Loan calculator Levoberezhny. Left Bank consumer loan calculator

Go to the Levoberezhny Bank website. Choose a suitable loan. To submit an application, click on the “Submit a loan application” button:

Fill out the form - enter the required amount and loan term, full name and contact information. Click the "Next Step" button:

Enter your passport details and fill in information about your place of residence and registration:

The form can be sent to the bank. If you want to shorten the processing time for a loan application, fill out additional pages of the application form.

Requirements for the borrower

  • Russian citizenship
  • From 20 to 68 years
  • Permanent registration in the region where there is a bank branch
  • Permanent place of work
  • Landline phone

Required documents

  • Russian passport
  • The second document is an international passport, SNILS, driver's license, certificate of state registration of ownership
  • Military ID (for men under 27 years old)

About the bank

Levoberezhny is one of the main banks in Novosibirsk and the region. Founded in 1991 on the basis of a branch of the USSR Housing and Social Bank. The founders were a number of large Novosibirsk enterprises - among them were the Novosibirsk Electrotechnical Institute and MNTK Eye Microsurgery. Since 2017, it has been included in the list of banks for preferential lending to agricultural companies.

Now a controlling stake in the bank - more than 59% - belongs to the chairman of the board of directors, Dmitry Yarovoy. The head office of Levoberezhny is located in Novosibirsk. There are more than 60 customer service branches in the city and region. The bank is also present in Barnaul, Kemerovo, Krasnoyarsk and Tomsk. General license number - No., issued by the Central Bank on August 18, 2015.

The bank actively serves both private and corporate clients. It offers loans to individuals (including car loans and mortgages), deposits, bank cards and money transfers. Cash settlement services, loans and deposits, acquiring, salary and corporate cards, guarantees, currency control and other services are available for business in Levoberezhny.


  1. Information on the conditions for the provision, use and repayment of consumer loans at Levoberezhny Bank
  2. General conditions for providing consumer loans to individuals
  3. Standard form of individual terms and conditions of a consumer loan

You will learn how to log into your personal account on the official website of Levoberezhny Bank online. Detailed instructions for convenient and quick access to with screenshots and video instructions. A visual guide to recovering a forgotten password for your bank account. We provide only the most current information.

Answers to popular questions

How to repay a loan from Levoberezhny Bank?

To repay a loan, you must make a monthly payment into your loan account before the repayment date. The payment amount and repayment date are specified in the Payment Schedule. The bank will give you the Schedule upon concluding the loan agreement.

What loan payment methods does Levoberezhny Bank offer?

A loan from Levoberezhny Bank can be paid by transfer via online banking from an account or card. The bank will accept cash payments at the cash desk or through a cash-in ATM. When repaying through the services of Levoberezhny Bank there is no commission, and the crediting period will be up to 30 minutes.

You can also pay for the loan using the City system, in Euroset and MTS stores, or by transfer from an account in another bank. The commission for these repayment methods is set by the sending organization. Transfer time is up to 3 working days.

If you receive your salary on a Levoberezhny Bank card, you can set up automatic repayment from your salary account.

Is it possible to repay a loan from Levoberezhny Bank early?

The loan can be repaid early without penalties. For partial or full repayment, contact the Levoberezhny Bank office and write an application. Enter the payment amount and control the repayment.

What services does Levoberezhny Bank offer for loan control?

Please provide your mobile phone number when applying for a loan. The bank will connect you to the SMS notification service. Messages will inform you of the amount and date of your monthly payment. At any time, you can find out the amount of debt by sending a message with the text “105” to the number 6470.

What should I do if I can’t pay the loan on time?

If you cannot pay the loan according to the Schedule, fill out a special form on the website. An employee of Levoberezhny Bank will contact you and offer options for getting out of this situation.

Levoberezhny offers 5 loan programs with an interest rate of 11.90% per annum. You can take a maximum amount of up to RUB 2,000,000. The Levoberezhny loan calculator will calculate a consumer loan in 2018 - 2019 in one click: monthly loan payments, the amount of overpayment on the loan and payment terms for early repayment. Our online calculator is free and does not require registration.

Consumer loans have become an integral part of our daily lives. According to statistics, the most popular among borrowers are cash loans. To choose the most profitable one, plan payments, early repayment of the loan and the amount of overpayment, you need a reliable and proven financial instrument whose calculations you can trust. Why should you use our Levoberezhny loan calculator?

  • Current loan interest rates (updated once a day)
  • Simple and intuitive interface
  • Dynamic online loan calculation Levoberezhny in one click
  • Completely free and no registration required

The loan calculator is suitable for:

  • For individuals
  • For individuals receiving a salary in Levoberezhny (for salary card holders - special conditions)
  • For pensioners

You can take out a loan from a bank:

  • just cash for any purpose
  • for business development
  • to get another loan
  • for buying a car
  • for loan refinancing Levoberezhny

Rest assured - the Levoberezhny loan calculator will calculate your consumer loan 100% accurately. Happy shopping.

The online loan calculator of Levoberezhny Bank is designed to calculate the terms of lending to individuals. It is used to select the most profitable type of loan product for a private client from those offered by the bank.

The Levoberezhny Bank loan calculator is equally effective when calculating any loans, however, it is most often used in the case of consumer loans in cash. In addition, the online service helps determine the conditions for issuing borrowed funds for other programs of a financial institution, which include:

  • "Your bid!" for various categories of clients;
  • "Status";
  • “Gasification of housing”;
  • credit cards;
  • car loans;
  • various types of mortgage lending.

In order to quickly and without any problems calculate a loan using the Levoberezhny Bank loan calculator, the user must enter into the program the following initial information that will be required in the process of further calculations:

  • sum. Depends on the financial plans and requests of the potential client of Levoberezhny Bank;
  • term. It is calculated taking into account the borrower’s income and his ability to repay borrowed funds received from a financial institution;
  • interest rate. It is established for each loan product by the internal rules of Levoberezhny Bank.

Loan payment table

Levoberezhny Bank's free loan calculator helps you choose the optimal and most profitable way to apply for a loan. The following calculation results are provided to the user as criteria for making a decision:

  • payout table. Includes data on the date of each monthly payment, the amount of debt to the bank at the time of its payment, as well as the mechanism for forming payment from two components - interest on the loan and loan repayment;
  • regular payment. Determined using an annuity loan repayment scheme, which is used today in the domestic financial market much more often than a differentiated one;
  • overpayment on loan. It represents the difference between the total amount of funds paid to Levoberezhny Bank and the amount of borrowed funds received by the client.

Online payment schedule calculation

Based on the results of the calculations of the loan calculator, a schedule of regular payments is formed. It contains information similar to that included in the payout table, but presented in a more visual way, making it easier to make a decision. Examples of several such calculations are shown in the table.

Levoberezhny bank cash loan calculator will allow you to calculate the amount that must be paid monthly to repay the loan and determine the amount of interest charges on the selected loan program.

The bank has developed a number of different loan programs for its clients. These programs make it possible to obtain a loan of up to 250 thousand rubles. for a period not exceeding 4 years. The bank does not limit borrowers in terms of loan repayment - it is possible to repay the loan amount early (partial or full) without penalties or fees.

Possibility of repayment is provided cash loan at bank offices or by transferring funds from other credit firms. When making early payments, you must contact one of the bank’s offices.

To draw up a loan agreement, it is necessary to provide a passport and another document that proves your identity (for example, an insurance certificate, a foreign passport). For men under 27 years of age, it is necessary to present a military ID.

Loans Sum Terms, months Bid
"Status" up to 2,000,000 rub. 60 months from 17%
"Hit Credit"
For those who receive a salary
to the Levoberezhny Bank card
up to 1,000,000 rub. 6 - 60 months from 12.9%
For government employees
spheres – special offer
up to 1,000,000 rub. 6 - 60 months from 19.9%
For those who received a loan
at Bank "Levoberezhny"
and did not allow any delays
on payments
up to 1,000,000 rub. 6 - 60 months from 15.9%
For pensioners receiving
state pension –
labor or length of service
up to 1,000,000 rub. 6 - 60 months from 12.9%
For those who applied for the first time
for a loan from Levoberezhny Bank
up to 1,000,000 rub. 6 - 60 months from 19.9%
Credit cards
For salary holders
cards of Bank "Levoberezhny"
up to 300,000 rub.
Poste restante from 19.9%
For pensioners up to 50,000 rub.
from 19.9%
For clients who
choose a Bank
"Levoberezhny" for the first time
up to 100,000 rub.
from 31.9%
For clients who have
at the time of contacting
Bank opened deposit
up to 250,000 rub.
from 19.9%

The form below will help you calculate your own loan.

Levoberezhny bank cash loan calculator

The Levoberezhny Bank loan calculator will help you calculate a consumer loan in cash in 2019 - 2020: the amount of monthly loan payments and payment terms for early repayment. You can use the official online calculator on the website for free!

Living on credit is convenient and practical. Consumer loans have become a part of the lives of Russians. Cash loans are especially popular among borrowers. Lending in 2018 will delight you with a variety of offers for individuals.

To choose the most interesting and profitable of them, to plan early repayment of the loan, you need a financial instrument. This is exactly what the Levoberezhny Bank loan calculator is: convenient, visual, free.

“A bank for everyone” - this idea is well embodied in the five consumer lending programs of Levoberezhny Bank. Holders of deposits, salary cards, clients with a positive credit history, employees of the bank's partner organizations - everyone will find their benefit in the bank's consumer lending offers.

Lending terms

  • Borrower's age: from 18 to 75 years (at the time of repayment);
  • Minimum amount: 30,000 rubles;
  • Maximum amount: 5 million rubles;
  • Duration: from 3 months to 5 years;
  • Loan issue fee: none;
  • Security: guarantees from individuals – citizens of the Russian Federation (no more than 2).

Loan interest rate

We are gradually filling this section. It's worth waiting a little :)

The loan repayment calculator allows you to calculate online the payment amount, interest and overpayment for loans with early repayment, with partial early repayment.

The loan loan calculator will calculate:

  • For salary card holders
  • For legal entities.
  • For individuals.
  • For pensioners.
  • For individual entrepreneurs.

The terms of the loan depend on the purpose of the loan and determine: the required package of documents, interest rates, and the amount of allocated funds. You can take out a bank loan:

  • Cash.
  • For the development of small business.
  • To buy a car.
  • To buy a home, to build a house.
  • For refinancing.