How to join a departmental clinic using compulsory medical insurance. Five of the most useful patient rights under a compulsory health insurance policy

Question personal insurance comes up constantly and is quite relevant. It happens that a person, simply not knowing his rights, cannot take full advantage of an insurance policy not only in a foreign city, but also in his own.

The Insurance Law regulates all pressing and topical issues of personal and health insurance, you just need to use the information correctly. Legal awareness will help you take the right steps while saving time, money and health.

Is it possible to choose a clinic yourself?

Law No. 326-FZ of the Russian Federation clearly defines the right of a citizen Russian Federation use the services of a clinic in any city in our country. Moreover, this applies not only to emergency situations, but also to a routine appointment at a medical facility. The principle of being assigned to a clinic at the place of registration has been abolished.

Following the new law and amendments to it, a citizen has the right to:

  • choose any clinic in any city;
  • choose the attending physician at your own discretion;
  • choose ;
  • choose a private, departmental or regional medical institution included in the list of the insurance system;

It is important to remember one more significant note: all transitions and changes of doctors occur free of charge and only once a year.

As an exception, changes are allowed more often, but only in cases of moving to another region or city.

In addition, it must be indicated that no explanation is required from the applicant regarding the refusal of his attending physician or, in general, the services of a particular clinic.

It is obvious that the changes made to the law fully protect human rights under universal health insurance.

What is written in the law, naturally, must be observed. Another thing is that there are subjective circumstances that can interfere with or slow down the change of clinic and doctor. The fact is that each clinic is funded according to the number of citizens assigned to it.

There may be another obstacle: the clinic where you want to go may be overloaded. Of course, neither one nor the other circumstance will affect your choice to change the service clinic.

Changing a clinic is possible, but somewhat troublesome. You should seriously think about all the pros and cons of a possible change in clinic, insurance companies, doctors, and only then make the right choice.

How to attach to a clinic without registration?

A situation often arises when a person does not live at his place of permanent registration for a certain time or simply works in another city. The issue of medical care can arise at any moment. Attachment to a specific clinic allows you to avoid many difficulties as much as possible.

Start your attachment by visiting the clinic and contacting the reception desk. You must take the following documents with you:

    • passport;
    • certificate from place of work;
    • rental agreement;
    • insurance policy;

Similar conditions apply to the attachment of a minor child. It is clear that he does not need a certificate from his place of work, but a certificate from school must be provided.

The issue of citizens who live and work illegally is not addressed here. Firstly, this is a violation of the law, and secondly, it brings a large number of additional problems. Deceiving the state can be very costly.

Having officially gotten a job and received temporary registration, you can safely go to a nearby clinic and officially become its client. If you stay in another city for a long time (more than a year), you need to apply for an attachment annually.

If a citizen is denied registration at the registry due to lack of local registration, it is necessary to appeal the action of the clinic staff to the health department.

You can and should contact your insurance company with this information. If this does not help, then a direct violation of the law can be appealed to the prosecutor's office.

Is it possible to get medical care while in another city? Definitely yes. Again we turn to the law. Regardless of registration (the registration institution has been abolished), a citizen can use the services of a medical institution in any city, having a compulsory medical insurance policy in hand.

You can exercise your right to medical services even if you do not have a policy in this moment, but its actual presence. If you are anywhere in Russia, know that in this situation it is enough to call territorial fund Compulsory medical insurance in your region and specify the medical policy number and the name of the insurance company serving you.

Every citizen has the right to basic health services:

        • primary health care;
        • emergency medical services;
        • specialized medical care (for tuberculosis, AIDS, infectious diseases);
        • for the necessary treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular, endocrine, and nervous systems;
        • when injured;
        • in a state of pregnancy or labor;
        • in case of acute dental disease;
        • in the treatment of skin diseases;
        • providing medical care children;

The entire list of basic diseases that the clinic is required to familiarize with is on the information stand.

The only rule that must be strictly followed: take an insurance policy with you on any trip! It will take up little space, but if necessary, it will save you from many problems.

Remember: the law protects the citizen’s right and it can be practically used.

How to change doctor at the clinic?

Of course, any actions to change a clinic or doctor are regulated by insurance law. Based on this law, the entire system of work on insurance coverage citizens.

A change of doctor is carried out upon the personal application of a citizen. To do this, you need to choose a clinic that is part of the compulsory medical insurance system. Arriving there, a citizen must take with him:

        • passport;
        • certificate of employment;
        • pension certificate (for pensioners);
        • insurance policy;

Having written an application, the citizen is registered under the supervision of the doctor he has chosen. Again, let’s make a reservation that this is according to the law, but there is ordinary life. A refusal to satisfy a citizen's request may occur due to the doctor being overworked. Yes, there are certain workload standards for all areas of work, including for doctors.

As a recommendation, it is necessary to indicate that the citizen himself must decide how much he needs to change the doctor. If we are talking about moving to another city, then everything is clear. Or the required specialist is not available at your clinic and the administration cannot find a replacement, but help is needed now. These reasons may be valid, but if a citizen decides to be capricious, then this is a different question.

It is important to remember that the right, naturally, exists, but this does not mean that it must be used with or without reason.

From the video you will learn how to attach to a clinic that is convenient for you:

Although the “cool” medical center entered the compulsory health insurance system, the patient was turned away

In 2016, Muscovite Mikhail Demin decided to choose a clinic where he would receive services - this right has been granted since 2010 (Articles 19 and 21). And I chose one of the “cool” departmental clinics. What follows is almost a detective story. But first things first.

Mikhail - individual entrepreneur. He has never been to his local clinic: he is not satisfied with the level of staff. Therefore, I was examined and treated by private traders. And although the illnesses were quite average, the sums were considerable. For example, a heart examination cost 20 thousand rubles. For the last few years, Demin has received medical care in one of the departmental clinics - first under a voluntary health insurance policy, and when its validity period expired - for a fee.

At the beginning of this year, an entrepreneur noticed an advertisement at the clinic’s stand stating that she works in compulsory medical insurance system. And I decided: since there is a compulsory medical insurance policy, why not use it? You will receive medical care for which you paid “for free”, according to your policy... After all, taxes, including insurance premiums in , the entrepreneur deducts - it turns out he has the right...

In February, Demin submitted an application to the head physician of the clinic to join this medical organization. But I got a turnaround. He promptly wrote that the provision of medical care here is carried out to contingents determined by order of the department. That is, the planned and actual capacity of the clinic is designed for the main contingent - exceeding it will worsen the organization of medical care for “our own” people, and this is unacceptable.

Demin did not agree with this and complained to the Moscow City Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund. And in his complaint he explained why he considered the refusal to be unfounded. The fact is that treatment on a paid basis was provided to him immediately, which means that the medical institution has free capacity.

From MGFFOMS he was told that the clinic’s refusal to provide primary health care within the framework of the Moscow territorial compulsory medical insurance program was unlawful and advised him to apply there again.

Demin applied and received another refusal. Then he complained to the administration of the President of the Russian Federation, which issued the compulsory medical insurance policy, and again to MGFFOMS.

After contacting the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, the founder of the clinic conducted an inspection and informed Mikhail that the decision on his employment would be made based on the results of this inspection. However, the problem patient was immediately warned: given your place of residence, the clinic is not able to organize emergency care for you, including calling a doctor to your home.

Issuer of the policy Compulsory medical insurance insurance the company conducted a medical and economic examination and took the side of the clinic. From the response of its management it follows that the assignment of patients to a medical organization not in their own area is allowed. But - taking into account the recommended number of attached adults, which is 1,700 people per site. According to the clinic, there are already 1,700 patients at the therapeutic site there. Therefore, insurers advised Demin to choose another hospital.

The businessman's litigation with doctors continues.

Meanwhile, the Center Manager medical law commented on the situation like this:

References to the number of patients on site do not give the departmental clinic the right to refuse. (“On approval of the procedure for a citizen to choose a medical organization when providing him with medical care within the framework of the state guarantee program...”) the procedure for choosing a medical organization by a patient has been approved. And it does not establish any restrictions on the exercise of this right (including depending on the number of patients in the area). I came across information that in a similar situation, the prosecutor’s office through the court ordered the medical institution to attach a patient with a compulsory medical insurance policy.

Almost every citizen of Russia at least once had to go to municipal health care institutions, and free help was provided there only if the patient had a compulsory medical insurance policy linked to a specific institution. Is it necessary to be attached to a clinic at all and why? What is the complete algorithm for the attachment procedure and what is needed for this? How to attach to a clinic at your place of residence and what is the list necessary documents? We will answer these questions in this article.

Why do you need to be attached to a clinic?

Not all citizens faced with the need to receive medical care have the opportunity to go to a private institution. Most often, at the first signs of illness, the patient turns to public clinic under the compulsory medical insurance program - it is usually located in the microdistrict where the patient is registered and permanently resides. Attachment may be required not only to obtain medical services, but also because only in municipal medical institutions they issue sick leave, documents confirming disability, certificates of absence of illnesses and other documents that may be required for work, receiving benefits or other purposes.

Procedure for joining the clinic

In order to attach to a specific medical institution, the policyholder must select it in advance and indicate this point when applying for a policy. By default, patients are required to be assigned to a clinic at their place of residence (permanent registration), but if necessary, they can change the institution. Most often, this is necessary when moving or being dissatisfied with the level of service in the clinic to which the patient was originally assigned. It should be noted that if a citizen plans to receive treatment in a clinic other than at his place of residence, he will need to obtain official consent from the institution: if the doctors are overloaded, a refusal may follow. Thus, the procedure for attaching to a clinic consists of several stages:

  1. Choosing a clinic. The most convenient option is when the patient is assigned to an institution at his place of residence; If, according to certain criteria (staff of doctors, number of departments, presence of a laboratory, proximity to work, etc.) he is more satisfied with another institution, the citizen has the right to choose it at the time of registration of the policy.
  2. Attachment form. This process requires a personal visit to the clinic with the provision of all necessary documents. The patient must bring a passport (for adults) or a birth certificate (if the age does not exceed 14 years), and a compulsory medical insurance policy. If the patient is a person with foreign citizenship or is not a citizen of any state at all, documents confirming the legality of stay on the territory of Russia are added to the list. After approval, the clinic notifies insurance organization and the institution where the patient was registered before, about the fact of the transfer.

    Information on whether it is possible to carry out the attachment procedure via the Internet can be read in the article on.

  3. Selecting a local specialist. The patient is given the opportunity to determine which general practitioners, surgeons, pediatricians and general practitioners he will see. It should be noted that the appointment of a doctor on duty is carried out with the consent of a specialist: if the doctor is overloaded or does not have the appropriate conditions for competent and complete provision of care, he has the right to refuse to appoint him as a local doctor for a new patient.

Please note that according to Art. 21 of the Law “On the Fundamentals of Health Protection in the Russian Federation”, a citizen has the right to independently choose a medical organization and doctors within the framework of the procedure established by law when it comes to services in the field of compulsory health insurance. The choice of a healthcare organization is carried out no more than once a year (with the exception of cases of change of registration and actual place of residence). The selection of specialists in the institution is carried out with the same frequency.

How to attach to a clinic at your place of residence?

If a citizen intends to receive medical care in clinics of one city, but has official registration in another, he can also be assigned to an institution at the place of actual residence. The features of the procedure are practically no different from attachment for non-resident persons, however, unlike the latter, persons registered in another locality are required to repeat the procedure annually. If the registry requires, in addition to a passport and insurance policy, additional documents(certificate of income, legality of renting housing, etc.), this action is considered illegal. Exactly the same illegal actions would be refusal to provide medical care or.

As for persons originally residing in this city, the attachment procedure is easier and faster. Initially, everyone is assigned to an institution at their place of residence, and if the address changes within the city, the citizen has the right to choose another clinic. This rule also applies to.

Required documents

Before joining an institution, you will need to write an application, which is drawn up according to the sample and sent to the head physician or handed over to him personally. You must also provide a compulsory medical insurance policy (original and photocopy) and an identity document (passport or birth certificate) to the medical institution. To attach to the clinic, just come to the reception desk, select a working day and hour, and provide full package documents. If the patient still has a medical card from a previous institution, it is used in the new clinic, otherwise a new document is created. After the application is approved by the head physician, you can begin to use the services of specialists.

Why attach to a specialized clinic?

In some cases, the patient is not obliged to change the clinic serving him, but is forced to go to another institution, where, upon attachment, he will also be able to receive qualified assistance. The reasons for this decision may be the lack of the necessary department in a municipal institution, the lack of doctors of the required profile on staff, as well as dissatisfaction with the quality of service. In any case, attachment to the clinic takes on average from 1 to 5 days. At the end of the procedure, the patient has access to all types of assistance, from emergency to calling a doctor at home.


In order to receive high-quality and timely medical care, a citizen must be assigned to a specific medical institution. This procedure can be carried out in the health care facility at the place of registration or place of residence; there is no significant difference in the registration process.

Every citizen of the Russian Federation has the right to free medical care in a clinic participating in the compulsory medical insurance program. In order to receive this or that service for free at a municipal health care institution, you need to have a compulsory health insurance policy (CHI) linked to a specific institution. Attachment to a clinic or hospital can be done in person at the selected medical institution or via the Internet. Many are attracted to the second option, as it takes minimal time. Surely, you found yourself on this page in order to find out how to join a clinic through government services, but is such an opportunity available?

Previously, users of the public services portal could register with a clinic online. Now you will not be able to do without a personal visit to a medical institution (with the exception of Moscow residents). However, this does not mean that the public services portal will be useless. With its help, you can see whether the selected clinic participates in the compulsory medical insurance program. In addition, do not forget that you can either call a specialist to your home. Moreover, these services are available only if you are attached to a healthcare organization at your place of residence.

  • Important
  • If you are assigned to a medical facility using temporary policy Compulsory medical insurance, then you will not be able to make an appointment with a doctor through government services.

What is required to register with the clinic?

Before you join a clinic through government services, you should make sure that you have everything you need to receive this service. As noted earlier, only residents of Moscow can register with a clinic via the Internet using an account in government services (on the website). We devoted a separate section of the article to this issue, so we will not pay attention to it now. If you live in Moscow, then immediately go to the end of the article. For other regions, such an opportunity is currently not provided and it will not be possible to do without going to the clinic. But even in this case, you should prepare.

To register with the clinic, you will need the following documents:

  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • Birth certificate (for children);
  • A valid compulsory medical insurance policy;
  • SNILS;
  • Statement of the established form.

When contacting the clinic, be prepared to provide copies of all the above documents, and you must have the originals with you. As for the application of the established form, you can fill it out directly at the medical institution by contacting the registry with the corresponding request. Although, if you wish, you can find it on the Internet and download an application form for attachment to the clinic.

We also recommend that you make sure in advance that you can get an appointment at the clinic you choose. Attachment is possible only if the medical organization is part of compulsory medical insurance program. You can check this information in the FFOMS register of medical organizations. To do this, follow the link, indicate your locality, find the clinic you need and see if it is a participant in the compulsory medical insurance program. If everything is in order, you can take the above documents and go to a medical facility.

  • Important
  • You can change the place of attachment to the clinic more than once a year (except for cases of change of residence).

Instructions for joining a clinic

We won’t tell you how to join a clinic through government services in any region of the country, because at the moment only Moscow residents have such an opportunity. Again, the attachment will not take place on the public services portal itself, but on the website, where you can log in using your public services account. We will return to this issue later, but now we will look at what the process of being attached to a clinic looks like when visiting a medical institution in person. This process involves several stages.

Stages of attachment to the clinic:

  • Choosing a medical institution. By law, you can be assigned to any clinic, regardless of your registration. The main thing is that the healthcare organization you choose is included in the compulsory medical insurance program. You can check whether a clinic is included in the compulsory medical insurance program or not in the FFOMS register of medical organizations (;
  • Preparation of documents. If you have reached the age of majority, then to register with the clinic you will need a passport, compulsory medical insurance policy, SNILS and an application of the established form. You can write an application directly at the reception desk or download the appropriate form from the Internet in advance. To enroll a child in a clinic, you will need a birth certificate and an insurance policy. compulsory insurance, SNILS (if available) and passport of the legal representative.
  • Visit to the clinic. Prepare copies of the above documents, as well as their originals, in advance and go to the clinic. Contact the reception desk and report your intention to join this clinic. The employee will accept the application and photocopies of documents.

Now all you have to do is wait a few days until the medical institution checks your information and assigns you to the clinic. After the verification is completed, you will receive a corresponding notification.

It is also worth adding that before going to the clinic, it would be a good idea to check whether you are assigned to a particular clinic. Perhaps you are already a client of the very medical institution you plan to join. Of course, if this is the case, you will find out about it when you visit the clinic, but this way you will waste your time. It is much more convenient to obtain information about attachment to medical organization through the public services portal. This opportunity is available to all registered users. If you still do not have an account on a single site public services then you can quickly.

To obtain information about joining a clinic, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the website and log in;
  2. Go to the “Service Catalog” section;
  3. Select the “My Health” section;
  4. Select the service “Information about attachment to a medical organization”;
  5. Click on the “Get service” button;
  6. Enter number compulsory medical insurance policy and click "Search";
  7. On the next page the name and address of the clinic to which you are linked will appear.

If you are not assigned to any of the medical institutions, a corresponding notification will appear on the screen. Then take the above documents and go to the clinic you want to join.

  • Important
  • Obtaining information about attachment to a medical organization through government services is only possible using a uniform compulsory medical insurance policy number (16 digits). The old and temporary policies are not processed.

How to attach to a clinic through government services in Moscow

In most regions of Russia, attachment to a medical organization is possible only by visiting a clinic in person. At least this was the case at the time of writing this article. However, some users still have access to the ability to connect with a healthcare organization online without leaving home. Residents of Moscow definitely have this opportunity. If you live in the capital, then use the instructions below. Now we will tell you how to register with a clinic through government services. More precisely, the attachment will take place on the website, where you can log in using your government services account.

To register with a clinic through the website, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the website and click “Login”;
  2. Go to the “Other login methods” tab and click on the “Public Services” button;
  3. Enter your account details in government services;
  4. Go to the “Services” section;
  5. Select the “Health” section;
  6. Select the service “Attachment to an adult (children’s) clinic”;
  7. Read the terms of service and click on the “Get service” button;
  8. Fill out an application to be assigned to the desired clinic.

As you can see, the process of joining a clinic is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance. After being attached to a medical organization, you will have the opportunity to make an appointment with the necessary specialist. Agree, this is very convenient and saves a lot of time. Without being affiliated with a clinic, these services are not available. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments, we will try to solve your problem.