Research work "what is money and why does a person need it." Why do we need money?

→ Why do we need money to a reasonable person?

The analogy is something like this.

If in winter the electricity, gas or water in the apartment is “accidentally” turned off, then life in it will become impossible. But how to live in a frozen concrete cell in which it is impossible to cook food and there is nothing to flush the toilet with? What will the residents of a 20-story building do if the entire house is disconnected from the system for just 10 winter days?

Here is another analogy that shows the illusory reliability of the system.

What will the townspeople do if they stop supplying food to the city? Nothing grows in the city, so it is completely dependent on external supplies. Already, most of the products are supplied to the country from abroad. And the less that is grown in our country, the more dependent we become, the more often we bend over backwards for food.

It’s the same thing with working for my uncle.

As long as the employer needs you, he pays you. And he pays as much as such a specialist costs in the labor market, where there are more of these specialists than needed. In general, it doesn't pay much. And he does the right thing. Maybe this will make a specialist think: is it worth working hard for pennies?

And a crisis is also good. Because it forces you to think about the meaning of life, about your purpose. For example, may a person’s destiny be to stand behind a store counter or lead salespeople. Even if a person manages stores, is that his purpose?

Don’t worry – I’m ending on a high note :). I understand that when you want to eat, your thoughts revolve more and more about money than about anything else.

So, money! Why are they needed? Below is a list of obligatory expenses of a civilized person. Even if he cannot afford them, he still strives for them. This is how it is programmed by the system.
1. Buy groceries or pay the bill at a restaurant.
2. Buy an apartment or pay rent for rented housing.
3. Pay for utilities: gas, electricity, water, telephone, garbage collection, heating.
4. Pay for mobile communications and Internet.
5. Pay for children's education.
6. Expenses for public transport or gasoline and car repairs.
7. Buy a car.
8. Buy furniture and equipment for the apartment.
9. Make repairs.
10. Buy a phone and a computer.
11. Buy clothes, jewelry and cosmetics.
12. Buy vitamins and medicines.
13. Buy household chemicals and hygiene products.
14. Buy cigarettes, alcohol, etc.
15. Expenses for entertainment and recreation.
16. Travel and vacation expenses. Do you feel that the vast majority of expenses are imposed by the system, technocratic civilization and urban lifestyle? Oh, again I'm talking about high things.

You need a lot of money. Where can I get them?

Not at work.

If not at work, then there are only four options left:
1. Work for yourself - create a business.
2. Earn income doing what you love.
3. Change needs to reduce costs and create conditions in which costs are reduced. I am a supporter of the golden mean. I don’t like extremes - they always disrupt harmony and lead away from the truth.

Ideally, of course, you should do only what you want to do. Then, as they say, there will not be a single working day in your life. You need to do what you love and constantly improve your skills at it. This applies to both working with your hands and working with your head.

When a person becomes a master, his services will be expensive. And it is not he who will look for the client, but the client. But while a person is still in his infancy, he needs to make his favorite business profitable using entrepreneurial moves. Of course, business will take time away from creativity, from what you love, but this is a forced concession to the ideal, since we live in a system and do not yet know how to live otherwise.

About needs
Most often, the proposal to change needs in the direction of reducing costs is perceived with hostility by people. Like, pasta instead of red caviar?! Never!! But this is not about reducing the level of comfort, and not about harm to health.

On the contrary, many expenses are associated with harm to the human soul and body. What's wrong with drinking less, smoking, stopping losing your health in bars and killing time in clubs? Is it bad to exchange restaurant food for homemade food, and go to the country house with your children on the weekends instead of to an entertainment center?

About the eternal
But what is it: to create conditions in which costs are reduced?

The expenses listed above do not bring joy to a person. And everything he spends money on is destroyed, becomes unusable, becomes unfashionable and requires new expenses. Everything he does is temporary. I propose to start creating the eternal. I propose investing money in creating conditions in which costs are reduced.

In order to say fewer words, I will say what I do. And let me say it sincerely, directly, as it is.

I am creating a family estate. You have probably already heard that in every region of Russia (and in some regions of Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Latvia, Kazakhstan and other countries) people create settlements based on family estates. What does it mean?

I invest the money I earn in the system into a space that makes me more autonomous from it, protected from financial crises, urban communications and natural disasters.
I took a free plot of land 100 km from the city (almost 2 hectares).
To begin with, I built a small house. If you build a big one right away, then all the time and all the funds will be spent on it, that is, there will be no joy from creating an estate.
I installed a solar module and a battery - enough for lighting and a laptop. I will install more, and I will buy a gas generator so that there is hot water under pressure in the shower stall.
Planted a hedge, a forest and a garden. The hedge is designed to protect from winds, from animals, from unwanted guests, to improve the microclimate on the site, birds settle in it, it bears fruit, it is always beautiful, and most importantly, eternal. In my forest I can walk, think, and pick mushrooms. And the garden will supply me, my children and grandchildren with fruits and berries.
I planted a vegetable garden according to principles that exclude digging up the soil, using fertilizers and chemicals. Thanks to this, farming has ceased to be hard work, and soil fertility is growing every year.
Almost finished the well. I’m not in a hurry, since a stream flows almost through the site, I collect a lot of water from the roofs, and five hundred meters away the lake splashes.
I marked a pond. Once I fully think through what I want to get, I’ll invite an excavator. Fish will not live in a simple pit. We need to make the pond as natural as possible, we need to create a self-sufficient ecosystem.
Every year I plant hundreds of seedlings of forest, fruit and berry trees and bushes. I buy it from the botanical garden or just bring it from the forest.
I also bring stones for trailers and do landscaping. I really like it when colored stones lie on soft moss under pine and birch trees. This makes me feel comfortable :)
I will plant a pen for goats and a shed for poultry. I will plant it so that nothing needs to be repaired, energy and time spent on it. All this does not mean that I am buried in the ground and do not see the light of God. On the contrary, I do what I want with a clear conscience. I do my favorite thing, improve my skills in it, create my own products, create resources for their promotion. That is, I combine my favorite business and entrepreneurial activity. Now, for example, I’m traveling around Russia and making a film about eco-villages.

I am calm because I have solved for myself the main problems of a city person:
own housing (in the city it is tens of times more expensive, which means you need to work tens of times longer or more efficiently)
payment for the right to live in it (when you have your own electricity, water and heat, you don’t need to pay for them)
environmental friendliness of housing (living in an apartment is very harmful)
the space around housing (there is none in the city) And a planted forest, garden, hedge, berry bushes are things that grow on their own and become more beautiful and functional every year. The vegetable garden, of course, requires attention, but due to the fact that its fertility is growing, it requires less and less effort and time. In a few years, I will provide myself with 80 percent of healthy foods.

So, every day I feel like the value and self-sufficiency of my space increases even without my participation.

What expenses do I now face compared to a city person?
1. Products. When the garden and vegetable garden bear fruit, the costs will be meager.
2. Apartment. It will be necessary to build a house for a large family, but it is 10 times cheaper than a multi-room apartment.
3. Public utilities: I fill gas cylinders and buy firewood.
4. Mobile communications and Internet.
5. Education of children. I educate my children myself.
6. Gasoline and car repairs. This remains the case, although I use less gasoline, since I don’t get stuck in traffic jams and leave the estate 3-4 times a month.
7. You need a car. It speeds up the construction of a house and the arrangement of space tenfold.
8. Furniture and appliances for the apartment. My favorite furniture is ikeevsvaya :). I don’t use any equipment except a washing machine and power tools.
9. Repair. Unfortunately, everything that man creates decays.
10. Phone and computer.
11. Clothing, jewelry and cosmetics. Of course, I buy clothes. Fashionable, high quality, but not from the latest collections.
12. Vitamins and medicines. This has happened for many years in my life.
13. Household chemicals and hygiene products. This is also not necessary.
14. Cigarettes, alcohol, etc. This has not happened yet in the city.
15. Entertainment and relaxation. My favorite pastime is a cup of tea sitting on the porch of the house :).
16. Travel and vacation expenses. There is no one to let me go, since I work for myself :). And travel happens naturally when I go to seminars, to visit loved ones and on other matters. But in reality, I don’t want to leave my estate or anywhere. So it turns out that there is a crisis outside, but my life is improving every day in all respects. It’s hard for me to realize this myself, but a miracle happens, and I observe it. One thing that bothers me is the conflict between the desire to finish the film as quickly as possible and to return to the estate as soon as possible :).

Main thoughts of the issue
1. Even if you work at work, do your favorite thing at the same time, improve your skills in it, so that one day you can become a master.
2. Earn income from what you love. Over time, it will exceed the income from work and it will be possible to get rid of work.
3. Invest in something that lasts forever. Over time, the eternal will allow you to live in almost complete freedom from the system.
P.S. To some this may seem like general words, like, what exactly should I do? However, here is an example of a working strategy with strong solutions.


Think about it. The value of money depends on how much joy and pleasure you can derive from it. Therefore, to enjoy them, you need to spend them.

For example, let's take a person who has earned millions, but does not know how to spend them. He lives a very humble life. How much money does he have? Exactly as much pleasure and joy he gets from them. But for money to be a joy, it must be spent.

Money in accounts only makes sense if you enjoy counting it or the size of your assets increases your income.

Tell me how much enjoyment you get from your money and I will tell you how much you actually have. If you don't use your savings, you can assume that you don't have them. When you die, they go to the state or to your children. So who is truly rich? Someone who knows how to enjoy money.

Probably, each of us at least once asked such a simple, but at the same time very important question: “What is money for?” The answer will be provided in the article.

What is money?

Money is a kind of product that, in fact, is a general and universal equivalent to the value of many other goods or services. Karl Marx, for example, noted that all existing goods can be easily measured by the degree of effort and labor expended on their production. This can be done, for example, by comparing the employee’s qualifications and working hours. Thanks to this comparison, we will be able to determine the price of absolutely any product. This can be done using another universal product - cash.

Money is needed to determine the measure of value, to make savings and payments. At the same time, all finances must be supported with something. Perhaps this is with the help of precious reserves. IN Russian Federation such a reserve is gold.

Is money evil?

Having understood what money is needed for, it is worth moving on to the equally important question of the essence of finance. Many people like to argue that all money is “real evil” and should be eliminated and never used at all. What motivates citizens who say this? As a rule, they look at things somewhat one-sidedly.

Finance is a very convenient tool that allows you to correctly assess the cost of a particular product. In the hands of a reasonable person, money will be only a means of satisfying one's own needs. But there are also madmen in our world who are ready to do anything for the sake of finance. Here we can draw a classic parallel with a knife: in someone’s hands a knife is a convenient household tool, but in someone else’s it is a dangerous murder weapon. So why does a reasonable person need money? The answer is simple and logical: to exchange one’s own labor for various kinds of elements and services necessary for quality life support.

Buying time

It is worth returning to the question of why money is needed. Three undeniable advantages of finance will be outlined below.

The first and probably the main advantage of money is saving time. Unfortunately, we cannot buy for ourselves even an extra hour of life (as is presented, for example, in many science fiction films). However, for a certain share of finances, it is quite possible to buy someone else’s time, thereby significantly saving your own. What exactly are we talking about?

Repairing a car yourself can take a significant amount of time; and in the end, it will be impossible to guarantee that the car is perfectly repaired. And if you give it to professionals, then your own time will be saved, and the car will be properly repaired. The same can be said about ateliers, hairdressers, laundries, etc. All this is called the service sector. Various companies that are ready to perform this or that service significantly save our precious hours. And again, money contributes to this.

Improving life

Be that as it may, life is a pretty boring thing. Many people are only able to work without having time to enjoy the delights of the world around them. How to get out of this situation? Here again we will have to turn to the question of what money is needed for.

Traveling the world, meeting with interesting people, enjoying the benefits of the surrounding world - all this is possible thanks to money. A person who earns well is able to rest well. And, again, only finances will help you competently combine work and leisure. Money really makes people's lives better, more colorful and more interesting. But it is precisely here that danger can await: often a person is not able to stop, and therefore he goes “in all seriousness.” This is why finances need to be used wisely. On the other hand, a person who makes good money, but at the same time lives a boring and monotonous life, must think: is he doing everything right?

Extending life

It has already been said above that it is impossible to buy extra life hours, days or years. This is, of course, absolutely true. However, we should not forget that with the help of money you can improve your health and, although not guaranteed, still extend your life.

Of course, everything here depends to a greater extent on the person himself, on his actions. You can give huge amounts of money for treatment, but at the same time you will not achieve anything healthy image life. But we should not forget about those cases when people undergo expensive operations to prevent an early death. We are talking here again about the service sector, but this time about a very unique one: it directly concerns life extension.

So why do people need money? If I answer very briefly, then in order to live.

Five more reasons

For some, the three presented benefits of cash may not seem enough. That is why it is worth giving five more proofs that finance is a convenient and useful thing. Here's what money is for:

All the evidence presented above will certainly be enough to finally answer the question posed about what money is needed for.

  1. Affirmation of personal value.
    Money gives you a sense of self-importance - it may seem that those who managed to earn a lot are better than those who were not able to do so. Behind this feeling is the desire to fill the inner emptiness, to give yourself weight in your own eyes. It can be expressed in the attitude: “If I have money, then I’m worth something!” But, unfortunately, almost always someone has more money, and therefore the happiness of owning it eludes.
  2. Security and control.
    We are worried about the education of our children, about the prosperous retirement of our parents, about our own health - and for many of us, only money can give us peace of mind and confidence in the future. Money gives not only basic security, but also a feeling of control over the situation: with its help you can “solve problems”, “agree” and even “go around the corner”, feel “at the top” among the less wealthy.
  3. The need for love and recognition.
    By spending large sums on gifts for other people or on charity, but forgetting about our own needs, we try to demonstrate to others how good we are. The desire to receive the love of others by paying for it came to us from the past, when the groom was obliged to pay a ransom for the bride. But you can also pay for recognition - for example, a person dreams of money to spend on scientific experiments, opening a museum, writing great music, paintings, books: this is how he wants to remain in people’s memory, he is afraid of dying unknown. In addition, money can give a feeling of being chosen - a person thinks that in this way the love of the world, of God, is manifested: “if money came to me, it means that I am special.”
  4. The desire for freedom and independence.
    Very often, when talking about big money, we believe that with its help we will get complete freedom. But what are we going to do with it and how does it express itself for us? The desire to escape to a desert island may indicate not only the need to be alone and eat tropical fruits, but also a reluctance to take responsibility for others, a fear of contact, and a lack of development. When a person says, “I want to see the world,” he may really be dreaming of travel, or he may just want to escape from his life.
  5. Thirst for power.
    Big money can mean omnipotence - when you have it, you can control everything. Even time. Many people have an irrational fantasy: time can be exchanged for money, and then back. In this case, we work without seeing the white light - in order to then relax and heal properly. But when money is earned, time has already passed, and desires disappear somewhere... The belief that time thoughtlessly invested in making money can be compensated in the future is often not justified. It is important to learn to have fun today.

Probably, each of us at least once asked such a simple, but at the same time very important question: “What is money for?” The answer will be provided in the article.

Find out what you really want

But it is also true that there is always a way to do what you love, regardless of money or save it to achieve a goal. So the question is, what are you really interested in? Try this little exercise: Imagine that money is no longer an issue in your life because every month you receive $1 billion from the gods into your bank account in Cayman. What would you do if I had all this money? What would you not do again? Okay, before you buy seven houses, you arrange for everyone you love, spend a month in India and do a lot of charity, but after the initial euphoria, what would your day be like?

What is money?

Money is a kind of product that, in fact, is a general and universal equivalent of the value of many other goods or services. Karl Marx, for example, noted that all existing goods can be easily measured by the degree of effort and labor expended on their production. This can be done, for example, by comparing the employee’s qualifications and working hours. Thanks to this comparison, we will be able to determine the price of absolutely any product. This can be done with the help of another universal product - money.

Take a blank sheet of paper and answer this question in extreme detail: first make a list of all the great things you would do if you were full of money, and then write about your billionaire: what time do you wake up in the morning and how do you like your bed and your room? Where do you live and how is the rest of your home? What do you do as soon as you get up, what do you eat for breakfast and with whom? How do you spend your free time?

When you are finished, read what you wrote and highlight anything that is different from your current life. Then, armed with two markers of different colors: one highlighting all the things you could do now because they have nothing to do with money, and the other highlighting those you think are impossible because you don't have enough money. If in some cases both factors are found, confirming both colors.

Money is needed to determine the measure of value, to make savings and payments. At the same time, all finances must be supported with something. Perhaps this is with the help of precious reserves. In the Russian Federation, such a reserve is gold.

Is money evil?

Having understood what money is needed for, it is worth moving on to the equally important question of the essence of finance. Many people like to argue that all money is “real evil” and should be eliminated and never used at all. What motivates citizens who say this? As a rule, they look at things somewhat one-sidedly.

For example, if you wrote that you get up early and will make a long breakfast, money won't work, but maybe time, because now that you only have five minutes before leaving for work, use the first color to highlight that voice. A trip to India, on the other hand, could only do this if you had those billions in the account, so it should be highlighted in a second color. You also wrote that you will do yoga every day, and here you will need more time and money to pay a teacher who comes to your house daily, of course, so in this case he highlights the voice with both colors.

Finance is a very convenient tool that allows you to correctly assess the cost of a particular product. In the hands of a reasonable person, money will be only a means of satisfying one's own needs. But there are also madmen in our world who are ready to do anything for the sake of finance. Here we can draw a classic parallel with a knife: in someone’s hands a knife is a convenient household tool, but in someone else’s it is a dangerous murder weapon. So why does a reasonable person need money? The answer is simple and logical: to exchange one’s own labor for various kinds of elements and services necessary for quality life support.

This is the most important step, and you know that you only have two options for each item on the list: find the time or find the money. Thinking “I can’t afford it” or “I can’t” is no longer a hypothesis suggested by my dear! Analyze the words you highlighted, one by one, and find a way to start doing these things from today. Would you like to have some breakfast? You can make sure that you get up early in the morning to get the time you want out of your day.

Do you want to do yoga every day? Dear, this is just to make your wish a goal and save the money you need. The first thing to do is to stop thinking that you don't have enough money to do anything because that automatically makes you never give up. Even if it looks like a huge thing, then start asking real assessment: How many return flights to India are there on average? How much do hotels, taxis, vehicles, food and activities that you would like to do during your trip?

Buying time

It is worth returning to the question of why money is needed. Three undeniable advantages of finance will be outlined below.

The first and probably the main advantage of money is saving time. Unfortunately, we cannot buy for ourselves even an extra hour of life (as is presented, for example, in many science fiction films). However, for a certain share of finances, it is quite possible to buy someone else’s time, thereby significantly saving your own. What exactly are we talking about?

Start researching and planning your projects as if you had money: you'll probably find that they need less than you think to begin with, and then, once you've set an exact figure to put aside your dreams, it will be much easier to do this is because you remember that with these 10 euros it is better to go to India than to have breakfast twice more.

Did you enjoy this exercise? This is one of the many things you can do to transform your relationship with money and one of the many things we are doing together on my journey: Because there is only one spot for this service this month, so if you know what you need wait longer because it will change your life!

Repairing a car yourself can take a significant amount of time; and in the end, it will be impossible to guarantee that the car is perfectly repaired. And if you give it to professionals, then your own time will be saved, and the car will be properly repaired. The same can be said about ateliers, hairdressers, laundries, etc. All this is called the service sector. Various companies that are ready to perform this or that service significantly save our precious hours. And again, money contributes to this.

The topic of money and its role in people's lives is widely discussed today. When talking about the role of money, three opinions are mainly formed. The first is to maintain the existence of money as a medium of exchange, having a beneficial effect on people's lives, helping them in different ways. The second opinion is the opposite of the first, denying the existence of money completely. Proponents of the second opinion believe that money causes greed, violence, destruction, and therefore it no longer has a place in our lives.

The third main opinion that is formed in society when it comes to money is to support the first two opinions by finding a balance between them. Consider the pros and cons of money and seek a new mechanism for using it to be more effective, emphasizing the positive aspects of using it as a medium of exchange and minimizing the negative effects it has on people's lives.

Improving life

Be that as it may, life is a pretty boring thing. Many people are only able to work without having time to enjoy the delights of the world around them. How to get out of this situation? Here again we will have to turn to the question of what money is needed for.

The subject of money in context economic crisis is a particularly sensitive topic that provokes many debates in society. The biggest opponents of money often oppose it by believing that "money is enslaving humanity and that it is the reason we are losing our freedom." Very strong words that can convince, because at first glance it really looks like this, but let's look deeper and understand the truth about them.

Nothing in life is created by chance without its own purpose and purpose. Finding the true purpose of money for which it was created will help us use it more wisely in our lives, achieving greater success with it. It's like giving the answer to a guy who knows what to do with it. Such a person would use it to light a fire when there is a need to keep it warm.

Traveling around the world, meeting interesting people, enjoying the benefits of the world around you - all this is possible thanks to money. A person who earns well is able to rest well. And, again, only finances will help you competently combine work and leisure. Money really makes people's lives better, more colorful and more interesting. But it is precisely here that danger can await: often a person is not able to stop, and therefore he goes “in all seriousness.” This is why finances need to be used wisely. On the other hand, a person who makes good money, but at the same time lives a boring and monotonous life, must think: is he doing everything right?

But let's not forget that if we give the same match to a person who doesn't know what to use, it can create a lot of fires that can cause serious losses. The same thing happens with financial energy when more money fall into the hands of people who do not know with them wisely to serve, then they cause problems that make people think that money is to blame for them, But it is not money, but the people who serve it that are the real “culprits”. Think about how the match is to blame for someone using it to create fire.

Extending life

It has already been said above that it is impossible to buy extra life hours, days or years. This is, of course, absolutely true. However, we should not forget that with the help of money you can improve your health and, although not guaranteed, still extend your life.

Just because someone hasn't used it wisely doesn't mean the match shouldn't exist and help people burn when they need it. Now let's look at the picture from above and analyze what has been seen to help us feel with our hearts the truth about money and its purpose in people's lives.

What are you willing to do for money? The respected idiot was not surprised. People strived for one hundred and three hundred blows in the bindings of all kinds of insects. Some of them began exchanging contacts with relevant agencies. Did he write a potentially dangerous terrorist? Or is he a completely normal guy who is different from other honest ones? From time to time we are all in a situation where we do something just for money. We smile at the boss even if we can't even feel it. Work is poison for him, but we do it for a paycheck, right?

Of course, everything here depends to a greater extent on the person himself, on his actions. You can pay huge amounts of money for treatment, but at the same time lead a far from healthy lifestyle. But we should not forget about those cases when people undergo expensive operations to prevent an early death. We are talking here again about the service sector, but this time about a very unique one: it directly concerns life extension.

At home we fight with our partner, we do our best, but we don't want to grow. We believed that we would be worse off financially. Undoubtedly, it is the little things that enliven life. But what can we do when we find ourselves in a situation where we really need money?

Just like him, every few weeks on Prima, he teaches ten other Jehovahs. Compared to the American version of the competition, the Czech began as a weak fragment at the end of August. Before the Czech creator arrived to check on the American licensee's representative, and the result was noticeable. The Czech moderator confirmed that more weird types contestants come to the studio week after week.

So why do people need money? If I answer very briefly, then in order to live.

Five more reasons

For some, the three presented benefits of cash may not seem enough. That is why it is worth giving five more proofs that finance is a convenient and useful thing. Here's what money is for:

All the evidence presented above will certainly be enough to finally answer the question posed about what money is needed for.

For example, Mother Jehovah, who, without thinking, said that she would not allow her daughter to overflow or endanger her life. Even though the version of this show compared to others in the world is still a parent-owned one, he is shocked at how many people want to publicly humiliate themselves and their close friends for money. Or is it a few unbalanced shipwrecks and most people didn't do it?

Why do tens of thousands of viewers watch unhappy people on TV? They talk about them and they don't say, "We won't look at it." Anything that affects earning money means we are enjoying. Let's get married that we will have a lot of them, although we are no different from those who take them on television competitions.

Stop being a slave to work! Become the master of your money! Zyuzginov Alexander

Chapter 1 What is money? Why are they needed?

What is money? Why are they needed?

But really, what is all the fuss about? What is money and why do we need it? What is their function? Why is everyone so eager to have more and more of them? And having received what they wanted, they want more more these colorful pieces of paper? There are many questions. Let's find out...

First, let's turn to Wikipedia - a free encyclopedia on the vastness of the mighty Internet. This is what she tells us:

Money is a specific product of maximum liquidity, which is a universal equivalent to the cost of other goods or services.Money is used to express the value of other goods, since money is easily exchanged for any of them. Such monetary value makes dissimilar goods easily comparable in exchange. According to supporters of the labor theory of value, in particular K. Marx, it is not money that makes goods commensurable, but vice versa: precisely because all goods represent materialized human labor and, therefore, are themselves commensurate in terms of the amount of labor expended (the costs of the number of workers are compared time, taking into account the qualifications of labor necessary for the reproduction of goods). This allows the value of all goods to be measured by the same specific product, turning this latter into a common measure of value for them, that is, into money.

Usually, money becomes a product with high liquidity, that is, the product that is easiest to exchange for another product (for example, cattle was often such a product). In addition to being a measure of value for other goods, money is a medium of exchange (an intermediary in the exchange process). In addition, the role of money can be played by various things, other real rights, obligations and property-obligatory complexes.

IN modern conditions the role of money is not so much specific goods (for example, gold or other precious metals, from which bullion coins are made), as much as the obligation of the state or central bank in the form of banknotes. Self-cost such money does not have and is equivalent only nominally. The state obliges citizens to accept banknotes and coins as legal tender in a given territory. For the Russian Federation this is indicated in Federal law dated July 10, 2002 No. 86-FZ “On Central Bank Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)” [Art. 29: banknotes (bank notes) and coins of the Bank of Russia are the only legal means of cash payment on the territory of the Russian Federation; Art. 30: banknotes and coins are unconditional obligations of the Bank of Russia and are required to be accepted at face value when making all types of payments, for crediting to accounts, deposits and for transfer throughout the Russian Federation], and in Civil Code Russian Federation [Art. 140: the ruble is legal tender, obligatory for acceptance at face value throughout the Russian Federation].

Now I will give another definition of money. Its author is a practicing psychotherapist V.V. Sinelnikov. Here is what he thinks about this: “Money is a tool. A tool for obtaining things and services. And we need things and services to fulfill our intentions. Therefore, one must use them for their intended purpose, that is, use them for the benefit of oneself and others.”

It turns out that money is such a universal tool with which you can transform the world, the space around you, and realize your desires and the desires of your loved ones. And money is a kind of circulatory system in the life of every person (by analogy with the structure of our body). They flow daily - sometimes to you, sometimes from you. When functioning properly, there should be no stagnation of money; it should constantly flow, rotate, circulate, and return. Otherwise, there will be a stop in movement, and this means blood clots with all the ensuing consequences.

Before we start talking about how to interact with money, we need to understand why each of us needs it. What will this give us? Despite its apparent simplicity, this question is deep for every person and affects almost all aspects of life. What do you need money for? For self-affirmation, for boasting, for improving the standard of living, for helping the homeless and poor, for buying a new car/apartment/clothing/yacht/dacha, for self-realization, for treatment, for bringing your plans to life, for business? For what? Everyone must answer this question for themselves. Imagining why you need this or that object is already 50 percent of success!

Knowing what you need money for is also an additional motivation for attracting it into your life. This is the strongest message to space, to the Universe about your intentions and desires. This point should not be neglected.

To have money, you need to be able to use it and know what it is for.

Perhaps, we will now begin to master this knowledge and skills. Forward!

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