport data in order to find out the TIN number. How to get a TIN without having a residence permit? It will not be possible to become an honest taxpayer without any documents tying a citizen to a specific place. Some documents, such as temporary registration or a registered car in a certain territory, will still be required.

To obtain a certificate with TIN just contact the Federal Tax Service at the place of permanent or temporary registration. If you do not have such an opportunity, then make a power of attorney to receive relatives or friends from the city of your permanent residence. They will receive the certificate from the Federal Tax Service and send it by mail, having previously photographed it with a phone camera and sent this photo to you.

Russian legislation establishes that every resident of the country, excluding certain categories of the population, must pay taxes. This norm is imperative, since the payment of taxes is one of the sources of income for the Russian budget.

In order to record all taxpayers, a special document is issued. This is a TIN certificate obtained from the Tax Inspectorate at the place of registration of the citizen.

How to apply for a TIN online and receive a certificate

The most common method among Internet users is the Russian Tax Service website. The option is to obtain a TIN; on the page that opens, fill out an application from the citizen to register him with the inspectorate. A completed application is sent to the tax authority. The user can independently track the fate of his application on the same website. After accepting an application from citizens, the tax authority is responsible for the safety of the information specified in it.

You can obtain a TIN by visiting the Tax Inspectorate at your place of registration in person, or by sending your representative there. But his powers must be confirmed by a power of attorney.

The TIN application can be edited several times. It is also possible to track your application by email address, but only if the user specifies it.

The applicant will also see the contacts of the Tax Inspectorate, which must issue the document to the citizen.

Obtaining a TIN is carried out in several ways:

  • On paper. Issued if the applicant submitted an application for a document without an electronic signature.
  • As an electronic document– if the citizen has an electronic signature and has verified the application with it. The document is given to the citizen in file format. The file is signed with the electronic signature of a tax inspector.
  • By registered mail. But those citizens who have an electronic signature will be able to use this method.

An electronic signature is a requisite that certifies the correctness of the information in a document and also confirms that the signature belongs to its owner. A Russian who has received an electronic signature and uses it on the Internet has a certificate. This is a document confirming that the verification key belongs to the owner of the certificate. Signatures are issued by specialized certification centers or their representatives.

What documents are needed

To obtain a TIN, you need a passport. Every citizen of the Russian Federation, starting from the age of 14 years, can independently obtain a certificate. If the main document does not indicate registration, an additional document confirming it is required. If a citizen changes his last name, a document is required explaining the reason for this fact.

If you need to obtain a document for a child under 14 years of age, you must provide the main document of the legal representative and a birth certificate.

Order TIN online - step-by-step instructions

On the website of the tax service of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation

If the user is not sure whether he is registered with the tax office, he can easily check this by clicking on the “Find out TIN” tab in the “Electronic Services” section (LINK). Click on it and enter the required data.

If the TIN is missing, then you need to go to the individuals page, in the “get or find out TIN” tab.

After the transition, the next page will open.

By clicking on the tab highlighted in red in the screenshot,

the user can download a sample application for a TIN, fill it out and send it to the Tax Inspectorate.

In addition, the site offers to register by entering a username and a created password of at least 8 characters. The activation code will be sent to the mailbox specified during registration.

It should be noted that the site navigation leaves much to be desired, so you should be patient.

On the Gosulug website

In addition to the website of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation, the TIN can be obtained on the government services website (LINK). The portal was created for the convenience of citizens, but pre-registration is required on it by entering your identification data, including your SNILS number.

After checking the data (this takes some time), the user registers on the portal and submits an application. You need to go to the “individuals” section, and from there go to the “taxes and fees” section.

If the user has an account on the website, you can use that too.

You can log in through this site, or you can directly through the government services website.

After this, Mosuslugi redirects the user to the State Services portal. The system offers registration. It is simple, the activation code will be sent to the email address you provided.

We confirm the phone number. A verification code will be sent to it.

We come up with a password.

and finish registration.

A user registered on the site can order various services. You need to enter into the search bar what the user needs. For convenience, enter your city, district, county, etc.

Is it possible to get it at a location other than your place of registration?

Until the summer of 2012, a TIN was assigned to a citizen only at the Tax Inspectorate where the individual was permanently or temporarily registered. The document confirming registration was a certificate.

This limited was a necessary measure, since the TIN is a unique value, assigned once to a citizen. It was easier to control the taxpayer in this way.

In mid-summer 2012, a new, more simplified procedure was introduced. This became possible thanks to new electronic rules that exclude the possibility of assigning a TIN several times to one citizen. For several years now, users have had the opportunity to obtain a TIN:

  • at the place of registration (permanent);
  • if a citizen does not have a permanent place of residence in Russia, he can obtain a TIN at his place of residence;
  • at the place of the citizen’s officially registered real estate: house, plot of land, apartment;
  • at the place of registration of the car, if the citizen does not have a permanent place of residence in Russia.