Hotline otp bank. Bank hotline OTP Bank What is the number of OTP Bank

OTP Bank focuses on high-quality service so that clients are as comfortable as possible in using the bank’s services. Information is the first thing a client needs. One of the most optimal ways To obtain prompt advice from the bank, clients can use the telephone, so OTP provides its clients with the opportunity to use this service free of charge by calling the call center using special numbers.

To get answers to your questions quickly and efficiently, depending on the situation, you need to dial the following numbers:

  • 8 800 200 70 05 - for registration issues consumer loan(purchase of household appliances, etc.)
  • 8 800 200 70 01 - for questions related to credit card servicing,
  • 8 800 100 55 55 - in situations related to obtaining a cash loan or opening a deposit,
  • 8 800 200 70 09 - for small business issues,
  • 8 495 775 33 53 - a separate telephone number for OTP Bank in Moscow and the Moscow region. From these regions you can also dial to federal numbers.
  • In St. Petersburg there is also a code 8 800. OTP Bank in St. Petersburg does not have code 812.

All numbers that start with 8800 are toll-free for calls from a landline phone.

For residents of Moscow and the Moscow region, OTP Bank has allocated a separate city number 495 with uniform tariffs for the entire region. Residents of other regions can use phones that start at 8,800 and are free.

If you don’t have a landline phone at hand, to make calls from a mobile phone you should dial OTP Bank’s short toll-free number 0707. The number 0707 is free for calls from all mobile operators in Russia.

In what situations can you call the bank?

OTP Bank offers its clients many options and information opportunities via the Internet - information on credit and deposit programs, services, Personal Area And so on. But the Internet is not always at hand when you urgently need to contact the bank. In this case, you can call the bank’s toll-free number and resolve the issue.

In addition, there is a category of people who are not active Internet users, or situations where there is no time to study information on the site - in such cases, the opportunity to communicate with a bank employee by phone is the best option. It is also very convenient to get advice by phone directly from an OTP Bank employee when you need to clarify the nuances of a loan or deposit, or hear prompt advice on filling out a receipt. Such consultation will be more relevant than that obtained from printed sources and the Internet.

When a bank card expires, you don’t have to go to a bank branch to order a new one. Simply order new map contact an OTP Bank consultant by phone to clarify the date when you can pick it up and the branch address. This will save you from an extra trip to the bank and the need to stand in line, and will significantly save time and money.

In case of loss of a bank card or its theft, an urgent call to the bank is simply necessary to block any actions on it - this will prevent fraudsters from cashing out money.

But there is not always money in a mobile phone account to dial a bank to a landline number, and even if there is, not everyone is ready to spend it on communicating with organizations. In addition, today not every apartment has a landline telephone. OTP Bank, meeting the needs of its customers, has made the 24-hour hotline number 0707 absolutely free for all mobile operators - Megafon, MTS, Beeline.

From time to time, emergency situations arise in the life of every person, so it is important in such cases to be able to control what is happening, for this it is necessary to have all available means of communication with the bank. OTP Bank took care of its clients in this matter so that cooperation would be as smooth as possible for both – the client and the bank.

Other ways to contact the bank

An alternative to telephone communication with a bank is the Internet. To obtain any information regarding bank products, terms of cooperation, lending and other issues, just go to the website ( from a computer or mobile phone. The user-friendly interface of the site will allow you to quickly find and study the necessary information.

Immediately on the start page of the OTP Bank website there are contacts of all toll-free numbers and a feedback form. The feedback form has two tabs, depending on the need - the first tab for sending a message, the second for ordering the necessary documents.

To write a message to the bank via the feedback form, you must fill in the following fields:

  1. Enter your personal data - full name - in the field.
  2. In case you are already an existing OTP client Bank, you need to tick this box. If not, there is no need to tick the box.
  3. Bank clients indicate their agreement or card number.
  4. Your address is also indicated here.
  5. You are also required to leave your email address to receive a response to your request.
  6. The next field is reserved for the phone number and passport data - series and number.
  7. Subject of the message (question about products, services, etc., including a complaint).
  8. In the last field, enter the text of the message. If necessary, it is possible to attach a file.

As mentioned above, through the feedback form you can not only send a message to the bank, but also order the necessary documents.

It is worth noting that the document ordering service is provided on a paid basis, the price depending on the required document. The cost of this service can be clarified by calling bank employees.

Procedure for ordering documents via the feedback form:

  1. On the bank’s website, in the feedback form, open the “Order production of documents” tab.
  2. Enter your full name in the field.
  3. Indicate the card or agreement number, email for feedback.
  4. Indicate your phone number, date of birth, and passport details.
  5. Service call number.
  6. Select the required document type from those offered:
  • a document on the state of the bank account at the time of application (certificate of the amount of debt),
  • certificate of fulfillment of loan obligations,
  • statement of the amount paid on the loan, the amount of payments and interest at the time of application,
  • account statement,
  • copies of documents on existing loans from OTP Bank.

OTP Bank on social networks

OTP Bank tries to keep up with the times, so you can get advice on issues of interest not only by phone, using the hotline, or through the website, but also in in social networks- Facebook, Twitter and VKontakte in groups of the same name. OTP Bank can be found on social networks using the following links: