How to calculate sick leave in zup. Necessary settings for registering absence for unknown reasons

There are times when an employee, having gone on another vacation, gets sick.

In such cases, if he submits a certificate of incapacity for work to the accounting department, in accordance with Article 124 of the Labor Code, the leave must be extended or postponed to another date.

Leave can be extended only if the employee himself is ill. In cases where he took sick leave to care for a child while on paid leave, his leave will not be extended.

I will not consider the movements of personnel documents in this article. First of all, difficulties arise for the accountants,

Let's consider the procedure that the accounting accountant wages should do in this case.

The employee goes on vacation from 03/29/2010 to 04/11/2010 for 14 calendar days.

Let’s enter the “Vacation Accrual” document for the employee.

The document was taken into account in the period March 2010, vacation pay was accrued 33033,98 .

On March 30, 2010, an employee falls ill and takes sick leave for 4 days from March 30 to April 2, 2010.

At the end of the vacation, the employee presents the sick leave certificate to the accounting department and writes an application with a request to extend the next vacation.

Let's consider the actions of an accountant in calculating wages.

He has two options for action, depending on what month the sick leave submitted to the accounting department is taken into account in the system.

1. Sick leave is included in the next period.

Enter the document “Accrual for sick leave”, select the period April 2010.

After we have entered the dates of the sick leave and calculated it, an inscription will appear on the main tab of the document under the amount of the accrued benefit, warning that accruals from previous periods have been reversed.

By going to the “Sick Leave Calculation” tab, let’s make sure of this:

Accruals for sick leave replaced vacation pay for 4 days. Accruals for different months are reflected in different lines, and so are the reversal entries.

Vacation pay reversed 9438.28.

However, the system itself will not automatically extend vacation for the time that the employee was sick: this must be done by an accountant, because The employee could also write an application to postpone the vacation to another time.

We will extend the vacation by 4 days (that’s how long the employee was sick).

Let’s open our “Vacation Accrual”.

In the lower left corner of the document, click on the “Correct” button.

A new document “Vacation Accrual” will open. The information line at the bottom of the document will indicate that it is a correction to a document from a previous period.

By default, the accrual month is set to the current month; the remaining details are taken from the document that we are correcting.

Now we need to increase the employee’s vacation duration by 4 days. We change the end date of the vacation to 04/15/2010. The system will automatically recalculate the duration of the vacation.

After calculating the document, we can make sure that the same amount is accrued for the new document as for the old one. Taking into account the amount of reversal, the amount of vacation pay remained the same. We can verify this by going to the “Payment” tab.

You can provide non-vacation days at other times, but you must remember that for correct calculation you need to use the “Correct” button to average earnings taken from the original document.

2. The sick leave is taken into account in the same month as the “Vacation Accrual” document.

We register the document “Accrual on sick leave” in the system.

We have calculated the sick leave, processed it, go to the “Calculate sick leave” tab.

We see that the displacement of vacation did not occur.

We check the need to recalculate wages or (in our case) the “Vacation Accrual” document. On the user’s desktop, being on the “Payroll calculation” tab, click on the “Payroll recalculation” hyperlink:

Processing opens. The list contains all documents that require recalculation.

In it we find the previously entered “Vacation accrual”.

Click the “Run document recalculation” button when the checkbox opposite is selected the required document You can recalculate without opening the document. You can enter the document and use the “Calculate” button to recalculate it. The amount of vacation pay will change:

To extend vacation if sick leave was accrued in the same period, there is no need to use the “Correct” button (it is only needed to correct documents from previous periods).

We simply change the end date of the vacation, and the system will accrue the initial amount for 18 calendar days, not taking into account sick days:

Thus, we considered both cases of accounting sick leave during vacation.

Video lesson “Sick leave during vacation”:

From July 1, 2017, all medical institutions can issue certificates of incapacity for work both in paper and electronic form. To do this, the following conditions must be met:

  • There is written consent from the employee to receive sick leave electronically;
  • The medical institution and organization became participants information interaction on the exchange of information for the purpose of generating an electronic sick leave.

Interaction with the Social Insurance Fund regarding electronic certificates of incapacity for work is possible directly from 1C programs. The general scheme for exchanging electronic certificates of incapacity for work, or abbreviated ELN, with the Social Insurance Fund is as follows. First, the medical institution, in the process of issuing a certificate of incapacity for work to an employee of the organization, sends it to the Social Insurance Fund. Then, after the employee has provided sick leave to the organization’s accounting department, the accounting department employee, using the sick leave number, receives from the Social Insurance Fund all the necessary information directly from the 1C:ZUP program.

Based on all the information provided to the Social Insurance Fund, the accountant in the program automatically calculates the amount of temporary disability benefits. Then all information on calculated sick leave is sent back to the Social Insurance Fund.

Sick leave

In the process of entering an electronic sick leave, the accounting employee simply needs to fill out the basic information: indicate the name of the organization, the surname, first name and patronymic of the employee, as well as the number of the certificate of incapacity for work.

Then you should click the “Get data from the Social Insurance Fund” button and the entire document will be filled in with the data of the electronic certificate of incapacity for work, which will be automatically filled in with data from the Social Insurance Fund server. The amount of the benefit will be calculated based on the available information about the employee’s earnings and length of service, which are stored in the program database. In order to download information about an electronic certificate of incapacity from a file downloaded from personal account the policyholder on the information portal of the FSS of the Russian Federation, you should click the “Load from file” button and select the required file.

All information about medical institution are automatically loaded. To view this information, click on the hyperlink.

Creating and sending a register of electronic certificates of incapacity for work to the Social Insurance Fund

Note 1

To compile a register of electronic certificates of incapacity for work, you should follow the path: section “Reporting, certificates - 1C-Reporting”.

The tabular part of the document dialog box that opens can be filled out in several ways. In the first case, you should click the “Fill” button and the table will be filled with all electronic certificates of incapacity for work, information about which has not yet been sent. In the second case, you should use the Add button and select specific electronic certificates of incapacity for work that need to be sent to the Social Insurance Fund.

If there is a need to obtain additional information about the electronic certificate of incapacity for work, which will be sent to the Social Insurance Fund, you need to double-click on the line with this certificate of incapacity for work. As a result, a form will open that will contain all the additional information.

Before the document is sent, it must be completed. In this case, the program checks the required fields. In order to send the register to the FSS, click the Send register to the FSS button.

If the program does not have a connection with the FSS configured, the program user will be prompted to connect to 1C-Reporting. If the user does not use 1C-Reporting, then setting up the FSS certificate for electronic certificates of incapacity for work can be done manually.

Any of our colleagues knows very well that even in the smallest team, sooner or later there may be a need for sick leave payments. Normative base on this issue in 2017 changed more than once. There was active talk about electronic sick leave, people asked questions, like, is it necessary to contact them at all if the director still “doesn’t let you get sick”? In general, there was a lot of empty chatter, but this did not make people make fewer payments.

Today we will tell you about how easily and conveniently you can calculate sick leave without going beyond our favorite . Step-by-step instruction at your service, dear readers!

What should be done?

First of all, you need to visit the section dedicated to personnel. Select the desired value there and click on the button "All charges":

Then you need to click on the button "Create". In the list that appears, select the line "Sick leave".

After this, a page opens where we will need to enter all the data about the employee.

Among them are information about Full name, reason for incapacity, period for which the employee will be released from work job responsibilities, and will also need to indicate the percentage of the salary that will be compensated to him. Next, click on the button "Change":

After this, a table will be displayed on the screen that will help calculate the average earnings of a sick employee down to the penny, so you definitely won’t have to sit with a calculator.

What does a question mark mean, you ask? Everything is very simple. The service independently calculated the average “cost” of one working day, based on data on the minimum wage. One of the key advantages in comparison with “boxed” versions of the program is that all updates occur automatically upon startup, excluding “aging” of information.

After we double-check all the values, you can print the document in case the inspection authorities require it. In any case, the calculation will be saved in the program.

Accordingly, if a person is sick, then wages must be recalculated. Let's go to "Accrual".

As a result, we get exactly the values ​​that should be.

It is obvious, dear friends, that calculating and accruing “sick leave” is a very simple task for the “” service. and fully appreciate all its benefits!

We wish you good luck!

Quite recently, an interesting question was asked on our forum about how to reflect in 1C the fact that an employee is absent due to illness. The peculiarity of this situation is that the employee works as an external part-time worker, and receives temporary disability benefits only at his main place of work. That is, the employer, as an explanation of the reason for absence, was provided with a copy of the sick leave certificate, which does not need to be accrued. Let's look at an example of how this situation is reflected in the 1C program: Salaries and personnel management 8 edition 3.

Go to the “Personnel” tab and create a “Sick Leave” document.

We fill out the first tab of the document in accordance with the received copy of the sick leave.

As we can see, the accrual amounts at this stage are indicated in the sick leave, but work with the document is not yet completed. Go to the “Payment” tab and uncheck the “Assign benefit from” checkbox.

After execution of this action on the “Accrued (detailed)” tab, the accrued amounts are reset to zero, and the calculation type is automatically changed to “Sickness Absence.”

If automatic changes in accruals do not occur, then return to the “Main” tab and click the “Recalculate document” button.

We navigate and close the document.
When calculating wages for the month, days of absence due to illness will be taken into account, the amount of salary for the time worked will be reduced, but benefits will not be accrued. You can verify this by forming payslip for the employee after calculating the salary for the month.

Let's consider accrual for sick leave in 1C 8.3. Let's create a new document. We indicate the reason for the disability by selecting from the list:

The percentage of payment based on length of service is calculated by the 1C 8.3 program from the data in the database. Entering information about work experience from your previous job is not yet possible in the configuration; the payment percentage can be corrected manually:

In the 1C 8.3 Accounting program you can view and edit, if necessary, the calculation of average earnings. To do this, click on the pencil:

Also in the 1C Accounting 8.3 configuration, it is possible to replace accounting years. If we change years, it is important not to forget to recalculate the allowance:

Information for calculating the average can be viewed summarized by year or broken down by month. If any data needs to be corrected, this can be done in the form:

From the document you can print the calculation of average earnings:

Calculation of average earnings in 1C 8.3:

On the Additional tab, you can specify a benefit restriction, if any. As well as applying benefits by choosing from the list:

On the Accrued tab we see the calculation of sick leave: three days at the expense of the employer and the rest at the expense of the Social Insurance Fund:

Please note the payment date:

Using the Sick Leave document, you can not only calculate the payment of benefits. Program 1C 8.3 Accounting calculates the salary taking into account the absence of the employee:

How to enter sick leave in 1C 8.3 Accounting (3.0), how to correctly calculate sick leave is discussed in the module. For more information about the course, watch our video:

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