Refinancing of Sberbank loans with on-lending. How to refinance a loan at Sberbank? List of documents and requirements for borrowers

How to apply for a loan in Sberbank Online?

To apply for a loan from Sberbank Online, go to the “Loans” section in the top menu.

Click “Take a loan from Sberbank.” A form will open for selecting loan parameters. Select the options that suit you, including the loan amount and term. Please note: the interest rate and monthly payment are calculated automatically. The loan repayment schedule is indicated next to the monthly payment amount. Select a service office convenient for you and click the “Apply for a loan” button. Confirm your loan application with an SMS password and fill out all fields of the application form. After filling out the form, the “Submit Application” button will become active. You can submit your application immediately or save it to submit later. The deferred application will have the “Draft” status - you can find it in the “Loans” section.

What is the processing time for a loan application at Sberbank?

The maximum period for consideration of an application is 2 working days.

How to receive money for an approved application?

You can receive money within 30 days from the date of approval. Enrollment period is 1 business day after approval and signing of documents.

If you receive a salary or pension to accounts opened with Sberbank, you can receive money in Sberbank Online in the “Loans” section. On the screen with the approved application, click “Apply for a loan.” If this button is not there, log into Sberbank Online again or contact the Sberbank office indicated in the application.

If you do not receive a salary or pension into your Sberbank account, contact the Sberbank office to apply for a loan.

When applying for a loan with Sberbank Online, you can:

Select loan insurance;

View the preliminary payment schedule;

Select a convenient repayment date;

View individual loan terms;

Select a card for crediting (here you can also refuse the loan, for example, if you need to fill out a new application).

Important: the loan is credited to a debit card account opened in the region where the loan was issued.

Card requirements:

The overdraft is paid off or not used;

The card is active and there are more than 2 months left before expiration;

Card currency - rubles;

The card account has not been seized.

How do I find out what my monthly loan payment consists of?

Information on your payment can be viewed in Sberbank Online in the “Loans” section. Select the loan you are interested in - on the loan page you will see all the information on the monthly payment.

How to find out the loan debt?

Information on your debt can be viewed in Sberbank Online in the “Loans” section. Select the loan you are interested in - on the loan page you will see all the information on the debt.

How do I find out if I have debt on loans from Sberbank?

You can view all debts in Sberbank Online in the “Loans” section.

How do I find out if I have outstanding loans from Sberbank?

You can view information on loans outstanding at Sberbank in Sberbank Online in the “Loans” section.

How can I arrange early repayment of the loan?

How can I find out what penalties I have been charged if I do not repay the loan on time?

You can find out information on accrued penalties in Sberbank Online in the “Loans” section.

On-lending at Sberbank or has become quite popular among the population.

Paying off a protracted loan with a new loan with a lower interest rate is an attractive opportunity to stabilize the family budget.

The proposals of Sberbank of Russia in this direction differ from the programs of commercial banks.

Residents of Russia plunged into loans and mortgages with great enthusiasm. For many, getting the desired apartment right away and stretching out the payment with interest for many years is the only way to improve their living situation. Year after year, paying off the mortgage.

Those funds that could be used to purchase other goods become impossible to collect. Time passes, considerable expenses are required for large household items, a car, and training. Residents take out loans again and again, which are increasingly difficult to cover.

The desire to pay off your mortgage quickly is growing. The question arises of how to take out another loan at a lower interest rate, with more favorable conditions, in order to immediately repay the existing one.

Over a ten-year period, changes occur in the banking system, loan rates decrease, and more favorable offers for the borrower appear.

Financial institutions need customers to make payments on time. Therefore, the system of purchasing loans from other financial organizations by one larger bank is a lifeline for both borrowers and lenders.

A loan agreement with another bank, with lower interest terms, for the purpose of repaying long-term mortgages or consumer loans is called “relending” or “refinancing.”

For a bank, this is a kind of repurchase of a loan at a lower interest rate and luring away a conscientious payer.

Who benefits from refinancing

Situations when refinancing will be beneficial for you:

  • the interest rate of your loan is at least 1.5 - 2.5% higher than that offered by Sberbank;
  • you have been paying off your mortgage for more than 5–6 years;
  • you have several long-term loans from different banks;
  • the costs of an independent real estate appraisal will not affect the benefits of refinancing;
  • you are sure that Sberbank will approve the application. In case of refusal, you will have to contact another bank and pay again for a real estate assessment;
  • you repay current loans in good faith;
  • The mortgaged property is officially your property.

What conditions for consumer refinancing does Sberbank offer?

In the current 2017, Sberbank’s refinancing offers are distinguished by loyalty and benefits for customers.

The programs offer several ways to reduce interest.

For refinancing several loans, Sberbank offers conditions under which the benefit will be about 40% per month.

That is, if you have two consumer loans for which you pay 2,700 rubles each month. and 9300 rub.,

2700 + 9300 = 12000 rubles, then:

after refinancing the amount will be 4800 rubles. monthly payments.

Currently, refinancing is possible at a rate of 11.9% to 14.9%.

It is always more convenient to pay a single amount in one bank than to monitor payment deadlines in several financial institutions and, at the same time, overpay.

The interest rate increases from 1.9% in cases where:

  • the client does not want to insure his life, health – 1%;
  • refuses to insure their ability to work – 1%
  • no documentary evidence of loans – 1%;
  • during the registration procedure – 1%.

The following persons may receive a bank refusal:

  • who are under 21 years of age and have passed 75 years of age;
  • whose work experience in the last place is less than 6 months, and whose total length of service has not exceeded the annual mark over the past 5 years;
  • the official spouse does not agree to become a co-borrower. In this case, there are exceptions, for example, the terms of a marriage contract or the presence of a Sberbank salary.

Sberbank’s requirements in relation to the client are standard:

  • conscientious fulfillment of the terms of the contract;
  • solvency.

Mortgage refinancing at Sberbank

Mortgage refinancing has gained wide popularity for its ability to reduce family expenses and speed up the loan repayment process.

Secondary market real estate is immediately registered in the name of the buyer. This makes it easier to refinance. An apartment in a new building must also be owned at the time of submitting a refinancing application to the bank.

The costs of an independent real estate appraisal are about 20-30 thousand rubles. This should be taken into account when recalculating the loan. Basically, such costs are recouped within a year and a new loan to repay the current one remains a profitable deal.

Sberbank sets its own conditions under which the borrower receives loans at more favorable rates if:

  1. All necessary insurance and documents are issued to the client.
  2. Only those clients whose mortgage is not with Sberbank are refinanced.
  3. The property is left as collateral to Sberbank (within 2 months after repaying the loan from another bank).
  4. It is possible to mortgage other real estate.
  5. A residential building or apartment must be suitable for habitation and ready for use.
  6. The amount of on-lending is more than 1 million rubles.

In addition, it is important to remember that Sberbank rules must be followed:

    • The payer must not have any debts or arrears on the mortgage. 1 delay per year is allowed, no more than a month, or 3, but no more than 5 days.
    • You can refinance for no less than 6 months.
    • The expiration date of the current loan is at least 90 days.
    • The penalty for late payment is high – 20%.
    • There should be no restructuring.

There is also the possibility of early repayment.

What documents need to be submitted to Sberbank for refinancing

A minimum of documents and a simplified contract execution system reduce bureaucratic delays.

Sberbank, when refinancing loans, requires:

  1. Application form. You can make an online call without leaving your home on the official website of Sberbank of Russia. But a personal visit to the bank is mandatory.
  2. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation with registration (permanent or temporary). In the second case, you need to attach the appropriate certificate.
  3. A certificate from your place of employment confirming your solvency.
  4. All documents about current loans and payments on them. A complete list of required information about credit institutions and your payments is on the Sberbank website.
  5. A certificate from the bank about the outstanding balance on the current loan.

To refinance a mortgage you will additionally need:

  1. Documents for the purchase and sale transaction.
  2. Documents confirming ownership.
  3. At the bank's request - a certificate of the results of an independent real estate assessment.

Sberbank considers the application from two to six days. After which he either agrees to refinance or refuses. At the client's request, the bank can explain the reason for the refusal, but has the right not to state the reason.

Mortgage refinancing has become beneficial for the family budget. At the same time, this procedure is also beneficial for banks. Repayment of a loan from one bank to another is, for a financial institution, an early repayment of the loan. The amount, although smaller, paid at once, is more useful for the turnover of small banks than paid in installments over the years. This refinancing system helps to avoid the strong impact of inflation.

You should be wary of borrowing in foreign currencies. The instability of the financial banking market can increase a small foreign currency loan tenfold. If your salary is in domestic currency, then it is better to issue loans in rubles.

Should you refinance your loan?

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Its essence is to obtain a new loan to pay off the old one. The conditions become more favorable.

Sberbank also offers such a program. And if an organization definitely refinances loans issued by other banks, then what about those that were taken out by the same institution?

Let's try to figure out whether Sberbank refinances its own loans and what is needed for this.

Is it possible to refinance

Sberbank, in accordance with the refinancing program, allows you to refinance several loans at the same time.

In this case, one of them can be taken from the bank itself. It must be joined by at least one third-party loan product that has not been fully repaid at another banking institution.

This service has many advantages. It allows you to reduce interest rates, increase loan terms, combine several loans into one, thereby making the process of repayment much more comfortable.

One of the disadvantages worth noting is that it takes some time to complete it. In addition, it is not always profitable.

Can Sberbank refinance its own loan? Yes, the organization refinances, among other things, its own loans, but not all.

The program is valid only for consumer and car loans, provided that a loan taken from another institution is refinanced at the same time.

The service does not apply to cards: credit and overdraft.

An even greater percentage reduction can be obtained by those who are ready to re-issue a mortgage taken out from a third-party institution.

This will allow you to refinance the debt taken out from Sberbank itself together with the mortgage at a rate of only 9.5% per annum.

For its clients, Sberbank significantly simplifies the process of obtaining services refinancing a loan taken from Sberbank. And there is also the option to apply online.

Please note that Sberbank does not refinance its mortgage programs.

Terms of service

On-lending is carried out only in ruble currency. Its rules will differ depending on what loans need to be reissued.

So, if, along with a Sberbank loan, you refinance another consumer loan or several, then the conditions will be as follows:

  • Amount - from 30,000 to 3 million rubles.
  • Loan terms range from 3 months to 5 years.
  • No guarantors or security are required.
  • There is no issuance fee.
  • Certificates stating that you have repaid debts from third-party credit institutions are not required.
  • The interest rate is 12.5% ​​for loan amounts greater than 500,000 rubles and 13.5 for smaller amounts.

If you carry out on-lending under a program that includes a mortgage loan, then the conditions will be as follows:

  • The minimum amount is 500,000 rubles.
  • The maximum cost will be no more than 80% of the market price of the property registered as collateral. In general, there is an opportunity to receive up to 5 million rubles. directly for a mortgage, up to 1.5 million - to cover other debts, up to 1 million rubles. for personal needs.
  • Using this program, you can refinance one mortgage and up to five other loans, which may include consumer loans, car loans, and credit card debts.
  • The final percentage will be determined by many parameters. One of them is providing a certificate of repayment of re-issued debts, you can reduce the rate by one point.

How to refinance a Sberbank loan at Sberbank itself? The financial institution imposes certain requirements in relation to the borrower and the debts being refinanced.

They are as follows:

The calculation of the amount will be determined based on what documentation the borrower provides, his level of income, marital status and a number of other parameters.

The total number of debts to be refinanced must be at least five (six, including the mortgage).

Registration procedure

First, let's look at what documents are needed to carry out refinancing:

If a person receives a salary on a Sberbank card, then the list of documents is the same, in addition to certificates from the place of work. But when refinancing a mortgage, it will be needed in this case as well.

If you need to pay off a credit card debt, you will need information about the size and currency of your credit limit.

For a mortgage, you will need additional documents on collateral real estate, a certificate of ownership, a certificate of valuation, a registration certificate, an extract from the Unified State Register, the consent of the spouse to provide housing as collateral to a banking organization, and, if available, a marriage contract.

If the collateral is a house located on a plot of land, then documents are also needed for the latter.

Consumer loans are issued as follows:

When refinancing a mortgage together with other loans:

Please note that the interest rate on a new loan may be higher than promised. It will decrease when the repayment of all loans is documented.

There is also a restructuring service. It involves changing the terms of the loan if the client cannot fully fulfill his obligations.

This program is provided only in cases where difficulties can be confirmed: a person has lost his job, was called up for military service, has become incapacitated, or is on maternity leave.

The design in this case will be approximately the same.

Thus, loan refinancing at Sberbank is offered on fairly favorable terms, and you can also refinance the debt taken out there.

But first take into account all the points, calculate the benefits, compare different offers, and only then make an accurate decision.

In contact with

Refinancing of consumer loans at Sberbank(the same as) - this is just the process of obtaining a new loan, but with the sole purpose of paying off with a new loan the current loan, which you may have stopped coping with or its terms no longer suit you.

Many Russian citizens are wondering: is it possible to refinance at Sberbank? Yes, sure. Refinancing is not some secret product available only to VIP clients. In addition, the banks themselves are very interested in on-lending.

In addition, the bank has available for the borrower: refinancing of a car loan in Sberbank, as well as refinancing of consumer loans.

Refinancing consumer loans at Sberbank is no different from refinancing at other banks - for example. And more general information about on-lending in the banking system as a whole can be found.

  • no loan approval fee or other fees
  • absence of mandatory life insurance for the borrower in case of refinancing of consumer loans at Sberbank
  • availability of special conditions for Sberbank salary clients
  • Sberbank takes into account the conditions of the “young family” state mortgage program


To obtain on-lending from Sberbank for consumer loans, you need to follow a certain procedure:

  • conduct reconnaissance in force - find out completely and thoroughly all the requirements for the borrower, all the conditions for refinancing, and whether your loan agreement contains a ban on early repayment of the loan
  • If you are satisfied with everything, and you have decided that refinancing with Sberbank will be profitable and easy for you, then move on
  • contact a Sberbank branch - communicate with a credit manager
  • Based on the conversation, you collect a complete package of documents to submit an application for refinancing at Sberbank
  • simultaneously submit an online application for refinancing
  • waiting for your application to be approved
  • After approval, submit the collected package of documents
  • sign a loan agreement
  • in the case of mortgage refinancing, re-insure the collateral and transfer it to Sberbank
  • you get money, or rather Sberbank itself repays your loan, without your participation and without giving you cash in your hands

ATTENTION! When refinancing consumer loans at Sberbank, as with any other bank, the bank does not give you money in cash, but independently settles the debt with your bank. However, if the new loan is greater than your debt, the difference is given to the borrower.

Requirements for the borrower

Refinancing of consumer loans at Sberbank presupposes the presence of a certain list of requirements for a candidate for refinancing.


The conditions for on-lending at Sberbank are not particularly different from the conditions for on-lending at other Russian banks. And among other things, they are also tougher.


  • on-lending currency – only Russian rubles
  • minimum loan amount – 300,000 rubles
  • the maximum amount of refinancing should not exceed the balance on the current loan
  • loan term up to 30 years
  • interest rate from 13%, but constantly changes depending on the economic situation in the country
  • refinancing of consumer loans at Sberbank implies the presence of a certain system of discounts for its salary clients
  • To refinance a mortgage at Sberbank, a remortgage of property or additional collateral is required
  • in some cases, guarantors and co-borrowers are required
  • compulsory insurance applies to the pledged property
  • In the case of mortgage refinancing, Sberbank has a special state program - “Young Family”

ATTENTION! The Young Family program provides a certain set of concessions when applying for a mortgage for Russian families under 35 years of age. For example, the down payment is only 20% of the mortgage amount; the borrower can also take advantage of a deferment in mortgage payments in the event of the birth of a child and attract co-borrowers with a very wide choice of parameters.


How to apply for a loan in Sberbank Online?

To apply for a loan from Sberbank Online, go to the “Loans” section in the top menu.

Click “Take a loan from Sberbank.” A form will open for selecting loan parameters. Select the options that suit you, including the loan amount and term. Please note: the interest rate and monthly payment are calculated automatically. The loan repayment schedule is indicated next to the monthly payment amount. Select a service office convenient for you and click the “Apply for a loan” button. Confirm your loan application with an SMS password and fill out all fields of the application form. After filling out the form, the “Submit Application” button will become active. You can submit your application immediately or save it to submit later. The deferred application will have the “Draft” status - you can find it in the “Loans” section.

What is the processing time for a loan application at Sberbank?

The maximum period for consideration of an application is 2 working days.

How to receive money for an approved application?

You can receive money within 30 days from the date of approval. Enrollment period is 1 business day after approval and signing of documents.

If you receive a salary or pension to accounts opened with Sberbank, you can receive money in Sberbank Online in the “Loans” section. On the screen with the approved application, click “Apply for a loan.” If this button is not there, log into Sberbank Online again or contact the Sberbank office indicated in the application.

If you do not receive a salary or pension into your Sberbank account, contact the Sberbank office to apply for a loan.

When applying for a loan with Sberbank Online, you can:

Select loan insurance;

View the preliminary payment schedule;

Select a convenient repayment date;

View individual loan terms;

Select a card for crediting (here you can also refuse the loan, for example, if you need to fill out a new application).

Important: the loan is credited to a debit card account opened in the region where the loan was issued.

Card requirements:

The overdraft is paid off or not used;

The card is active and there are more than 2 months left before expiration;

Card currency - rubles;

The card account has not been seized.

How do I find out what my monthly loan payment consists of?

Information on your payment can be viewed in Sberbank Online in the “Loans” section. Select the loan you are interested in - on the loan page you will see all the information on the monthly payment.

How to find out the loan debt?

Information on your debt can be viewed in Sberbank Online in the “Loans” section. Select the loan you are interested in - on the loan page you will see all the information on the debt.

How do I find out if I have debt on loans from Sberbank?

You can view all debts in Sberbank Online in the “Loans” section.

How do I find out if I have outstanding loans from Sberbank?

You can view information on loans outstanding at Sberbank in Sberbank Online in the “Loans” section.

How can I arrange early repayment of the loan?

How can I find out what penalties I have been charged if I do not repay the loan on time?

You can find out information on accrued penalties in Sberbank Online in the “Loans” section.