Production of architectural models of buildings and houses. Making house models How to order a service from the company

Creation of architectural models of buildings

We will make an architectural model that will speed up the sale of real estate by 2 times. Any complexity and detailing to a bush within a period of 7 days.

  • We take urgent orders
  • Delivery to any city
  • 2 year warranty

What problems does an architectural layout solve?

  1. Models of buildings and structures will help sell real estate and attract investors.
  2. Attracts visitors to exhibitions and events

A well-designed and well-made building model will always attract attention to your project at an exhibition, office or event.

We can show off your home or building using a brochure or video. But let's bring it to a beautiful layout and you will see the difference in the buyer's reaction!

Modeling includes not only making a miniature of the building, but also recreating the landscape features of the territory. This allows you to objectively assess how suitable the selected area is for the construction of a specific structure.

For example, it was created for participation in exhibitions and display in the office. We showed in detail the complex triangular architecture of the house and carefully integrated it into the landscape with elevation changes.

It attracts attention with its high detail and encourages you to come closer and examine the open terrace with miniature furniture.

To help potential buyers imagine themselves in this beautiful house, we created miniature scenes where people admire the view from the window, park their car, and relax on the terrace.

Examples of our work

5 numbers about us

Implemented projects

Years of experience

Cities to which the model was delivered

New technologies introduced

Specialists were trained from Russia and the CIS

5 reasons to work with us

  • We provide a legal guarantee that the deadlines for creating the layout will be met. We will definitely have time to make a layout for an exhibition or event!
  • The company has been working in the prototyping market for 12 years and is one of the leaders in this area.
  • Over the years, we have collected more than 200 solutions and technologies for creating layouts
  • Well-established logistics allows us to deliver the layout anywhere in the world. professional packaging will keep the layout in absolute integrity
  • The commercial proposal includes a detailed estimate, which includes the cost of the layout and makes it transparent and understandable.
Creating a Layout is not only a way to effectively promote a property, but also a tool for its objective assessment. By ordering a model of a house, public building, hotel, restaurant, etc., a potential developer will be able to identify possible shortcomings at a stage when everything can still be corrected with little effort and make adjustments based on the most informative volumetric visualization that the model provides.

How much does it cost to create an architectural model of a building?

Find out the cost of the layout today by answering 4 questions (30 seconds) and get a 5% discount for taking the test right now!

There are general criteria for assessing the cost of any layout:

  • design production time
  • layout size
  • presence or absence of source data

You can order a three-dimensional model of a building or other architectural object in any way in a convenient way. The geography of services of the Best Maket company includes not only both capitals, we work with all regions of Russia and abroad.

A house model is an architectural necessity when a visual demonstration of an object is required, but it cannot be shown in reality. This happens at the design, construction or land search stage. At this stage, you can make significant changes to the project that will not entail financial losses.

Beautiful, detailed layouts residential buildings is also a way to find investors and clients. Visualization of the construction project first gives an idea of ​​where they are investing money, the advantages of the future facility and income figures. The second is about the layout and infrastructure of future housing, right down to the expected view from the window. When designing large residential areas and individual buildings, the layout of the house will also be required by the town planning council. Thanks to it, you can evaluate how a new architectural object looks in the overall ensemble and fits into the city’s infrastructure.

The ROSmaket model workshop offers services for creating house models based on customer requirements. We produce models of residential buildings with any degree of detail:

  • low (location and shape of objects without working out the details of the facade);
  • medium (the model includes window openings, doors, the surrounding area with road markings, landscape and landscaping);
  • high (3D printing is used, facades are displayed in detail, models of people and cars are placed, internal lighting of the building and external lighting scheme: arrangement of lamp posts with micro diodes).

The Rosmaket company produces layouts on a scale from 1:10 to 1:10000.

Effective and competent production of a model of a construction project involves the creation of a full-scale assessment of the house both outside and inside. Thanks to the use modern materials, potential clients will be able to understand the future layout, get the maximum feeling of being in their own apartment and even imagine the situation.

By providing your partners and customers with a layout, you significantly increase your sales and marketing efficiency, distinguishing your company from competitors.

Why is it worth ordering house models from us?

  • extensive experience in this field, which explains our partnership with the giants of Russian industry;
  • a clear methodology for performing all work and conscientious reporting at each stage, you do not have to worry and find out at what stage the development and production of the model is;
  • a well-functioning mechanism for managers to fulfill all your wishes;
  • strict adherence to deadlines;
  • product guarantee, our models are made from reliable modern materials that determine the excellent quality of the object;
  • low prices.

Why do you need a house model?

Modeling houses allows you to study the future building in great detail. The product is as close to reality as possible.

Advantages of custom layouts:

  • visibility;
  • saving time;
  • high quality;
  • availability.

The model of the house is created on a turnkey basis by specialists from one company within a clearly defined time frame. All necessary changes are made in a timely manner before printing.

The production of a house model is carried out using a 3D printer. This allows you to quickly create a detailed, high-quality layout.

Modern technology allows for rational use of materials, which reduces the cost of the product.

Stages of creating a layout

Our company’s specialists create custom house designs at an affordable price. We employ qualified architects and designers who will realize any customer’s idea.

Making a custom house model includes the following steps:

  • Modeling. It starts with careful consideration of all the details. Designers create on the computer electronic version fragments.
  • Cutting. Now the resulting elements are sent to the machine for further cutting.
  • Checking details. They are all carefully sorted, and defective ones are immediately replaced with new ones.
  • Layout assembly. All tested elements are connected using glue. Depending on the wishes of the customer, the product can remain monochrome or painted in different colors. Finished work placed on a sub-layout.
    • The perfect implementation for any project

      The price for making a custom house model depends on several factors. First of all, the cost formation is influenced by the order delivery time. The smaller they are, the more expensive the project will cost. The dimensions of the finished product, the type of material, the degree of elaboration of all the details, the presence of removable elements in the layout of the building or the landscape around it are also taken into account. The price additionally includes a protective cap, lighting and special packaging for safe transportation.

      You should order the production of a house model from us for the following reasons:

      • Experienced designers will create an original and high-quality layout strictly in accordance with the drawings. From us you can buy a product that is ideal for your purposes.
      • The work uses classic and unique modern methods, and technology.
      • Our employees always comply with the deadlines set by the client.
      • Designers always stay in touch with the customer during work, which allows the latter to control the process and make the necessary changes in a timely manner.

      On our website you can see the projects we have successfully completed and learn more about the activities of our company. To order a house model, simply fill out an online application or call the managers by phone. They will quickly contact you and offer the best conditions for cooperation.

An architectural model is a three-dimensional representation of a designed or already built house, a complex of buildings or an entire city. Layouts are a necessary part of design; with their help, a designer or developer evaluates the composition and harmony of a building, and also clearly demonstrates the project to the customer.

Layouts are made on a computer, which simplifies the process and saves resources. 3D printing allows you to quickly and economically present a visual design to the customer. In this article we will look at the features of architectural models and 3D printing.

We create and print architectural models of any complexity.

Architectural model of the buildingin a 3D model: advantages

Architectural models are complex products with many small details and must be taken into account when creating them. whole line nuances. Creating a real architectural model sometimes requires many weeks and hundreds of dollars. But 3D printing significantly reduces the cost of the project. In addition, the creation of models takes several hours, not weeks.

Architectural firms have been using CAD (Computer Aided Design) to create projects for many years. If a studio decides to install a 3D printer, it will not need to make any changes to the software. All you need to do is connect the device to your computer.

3D models allow architects to work more freely without the fear of making mistakes, and designs are much more accurate than actual models. Rendering 3D models on a printer is fast and saves significant resources. Such visualization is clearer and closer to reality than sketches, drawings and digital models.

Therefore, 3D printers quickly gained recognition in the industry, and more and more studios are using them for a variety of purposes - even printing real objects of urban architecture.

3D printed house by Apis Cor.

By the way, another direction is emerging in 3D printing of buildings modern science: bionics in architecture - layouts, structure of buildings, as well as their shape, repeating nature. For example, when creating lightweight and at the same time strong walls, the structure of bones is taken as a model. In April 2014, the Chinese implemented a project for cheap 3D-printed houses. The photograph below shows the structure of the walls, modeled after bone tissue.

Architectural models on a 3D printer: program selection

Architectural models are created on a computer using a number of programs. One of the best is considered to be CAD (Computer Aided Design), or rather, its subtype ArchiCAD - a program made by Graphisoft specifically for architects. It makes 2D and 3D sketches, models based on sketches with the addition of photorealistic textures, and project visualization. The program models not only individual buildings and interiors, but also complexes of urban buildings.

Modeling in ArchiCAD

Other programs for architects:

  • Revit;
  • AutoCAD Architecture;
  • AutoCAD Civil 3D - more suitable for engineering communications;
  • Chief Architect - better at home design;
  • Rhino3D;
  • CATIA;
  • SketchUp - helps with architectural sketches and sketches;
  • 3D Studio Max;
  • Solidworks - more suitable for engineers.

Frank Gehry uses CATIA in his work

Architectural layout of the house:scale selection

After planning your model, the next step is choosing the scale that best suits your specific project. This decision is influenced by two factors: area and detail. If you need to show large areas, for example, architectural models of cities, set the scale to 1:500 or 1:1000. Then the model will not be too large and easily visible.

For a single building, choose a scale of 1:200 or 1:100. At this scale, quite detailed detail is obtained, and windows, doors and balconies will be clearly visible. To show only part of the house, a scale of 1:20 - 1:50 is suitable. The larger the scale, the more details can be discerned.

We will even printarchitectural model KyivA. in the industrial design studio KLONA.

How to make an architectural model: houses, district, city

Creating a model in any program follows the same principles. A building or a complex of buildings is assembled from elements: windows, doors, walls, ceilings and floors, and so on. One model contains hundreds and even thousands of elements - the number depends on the object being modeled and the taste of the architects. Different designers incorporate different elements into their creation.

Stages of creating a model:

  • construction of hermetically sealed solid frames;
  • removing excess holes;
  • checking topology and counting polygons;
  • invert normals;
  • finding overlapping surfaces;
  • removal of moving elements;
  • smallest printable elements (SPF);
  • strengthening and support;
  • the architectural layout must be hollow;
  • removing unnecessary geometry.

Creation of impervious elements and removal of gaps

3D printers love being given models that consist of geometrically correct objects called wireframes. The elements should not be permeable, for example, a hexagon has all six sides. If it only has five sides, then it is an open frame with a hole. Geometry with holes often prints incorrectly.

When removing holes, use the rule: all adjacent triangles have two common vertices. This ensures a continuous surface without dips. They can be removed using special applications or manually.

Left - low number of polygons, right - high

Dips in the surface also occur due to the conversion of files from one format to another. Sometimes the number of missing or distorted polygons is so large that you have to manually align them. Software applications only work well on external surfaces, so it's important to review the design yourself.

The more simple elements, all the better. With a large number of frames, it is easy to fix one by one and eliminate all the errors. The fewer elements there are, the more difficult it can be to correct gaps.

Checking topology and counting polygons

Topology checking and polygon counting are necessary to ensure quality printing. The fewer polygons, the smaller the file size, and the easier it is for the printer to handle the job. To make a very smooth model, you can make 10,000 polygons or 2,500. The printed model will feel equally smooth to the touch in both cases.

Most 3D models are made up of triangular polygons. Each polygon has three points and a normal - an invisible line perpendicular to the surface of the polygon. They tell the printer how to add material.

If the normals are facing outward as expected, then the printer will add material to the outside. If the normals point inward, the result will be compression of matter. Fortunately, most modeling programs automatically correct all normals.

Coinciding and duplicating surfaces cause a lot of problems. Because of them, the printing result becomes unpredictable. For example, two walls form a corner of a house - this is usually not a problem. But if they have different textures, then the surfaces of the walls differ from each other. Elements are combined in unpredictable ways, which will affect print performance. Therefore, you should avoid this: correctly combine planes with the same textures and choose high-quality printers.

The same applies to moving elements and dots - you need to remove them, as they have an undesirable effect on the print.

What is the smallest printing unit for a 3D printer? This depends on the scale and complexity of the project. Typically, for load-bearing elements the smallest parts are 3-5 mm, for ornaments and thin components (windows, doors, columns) - 0.5-1 mm. But still, the sizes are individual for each layout.

Strengthening and support

Some details of the layout require artificial support and reinforcement due to their thinness. Elements that are too delicate may not survive the process of being removed from the printer, polished, and built into the model. Integrated support remains within the layout - adding additional arches and columns, thickening doors and windows. The second way to save the model is through elements that are removed after finishing is completed. For example, roof overhangs need to be supported with something, because they often break off when the model is removed.

How does a 3D printer work?

Hollow model and removal of unnecessary geometry

In cases where it is important to show the appearance of the model, then to save materials and reduce weight it would be wise to remove all unnecessary things inside the model.

The more elements, the better - but extra parts waste material and time on printing them. The best architectural mockups have a very simple structure.

A modern shopping and entertainment center, a luxurious palace with many decorative elements, or a stadium - before constructing any structure, it is a good idea to understand what it will be like in reality. If you represent a development company and want to convince a potential investor of the feasibility of investing, The best way- order a model of a building or house, residential, multi-story or any other structure, and clearly demonstrate all the advantages of your idea. “Studio Model” will fulfill any order promptly, with professional scrupulousness and at a competitive price.

Work examples ()

What architectural models of houses and buildings can you order and buy from us?

  • models of residential buildings of any number of floors;
  • prototypes of cottages and cottage communities;
  • miniatures of hotels, cafes, restaurants, office premises;
  • layouts of shopping and industrial facilities- kiosks, markets, pavilions, gas stations, etc.

How to make a building model correctly: 3 components of success

  1. The creation of models of houses and buildings in the Model Studio occurs through laser cutting and engraving of materials, followed by manual assembly, fitting and finishing of the product. Modern laser and CNC milling equipment, which our workshop is equipped with, provides ultra-precise results.
  2. Making models of houses and buildings is a meticulous process in which not only the concept and accuracy of key elements are important, but also the correct design of the sub-model, the quality of the seams of the protective cap, not to mention compliance with the overall style.
  3. Every architect, designer or artist who performs this work is not just a professional in his field, but also to some extent a psychologist. When creating a layout, we take into account the peculiarities of human perception, and the presence of developed spatial thinking allows us to achieve incredible results.

Architectural models of houses and buildings from Model Studio are a model of perfection

Are you looking for specialists who can quickly and, most importantly, realistically create a three-dimensional prototype of a structure? You do not have enough time and are not ready to provide full package documents in the form of a master plan and a verbal description of the building? The experience of our layout workshop employees will serve you well - we will definitely find a way out of this situation!

The production of models of houses and buildings takes place in a friendly, creative environment, and the customer is informed about how the process is progressing through his personal manager. At your request, we will create a model from plastic, wood, cardboard or foam, and a durable plexiglass cap will reliably protect it from moisture and dust. If necessary, we will clean the manufactured product and restore it, although in fairness it is worth noting that, provided that our work is properly stored and transported, they rarely need such services.

Are you ready to buy a house model? Then contact our manager by phone listed on the website and clarify all the details of cooperation. Contact us - we will be happy to help you!