Reconstruction of buildings and structures. Reconstruction project and estimate

Issue No. 6


Reconstruction of buildings

In the construction industry building reconstruction and buildings occupies a special place. Reconstruction of the building happens, it is necessary in many cases - for example, when the customer wants to change the functional purpose of the building, or when the building has fallen into disrepair or is obsolete, as well as in many other situations when it is necessary to change the configuration and size of the building, remodel the building, rebuild the building, add floors , additional extension, etc.

Obviously, building reconstruction- this is a complex of organizational and construction measures and construction and installation works associated with a change in the functional purpose of the building, a change in the quantity and quality of internal premises, the need to increase the total area of ​​the building and its capacity, etc.

Reconstruction of structures as their operation progressed, it became the main and perhaps the most significant issue in the construction industry. After all, the costs of operating dilapidated buildings that require constant repairs here and there are much more than the funds that can be invested in reconstruction of objects.

General principles for the reconstruction of buildings and structures

Variety of existing buildings and structures- the result of the interaction of factors such as the original purpose of the building, its configuration and others architectural and planning solutions, level of comfort of premises, etc. All these characteristics underwent noticeable changes as social requirements for housing and opportunities grew construction industry. Therefore, as a basis classification of residential buildings the period of their construction may be taken into account.

Reconstruction and repair of buildings

Reconstruction of buildings and structures involves the implementation of a set of works that are necessary in the event of changes in the size of the building, its complete or partial reconstruction and internal redevelopment. Reconstruction It is also necessary in a situation where temporary or permanent loads increase, underground and recessed premises are equipped. Often reconstruction carried out when new structures are being built nearby, various communications are being laid, or in case of deterioration of structures or changes in soil conditions.

Reconstruction or annual renovation?

Many production associations specializing in repairs And reconstruction, we know firsthand the problems of industrial enterprises and the housing and communal services complex in the regions. Many enterprises changed the profile of their main production without making any changes to designs workshops
The costs of maintaining such dilapidated facilities are increasing every year and are comparable to the costs of their reconstruction...

Materials for reconstruction

Silicone coatings, silicone panels allow you to preserve traditions when reconstruction and meet modern demands of construction and conservation. They also provide thermal insulation and environmental safety when reconstruction.


Reconstruction of the building or structures- this is a complex of construction works to change the architectural design of the building, including the creation of capital extensions, superstructures, attics, changes to the load-bearing structures and engineering equipment systems of the building, as well as the corresponding landscaping of the territory. Permission to reconstruction- a document certifying the right of the customer (owner, tenant, etc.) to carry out reconstruction of the building , structures in accordance with the approved design documentation and the conditions established by the construction decision.

Reconstruction of buildings

Reconstructionrepresents a thorough repair with full or partial replacement of structural elements, changes in technical and economic parameters. Thanks to reconstruction production premises, the enterprise can create additional jobs, and old houses can acquire a modern look and become a full-fledged living space. Although building reconstruction requires significant material costs, they are justified by the benefits that such changes bring. In order for the result building reconstruction meets the initial requirements, you should approach the issue of preparation, elaboration and planning of repair and construction work quite carefully.

Industrial technologies for the reconstruction of low-rise residential buildings

Conceptual framework building reconstruction The first mass series is the development and creation of highly industrialized flexible technologies based on the use of fundamentally new volumetric elements of factory production. This solution allows you to transform the technological process reconstruction into the assembly-assembly cycle and significantly reduce the duration of work.

Constructionsvolumetric blocks for superstructure and furnishing of buildings have a high level of factory readiness, transport and installation manufacturability. Their distinctive feature is the ability to be geometrically variable through the use of hinged joints.

Reconstruction of the object. Legal aspects

Perhaps, every owner of real estate: a building, premises, sooner or later there is a desire or need to expand the facility, rebuild, add an additional floor, or make an underground parking, in a word, produce reconstruction your real estate.

However, it’s hard to even imagine: how many owners, without thinking, are reconstructing their objects without receiving the necessary permits and then run into a problem registration of property rights on object being reconstructed.

What's happened reconstruction and how it should be produced in order to protect yourself from possible problems with registration of ownership ? You will find answers to these and other questions in this article.

House reconstruction

In our time reconstruction Houses and apartment renovation is one of the most popular areas in construction and renovation activities. Reconstruction Houses characterized by the preservation of the external architectural appearance of the building, while its interior undergoes significant changes. In some cases house reconstruction can transform all interior spaces beyond recognition

Reconstruction of individual residential buildings

Works on reconstruction due to their complexity, they are usually performed on the basis of documentation. The main documents are project and estimate, as well as an agreement with the work manufacturer (contractor), additional documents are various coordination. Order project documentation possible in architectural and construction firms.

The use of suspended ceilings during reconstruction

Suspended ceilings are becoming an integral part of modern reconstruction. They can be found in all types of buildings: commercial, industrial, public and individual purposes, in new construction and reconstruction old buildings.

Criteria for cost-effectiveness of design solutions for the reconstruction of buildings and structures

From the correct economic assessment of the final results of using capital investments aimed at reconstruction buildings and structures, decision making on the choice of the preferred option depends. The choice of one indicator does not give grounds to consider such a decision complete.

Under current practice, evaluating options building reconstruction and structures can be produced through a number of economic indicators: conditionally net production, efficiency ratio, use of capital investments, level and increase in labor productivity, volume and increase in profit of the annual economic effect, one-time costs and their payback period and a number of other indicators.

However, evaluating options reconstruction objects from the economic side alone are not sufficient. It also requires taking into account all factors influencing various aspects of the object’s activities. In this case, the goals of the object should be considered from the point of view of its reconstruction through reconstruction, as well as its development.


Coordination of reconstruction

For reconstruction of a building or structure, first of all, it is necessary to coordinate it in various government authorities. Execute coordination not so easy. The hardest thing to get approval for reconstruction, if this concerns cultural and historical buildings and architectural monuments, it is also difficult to obtain approval for preserving or recreating the original appearance of these cultural and historical monuments. Construction work can begin after the coordination of reconstruction and permission to carry out construction work will be obtained.

... reconstructionis needed not only to preserve the historical architectural appearance. This type of construction work has recently become quite popular. By and large,reconstruction- this is not only and not so much the renovation of a building, in which either the facade is completely preserved (and the internal ceilings and walls are significantly changed), or even the external surroundings of the house undergoes significant metamorphoses.Reconstructionto a large extent represents the actual reconstruction of the building. And it requires no less approvals than the construction of a new building.

Read Reconstruction of buildings, reconstruction of houses, coordination of reconstruction, reconstruction work


Construction and reconstruction organization project

Construction organization project is necessary for thoughtful and competent conduct of work, since it reflects all the fundamental conditions of future construction: the volume of installation and construction work, the distribution of capital investments, the timing of work, the cost of associated expenses, and also contains a justification for the duration of construction and the cost of each type of work according to the estimate. This project is part of the working draft construction or reconstruction of residential or industrial building.

To the project construction organization As a rule, the following documents are included: a comprehensive network schedule (schedule plan), general construction plan for reconstruction, organizational and technological schemes for the reconstruction of main structures, premises and buildings, as well as an explanatory note.

Organization of reconstructions

Reconstructionindustrial and agricultural enterprises is very important in environmental activities, since it is the main means of introducing low-waste and environmentally friendly technologies. Compared to "new" construction reconstruction requires significantly lower material costs. At the same time, the duration of construction and installation work and the payback period for investments are also shorter.

Organization of work during reconstruction

Reconstruction organization project forms an integral part of the approved design and estimate documentation and is developed (as part of design and estimate documentation) in parallel with other sections in order to link technical and technological solutions to the conditions and methods of carrying out repair and construction work. Repair organization project ( reconstruction) is developed by a design organization performing design, or a specialized design or design and technological organization at the expense of allocations for design and survey work. The project performer must have the appropriate license.

Read Reconstruction work


Main stages of reconstruction

Stage engineering surveys corresponds examination reconstructed objects and reasons. Without such a stage reconstruction unacceptable. Compared to engineering surveys for "new" construction, survey reconstructed objects solves a wider range of issues. Not only soil conditions, relief, hydrogeological regime are assessed, but also the condition of all above-ground and underground designs, the possibility of their additional loading and operation in new conditions.

Necessary stages of reconstruction of a country house

It is important to understand that reconstruction more difficult than building a new facility, therefore, you need to contact a specialist who will inspect the house and all its supporting and enclosing structures.

The next step is the development and approval of the project in the relevant local authorities and, as a result, obtaining permission to reconstruction. This can take from 3 to 6 months, and the cost of services will depend on the type and complexity of the work and amount to several thousand dollars.

Then it is very important to correctly draw up an agreement with the contractor company, agreeing on the terms reconstruction, and the materials that will be used, and the repair technology...


Preparation of design documentation for reconstruction

Estimated cost reconstruction residential and public buildings includes the entire set of costs that, according to the project, are necessary to completely eliminate physical and moral wear and tear of both the building as a whole and all of it designs and engineering equipment.

At reconstruction buildings, when projects are required, estimates are drawn up according to working drawings, in other cases (when projects are not required) - according to defect sheets and inventory plans.

Composition of design and estimate documentation for reconstruction

Developed technical documentation on reconstruction residential and public buildings should provide for a reduction in time and cost of design and construction and installation work.

Design and estimate documentation for reconstruction residential and public buildings are drawn up, as a rule, in one stage - a detailed design with estimate. However for comprehensive reconstruction with the redevelopment of premises, changes in facades, change of coverings at a high cost of work, the development of technical documentation is carried out in two stages: I - technical design; II - working drawings.


The development and improvement of market relations in the republic caused a significant increase in the volume of capital investments in the reconstruction of various buildings located in the central blocks of cities for their reconstruction for new functions related to the commercial activities of the population.

Reconstruction of buildings is almost always associated with restoring operational performance and strengthening load-bearing structures. In order to correctly carry out a building reconstruction project, it is necessary to conduct a thorough examination of the technical condition of all parts and assemblies of structural elements, as well as the operation of all engineering systems.

Modern practice of architectural design and construction of civil buildings is largely associated with the reconstruction of existing housing stock and the modernization of various public buildings. Reconstruction has recently become the main direction in the field of capital construction in historically established cities.

The main task of the reconstruction of civil buildings at the present stage of development of the country's economy is to ensure the safety of fixed assets in the non-productive sphere, to prevent their premature decommissioning and demolition, as well as their reconstruction in order to partially or completely change their function, improve their consumer qualities, increase the comfort of living and connection with the improvement of the development of urban areas.

Reconstruction of buildings and structures includes a number of measures to reconstruct their space-planning and structural solutions:

Redevelopment of premises;

Strengthening, partial dismantling or replacement of structures;



Improving the condition of building facades;

Formation of modern interiors.

changes in the layout of premises that do not affect the strength of the building, and, if necessary justification and approvals are available, the construction of superstructures, extensions, outbuildings or their partial dismantling;

increasing the level of engineering equipment, including the reconstruction of external networks (except the main ones);

improving the architectural expressiveness of buildings (objects) as well as landscaping the surrounding areas.

Reconstruction of buildings and structures costs 2-3 times less than the construction of new buildings. The process of architectural design of spaces for new functions in a reconstructed building differs in many ways from the process of creating new buildings, which necessitates the training of specialists who know the techniques of conducting an inspection of reconstructed buildings, who are able to design the strengthening of structures, and who also have the skills to carry out work on the reconstructed facility.

Reconstruction of buildings and structures

When reconstructing buildings (facilities), based on the existing urban planning conditions and current design standards, in addition to the work performed during major repairs, the following can be carried out:

Changes in the layout of premises that do not affect the strength of the building, and, subject to the necessary justification and approvals, the construction of superstructures, extensions, extensions or their partial dismantling;

Increasing the level of engineering equipment, including the reconstruction of external networks (except the main ones);

Improving the architectural expressiveness of buildings (objects) as well as landscaping the surrounding areas.

When reconstructing municipal and socio-cultural facilities, it may be possible to envisage the expansion of existing and the construction of new buildings and structures for auxiliary and service purposes, as well as the construction of buildings and structures for the main purpose included in the complex of the facility, to replace those being liquidated.

The need for major repairs and reconstruction of facilities is determined in the manner determined by these standards, taking into account the technical condition of the main structures of the building elements.

When planning and implementing the reconstruction of buildings and facilities, their disposal and commissioning must be taken into account in the corresponding physical and cost indicators before and after reconstruction. The book value of reconstructed buildings and facilities should be determined as the sum of the costs incurred for their reconstruction and the replacement cost of the retained parts (elements), including equipment. The results of repairs or reconstruction must be reflected in the technical passport of the building (facility).

Estimated dates for the start and completion of major repairs or reconstruction of buildings and facilities should be assigned on the basis of the work organization project. The specific terms of repair and restoration work are determined by the contract.

The cost of capital, current repairs and reconstruction of buildings (facilities) should be determined on the basis of contractual prices. The contractual price of each repair and reconstruction project must be determined taking into account the volume of planned work, scientific and technical level, quality efficiency, deadlines for completing work and other factors.

The final price for repairs and reconstruction is determined by the tender commission. The contractor that wins the tender is obliged, during the repair or reconstruction of buildings, to carry out all work determined by the project, these standards, as well as sections of SNiP and technical conditions.

The development of design and estimate documentation for major repairs and reconstruction of buildings (facilities) should include:

Carrying out a technical inspection, determining the physical and moral wear and tear of design objects;

Feasibility study or technical and economic calculation of major repairs and reconstruction;

Drawing up working design and estimate documentation for all design decisions for redevelopment, functional reassignment of premises, replacement of structures, engineering systems or their re-installation, landscaping and other similar work;

Development of a project for organizing major repairs and reconstruction and a project for the execution of work, which is developed by the contractor.

Approval and re-approval of design and estimate documentation for major repairs and reconstruction should be carried out:

For buildings and facilities managed by organizations and enterprises by the heads of these organizations or enterprises;

For buildings and objects located in joint management bodies and other public organizations or owned by the owners - the head of these bodies or the owners.

In buildings and structures in which repairs and reconstruction of load-bearing structures and engineering support systems affecting their functioning are carried out, design and estimate documentation is approved on the basis of a positive conclusion of the State Non-Departmental Expertise in the prescribed manner.

The time interval between the approval of design estimates and the start of repair and construction work should not exceed two years. Outdated projects must be reworked by organizations or individuals that have the right to carry out this work on the orders of customers in order to bring their technical level up to modern requirements and re-approved in the manner established for the approval of newly developed projects.

The effectiveness of major repairs and reconstruction of buildings or facilities should be determined by comparing the economic and social results obtained with the costs required to achieve them. At the same time, economic results should be expressed in the elimination of physical wear and tear and savings in housing maintenance costs, and during reconstruction, also in changes in area, volume of services provided, throughput, etc.

Social results should be expressed in improving the living conditions of the population, working conditions of service personnel, improving the quality and increasing the volume of services.

When carrying out major repairs of a state-owned residential building, when repairs cannot be carried out without eviction of residents, the issue of providing them with another home is regulated by Article 91 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 94-1 “On Housing Relations”.

Major repairs and reconstruction must be carried out in compliance with the current rules for the organization, production and acceptance of repair and construction work, labor protection and fire safety rules.

Payments for work on major repairs and reconstruction must be made for fully completed and handed over to the customer objects or stages of work stipulated by the contract.

Customers' payments for the development of design and estimate documentation must be carried out in the manner prescribed by the Regulations on contracts for the creation of scientific and technical products.

Acceptance of buildings and facilities after major repairs and reconstruction is carried out in the manner established by current standards, as well as SNiP 3.01-04-2001 “Acceptance into operation of completed construction facilities. Basic provisions".

The Topstroy company offers services for the reconstruction of buildings and structures in Moscow. Our 7 years of experience and qualified staff of specialists allows us to efficiently carry out complex tasks of various scales on a turnkey basis:

Reconstruction of buildings in Moscow is carried out in a special manner, taking into account the relevant set of city laws, including the town planning code. Any work performed without compliance with current legislation, design decisions for which the necessary expert opinions were not obtained, are considered unauthorized construction.

The company’s specialists know the requirements and nuances of such work, which guarantees the efficiency and quality of our services.

Approximate prices for the reconstruction of buildings, price per 1 m 2 in rubles:

Work on the reconstruction of buildings and structures is usually carried out in the following sequence.

  1. Pre-project preparation: collecting information, planning the work, drawing up technical specifications.
  2. Inspection of buildings during reconstruction and their foundations.
  3. Preparation and approval of a building reconstruction project in accordance with the technical specifications, preparation of as-built and estimate documentation.
  4. Carrying out direct reconstruction work.
  5. Commissioning and commissioning, if we are talking about a production facility.

Each stage has features depending on the purpose of the object, its design differences and the wishes of the customer.

Development of a building reconstruction project

Designing the reconstruction of buildings and structures is a mandatory stage and allows you to significantly optimize the costs of finance, time and effort.

A well-developed building reconstruction project will help to promptly eliminate the need for all additional work that may be required in the event of correcting mistakes.

Cost of the building reconstruction project

The price of the project consists of the price of each stage of its preparation.

  1. Conducting preliminary consultations.
  2. Development of a preliminary design.
  3. Development of working documentation and its approval by supervisory authorities.
  4. Project examination (this is a mandatory stage, which is included in the cost of the building reconstruction project).
  5. Obtaining permission from Mosgosstroynadzor to carry out reconstruction.

You can order a building reconstruction project from our company. We have sufficient experience, personnel and technical capabilities to implement projects of any complexity.

Cost of reconstruction of buildings and structures

The determining factors in order to determine the cost of reconstruction of a building per 1 m2 are:

  • technical condition;
  • degree of moral and physical wear and tear;
  • list of work performed;
  • the scale of planned changes.

A separate calculation is carried out for each of the listed parameters. In addition, the type of structure is taken into account. For example, the cost of reconstructing a historical building will always be slightly higher compared to the amount required for similar work on a facility built several decades ago.

Equally important is how much the design work will cost. The cost of design and subsequent implementation included in the work plan, if reconstruction of the building is required, is determined individually.

When drawing up estimates, specialists take into account factors such as:

  • complexity of the work (the object may be located in a place that is difficult for equipment to operate, or have different heights);
  • urgency of order fulfillment;
  • area (the average cost per square meter of reconstruction of a non-residential building increases as the area decreases);
  • types and volumes of work performed, their technological complexity, the need to attract additional specialized specialists to perform them.

The cost of building reconstruction of premises is calculated based on a whole range of factors. At the same time, for each of the objects, specialists take into account correction factors that take into account the moral and physical wear and tear of the object.

The Topstroy company offers its services for carrying out a full range of works on the reconstruction of buildings and structures of any type. Contact us and we guarantee that the price and quality of the work performed will pleasantly surprise you.

Most buildings in our country are morally and physically outdated. Land becomes more expensive every year, and therefore the restoration of buildings becomes an urgent issue. Reconstruction of buildings and structures allows you to extend the service life of buildings, solve structural and utility problems, and express architectural features. Also, with the help of these works, it is possible to solve issues of increasing the energy efficiency and functionality of the entire building.

Economics of reconstruction

Calculation of the financial efficiency of demolishing a building and erecting a new one is carried out in comparison with reconstruction work. Demolition and construction of a new one entail a lot of work:


Design work;

Obtaining permits;

Acquisition of land or registration of lease rights to it;

Civil works;

Garbage removal;

Installation and delivery of construction equipment.

And this is not a complete list of work on the construction of a new building.

At the same time, modern and innovative equipment and materials make it possible to reconstruct buildings and structures with real savings in money, with high quality and in a short time. This type of construction work makes it possible to carry out energy saving measures and improve the thermal performance of facades.

Stages of reconstruction work

Before starting work on the reconstruction and restoration of buildings and structures, it is necessary to first assess the general condition of the surrounding ensemble. In each case, an individual approach is required, depending on the construction date and wear and tear of the building.

Comprehensive examination, diagnostic measures

At the inspection stage, the degree of wear of all structural elements, the condition of supporting structures and utilities are determined. A survey of the geological features of the soil is also carried out to find out whether the foundation and the terrain itself will support the reconstructed structure.

Hydrometeorological studies may be carried out. If there are damages, such as cracks or deformations, they are recorded and analyzed. Based on the results of the work carried out, a report is drawn up with conclusions on the necessary preparatory measures.

Design work

After the inspection, an architectural, construction and technological estimate is drawn up. A plan for carrying out and organizing all construction work and an explanatory note are drawn up. After agreeing on the estimate and work plan with the customer, the construction organization receives the right to begin work on the reconstruction of buildings and structures. The project must contain information about safety precautions when carrying out specific processes.

Initial data for the development of design documentation

To organize the reconstruction of buildings and structures, the formation of source materials is provided:

Feasibility study or fuel and energy development plan, also a business plan;

Conclusion based on the materials on the technical inspection of the building;

If necessary, the timing of vacating the structure;

The procedure for providing energy resources to the reconstruction site, agreed with public utilities.

The project may also require an agreement with a contractor and a preliminary estimate to determine the procedure for providing materials for the property to be reconstructed.

Project implementation and compliance with project documentation

This stage involves carrying out the planned construction work. Depending on the necessary measures, communications are laid, equipment is installed, and the facade is finished.

The construction team is obliged to comply with the design documentation, as it is a guide for planning, accounting and monitoring all stages of the work.

Stages of implementation of work on the reconstruction of buildings and structures

Preparatory stage. Includes the following:

  • Installation of enclosing structures and dismantling of elements to be replaced.
  • Placing orders for the purchase of materials with agreement on delivery dates.
  • Delivery and installation at the construction site of the necessary equipment, machinery and supplies.
  • Construction of temporary structures, warehouses.
  • Checking and setting up resource provision.
  • If necessary, the premises are vacated from residents, tenants and other persons.

At this stage, clarifications can be made in order to adjust design decisions. Based on the results of the preparatory period, it is recommended to draw up an act between the customer and the contractor, possibly with the involvement of the design organization.

Main stage. This includes the direct dismantling of structures and elements to be replaced. Repairs, strengthening and restoration of structures are being carried out. Then sanitary, technical and electrical installation work takes place. The next step is finishing the facade and inside the building. The last thing is the improvement of the surrounding area.

Types of reconstruction work

The organization of reconstruction of buildings and structures depends entirely on the condition of the building and the wishes of the customer, namely:

- With changes in load-bearing elements. Such work is carried out if it is necessary to increase the area of ​​the building, change the geometry of the entire building or arrange underground premises. If the calculated data confirm that there will be an increase in loads on the architectural structure, then work is carried out to strengthen the load-bearing structures.

- Strengthening the foundation. This type of work on the construction and reconstruction of buildings and structures involves strengthening the soil and foundation. Work should only be carried out by specialists. There are many methods today, not only cementation and bituminization, but also heat treatment, installation of cast-in-place piles or compaction of crushed stone.

- Roofing, the purpose of which is to improve the thermal insulation and waterproofing performance of the roof. Roll materials or profiled metal sheets can be used. There is also the possibility of adding additional slopes, strengthening the roof and replacing insulation.

- Facade works. This type of work can consist of simple plastering and painting, or the facade can be insulated, decorated, the number of window openings increased or decreased, and new entrances to the building created.

- Engineering systems. This includes repairs to sewerage, water supply, heating systems, electricity and ventilation. In this case, fire extinguishing and alarm systems can be installed or mounted according to a different scheme.

Classification of reconstruction of buildings and structures

Construction work of this type is divided into two categories:

Partial reconstruction;

Partial does not involve stopping the production process and other activities indoors. This option is used in cases where individual parts or space of the building are subject to reconstruction.

Complete requires stopping all operations of the facility. In this case, you will have to draw up a detailed plan for the work. At industrial facilities, it is recommended to include in construction activities the simultaneous replacement of equipment and outdated equipment.

Do not forget that some types of reconstruction work require obtaining permits, in particular the addition of upper floors.

Features of drawing up estimates for reconstruction

The main factors influencing the formation of prices when drawing up estimates for the reconstruction and repair of buildings and structures:

Type of work: partial or complete reconstruction;

Design features: the building is made of reinforced concrete, whether it is brick, wood or panel;

Will dismantling work be carried out?

Proposed materials for use in construction and finishing works;

Will the entire building or internal premises be redeveloped?

When drawing up estimates, you should use the standards provided for in the Methodology for Determining the Cost of Construction Products during Reconstruction (MDS 81-35.2004), and also use GESN-2001. According to these regulations, a coefficient of 1.15 is applied to this type of work in relation to labor cost standards. Standard operating time for machinery and equipment - coefficient 1.25. These coefficients are unchanged regardless of the type of reconstruction.

When drawing up estimates for the reconstruction of public institutions and administrative facilities, one should take into account the requirements for installing ramps and expanding openings for free access to the premises by persons with disabilities.

In the case of dismantling work, the design documentation may provide for the appearance of materials that can be reused. As a result, when drawing up estimates, it is necessary to provide for refundable amounts, that is, a reduction in funding from the customer. The cost of such structures must be determined at the base prices provided for by the FER unit prices and other standards.

The basis for the reconstruction of a building should be the principle of integrated mechanization at each stage of the process. The construction, repair and reconstruction of buildings and structures depend on the skill of the builders, their responsible approach, and the materials used. Give preference to innovative technologies that will allow you to save on energy in the future, and to those materials that do not require maintenance. The cost of the entire project, further operation and reconstruction of buildings and structures will depend on the thoroughness of preparation of project documentation, so you should not lose sight of any stage.

In the construction industry building reconstruction and buildings occupies a special place. Reconstruction of the building is necessary in many cases - for example, when the customer wants to change the functional purpose of the building (reconstruction of factories into office centers), or when the building has fallen into disrepair or is obsolete, as well as in many other situations when a change in the configuration and size of the building is required, redevelopment of the building , reconstruction of the building, addition of floors, additional extension, etc.

Obviously, building reconstruction- this is a complex of organizational and construction measures and construction and installation works associated with a change in the functional purpose of the building, a change in the quantity and quality of internal premises, the need to increase the total area of ​​the building and its capacity, etc.

Reconstruction of structures as their operation progressed, it became the main and perhaps the most significant issue in the construction industry. After all, the costs of operating dilapidated buildings that require constant repairs here and there are much more than the funds that can be invested in reconstruction of objects.

It should not be forgotten that reconstruction- This is a very responsible job that requires knowledge and experience in performing similar work. After all, improperly carried out reconstruction of a house will entail irreversible consequences - cracks in the facade, ceilings, destruction of the foundation, even the destruction of the building. Therefore, when reconstruction of a house (and especially residential) It is important to comply with reconstruction technology and building regulations. Here, the experience and professionalism of the workers of the company with which you cooperate is of no small importance. The working team of our company consists of highly qualified specialists in this field, so by choosing our company, you can be confident in the quality of the work performed.

Reconstruction of an old house may include the following options:

  • reorganization and refurbishment of the building's interior;
  • construction and installation work in order to change the usable area of ​​the house - this can be: extensions to the building, adding floors, construction and reconstruction of the attic floor;
  • base extension;
  • strengthening of all load-bearing structures.
  • reconstruction of brickwork, screeding of facade cracks.
  • Our company provides complete Range of services for building reconstruction are:

  • creation of design documentation;
  • coordination of the reconstruction project in all government agencies;
  • change of purpose of the reconstruction object;
  • reconstruction of premises with partial or complete replacement of floors;
  • replacement of all communications, installation and commissioning;
  • arrangement of supply and exhaust ventilation and air conditioning systems;
  • increasing the building's electrical capacity;
  • design and installation of ventilated facade systems;
  • landscaping and asphalt paving.
  • It should be noted that building reconstruction and structures is work that is, in many cases, more complex and delicate than new construction. Since the building being reconstructed, as a rule, is already integrated into the existing industrial or residential environment, and is closely connected with it in technical and aesthetic terms. Therefore, any reconstruction requires an individual approach to each object.

    Reconstruction of foundations

    The procedure for any reconstruction of buildings implies a certain sequence of work - the beginning of reconstruction must be on the foundation.

    The main reasons for the need reconstruction and strengthening of the foundation, are:

  • weakening of foundation masonry;
  • reduction of soil bearing capacity;
  • increased load on foundations.
  • Deformation and collapse of buildings occurs in most cases due to unstable soil. That is why when reconstruction of residential buildings Great attention should be paid to the reconstruction of foundations and the integrity of utilities.

    Soil strengthening and strengthening foundations carried out by specialized teams with extreme caution using grips (usually no more than 2 m) so as not to damage adjacent areas and overlying parts of the building.

    Increasing the density and bearing capacity of the foundation soil is carried out using various methods: cementation, bituminization, silicatization, electrosilicatization, heat treatment, resinization, installation of cast-in-place piles and compaction of crushed stone.

    If you do not pay attention to the foundation for a long time and do not strengthen it in a timely manner, the walls and supporting structure of the building may develop cracks that damage the decor and finishing of the facade.

    The most important thing when reconstruction of foundations- this is their unloading. That is, an increase in the load-bearing area of ​​the foundation and a decrease in pressure per square meter of the base area of ​​the structure. Only highly qualified workers can cope with this task.

    Reconstruction of the building box (building walls)

    An equally important stage in the reconstruction of a building is reconstruction of walls.

    A decrease in the load-bearing capacity of the walls of a building occurs as a result of the influence of the same factors that affect the foundation. This is the general settlement of the building, cracks and erosion on its walls, as well as the destruction of the overall frame of the supporting structure.

    Reconstruction of buildings focuses on the need to restore walls, not only as decorative and enclosing parts of the structure, but also as its main load-bearing elements. Therefore, it is necessary to reduce the load not only on the foundation of the structure, but also on the walls. This can be achieved by strengthening the wall structures and unloading the upper structures, including the roof.

    In this case, it is advisable to add iron structures and elements to the structure’s frame to enhance the strength of the walls and increase their load-bearing capacity. It is also possible to add new masonry along the entire surface of the walls; the old walls are attached to it with anchor bolts.

    Reconstruction of facades

    In our harsh climate, the need for reconstruction of the building facade. Now this is not difficult to do, since with the advent of modern materials and technologies in facade production, you can easily dismantle the facade, strengthen the masonry, or hide damage behind a curtain wall. To the events reconstruction of the building facade include the following works:

  • arrangement of a separate entrance, repair of the old one;
  • increasing the size or number of windows;
  • arrangement of a winter garden;
  • extension of premises, etc.
  • For reconstruction of the building facade, it is necessary to obtain permission for reconstruction work. In order to develop a new reconstruction project, it is necessary to take into account the appearance of the building, so that your original ideas do not violate the unified architectural appearance of the building.

    Facade reconstruction may include such types of work as:

    In order to properly repair the plaster on facades, it is necessary to find out the reasons that caused its damage and eliminate them. Materials used for plastering work must comply with GOST standards. Damp plaster, as well as those with efflorescence, gray and resinous stains on its surface must be removed.

    After repairing the plaster and cleaning, the surface of the facades turns out to be non-uniform due to the different textures of the old and new plaster, so to level it it is puttied with preliminary priming.

    Facades are painted using paint spray guns. Window slopes, narrow rods, platbands, rustication seams, and individual molded parts are usually painted with brushes. The paint is applied to the surface in an even layer, without smudges. Facades are painted according to sections.

    Painting is carried out at an outside temperature of at least +5°C, with the exception of those cases when compositions are used that can be used at negative temperatures.

  • Strengthening stone (brick) masonry
  • In some cases, it is necessary to strengthen the masonry by enclosing it in a cage. Masonry in a cage operates under conditions of all-round compression, while its resistance to longitudinal force increases, and transverse deformations are significantly reduced.

    The cage consists of vertical steel corners, which are installed at the corners of walls or pillars on cement mortar, and clamps made of strip or round steel (steps up to 0.5 m).

    The gaps between the frame elements and the masonry are carefully caulked or injected with cement mortar. The injection is carried out by pumping a liquid cement or polymer cement solution into the damaged masonry under pressure. In this case, a general monolithization of the masonry occurs and its load-bearing capacity is restored.

    A ventilated façade is a modern solution for any case of façade reconstruction. It will not only hide the shortcomings of the building walls, but also give them additional insulation and increase their protective properties.

    Even the walls of an old and dilapidated house can be covered with a curtain facade; not only will the house look like new, but its performance characteristics will also increase and it will be able to last longer. The designs of suspended ventilated facades effectively solve energy saving problems, and besides, there are dozens of different materials of various colors and textures that will suit your building.

    Roof reconstruction

    The final stage building reconstruction is its very top - The technical condition of the roof, its performance qualities have a great impact on the premises below.

    The roof itself and its top layer - the roofing - are constantly exposed to many physical, chemical, mechanical and aggressive factors.

    Roofs and roofs must be constantly in the field of view of maintenance workers. Character roof reconstruction determined by its

    If defects are found during a roof inspection, it is necessary to begin eliminating them. , affected by rust, must be painted, worn areas of pipes and gutters must be replaced with new ones. If the roof is covered, patches are applied in case of minor damage; in case of wear, the entire covering is removed and a complete roof reconstruction.

    When completely replacing an old, worn-out roof, the entire covering is cut and dismantled.

    Reconstruction of industrial buildings

    Reconstruction of industrial buildings(reconstruction of factories, reconstruction of an enterprise, reconstruction of a warehouse) provides for the reorganization of the facility, changes in dimensions and technical indicators, capital construction, construction and reconstruction of engineering systems and communications and other changes.

    To the main types of work when reconstruction of industrial buildings include:

  • strengthening the foundation;
  • reconstruction of the “box” of the building;
  • change in the number of floors of the building;
  • base extension;
  • change in architectural appearance;
  • carrying out repair work inside the building (flooring, finishing ceilings, partitions, flights of stairs, doors, windows, etc.);
  • production of additional insulation of floors, roofs, cladding of the building with various materials (facing brick, lining, siding, natural stone, etc.);
  • production, installation and repair of engineering equipment.
  • Our specialists will perform the entire range of work on reconstruction of industrial enterprises, will carry out

    When reconstructing buildings, they play an important role design work and various types of approvals, which often fall on the shoulders of the customer. We are also ready to provide assistance in these matters.