Houses of the p44m series, apartment layouts. Series P44M P 44 layout of a 4-room apartment

Manufacturer: DSK-1
Designers: MNIITEP (Moscow Research Institute of Typology and Experimental Design)

  • Architects: Grigoriev Yu.P., Nadysev A.V., Orleanskaya O.V., Shamorgin Yu.P.
  • Engineers: Nikitin E.E., Siora V.A., Yanko A3., Maklakova N.D.
  • Design engineers: Teplyakova N.M., Vanag M.V., Kopelev V.E., Timokhin S.A., Shurer R.P., Tikhov S.A., Paramonov V.I.

Series panel houses P-44M- modification of the popular Moscow P-44 series. The number of steps in load-bearing structures was increased from 7 to 8, four-room apartments and attics appeared in the layouts, bay windows and additional bathrooms were added. The series was designed in the mid-1990s. Years of construction: from 1997 to 2000. Unlike the P-44T series, it was not widely used; only 25 houses were built. In Moscow, houses of the P-44M series were built in the following areas: Mitino, Maryinsky Park, Brateevo, as well as one house each in Kuntsevo and on Mytnaya Street. In the Moscow region, houses of the P-44M series were not built.

Apartment layouts

Series characteristics

  • Years of construction: 1997 - 2000
  • Floors: 9-17
  • Construction type: panel
  • Number of entrances: 2
  • Apartments per floor: 4
  • Garbage chute: yes
  • Elevators to the entrance: 2
  • Height to ceiling: 2.70
  • Ventilation: in the kitchen and bathroom - natural exhaust.

Walls and cladding, roofing:

  • The outer walls of the buildings are made of reinforced concrete three-layer panels (concrete - insulation - concrete), thickness 30 cm.
  • Inter-apartment and interior load-bearing walls These are reinforced concrete panels, thickness 14 and 18 cm.
  • Partitions 8 cm thick.
  • The floors are large-sized (per room) hollow-core reinforced concrete slabs 14 cm thick.
  • The load-bearing walls in the buildings are all longitudinal between apartments (as well as interior in the end apartments - “vests”) and transverse (between apartments, between rooms and between balconies).
  • Roof type: flat and flat-pitched. Tiling.
  • Technical floor with engineering structures located above the top residential floor building.

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages: two elevators per section - cargo-passenger 630 kg and passenger 400 kg. Balconies in all apartments, also loggias, bay windows and half-bay windows (except for the 1st floor). Garbage chute with loading valve on each floor. Double-glazed windows with increased thermal insulation coefficient.

Flaws: Unsatisfactory quality of installation of external panels in some buildings.

At the end of the 90s of the last century, the construction of houses according to the P-44M project began. The marking “M” in the name of the series means “modified”, since the task of the designers of this series was to correct design errors of its prototype P-44. The main difference between this series and the basic version of the P-44 is the appearance of 4-room apartments and an increased kitchen area. Due to the increased size of the sections, the technology for constructing P-44M houses has become significantly more complicated, and therefore the series has not received mass distribution.

Design features of the series and facade finishing

The number of floors of the P-44M series varies from 9 to 17 levels, with the top floor usually attic, and the first can be residential or used to accommodate infrastructure facilities. Above the top floor there is a technical room with utilities.

External walls P-44M are a kind of transitional option between the basic P-44 series and its subsequent modification P-44T. They are three-layer reinforced concrete panels, in which a layer of insulation is laid between two layers of concrete.

When constructing some houses, sections P-44M are combined with sections P-44T and corner sections P-44. The facades of the P-44M houses were partially covered with brick-like tiles, and the windows were glazed using modern double-glazed windows with an increased thermal insulation coefficient. Each section has two elevators - freight and passenger.

The disadvantage of housing in this series is considered to be possible problems with thermal insulation due to the unsatisfactory quality of installation of external panels in some sections.

Features of apartment layouts

The design change led to an increase in the number of steps in the P-44M sections, and consequently, the area of ​​the apartments became larger. 3- and 4-room apartments have an additional (guest) bathroom. In addition, the useful area of ​​​​the housing is increased due to bay windows, half-bay windows, attics, loggias, balconies and storage rooms. The project provides for the possibility of arranging two-level four-room apartments. The rooms in all P-44M apartments are isolated, which makes such housing competitive in the capital's secondary real estate market.

In general, the houses of the P-44M series are quite comfortable for living, although people unflatteringly nicknamed them “the new Luzhkov Khrushchev houses.” The lifespan of the series of houses declared by the developer is 100 years.




Alternative name:
P-44MU (“modified unified”)
Construction regions:

Moscow: Mitino, Maryinsky Park, Brateevo, Kuntsevo;

No series of houses were built in the Moscow region and regions

Construction technology:
By construction period: modern
Years of construction: from 1997 to 2000
Demolition prospect: No demolition provided
Number of sections/entrances: from 2
Number of floors: 9-17
Ceiling height:
2.70 m
Balconies or loggias, bay windows or half-bay windows in all apartments (except the 1st floor)
In 1- and 2-room apartments there are separate ones, in 3- and 4-room apartments there are 2 bathrooms (combined and toilet). Standard bathtubs, length 170 cm
Garbage chute:
Garbage chute with loading valve on each floor
Cargo-passenger - 630 kg and passenger - 400 kg
Number of apartments per floor:
Apartment areas:
1-room apartment 38-46/17-19/10-11
2-room apartment 67-68/36-37/10-11
3-room apartment 85-89/47-52/12-13
4-room apartment 109-119/67-77/14-15
Natural exhaust with blocks in the bathroom and hallway
Walls and cladding:
Exterior walls– three-layer reinforced concrete panels (30 cm);
Inter-apartment and interior load-bearing– reinforced concrete panels (18 cm and 14 cm)
Interior partitions- 8 cm;
Interfloor ceilings– large-sized (per room) and hollow-core reinforced concrete slabs (14 cm).
Facades orange with white and beige colors, faced with regular tiles and brick-like tiles, the lower floors are gray with stone trim, bay windows and half-bay windows are white
Roof type:
Flat and flat-pitched with BRAAS tiles
DSK-1 and concrete goods-2
Double-glazed windows with increased thermal insulation, separate bathrooms, the ability to equip two-level four-room apartments in the attics; increased apartment areas, spacious kitchens. The presence of attics, bay windows, balconies and loggias
Unsatisfactory quality of installation of external panels in some buildings

Igor Vasilenko

One of the most popular series built in Moscow. It got its name due to the panel structure, while the shape of the house usually takes the form of the letter “P” or “G”. Houses of this series have been put into operation since the late 70s. to 2000 It already exists in various modified versions, such as I-1731 (several houses built in the late 90s, which are distinguished by decorative panels on the lower floors and soft cladding on the upper floors); P-44T (from 1997 to the present, the external decoration of the building has been improved, it has been added attic floor); P-44K (from 2006 to the present, they have a compact shape, and therefore only one- and two-room apartments are present in the floor plans); P-44M (from 1997 to 2000, four-room apartments and attics appeared in the layouts, bay windows and additional bathrooms were added), P-44T25 (from 2005 to the present, the features of this series are panoramic windows in apartments with a winter garden and spacious kitchens up to 16m2); DomNad (from 2015 to the present, flat facades, the absence of bay windows and loggias “hidden” behind the facade panels) have become striking features); DomRik (from 2015 to the present, updated heat meters have been installed in the heating system, metal-polymer pipes have been used in the water supply and heating systems).

Residential sections in house series P-44 They have two types - corner and ordinary. If the series is ordinary, then there are four apartments per floor: two two-room apartments with an area of ​​50.2 sq.m. and 57.8 sq.m., one one-room with a total area of ​​37.8 sq.m. and one three-room with a total area of ​​73.8 meters. There are only two- and three-room apartments in the corner section. The internal walls are load-bearing concrete panels with a pitch of 3.0 and 3.6 m, 18 cm thick. The external wall panels are curtain walls, reinforced concrete three-layer panels 22 and 28 cm thick, lined with large-sized glazed ceramic tiles. The floor panels rest on the internal walls. A monolithic reinforced concrete slab on a natural foundation was used for the foundation.

In one-room apartments, the wall between the kitchen becomes a load-bearing wall; floor slabs lie on it, and if there is no wall, the slabs will fall. The maximum that can be done is to create an opening in the wall between the kitchen and the room that is wide in general cases. However, the layout itself is quite comfortable: the rooms are isolated, the hallways are large, the kitchens are at least 8 sq.m. IN series residential buildings P-44 The disadvantages include a small living room in a three-ruble ruble apartment - only 11 sq.m.; The standard ceiling height for that time was 2.64 meters. Also, many residents complain about the dampness of the latest models and the fact that in some houses the balcony floors are made crooked.

The houses provide such amenities as 2 elevators: with a lifting capacity of 320 and 500 kg with an overhead machine room; as well as garbage chutes with a loading valve on each floor. The number of floors varies from 8 to 17, and therefore the number of entrances is from 2 or more. As fire safety measures to prevent smoke from filling evacuation routes in the house, smoke removal and air pressurization systems are provided, which are turned on automatically by signals from apartment heat detectors and from buttons installed in the niches of fire hydrants on each floor. As backup fire escape routes for residents on floors 2-16, there are transitions along balconies to adjacent sections, and in the loggias of apartments at the ends of the building there are hatches and stepladders at the level of floors 2-16.

Due to the fact that the houses of this series can last for a very long time, you should not hope for demolition in the near future.

Why do you need to coordinate redevelopment in a P-44M series house?

    1. You have a desire to fulfill everything according to the law in order to “sleep peacefully” in the future and be able to carry out any real estate transactions at any time (transaction, purchase and sale, donation);

    2. You urgently need to sell the property, but the documents do not correspond to the actual condition of the property, and you lose money when selling;

    3. You need to get a loan secured by your real estate, but the bank refuses due to the presence of illegal redevelopment;

    4. You plan to rent out the property, but the actual layout does not correspond to existing documents;

    5. You want to be sure that there is no threat to the life of people and building structures when carrying out repair work according to the layout that you have outlined;

    6. You received a fine and an order requiring approval; redevelopment or the need to return the object to its original state;

    7. You are receiving complaints from neighbors and you want to remove the complaints;

    8. You want to be calm and not be afraid of fines and inspections on your premises.

Have questions? Call or write, we will help solve your problem.

Description of the house

Planning solution Panel residential buildings of four-apartment sections with 1, 2, 3, 4 room apartments. Three- and four-room apartments have a guest bathroom
Number of storeys 17 floors
Height of living quarters 2.70 m
Technical buildings Technical underground and attic for placing utilities
Elevators Passenger with a carrying capacity of 400 kg and cargo-passenger with a loading capacity of 630 kg
Design solution Wall system. External walls are three-layer panels, wall thickness 300 mm. Internal load-bearing walls are reinforced concrete panels with a thickness of 140, 180 mm. The partitions are gypsum concrete, 80 mm thick. Floors – reinforced concrete panels 140 mm thick.
Heating Central Water
Ventilation Natural exhaust, through ventilation units in the bathroom and kitchen
Water supply Cold and hot water from the city network
Other Garbage chute with loading valves on each floor. Thermal insulation windows with triple glazing

Placement of apartments in a section

Prices for approval of redevelopment in a house of the P-44M series

Redevelopment in a house of the P-44M series

Price for approval

Request for an individual calculation

Project and technical report

Getting permission

Receipt of the Act, BTI and extract from the Unified State Register

Redevelopment of an apartment without affecting the load-bearing structures from 20,000 rub. from 30,000 rub. from 60,000 rub.
Redevelopment non-residential premises without affecting supporting structures from 40,000 rub. from 100,000 rub. from 100,000 rub.
Redevelopment of an apartment with an opening in the load-bearing wall from 100,000 rub. from 60,000 rub. from 60,000 rub.
Redevelopment of non-residential premises with an opening in the load-bearing wall from 120,000 rub. from 100,000 rub. from 100,000 rub.

Layout of a two-room apartment

Options for redevelopment of a three-room apartment in a house of the P-44M series

Options for redevelopment of a four-room apartment in a house of the P-44M series

When you decide to purchase an apartment, you should carefully evaluate all the options offered by the real estate market. For a young family, a small one in a new building or an old building is suitable due to the optimal combination of price and quality. For a large family with several children, the housing requirements are higher, which means it will take longer to choose. In the article we will consider possible options for the layout of apartments in the standard series of houses P-44M.

The P-44M series is an improved modification of the predecessor P-44. The area of ​​the premises has been increased, the errors and shortcomings of the designs of the previous series have been taken into account. A series of panel houses were widely built in Moscow and the Moscow region. Experimental versions were erected in Mitino in the late 90s, and they quickly received the popular name "Luzhkov's Khrushchev Houses".

Visually, the houses are distinguished by bay windows of loggias and balconies.

House characteristics:

  • Years of construction - 1997-2000;
  • Designer - MNIITEP, manufacturer - DSK-1;
  • External walls are insulated reinforced concrete panels, 300 mm thick. Internal inter-apartment and interior load-bearing structures - reinforced concrete, 140 - 180 mm thick, partitions made of the same material - 80 mm;
  • Interfloor ceilings are hollow-core reinforced concrete, 140 mm thick;
  • The facades are faced with a brick look, the lower floors with a stone look;
  • Load-bearing structures: longitudinal inter-apartment, inter-room in vests, all transverse;
  • The roof is flat or with slopes in some places, covered with tiles;
  • There is a technical floor - attic;
  • Each house has at least 2 entrances;
  • Ceiling height - 2.70 m;
  • Passenger and cargo-passenger elevator;
  • Garbage chutes on each landing;
  • All layouts, starting from the second floor, have balconies and loggias;
  • All bathrooms are separated;
  • The rooms are isolated;
  • Natural ventilation shafts in the kitchen and restroom;
  • There are 4 apartments on each floor of the section.

Typical layout of apartments in P-44M buildings:

Advantages: an additional bathroom in three- and four-room apartments, energy-saving double-glazed windows, the ability to arrange living space in the attic, improved heat and sound insulation compared to P-44.

Disadvantages of the P-44M: poor installation of hinged structures in some models.

Apartment area, sq.m.:

Apartment layout options for the P-44M series


Dimensions: 43.6/19.6/10.7 sq.m. Advantages of the layout: dark room and built-in wardrobe in the hallway, large glazed balcony, spacious bedroom, ventilation shaft in the hallway. Disadvantages: small bathroom with no space for a washing machine.

Two-room P-44M

Area: 66.6/35.7/10.7 sq.m. Advantages of the layout: isolated rooms, built-in wardrobe and wardrobe in the hallway, separated bathroom, spacious kitchen with access to the balcony (starting from the second floor). Cons: small bath, lack of balcony on the first floor.

Three-room P-44M

Dimensions: 86.9/50.0/12.1 sq.m. Advantages of the layout: isolated rooms, glazed loggia, two bathrooms, spacious entrance hall and corridor, dark room, large kitchen. A disadvantage may be the complicated design of the guest room due to the presence of a bay window.

Four-room P-44M

Area: 110.1/70.7/14.2 sq.m. Advantages of the layout: isolated rooms, built-in wardrobes and a closet in the hallway, two restrooms, a glazed loggia. The disadvantage is one balcony.