Investing in real estate from scratch. How to make money in real estate - tips and tricks

The unstable economic situation makes many citizens of our country think about how to save their savings from inflation. The simplest option is to purchase some material value, for example, a house or apartment. We will talk about how to invest money in real estate in 2020 and get the maximum benefit from it in this publication.

Expert forecasts

The uncertain economic situation forces many citizens of our country to take some action to preserve their savings. Each person solves this problem in his own way. Some buy everything in household appliance stores, others exchange rubles for dollars or euros. There are also citizens who are interested in whether it is worth investing in real estate.

If you pay attention to, the most reliable option is investing in real estate. Recently, due to instability in the market, the opinions of experts have become divided. In this regard, many citizens have a question: is it profitable to invest in real estate now?

This year, mortgage lending rates increased, and accordingly, demand for it began to fall, and this, accordingly, will entail a decrease in demand for real estate. Soon, developers will need money to pay off loans, and they will be forced to sell housing at a low cost. That is, if you wait a few months, many offers for the sale of cheap real estate will appear. But some experts who have extensive experience in this area believe that you need to hurry up with the purchase of housing, since construction is starting to rapidly become more expensive, which means that square meters will soon rise significantly in price. In addition, some developers have completely suspended sales due to the unstable economic situation. When they resume, housing prices will no longer be the same. If you're wondering whether to invest in real estate in 2020, you need to hurry.

The secondary market is not lagging behind new buildings. Some owners unjustifiably raise prices for their housing, so houses and apartments at old prices are sold very quickly. If you decide I want to invest money in real estate, act right now, since the market situation can change dramatically at any time.

Where to buy real estate?

Let's figure out whether it is profitable to invest money in real estate abroad? In the economies of many countries around the world, real estate is usually valued in dollars or euros. Now let's give a simple example. The house, located in Spain, costs approximately 45 thousand euros. For residents of this country, its price has not changed, but if you recalculate the cost of this object into rubles at the current exchange rate, the result will be a significant difference in prices. For this money you can buy a good car. In this regard, our compatriots who have their own savings are often interested in how to invest money in Russian real estate. Many withdraw deposits from banks and buy country houses, apartments or commercial real estate, because they believe that this is the most reliable way to save money. In addition, real estate can always be rented out and receive a good, stable profit from it.

Buying property abroad is too risky. The sanctions that are applied to our country may have a negative impact on Russian citizens in the future. At any moment you may not be allowed into the country, or even have your property taken away. Therefore, before investing your capital in foreign real estate, think again, it may be much more profitable to find out and invest in this financial instrument.

If you keep your savings in rubles and are wondering whether it makes sense to invest money in real estate, urgently start looking for suitable options. It is most profitable to buy apartments in large promising cities of our country. If their price does not rise in 2020, in any case, such objects will retain their nominal value during the crisis. An unstable economic situation can have a detrimental effect on real estate located in subsidized areas and forgotten small towns. In such regions, real estate is not in great demand, so prices are cheap.

Advantages and disadvantages of investments

Free capital is money that can be invested in some profitable business without damaging the main budget. According to experts, investing in real estate is one of the most profitable types of investment. To understand whether it is worth investing in real estate now, you need to evaluate all the possible risks and benefits.


  • Insignificant risks of complete depreciation of assets;
  • Decent profit;
  • High demand;
  • Preserving capital from inflation.


  • Low liquidity does not allow you to quickly return the invested money;
  • To invest, you will need large starting capital;
  • Maintenance costs.

Of course, this investment instrument has its risks. For example, if you want to purchase real estate at the construction stage, you need to carefully choose a company so as not to run into scammers. Investors who buy properties for resale may face significant challenges in finding buyers. It is unlikely that anyone will want to buy a house or apartment at inflated prices, so they will have to wait until the market value of the property begins to rise. The investor also runs the risk of losing the property as a result of a fire or natural disaster. But this is not a reason to doubt whether it is worth investing in real estate today.

In any case, it comes down to the fact that it is best to invest your capital in time-tested, reliable investment instruments that work in any economic conditions.

Types of real estate investing

The easiest way to properly invest money in real estate is through resale. Until 2007, prices in this market rose annually by 20–30%, so this type of investment brought good profits. Nowadays, the situation has changed, so before investing money in real estate, you need to decide on the goals you want to achieve.

Let's take a closer look at what real estate to invest in to make a profit:

Secondary housing

Perhaps this is the most profitable option for novice investors. But it requires a lot of attention and certain knowledge. Before deciding whether to invest in real estate on the secondary market, you need to monitor the market. From time to time there are very profitable offers that allow you to purchase a house or apartment in poor condition for literally half the price. After renovation, this property can be sold for twice as much. The profitability of such investments is at the level of 30-40 percent. With a successful combination of circumstances, you will be able to turn over your capital 2-3 times in one year. If you cannot decide which property is profitable to invest in, pay special attention to the secondary market.

Investing at the excavation stage

This investment option allows you to get a decent profit. Changes in financial markets are reducing demand for housing under construction. In addition, loans for developers have become significantly more expensive, so many companies began to freeze their projects. If you doubt whether you need to invest money in real estate at the foundation pit stage, it is better to abandon this idea. An investor who has made such a decision must carefully study the history of the developer, find out how many objects he has put into operation and how many are under construction. It is advisable, before investing your money, to personally familiarize yourself with all construction permits.

Commercial real estate

This investment option is suitable for those who are planning to open their own business. If you are determined to invest money in commercial real estate, you should remember that renting or reselling such properties requires certain knowledge and experience. In addition, there is too much competition in this market segment, so before you get into this business, you need to carefully consider whether it makes sense to invest in commercial real estate.

Properties for rent

Are you interested in how to profitably invest money in real estate? According to experts, the most profitable way is to purchase residential and commercial properties for subsequent rental. This is the best option for those who are looking for...

Before the crisis, many citizens of our country took out mortgage loans, bought housing and rented it out. Using the profits, they paid off the mortgage and after a certain time received ownership of the house or apartment. But today, mortgage lending has become much more expensive, and the demand for rental housing significantly exceeds supply. Therefore, if you cannot decide, pay special attention to this investment instrument. Your capital will be reliably protected from currency fluctuations and inflation, and at the same time it will bring a good, stable income.

Experts do not recommend that novice investors invest money in commercial real estate. The demand for such objects has decreased significantly, since due to the crisis many businessmen cannot pay high prices. It makes no sense to rent out commercial real estate for pennies, which is why many retail spaces and office centers stand idle. If you do not want to invest in residential real estate, it is better to take an interest. This is one of the most reliable financial instruments, which is characterized by high liquidity.

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New buildings

Recently, the level of competition in the primary housing market has decreased significantly. If you are thinking about whether to invest money in real estate, you should know that the demand for primary real estate is almost equal to secondary housing. Prices for new buildings have become quite affordable for people with average incomes. In addition, many developers offer installment plans, and this is very profitable and convenient for those who buy housing on credit. But many investors still doubt whether it is now necessary to invest money in real estate during the construction phase, since it turns out that they are investing their capital in non-existent objects. Also, do not forget that scammers periodically appear on the market. They offer unrealistically low prices, collect money and disappear in an unknown direction. Therefore, if you want to invest profitably in real estate, be very careful and careful.

Market relations include investments, the estimated indicator of these investments shows the importance of real estate for profit. When considering potential sources of income, securities have become illiquid compared to real estate. Investing in real estate means getting some guarantee of payback and stabilizing your income. The option eliminates the loss of funds in bank accounts, which adds significant advantages to deposits of this type. In what direction should you invest your money? The answer is that an analysis of all sectors of real estate investments, including land, will ensure the right choice for investors.

Commercial property management

A clear strategy will help you manage commercial real estate correctly. This will provide new opportunities and prospects for the investor:

  • Carrying out monitoring of commercial real estate in the stages of their readiness for operation.
  • Cooperation with the company at the first stage of design.

The procedures will create conditions for adjusting the choice of property that will give a positive result when investing. The advantage of this type of income generation is the involvement of third parties to manage the property. If large volumes are envisaged, the investor can entrust the regulation to one company. Responsibilities of the managing body: searching for tenants, recording payments and carrying out routine repairs. Another advantage of commercial real estate is the return on profit, which is much higher than the income from residential property.

Important: when investing in commercial real estate, do not forget about the disadvantage - large amounts of cash. This type of deposit is available to companies and entrepreneurs with good capital.

Investing in new buildings

Real estate projects are widespread in Russia, especially in Moscow. A favorable market indicator here is the low cost and the provision of installment plans for long periods. The downside is that you have to invest in construction that is only in the development stage. This situation gives the developer the opportunity to change the terms of the agreement; it is possible that he will meet with scammers offering low costs for the construction of new buildings. The problem for the investor is the lack of profit and loss of personal funds. If you invest in new buildings, you should consider:

  • Transactions are concluded only with verified construction workers. The experience and reputation of the developer are analyzed.
  • Monitoring documents for a transaction with new buildings includes studying each item and conditions that the contractor puts forward. Projects must comply with the rules and regulations of the law.
  • Involving legal entities to familiarize themselves with plans for construction projects. This will prevent the occurrence of problematic and negative situations.

Investments in new buildings have a number of advantages, consisting of several blocks:

  • The cost of a new building after putting it into use increases by 35%. This is attractive from the first second, especially if the investor has decided to sell the property in the future.
  • Renting a new building provides a monthly income, due to the high price of housing in a new building.

Investing in apartments in new buildings is profitable if you enter into an agreement with the contractor correctly. Now the real estate market is stable, so organizing projects in Moscow is an acceptable option.

Important: the investor should outline a financial plan, and foresee risks, and which property to choose to generate income.

Commercialization of land plots

Making contributions to a land plot is profitable due to its low cost. The purchase of the land sector is due to quick registration. Main types of transactions:

  • Short-term investments include making a profit from building plots.
  • Long-term deposits are characterized by receiving income from commercial or agricultural land plots.

The only problem in managing deposits of this type is increased control by the state.


Construction projects cannot be completed without rental relations. This investment option is profitable and easiest for investors. Criteria:

  • Decide on the type of projects (new buildings, countryside apartments).
  • Indicate territoriality (transportation, proximity of shops to the house).
  • Presence of repairs.
  • Style direction of furniture.

Fulfillment of these requirements will provide comfortable apartments for subsequent rental. Investing money in renting an apartment has a disadvantage - control over the apartment is exercised by the owner. Hiring a property manager for a rental relationship is simply not profitable.

Important: investing in renting an apartment is profitable if you take out a bank loan. This will allow you to reduce costs and gradually pay the required amounts on payments. The cost of renting a project is determined by the location, transport and distance of the stores. Clients are attracted to apartments in the city center; the investor can focus on these types of real estate projects.

Investments in foreign real estate

Investing in foreign real estate has now become profitable. Types of deposits: initial construction projects, new buildings, apartment rental. Here it is worth considering the low level of economy in foreign countries, which is significantly inferior to the Russian real estate market. Profits can be made by investing in small construction projects abroad. The disadvantage of investing in foreign new buildings and apartments is the lack of a clear strategy. The pitfalls in processing transactions with foreign real estate cannot be immediately discerned.

Important: investments in real estate abroad may change due to changes in the economic and political situation in the country. It is worth taking care of insurance options and involving specialists in working with foreign real estate.

Risk analysis

Investing in real estate is a profitable option if you understand the movement of funds in the market. Nowadays, many projects and new buildings have the advantage of making a profit for the owner. Therefore, it is worth taking care of the risks that may arise:

  • Studying real estate prices.
  • Taking out home insurance.
  • Involvement of legal entities for real estate registration.
  • Analysis of the territory where the apartment or new building will be located.

By comparing the risks and the cost of housing, you can see a more profitable niche. If you invest in real estate, the owner is guaranteed a stable income.

Investments in the real estate market have always been considered the most reliable way to preserve them. Prices for it have only been rising recently. It is necessary to take into account that investments in real estate are a long-paying way of investing money, but they bring a stable income after covering the acquisition costs.

Real estate as an investment object

Investing in real estate is a good alternative to bank deposits; demand for it increases when the first signs of instability in the economy appear. Recently, experts have noted increased interest among citizens in the real estate sector. Potential investors should consider certain specific features of the property - primarily the physical characteristics.


Where is the best place to invest your funds? Real estate can be divided into three categories:

  • residential;
  • a commercial;
  • foreign.

The demand for all types of real estate is changing, and their prices are influenced by many factors.

Investments in commercial real estate

Commercial real estate is considered one of the profitable types of financial investments; it can be rented out or sold after a few years. Most often, investors invest in retail and office space, as well as hotels.

A comparison of certain factors will help you choose a suitable investment object. After analyzing demand, supply and market infrastructure, the profitability and payback periods of different types of objects are calculated - based on the data obtained, a choice is made.

The average payback period for trading floors and offices is 5-10 years; the return on investment in trading floors and offices will take from 7 to 11 years.

How to properly invest money in commercial real estate? To do this you need to know its features:

  1. more short, compared to the residential sector, demand. This is due to the fact that the number of potential buyers of residential real estate is 4-5 times higher than the demand for commercial real estate;
  2. sensitivity to negative factors, which depends primarily on the ups and downs of business activity, during a crisis period, along with demand, the cost of real estate also decreases. This sector has a narrow focus; investments in commercial properties are promising only if there are favorable conditions. In pre-crisis times, investments in warehouse and office space increased significantly; even a small space could generate decent income. Today, every property needs a detailed inspection before purchase;
  3. adherence to investment strategy provides much more income from a commercial building than from a residential building. This is primarily due to the difference in rental payments by several times with the same initial price of the objects;
  4. possibility of concluding a lease agreement at a high price for a long time, obtaining high income from renting residential real estate is only possible when renting out housing on a daily basis;
  5. the purchase of real estate under construction is often associated with risks, since construction can be stopped at any time, especially in times of crisis. It is recommended to give preference to the secondary housing market;
  6. commercial real estate of a small area is always rent out faster and easier, not to mention times of crisis. Buying several commercial properties instead of one reduces the risk of being left without tenants.

Investing in residential real estate

For the most profitable investment, it is recommended to choose an object with the most favorable location; the presence of a metro, transport accessibility, cafes, number of storeys in the building, parking and video surveillance play an important role.

The second important point that needs to be paid attention to is a preliminary analysis of demand. The greatest demand among tenants is for small-sized properties: small apartments, studios, rooms.

Investing in residential real estate involves purchasing a one- or two-room apartment in a new building or on the secondary market. An important factor is also the lack of need to invest in repairs and furniture. Buying premium class housing implies a much higher profitability, but it is not available to everyone.

If you have an amount on hand that exceeds the cost of the apartment, it is recommended to buy several apartments in different areas of the city; the total income will exceed the profit from renting a “premium” class apartment.

With examples.

One of the most reliable ways to invest money is precious metals. , what is meant by this, how to calculate possible risks and earn good money.

Investments in foreign real estate

Over the past few years, the value of real estate purchased abroad by Russians has exceeded $10 billion; in 2017-2018, due to the fall in the ruble exchange rate, a drop in demand is planned. Exchange rate fluctuations affected not only the cost of housing, but also its maintenance; air tickets and entertainment became noticeably more expensive.

There is no decrease in demand for foreign real estate among Russians who receive salaries in dollars and euros, who are the main potential buyers. Recently, there has been a change in priorities: if initially it was customary to purchase resort real estate in Montenegro, Bulgaria, Spain for the purpose of recreation, now it is considered as a profitable investment. This is considered an excellent option for asset diversification and risk protection.

Crisis phenomena in Russia are always accompanied by an increase in demand for real estate in France, the USA, Germany and England. The activity of Russian buyers was recorded already at the end of 2014, 30% of them were in a hurry to protect their funds from currency fluctuations in this way.

In southern countries (Spain, Bulgaria, Thailand), people most often buy housing for the purpose of vacation.

Overall, in 2017-2018 The demand for income-producing real estate among investors will continue; the activity of buyers of resort real estate may decrease slightly.

Valuation of real estate investments

To obtain information about the objectivity of investments, a variety of methods are used, which together make it possible to determine profitability and profitability. It is fundamentally important to correctly determine the market value of the object and correctly distribute the generated cash flows. Any decision must be made on the basis of analysis and comparison of these values ​​and profitability.

Exists three costing approaches object:

  • expensive – 42%;
  • profitable – 28%;
  • comparative – 30%.

When determining the value of a property, an investor must use all approaches. Using an example, we can consider a one-room apartment, the cost value of which is 1.6 million rubles, the comparative value is 1.85 million rubles, and the income value is 2.3 million rubles.

The market price of such an object will be: 1.6X0.42 + 1.85X0.3 + 2.3X0.28 = 1.871 million rubles.

To assess the effectiveness of real estate investments, it is necessary to take into account that the value of money today and tomorrow is different. In this case, it is necessary to draw up a business plan, the situation in which will be calculated for several years in advance. The revenue side of such a plan indicates all rental payments for a certain period, the expenses side includes the costs of maintaining the facility and maintaining it in optimal condition, taxes, interest on loans, etc.

The most profitable and reliable way of investing is considered to be purchasing a liquid property, renting it out and resale it at a higher cost.

What kind of real estate is profitable to invest in?

Despite the fact that 2016 made its own adjustments to the real estate market, it is not recommended to refuse to purchase it. Buying an apartment is beneficial for those who plan to rent it out, since the demand for purchasing residential real estate has decreased, but the demand for renting apartments has increased.

It is also worth noting that real estate purchased in times of crisis can always be sold profitably after a few years, as the practice of 1998 and 2008 has shown.

According to experts, it is not recommended to wait for favorable conditions for purchasing real estate - such a time may never come.

When choosing a property to purchase, it is recommended to consider the following points:

  • It is recommended to buy commercial and residential real estate in small cities with development potential;
  • financial assets should be invested for a period of at least 3 years;
  • at low prices, the property can always be rented out;
  • in times of crisis, the main decline is observed in the secondary housing market, after which the phenomenon spreads to the primary market.

You can invest in real estate in 2017-2018 only if you have the required amount; it is not recommended to take bank loans, especially in foreign currency.

Investing in real estate without money, i.e. how to generate income or purchase real estate without a down payment. We will also consider which types of investing money in real estate are more profitable.

What is usually understood by real estate investment is to buy an apartment and rent it out.

For many, such a formulation of the question, or rather a solution to it, is unrealistic. I propose to consider all the options and dwell in more detail on rooms, as the most profitable and feasible at the initial step towards investing in real estate.

We learned from the examples in the article “” why it is profitable to invest money in real estate, and we learned where you can find the cheapest real estate from the article ““.

Investing in real estate without money: options, methods

Rent an apartment daily

Renting an apartment daily can bring in more money than if you rent out an apartment monthly, but this approach will require more time from you. You will be quite closely involved in this process.

Even if you find a management company, there will still be risks. Who usually rents apartments: business travelers, students, tourists.

You should be careful when choosing guests, I already told you in detail, about this in the article ““. That is, it is possible that you may arrive at the apartment and find a drunken brawl, angry neighbors, giving an explanation to the police... and the one to whom you entrusted to manage the rental of the apartment will be to blame.

In this case, a debriefing is inevitable and you will have to look for a manager again, or rent out the apartment yourself.

The management company will help determine the reliability of the tenant and prepare a competent contract, and most importantly, upon departure, it will make sure that everything is in order in the apartment.

Renting an apartment monthly

If you have found (or have been found) quite decent tenants, then you are guaranteed a monthly and stable income.

In the event that you took out a mortgage and took out most of the amount on credit, then the income will be either minimal or there will be no income at all. The apartment will pay for itself with the help of With dacha for rent - monthly payments will “eat up” your income.

It may happen that you may not receive any income at all, and perhaps also have to pay the bank extra from another source of money.

Renting an apartment room by room: monthly and daily

The total income with this option is greater than when renting out an apartment to one tenant, but at the same time, problems may arise in finding long-term tenants.Here, too, you will need to devote more time to the issues of renting out rooms in the apartment.

Because the main tenants will be students or visitors, then the turnover will be stable. The pros and cons of renting an apartment by the day, I spoke in more detail in the article “” - be sure to read it to have a complete understanding of what we are talking about.

This is already a fully-fledged business based on investing money in real estate. Alternatively, you can use the services of a management company to be less involved in the red tape of apartment maintenance, cleaning, security and housing tenants.

This option can also be called a mini-hotel. It is suitable for those apartments that used to be communal apartments. Regular 3-4 room apartments with separate rooms are suitable.

Here are the options: rent out rooms or a bed.Monthly is still more profitable and less troublesome than daily.

How can I do it?

Buy a room in a communal apartment of about 22 square meters. m, divide it into 2 rooms of 10 meters each and rent it out as two full rooms. A sectional dormitory is also suitable, where to rent out rooms you can do the same as with a communal apartment, if the square footage allows.

In this case, you can rent out two rooms, but at a price slightly less than the market - this will ensure a constant influx of people wanting to rent an apartment and the desired profit.

If there is no option to buy a large room and subsequently divide it, then rent out one room - have patience and start small :)

How to invest in real estate without money: rooms

You can start investing money in real estate by buying a room with a mortgage. How? There are quite a lot of rooms for sale on the real estate market, for example within 1 million rubles.

You will be able to negotiate with the owner for an amount of up to 10%, i.e. 100 thousand. Then the appraiser evaluates this room at 1150 thousand rubles and you get a difference of 250 thousand rubles as a down payment.

If you do not have an official job, then you have friends and relatives who can help with official employment - let the seeker find :)

The only caveat (how could we live without them :)) is that the income from renting out a room can and, as practice shows, will be lower than the amount that must be paid for a loan of 1-3 thousand rubles. If you are not afraid of this, then this option of purchasing and purchasing a room is for you.

In the sales contract, the amount for which the room is purchased should not exceed 1 million rubles.

A situation may also arise when the consent of other owners is required for the sale of the room you are buying. In practice, it can be difficult to obtain consent, either the owners do not make contact, or they are not in the city - there are a lot of reasons.

You have to involve a notary, write letters and wait 30 days, the deal is delayed, time is ticking. But you can solve the issue of buying a room much faster.

How? The seller can give you 1/100th of a share in his room, and then you, as a co-owner, will buy the steel shares from him.

Then, using the same scheme, you purchase the second, third and subsequent rooms. Then you can sell this property and move on to a larger one - buying apartments and commercial real estate, among other things.

country estate

You can rent out a country house in the summer, especially if it is located next to a lake. In the summer, on holidays, for the New Year and so on. In truth, it may not be very profitable, and the depreciation may be quite large - they will rest, they will beat something, break it, tear it off, and so on.

And you did everything for yourself and with love... in general, it was not very pleasant.

If we talk about renting countryside real estate daily, its cost varies from 3,000 to infinity, depending on the region and seasonal period.Don’t forget, in this option you need to take into account the depreciation factor...

Choosing a commercial premises

As a rule, the profitability of such commercial real estate will not be much higher than the deposit that can be obtained from a bank.For comparison, if a deposit today will bring you from 8 to 9% per annum, then a similar premises will bring you from 13%. We talked more about choosing commercial real estate in the article ““.

We figured out how to invest money in real estate without starting capital. Now you know where you can invest money in real estate, you know with a specific example how this can be done. The rest is only your desire and the ability to tear yourself away from the chair :)

I wish you success!

* Lending conditions affecting the full cost of the loan (as of 09/05/2019): rates 7.49% -11.24% for clients whose salary account is opened with PJSC Rosbank, subject to purchase during the period of the “Dobro” promotion welcome to “Rosbank House” from 06/17/19 to 12/31/19. apartments on the secondary market with a down payment of 20% of its market value, with a loan amount of 6,000,000 rubles. (for real estate located in Moscow/Moscow region) or from RUB 3,000,000. (for real estate located in regions other than Moscow/Moscow region), making a one-time payment in connection with a reduction in the interest rate under the agreement in the amount of 1% to 4% of the loan amount (depending on the terms of the loan agreement), life insurance and health, property and the risk of loss (limitation) of ownership of it (the borrower has the right not to insure these risks. In the absence of at least one of the specified types of insurance, the interest rate increases by 1-4% depending on the type of risks that are not insured) , and depending on the credit history, loan term (3-25 years), work activity, level of education, number of parties to the transaction, location of the collateral, type of income and income-to-expense ratio. Loan size – from 600,000 rubles. for Moscow and the Moscow region, from RUB 300,000. – for other regions. Costs for appraisal and insurance – in accordance with the tariffs of appraisal and insurance companies. The bank has the right to refuse to provide a loan. PJSC ROSBANK. General license of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 2272 dated January 28, 2015.

A mortgage from Rosbank Dom for clients is a simple and reliable tool for purchasing real estate in Moscow and other cities. For us, this is work, and a narrow area of ​​activity. Our wealth of experience in the field of residential mortgage lending, professionalism and skills of our employees make us experts in this field. We offer more than just a bank mortgage.

The range of products for borrowers consists of a large number of programs for the purchase of apartments and private houses, rooms in communal apartments and shares. The object may belong to the primary or secondary market. In our bank, which provides mortgage loans for housing, you can choose the most suitable program with the most favorable conditions, taking into account your financial capabilities and the use of benefits.

At each stage of cooperation, you will be accompanied by the professionalism of our employees and smooth processes: from the convenient online application for a mortgage on the official website to the most simplified package of documents. Thanks to the prompt processing of data when drawing up a contract, you will be able to receive funds as quickly as possible. The mortgage bank also provides clients with various ways to make monthly payments and the ability to track all transactions using their Personal Account.

About the advantages of a credit mortgage

When thinking about the advisability of applying for mortgage lending in Moscow or any other region, take into account that:

    the main advantage and, in fact, the meaning of the service for the client is the opportunity to purchase living space and start using it without having its full cost in hand;

    If we compare which option gives a faster and more guaranteed result - a mortgage loan from a bank or gradual savings - the answer will be in favor of the first. The second delays the purchase and is complicated by possible changes in the price per square meter of real estate, inflation and other factors;

    before committing to a bank mortgage, you can select a program on the website, calculate the terms of debt repayment online using a calculator, and then check the received data with specialists: the amount of the down payment, monthly payments, their term, etc.;

    Borrowers with different needs and financial capabilities can take out a mortgage through a bank. Constantly increasing competition between organizations providing it makes it possible to find the best offer in each specific case.

How to take advantage of a credit mortgage from Rosbank

Rosbank is a universal bank offering a range of services, including residential mortgage lending, with a wide network of partners throughout the country. We are part of the international financial group Societe Generale; in our work we focus on European standards and take into account the realities of modern Russian reality.

Before turning to the services of a bank that provides mortgage loans for housing and non-residential properties, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the terms of debt repayment. On the pages of our official website you will find both standard and preferential programs. While in the capital or any other city, you can make your own preliminary calculations using our online calculator, thus selecting suitable conditions and comparing future expenses with your capabilities.

To decide on a suitable program, clarify any questions and take the next step towards your own home, contact the specialists of a mortgage bank that provides home lending services by phone or submit an online application. We are confident that very soon housing loans from Rosbank will become the very option of a bank mortgage, thanks to which your dream of a new living space will come true.

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