Executive. Joint-stock company for oil transportation "transneft" JSC "AK "Transneft" is approved by the first vice-president of OJSC "AK "Transneft" Registration of the project for the production of preventive maintenance works

PPR is done by a group in the office, before they went to coordinate, now they can blame it on you. This is a special kind of activity and, as with ID, few people know how to do it correctly and therefore cannot properly check it. The part for special installation work can also be reflected in the construction part, according to the rules (a separate PPR is not done for such types of work), it should be reflected there, but, as a rule, special installation organizations do their part. The PPR is agreed upon by the customer’s departments, so in the end it may differ greatly from the requirements of regulatory documents. For example, PPR for automation is done according to instructions VSN 161-82, for communications - Guidelines for drawing up work projects (PPR) for the construction of linear structures of trunk and intrazonal cable communication lines, for substations - RD 34.04.122, separately for electrical installation work, the Roselectromontazh Association never gave birth, but, as a rule, Transneft requires that everything be done according to the instructions for oil product pipelines or oil pipeline facilities (according to OR-91.010.10-KTN-125-07 and OR-91.010.30-KTN-133-07 , and now according to the new OR-91.010.30-KTN-345-09).

A real working PPR linked to the construction part with the planning of labor and technical resources, with a competent work schedule, with non-standard technical maps and SOKK, already signed and agreed upon, must be on site 2 months before the start of work. In the conditions of Transneft, with its unrealistic deadlines, it is practically impossible to do this, nor to plan the physics normally, and as a result, we get an unrealistically planned disbursement of funds. Often, the contract is signed retroactively, so the deadlines are automatically compressed, the PPR must be completed in two days and then agreed upon in the same amount. At the control center, everyone signs “to fuck off” so that they can then poke you in the face about it. It is also necessary to know that only engineers and foremen should sign for familiarization with the PPR in accordance with paragraph 2.2 d) SNiP3.05.06-85, otherwise you will get tired of running around looking for installers and forging signatures. Again, in theory, to develop a PPR, an organization must have a license and an SRO.

Everyone is now paying more attention to and solving the problems of control and accounting in construction, forgetting that any of these actions are complete bullshit if a normal plan is not made, which, in principle, requires normal work with POS and PPR.

— a mandatory organizational stage in construction. With its proper development, planning of construction processes is facilitated, and all organizational stages are completed within the required time frame, thereby not violating the technology for performing construction and installation work and minimizing the risks associated with stoppages from regulatory authorities. The work execution project specifies the sequence of organizational, preparatory and main types of work performed according to the project documentation for the facility.

Our company has been working in this direction since 2007 at various construction, reconstruction, technical re-equipment and overhaul projects. At the beginning of 2018, PPR had been developed for more than 2,000 objects.

We, as an organization that develops work projects, provide copies of all permits in the attachment: SRO certificate for design and specialist certificates. There is a permit for design work at particularly hazardous facilities: oil, petrochemical, etc.

The developers are certified in the field of industrial safety and have at least 3 years of experience in drawing up work projects. The accumulated base of ready-made project plans allows us to set prices much lower than our competitors, and the deadlines are the shortest.

Quality of developed PPR

Less “water”, more technology for performing work and higher quality of PPR!

We have fully adapted to the requirements of various customers, including foreign companies (IKEA, DAEWOO, ...), customers with internal standards of enterprises (Transneft, Gazprom, Rosneft, Rosavtodor ...), supervising organizations (OATI, GATI, ...). We know their requirements for the development of production projects and technology for construction and installation work.

We provide a lifetime guarantee on all completed projects. It consists of constant support of the PPR until full approval. If we undertake the development of a site in its entirety, then we undertake all obligations to supplement the necessary missing data during construction.

Cost of development of PPR in construction

How to order a service

You can order the development of a work production project by calling the numbers listed in the Contacts section or by sending the entire set of initial data to us by e-mail: . By contacting us, you can rest assured of the competence of our specialists.

After receiving all the data, we estimate the cost of development and send you a commercial proposal and/or contract. After signing the contract, we begin work. Payment occurs only after the PPR has been developed and sent to you for verification of its compliance with your requirements.

Deadlines for drawing up the PPR

The time frame for developing the project plan depends on the completeness of the submitted initial data, the volume and complexity of the work performed on the project and is approximately 2-4 days. The company's staff allows you to prepare everything in 1 day, in which case the cost of services increases.

Even for the largest facility, it is possible to complete a work project in 2 days if all IDs are presented in development format and you promptly answer all questions that arise.

The procedure for developing work projects

The procedure for developing a work project in our company:

  • study of the technical specifications for the PPR and submitted materials on the facility;
  • highlighting the list of main types of work;
  • drawing up explanatory notes and appendices;
  • preparation of technological maps linking them to the object;
  • inserting links from the PP to technical maps;
  • if necessary, adjustment of applications (schedules, construction plan).

All responsibilities for the preparation of each section are distributed to individual responsible and trained specialists. Following this procedure for developing the PPR, we control each stage and are responsible for the relevance of all current regulatory documents.

Sections on technology are prepared only by technologists, industrial safety, labor and environmental protection - by a HSE specialist, electrical safety and technological maps for electrical installation work - by an energy engineer, etc. The procedure for developing work projects may vary depending on the complexity of the object.

Development of PPR in stages

The PPR project is developed both for the entire facility and for individual stages of construction work, major repairs, technical re-equipment and reconstruction of facilities:

  • preparatory period (installation of fences, arrangement of domestic housing, temporary roads, installation of scaffolding, geodetic work, dismantling of buildings and structures);
  • zero-cycle works: piling, excavation, installation of monolithic and reinforced concrete foundations;
  • construction of monolithic structures: concreting and reinforcement of foundations, walls, covering and floor slabs, columns;
  • installation of enclosing structures (walls, partitions) made of ceramic and silicate bricks, blocks, metal structures, sandwich panels;
  • installation of metal structures of overpasses, buildings, structures, tanks, containers: columns, beams, girders, trusses, connections, sheet and roll assembly of tanks;
  • welding and installation work;
  • installation of roofs using various materials: roll roofing, soft membrane roofing, corrugated roofing;
  • finishing work inside (floors, ceilings, walls) and outside (facades, basement) of the building;
  • filling openings: doors, gates, windows;
  • construction of intra-block and main roads made of slabs and asphalt, pedestrian paths, bridges;
  • laying external and internal engineering networks: electrical installation work, laying heating networks, heating, water supply, sewerage, ventilation, gas pipelines, cables, oil pipelines, overhead lines, process pipelines, etc.

Registration of a project for the production of PPR works

We carry out the registration of the developed PPR in accordance with all current normative and technical documentation. Like all test documents in accordance with the SPDS, the project contains a cover, title page, table of contents, general data, main sections on the MDS, literature, familiarization and approval sheets, and appendices.

The title page and cover provide information about the object, the Customer, the Contractors, and the year of development. At the design stage, the document is divided into volumes containing no more than 250 sheets.

The PPR and the technological maps included in it are developed by us in accordance with the requirements of the MDS and internal regulatory documents of the Customer. All technology for performing work is tied to the human resources, machines and mechanisms provided in the technical specifications.

All documents presented in the catalog are not their official publication and are intended for informational purposes only. Electronic copies of these documents can be distributed without any restrictions. You can post information from this site on any other site.






Moscow 2003

The regulations developed and approved by JSC AK Transneft establish industry-wide mandatory requirements for the organization and performance of work in the field of main oil pipeline transport, as well as mandatory requirements for the registration of the results of this work.

Regulations (enterprise standards) are developed in the system of JSC AK Transneft to ensure reliability, industrial and environmental safety of main oil pipelines, regulation and establishment of uniformity of interaction between the divisions of the Company and JSC MN when carrying out work on the main production activities both among themselves and with contractors , government supervisory authorities, as well as unification of the application and mandatory implementation of the requirements of relevant federal and industry standards, rules and other regulatory documents.



1.1. The work project is developed by the contractor (contractor, own construction and installation organization) for the construction of new, expansion and reconstruction of existing facilities.

1.2. Construction, reconstruction and technical re-equipment of main pipeline transport facilities without approved work plans is prohibited. Deviations from the decisions of the work project without agreement with the organizations that developed and approved them are not allowed.

1.3. The PPR approved and agreed upon with all interested organizations must be issued:

Directly to the performers of construction and installation works;


PTO (SU, SMU) or UMN operation services (RNU);

To the developer of the PPR;

1.4. Technological maps (pile driving, bricklaying, ceiling welding, insulation, etc.) are issued directly to teams and units at the work site.

1.5. These Regulations do not cancel the requirements of regulatory documents (SN and P, VSN, RD, etc.) and the current legislation of the Russian Federation.


Stages of development and approval PPR

Responsible executor

Period of execution

Development of PPR by general contractor, subcontractor construction organizations, on their own by structural divisions of the JSC or on their instructions by a design organization

General contracting construction organization, ch. engineer UMN (RNU), (in case of performing work on our own)

30 days after signing the contract

Coordination with interested organizations, approval and issuance of work permits for the construction site

Chief engineer of the general contracting organization, Ch. engineer UMN (RNU), (in case of performing work on our own)

No later than 15 days before the start of work


The work project must contain:

3.1. Schedule plan for the production of work on the facility (Appendix f.).

3.2. Construction master plan.

3.3. Transport scheme for the transportation of materials, structures and products, indicating the main and intermediate storage bases for materials and products.

3.4. Schedules for the receipt of building structures, products, materials and equipment at the site (Appendix f.) with data on the receipt of these resources for each contracting team with the attachment of picking lists.

3.5. Movement schedules of workers (Appendix f.) and main construction machines at the site (Appendix f.).

Movement schedules for the main construction vehicles must be developed taking into account the timely completion by each team of the work assigned to it.

3.6. Technological maps (schemes) for the performance of certain types of work with the inclusion of operational quality control schemes, a description of work methods, an indication of labor costs and the need for materials, machines, equipment, devices and protective equipment for workers.

3.7. When reconstructing buildings and structures - the sequence of dismantling work.

3.8. Solutions for the production of geodetic works, including diagrams of placement of signs for carrying out geodetic constructions and measurements, as well as instructions on the need for accuracy and technical means of geodetic control of construction and installation work.

3.9. Safety solution in the composition determined by SNiP 12-03-99.

3.10. Activities for performing work on a rotational basis, including work schedules, work and rest schedules, as well as the composition and equipment of teams.

3.11. A solution for laying temporary water, heat and power supply networks and lighting (including emergency) for a construction site and workplaces with the development, if necessary, of working drawings for connecting networks from power sources.

3.12. Explanatory note.


4.1. This regulation comes into force from the date of its approval and is subject to revision at least once every 5 years.

Annex 1


Form 1

Work schedule for the facility (type of work)

Job title


Labor costs, person-days

Required machines

Duration of work, days.

Number of shifts

Number of workers per shift

Brigade composition

Work schedule (days, months)




Number of machine shifts

Form 2

receipt of building structures, products, materials and equipment at the site

Responsible executor ___________________________


Form 3

Work schedule for the site

Name of workers' professions (separately for general contracting and subcontracting organizations)

Number of workers

Average daily number of workers by month, week, day

Responsible executor ___________________________


Form 4

Movement schedule of the main construction vehicles around the site

Responsible executor ___________________________


The forms must be specified in accordance with the specifications of the objects.


1. SNiP 3.01.01-85 *. Organization of construction production. - M.: Gosstroy, 1990.

2. SNiP III-42-80 *. Rules for production and acceptance of work. Main pipelines. - M.: Gosstroy, 1999.

3. SNiP 3.01.01-87. Acceptance into operation of completed construction projects. Basic provisions. - Gosstroy, 1988.

4. VSN 012-88. Construction of main and field pipelines. Quality control and acceptance of work. Part P. Forms of documentation and rules for its execution during the acceptance process. - M.: Ministry of Neftegazstroy, 1989.

5. VSN 004-88. Construction of main pipelines. Technology and organization. - M.: Ministry of Neftegazstroy, 1989.

6. VSN 31-81. Instructions for construction work in security zones of main pipelines of the Ministry of Petroleum Industry. - M.

7. Rules for the protection of main oil pipelines. - M.: Ministry of Fuel and Energy, 1992.

8. Fire safety rules for the operation of main oil pipelines. - M.: Rosneftegaz Corporation, 1992.

9. RD 39-110-91. Instructions for eliminating accidents and damage on main oil pipelines. - Ufa: IPTER, 1992.

10. RD 39-00147105-015-98. Rules for major repairs of main oil pipelines. - Ufa: IPTER, 1998.

11. Safety rules for the operation of main oil pipelines. - M.: Nedra, 1989.

12. Instructions for developing a project for the construction of oil and gas product pipelines. - M.: JSC VNIIST 2000 (Order of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy No. 37 of 02/04/2000).

Note.The composition and content of the PPR for the construction and reconstruction of the linear part of oil pipelines is carried out on the basis of the “Instructions for the development of a project for the construction of oil and gas product pipelines”.


Certificate No. 0001-2015-7710022410-11 dated December 14, 2015





Standard work design




Total information



List of permits and executive documentation,

formed during work on site



Characteristics of the object and conditions of work



Basic decisions on the organization of work



Works of the main period



Safety measures during work



Fire safety



Environmental protection measures



This document establishes requirements for the organization and implementation of work on anti-corrosion protection with anti-corrosion coatings on the outer and inner surfaces of vertical steel tanks at low ambient temperatures.

This document applies to vertical steel tanks with a volume from 100 to 50,000 m 3. A standard work project is used for construction, reconstruction, technical re-equipment and major repairs.

A standard work project has been developed in accordance with

OR-91.010.30-KTN-111-12 and RD-23.020.00-KTN-184-10 taking into account the requirements of POT R M-017-2001,

The work production technology is developed in accordance with

RD-23.020.00-KTN-184-10. This document provides for measures for applying an anti-corrosion coating to the metal structures of the tank at ambient temperatures below +5°C with the preliminary installation of a protective cover made of waterproof materials and the use of installations for heating and drying the air between the cover material and the outer surface of the tank.

The requirements of a standard work project “Application of anti-corrosion coating on the metal structures of vertical steel tanks at low ambient temperatures” must be included in the work permit for construction, reconstruction, technical re-equipment and overhaul for a specific facility, it is possible to issue a work permit for automatic transmissions, including including at negative temperatures, in the form of a separate volume to the main PPR. The PPR must be developed in accordance with the requirements of OR-91.010.30-KTN-111-12.


Permitting documentation is issued by the contractor before the start of work at the site. The permitting documentation includes documents giving the right to carry out a complex of construction and installation work before the completion of construction and acceptance of the facility into operation. Responsibility for the timely execution of permits rests with the contractor.

The certificate of admission of the contractor to carry out work is drawn up by a commission with the participation of the customer and the contractor in accordance with OR-13.100.00-KTN-030-12 and

As-built documentation is drawn up upon completion of the work; delay in the execution of as-built documentation is not allowed. The Construction Control Service daily checks the composition of the completed as-built documentation and the compliance of the volume and quality of the work performed.

Responsibility for the preparation of acceptance documentation in accordance with Appendix A OR-91.010.30-KTN-156-15 rests with the contractor. Control over the formation of a set of as-built documentation is carried out by construction control.

Construction control is carried out in accordance with OR-91.200.00-KTN-113-16.


Vertical steel tanks after completion of installation and welding work, hydraulic testing, are subject to anti-corrosion protection in accordance with

GOST 31385-2008, Order 780 of December 26, 2012, RD-23.020.00-KTN-184-10.

Upon completion of construction and installation work, before handing it over to the customer, before performing anti-corrosion protection and installing equipment, hydraulic tests of the tank must be carried out. It is allowed to carry out hydraulic tests with an anti-corrosion coating applied to the internal surfaces of the upper chord of the wall and the stationary roof.

Work on anti-corrosion protection of the outer and inner surfaces of tanks at ambient temperatures below 5°C is carried out in accordance with the requirements of this work project based on clause 11 OR-91.010.30-KTN-111-12.

Work is carried out only after the permitting documentation has been issued and the contractor has completed the admission procedure in accordance with

OR-13.100.00-KTN-030-12 and OR-91.010.00-KTN-175-12.

Anti-corrosion work is carried out in accordance with the PPR. The PPR is developed by the contractor taking into account the requirements of this standard work design. The contractor coordinates the PPR with the customer, as well as with the supplier/manufacturer, technological maps for preparing the surface subject to ACP.

Carrying out fire, gas hazardous and other high-risk work is carried out with the issuance of a work permit in accordance with OR-03.100.30-KTN-150-11.

The Contractor, in accordance with the requirements of clause 17 of the Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, before starting work at height, must organize technical, technological and organizational measures:

a) technical and technological measures, including the development and implementation of a plan for work at heights, fencing the work site, hanging warning and ordering posters (signs), the use of collective and individual protective equipment;

b) organizational measures, including the appointment of persons responsible for the organization and safe performance of work at height, for issuing work permits, drawing up an action plan for the evacuation and rescue of workers in the event of an emergency and during rescue operations, as well as those carrying out maintenance and periodic inspection of personal protective equipment.

The Contractor is obliged to ensure strict compliance by the workers they engage to perform work at the site with the requirements of the instructions on access and intra-site regimes, developed and in force at the site in accordance with OR-13.310.00-KTN-032-15, and the access schedule to the site.

The contractor ensures that the work is safe for the environment.

All work is performed by specialized teams that have permission to carry out work at industrially hazardous facilities.

Only male persons of at least 18 years of age who have passed a medical examination and have no contraindications to performing this type of work, who have been trained in safe methods and techniques of work, the use of personal protective equipment, the rules and techniques of providing first aid to victims and who have passed a test of knowledge of industrial requirements are allowed to perform work. safety and labor protection in the prescribed manner.

Workers involved in tank preparation, cleaning and protective equipment must be provided with special clothing, safety footwear and other personal protective equipment. When preparing the surface and painting the tank, the sandblaster and the operator of the high-pressure airless spraying unit must work in protective clothing made of dust-proof fabric and a spacesuit with a forced supply of fresh air.

After every 45 minutes of work, you should take fifteen-minute breaks in the fresh air outside the area where anti-corrosion work is being carried out.

To carry out anti-corrosion work, certified equipment must be used to ensure the required quality of surface preparation and coating application. Upon completion of work or during a long break in work, equipment for applying anti-corrosion materials should be washed and cleaned with a special solvent specified in the technical documentation for the material. The list of recommended main and auxiliary equipment for anti-corrosion work is given in Appendix I.2 ​​RD-23.020.00-KTN-184-10. It is allowed to use equipment of other brands and manufacturers if their characteristics are not lower than the characteristics of the equipment given in Appendix I.2 ​​RD-23.020.00-KTN-184-10.

Grounding of painting electrical equipment, protection from static electricity of process equipment and pipelines must be carried out taking into account the requirements of GOST 12.1.030-81 and GOST 12.1.018-93.

When using mechanized methods of cleaning and grinding surfaces, noise and vibration at workplaces should not exceed maximum permissible levels (CH 2.2.4/ and CH 2.2.4/

Painting materials are generally toxic and can have harmful effects on workers. The content of harmful substances in the air of the working area should not exceed maximum permissible concentrations (MPC). When carrying out anti-corrosion work, the following conditions must be met:

a) carrying out painting work during periods when other work is not carried out;

b) ventilation of confined spaces (inside the tank) using forced general ventilation;

c) use of respiratory, eye and skin protection equipment by workers;

d) ensuring fire and explosion safety.

In accordance with TOI R-112-17-95, work inside a tank (shelter) is permitted provided that the volumetric oxygen content in the work area is at least 20%, and the content of harmful substances does not exceed the maximum permissible concentration. At concentrations of harmful substances exceeding the maximum permissible concentration, work must be performed in hose gas masks.

The maximum permissible concentrations of harmful substances in the air of the working area are indicated in Table 1 in accordance with Appendix 2 of GOST 12.1.005-88.
Table 1. Maximum permissible concentrations of harmful substances in the air of the working area

Air control at the work site must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of OR-13.040.00-KTN-006-12. All performers of work under the permit, including employees of contractors, must be provided with individual gas analyzers and alarms. Air monitoring must be carried out at the points indicated on the diagram attached to the permit.

Methods for measuring concentrations of harmful substances in the air of a working area must be approved by the Ministry of Health and metrologically certified in accordance with the requirements of GOST 12.1.016-79. Methods and means must ensure selective measurement of the concentration of a harmful substance in the presence of accompanying components at a level ≤ 0.5 MAC. The total error in measuring the concentrations of harmful substances should not exceed ±25%.

Temperature, relative humidity and air speed in work areas must be within the limits established by GOST 12.1.005-88.

Lighting requirements for work areas must comply
SP 52.13330.2011. To carry out work with paintwork materials, explosion-proof, moisture-proof, dust-proof and closed lamps must be used.

Materials must be stored in accordance with GOST 9980.5-2009. It is not allowed to break the tightness of the packaging of materials during transportation and storage. Conditions for transportation and storage of materials, including temperature conditions, must be specified in the technical documentation of the material manufacturer.

Materials during storage must be stored in batches. Storage must be organized in a covered area. Over the platforms it is allowed to install canopies made of non-combustible materials. Containers with paints and varnishes must be protected from sunlight and other thermal effects. Before using materials, they must be kept in a warm room until they reach the temperature specified in the material manufacturer’s specifications.

In places where paint and varnish materials are stored, work related to opening containers and preparing working mixtures is not allowed.

Workers and engineers should know:

  • safety requirements when carrying out work on tank ACP;

  • dangerous and harmful production factors associated with the work and the nature of their effect on the human body;

  • production instructions for carrying out AKZ technological operations;

  • instructions on labor protection and fire safety;

  • rules of personal hygiene;

  • rules for using personal protective equipment;

  • rules for providing first aid.
Work carried out in violation of the requirements of the PPR, permits, work permits and technical conditions issued by the owners of utilities of third-party organizations must be stopped.

In the event of an emergency during work or a threat to the life and health of workers, work must be stopped. In this case, technical equipment must be immediately turned off and personnel removed from the work site. The person responsible for carrying out the work, in accordance with the scheme for organizing communication with the place of work, must notify the head of the structural unit and the chief engineer of the OST branch about the incident, ensure that actions are carried out in accordance with the extract (copy) from the operational part of the plan for eliminating possible accidents.

A scheme for organizing communication with the place of work and an extract (copy) from the operational part of the plan for eliminating possible accidents should be included in the PPR.

Based on the results of inspection of all preparatory work by the customer’s construction control, a permit is issued to carry out work to prepare the surface for anti-corrosion protection of the tank.

The phased implementation of anti-corrosion work is recorded in the work log (Appendix B RD-23.020.00-KTN-184-10).

At the end of each stage of work, the commission draws up an act for hidden work in accordance with OR-91.200.00-KTN-028-10. If the commission makes a positive decision on acceptance of the previous stage and the act is signed by a representative of the insurance company, written permission is issued for the next stage of work.

Monitoring of the work is carried out by representatives of the customer's QC and the construction contractor's QC, having a level of at least II according to the VIC, with the involvement of a representative of the manufacturer of anti-corrosion materials. A representative of the material manufacturer is involved by the construction contractor at the stage of incoming inspection, the stage of preparing the surface of the tank, before applying the coating and at the stage of acceptance of the finished ACP tank. A representative of the automatic transmission manufacturer signs inspection reports for hidden work and quality control protocols for the preparation of the tank surface for applying automatic transmission, acceptance of the applied automatic transmission in accordance with RD-23.020.00-KTN-184-10.

The representative of the manufacturer (supplier) of materials must meet the following requirements:

Have qualification and certification documents confirming the necessary qualifications for the types of supervised work;

Be certified in the field of industrial safety;

Have a level of at least II according to the VIC in accordance with PB 03-440-02;

Pass a knowledge test on labor protection;

Complete an introductory briefing on labor protection and fire safety with a corresponding entry in the logbook of fire safety briefings.

To carry out work on applying anti-corrosive protection to the metal structures of the tank at an ambient temperature below +5°C, it is necessary to make a protective cover from waterproof materials, install installations for heating and drying the air between the cover material and the outer surface of the tank. The shelter must provide protection of the tank from environmental influences for carrying out work on applying an anti-corrosion coating in accordance with RD-23.020.00-KTN-184-10.

Work on the anti-corrosive protection of the outer and inner surfaces of the metal structure of the tank should be carried out only after the tank is completely covered. Carrying out work without completely covering the tank is prohibited (except for cases of local repairs of the accumulator).

Heating and drying of the air between the metal structures of the tank and the shelter must be carried out until the paintwork is completely cured.

The procedure for developing and approving the PPR

    1. To develop the PPR, the Customer, no later than 4 working days from the date of receipt by the customer (OST) of an extract from the final protocol of the tender commission for the selection of the contractor, before the conclusion of the contract, according to the act, transfers to the general contractor the materials for the development of the PPR, defined in clause 6.3.

    2. The PPR must be developed and agreed upon by the design organization that developed the detailed design and the Customer in accordance with the requirements of these regulations, within the time limits specified in the contract, but no less than 7 working days before the start of work on site.

    3. The Customer, within the time limits specified in the contract, provides the Contractor with the following materials for the development of the PPR.

      1. When developing PPR for operating OST facilities and facilities located in the security zones of existing oil pipelines, oil product pipelines, OST utilities:

  • measures for fire protection of existing OST facilities located in close proximity to the construction site, including the tank farm;
- an extract (copy) from the emergency response plan;

  • communication scheme with operating services;

      1. When developing PPR for new construction projects

  • design and working documentation approved “for work execution”;

  • technical conditions of owners of utility lines of third-party organizations (when performing work in security zones of utility lines of third-party organizations);

  • a list of as-built documentation generated when performing work on site, developed and approved by OST in accordance with OR-91.010.30-KTN-266-10.

    1. For the development of the work plan, the contractor provides the developer of the work project with the following materials:

  • design and working documentation approved “for the execution of work”;

  • a structural diagram of a construction organization with a list and characteristics of all divisions and services included in it, a list and characteristics of subcontractors involved in the work;

  • list and characteristics of construction machines and vehicles, technological equipment, quality control devices for work in a construction organization;

  • availability of construction workers in a construction organization;

  • working conditions;

  • calendar plan for the production of work on the facility (according to Form B1, Appendix B of these regulations);

  • information about the system of production quality control of work;

  • Specifications for the use of highways of federal, regional and district significance, issued by their owners, the use of existing bridges and overpasses, as well as the arrangement of junctions with the highway at exit points for along-road travel.

  • materials received from the Customer specified in clause 6.3.

    1. The contractor develops (organizes the development), coordinates the WEP with the design organization in the cases provided for by these regulations (Appendix A) and submits the WWP to the Customer for approval within the time limits specified in the Contract, but no later than 20 working days before the start of work.

    2. The approval of the project plan with the design organization is carried out before it is presented for approval to the Customer under an agreement concluded by the contracting and design organizations.

    3. On the part of the design organization, the approval of the developed PPR is carried out by the chief engineer of the project.

    4. The PPR is presented to the Customer in paper (in two copies) and electronic form.

    5. Review of the work permit by the customer is carried out only in OST or only in a branch of OST in accordance with the distribution of responsibility in Appendix A.

      1. For each PPR, the appointment of specialists conducting its review is carried out by order of OST or a branch of OST in accordance with the distribution of responsibilities in Appendix A, indicating the positions, full names of specialists and deadlines for reviewing the PPR.

      2. The review of the work plan and the issuance of comments are carried out by the Customer within no more than 5 working days from the date of its receipt for approval.

      3. The Customer's comments on the PPR are sent by official letter.

      4. Elimination of the issued comments on the work plan and its transfer for re-checking to the customer are carried out by the general contractor within no more than 5 working days from the date of receipt of the comments.

      5. Verification of the elimination of issued comments on the PPR is carried out by the Customer within no more than 3 working days from the date of its receipt for re-verification. If there are no comments, the PPR is agreed upon by the customer.

    1. Responsibility for organizing and timely and high-quality examination and approval of the developed PPR, as well as changes to it, rests with the chief engineer of the OST branch or the chief engineer of OST in accordance with Appendix A of these regulations.

    2. The PPR approved and agreed upon by the Customer must be transferred to the general contractor in 1 copy.

    3. The general contractor, no later than 5 working days before the start of work, organizes the transfer of the PPR to the construction site (reconstruction, major repairs, routine maintenance projects for which design and estimate documentation has been developed, etc.).

    4. The original of the agreed work permit must be located at the work site.

    5. The working personnel and engineers of the general contractor and subcontractors involved in construction and installation work must be familiar with the requirements of the work permit upon signature.

    6. The contractor is responsible for familiarizing personnel with the PPR.

    7. It is prohibited to allow a contractor to carry out construction and installation work in the absence of an agreed and approved work permit.

    8. When performing construction and installation work using lifting equipment (cranes, manipulator cranes, construction hoists, elevators (towers)), the contractor, in accordance with RD-11-06-2007, additionally develops and approves the PPRK, conducts an industrial safety examination and registers conclusion of the examination of PPRk in the territorial body of Rostechnadzor. The developed PPRk is agreed upon by the head of the organization that developed the PPRk and approved by the head of the general contracting construction and installation organization.
Persons who coordinate and approve the PPRk are certified in the field of industrial safety of hazardous production facilities.

Carrying out the specified work without a PPRK developed and passed the industrial safety examination is prohibited.

Loading and unloading operations and storage of goods by cranes and manipulator cranes at bases, warehouses, sites are carried out according to technological maps of loading and unloading operations.

The PPRk is developed separately from the PPR (it is not included in the PPR) before the start of the corresponding type of work.

    1. Changes to the PPR are made in the following cases:

  • adjustment of working documentation - changing the technical solutions provided for by the project, changing the methods of performing construction and installation work, changing the type of equipment being installed and the materials used;

  • changing the nomenclature used when carrying out construction and installation work on construction equipment: construction machines, mechanisms, transport and construction equipment;

  • changes in the conditions for the implementation of construction and installation works and labor organization (changes in the timing of construction and installation work, the season of work performed, transport schemes, etc.);

  • changes in existing and introduction of new regulatory documents in force in the field of main pipeline transport of oil and petroleum products;

  • change or introduction of new standard technological maps.
After the occurrence of the specified conditions, the contractor makes changes to the work project and sends it for approval to the Customer and the developer of design and working documentation for the facilities in accordance with clause 5.4.1 of these regulations. The procedure for amending the PPR is similar to the procedure for developing and approving the PPR and is carried out in accordance with these regulations.