Reviews about Plus Bank. Plus Bank continues to operate as usual Problems with Plus Bank

Due to the unstable economic situation in the country, the Central Bank of Russia regularly takes measures to improve the health of the domestic banking sector. For this purpose, weaker financial structures are liquidated or their license is revoked. About what circumstances may serve as a reason for revoking a banking permit, what to do if an organization goes bankrupt and the client has a loan agreement with it, which banks entered the risk zone in 2018, and what will happen to deposits in the event of a company bankruptcy - you will find the answers in the article.

Reasons for revoking a bank's license

The revocation of a bank's license occurs only if there are sufficiently compelling reasons for this. The Central Bank has identified the following reasons for depriving a company of its activity certificate:

  • In case there was a violation of the legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • If the requirements of the Central Bank of Russia are not met.
  • If illegal activities such as fraud, aiding terrorist structures, money laundering, and so on have been identified.
  • Incorrect reporting, entering false information into it.
  • If the authorized capital of the organization has decreased below the level established by the Central Bank.
  • Violation of contractual obligations to clients (non-payment of interest on deposits, withholding from the borrower a greater percentage than what was specified in the agreement).
  • Investing your own capital in dubious enterprises.
  • Identification during the audit of one of the above violations may serve as a reason for liquidating the license of this company.

It should be understood that the Central Bank of Russia does not revoke a bank’s license overnight. This is a fairly lengthy procedure, which is preceded by a number of warnings. Typically, the management of a financial institution receives a formal notice requiring it to review certain aspects of its activities. If the issue is questionable transactions, then a warning is issued. The Central Bank also sets a deadline for eliminating violations. And only if the bank does not correct the situation, its license is revoked.

In order not to get into an unpleasant situation and not to invest money in an unreliable bank, you should first familiarize yourself with the latest news about its activities and study the line of offers. You should be wary of too low interest rates on loans and high interest rates on deposits (against the backdrop of offers from large financial institutions in the country). You should also not trust lenders who have not offered new products for a long time in order to attract customers, have significantly reduced the number of branches across the country, or have disabled their official website.

Blacklist of banks: where does it come from, who is on it?

The blacklist of financial organizations is a special list of structures that come under special control and close supervision of the Central Bank of Russia.

This means that the position of these companies in the banking market is very unstable, and they may lose their license in the near future. The blacklist currently includes:

  • "Agrosoyuz";
  • BCC-Moscow;
  • Asia-Pacific";
  • "Voronezh";
  • MBA-Moscow;
  • Tula settlement center;
  • GreenComBank;
  • Interprombank;
  • Bank "European Standard";
  • Kreditinvest;
  • JSCB "Krylovsky";
  • PJSC RAKB "Moscow";
  • Nefteprombank;
  • PromTransBank;
  • Russian Trade Bank;
  • "Satellite";
  • Taganrogbank;
  • Tender Bank;
  • Uraltransbank and other financial companies.

The inclusion of an organization in this list does not mean 100% deprivation of its license. However, this is a serious signal for the bank to improve its financial affairs and eliminate shortcomings.

The bank’s position can change at any time, you just need to comply with the requirements of the Central Bank

What should depositors do if the bank’s license is revoked?

If a bank has been deprived of its license and you have a cash deposit in its account, do not panic. You need to proceed as follows:

  • First of all, the depositor must contact the Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA). It is this agency that pays compensation in the event of a company’s bankruptcy or deprivation of its certificate.
  • Next, you will need to write an application in a certain form, addressing it to the DIA.
  • Through publications in the media, it is necessary to track information about the procedure for paying compensation for deposits. This information can also be found on the official Internet resource of the insurance company.
  • Receive compensation payments directly from the insurers' office or from the responsible bank.
  • As a rule, insurance payments begin to be made 14 days after the organization declares bankruptcy.

What will happen to the deposits, how much can you get from the DIA?

If a financial company goes bankrupt or its operating license is revoked, deposits of individuals are returned in accordance with the deposit investment insurance program.

The amount of compensation payments cannot be more than 1,400,000 rubles.

If the user's deposit exceeds this amount, then the process of returning the remaining funds is carried out as follows:

  • First, agent companies are identified that will be responsible for returning money to the bankrupt structure.
  • Next, the banking organization is declared bankrupt by a court decision.
  • The bank's property is sold under the hammer, and the proceeds from its sale go to pay off debts to depositors.
  • The entire deposit return process is under the control of the DIA insurance agency.

How to pay a loan if the bank’s license has been revoked?

When the license of a bank that was engaged in lending to the population is revoked, management of its financial affairs passes to third parties. The user can find out information about who received the obligations of the bankrupt structure from official sources. Such sources are the website of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation or the Deposit Insurance Agency . In addition, companies often notify their customers via email or SMS. For example, on the DIA website you can find out the details of the agent bank, to which the borrower must now make payments on the loan.

Important! If a bank goes bankrupt and its affairs are transferred to another organization, the loan agreement (mortgage, consumer, car loan, etc.) is not subject to revision. The borrower repays the debt according to the initially established payment schedule. If an individual is not satisfied with the established procedure for repaying the loan debt, he can refinance the loan in another bank (it is important that the agreement contains a clause allowing early repayment of the loan).

Over the month, the bank lost 113% of its profit. Could she have been removed from the bank before its possible closure?

Plus Bank lost 113% of its profits over the past month, and 493% since February last year. A correspondent reported this. The bank is 100% owned by the Kazakh Tsesnabank. And, probably, it will soon leave the Russian market. What will happen to his clients?

Until 2014, the head office of Plus Bank was located in Omsk. In Moscow now. In addition to the head office, the network has two branches in Tyumen and Omsk, 13 additional offices, three credit and cash offices and four operational offices. The company's own ATM network includes about 70 devices and employs more than 800 people. Apparently, very soon they may be left without work.

The main owner of the bank is Adilbek Dzhaksybekov, who until recently held the position of head of the presidential administration (AP) of Kazakhstan. After resigning from this post, Dzhaksybekov in September 2018 was elected chairman of the board of directors of JSC Tsesna Corporation, which he created in 1995.

Probably, leaving the civil service was perceived by Dzhaksybekov’s ill-wishers as a signal for an “attack.” Information has appeared that Tsesnabank may merge with Narodny Bank. Indirect confirmation of this was that Dauren Zhaksybek, the son of the ex-head of the Presidential Administration, resigned as chairman of the board of directors of Tsesnabank. Perhaps now there is a purge of all the people whom Dzhaksybekov placed in government bodies.

Previously, Tsesnabank experienced a run of depositors. To save it, an urgent need was $400 million in liquidity from the state, which, as a shareholder, planned to buy out bad debts from the bank. Although everything may end with Jasybekov’s bank being simply taken away. In this case, the fate of Plus Bank's clients is rather vague. Maybe this is why the bank lost its profit during the year?

To date, since February, the bank has lost 493% of its profit, the amount of fixed capital during this time has decreased by 26%, the volume of funds of enterprises and organizations - by 15%. While the bank ranks 125th in the Russian banking market in terms of assets, it ranks only 464th in terms of profit.

Over the course of the year, the bank lost its assets in almost all areas.

Only one of the bank’s capital adequacy ratios, K4, corresponds to the recommended value, the rest do not, which indicates that the bank requires additional capitalization.

Problems with capital adequacy are also visible when assessing a bank using the Camel method. Particularly alarming is indicator C4 - protection of household deposits, which exceeds the norm by 4 (!) times. Perhaps depositors need to hurry to withdraw their money from the bank. Under the guise of a change in management at the parent Tsesnabank, funds from the Russian subsidiary Plus Bank may be withdrawn.

Inappropriate methods of bank employees?

Last May, Plus Bank got into a huge scandal. The client decided to take out a loan for a Lada Largus car. As a result, after the conclusion of the contract, it turned out that the contract could have been replaced, since the amount that the client allegedly had to pay increased by 9 thousand rubles. per month up to 23 thousand rubles. The client certainly did not expect such a trick from Plus Bank, so his refund was video posted on the Internet can be understood. In response to the client's justified complaints, bank employees threatened to rape his 9-year-old daughter. Have they confused the time with the 90s?

The “divorce” scheme can be very simple. There is a certain third legal entity that supposedly provides roadside assistance. The amount for these services is included in the car loan. The bank nods to the salon, the salon to the bank. And a third party is engaged in extracting money. And, probably, he does not shun the most harsh methods, including outright threats to bank clients. It is enough to read the sometimes not entirely censored reviews under the video to understand that the majority of those who watched the video are shocked by Plus Bank! It is clear that no one would want to find themselves in such a situation - you lose money, and also threaten family members.

Apparently the situation with people signing an agreement at one percent, but actually receiving another was far from unique. On the website where petitions are posted, a petition was also posted to the Central Bank with a request to revoke the license of Plus Bank.

Rumors about the negative work of Plus Bank fly ahead of him. There is a story about an elderly woman who, due to threats, ended up in the ambulance with a seizure. About fake accounts - Ali Magomedov and Vasha Katsoev, with the help of which collectors allegedly threatened clients and their loved ones, slinging mud at debtors. If this is true, then the bank's operating methods can be called inhumane. And it’s strange that law enforcement agencies did not respond to them. Some “collectors” would obviously do well to cool their ardor in places that are not so remote.

The fish rots from the head?

Boorish attitude towards customers in any business usually has two reasons. Either it was created by former bandits or high-ranking officials. For some reason, both of them are confident in their impunity. And it is apparently "contagious" as it is transmitted to employees.

Adilbek Jasybekov was called the “shadow of the President” of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev. In 2017, Jasybekov turned 63 years old - the retirement age in Kazakhstan. However, the contract with the official was extended for another 5 years until 2022. And suddenly in 2018 he resigns.

Rumor has it that the reason for this is Nursultan Nazarbayev’s daughter Dariga, who promoted her own man, Aset Isekeshev, to the post of head of the Presidential Administration. According to rumors, financial support was provided to him by Dinmukhamet Idrisov, a partner of Dariga’s husband Kairat Sharipbaev, within whose radius of interests were small players in the banking sector. The husband of the president's daughter decided to start a big game?

Has Adilbek Jasybekov “left” the political arena?

Over the past two decades, Adilbek Dzhaksybekov has been a confidant of the president, holding various positions in the government system. In 1995, he was elected to the Senate, twice served as akim of Astana (1997–2003 and from 2014 to 2016). He was Minister of Defense for five years, from 2009 to 2014. In 2003–2004, he headed the Ministry of Industry and trade, and from 2008 to 2009 he was ambassador to Russia. As Nazarbayev’s confidant, Dzhasybekov could take part in rather “delicate” operations.”

For example, he is allegedly considered the author of the scenario for the arrest of Nursultan Nazarbayev’s grandson Aisultan, who was placed in one of the private European prisons. The publication "MZK1" wrote about this. The president’s grandson had previously called Adilbek Jasybekov and several other oligarchs “enemies of the state.” And this, apparently, could not be forgiven for Aisultan.

First they tried to plant drugs on him, and then, when that didn’t work, they simply kidnapped him and put him in prison. Can he repeat the fate of his father Rakhat Aliyev, who was killed in 2015 in an Austrian prison? Rumor has it that on the orders of people from the inner circle of the President of Kazakhstan. Did Adilbek Jasymbekov also have something to do with that story?

09/24/19 applied for a certificate for a certain date for the past period, under a general power of attorney. Before leaving, I called the hotline three times and asked if there was a need to order in advance. All three times the answer is the same, yes, the main thing is to make it before 15:00 Moscow time.

Arriving at the office at 14:30, I got the impression that I had ended up in the wrong organization, because the employees on the line assured that there would be no problem with an extract and any certificate, but at the DO they generally said that it was impossible to get a certificate of account status for the past period!

After I asked for an application form, an employee (without first and last name) deigned to contact the department and, having clarified, directed me to the cashier for payment. In fact, I paid today and now, but I don’t know when I will receive the certificate and whether I will receive it at all? Violation of consumer law! Further, an extract indicating information about the payer is required. Answer: we do not issue such documents! Fortunately, this document was already sent to the court earlier. They found it, printed it out, even numbered it, but the documents are not certified by this “Bank”. That is, Bank employees do not certify their signature! Surprisingly, even the bank’s bik is not set according to the regulations of this “Bank” or not the bank. And the head of the department seemed to have come from a nearby pharmacy. She doesn’t care what problems the client has, instead of helping at least her employee resolve the issue, she is on her own wavelength. She didn't even introduce herself.

I left having lost time, money, and nerves, but in the hope that the certificate would be issued today, because there was an appeal about the urgency and necessity of this certificate, especially since it had already been paid for. And the employee promised to monitor the situation and call. Unfortunately my hopes were not justified. As from that proverb: They wait for the promised for three years, but forget about it on the fourth! And yet there was hope, but after calling the hotline twice, I heard that the certificates were being prepared in 10 days! How is that? A week ago on this line they repeated to me that right away, day after day! And after payment in 10 days? In half an hour they could even print a stack of such certificates by hand!

DEAR! The field of Information Technology is widely developed. In normal banks there are no such problems! Customers bring income to the bank, and here the unfortunate certificate is difficult to print. I understand that they make it in Omsk, but in the end it’s not on reindeer that the mail is delivered! Send me an email, what is the difficulty? And when issuing it to the DO, is it really impossible to certify it? ALTHOUGH why be surprised. The employees don't even have badges!

Portal administrator 02.10.2019 18:56

11/10/2019 The assessment has been accepted.

Plus Bank 09/27/2019 10:05

Dear Customer!

We apologize for the inconvenience caused.
When you contacted the Bank's office, you were promptly provided with a certificate for the current period with the signature and seal of the head of the office, as well as an account statement (stitched, numbered and certified with the personal stamp of a Bank employee). Issuance of the required certificate for the previous period at the time of application was impossible, since it is prepared by employees of the Bank’s credit department (not in this office) based on the client’s application.
As of today, the original of this certificate has been sent to your specified postal address. The Bank's employees have made every effort to resolve this situation, we hope for your understanding.

Sincerely, PJSC Plus Bank.

PJSC "Plus Bank" today- a medium-sized universal bank in terms of assets with its head office in Moscow. Specializes in providing lending services to individuals and corporate clients. Attracts funds from individuals into deposits, which are the main source of funding for the bank (more than 70%).

The branch network includes more than twenty offices and branches in the largest strategically important cities of Russia (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Omsk, Yekaterinburg, Tyumen and Novosibirsk). Our own network of ATMs and terminals includes more than 70 devices. The average number of employees at the beginning of 2017 exceeded 900 people.

Today, the clients of the credit institution are more than 70,000 individuals and more than 8,000 enterprises and organizations.

Services for legal entities: deposits, cash management services, collection, business loans, foreign exchange transactions, securities transactions, payroll projects and trade acquiring.

Plus Bank history- the credit institution was created on the basis of the Central Branch of the Housing and Social Bank of the USSR and was called the Omsky Commercial Bank. The official registration date is December 14, 1990, license of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 1189. The founders of the bank on a share basis were industrial enterprises and trade organizations of the Omsk region.

In 1994, there was a change in the name and legal form of ownership to OJSC Omsk Joint-Stock Commercial Mortgage Bank Omsk-Bank.

From October 1, 2004, the financial institution became a participant in the mandatory deposit insurance system, improving its reliability rating and protecting its depositors from possible financial problems in the event of the revocation of its license by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

In December 2010, the financial organization was given the current name OJSC Plus Bank. Since September 2015, the bank’s organizational and legal form has been changed to Public Joint Stock Company (PJSC).

Since 2011, the bank's management has adopted a new development strategy on a federal scale, the branch network has significantly expanded, and branches have been opened in St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Krasnodar and other large cities of Russia. In July 2014, the bank's head office was transferred from Omsk to Moscow.

During its existence, the credit institution achieved significant financial results and was able to transform from a small regional bank into a federal-scale financial institution with a developed branch network and modern technologies for providing banking services.

Today Plus Bank is a member of:

  • Association of Russian Banks;
  • Omsk Banking Union;
  • Moscow Interbank Currency Exchange;
  • International payment system Visa International;
  • Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs;
  • Omsk Chamber of Commerce and Industry;
  • Association of Regional Banks of Russia;
  • Non-profit partnership National Financial Market Council;
  • National Association of Stock Market Participants.

The bank's net profit for 2015 amounted to 78.3 million rubles, the bank's assets according to RAS as of 01/01/2016 amounted to 24,653 million rubles, as of March 7, 2017, the bank's authorized capital was 748.2 million rubles.

Owners of Plus Bank as of September 7, 2016 (public information on the official website of the organization): JSC "Tsesnabank" - Kazakhstan, Astana (100%).