How to roll out all the kbk in the 1s program. How to enter a new CPS? What are CBCs for?

Accounting - Articles of financing.

Add a new funding item by clicking the "Add" button

Name: Main funding item

  • KBK- code budget classification, is indicated with an accuracy of up to a year;
  • CFD- activity type code;
  • Subject to UTII- a sign that the activity under this financing item is taxable single tax on imputed income.

Save with the "OK" button

Directory of KPS (KBK)

We substitute the CPS we created in the Main funding item.

Or we can create the CPS we need by selecting the menu Accounting - classification attributes of accounts.

Directory Items of expenditure

Accounting - Items of expenses.

Name: Main item of expenditure

Selecting an expense account

Directory Cost types

To bind certain types of costs to expense items, you must fill out the Cost types directory.

Accounting - Analytical accounting - Types of costs.

Add a new element by clicking the "Add" button

For example, let's call it "Payment"

Save the created element by clicking the "OK" button

Directory Our Institutions

Personnel accounting - Our institutions.

Add a new element by clicking the "Add" button

Fill in all the details on the "Basic" tab

Go to the "Payroll" tab (leave all settings by default)

Go to the tab "Addresses and phones" fill in all the details.

Go to the "Codes" tab and fill in all the details.

On the “Document flow” tab, the possibility of electronic transfer of declarations, documents, reports is configured.

Save with the "OK" button, close.

Directory of work schedules

In our example, the institution has a standard 40 hour work week (Monday to Friday.). Open the menu item Personnel accounting - Work schedules.

Let's add a new chart, name it "Five days", then click "Fill chart"

The filling assistant will open, mark fill according to the template (or we can set it up manually), five-day schedule (40 hours per week), click "Fill" and save by the "OK" button

Directory Individuals

Let's fill in the directory Individuals (Personnel records - Individuals)

Add a new element by clicking the "Add" button

Fill in the requisite name. On the General tab, fill in gender, date of birth, place of birth, certificate, OKATO code, individual numbers, addresses and phones. To save the entered information, click the "Save" button.

Go to the Personal Information tab. Here you enter information about citizenship, military registration, disability. Let's fill them in. The sections "Family", "Languages", "Marital status", "Study", "Professions" are intended for more detailed filling personal card T -2.

"Academic degrees, titles". The tab is filled in in the presence of academic degrees and titles.

"Awards, titles." The tab is filled in with awards and titles.

The "Advanced" and "Other" tabs are for entering additional information.

To save the entered information, click the "Save" button. Consider information about entering information about labor activity, for this we will press the button of the same name in the window of the personal data of an individual (Labor activity). Using the button "Form SZV-K" opens the form "Data entry SZV-K". Here we indicate data on the labor activity of an individual before being hired by our institution. Fill in, save with the OK button. Next, we will automatically fill in the section "Employment" by clicking the "Fill in according to SZV-K" button. To enter personal income tax information, click the button of the same name in the personal data window of an individual. Here are deductions and income from past jobs. In the section "Right to personal standard deduction” and “Right to a standard deduction for children” indicate the deductions. Let's add a new element to the “Right to a personal standard deduction” section, indicate the date and basis. Let's add new line in the "Application of deductions" section. The Taxpayer Status tab indicates whether natural person resident. You can also fill in income from previous jobs on the next tab. Save the data by clicking the "OK" button.

Job Directory

Let's fill in the directory (Personnel records - Positions)

Let's enter a list of positions using the "selection from OKPDTR" button, select the positions of employees. Select the position we need (for example: Director, Chief Accountant, Cashier) by double-clicking, edit it in the window that opens, save by clicking the "OK" button.

Subdivision Directory

If necessary, fill out this directory (Personnel records - Divisions)

Let's add a new unit, call it. We will select the head of the department. Tab « Separate subdivision» is filled in if the subdivision is separate. Go to the Payroll tab. Here we can specify the financing item and the expense item by clicking on the hyperlink "Set payroll accounting for department employees."

Let's add a new entry by selecting the previously created funding item and expense item, specify the date 01/01/2014. We save the data by the "OK" button, close the window.

Directory Users

The directory contains a list of users working with the program

Service - Users and access rights - Users.

Change (F2) line<Не указан>. Enter your name (short and full). Here we can edit user settings. Press the "Record" button, the icon (Editing user settings) will appear at the top of the settings window, press it. Here we can specify the login password and user role. Save OK. We can also configure additional rights (Service - Users and access rights - Setting additional user rights).

Some CBCs indicated by entrepreneurs when transferring taxes and insurance premiums are the same for all individual entrepreneurs, regardless of the applicable taxation regime. And some budget classification codes are “intended” for a specific regime.

CCC: IP-2019 contributions

CBCs for insurance premiums represent the largest group of codes that are necessary for entrepreneurs of absolutely all taxation regimes.

Individual entrepreneurs, when filling out payments for insurance premiums in 2019, must indicate the following BCC:

Contribution type KBK
Insurance premiums at the OPS 182 1 02 02010 06 1010 160
Insurance premiums for CHI 182 1 02 02101 08 1013 160
Insurance premiums for VNiM 182 1 02 02090 07 1010 160
Injury insurance premiums 393 1 02 02050 07 1000 160
Additional insurance premiums for compulsory pension insurance for employees who work in conditions that give the right to early retirement, including:
182 1 02 02131 06 1010 160
- for those employed in jobs with harmful working conditions (clause 1, part 1, article 30 of the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ 182 1 02 02131 06 1020 160
) (additional tariff does not depend on the results of the special assessment) 182 1 02 02132 06 1010 160
- for those employed in jobs with difficult working conditions (clauses 2-18, part 1, article 30 of the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ) (additional tariff depends on the results of the special assessment) 182 1 02 02132 06 1020 160

KBC: IP contributions for yourself

BCCs for IP contributions for themselves are also the same for everyone, regardless of the applied regime.

BCC for IP on DOS in 2019

General business entrepreneurs are payers of personal income tax in part of their income and payers of VAT:

BCC for individual entrepreneurs in special modes in 2019

Each special regime tax has its own CSC.

expert answer

The income subtype code from the 14th to the 17th category in the Order is specified as “0000” and must take the following values ​​depending on the type of payment. For most payments, this code takes the value:

1000 - the amount of tax (contribution); 2000 - penalties and interest on the relevant tax (contribution); 3000 - the amount of monetary penalties (fines) for the relevant tax (contribution).

However, for some types of income, other codes are provided. So, for contributions to the mandatory health insurance income subtype code takes the value:

When filling out a payment order for paying insurance premiums, you can change the payment details. For this, a link is provided, by which the details for transferring taxes and other payments to the budget are edited.

In this form, the budget classification code can be entered as a line or filled in using an assistant. It allows you to set the BCC in the format provided by the Ministry of Finance of Russia with the ability to change each part of the code separately.

By button " OK”in the payment order, a BCC will be formed to pay insurance premiums for compulsory health insurance of the working population received from payers.

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expert answer

Filling out the CBC for paying taxes and payments in the program 1C: Accounting 8.3, edition 3.0

The budget revenue classification code consists of 20 digits and includes:

  • code of the chief administrator of budget revenues (1-3 categories);
  • code of the type of budget revenues (4-13 digits);
  • subtype code of budget revenues (digits 14-17);
  • sector transaction classification code government controlled relating to budget revenues.

The income subtype code from the 14th to the 17th category in the Order is specified as “0000” and must take the following values ​​depending on the type of payment. For most payments, this code takes the value:

1000 - the amount of tax (contribution); 2000 - penalties and interest on the relevant tax (contribution); 3000 - the amount of monetary penalties (fines) for the relevant tax (contribution).

However, for some types of income, other codes are provided. So, for mandatory health insurance contributions, the income subtype code takes on the value:

1011 - the amount of the contribution; 2011 - penalties and interest on the contribution; 3011 - the amount of monetary penalties (fines) for the contribution.

A similar structure of the budget classification code is reflected in the program.

Consider filling in the budget classification code using an example KBK insurance contributions to the FFOMS -392 1020210108 1011 160.

When filling out a payment order for paying insurance premiums, you can change the payment details. For this, a link is provided, by which the details for transferring taxes and other payments to the budget are edited.

In this form, the budget classification code can be entered as a line or filled in using an assistant. It allows you to set the BCC in the format provided by the Ministry of Finance of Russia with the ability to change each part of the code separately.

First you need to select a budget revenue administrator.

Then you need to select an income type code.

The column with indicators for 14-17 digits is filled in automatically in accordance with the established type of payment.

The values ​​of digits 18-20 of the budget classification code are filled in automatically.

By button " OK”in the payment order, a BCC will be formed to pay insurance premiums for compulsory health insurance of the working population received from payers.

You can learn all this and much more by signing up for 1C courses at our training center!

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Vladimir Ilyukov

Automatic creation of payment orders for the payment of taxes and contributions in 1C Accounting 8.3 is not fiction, it is reality. Gone are the days when it was necessary to set up payments for a long and tedious time. Constantly ensure that the CCC and payment details are correctly indicated in the payment.

New technologies have made it possible to automate the process of creating payments for taxes and contributions. A lot of users actively use it. But there are also those who, in the old fashioned way, continue to copy previously issued payments, then manually fill them in with up-to-date data. This is not always convenient and fraught with errors.

Payment orders in the 1C Accounting 8.3 program can be created in three ways.

  • Manually.
  • Automatically from the task list.
  • Automatically from the journal "Payment Orders".

About the mechanism of automatic generation of payments in 1C 8.3

For the automatic generation of payment orders in 1C Accounting 8.3, almost nothing needs to be configured. You just need to understand how payments are generated.

Let's start with the guide "Taxes and Contributions": " Directories > Bank and cash desk > Taxes and contributions". If you open it in a clean infobase in which no organizations have been created yet, then only two taxes will be displayed in it.

The first thought that comes to mind is to use the "Create" button and describe everything in it necessary taxes and contributions. It's better not to. As necessary, the necessary taxes will be automatically updated in this directory.

What does as needed mean? You probably noticed that when you open a clean database, the program first offers to connect to 1C servers in order to get the latest update. Only after that the program offers to describe organizations.

When creating a new organization or individual entrepreneur the program automatically generates accounting policy, as well as taxes and contributions that it must pay. This is done on the basis of the taxation system specified during the creation of the organization.

For example, let's create an organization LLC "OSN", that is, with common system taxation. At this stage, it is enough to indicate the name of the organization in the organization card. The rest of the details are of no interest to us yet. And now let's open the directory "Taxes and contributions" again.

As you can see, taxes were automatically updated in it, which are mandatory paid by all taxpayers applying DOS.

What if, in addition to the specified taxes, the organization is obliged to pay other taxes? It was noted above that it is better not to create them manually. Everything is simple. Let's assume that our organization combines DOS with UTII and pays the Sales tax. Opening the form Main > Settings > Taxes and Contributions and set the appropriate flags.

After that, two more taxes are updated in the “Taxes and Contributions” directory: UTII and Trade Duty.

If you need to connect some more taxes, then in the "Taxes and reports settings" form, click on the link "All taxes and reports (14 more)". A list of additional taxes will open. The same list can be opened by clicking on the link "Setting up the list of taxes and reports" in the form "Main > Tasks > Task list".

You probably noticed that in the "Taxes and Contributions" directory, each element is automatically created with a completed CCC, an accounting account and a template for assigning a payment.

To be sure that the correct BCC is set for a particular tax, it is enough to update the program on time. And for this, users of professional versions of 1C Enterprise programs are required to systematically subscribe to 1C ITS TECHNO or 1C ITS PROF.

In addition to tax data, the payment order must contain the so-called payment details. This Bank details relevant tax administrators.

We believe that we have a 1C Counterparty service. Then, in the card details of the organization, in the appropriate fields, indicate the code of the controlling body and click on the button "Fill in the details by code." As a result, the 1C Counterparty service will automatically fill in the payment details of the regulatory authorities.

Their completion is evidenced by the appearance of links against the inscriptions "Payment details". To make sure that the details for the payment order are formed correctly, click, for example, on the link "Manage Federal Treasury…” and check if this is the case.

Now everything is ready for processing payment orders. Consider automatic methods for generating payments in 1C.

Creating payment orders in 1C Accounting 8.3 from the list of tasks

Open the form "Main > Tasks > List of tasks". In it, the system reminds the user about the deadlines for paying taxes, contributions and the deadlines for submitting regulated reports. But it's not just a list of reminders. Here you can also create money orders for the payment of taxes and contributions, as well as to generate regulated reports.

We are interested in payments. Let's pay attention to the fact that “Insurance premiums, payment for February” were overdue for some reason. Let's click on this link. The form "Insurance premiums, payment for February 2017" will open.

In this form, in the "Amount Calculation" section, all sums insured, which the organization LLC "Expenses on labor costs" would have to pay for February. The presence of this section indicates that the salary and insurance premiums for February were accrued. However, insurance premiums have not yet been paid.

In order to minimize the increase in penalties for late payment, you can "Request reconciliation with the Federal Tax Service." This pleasure can be afforded by those users who have the service connected. 1C-Reporting.

To create payments in 1C for the payment of insurance premiums, click on the "Pay" button. As a result, this form will take the form.

By the way, if the salary had not been accrued, then the button “Calculate salary and contributions” would have been displayed instead of the “Calculate the amount” section.

Of course, to calculate salaries and insurance premiums, there is no need to go to the “Salary and personnel” section of the main menu. This can be done by clicking on the Calculate Payroll and Contributions button on the April 2017 Insurance Contributions payment form.

Let's return to the list of tasks for the organization "Wholesale Trade" LLC and click on the link "USN, advance payment for the 1st quarter of 2017.

This form clearly displays the calculation of the advance payment. Click on the link "Payment order 6 dated 04/10/2017". A payment form will open, check it and carry it out.

Thus, we create payments for all taxes and contributions that the organization is obliged to pay.

Creation of payments in 1C 8.3 in the journal of payment orders

Let's open the payment journal: "Main > Bank > Payment orders".

In the header of the magazine, press and the button " Pay > Accrued taxes and contributions». The auxiliary form "Accrued taxes and contributions" will open.

In its tabular part, all accrued taxes and contributions that the organization is obliged to pay are listed. It is important to keep in mind that only those taxes and contributions that were accrued in the program are displayed here. We also recall the inscription located immediately below the name of the form: “The list shows only accrued taxes and contributions. To pay other taxes and contributions, go to the task list.

Clicking on the "Create payment documents» will lead to the creation of payments for the taxes and contributions marked in the tabular section.


It is possible that someone will ask which method of creating payments for paying taxes and contributions is better to use in the 1C Accounting 8.3 program. It is impossible to give a definite answer: both methods are good. True, in a particular situation, the following features should influence the choice of method.

  • Formation of payments in 1C from the list of tasks. This method is very good in cases where the user does not remember the dates of payment of taxes and contributions. When using this method, each click creates payment orders for a separate type of tax or a group of taxes. In the example discussed above, this is a group of payments for the payment of insurance premiums. In other cases, everything is separate: Income tax, VAT, property tax, etc.
  • Formation of payments in 1C from the journal of payment orders. When using this method, the system does not control the timing of payment of taxes and contributions. But it allows you to create payment orders immediately for all accrued taxes and contributions.

A payment order is needed to transfer money to suppliers, pay taxes to the budget, and pay salaries to employees. How to create a payment order in 1C 8.3 in 4 steps read here.

A payment order, or payment order, is a document that an organization provides to a bank to transfer money from a current account. Most often this is done electronically, via the Internet, using special banking services. But you can also provide payments to the bank in paper form. A payment order in 1C 8.3 can be generated both in an electronic file and on paper.

Read here how to create a payment order in 1C 8.3 in 4 steps.

How to create a payment in the BukhSoft program

Step 1. Create a "Payment order" document in 1C 8.3

Go to the section "Bank and cash desk" (1) and click on the link "Payment orders" (2). A window for viewing and creating payments will open.

In the window, click on the "Create" button (3). A form for filling out a payment order will open.

Step 2. Fill in all the required fields in the payment order in 1C 8.3

Fill in the following fields in the payment order form:

  • "Organization" (1). Specify your organization;
  • "Type of operation" (2). In this field, select the type of operation that suits you from the list. For example, "Pay to supplier" or "Pay tax";
  • "Recipient" (3). In this field, select the recipient you need from the "Counterparties" directory;
  • "Expense item" (4). Here, select the item of expenditure that suits you from the directory "Items of movement Money”, for example, “Payment to the supplier”;
  • "Beneficiary's account" (5). In this field, you must fill in the bank details of the recipient: current account, bank, BIC, corresponding account;
  • "Priority" (6). Here . For example, when paying suppliers and when paying taxes, you need to put "5", when paying salaries - "3";
  • "Amount of payment" (7). Specify the amount of payment;
  • "VAT rate" (8). Choose an option from the list;
  • "Purpose of payment" (9). Write on which contract or invoice you are paying, and what is the subject of payment (for goods, services, payment of taxes, repayment of a loan, etc.).

When you select certain types of transactions in the payment form, additional fields appear. For example, if you select Pay Tax (10), the following fields will appear:

  • "Tax" (11). Here, from the list, you must select the tax that you transfer, for example, "VAT";
  • "Details for the transfer of taxes and other payments to the budget" (12). Here you indicate the KBK, OKTMO code, payer status, payment basis, tax period.

After filling in all the fields, click the "Record" (13) and "Submit" (14) buttons. The payment is ready to be uploaded to the client bank.

Step 3. Print a payment order from 1C 8.3

If you need to print a payment order for submission to the bank, then click the "Payment order" button (1). A printed payment form will appear on the screen.

Press the "Print" button (2) to start printing.

Step 4. Upload the file with payment orders from 1C 8.3 for uploading to the client bank

Most organizations use the bank-client system to send payments. This is the name of the interface for working with the servicing bank, which allows you to send and receive payments and Bank statements. Such systems always have the function of downloading payment orders in electronic form. 1C 8.3 also has the function of uploading payment orders in electronic form. The file with payments is unloaded from accounting program and uploaded to the client bank. To upload a file with payment orders from the 1C 8.3 Accounting program, go to the "Bank and cash desk" section (1) and click on "Payment orders" (2). A list of all created payments will open.

In the window that opens, select your organization from the list (3).

Now only payments for the selected organization are visible in the list. Next, click the "Send to Bank" button (4). The "Exchange with the bank" window will open.

In the window that opens, you can see payment orders ready for uploading. They have the status "Prepared" (5). Checkboxes (6) indicate payment orders that will be uploaded. If necessary, you can click the mouse to uncheck the checkboxes that do not need to be sent. In the "Upload file to the bank" field (7) specify the file name and the folder where this file should be saved. To do this, press the “…” button (8). Click the "Upload" button (9) to save the file with payments to the folder you specified. After clicking this button, the payment status will change to "Sent".

Now the file with payments is in the folder that you specified in the field "Upload file to the bank" (7). Upload this file to the client bank to make payments on the uploaded payment orders.