In which bank you can get a loan only with a passport. Where can I get a loan only with a passport? Features of obtaining a loan for one document

Getting loans for most citizens becomes a difficult undertaking. The main difficulty is collecting a package of necessary papers. But you can bypass this unpleasant and time-consuming procedure by issuing a loan only with a passport. For this you need:

Now let's take a closer look at all the nuances and pitfalls of loans issued only by passport.

The easiest way to get a loan on a passport in the MFI!

If you need a small amount of money for a short period of time, a microfinance company is what you need! Here they do not ask what money is needed for, where you work and how much you earn per month / day / week. All you need is:

  • passport of the Russian Federation (foreigners are not credited in MFIs);
  • valid phone (it is desirable that you use it for more than 3 months);
  • Email.

Even a bank card is not a prerequisite, as many microfinance companies issue, and even on.

Is everything so smooth?

The main disadvantage of urgent loans issued only by passport is a high interest rate. Most MFIs issue loans at 1% per day. But, just remember that there are companies that offer to issue the first (small truth) loan at 0%. List of such proposals.

Is it possible to get a loan only with a passport in a bank?

Some banks reduce the list of required documents for a loan to a minimum. So, many today offer to apply for a loan only with a passport and a second identity document. Here is a list of suggestions:

When applying for a loan according to a reduced list of documents, you should be prepared for the fact that the conditions will be more stringent:

  • higher interest rate;
  • relatively small loan amount;
  • shortened loan period.

On a note! If you receive wages on the card of any bank, apply to it with an application for a consumer loan. The lender already has all the data on income, therefore, in order to draw up an agreement, only your passport is required. money will be given out at the cash desk in cash or transferred to a salary card.

Credit cards are also issued only with a passport!

The easiest way to get a loan urgently and only with a passport (when there is no trust in the MFI) is to issue a credit card. Consideration of an online application takes no more than 24 hours, and you can pick up a finished banking product the very next day at a bank branch or order a courier delivery to your home (it is important to check by calling the hotline whether such a service is available in a particular bank).

The passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation is the main document confirming the identity of a person, and by default provides a lot of additional features. One of them is worth noting getting a cash loan, applying for a consumer loan at a bank or any other lending organization.


The opportunity to get a loan without documents only with a passport is quite attractive for people who, for whatever reason, cannot devote enough time to collecting a large package of documents. Currently, lending organizations offer several programs for the provision of loans.

Express loans

This type of loan is fast and easy to process. If there is not enough cash to purchase a product or pay for a service (for example, when booking a tour at a travel agency), the seller may offer the buyer to take out an express loan without contacting the bank.

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It's fast and FOR FREE!

Thanks to an agreement with a partner bank and an Internet connection, you can fill out an application form on the spot and send an application online along with a copy of your passport. Consideration of the application takes place promptly: one hour is enough for the bank to make a decision.

High processing speed and a minimum set of documents are accompanied by a higher interest rate compared to conventional consumer lending programs.


Microcredit for a private person is one of the ways to get a small cash loan “before salary”.

Basically, microcredit (issuance of the amount of cash on the order of 1-10 thousand rubles for a short period of time during the initial treatment, up to 50 thousand with repeated) of the population are engaged in MFIs and MCOs, banks have a specially developed banking product for these purposes - credit cards.

A number of banks also practice issuing small amounts of loans in cash. To do this, it is enough to fill out an online application on the official website or service website, which contains various offers for loans. A bank employee contacts a potential borrower and announces the decision.

If approved, it is proposed to go to the nearest bank branch to draw up a loan agreement for cash. Or send a courier/agent with an agreement, a card and instructions for activating the card to your home.


Plastic cards have firmly entered our lives and do not cause difficulties when used even by the elderly. Credit cards allow holders to have access to borrowed funds at any time if the need arises.

This banking product is issued at the request of an individual and can be issued as a reward to well-established clients.

Of particular benefit are credit cards with a grace period without interest, offering to use the bank's borrowed funds under certain conditions completely free of charge, without charging the traditional remuneration to the bank in the form of interest.

Existing benefits

For any lending organization, issuing a loan only on a passport is fraught with great risks: without proof of income, it is difficult to predict whether the borrower adequately assesses his current financial situation, whether he will really be able to repay the debt on time and in full.

Due to the high probability of default, banks, MFIs and MCOs are forced to set a high percentage, but in some cases the conditions and “cost” of lending for one document are commensurate with conventional loan programs:

  • For participants of the salary project. If the borrower receives a salary through a certain bank, he can count on more loyal conditions for applying for a passport loan.
  • For regular customers. A borrower who has already applied for a loan at this bank and has a positive credit history in it can receive a passport loan with a reduced interest rate and a larger amount than during the initial application.

Help brokers

Making an express loan or microcredit in a bank using one passport is positioned as super-fast - the application is considered within a few hours.

It is obvious that the bank does not have the opportunity to closely examine the reliability of the borrower, and the issuance of a loan is accompanied by the risk of default, which is more than compensated by an overestimated interest rate.

If the credit broker represents the client, then for the bank this serves as an additional guarantee of the borrower's reliability, the application will be considered on more loyal terms.

A loan broker freely navigates the credit lines provided in his region, certain nuances of registration and requirements for the borrower. He is able to choose the most advantageous program with adequate conditions for those who have applied for a loan on one passport.

Private investors

Appeal to private investors is another opportunity to get a loan, having only a passport with you.

And this can be done in two ways:

  • Personally. It is worth being extremely careful in choosing and remember that in the absence of collateral, the amount hardly available for a loan can be significant. If amounts are offered that are several times higher than reasonable limits, it is worth considering whether they are trying to involve you in some kind of fraudulent scam.
  • Through the Internet. You will only need a passport to confirm a virtual wallet in the Qiwi, Webmoney or Yandex money system. Further, inside these payment systems, it is enough to find the “Microloans” section and select the appropriate offer from the investor. Or create your own ad.

Where to get

No one is immune from the occurrence of financial problems in an unstable economic environment. Therefore, it is advisable to play it safe so as not to find out in an emergency mode which banks provide loans, how quickly and under what conditions.

For this purpose, it is best to get a credit card or connect the overdraft option to an existing salary card with the most favorable conditions.


A passport loan on favorable terms can be obtained by holders of salary cards, depositors or those who have a good CI in this bank. For everyone else, the loan will come with a relatively high interest rate.

  • Sberbank. Provides for the issuance of a loan on the passport for holders of salary cards. For all other borrowers, there is a program of ordinary consumer credit, with the provision of a certificate of income.
  • MTS Bank. The offer of a loan on a passport is similar to that of Sberbank. The application can be made online, on the official website of the bank.
  • Rosbank. Practices the issuance of express loans for one document. A passport loan can be taken to purchase any product or pay for a service directly in a store, salon or any other organization with which the bank has a partnership agreement. The loan amount will be immediately transferred to the seller's account.
  • Renaissance Credit. Offers online issuance of any of the three types of credit cards: "Credit Express", "Transport" or "Transparent". In the first two, the design takes 15 minutes. The card may come with a grace period of up to 55 days and up to 300 thousand rubles (the amount of the limit is calculated individually). The interest rate is from 24% per annum.


Banks are selective in their choice of potential borrowers - for example, it is difficult for those who are unemployed or do not have a permanent source of income to be confirmed, and those with bad credit histories to get a loan.

Microfinance serves as an alternative to bank loan programs.

Microfinance services are provided:

  • MFI– microfinance organizations;
  • ICE- microcredit organizations;
  • CPC- credit cooperatives.

The purpose of their activities can be conditionally divided:

  • to the economic(provide an opportunity to finance small businesses that are not covered by banking programs);
  • to social(financing of vulnerable segments of the population (migrants, pensioners, unemployed, students, etc.) is positioned as a fight against poverty and unemployment).

If in order to receive a loan from the CPC, it is necessary to join the cooperative itself and become a shareholder, then MFIs and MCOs provide small loans to almost everyone who applies. Loans are issued in 99 cases.

But the interest rate cannot be called profitable, since it must cover all financial risks associated with a high probability of default on the loan amount.

Making a microloan on a passport can be:

  • Completely "absentee". An application is submitted via the Internet, an employee calls back a potential borrower, talks with him, explains the conditions. After that, the loan amount is transferred to the borrower's bank card.
  • Full-time. An employee of a microfinance organization calls up, arranges a meeting at home or office. A bank card with the loan amount or cash is handed over after signing the loan agreement.

Examples of lending programs in MFIs:

  • MFI "Home money". The loan amount can be up to 30 thousand rubles. The interest rate is not announced, it is approximately 3,5% in Week. The official website has a built-in calculator with which you can calculate the amount of weekly payments in accordance with the selected amount and the period for which the borrower wants to take out a loan.
  • MFI "Mig Credit" Offers two passport lending programs. On the first, loan " one time» you can get a microcredit up to 12 thousand for up to 35 days with a one-time payment of the entire debt. According to the second, the loan Gradual» microcredit can be up to 30 thousand rubles, repayment is carried out in stages, with an interval of 2 weeks. Deadline - up to 24 weeks. The interest rate is also not announced, specific amounts of payments are calculated using an online calculator.

comparison table

Offer Decor Conditions
Consumer credit for those with salary cards Online From 45 thousand rubles, from 17% per annum
MTS bank
Cash loan for those with salary cards Within one business day Up to 100 rubles, from 15.5% per annum
Express loan When buying in a partner store of the bank, registration takes 15 minutes From 6 thousand rubles, from 59% per annum
Renaissance Credit
Credit card "Transparent" Online application with subsequent contact with the bank Up to 300 thousand rubles with an interest-free grace period, from 24% per annum
MFI "Home money"
Microloan Up to 30 thousand for the initial treatment, weekly payments, overpayment of more than 100%
MFI "Mig Credit"
Loan "Lump" or "Gradual" Online application followed by a meeting with an agent by agreement Up to 30 thousand, payments every two weeks, overpayment of about 90%.

On the Internet, you can find impressive lists of banks, which, according to the authors of the lists, give out money to anyone who has a Russian passport. But the reality is that there are not so many banks in which you can get, and besides, issuing money on the day of circulation. Throughout the country, we found only six of them. Two of them were not included in our list, due to the small number of regions in which they are represented.

You can apply for a loan with only a passport in 5 banks

List of banks issuing loans on the passport on the day of application

500 000
400 000
200 000
200 000
150 000

Vostochny Bank was founded in 1991 in the city of Blagoveshchensk. Having started work from the Far East, recently it has been rapidly gaining momentum in the development of a network throughout Russia. In its development strategy, Vostochny Bank places great emphasis on providing quality financial services to residents of Russian regions. In addition, the Bank is actively working not only in metropolitan areas, but also in a huge number of small towns, where many large retail banks practically do not enter.

Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development

UBRD was founded in Yekaterinburg. The Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development wants to be the best team and leader in banking, set the tone by offering people and companies quality service and simple financial solutions throughout Russia.

The Express Plus program of Sovcombank is another opportunity to take a cash loan on a passport, without an income statement and a guarantee. True, the maximum amount that you should count on is only 40,000 rubles. But, unlike many other banks, Sovcombank has been providing such loans for 20 years.

In general, as you can see, getting a loan with a passport is quite realistic. And if for some reason, you did not succeed. Dont be upset. Try to get a loan with references or. Which, as you know, banks issue much more willingly.

Today, many banks offer to get a loan without confirmation of their income. The editors of our online magazine have selected a list of financial institutions where you can get a cash loan only with a passport, as quickly as possible and with the most favorable interest rate conditions. It is for those who do not want to waste time collecting all kinds of information that the information presented will be useful.

Banks where you need one passport to get a loan

You can find a financial institution that agrees to lend cash without asking for 2NDFL certificates and other additional documents in almost any region of the country. The table shows only a few of the most attractive offers.

Bank's name Loan amount, rub. Interest rate, % Online application
Oriental 200 000 22.7 Design
UBRD 300 000 17.0 Design
PostBank 500 000 19,9/23,9 Design
Tinkoff 1 000 000 from 12.0 to 24.9 Design
Sovcombank 40 000 21,5/31,5 Design
  • The information presented in the table is introductory and relevant for 2019. The interest rates shown here are not guaranteed as they are the minimum rates offered by banks. In reality, the terms of a loan without proof of income may be offered differently.

Orient Express - same day loan

  • Amount: 50000-200000 ₽;
  • Percentage: from 22.7%;
  • Term: 12-36 months;
  • Age of the borrower: 21-76 years.

The advantages of this proposal include a quick decision on the approval of the application, a high probability of a favorable outcome. A positive point is the availability of the “loan holiday” service, when the borrower can only pay interest on the loan for 1-3 months.

The disadvantages include:

  • For a positive decision, a certificate of income may be required;
  • Free redemption is possible only through the cash desk or the terminal of the Eastern EB.

UBRD - favorable conditions for responsible people

A loan without certificates from the Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development has the following conditions:

  • Amount: 30000-300000 ₽;
  • Application review time: 15 minutes;
  • Percentage: from 23.0% (with the possibility of decreasing to 17%);
  • Term: 3,5,7 years;
  • Age of the borrower: 21-75 years.

The main advantage of this product is the ability to lower the rate to 17% in the absence of delays in payments. In the minuses, we write down the requirement for at least 3 months of experience at the current place of work.

PostBank - a loan without a certificate 2NDFL

  • Amount: 50000-500000 ₽;
  • Percentage: from 19.9 / 23.9%;
  • Term: 12-60 months;
  • Age of the borrower: from 18 years.

The advantage of the "First Postal" is the ability to reduce the rate to 12.9% when using the loan for at least a year and there are no outstanding payments. In the minuses, we write down the need to provide SNILS and TIN of the employer. Although a 2NDFL certificate is still not required.

Tinkoff Bank - online loan without leaving home

  • Amount: up to 1,000,000 ₽;
  • Percentage: from 12.0% to 24.9% (with the possibility of lowering by 10%);
  • Term: up to 3 years;
  • Age of the borrower: 18-70 years.

Sovcombank - a loan without certificates and guarantors

In the absence of documents confirming income, you can get an Express Plus loan from Sovcombank:

  • Amount: up to 40,000 ₽;
  • Application consideration time: up to 1 hour;
  • Percentage: from 21.5 / 31.5%;
  • Term: 6, 12, 18 months.

Additional requirements that the bank imposes on the borrower. Permanent registration and residence in the city where there are bank branches. As well as the presence of a fixed home or work phone.

Credit card - an alternative to a loan without documents

Sometimes it is more difficult to get a consumer loan according to the main document without refusal than to become the owner of a credit card. This happens for several reasons, but most often because it is more profitable and much easier to issue a credit card to bankers than a non-purpose loan. Many financial institutions even practice remote provision of credit cards: a person fills out an online application on the site, and a couple of days later receives it by courier. Interest on cards is offered almost the same as on cash loans. But there is one “but” - do not forget that the card is non-cash money, but for the withdrawal of “cash” at an ATM, you will have to pay a commission, the amount of which can reach 4-5%. But the cards also have a significant advantage - a grace period for lending, which is 50-55 days. At this time, you can use borrowed funds and not pay interest for it, which is very convenient.

Is it possible to borrow one document at a time?

What requirements must be met?

For potential borrowers planning to apply for a loan under one document, banking organizations impose standard requirements regarding the citizenship of the Russian Federation, age at least 21 years, employment at the last place of work for at least 3-6 months. Attention is paid to the quality of a credit history, if a person has one. In some cases, these requirements may change. For example, some banks, where you can take a loan under the main document, issue loans only to borrowers over 26 years old.

Can credit terms be improved?

Seeing high rates, some potential borrowers are starting to wonder if it is possible to improve lending conditions without proof of income. In principle, it is possible, but this will somewhat complicate and increase the time for analyzing a loan application. What can be done:

  1. Provide liquid collateral;
  2. Conclude an additional guarantee agreement;
  3. Confirm your ability to pay (not necessarily providing 2NDFL from the last place of work, you can prepare a certificate in the form of a bank).

For most of those who need to get a cash loan as soon as possible, all these options are not suitable. There remains one more, but it is applicable only to those who have previously had a successful and productive experience of cooperation with banks. We are talking about applying to the credit institution in which you have previously had to be serviced. Banks are much more loyal to their former and current customers, including offering them a loan at a better interest rate.


It is realistic to get a passport loan or quickly apply for a credit card, but you should do this only in emergency cases or when there is no way to confirm your income. In all other cases, it is better to take a more thoughtful approach to obtaining a loan and, before borrowing money, collect the package of documents necessary for the bank in advance, think about the possibility of providing collateral. This will allow you to save a lot by taking a loan at a lower interest rate, and it will take only a little more time. Yes, and counting on the amount of the loan of the desired size in this case is more realistic. With a minimum of documents, banks usually offer relatively small loans and loans.

All banks in which it is easiest to get a cash loan are collected in one rating. These companies require a minimum number of documents from their clients. If you apply to one of them, you can get a loan on your passport, without proof of income, collateral and guarantors.

Banks where they give a loan only with a passport

Banks issuing a loan under two documents:

Passport + identity document of your choice (driver's license, international passport, diploma of education, pension certificate, etc.)

Some banks issue a loan without income certificates only on the condition that the client has provided two rather than one document for identification: a passport (mandatory) and another identity card of your choice. This can be a foreign passport of the borrower, his driver's license, pension certificate, diploma of higher education, etc.

Banks where you can get a credit card by passport

Even easier and faster than a consumer loan, you can get a credit card in one of the popular Russian banks. Passport credit cards are not issued everywhere, and the terms of service may differ in different companies, so for convenience, we have collected the top best credit cards that you can get again with 1 document and on fairly favorable terms, but at the same time urgently and without refusal.

Credit cards by passport

In which bank is it better to take a cash loan on a passport?

You will find all banks that give a loan on a passport in our rating. Only these companies really provide the opportunity to get a loan on one document without proof of income, without guarantors and collateral. In other institutions, the chances of getting money on credit without certificates are extremely small. Where exactly to go is up to you. The main thing is to carefully study the terms of lending and apply online for a loan to the bank that offers the most favorable rate or where the most loyal requirements for borrowers are provided.

Otkritie Bank - credit only by passport

If you want to get a loan on your passport, and your monthly salary is at least 15,000 rubles, then you should apply to Otkritie Bank. Documents confirming the level of income are not needed here. True, sometimes the bank may request them on an individual basis: this does not have to be a certificate of income - it can be a passport, a salary account statement, a PTS or STS.

Lending terms:

  • Credit rate per year - from 9.9% to 24.3%.
  • Decision - within 2 days.

Any citizen of the Russian Federation between the ages of 21 and 75 who is officially employed and registered in the region where the bank is present can take out a loan with a passport.

Online application for a loan to Otkritie Bank:

OTP Bank - online loan on a passport with limits on the amount

In OTP Bank, you can get a loan without references, but only if the amount is equal to 300,000 rubles or less. Otherwise, a certificate of income will be required without fail. If you are satisfied with such an amount, then you may well get by with one document - your passport.

Lending terms:

  • Loan amount - from 15,000 to 300,000 rubles ( up to 4,000,000 rubles with proof of income).
  • Loan rate per year - from 14.9% to 38.4% (from 11.5% to 20.09% after confirmation of income).
  • Solution - from 15 minutes.

Any citizen of Russia from 21 to 69 years old who officially works at the last workplace for 3 months and receives a stable income can take out a passport loan. If additional documents are available, an individual entrepreneur over 25 years old can also apply for a loan at OTP Bank.

Online application for a loan at OTP Bank:

Bank Renaissance Credit - a loan for one or two documents

In Renaissance Bank, you can get a consumer loan with a passport, but some categories of customers will have to bring other documents. - a second identity card (for example, a pension certificate), and for those who need it - a certificate of income from the place of work and a copy of the work book.

Lending terms:

  • Loan amount - from 30,000 to 700,000 rubles.
  • Credit rate per year - from 9.5% to 24.5%.
  • The term for issuing a loan is from 2 to 5 years (24–60 months).
  • The solution is in 5–15 minutes.

All residents of the Russian Federation with a residence permit in the region of the bank's presence, aged from 24 to 70 years old, with a work experience of more than 3 months and a monthly income of 8,000 rubles can count on loan approval. (for residents of MSK - from 12,000 rubles).

Online application for a loan at Renaissance Bank:

Tinkoff Bank - loans by passport with home delivery

In Tinkoff Bank, you can get a loan online using your passport, regardless of how much is borrowed and under which loan program. The approved amount of money is credited to a personal debit card, which the bank courier will deliver to the client at home and issue after signing the contract.

Lending terms:

  • Loan amount - from 50,000 to 2,000,000 rubles.
  • Credit rate per year - from 12% to 24.9%.
  • Loan term - from 3 months to 3 years.
  • Solution - in 5 minutes.

The bank issues, but mainly to those who are officially employed and receive a stable income. A permanent residence permit in Russia is also a mandatory requirement.

Online application for a loan in Tinkoff Bank:

In which bank is it better to get a loan on a passport and a second document?

If the bank does not give a loan on the passport, this does not mean that in order to receive a certain amount of debt, it is necessary to have a certificate of income with you. You may well limit yourself to two identity documents: just take one more identity card with you in addition to your civil passport. The second such document can be (optional):

  • international passport;
  • driver's license;
  • pensioner's ID;
  • Diploma of Higher Education;
  • SNILS and / or TIN;
  • military ID, etc.

You will also find all banks that give a loan on a passport and another document without references in our rating.

Sovcombank - a loan with a passport and another identity document

Sovcombank has many different tariffs that provide for the issuance of a loan using a passport and a second identity document. In this bank, you can get the required amount on really favorable terms and with virtually no refusal.

Lending terms:

  • Loan amount - from 5,000 to 400,000 rubles.
  • Credit rate per year - from 8.9% to 13.9%.
  • Loan term - from 5 months to 5 years.
  • The decision is within a day.

A cash loan is issued to citizens of the Russian Federation who have a permanent residence permit, a stable income (from 30,000 rubles per month) and a work experience of 4 months or more. All persons from 20 to 85 years of age who meet these requirements are eligible for approval.

Online application for a loan to Sovcombank:

Alfa Bank - a loan according to two documents without proof of income

Alfa Bank does not issue loans on a passport, but if you provide two identity documents, there is a chance to get money on credit on favorable terms. An income statement is requested extremely rarely: as a rule, in cases where the borrower has a short work experience.

Lending terms:

  • Loan amount - from 50,000 to 5,000,000 rubles.
  • Credit rate per year - from 9.9% to 23.49%.
  • The term for issuing a loan is from 1 to 5 years (12–60 months).
  • Solution - from 2 minutes.

Those citizens of the Russian Federation who have a permanent residence permit in Russia, are officially employed and receive an income of 10,000 rubles or more can get a cash loan at Alfa Bank. monthly. The borrower must be at least 21 years old, have at least a minimum work experience and a normal credit history. , as well as persons registered as individual entrepreneurs, is not issued.

Online application for a loan at Alfa Bank:

Vostochny Bank - cash loan according to the passport and SNILS

Eastern Bank has programs that provide for issuing a loan using a passport, however, a high probability of approval of an online application awaits those who provide two identity documents - a civil passport and SNILS.

Lending terms:

  • Loan amount - from 25,000 to 3,000,000 rubles.
  • Credit rate per year - from 9.9% to 24.9%.
  • The term for issuing a loan is from 1 to 5 years (13–60 months).
  • The decision is within a day.

An application for a cash loan will be approved by persons with a permanent residence permit in Russia in the region of the bank's presence, aged 21 to 76 years and with a work experience of 3 months or more. For borrowers under 26 years of age, additional requirements apply: work experience of 12 months and documentary evidence of income.

Online application for a loan to Vostochny Bank:

What is the best credit card to get?

Many banks issue credit cards with a passport, but the best offers in Russia are presented in our top. These are the most profitable cards, which are also the easiest to get.

Alfa Bank 100 days without interest - the best credit card by passport

Among Russian credit cards, this one is considered one of the most popular, since it is extremely easy to get, and the conditions combine all the advantages of other competitors. To issue a card for 100 days without%, you only need a passport.

Terms of use of the card:

  • Interest rate for the use of credit funds - from 11.99% to 39.99% per annum.
  • The duration of the grace period, when the rate is 0% - up to 100 calendar days.
  • The cost of servicing the card - from 590 rubles (paid annually).
  • Solution - within 15 minutes or more.

A credit card is issued on a passport from the age of 18, but the borrower must have a regular income of at least 5,000 rubles per month (for Moscow - from 9,000 rubles), and work experience - more than 3 months at the last workplace. It is not necessary to confirm these data with documents, but if you have a certificate of income and / or a copy of your work book, you can increase your personal credit limit or reduce the interest rate on an individual basis.

Online application for a credit card in Alfa Bank:

Tinkoff Platinum - credit card according to the passport without refusal

In Tinkoff Bank, the most popular credit card is Tinkoff Platinum. This is due to the fact that it is extremely easy to obtain. It is necessary to apply through the website and wait for the courier to arrive, who will bring the documents for signing and the card itself. Show your passport and get a credit card in your hands.

Terms of use of the card:

  • Credit limit - from 50,000 to 300,000 rubles.
  • Interest rate for the use of credit funds - from 12% to 29.9% per annum.
  • The cost of issuing a card is 0 rubles.
  • The cost of servicing the card is 590 rubles (paid annually).
  • The decision is instant.

A credit card is issued to all citizens of the Russian Federation from 18 to 70 years old, but only on condition that the borrower has an official (or unofficial) source of permanent income.

Online application for a credit card in Tinkoff Bank:

Opening Opencard - credit card by passport and second document

At Otkritie Bank, you can apply for a credit card with a passport and another document (passport, STS or PTS). Employment verification is not required.

Terms of use of the card:

  • Credit limit - from 50,000 to 500,000 rubles.
  • Interest rate for the use of credit funds - from 19.9% ​​to 29.9% per annum.
  • The duration of the grace period, when the rate is 0% - up to 55 calendar days.
  • The cost of issuing a card is 0–500 rubles (one-time payment).
  • The cost of servicing the card is 0 rubles.
  • Decision - from 2 to 5 days.

Only officially employed persons aged 21 to 68 years old, whose income is at least 15,000 rubles, can receive a credit card. per month.

Online application for a credit card to Otkritie Bank:

Despite the large selection of credit institutions, it is actually difficult to find a bank where you can get a loan with a passport or even without additional information.

Where else can I get a passport loan on the day of application?

If for some reason, a bank loan is not suitable for you: you are refused, there are not enough documents, your age is not suitable, a bad credit history, or you just urgently need a loan for a small amount, then in this case you should contact microfinance companies that issue microloans. .

In an MFI (microfinance organization), loans are issued online, without visiting an office, linking to a particular city, and only with a passport, without income certificates, length of service, guarantees and other difficulties with documents.

3 companies issuing a passport loan online

2 companies that give a loan with a passport and SNILS online

But you need to understand that microloans charge high interest rates for using a loan and are suitable only in case of an urgent need for money, in any other case, it is worth considering only those banks (from the list above) that issue a cash loan on a passport, and most importantly - under low percentage.