Denominations of new money in Belarus. Belarus banknotes

In Belarus (locals say “Belarus”) the Belarusian ruble is used. In mid-February 2017, at the exchange rate of the National Bank of the Republic, 100 Russian rubles cost slightly less than 3.5 Belarusian rubles. The US dollar exchange rate against the local currency at the same time was 1.97.

People call Belarusian money “bunnies”. In the 1990s, the first banknotes of independent Belarus featured representatives of the local fauna, and there was a hare on the ruble bill. Now Belarusian money has had a new design for several years, but the colloquial name remains the same.

What to travel with from Russia

It is best to travel from Russia to Belarus with Russian rubles, and then exchange them for local currency in the country of arrival. This is recommended by travel sites and people who have already visited the republic. The main reasons for this are the following:

  1. There are many exchange offices and bank branches in Belarus where they exchange currency. Moreover, this applies not only to Minsk. Exchange offices can be found even in small towns.
  2. In places where there are a lot of tourists, exchangers can be found almost at every turn. So, in the building of the Minsk railway station, at the airport there are several of them.
  3. The exchange rate at Belarusian exchange offices is very favorable for the client.
  4. In Belarusian exchange offices there will be no problems with ignorance of the language. Everyone in the republic speaks Russian.
  5. Buying Belarusian rubles in Russia is quite problematic; not every bank sells them, even in Moscow. This currency can be found in exchange offices, in particular at the Belorussky railway station. But in the Russian outback, the “bunny” is exotic.

In Belarus there is also a free exchange of American dollars or euros. But, of course, it’s not worth buying these currencies specifically for the subsequent acquisition of “bunnies” - this is both unprofitable and unnecessary.

Cashless option

In addition to cash, you should take a plastic card with you to Belarus. If you have a card from one of the international payment systems, you can freely pay in many shops and restaurants. In large cities, cards are accepted almost everywhere.

It does not matter in what currency your card was issued: Russian rubles, dollars or euros. You can just go with your “salary”. You will make a purchase in Belarusian rubles, and your bank will debit the amount in the currency of your account. Moreover, the conversion will take place at a preferential rate.

In addition, using Visa or MasterCard cards, you can exchange your “card” money for Belarusian rubles at local ATMs or cash points. Again, at a favorable rate. But please note: there is usually a fee for withdrawing money from a non-native ATM. Therefore, it makes sense to cash out an impressive amount at once, and not a couple of hundred rubles.

Please note: if the card is a credit card, there will be a fee for withdrawing cash. And usually quite big. Therefore, use a credit card only for payments in retail chains, and go to the ATM with a debit card.

Knowledgeable tourists recommend dividing the money you plan to take with you when traveling to Belarus. Place the main amount on a plastic debit card so that you can conveniently pay and withdraw money from it. And for small expenses, immediately upon arrival in the republic, purchase Belarusian rubles.

Moreover, it is better not to buy too many “bunnies”. If you do not have time to spend them during your trip, you will have to go to the exchange office with them again before leaving. And in Russia it will be much more difficult to sell Belarusian money.

Just in case

In conclusion, advice from experienced travelers. Sometimes it's better if you already have some local currency in your pocket when you arrive in the country. Just in case. Even if you are going to “brotherly” Belarus.

There will be no problems if you arrive by train or plane. At large train stations and airports you can exchange Russian money for Belarusian money, usually even at night.

But it's a completely different matter if you travel by car. And so, when the border of two countries is crossed, some difficulty arises. For example, drinking water runs out, gasoline runs out, or a car gets stuck. And you are in a rural area, where cards are not accepted and there are no exchangers.

You won't be able to pay in Russian rubles anywhere. Dollars or euros too. Well, if only you come to an agreement with someone privately. Therefore, if you can buy some “bunnies” before traveling to Belarus, buy them.

More recently, literally in July last year, another redenomination of the ruble took place in the Republic of Belarus. It is worth noting that she was not the only one, because after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the denomination was carried out 4 times. The latest monetary reform has significantly simplified the payment system in Belarus, because before it it was almost impossible to comfortably use monetary units. Let us answer the question why the denomination of money occurred in Belarus in 2016, its causes and consequences.

What is the purpose of denomination?

If we say in simple words what denomination is, then in fact it is just a change in the nominal value of the national currency. This procedure is used to facilitate the settlement system, as well as to stabilize the economic situation within the state after an economic crisis or hyperinflation.

If we talk about the reasons for denomination in general, then when it is carried out, the ratio of money changes, in this case in Belarus it changed 1 to 10,000, and in Russia in 1998, the nominal value of the national currency decreased by 1000. Accordingly, after these events, the entire cost of goods and services also decreased by 10,000 times. Why is a regular denomination needed:

  • to establish the national currency in relation to the world one;
  • identify hidden incomes of the population;
  • simplify the payment system;
  • reduce the cost of issuing new banknotes.

Note that in most cases, monetary reforms are carried out during a crisis or after hyperinflation in order to restore the domestic economy.

Historical reference

As mentioned earlier, denomination was carried out in the Republic of Belarus more than once, and this was only after the collapse of the USSR. The first monetary reform was carried out in 1992, when 1 zero disappeared from the nominal value of the national currency. At that time, Belarusian rubles had an original design, because they were decorated with images of animals, and people called them “bunnies.”

The second monetary reform was not long in coming, and was carried out 2 years after the first, then another zero disappeared from the national currency. But at that time, after leaving the USSR, Belarus gained independence and never carried out economic reforms, which led to inflation, so by the beginning of the new century, the need arose again to redenominate the currency, then the ratio was 1 to 1000.

The last denomination of the Belarusian ruble in 2016, as mentioned earlier, banknotes became 10,000 times smaller. One only has to think about the fact that before the reform, there were bills of 2 and 5 million Belarusian rubles in circulation on the territory of the state, and if translated into modern money, then these are 200 and 500 rubles, respectively.

Please note that today the exchange rate of the Belarusian ruble against the Russian ruble is 1 to 30.57, and the Belarusian ruble to the Russian ruble before the redenomination was approximately 0.003057 to 1.

Reasons for currency reform

Undoubtedly, the main reason for the redenomination, including in Belarus, is the rapid growth of inflation in the country. Although the government of the country explains the reform by saying that the need to reduce the number of zeros on banknotes is due to the fact that they are extremely inconvenient to handle. In general, the denomination, as the government promises, will not affect the purchasing power of goods and services and will not harm the well-being of the citizens of the republic.

Currency of Belarus before and after denomination

But it is also worth noting that inflation also occurs here, which, in essence, is associated with economic stagnation and the need to make internal changes. Although, according to President Lukashenko himself, the country’s economy is stable and the renewal of the national currency will not lead to devaluation, which means that the residents of the state have nothing to fear.

Please note that monetary reform in Belarus is of a technical nature and will not affect purchasing power in any way.

Progress of reform

The order on the denomination of the official currency of the Republic of Belarus was signed by the President of the Republic on November 4, 2015, and the reform itself began on July 1, 2016. To completely remove old banknotes from circulation, approximately six months have been allocated until the end of 2016. Money on the territory of Belarus was withdrawn gradually, that is, citizens could pay with both old and new banknotes, and the remaining savings could be exchanged at the bank.

The peculiarities of this reform are that before it was carried out, only paper bills would have been in circulation. And today residents of Belarus have the opportunity to use coins in denominations of 10, 20, 50 kopecks, 1 and 2 rubles. Among paper banknotes, banknotes in denominations of 5,10, 20, 50, 100, 200 and 500 rubles today decorate the cities of Belarus.

It is noteworthy that the currency reform has been planned since 2009. It was then that the development of the design of new banknotes began. The official version of the denomination appeared in 2014, it was voiced by President Lukashenko during an interview with Belarusian journalists.

Consequences of the reform

The denomination in Belarus in 2016 did not bring any negative consequences for the population. First of all, it should be noted that this monetary reform was indeed necessary primarily for the common population. In addition, accountants and financial workers received great benefits from it. In addition, President Lukashenko himself promised to “tear off the head of everyone who raises prices for goods,” which means that the population of Belarus only benefits from the reform.

Let's summarize that the monetary reform in Belarus is just changes that are of a technical nature and are not related to the internal economic crisis, although the inflation rate in the country exceeds acceptable limits and amounts to 15-18% per year. In any case, the reduction of zeros in the denomination of the monetary unit has made life much easier for Belarusians. After all, just imagine, in order to make any major purchase, residents of the country literally had to carry a bag with money with them, because, as mentioned earlier, the exchange rate of the Belarusian ruble to the ruble before the redenomination was 0.003057 to 1.

November 4, Minsk /Tatyana Polezhay - BELTA/. In Belarus from July 1, 2016 denomination will be carried out. As BELTA was informed by the press service of the President of the country, on November 4, Alexander Lukashenko signed decree No. 450 “On the denomination of the official currency of the Republic of Belarus.”

The document decides to carry out from July 1, 2016 denomination of the official monetary unit of the Republic of Belarus and make a replacement until December 31, 2016 circulating banknotes of the 2000 sample in the form of banknotes to banknotes of the 2009 sample in the form of banknotes and coins in the ratio of Br10 thousand in the 2000 sample to Br1 in banknotes of the 2009 sample.

From July 1, 2016, new money will appear in Belarus. What will the new money look like, will people lose their deposits, will loan rates remain the same, will the real sector of the economy suffer - representatives of the National Bank answered these and other questions at a press conference dedicated to the denomination of the Belarusian ruble.

The leadership of the National Bank emphasized that the denomination of the national currency is a purely technical process, which involves the replacement of banknotes of the 2000 model with banknotes of the 2009 model.

In total, from July 1, 2016, seven denominations of banknotes will be issued into circulation - 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200 and 500 rubles, and eight denominations of coins - 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 and 50 kopecks, as well as 1 and 2 rubles.

Commemorative banknotes issued for circulation by the National Bank, from July 1, 2016, are subject to acceptance for all types of payments without restrictions in the ratio specified above, commemorative and bullion (investment) coins issued for circulation by the National Bank are subject to acceptance at face value for all types of payments no limits.

The decree establishes that 1 Belarusian ruble of the 2009 model is equal to 100 Belarusian kopecks of the 2009 model.

From July 1 to December 31, 2016 banknotes of the 2000 sample and banknotes of the 2009 sample are located in parallel circulation and are required to be accepted for all types of payments without restrictions in the above ratio.

In this case, it will be possible to exchange old banknotes for new ones:

from January 1, 2017 to December 31, 2019 inclusive– in the National Bank, banks and non-bank financial institutions of the Republic of Belarus;

from January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2021 inclusive– at the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus.

From January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2021 inclusive, old money can be exchanged for new money only at the National Bank. From January 1, 2022, banknotes of the 2000 model will be considered invalid.

From July 1 to December 31, 2016, manufacturers, sellers, suppliers, performers and their representatives, when providing consumers with information about the goods (works, services) offered, are required to indicate prices (tariffs) in banknotes of the 2000 model and banknotes of the 2009 model.

The National Bank was instructed to ensure the issuance of banknotes of the 2009 model and the withdrawal of banknotes of the 2000 model from circulation, taking into account the provisions of the decree.

Alexander Lukashenko spoke about the denomination of the Belarusian ruble and what the new money would be like on April 2, 2014, while communicating in Baranovichi with representatives of the workforce of OJSC “558 Aviation Repair Plant”.

Banknotes and coins of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus, issued for circulation from July 1, 2016.

The general design concept of the new banknotes corresponds to the motto “My Country – Belarus”. Each banknote is dedicated to one of the regions of Belarus and the city of Minsk. The correspondence of the area to the denomination of banknotes is determined in alphabetical order. The image of a banknote in denomination of 5 rubles is dedicated to the Brest region, 10 rubles - to the Vitebsk region, 20 rubles - to the Gomel region, 50 rubles - to the Grodno region, 100 rubles - to the Minsk region, 200 rubles - to the Mogilev region, 500 rubles - to Minsk. The design of the new banknotes of the 2009 series maintains continuity with the banknote series of the 2000 series in terms of the use of images of architectural and urban planning monuments.

She left no one indifferent (by the way, if someone offers you to exchange old banknotes for new ones before this date, feel free to call the police - they are scammers!). To this day, our ruble is affectionately called the “bunny”, because it was this animal, often found in Belarusian forests, that was depicted on the first national currency with a face value of 1 ruble. Those rubles have long been in the archives and collections of numismatists... But what will they look like?

The new banknotes are presented by Deputy Chairman of the Board of the National Bank Dmitry Lapko.

Journalists were among the first to see the new money with their own eyes, twirling it in their hands and taking photographs. Yesterday, the National Bank opened the doors of the Central Vault to them, where these bills were stored for 7 years under strict adherence to temperature and humidity conditions. As Deputy Chairman of the Board of the National Bank Dmitry Lapko said, if today’s banknotes are printed in Russia, then our new money was produced by a company from the UK. Coins were minted at the Lithuanian Mint and at the Slovak Kremnica.

Why this design

The design of the new banknotes maintains continuity - images of architectural and urban planning monuments are used. By the way, despite all the similarities between the new Belarusian banknotes and the euro, this is their main difference. There are no architectural monuments on the euro. And the fact that our money is colorful, the dollar is becoming more and more decorated lately.

All denominations of the new Belarusian banknotes differ in size - one is 4 mm larger than the other (135 mm x 72 mm 5-ruble and 159 x 72 mm 500-ruble), and in color - from orange and reddish-brown (5 rubles) to blue-emerald-pink (500 rubles). General principle: as the denomination increases, “the color scheme of banknotes is distributed from warm and simple to more complex and cold,” Svetlana Nekrasova, chief specialist of the National Bank, clarified the color nuances. The front side of the banknotes depicts architectural monuments of Belarus, and the reverse side depicts significant periods of the country's history. From ancient settlements, one of which has survived in the Brest region, to modern times. Such topics, according to the developers, are patriotic and have great educational value, consolidating in the mind specific ideas about the country, its regions, and the cultural wealth of the nation. The correspondence of the areas to the face value is selected alphabetically. The front sides of the banknotes represent an artistic picture of the monument with its elements. For example, the texture of the brick and masonry of the Kamenets Tower is the handwriting left by the artists on the 5-ruble banknote. And on the reverse side, iconic and characteristic artifacts were selected for each area. For example, the Vitebsk region is presented as the birthplace of book printing and enlightenment.


The design of the new money is a tribute to security and banknote recognition technologies. Our new money became bright, colorful and meaningful not only at the will of artists and historians. As Marina Demina, chief specialist of the main department of cash circulation of the National Bank, noted, money is, first of all, a bank note that has security elements. The banknotes are printed on special paper, which itself is protected from counterfeiting. In addition, there are protective signs visible to the naked eye. This is, say, the presence of a watermark on an unprinted field, which most often corresponds to the subject of the image. All banknotes have a metallized thread with text. When viewed through light, it appears as a solid dark stripe. There are also special designs on the unsealed field. This is part of the fragments on the front side and on the back, which, when exposed to light, are combined into a single whole and correspond to the denomination of the banknote.

A total of 6 visible degrees of protection. Plus there are a lot of invisible elements that are revealed only to banks and specialized specialists.

For the visually impaired

Markers are provided for visually impaired people. They are located in the lower left corner, different in shape and outline, printed using special technology and are clearly distinguishable to the touch. Large denomination numbers in contrast with the main color of the field will also prevent banknotes from being confused.

Why coins

Belarus turned out to be the only European country where there are no coins. It was decided to correct this shortcoming. For several reasons. First. The service life of a coin is 10 - 15 years, small banknotes - 6 - 12 months. And this is the best case scenario, because the banknote can easily be damaged by the inscription. Second. The appearance of coins is a serious bid to reduce inflation. From January to September, in annual terms, price growth decreased from 17.1 to 11.9 percent. In 2016, prices will rise by a maximum of 12 percent, and after 5 years, inflation will be curbed to 5%.

The smallest denomination of the current 100 ruble banknote will correspond to one kopeck. On its obverse, as on all small change coins put into circulation, the state emblem is depicted, and on the reverse there are numbers indicating denominations. Plus, the reverse side of 1, 2 and 5 kopecks is complemented by an ornament symbolizing wealth and prosperity, on 10, 20 and 50 kopecks - a symbol of fertility and vitality, on one- and two-ruble coins - happiness and freedom.

Coins also have protection. Like banknotes, they are of different diameters. 1 kopeck - 15 mm, is a steel alloy coated with copper, color - red. Exactly the same, but larger in diameter, two- and five-kopeck coins. But 10, 20 and 50 kopecks are yellow because they are made of an alloy of steel coated with copper and brass. 1 ruble - white due to copper-nickel coating. The two-ruble coin is two-color, the largest in diameter is 23.5 mm, weighs 5.81 grams, 2 mm in thickness. Made from a double combination of alloys - copper-brass and copper-nickel. In addition, the coins have a special edge (rim) with notches of a certain size. There are also small details of the ornament that are difficult to reproduce in artisanal conditions.

How much does denomination cost?

Deputy Chairman of the Board of the National Bank Dmitry Lapko announced the approximate cost of producing one banknote and coin - from 1 to 4 euro cents. Although it is difficult to talk today about the costs incurred in 2008 - 2009. To replace 600 million banknotes of the 2000 model, only 80 million copies of new banknotes and 400 million coins will be required. The new banknote row is 7 times smaller. Therefore, according to forecasts, the costs of storage, packaging, transportation, recounting, and delivery of money to the end consumer will be significantly reduced. In addition, the National Bank promises to take a restrained approach to issuing large denomination banknotes into circulation.

How will ATMs work?

From July 1, it will be necessary to reprogram ATMs and install coin acceptors in those devices that do not have them, but should have them. It won't be possible to do it all at the same time. Therefore, at first, ATMs will issue both old and new banknotes. In addition, within six months, any seller will be able to accept new bills from you and give change with old ones.

How to pay

From July 1 to December 31, 2016 inclusive, banknotes of the 2000 model, as well as banknotes and coins of the 2009 model, will be in parallel circulation and are required to be accepted when making all types of payments by all business entities.

Where to change

For the next five years - from January 1, 2017 to December 31, 2021 inclusive - old banknotes will be exchanged for new ones. Until December 31, 2019 inclusive - in the National Bank, banks and non-bank financial institutions, from January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2021 inclusive - in the National Bank. And only from January 1, 2022, the current money will become invalid.

How will ruble deposits and loans be recalculated, what will the balance on the card be on July 1, 2016

This technical issue, they promise at the National Bank, should not bring any inconvenience to the population. On July 1, 2016, the bank card balance will be shown in new money, that is, without four zeros. All deposit and loan amounts will change. If you took out a loan for 10,000,000 rubles, then on July 1 it will turn into 1,000 rubles. If there were 50,000,000 rubles on a ruble deposit, then on July 1 it will be 5,000 rubles. Using a similar principle, when carrying out denomination, salaries, pensions, scholarships, cash balances in bank accounts, and balance sheets of enterprises and institutions will be recalculated.

Will prices rise due to denomination?

Starting from July 1 and until December 31, 2016, during the parallel circulation of old and new banknotes, business entities will be required to indicate two prices - old and new. This was done intentionally to avoid the temptation to round the price up.

Why did you decide to remove exactly four zeros?

A question of saving. The less money in circulation, the lower the costs. The introduction of small change coins will also have a positive impact on cash handling costs.

By the way

According to the resolution of the Board of the National Bank, reproduction of banknotes can be performed under certain conditions: with a one-sided image of the media, the size of the copy must be less than 75% or more than 125% of the actual size of the bill. For double-sided playback - less than 50% or more than 200%. Coins can also be printed for souvenir purposes on any tangible and intangible media, with the exception of metal alloys. From plastic, for example.

On July 1, 2016, citizens of the Republic will hold new banknotes and coins for the first time. So far we have only seen sketches on screens, but some idea is already taking shape.

Banknotes of seven denominations will appear in circulation: 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500 rubles, and eight coins: 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 kopecks, 1 and 2 rubles.

The size of the banknotes is not too different from those we have become accustomed to since 2000 - 150x74 mm. The semantic content, in general, is the same: architecture, national patterns, but the design has become more “European”. This is understandable - the manufacturer of banknotes that won the National Bank's competition is located in Europe (where exactly has not yet been reported).

It also follows from the statement that there are no plans to create its own mint in Belarus; production is too expensive and clearly not profitable for a small state. By the way, from the same source we managed to find out that the production of one banknote or coin ranges from 1 to 4 euro cents, i.e. 1 kopeck coins, at the current exchange rate, are almost half the cost.

It should be noted that both coins and banknotes were printed back in 2009, as evidenced by the signature of the then head of the National Bank P. P. Prokopovich, and the old spelling of the word “pyatsdzyasyat”, instead of “pyatsdzyasyat”, as follows from the current spelling rules. They promise to eliminate the discrepancies during the production of the next batches of banknotes.

The money printed in 2009 could have been put into circulation earlier, but this was prevented by the global economic crisis and the excessive growth in the Belarusian economy in subsequent years. It is also good that the costs of producing money have already been incurred, although there remain costs for carrying out exchanges, changes in accounting, reconfiguring ATMs and other equipment.

By the way, the question of the future operation of ATMs (especially during the transition period) remains open: only with new money or in parallel with old money? with or without coins?

Returning to the design of the new money, we note that the images on seven bills are correct, i.e. alphabetically, distributed between regions: five-ruble coins are dedicated to the Brest region; ten-ruble - Vitebsk; twenty - Gomel; a banknote of fifty rubles - Grodno; hundred-ruble - Minsk; two hundred rubles - Mogilev region; and the largest one, worth five hundred rubles, goes to the city of Minsk.

The reverse side of the banknotes is filled with historical and cultural symbols, without any obvious connection to the geography of the country and the image on the front side.

The design of the coins may be reminiscent of the metal money of the Soviet period, and the two-ruble coin is composed of two metals of different colors, like the euro.

All coins have the coat of arms of the Republic on the obverse and national symbols on the reverse. All banknotes indicate the year of issue 2009.

Not much information has appeared about the new money, but something can be seen now:

The largest banknote is 500 rubles(5 million in today's money).

On the front side: National Library, Prokopovich’s signature, year of issue, denomination of the banknote in numbers and words, a straight cross in the lower left corner, above it a rectangular sign similar to a door, on the right - the inscription “RB”, translucent images along the entire side and a metal strip for better protection against counterfeiting.

On the reverse side there is the denomination in numbers, the serial number of the bill in two places, and a composition on the theme of literature: a quill pen, an inkwell, a book, as well as a flower and a fern branch. Probably, not all the symbols on the new banknotes will be clear to the average person, but they are certainly not accidental.

200 rubles- the general structure of the front and back sides remains the same, the color scheme shifts towards purple. On the front side is the Mogilev Regional Art Museum named after P.V. Maslennikov, in the lower left corner, instead of a straight one, there is an oblique cross, above it is an image of a rectangle, similar to a door.

On the reverse side there is a collage on the theme of urban planning and crafts: the seal of Mogilev and the golden key, tiles, forged lattice, images of houses.

100 ruble bill: Radziwill Castle in Nesvizh, in the corner instead of a cross there is a rhombus, above it there is a rectangle.

On the back are musical instruments, Slutsk belts, the Batleyka puppet theater, a goat and a “carol star”. The general theme is ethnography, folk holidays. The color scheme is closer to turquoise.

50 rubles- on the front side: Mir Castle, in the lower left corner there is a triangle, above it there is a picture similar to a “false window”, just like there are many in Mir Castle.

On the back is a composition on the theme of art: pen, paper, lyre, notes and laurel branches. The design is dominated by light green colors.

20 rubles. On the front side: the Rumyantsev-Paskevich Palace in Gomel, in the corner there is a square, above it there is a window.

On the reverse side: a bell, the Turov Gospel, carvings, views of Turov in ancient times. The common theme is spirituality. The color of the bill is rather sand.

10 rubles. On the front side: Church of the Transfiguration in Polotsk. An example of ancient Polotsk architecture of the 12th century, a contemporary of St. Euphrosyne of Polotsk. In the lower left corner there is a circle, above it there is an image of a high window.

The main theme of the reverse side is enlightenment and printing. Depicted: Cross of Euphrosyne of Polotsk, books, seal of Francis Skaryna. The color of the banknote is closer to blue and gold.

5 rubles- the smallest of banknotes. On the front side is the White Vezha in Kamenets (Brest region) - a defensive structure of the 13th century, a rare example of the Romanesque style for Belarus. In the corner there is a “-” sign, above it there is an element of the fortress wall.

The reverse side of the banknote is dedicated to ancient Slavic history, depicting a wheel, a leather belt, and a reconstruction of the ancient fortified settlement “Berestye”. The general background is perhaps the color of ocher and brick.

The following coins will also appear in circulation:

Coins of 1 and 2 rubles made of silver-gray metal. The 2-ruble note has a yellow rim.

On the obverse (front side) of the coins there is the coat of arms of Belarus and the number “2009”.

On the reverse (back side) there is a denomination and an ornament representing the desire for happiness and freedom. These ornaments on 1 and 2 rubles are different, but the meaning is the same.

Kopecks, depending on the denomination, are divided into two colors, as in the Soviet Union, although there is no exact correspondence.

Small: 1, 2 and 5 kopecks- similar to copper, 10, 20, 50 kopecks- golden hue.

From May 20, 2019, updated banknotes of the 2009 model in denominations of 5 and 10 Belarusian rubles, issued in 2019, will be put into circulation. This decision was made by Resolution of the Board of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus dated April 24, 2019 No. 183 as part of ongoing measures to replace worn-out banknotes being withdrawn from circulation and optimize the security complex of banknotes in circulation.

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