Pros and cons of a consumer loan without collateral. Loan with and without collateral: what is it? Take out a consumer loan without collateral

In our unstable time, money can be required at any time. To many citizens, the secured loan service remains inaccessible to many to this day, but what if there is no guarantor or property? A consumer loan without collateral is perhaps the most reasonable and high-quality offer for those who need a large amount, but are unable to provide property as collateral.

We will tell our readers in detail about what an unsecured loan is. Although such programs are singled out as a separate type of lending, many banks offer at least 2 products that can be attributed to such types of loans. Let's look at all the intricacies of unsecured lending in more detail.


An unsecured loan is a fairly broad concept, and it immediately refers to a variety of loan products that are presented to the consumer today. Let's look at all possible types of unsecured loans:

  1. Classic cash loan;
  2. Credit card. This type of consumer lending has long been popular in the United States and Western countries, and is gaining popularity in Russia. There are many advantages of using a credit card, however, when you return, you will be charged not a small percentage for use, and a high commission will follow when cashing out;
  3. overdraft, this is a loan that a bank can pledge in an agreement with a client when registering a salary or debit card. Overdraft makes it possible to use a card with a negative balance;
  4. Commodity credit, has long become a part of the life of Russians, and is familiar to almost everyone. When buying expensive equipment, furniture, household appliances, etc., the store can offer the customer a loan for the purchase, issued by a partner bank.

In addition to the many options for unsecured lending, there are other features that every consumer who wants to take out such a loan should take into account. It should be understood that a financial institution, offering a similar service to customers, draws up an agreement on conditions convenient for the bank, trying to eliminate maximum risks.


A consumer loan without collateral is issued for relatively small amounts. Many large banks have a limit on such loans, up to 500,000 rubles. This is quite logical, and is due to the fact that the bank does not have collateral that it could dispose of in case of non-payment by the borrower.

In addition to the limit on the amount, the interest rate can be considered the main and not the most pleasant condition, which reaches an exorbitant height not only in microfinance organizations, but also in large institutions like Sberbank. Today, the overpayment will be at least 25% per year, and if you are careless and blindly filling out contracts, you risk not only running into a crazy percentage, but also finding yourself in conditions where the debt hole will grow, and the entire salary will go to pay off the interest.

Installment loan without collateral in large banks starts from 3 months, and the maximum period can be considered 5 years, although there are cases where loans were extended up to 7 years. You can apply for an interest-free loan for a short period in one of the MFIs. The MFI offers loans without collateral, with a minimum of documents, and when repaid on time, usually zero interest. Be careful, in case of delay, the interest on such loans reaches 800% per year!


Of course, the requirements for candidates for lending directly depend on the seriousness of the organization and the amount of money you want to receive. Let's take a look at the list of documents that you will need in case of applying for an unsecured consumer loan in one of the major banking institutions of the Russian Federation:

  1. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. The age at which a consumer can take a loan in the territory of the Russian Federation is 21 years old, and up to 65 years old. If the age of the applicant is higher, then you will have to issue a guarantee, and you will not be able to take a loan without collateral;
  2. Certificate of income in the form of 2-NDFL;
  3. The second document confirming the identity. A TIN certificate, driver's license, SNILS, etc. are suitable here;
  4. Employment contract or extract from the work book.

These documents may be required by the bank from its borrower, however, in addition to documentary evidence of your personal data and employment, there is requirements that will also need to be met:

  • Age limit;
  • At least 1 year of total work experience, and more than six months of employment in one workplace;
  • Officially confirmed income;
  • Registration in the locality where there are bank branches. At the MFC, you can also apply for a loan by temporary registration, there you will not need a certificate of income, but you should remember about interest.
  • A military ID or ascribed must be presented to all men of military age;
  • Contact details must be true.

Lending agents, when applying for a loan without collateral, approach the study of documents very carefully, and, as a rule, if the client does not meet the basic requirements, a refusal follows. When applying for a loan without collateral, you should understand that there are enough advantages and disadvantages, which you should know about in advance.

Bank rejection

Refusal to lend without collateral is far from uncommon, and here the client may not meet a specific motivated refusal, but simply hear an offer to insure the loan. It is worth noting that credit insurance is not a service included in the package, and the employee is obliged to offer it when applying for a loan. In the event that the loan insurance was included in the contract without your knowledge, you can appeal both the actions of the employee and the insurance itself in court.

It is important to understand that the bank, when issuing such loans, takes a small risk. The method of recovering funds from the debtor will be standard, but the bank, when lending without collateral, has practically no leverage. In the event that you are faced with a refusal, then you need to understand the reason, and only after eliminating it and after waiting 60 days from the date of filing the initial loan application, re-apply.

Advantages and disadvantages

The positive aspects of a loan without collateral should be considered:

  • No encumbrance;
  • Processing speed;
  • Ease of preparation of documents;
  • The loan has no purpose.

Encumbrance-free lending programs remain profitable for banks because people are willing to take out such loans, forgetting that everywhere there are pitfalls. They may be:

  • High percent;
  • Restrictions on the size of the loan;
  • Loan terms need to be approved and directly depend on the credit score and the client's income level;
  • High penalties for late payments.

Therefore, when planning to apply for a loan without encumbrance, you should carefully read all the details of the contract and offer. Sometimes, when signing an agreement, people have no idea what awaits them in case of violation of the conditions, so the right decision would be to contact a good financial specialist who can not only check the agreement, but also tell you which bank is more profitable to take a loan without collateral today.

Secured loan - what is it? Come on in - don't be shy! My friends are not shy, and when it comes to bank loans, they run to me for advice.

And so did my dear Ozerovs. Their child is going to school this year, but there is no separate room, there is nowhere to put a desk.

They thought about buying a more spacious apartment, but they were worried that there would not be enough money, because the wife had just gone on maternity leave - they gathered for the second.

I began to reassure them that they would just need to provide security.

What are the types of loan collateral?

Loan collateral is a form of insurance against non-payment of loans, that is, a specific source of debt repayment in the event that the borrower defaults on its obligations.

According to Article 326 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, there are the following ways to secure loan agreements:

  • guarantee,
  • pledge,
  • bank guarantee,
  • penalties,
  • retention of property, etc.

One of the most common forms of collateral for loan agreements is collateral. This form of security assumes that the bank, in case of non-repayment of the loan debt by the borrower, can use the pledged property to ensure the return of the loan amount, interest on it, as well as the penalties specified in the contract.


That is why, and also due to the fact that there is a risk of a decrease in the market value of the pledged object, the collateral value is always lower than the current market value of the property.

There are the following types of collateral:

  1. pledge of property (movable or immovable)
  2. pledge of property rights.

As a rule, a pledge agreement is drawn up if the requested loan amount is significant. Most often, banks accept real estate as collateral, while the pledge agreement must be registered with the Federal Registration Service.

Residential, non-residential, office, industrial and other premises, capital garages and other similar real estate can act as real estate. When registering a mortgage agreement, the acquired housing acts as collateral.

As movable property, banks can accept cars, equipment, office equipment, goods and materials, as well as other property of a certain value as collateral. Also, property pledged may be shares, bonds, bills, other securities, deposits, etc.

A pledge of property rights is understood as a pledge of the customer's right under a work contract, a pledge of a lease right, etc. The property that is the subject of pledge must be liquid, be owned by the borrower and be free from other obligations.

After the transfer of property as a pledge, the borrower loses the right to dispose of it without the knowledge of the bank, but often the subject of pledge remains in the use of the pledgor. In this case, the bank has the right to check the availability and condition of the pledged property, and in case of damage or loss, demand early repayment of the loan.

Sometimes credit organizations also require to insure the collateral.

The second, and perhaps the most common form of collateral for a loan, is a surety. In this case, the third party (guarantor) is obliged to repay the borrower's debt to the bank if he does not fulfill his obligations under the loan agreement.


The guarantor may be a legal or natural person that meets certain conditions (including having sufficient solvency). Depending on the amount of the agreement, the solvency of the borrower and other conditions, the bank may require the involvement of one, two or more guarantors.

The next fairly common type of security is a penalty. It implies the obligation of the borrower to pay the bank penalties in the amount established by the loan agreement, in case of violation of the terms of the agreement (most often in the event of a delay in repayment of the next payment).

When lending to legal entities, a bank guarantee is often used as collateral, which is a written undertaking of another bank. This document also indicates the amount for which the guarantee is issued.

Other types of security are used much less frequently. Often, one loan agreement is accompanied by several types of loan collateral.

source: http://site/

Loan collateral - which one is right for you?

When drawing up a loan agreement, banks, as a rule, require the provision of appropriate security, the type of which is determined by a particular loan program.

Loan collateral is the bank's insurance against cases of non-payment under loan agreements.

The most popular types of collateral are pledge and surety of third parties. Pledge is a type of security in which the bank, in the event of default by the borrower of its obligations under the loan agreement, can compensate for its losses at the expense of the pledged property.

There are the following types of collateral:

  • pledge of immovable property, otherwise called a mortgage,
  • pledge of other property
  • pledge of property rights.

What can be offered to the bank as collateral? This largely depends on what kind of loan you take out.

If a bank lends a small amount, then often one or more guarantees are sufficient as security. When issuing a significant amount, as a rule, a pledge agreement is drawn up.


The role of security is best performed by real estate. The real estate pledge agreement is subject to mandatory state registration. Real estate can be anything. It can be an apartment, garage, country house or office space.

Moreover, the higher the market value of the property offered as collateral, the greater the amount you can request from the bank. However, for example, when applying for a mortgage loan, in the overwhelming majority of cases, the acquired property is the subject of collateral.

The subject of collateral is also strictly defined when applying for a loan to buy a car - the car purchased by the borrower remains pledged to the bank. In other cases, in addition to real estate, equipment, machinery, office equipment, goods and other inventory items, etc. can act as collateral.

Also, liquid securities (for example, shares) can be offered as collateral. In this case, the final decision on the choice of collateral is made by the bank.

However, it should be borne in mind that only property that meets the following requirements can be the subject of pledge:

  1. the property must be owned by the borrower, and this must be documented;
  2. it should not be pledged, according to any other agreements;
  3. the subject of pledge must have a documented price;
  4. the property offered as collateral must be in demand in the event of its sale, and, accordingly, must not be in a neglected or dilapidated state.

As a rule, the amount of the loan issued is always less than the market value of the collateral. The Bank has the right to control the safety of the collateral, whether it is movable or immovable property.

The borrower does not have the right to sell, donate, bequeath or perform any other similar actions with respect to property pledged. Sometimes banks also require to insure the collateral.

Guarantee is a form of loan security, consisting in the fact that a third party, called the guarantor, assumes obligations to the bank to return the issued loan funds. The guarantor is selected, as a rule, based on the level of his income.

In the event that the borrower fails to fulfill its obligations under the loan agreement, the bank sends a notification to the guarantor, after which the guarantor is obliged to transfer the required amount to the bank to repay the loan.


Depending on the type of loan agreement, both legal entities and individuals can act as a guarantor. A surety agreement is always drawn up in writing and is an agreement between the bank and the surety.

Banks also use such types of security as forfeit, credit insurance, bank guarantees, etc. Also, banks can use several different forms to secure one loan agreement.

source: http://site/

What is collateral and collateral? Example and calculation formulas

A pledge is a way of securing obligations between a debtor (pledger) and a creditor (mortgagor). Collateral can be primary or secondary. In the first case, the pledge is transferred to the Bank as a pledge of the first order.

If the borrower receives another loan (while refinancing the first loan) in another bank, the second stage pledge mechanism is triggered. In this case, the contractual relationship between the first Bank and the second (re-mortgage) shall be concluded in writing, and the pledge shall be re-mortgaged to the second Bank.

The creditor has a preferential right to pledge over other creditors. Relations between the parties are specified in the contract and are regulated by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law "On Pledge", the Federal Law "On Mortgage".

Collateral is a set of conditions that gives the creditor confidence that the debt will be repaid. A loan can be secured by a pledge in the form of real estate, movable property and other highly liquid assets (securities, guarantees), as well as a surety.


In addition to the basic collateral for a loan, in a number of countries there is a need to provide additional sources of income, because the credit risk for the lender is higher.

Similarities and differences between collateral and security

Thus, “Pledge” and “Security” are two different concepts. However, in the banking system there is a generalized expression - "Collateral", which implies the entire system of contractual relations and obligations between the debtor and the creditor.

Loan security

There are types of loans in which a prerequisite is the provision of collateral. These include: commercial, mortgage, consumer, leasing, etc. For them, banks necessarily require a "hard" pledge.

With car loans, express loans, student loans and other “light” loans, Banks generally accept purchased cars, inventory items, movable property, etc. as collateral. The pledger can be both the debtor himself and a third party, with his written permission.

Documentary component

After the loan is issued, a borrower package is formed. It contains collateral for a loan, agreements, and all other necessary documents in accordance with the “Lending Procedures”.

Each unit of collateral in the Bank is accounted for as one off-balance sheet liability and is reflected in the corresponding accounting entry. In practice, the nominal value of 1 collateral is usually equal to 1 currency unit and is kept until the end of the loan term.

At the end of the loan term, the off-balance sheet obligation is debited from the Bank's obligations and returned to the borrower against signature.

What happens if you don't pay the bank?

In case of non-fulfilment of obligations by the mortgagor specified in the agreement, the Bank delivers to the debtor a notice registered with the relevant authority on the commencement of the procedure for the enforcement of the pledge to pay off the debt.


If the debtor does not “respond” to the Bank's actions in pre-trial proceedings, the Bank has the right to satisfy the obligation by selling the collateral.

The lawyer prepares a package of documents (correspondence between the debtor and the creditor), signed contracts are attached, the full amount of the debt is calculated and the case is submitted to the court.

When the court decides in favor of the creditor, the debtor's property passes into the possession of the Bank and is sold at an open auction under the hammer.

If the court decides in favor of the debtor, then this debtor can only be envied, because this is a very small percentage of all court cases.

Calculation of collateral and liabilities

In order to secure a loan as collateral, the loan officer first calculates the amount of the debtor's obligations:

loan amount + accrued % for the period according to the repayment schedule = loan obligations

The collateral must cover the amount of the liabilities. Registration of pledge agreements takes place in the relevant authorities and is certified by a notary.

Calculation example
To reinforce the above material, let's give 2 examples:

Example 1.
You took out a loan:
Loan parameters 1
Target for replenishment of working capital
Amount 5,000,000 rubles
% rate 11% per annum
Term 60 months (5 years).

As security for the loan, you provide a 3-room apartment with an approximate market price of 16,000,000 rubles.


When calculating the collateral value of real estate, Banks apply a liquidity ratio of approximately 40-70% of the value of the property.

In your case, let's say it will be 50%. Thus, your apartment will be evaluated by a Bank specialist in the amount of 8,000,000 rubles. Now let's calculate the amount of liabilities:

5,000,000 rubles * 11% * 5 years = 7,750,000 rubles.

Congratulations, your collateral fully covers your obligations and you have a great chance to get a loan.

Example 2

You receive a mortgage loan for the purchase of an apartment, the cost of which is 14,000,000 rubles.

The goal is to buy an apartment
Loan options for buying an apartment
Amount 14,000,000 rubles
% rate 10% per annum
Term 120 months (10 years).

In mortgage lending, the provision of the acquired real estate is required as collateral for the loan.

What will be the calculation of collateral? Let's take a closer look here. The liquidity ratio will also be equal to 50%.

Now look: If the purchased property costs 14,000,000 rubles, then after applying the coefficient, its assessed value as security will be equal to 7,000,000 rubles.

And the amount of your obligations to the Bank is:

14,000,000 * 10% * 10 years = 28,000,000 rubles!
There was a difference of 21,000,000 rubles.

In this case, you need to provide additional security for the difference of your obligations. However, one of the conditions for mortgage loans is own contribution to the acquired property. Usually it varies from 30% to 70%.

source: http://site/

Types of collateral for loans to legal entities and entrepreneurs, features of providing collateral

One of the principles of lending is the security of the loan. When granting a loan, the bank reduces its risks by drawing up collateral and guarantee agreements.

The collateral accepted by the bank for a loan is divided into:

  • basic
  • additional.

The principal collateral must cover the entire amount of the borrower's obligations under the loan.


The amount of liabilities is understood as the amount of the principal debt (loan amount), as well as commission and interest payments on it, calculated for a certain period.

As a rule, the amount of payments is calculated for a quarter, or for two quarters (depending on the established frequency of interest payments), less often - for the entire period of the loan agreement.

Loan collateral - calculation example

To do this, you need to determine the minimum estimated collateral value - this is the amount of the loan and payments, as indicated above. The estimated collateral value divided by the adjustment factor gives the market value of the collateral.

For example, with a loan amount of five hundred thousand rubles at eighteen percent per annum and a monthly commission of one percent per annum, the calculation will be as follows:

(18+1)/100/365*92*500,000+500,000) = 523,945.21 (rubles) is the required estimated collateral value of the loan collateral,

523,945.21/0.6=873,242.02 (rubles) the minimum market value of collateral for the requested loan, where

(18+1)/100 - interest rate and monthly commission payment (as a percentage per annum),
365 is the number of days in a year,
92 - the number of days in the period (this value varies depending on the lending conditions of a particular bank),
5000000 - loan amount,
0.6 is a correction factor applied to a certain type of collateral (the value also varies depending on the type of collateral and lending conditions of a particular bank).

The commission for granting a loan is not taken into account, since the payment of this commission is carried out at a time before the first provision of credit funds to the borrower.

The main collateral for the loan

In the overwhelming majority of cases, property collateral acts as the main security for the borrower's obligations to the bank: real estate, equipment, transport.

The property pledged to the bank may belong to both the borrower himself and a third party. Pledgers can be individuals and organizations.

If the mortgagor - a third party - is an organization, the bank will ask for a full package of documents (legal and financial documents) to analyze the legal capacity and solvency of the mortgagor.

The financial condition of the mortgagor must be stable. A necessary condition is the absence of negative net assets.

To accept property as collateral, it is necessary to confirm the property right of the mortgagor to this property.

When pledging:

  1. real estate is a certificate of ownership issued by the registration chamber and documents - the basis for the emergence of rights,
  2. transport - PTS (vehicle passport) and vehicle registration certificate,
  3. equipment - confirmation of the fact of payment (payment order or sales and cash receipts), confirmation of the fact of delivery (waybill, invoice and contract).

Less often, especially in times of crisis, inventory items are accepted as collateral: goods for resale or raw materials and materials owned by the borrower. Here the correction factor is more rigid, in most cases it is 0.5.


In the case of storage of goods and materials on the territory of another organization, it is necessary to provide the bank with a storage agreement, to which an additional agreement will be concluded on allowing the admission of bank representatives to the territory where the collateral is stored to conduct ongoing checks on the availability of collateral.

The property pledge agreement, with the exception of the real estate pledge, comes into force from the moment of signing. Real estate pledge agreement (mortgage agreement) is subject to state registration.

As for the equipment accepted as collateral, it should not be stationary, unique, unparalleled, with a narrow scope. The property must have individual characteristics for the possibility of its identification (serial number, inventory number, etc.).

Transport, in turn, must be in good technical condition, on the move, not older than a certain age (as a rule, no more than ten to fifteen years).

Real estate accepted as collateral is non-residential buildings, structures, land plots, unfinished (if the right of ownership is registered in accordance with the current legislation). Residential real estate is accepted as collateral for a loan if no one is registered in it.

Vessels (sea and air) can also serve as collateral. The bank must provide extracts from the registration service on the absence of encumbrance on the subject of collateral.

If there are executed and registered lease agreements with third parties, the bank may require the conclusion of an additional agreement to the lease agreement on the termination of the lease agreement in the event that the bank forecloses on collateral.

For individual lending programs as collateral, the following can also be accepted as the main collateral:

  • the right to claim under the contract,
  • guarantee of the municipality,
  • promissory note (in most cases, Sberbank of the Russian Federation),
  • bank guarantee,
  • acquired property, etc.

Let us dwell briefly on each of these types of support.

Right to claim under a contract is accepted as collateral at the residual value of the contract, which is calculated as the difference between the amount of the contract and the advance payments made.


This contract must specify the condition under which all transfers are made to the borrower's current account opened with the creditor bank, and amendments to the contract are not possible without the consent of the creditor bank.

The loan repayment schedule is synchronized with the payment schedule under the contract; upon receipt of proceeds under the specified contract, it is written off as repayment of the borrower's debt to the bank.

Guarantee of the municipality (MO) is accepted as collateral if the bank has concluded an agreement with this MO and, in turn, the budget of the MO provides for the costs of providing guarantees for loans to enterprises and individual entrepreneurs.

bill of exchange(in most cases, a bill of Sberbank of the Russian Federation) is one of the most interesting types of security.

On the one hand, a promissory note is the same money, but placed in a security for a certain period of time with certain conditions (on a promissory note, the holder of a bill can receive interest from the bank).

So, when providing a bill as collateral for a loan, the risks of the bank are reduced to the maximum and the requirements for the borrower are correspondingly more liberal, the bank's discount is much lower.

bank guarantee may serve as collateral if the creditor bank has set a risk limit on the issuing bank. If the acquired property acts as security, then an appropriate agreement must be signed between the bank and the seller.

And in the contract of sale, signed between the buyer (borrower) and the seller, a condition must be stipulated according to which, when the buyer (borrower) provides the seller with part of the payment (usually in the range of ten to twenty percent) and a bank guarantee letter (or a signed loan agreement, as an option), the right ownership of the subject of the contract of sale passes to the buyer.


The buyer (aka the borrower) draws up a pledge agreement with the bank, and the bank, in turn, transfers the remaining amount to the seller of the property on the secured loan.

Additional collateral for the loan

Additional collateral for a loan can also be a property pledge, and a guarantee of legal entities and (or) individuals.

When lending to small businesses, it is mandatory to provide a guarantee from the main founders of the enterprise or the head, as well as persons who have the opportunity to directly influence the decisions made by the enterprise.

If the borrower is part of a group of related enterprises, the bank may require a guarantee from the main organizations of the group.

source: http://website/

Secured and unsecured consumer credit - main differences

Main types of consumer credit:

  1. loan without collateral.

Recently, such concepts as secured consumer credit and unsecured credit have become increasingly common. It is worth learning in more detail how these types of loans differ, as well as what advantages each of these loans can characterize.

First of all, it is worth saying that a secured consumer loan is a kind of guarantee to a banking institution that, in the event of unforeseen life circumstances, the funds taken on credit will still be returned to the bank.

For example, a pledge of some valuable property of the borrower or a guarantee of another individual or legal entity can act as collateral for a loan.

In other words, when the borrower, for some reason that has arisen, cannot pay the loan debt, then the property pledged to a banking institution or other credit institution will be sold, and the funds received will be returned to the banking organization.

A guarantee implies credit obligations to pay debts to another person. In any case, the banking organization will not remain in an advantageous position.


Describing consumer loans without collateral and security, which do not imply any additional collateral and guarantee, we can say that a banking organization issues a loan to a borrower on a trusting relationship.

However, this does not mean at all that upon termination of the fulfillment of credit obligations, the borrower does not risk anything and will not be responsible for everything according to the law.

It is precisely the federal law that prescribes that in the case of consumer lending without collateral, the client must answer to the bank with all his property that he has.

In life, it looks like this: an unscrupulous payer does not pay the loan debt for a certain period of time.

First, the exacting security services of the bank are connected, which will repeatedly remind the borrower of his debt, only then a court decision will be made ordering the recovery of all the valuable property of this borrower.

The bailiff services are already responsible for this process, whose duty is to come to the place of residence (or registration) of a citizen, describe and confiscate household appliances, electronic equipment, vehicles and many other property for the entire amount of the outstanding loan debt.

Now it is worth noting the positive and negative aspects if the borrower draws up a consumer loan with or without collateral. Of course, the conditions of these types of loans: in the first case, they are usually much simpler.

But with an unsecured loan, the borrower is required to submit income documents, and the loan amount is usually quite insignificant, and the interest rate, on the contrary, is much higher.

Nevertheless, the pledge requires the collection of a large number of documents, the registration of insurance for the pledged object, and this also requires additional costs.

What type of credit program to use will be decided by the client. In any case, the borrower must remember that credit debt implies its return and full repayment. Do not bring your situation to the point of forced collection of debt.

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What does the term "consumer loan without collateral" mean? This is a loan that is issued without collateral (real estate, car, personal valuables, etc.) for any urgent needs.

Any citizen of the Russian Federation can become a borrower from a bank in order to buy household appliances or furniture, go on a trip to any country in the world, or repair an apartment. And Sberbank of Russia will not require a document confirming the purpose of the loan, and will also issue a loan without a guarantee and collateral, even for pensioners up to a certain age.

For those wishing to receive such a loan without collateral for urgent needs, Sberbank puts forward the following conditions:

  • the loan is issued in the state currency - Russian rubles;
  • the purpose of the loan is urgent personal needs;
  • a client can get a loan of at least 15,000 rubles, and a Muscovite - from 45,000 rubles;
  • "ceiling" of the loan - 1.5 million rubles;
  • the loan must be repaid within a period of 3-60 months (5 years), the period will be agreed in advance and depends on the amount of the loan;
  • there is no need for security;
  • no commission for issuing a loan (some banks still practice quite high commissions);
  • the loan is issued at a time (that is, you will receive the agreed amount immediately and in full).

Interest rate

This year, Sberbank of Russia introduced a new rule for obtaining an unsecured loan - the interest rate will be calculated taking into account whether the borrower has a salary (pension) card, the length of the loan term, and the status of credit history:

  • for individuals who have a pension or salary account with Sberbank, the loan rate for a period of 3-24 months is set at 17.5 to 22.0%, from two to five years - 18.5-23.0%;
  • the remaining individuals were assigned a loan rate for a period of 3-24 months - 22.0-25.5%, and 2-5 years - 23.0-26.5%.

That is, the better the relationship of the borrower with Sberbank, the lower the interest rate, but at the same time, the longer the loan term, the higher the rate.

Requirements for borrowers

To become a borrower and receive a consumer loan, you will have to meet the conditions of the loan:

  • age - over twenty-one and under sixty-five;
  • citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • work experience of more than a year in the previous five years and more than six months in the last place;
  • the presence of regular income, which is enough for the monthly repayment of the loan, as well as to ensure the living wage for the borrower.

Loan terms and amounts

Sberbank of Russia issues consumer loans without collateral for personal consumption only for a strictly defined period. And the lower your monthly income, the longer the loan term, but the maximum is 5 years. The minimum loan repayment period is 3 months. A long term loan will cost you much more than a short one due to interest on the loan.

If the borrower has a temporary registration, the “ceiling” of the credit period cannot be longer than the expiration date of the temporary registration.

The maximum loan amount at Sberbank reaches one and a half million rubles, but the loan limit for an unsecured loan is always determined individually, including the degree of reliability and solvency of the borrower.

The web service of Sberbank of Russia has a convenient calculator for determining the loan repayment schedule. If you apply for several loans, then their total amount cannot exceed 1.5 million rubles.

The minimum loan amount for Muscovites is 45,000 rubles, and for other residents of Russia - 15,000 rubles. Sberbank will not issue a consumer loan for a smaller amount. Who is responsible for the loan taken? A borrower who will have to risk his funds on his account and bank card, as well as his property, if the bank requires collateral. Delay in monthly payments and failure by the borrower to fulfill obligations under the loan agreement threatens with high penalties.

Documents for obtaining a loan

You need:

  • application in the form of a questionnaire;
  • a passport with a city residence permit, where the branch of the bank where you applied is located, or a certificate of temporary registration of the established form;
  • an extract or a copy of the work book with the seal of the enterprise, and the date of the last entry must be within the last five years;
  • certificate of form 2-NDFL from the last place of work (for 6 months);
  • if necessary, Sberbank may require a certificate of the amount of early pension or for length of service: women - up to 55 years old, men - up to 60.

Changes in the conditions for obtaining loans from Sberbank

Sberbank has set a new lending rule for borrowers. The amount of the consumer loan will be transferred at a time to a bank deposit or card opened only with Sberbank. This approach to issuing a loan will allow the bank to receive legitimate income by servicing the card and during cash withdrawals.

The loan is repaid by transfer from another bank, debiting from an account with Sberbank, making cash in the amount of annuity (equal) payments.

For early repayment of a loan, Sberbank cancels commissions and limits on the minimum part of a loan repaid ahead of schedule. At the same time, be sure to observe the payment dates, which can be viewed in the established payment schedule.


Taking a consumer loan with or without collateral - compare lending conditions of different banks. And most importantly, calculate your strength in order to repay the loan taken on time and without problems. Sberbank is ready to provide an urgent loan without security for personal needs, subject to disciplined repayment of the loan according to the payment schedule.

We pay special attention to the fact that each bank has a special memo, which stipulates not only the general situation, but also the features of lending. When filling out the questionnaires and the contract, be attentive to the request to indicate not only the name of the bank, but also the exact number of the branch - some regional features of lending may depend on this.

If the contract specifies other payments, except for repayment of the loan, then specify what these payments are, how many of them, for what amount. And demand that all this be fixed in the contract. Also pay attention to the text, which says about the right of the bank to impose various kinds of fines. These may be sanctions that are not related to penalties for late payments (for example, for not reporting a change in contact phone number, replacement of a passport, etc.).

Another underwater "stone" that you can stumble over due to inexperience is the bank's tariffs for additional services. Some unscrupulous lenders do not indicate that rates are subject to change or how often they change. Demand these details to clarify and fix these amounts in the contract.

Video: Sberbank in detail - consumer loans

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Unsecured consumer loan - what does it mean, features, interest and reviews

Often there are moments when money is urgently needed, but there is no collateral. And even more so, given that almost every citizen now has at least the smallest loan, finding a guarantor is also problematic. There is only one thing left - to apply for a loan without collateral. Unsecured consumer credit - what does it mean and what are its features?


A consumer loan without collateral is understood as a loan without the provision of collateral and a guarantor. What is a consumer loan without collateral? Borrowed funds can be used for any purpose at your own discretion. It can be repair, purchase of things or equipment. Such loans are suitable when money is needed urgently.

Such loans include:

  • credit cards;
  • credit in cash or to a current account;
  • unsecured loan at retail outlets for the purchase of goods.


Financial institutions impose the following requirements on their borrowers:

  1. The presence of permanent registration in the region where the financial institution is located. Some banks may allow temporary registration.
  2. The age of the borrower varies from 18 to 70 years. Again, the higher the age, the more likely the bank will require collateral. Therefore, it is optimal in this case to take loans up to 60 years.
  3. The presence of a permanent job and an official source of income.
  4. The length of service must be at least one year, and at the last workplace - at least six months.
  5. For men, credit can be granted upon presentation of a military ID.
  6. When specifying contact information, an additional phone number is required.
  7. If the loan involves taking into account family income, then the requirements for the other spouse will be similar.


Naturally, different banks require a different set of documents from borrowers. But basically this is a standard set, which includes:

  • loan application;
  • identity document;
  • the second document that can confirm the identity of the borrower (this is either SNILS, or a passport, or a driver's license);
  • a copy of the labor;
  • certificate 2-personal income tax.

Some banks, in addition to the above documents, may request a certificate from the pension fund, a bank account statement, a tax return (for a legal entity), and some - only a passport and a certificate of income in order to provide a consumer loan without collateral, however, in the latter case, the amount will be small.


The conditions offered by financial institutions vary significantly. For example, having a positive credit history and being a participant in a salary project, you can get loyal conditions from the bank for a consumer loan without collateral. What does it mean? These are the minimum interest rates, a long loan period, the maximum loan amount. By the way, the interest rate can be reduced if the borrower takes out an additional service in the form of accident or job loss insurance.

Consider the basic conditions for unsecured loans.

Main settings

  • the minimum amount can be from 15,000 rubles;
  • the maximum that banks can offer in this case is from 500,000 rubles. up to 1.5 million rubles;
  • payroll card holders and clients with a positive credit history can count on more amounts.

Interest rate

The interest rate is always calculated individually, based on the amount and terms of the loan. You can take out consumer credit insurance without collateral. What does it mean? That the interest rate will drop another couple of points.

  • minimum term: from 3 months to a year;
  • up to a maximum of 5 years.

Sometimes the term can be up to 7 years.

Extra options

  • lack of security;
  • no additional fees for servicing or issuing a loan;
  • the application is considered from several hours to five days, depending on the financial institution.

The client should be prepared for the fact that banks carefully consider loan applications and are demanding of future borrowers. If the organization has any doubts, most likely, it will refuse to work without a guarantee or security.

There are banks that practice informal collateral, when the collateral provided is taken into account, but does not affect the terms of the loan. This option is usually used when the value of the collateral is low, and the guarantor does not meet the requirements of the bank.

Bank overview

Consider, using the example of various banks, what constitutes a consumer loan without collateral. The review of banks will consist of the largest and well-known financial institutions.

Name of company

Amount (rub.)

Loan terms (months)

Interest rate %


From 15 thousand to 1.5 million with proof of income

From 50 thousand to 3 million with proof of income


From 30 thousand to 1.2 million with proof of income

Bank of Moscow

From 100 thousand to 3 million with proof of income


From 10 thousand to 750 thousand with proof of income

Alfa Bank

From 50 thousand to 2 million with proof of income


From 25 thousand to 800 thousand with confirmation of income from 300 thousand

UniCredit Bank

From 60 thousand to 1 million without proof of income


from 91 thousand to 1.5 million from 25 thousand to 800 thousand with proof of income


From 30 thousand to 1.5 million From 25 thousand to 800 thousand with proof of income

Having considered the main offers of the largest banks, you can understand what unsecured consumer credit means. Sberbank, for example, offers good amounts for acceptable terms, but a low interest rate will be set only if the maximum package of documents is submitted. The rest of the organizations are upping the ante. And all because there is no security.

And yet, this method of lending has a number of advantages both for the client of the bank and for the financial institution itself.

Advantages and disadvantages for the borrower

Unsecured consumer loan - what does it mean for a bank client? Consider the main pros and cons of this type of loan.

The positives include the following:

  • the ability to take a loan without providing collateral real estate and a guarantor;
  • minimum list of documents;
  • fast terms of consideration of the submitted application;
  • ease of concluding a loan agreement;
  • lack of control by the bank over the use of funds.

The negatives include the following:

  • without collateral, the interest rate is much higher;
  • high fines and penalties for late payments and default on credit obligations;
  • the loan amount without collateral is much lower than with it;
  • the bank can reduce the loan terms if it deems it necessary;
  • the borrower is liable to the bank for the loan with all his property.

Pros and cons for banks

Provide consumer credit without collateral - what does this mean for banks? On the one hand, the advantage of such lending is the demand for the program among bank customers, high income from the loan itself and a simplified scheme for considering applications. On the other hand, there are also disadvantages. These are quite high risks and difficulties in recovering in case of default.

However, this product is offered due to high returns for a financial institution.


According to customer reviews of various banks, an unsecured consumer loan is a convenient tool when you need money, but there is nowhere to get it from. Convenience lies not only in the bank's quick response to the application, but also in the ability to repay the loan ahead of schedule and vary the monthly payment (in a big way).

Not everyone, of course, is lucky in obtaining a loan. There are also dissatisfied customers. But, as it turns out, these are borrowers who have a bad credit history, or customers who cannot provide any of the necessary documents.

Unsecured consumer loan - what does it mean, what is it, without collateral and guarantors

Sometimes circumstances arise when a small amount of money is urgently needed, but there is no property to pledge as collateral in order to obtain a loan. Given the large credit burden of the population, guarantors are currently also difficult to find. The best way out in this situation is to get a consumer loan without collateral and guarantors.

What it is

Unfortunately, not everyone understands what “unsecured consumer credit” means and how it differs from the usual one.

An unsecured consumer loan is a loan for consumer needs without collateral and guarantors, which can be spent for any purpose at your discretion.

Ideal for cases where the speed and convenience of receiving money are of great importance.

These loans include:

  • loans in cash or to a personal account without collateral and bank guarantee;
  • credit cards;
  • unsecured loans in retail outlets for the purchase of goods.


To borrowers

Banks set the following requirements for potential borrowers:

  • permanent registration on the territory of the Russian Federation at the location of the bank, some banks allow temporary registration;
  • age from 18-23 to 55-70 years;
  • availability of an official source of income;
  • the length of service at the last workplace should be at least 2-6 months, and the total length of service should be at least 1 year;
  • for young people under 27 years of age, it is mandatory to provide a military ID or registration certificate;
  • often banks insist on the obligatory availability of a contact phone number, preferably a mobile one.

When accounting for family income, the spouse of the borrower is subject to the same requirements.

Required documents

To consider the possibility of obtaining a consumer loan without collateral, the bank provides:

  • application-questionnaire of the borrower in the form of a bank;
  • identity document (passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation);
  • some banks request a second document at the client's choice: TIN certificate, driver's license, military ID, insurance certificate of state pension insurance, another document agreed with the bank;
  • a certified copy of the work book (not required in all banks);
  • documents confirming income: certificate in the form of 2-NDFL or in the form of the Bank, certificate from the Pension Fund, bank account or card statement, tax return. These documents are provided, if necessary, in accordance with the terms of the bank's loan program.

Sample bank statement of income.

Income certificate form 2-NDFL.

The list of documents may differ in different banks. Some banks offer lending programs with the provision of two documents: a passport and income statement.


Terms of loan offers vary significantly in different banks.

In the presence of a positive credit history or for employees of enterprises participating in a salary project, banks often offer more loyal conditions: for example, they lower the interest rate, increase the term or increase the maximum loan amount.

Also, the interest rate can be lowered by concluding a life and disability insurance contract.

Conditions for granting a loan for consumer needs without collateral:

Main parameters:

  • Amount of credit. A consumer loan can be obtained in the amount of 15 thousand rubles. The maximum possible amount, as a rule, is from 500 thousand rubles. up to 1.5 million rubles For payroll card holders and customers with a positive credit history, the amount increases.
  • Interest rate. It is calculated individually depending on the amount and term of the loan. When concluding a life insurance contract, the rate is reduced by 1-3 percentage points. A reduced rate is also offered for payroll card holders and customers with a positive credit history.
  • Credit term. Most often, it is issued for up to 5 years, but for some categories of clients, for example, state employees, the period can be extended up to 7 years. The minimum term varies from 3 to 12 months.

Extra options:

  • Security is not required.
  • There are no additional fees for issuing or servicing a loan.
  • The term for consideration of the application is from several hours to 5 days.

We must be prepared for the fact that in the absence of collateral, banks are more demanding in considering the possibility of issuing a loan. If in doubt, the bank may still request the provision of collateral or surety.

Sometimes banks practice issuing loans for consumer needs against unofficial security. In this case, the bank takes into account the security when considering a loan application, but it does not affect the terms of the loan.

There are often moments in life when money is needed urgently, but there is no collateral available. And given the fact that almost every citizen in our country has at least one loan, the search for a guarantor seems almost hopeless. In such a situation, there is only one option left - applying to a bank for a consumer loan without collateral. What does it mean? In this article, we will talk about the features, conditions, as well as the measure of responsibility for non-repayment of loan funds.

Basic concepts

Consumer lending that does not require collateral involves a loan without collateral and guarantors. For what purposes can funds be issued under such conditions? This money can be used for any purpose: repair, purchase of household items, furniture or appliances. This option is suitable when money is needed urgently. Such loan products include: a credit card, a cash loan or a transfer to a current account, an unsecured loan intended for the purchase of equipment or other goods. The terms of a consumer loan without collateral are of interest to many.


Banking institutions impose a number of requirements on borrowers:

  • permanent registration in the region where lending will be carried out (some financial institutions may meet halfway and allow issuance under temporary registration);
  • the age of the client can be in the range from 18 to 70 years (the older the potential borrower, the higher the likelihood that the bank may require collateral);
  • the presence of a permanent place of work (the length of service in general should be one year, and at the last place of work - at least 6 months).

How to get a consumer loan without collateral, you can check with a particular bank.

Representatives of the strong half of humanity may be required to have a military ID. Another phone number may also be required as an additional communication channel. If a loan is supposed to take into account the income of the family as a whole, then the requirements for a husband or wife will be similar.


What documents are needed for a consumer loan without collateral (what does this mean, we explained)? Of course, the list of documents in different financial institutions may differ, but basically it is a standard set. An application for a loan, a document confirming your identity, a second document with which you can verify your identity (SNILS, passport, driver's license), TIN, copy of the work book, 2-NDFL certificate. Some banks may request documents such as a certificate from a pension fund, a bank account statement, a tax return (for legal entities), and in some financial institutions, only a passport and a certificate of income are enough, but in this case it is not possible to count on a large amount costs.

Terms of consumer credit without collateral

The conditions for the issuance of borrowed funds can be significantly different in different banks. For example, with a good credit history and participation in the bank's payroll project, you can get fairly loyal conditions for providing a loan without collateral. This may be the minimum interest rate, a longer loan period, the maximum amount. But the bank can soften the conditions in some other cases. For example, the interest rate can be reduced if you take out accident or dismissal insurance. Consider what the conditions for granting a loan without collateral look like. The minimum amount can be 15,000 rubles. The maximum possible amount in this case is no more than 1,500 million rubles. Payroll card holders and clients with a clean credit history may be offered higher amounts. Who is responsible for a consumer loan without collateral? More on this later.

Interest rate

The interest rate is calculated on an individual basis, depending on the amount and term of the loan. If you take out consumer credit insurance without collateral, the interest rate will drop a little more. The minimum term is 3 months, and the maximum possible loan duration in this case can be 60 months. In very rare cases, under special conditions, the term of the loan can be 7 years. Where is the interest rate on a consumer loan lower? This is a common question. Let's find out below.

Extra options

As additional parameters, it can be noted: the absence of additional commission fees for servicing and issuing a loan, the processing time for an application is usually several days, depending on the bank. Clients need to be prepared for the fact that bank employees can consider a loan application very carefully and make a lot of demands on their future clients. In case of any doubts, bank employees will most likely refuse to receive a loan without collateral. There are financial institutions that practice an unofficial type of security, when the collateral presented is subject to accounting, but does not affect the terms of the loan. This option is practiced if the value of the collateral is small, and the guarantor for some reason does not meet the conditions of the bank.

What does it mean - a consumer loan without collateral, now we know. But where to go?

Overview of loan products of different banks

The review consists of a description of the credit products of the largest and most famous banks. Sberbank provides a loan without collateral on the following terms: the amount is from 15,000 to 1.5 million rubles, the term is from 3 months to 5 years, the interest rate is from 14.5%. In VTB 24 bank, the conditions are as follows: from 50,000 rubles. up to 3 million rubles, term from 6 to 60 months, interest rate - from 18%. "Gazprombank" - the amount of 30,000 rubles. up to 1.2 million rubles, term from 6 to 60 months, interest rate - from 16.5%. This short overview allows you to understand what an unsecured consumer loan is. Sberbank offers a good amount for a good term, but the minimum interest rate is set only for payroll clients who must submit the maximum package of documents. Other banks have a higher interest rate due to the fact that the loan is issued without collateral. Nevertheless, this method of obtaining a loan has a number of advantages for both customers and banking organizations.

Advantages and disadvantages for clients

What does a consumer loan without guarantors mean for a bank client? Consider the pros and cons. Among the positive factors are the following:

  • in order to take this type of loan, you do not need to provide collateral real estate and look for a guarantor;
  • the minimum number of required documents;
  • fast turnaround time for documents;
  • simple form of the loan agreement itself;
  • The bank does not control the use of borrowed funds.

The following are usually noted as negative sides:

  • the interest rate on an unsecured loan is much higher;
  • the presence of high fines and penalties for non-fulfillment of loan obligations;
  • the amount of a loan without collateral is slightly lower than with it;
  • the bank has the right to reduce the loan term at its discretion;
  • a client who has taken a loan without collateral is liable for his obligations to the bank with all his property.

The insolvency of the borrower, according to Russian law, is the reason for the bank to apply to the judicial authorities with a statement of claim that the client be declared bankrupt. In this case, all valuable property may be confiscated to cover the cost of debt obligations.

What is the benefit of the bank?

What does it mean for a bank to provide a loan without collateral? Of course, one of the advantages of selling such loan products is their demand among customers, high income from the loan itself and a simplified system for processing loan applications. Consumer credit without collateral in Sberbank, according to reviews, is very popular.

As disadvantages, high risks and a complex debt collection scheme are usually called if the client refuses to fulfill obligations. However, these loan products appear on the financial market only because they are beneficial to banks. For clients, these lending programs are convenient if there is an urgent need for money, but there is nowhere to get it from. The advantages for clients are not only that these applications are quickly considered, but also in the possibility of early repayment of the loan by increasing the monthly payment. Who is responsible for a consumer loan without collateral? Of course, the borrower himself.

In general, clients are satisfied and say that in some life situations this is a convenient tool that can be used, having correctly calculated their strengths before that. Negative reviews are usually expressed by those clients who failed to repay the debt in good faith, clients who have a damaged credit history, or borrowers who could not submit any document for obtaining a loan.

Use of intermediaries

How else can you get a consumer loan without guarantors?

In the financial environment, when discussing lending, you can often hear about such a person as a loan broker. These people promise to find you a loan offer on the most favorable terms, having studied all the offers on the market. How can such cooperation end for an ordinary citizen? In the event that you are lucky and you have met a real specialist, he will find the most advantageous offer for the client. If not, then the situation can be very deplorable for you. There are certain nuances in dealing with such scammers that should alert you:


Therefore, if you need to use the services of a loan broker, you should carefully analyze the offers on the market and choose a broker who has been successfully working in this area for a long time and who can help you, and not aggravate the situation.

We have considered a consumer loan without collateral, what this means is now clear.

Reading 8 min. Views 465 Published on 10/19/2018

The modern lending market offers citizens a wide variety of loan products. And not always the future borrower is able to understand their differences and the intricacies of their use. For example, a consumer loan without collateral - what does this mean? In Sberbank today (October 2018) this is the only consumer loan available for registration. Let's talk about its features.

Consumer loan without collateral: the essence of the concept

Each creditor, issuing debt funds to the borrower, wants to receive certain guarantees of their return. It is for this that the bank studies the credit history of the future client, evaluates his income and the list of property. But these are all very conditional reliability criteria.

A person can at any time lose his job, and, accordingly, his income - in whole or in part. It is possible to collect property on account of debt only through the court, and this is a long and troublesome procedure. To minimize their losses, many banks require borrowers to provide additional loan guarantees. Their role may be:

  • pledge of valuable property (car or apartment);
  • guarantee of third-party individuals;
  • guarantee of organizations, etc.

All this is called additional collateral for the loan. Guarantees are specified in the loan agreement. In case of non-payment of the debt, the bank can use them immediately, without additional proceedings. For example, to demand payment of a loan from one of the guarantors (or all at once), if the main borrower refused to pay, or to sell the property that serves as collateral.

Accordingly, an unsecured loan is an ordinary consumer loan. Unsupported by a surety, pledge or other guarantee. Almost any bank client is familiar with this type of lending.

Features of lending without collateral in Sberbank

Until recently, Sberbank allowed up to three guarantors when issuing consumer loans. To date, the bank has abandoned this practice. Today, the only consumer loan available to its customers is an unsecured loan. When it is issued, the borrower can only rely on his own income and personally bears all responsibility for the debt.

By the way! If a citizen’s salary is not enough for the required amount under this loan program, he may try to qualify for a non-purpose loan secured by his real estate. This will allow you to get more credit funds, since the payments will be provided by the apartment.

The conditions for obtaining the loan we are considering from Sberbank directly depend on the category of the client. Persons receiving wages or pensions to an account with this bank can count on some preferences. For all others, the bank has set more stringent conditions for this program. Let's consider all the nuances in more detail.

For example, payroll customers are entitled to a reduction in interest rates.

Requirements for borrowers

The basic requirements for citizens wishing to receive a loan are standard. If the potential borrower is not a payroll client of the bank, does not receive a pension or social benefits on a savings account, then the requirements are as follows:

  • registration in the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • age - 21–65 years;
  • continuous work with the current employer for at least 6 months;
  • total work experience for the previous 5 years - at least 1 year.

Important! The upper age limit indicates the age that the client must have reached by the time of the last payment on the loan.

For payroll clients, the conditions are a little softer - the minimum age is reduced to 18 years, there are no requirements for the total length of service, and it is enough for them to work at their current place of work for only 3 months. If a potential borrower receives pension payments to an account with Sberbank and at the same time officially works, his work experience must correspond to at least 3 months with the current employer and at least 6 months over the past 5 years.

Important! Registration requirements and age limits remain common for all categories of clients. The exception is judges - for them the maximum age limit has been raised to 70 years, in accordance with the Federal Law No. 1.

How much can you expect

The minimum possible loan amount under this program is 30,000 rubles. With the maximum, everything is much more interesting. The following limits of the maximum amount are indicated on the bank's website: 5 million rubles. - for payroll clients and 3 million rubles. - for all other persons.

However, after examining the detailed terms of lending, you can find out that these figures indicate the limit of the borrower's total credit debt to Sberbank. For example, if a payroll client has a mortgage for 4 million rubles in Sberbank, he can receive no more than 1 million rubles under this program. Applications of clients of other categories, if they have such a mortgage, will be completely rejected.

Loan terms

A loan without collateral can be issued, at the choice of the client, for a period of 3 months to 5 years. But here there is a nuance. If a potential borrower has only a temporary registration instead of a permanent residence permit, a loan can be issued only for the period of its validity. This restriction applies to all citizens, except for payroll and pension clients of the bank, as well as employees of organizations accredited by Sberbank.

So if the temporary registration is coming to an end, the client can get a loan without collateral for the minimum amount. It is worth either renewing the registration, or attending to obtaining its permanent version.

Required documents

We found out what a consumer loan without collateral is at Sberbank. In fact, this is an ordinary consumer loan. And a package of documents for it also requires a standard one:

  • passport (with registration mark);
  • a document confirming the labor status (employment contract, extract from the work book or certificate from the employer);
  • confirmation of income (in the form of tax).

Salary and pension clients will only need a passport. Although they, like all other persons, can provide the bank with additional evidence of their solvency:

  • confirmation of additional income;
  • certificates of bank accounts and deposits;
  • property certificates;
  • international passport with travel notes for the last six months, etc.

Such papers can help you get more borrowed funds.

Registration procedure

For the second option, you will need to register with the Sberbank web bank. As a rule, cardholders of this bank already have it, or it is quite easy to issue it. After logging in, the following steps will be required:

The Credit Commission reviews the questionnaires within two working days. As a result, the client receives an SMS with a solution. If it is positive, the money will be credited to the account of the bank card specified by the borrower in the questionnaire. Naturally, if the client does not have a Sberbank card, it will need to be obtained. To do this, you will have to visit the office again and sign the relevant documents.

Pros and cons of unsecured loans

Like any loan product, a Sber loan without collateral has its advantages and disadvantages. Moreover, in some cases, this program may be more beneficial for the borrower than for the lender.

For bank

The main disadvantage of loans without collateral for the bank is the lack of a guarantee of their return. If the client at some point stops paying the debt, Sberbank can influence him in legal ways - refer the case to collectors or go to court. But, as a rule, with small loan amounts, the amount of costs turns out to be such that it is simply unprofitable for the bank to sue the client. After the expiration of the statutory limitation period, the bank writes off the overdue debt at the expense of internal reserves, and still remains at a loss.

For the borrower

From the point of view of the borrower, the loan program we are considering has several disadvantages. This is, firstly, the inability to obtain a large loan amount by attracting additional collateral, secondly, a stricter consideration of the application, and thirdly, a high probability of being refused.

One of the advantages is the absence of risk to the client's property. For example, with mortgage debts, the borrower will quickly be evicted from the apartment. With consumer credit debts, he only risks litigation, during which the amount of the debt can be reviewed, and the mode of its payments is changed in favor of the debtor.

Who will be responsible for non-payment

In case of non-payment of the debt, the entire responsibility will fall solely on the borrower. If guarantors bear equal responsibility with secured loans, this will not happen here. It is with the main borrower that the bank will sue, and it is his accounts and property that can eventually be arrested. At the same time, the property and accounts of his family will remain intact.


An unsecured loan is an ordinary consumer loan that is not backed by any guarantees, such as a guarantee or collateral. To date, this is the only consumer loan available to Sberbank customers. The absence of collateral forces the lender to be more strict in considering applications. For clients, this practice is not very convenient, since they can only claim the amounts that their official salary allows.

Only the client himself will be responsible for debts on such loans. But most often, Sberbank does not bring the case to court, especially when it comes to small amounts.