Degtyarev Maxim Nikolaevich Vice President of Sberbank biography. "FSB officer" in Sberbank Maxim Degtyarev

The problem of non-repayment of debt is currently very acute for any credit institution. How the country's leading retail bank, Sberbank of Russia, is coping with this problem, Maxim Degtyarev, head of the department for working with problematic assets of Sberbank, told in an interview. Tell me, how does Sberbank plan to work with large borrowers in the context of the recession that the Russian economy has entered? What is the general situation on the market today?

Degtyarev. We constantly monitor the condition of Russian companies - both large and smaller. Since Sberbank’s corporate lending services widely cover all regions, in most of which the bank has a dominant market share, we are simply forced to do this.

So, it should be noted that in most cases, bank debtors find opportunities to overcome financial problems and maintain stability - through changing the business model, reducing costs, increasing efficiency or restructuring loan obligations. Sberbank, as a lender, is always ready to meet halfway and offer all possible tools to keep the business running.

Which industries are experiencing a crisis today?

Due to increased competition, changes in regulatory requirements and demand patterns, airlines, alcohol producers, wood processing plants and glass manufacturers are in a difficult situation. Until recently, a significant part of agricultural producers experienced significant financial problems.

In the current economic situation, do businesses need government help?

The support of the authorities is very important for our borrowers - both for obtaining loans for business development and for assistance in problem situations.

This includes subsidizing interest costs on loans, and direct transfers of budget funds to finance investment costs, and tax breaks, and the provision of a collateral fund, including property owned by subjects and municipalities, guarantees from state-owned companies or direct government guarantees.

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Purposeful and thoughtful work in this direction by government services in close cooperation with our bank makes it possible to build an effective system of supporting enterprises in the real sector and has a positive effect on the investment attractiveness of the regions. There are striking examples of such interaction in the Chelyabinsk, Lipetsk, Vologda, Voronezh regions and a number of other regions.

Yes, in a number of regions the level of state support for regional enterprises and the depth of partnerships with the bank leave, as they say, much to be desired. We are especially confused by non-payments of entities under issued state guarantees or defaults of state-owned enterprises belonging to regions, despite the fact that they are very often accompanied by lengthy legal penalties, sometimes with artificial delays in procedural deadlines.

It should be noted that often the reason for refusals to pay compensation for provided state guarantees is the absence of a corresponding item in regional budgets due to incorrect budget planning.

The main negative consequence of such actions is a decrease in the credit ratings of federal subjects and regional enterprises, which significantly narrows the possibilities of attracting bank financing and, ultimately, has a negative impact on the economic growth of specific regions, territories or republics.

How do you assess the effectiveness of government support measures?

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We positively assess the government’s actions in supporting agricultural producers and industrial enterprises. Currently, state assistance, if we are talking about its direct and irrevocable forms, is mainly provided in the form of subsidizing the cost of paying interest on bank loans, as well as subsidies for production in the form of compensation for part of production costs. The need for such support is obvious to us.

However, due to the nature of our activities, we often encounter cases of abuse by recipients of budget assistance. A significant part of the funds allocated by the state to enterprises in the real sector, including agriculture, takes the form of subsidizing interest costs on loans.

The simple economic logic of the owners of such enterprises gives rise to the temptation to “slow down” settlements with banks as much as possible, using cheap borrowed capital for purposes unrelated to their main activities. This often leads to unscrupulous schemes in which bank loans are attracted to agricultural enterprises, and the operating flow from the borrowers’ business is subsequently artificially reduced and transferred to other business areas. The lack of accounting profit in this case is the basis for endlessly asking banks for a deferment in repaying the principal debt, and the state continues to subsidize the interest on these loans, thereby financing non-targeted investments by the beneficiaries of these enterprises. Often such schemes do not end with the return of illegally withdrawn funds to agricultural enterprises and are not limited to receiving excess government subsidies. They entail bankruptcy of primary debtors after complete depreciation of fixed assets and non-repayment of bank loans.

What are the results of Sberbank’s work with problem debt, speaking in numbers?

The share of overdue debt in the Bank's total loan portfolio has increased from 2.2 percent to 2.3 percent since the beginning of the year - there is growth. But I must note that, nevertheless, the level of overdue payments in Sberbank remains significantly lower than the same indicator for the banking system as a whole (excluding Sberbank) - 5.7 percent as of October 1, 2014.

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Let's now talk about what is being actively discussed in the media - problems in metallurgy.

Is the plan to create the Far Eastern Mining and Metallurgical Company still alive? How does Sberbank feel about this project and what are the prospects for Amurmetal and Mechel in this regard?

The project of the Far Eastern Metallurgical Company is not an invention of Sberbank. As far as we know, this is the idea of ​​representatives of the authorities of the Khabarovsk Territory. So far, no specific proposals that would indicate the reality of the implementation of this idea have been received either by us or by Amurmetal itself. In any case, we need an interested party - an investor who would support such a project.

Unfortunately, any financial activity is impossible without losses, and most of Amurmetal’s creditors probably understand that they cannot do without a partial loss of their funds. At the same time, it should be noted that Amurmetal is the only metallurgical enterprise in the Far East; it is of great strategic and social importance. Therefore, the decision on its fate should be based not only on financial feasibility. This must be a systemic government decision that takes into account the requirements for the sustainability of the metallurgical industry and related industries, the interests of preserving industrial potential and, at the same time, the interests of creditors. I think what is of great importance here is that the beneficiary of Amurmetal is a government agency - Vnesheconombank. How effectively the Amurmetal problem will be solved will largely depend on its actions as a state financial development institution.

As for Mechel. The company is facing bankruptcy, shares are rapidly falling in price. According to rumors, the government is going to participate in saving the company. Does Sberbank plan to enter into the capital of Mechel?

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Sberbank is interested in settling the debt and does not intend to bankrupt the company unless absolutely necessary. In addition, shares of industrial companies and holdings are not a core asset for the bank. But objective circumstances (including the position of the beneficiary of Mechel) may not allow taking a different path. If the beneficiary does not agree to a compromise solution that allows us to radically reduce the debt burden on the business, in the current extremely difficult situation for Mechel, we will be forced to use all mechanisms provided for by law to protect the interests of our shareholders and investors. In the event of bankruptcy, Sberbank will participate in the procedures as one of the largest creditors and will make every effort to repay Mechel's debts as much as possible.

Here's what else is important to say. There is nothing wrong with the bankruptcy procedure. Most large enterprises (like Amurmetal) continue to operate in bankruptcy, without staff reductions, serious social consequences and significant changes in production volumes. At the same time, the bankruptcy procedure allows you to clear assets from excess debts and ineffective owners.

But bankruptcy is different from bankruptcy? Some small trading company and such a giant as Mechel - their bankruptcies have completely incomparable consequences, don’t they?

For now, we continue to look for sources of salvation for Mechel together with itself, the government, and other creditors. In any case, further work with the Mechel Group is possible only under the condition of strict control of all financial flows and key management decisions on the part of creditors and should involve a significant reduction in the debt burden, including through the conversion of part of the debt into capital. The settlement scheme is currently being worked out.

To briefly summarize, only the constructive position of the company itself and its quick steps towards bringing closer positions with creditors can now save the group from a harsh scenario.

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The media write about new lawsuits against Vladimir Kekhman. What is Sberbank doing to return the money?

This is exactly the case when Sberbank is forced to use not only economic measures of proceedings in Arbitration Courts, but also contact law enforcement agencies.

Currently, the main debtor (JSC Group JFC), as well as guarantor companies (both Russian and foreign) are in bankruptcy proceedings.

Accordingly, in order to return the problem debt, Sberbank used the standard tools provided by law.

Thus, court decisions were received against Kekhman, enforcement proceedings were initiated, his personal property was arrested and sold: a house, a car, jewelry, and his wages were seized. In addition, Sberbank sent a statement to the Ministry of Internal Affairs about the theft of the bank's funds, after which a criminal case was initiated.

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The basis for the initiation was the presence of facts indicating signs of fraud. Subsequently, the investigative department of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs issued decisions to involve Kekhman and former top managers of JFC as defendants in this case.

What can you say regarding the problem debt of citizens?

This year, the problem debt of individuals is growing faster than last year. Over ten months of 2014, the increase in loans with overdue payments of more than 90 days amounted to 64 percent, while last year during the same period the growth of this indicator was 34 percent.

Repayment of overdue debts of individuals is provided by a specialized division of Sberbank, which uses various work tools - from remote communications and personal negotiations to the sale of debts. At the same time, debt restructuring is also one of the effective tools for resolving problem situations. In addition, in order to optimize collection costs, we actively use the services of external collection companies, and also transfer part of the debts for collection to the subsidiary collection company Active Business Collection (ABK).

Cooperation with collection agencies, including the creation of your own, is designed to focus the attention of the bank’s internal service on the collection of overdue debts with the highest priority debts, which form the largest volume of reserves and significantly affect the financial result.

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And what are the results of your collection agency?

As of November 1, the agency was handling more than 1 million accounts with a total loan debt of more than 56 billion rubles. Despite the fact that ActiveBusiness Collection was created only in mid-2013, based on the results of that year alone, the company showed better efficiency in collecting overdue debts in comparison with four other market participants with whom Sberbank cooperated within the agency scheme .

The results of this year confirm that, despite its young age, the agency consistently demonstrates operational efficiency and is not inferior to the leading players in the collection services market. Including those with whom Sberbank cooperates. And in terms of the level of settlement of the principal debt, the company is the leader among all our partners based on the results of nine months of this year.

Along with the volume of operations, the company itself is growing; today it employs more than 400 employees, which is a significant staff for a collection agency.

Collectors do not have the best reputation in the banking market, they are feared, people hide from them, the most unpleasant stories are told about their methods - what methods does ActiveBusinessCollection use in its work?

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The agency uses both time-tested collection methods and develops new technologies. For example, the agency has implemented and is now widely using a mobile platform for hard collection, a system for automatically searching for data on the Internet, and many others.

In the near future, the company plans to introduce a module for analyzing operator speech. This method will improve the communication risk management system (eliminate incorrect communication between operators and debtors), improve the quality of adaptive scoring (the debtor’s communication parameters in the collection process will be used as factors in the scoring model), and also improve internal quality control of operators’ work. The already implemented mobile platform for hard collection allows you not only to monitor where the employee is currently located, but also records the conversation between the employee and the debtor.

The company records 100 percent of all conversations of collectors, which greatly facilitates the work of the control group, whose task is to identify and investigate all complaints about the actions of the agency.

Does ABK have priority over other collection agencies with which Sberbank works?

The agency works with Sberbank on the same terms as external collection agencies; the company is subject to the same requirements as others, including obligations to ensure target levels of debt collection efficiency.

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"FSB officer" at Sberbank Maxim Degtyarev

Gref's deputy shakes out debts from borrowers until they are liquidated.

Appearing on the federal administrative scene in 1998, German Gref quickly became a prominent figure. Now he is ready to use the successes of Sberbank as a springboard to political Olympus. What can hinder the future prime minister is only the team, including the candidate for the post of successor to the head of the bank, Maxim Degtyarev.

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Maxim Degtyarev Sberbank of Russia Vice President, Director of the Troubled Assets Department


Maxim Degtyarev graduated from Higher School with honors and received a degree in economics. Completed the LBS (London Business School) advanced training course with honors in the management and finance program.

Professional experience

For the last six years, Maxim Degtyarev has been working in the department for work with distressed assets; before that, he worked for three years in the project finance department of Sberbank. Before joining the credit institution, he headed leasing companies, first KMB Leasing and then Element Leasing (Basel companies).

At Element Leasing, he was responsible for building a risk system, interacting with financial institutions and developing a financial reporting system.

In 2013, he headed the department for working with problem assets of Sberbank of Russia.


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    Order of the President of the Russian Federation dated November 17, 2016 N 362-rp “On promotion”


    For his great contribution to the development and creation of new special equipment, strengthening the country's defense capability and many years of conscientious work

    MASLOV Yuri Yakovlevich - toolmaker of the closed joint-stock company "Cheboksary Electrical Apparatus Plant", Chuvash Republic

    TMENOV Alexander Vladimirovich - General Director of the open joint-stock company "Plant named after V.A. Degtyarev", Vladimir region

    ANIKIN Nikolai Ivanovich - mechanic of the joint-stock company "Moscow Machine-Building Plant "Vympel"

    BOGOMAZOV Valery Ivanovich - mechanical assembly mechanic of the closed joint-stock company Experimental Mechanical Engineering Plant of the Rocket and Space Corporation Energia named after S.P. Queen", Moscow region

    BYCHKOV Viktor Andreevich - milling operator of the joint-stock company "Moscow Machine-Building Plant "Vympel"

    Lidia Ivanovna VOLKOVA - Head of Department of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Central Research Institute of Mechanical Engineering", Moscow Region

    Georgy Vladimirovich DURAKOV - Deputy General Director for Testing, Quality and Reliability of the joint-stock company "Research and Production Association of Measuring Equipment", Moscow region

    KOMAROVA Tatyana Vladimirovna - head of department - assistant general director for corporate issues of the joint-stock company "Research and Production Association of Measuring Equipment", Moscow region

    KULISH Nikolay Semenovich - head of the department of the federal state unitary enterprise "Central Research Institute of Mechanical Engineering", Moscow region

    Lyfar Valery Borisovich - chief specialist of the public joint-stock company Rocket and Space Corporation Energia named after S.P. Queen", Moscow region

    MITRKASU Vladimir Valerievich - head of department of the federal state unitary enterprise "Central Research Institute of Mechanical Engineering", Moscow region

    Dmitry Borisovich MORGUNOV - Deputy General Director for Corporate Governance and Property and Land Relations of the Moscow Machine-Building Plant "Vympel" Joint Stock Company

    Alexey Vladimirovich NIKIFOROV - leading process engineer of the closed joint-stock company Experimental Mechanical Engineering Plant of the Rocket and Space Corporation Energia named after S.P. Queen", Moscow region

    Vladimir Vladimirovich SIDOROV - head of the sector of the federal state unitary enterprise "Central Research Institute of Mechanical Engineering", Moscow region

    SPERANSKY Dmitry Vasilievich - leading engineer of the public joint-stock company Rocket and Space Corporation Energia named after S.P. Queen", Moscow region

    SHIROKOV Nikolai Evgenievich - leading testing engineer of the closed joint-stock company Experimental Engineering Plant of the Rocket and Space Corporation Energia named after S.P. Queen", Moscow region

    SHUVALOVA Tatyana Vladimirovna - Deputy Head of Department - Head of the Laboratory of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Central Research Institute of Mechanical Engineering", Moscow Region.

    For his great contribution to ensuring energy supply to consumers of the Crimean Peninsula

    award the Certificate of Honor of the President of the Russian Federation to:

    Sergei Mikhailovich GOLOVKIN - Deputy Chief Engineer of the branch of the public joint-stock company "Federal Grid Company of the Unified Energy System" - Kuban Enterprise of Trunk Electric Networks, Krasnodar Territory

    Vladimir Valerievich KARPUS - Head of the Interregional Directorate of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision for the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol

    Alexander Ivanovich LAVRUKHIN - Deputy Director for Production of the ENEX branch of the open joint-stock company Yuzhenergosetproekt, Rostov region

    LUBENTS Anatoly Valerievich - chief engineer of the ENEX branch of the open joint-stock company Yuzhenergosetproekt, Rostov region

    SERGEEV Vadim Ivanovich - Head of the North Caucasus Directorate of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision

    express gratitude to the President of the Russian Federation:

    BUDIGIN Alexander Timofeevich - Deputy Head of the Directorate of Capital Construction of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Russian Energy Agency", Moscow

    GERASIMOVA Ekaterina Albertovna - Chief Specialist-Expert of the Department of Operational Control and Management in the Electric Power Industry of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation

    GILEV Sergei Ivanovich - dispatcher of the Crimean district of electrical networks of the branch of the public joint-stock company for energy and electrification of Kuban "South-Western Electric Networks", Krasnodar Territory

    Alexander Sergeevich IVANKOV - deputy chief engineer - head of service of the production department "Eastern Electric Networks" of the branch of the public joint stock company "Interregional Distribution Grid Company of the South" - "Rostovenergo", Rostov region

    Sergei Leonidovich KOLESNIKOV - head of the service of the production department "North-Eastern Electric Networks" of the branch of the public joint stock company "Interregional Distribution Grid Company of the South" - "Rostovenergo", Rostov region

    Nikolai Anatolyevich KOLOMITS - Deputy Head of the Directorate - Head of Department of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Russian Energy Agency", Moscow

    KOSIVCHENKO Alexander Ivanovich - Assistant Head of the North Caucasus Directorate of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision

    KUSHNAREV Alexander Viktorovich - substation service technician of the production department "South-Western Electric Networks" of the branch of the public joint stock company "Interregional Distribution Grid Company of the South" - "Rostovenergo", Rostov region

    LEVI Semyon Romanovich - Actual State Councilor of the Russian Federation, 1st class, Moscow

    LYSENKO Valery Evgenievich - chief engineer of the project of the ENEX branch of the open joint-stock company Yuzhenergosetproekt, Rostov region

    PETRYAEV Dmitry Gennadievich - Advisor - Chief Specialist of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Russian Energy Agency", Moscow

    REUS Oleg Leonidovich - foreman of the substation service group of the branch of the public joint-stock company for energy and electrification of Kuban "Slavic Electric Networks", Krasnodar Territory

    SENTYURIN Yuri Petrovich - Secretary of State - Deputy Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation

    Semyon Anatolyevich SMETANIKOV - Deputy Chief Engineer - Head of Service of the Production Department "Levoberezhnye Electric Grids" of the branch of the public joint stock company "Interregional Distribution Grid Company of the South" - "Volgogradenergo", Volgograd Region

    KHARCHENKO Vitaly Vladimirovich - senior foreman of the Varenikovsky network section of the Crimean district of electrical networks of the branch of the public joint-stock company for energy and electrification of Kuban "South-Western Electric Networks", Krasnodar Territory

    KHLEBNIKOV Pavel Evgenievich - Deputy Director of the Department - Head of the Department of the Department of Corporate Governance, Price Conditions and Control and Audit Work in the Fuel and Energy Sector of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation

    KHNYACH Sergei Nikolaevich - electrician for testing and measurements of the branch of the public joint-stock company for energy and electrification of Kuban "Slavic Electric Networks", Krasnodar Territory.

    For achieved labor successes, active social activities and many years of conscientious work

    award the Certificate of Honor of the President of the Russian Federation to:

    Vladimir Petrovich ARKHIPENKOV - President of the Smolensk Chamber of Commerce and Industry Union

    Alexey Anatolyevich BATALINA - electric and gas welder of the Nizhnelomovsky operational section of the gas industry of the branch of the open joint-stock company Gazprom Gazoraspredeleniye Penza

    VYCHUZHANINA Galina Aleksandrovna - member of the regional Council of the Krasnoyarsk regional regional branch of the All-Russian public organization "All-Russian Pedagogical Assembly"

    ZELENIN Mikhail Andreevich - General Director of the limited liability company "Verkhnevolzhsky Territorial Assembly Complex", Yaroslavl region

    MIKHAILOVA Valentina Leonidovna - cargo acceptance and delivery person of the open joint-stock company "Kaliningrad Sea Trade Port"

    MORDOVTSEVA Nadezhda Georgievna - Deputy Chairman of the Central District Public Organization of the City of Barnaul All-Russian Public Organization of Veterans "Russian Union of Veterans", Altai Territory

    SIZHAZHEV Hasan Labidovich - head of the local administration of the Baksan municipal district of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic

    SINYAVIN Viktor Sergeevich - electrician of the open joint-stock company "Kaliningrad Sea Trade Port"

    TAMBOVTSEV Vladimir Vladimirovich - Deputy Manager of the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation

    TRETYAK Yuri Serafimovich - Chairman of the Krasnodar regional organization of the All-Russian public organization of disabled people "All-Russian Order of the Red Banner of Labor Society of the Blind"

    FEDOROV Andrey Vitalievich - General Director of the joint-stock company SUEK-Krasnoyarsk, Krasnoyarsk Territory

    express gratitude to the President of the Russian Federation:

    ALEKHIN Leonid Stepanovich - General Director of the joint stock company "TANECO", Republic of Tatarstan

    MASLOVA Elena Ivanovna - chief specialist-expert, head of the civil registration department of the Volotovsky district of the civil registration committee and organizational support for the activities of justices of the peace of the Novgorod region

    Olga Evgenievna NADEZHINA - Head of the Department for the Protection of Social Rights of the Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation

    Elina Sergeevna PAVLOVA - Head of the Information and Analytical Department of the Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Perm Territory

    Valentina Petrovna PAROMOVA - Head of the Accounting and Reporting Department - Chief Accountant of the Administration of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug

    SMIRNOVA Nadezhda Vladimirovna - road master of the Belovskaya distance track of the West Siberian Directorate of Infrastructure of the Central Directorate of Infrastructure - a branch of the open joint-stock company "Russian Railways", Kemerovo region

    CHERNYSHEV Dmitry Vasilyevich - head of the department of the joint-stock company "United Metallurgical Company", Moscow.

    For his great contribution to the socio-economic development of the region and many years of conscientious work, be awarded with a Certificate of Honor from the President of the Russian Federation

    MITINA Sergei Gerasimovich - Governor of the Novgorod region.

    For services in the field of economics and financial activity, be awarded with a Certificate of Honor from the President of the Russian Federation

    VOILOSHNIKOVA Irina Anatolyevna - head of the Office of the Federal Tax Service for the Trans-Baikal Territory.

    For services in the development and improvement of the banking system, express gratitude to the President of the Russian Federation:

    ANASCHENKO Alexander Grigorievich - Chairman of the West Siberian Bank of the public joint-stock company "Sberbank of Russia", Tyumen

    ANDREEV Nikolay Yurievich - General Director of the closed joint-stock company "Sberbank - AST", Advisor to the President of the public joint-stock company "Sberbank of Russia", Moscow

    BATUROVA Elena Anatolyevna - senior managing director of the management of the Technology block of the public joint stock company Sberbank of Russia, Moscow

    Oleg Vladimirovich GANEEV - Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Public Joint Stock Company "Sberbank of Russia", Moscow

    GOLTSOV Roman Mikhailovich - Managing Director of the Lending and Project Financing Department of the Lending Department of the public joint stock company Sberbank of Russia, Moscow

    DEGTYAREV Maxim Nikolaevich - Vice President - Director of the Department for Work with Problem Assets of the Public Joint Stock Company "Sberbank of Russia", Moscow

    DIRKS Natalya Germanovna - senior vice president of the management of the Technology block of the public joint stock company Sberbank of Russia, Moscow

    Natalya Aleksandrovna ERMAKOVA - Managing Director - Head of the Industrial Client Services Department of the Client Management Department of the public joint-stock company "Sberbank of Russia", Moscow

    ZALOMIKHINA Larisa Aleksandrovna - Senior Managing Director - Director of the Compliance Department of the public joint-stock company "Sberbank of Russia", Moscow

    ZELENKOV Alexey Vladimirovich - senior managing director - director of the tax planning department of the public joint-stock company "Sberbank of Russia", Moscow

    KATKALO Valery Sergeevich - rector of the autonomous non-profit organization of additional professional education "Sberbank Corporate University", Moscow

    KONURIN Viktor Alekseevich - senior managing director, head of the secretariat - assistant to the president of the public joint stock company "Sberbank of Russia", Moscow

    Stanislav Konstantinovich KUZNETSOV - Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Public Joint Stock Company "Sberbank of Russia", Moscow

    Dmitry Vladimirovich KURDYUKOV - Chairman of the North-West Bank of the public joint-stock company "Sberbank of Russia", St. Petersburg

    Latypova Ekaterina Aleksandrovna - Vice President - Director of the Strategy and Development Department of the public joint stock company "Sberbank of Russia", Moscow

    MELNIKOVA Alisa Valerievna - General Director of the joint-stock company "Sberbank-Technologies", Moscow

    RATSIN Oscar Zakirovich - head of the department of investment activities, vice-president of the closed joint-stock company "Sberbank CIB", Moscow

    Nikita Evgenievich RYBCHENKO - Managing Director - Head of the ERP Directorate of the Finance Department of the public joint-stock company "Sberbank of Russia", Moscow

    SEROVA Elena Aleksandrovna - senior managing director - director of project management and process quality of the public joint stock company "Sberbank of Russia", Moscow

    STAROSTIN Ilya Gennadievich - senior managing director of the management of the Technology block of the public joint stock company Sberbank of Russia, Moscow

    Ekaterina Stanislavovna STOLYPINA - Senior Managing Director - Director of the Supply Center of the public joint stock company "Sberbank of Russia", Moscow

    KHLYZOV Andrey Grigorievich - senior vice-president of the management of the “Technology” block of the public joint-stock company “Sberbank of Russia”, Moscow

    STERNLIEB Teimur Tomazievich - vice-president of the public joint-stock company "Sberbank of Russia", Moscow.

    For services to the development of legal sciences and the training of qualified specialists

    award the Certificate of Honor of the President of the Russian Federation to:

    OTNYUKOVA Galina Dmitrievna - Professor of the Department of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Moscow State Law University named after O.E. Kutafina (MSAL)"

    TUCHKOVA Elvera Galimovna - Professor of the Department of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Moscow State Law University named after O.E. Kutafina (MSAL)"

    express gratitude to the President of the Russian Federation

    PASHOVA Margarita Sergeevna - Professor of the Department of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Moscow State Law University named after O.E. Kutafina (MSAL)".

    For merits in the field of architecture and many years of fruitful activity, award the Certificate of Honor of the President of the Russian Federation

    MUKHAMEDKHANOV Yarkun Dzhafarovich - vice-president of the All-Russian public organization "Union of Architects of Russia", Moscow.

    For services in strengthening the rule of law, protecting the rights and interests of citizens, many years of conscientious work, express gratitude to the President of the Russian Federation

    Natalya Ivanovna VEDENEEVA - Deputy Head of the Department of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation for the Republic of Karelia.

    For services to the development of healthcare, medical science and many years of conscientious work

    award the Certificate of Honor of the President of the Russian Federation to:

    Galina Petrovna GOROKHOVA - doctor of the federal state budgetary institution "Central Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics named after N.N. Priorov", Moscow

    Albert Serafimovich KADYKOV - chief researcher of the federal state budgetary scientific institution "Scientific Center of Neurology", Moscow

    PASS Evgeniy Fedorovich - General Director of the open joint-stock company "Pharmstandard-Leksredstva", Kursk region

    express gratitude to the President of the Russian Federation:

    KATSNELSON Boris Aleksandrovich - Head of Department, Chief Researcher of the Federal Budgetary Institution of Science "Ekaterinburg Medical Scientific Center for Prevention and Health Protection of Workers at Industrial Enterprises", Sverdlovsk Region

    Lyudmila Viktorovna LASTOVSKAYA - Deputy Chief Physician of the State Autonomous Healthcare Institution "Bryansk City Hospital No. 1"

    LOZOVSKAYA Tatyana Dmitrievna - Head of Department of the Department of Medical Education and Personnel Policy in Healthcare of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

    PETROVA Galina Alekseevna - chief physician of the state autonomous healthcare institution of the Pskov region "Velikolukskaya Dental Clinic"

    YAKUBIN Viktor Petrovich - vice-rector of the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education "Ivanovo State Medical Academy".

    For their great contribution to the development of the rocket and space industry, strengthening the country's defense capability, express the gratitude of the President of the Russian Federation to the team

    Joint Stock Company "Research and Production Corporation "Space Monitoring Systems, Information Control and Electromechanical Complexes" named after A.G. Iosifyan", Moscow.

    For the great contribution to the development of the radio-electronic industry and the achieved labor successes, express the gratitude of the President of the Russian Federation to the team

    open joint-stock company “Research and production complex “Research Institute of Long-Range Radio Communications”, Moscow.

    Codes of the Russian Federation

    Popular materials

    Federal Law of October 2, 2007 N 229-FZ

    For a five day work week

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    News Economy

    Sberbank will bankrupt individual guarantors for overdue loans from companies

    Sberbank of Russia will carry out the bankruptcy procedure for individuals - guarantors of companies whose loans turned out to be overdue. This was stated by Vice President, Director of Sberbank’s Department for Working with Troubled Assets Maxim Degtyarev. He added that the number of such persons could be about 2 thousand people.

    At the same time, Sberbank does not plan to actively initiate bankruptcy proceedings in relation to “ordinary debtors” who fall under the criteria of the bankruptcy law - individuals who directly took out a loan and have a debt on it in the amount of more than 500 thousand rubles for a period of more than 90 days.

    “We will most likely evaluate and identify those debtors who have property that can be sold. We will also most likely turn to bankruptcy proceedings when the borrower has loans from several banks, and it is difficult to coordinate the actions of banks and organize either a debt settlement procedure or a collection procedure,” Degtyarev explained on the air of the Ekho Moskvy radio station. According to him, Sberbank has “several tens of thousands of such borrowers.”

    On the first day of the law on bankruptcy of individuals in Russia, Sberbank filed a corresponding claim against the former head of JSC Group JFC (JFC), and now the artistic director of the Mikhailovsky Theater in St. Petersburg, Vladimir Kekhman. According to a bank representative, the amount of debt on the loan, for which Kekhman was the guarantor, exceeds 4.5 billion rubles, Interfax reports.

  • Sberbank puts the sale of problem loans on stream. As RBC daily learned, the state bank closed the second transaction this year for the sale of a loan portfolio, the volume of which amounted to 1 billion rubles. If the first deal that Sberbank organized a year ago fell through because the parties did not agree on the price, now the price turned out to be too high.

    Maxim Degtyarev, who took over the position of acting head of the department for working with problem assets in the summer instead of Svetlana Sagaidak, is coping with the business she started - selling problem loans to collectors. Sberbank is actually bringing this area to a regular basis.

    As several participants in the collection market told RBC daily, Sberbank recently closed a deal to sell a portfolio of unsecured loans to individuals. This time, Sberbank sold a portfolio worth just over 1 billion rubles. with an average period of overdue debt of more than 700 days. According to RBC daily, the transaction price turned out to be quite high - from 5.5 to 6.7% of the volume of the sold portfolio. The buyer was the agency "First Collection Bureau" (PKB). Sberbank held a closed competition, all agencies that are part of NAPCA took part in it. The total portfolio that the state bank offered to the market amounted to about 3 billion rubles.

    This is the second such transaction for Sberbank this year. In the first half of the year, the bank sold debts amounting to 15 billion rubles, dividing them into three lots. One of the lots was also bought by PKB (see RBC daily from 07/09/13). True, the price was lower then - 3%. For the second time, Sberbank decided to change the principle - to sell less, but at a higher price. “It is not economically feasible for Sberbank to collect problem loans itself,” says one of the participants in the collection market.

    Sberbank made its first attempt to sell problem debts to collectors last fall. But then she was unsuccessful. The State Bank chose a narrow circle of buyers - only agencies affiliated with banks, and offered a portfolio of different loans worth 6 billion rubles as a single lot. Then the parties did not agree on the terms (see RBC daily from 12/03/12).

    Now the deal from Sberbank was supervised by Maxim Degtyarev. For the last five years he has been working in the distressed assets department; before that, he was in the project finance department of Sberbank for three years. Before joining the credit institution, he headed leasing companies, first KMB Leasing and then Element Leasing of the Basel company. At Element Leasing, Mr. Degtyarev was responsible for building a risk system, interacting with financial institutions and developing a financial reporting system. His extensive work experience was useful in negotiating with collection agencies. Sberbank finally managed to sell overdue loans at a favorable price.

    According to the commercial director of the collection agency “M. B.A. Finance” by Viktor Vodenko, the price of the latest transaction is too high: few are willing to pay more than 5% for such a portfolio. “But for each player this is an individual indicator. Everyone has their own approach to assessing the prospects for collection, as well as different wishes for profitability. Sberbank is a special client, and you can overpay for working with its overdue payments, if possible. After all, someone may pay more in the future in anticipation of future profitability,” notes Mr. Vodenko.

    Experts do not rule out that Sberbank will begin to regularly sell bad debt, just as other players do. For example, VTB24 puts up overdue debt for sale once every six months or quarter.

    “If Sberbank’s financial result from selling overdue debt to collectors is higher than the financial result it will receive when collecting overdue debt on its own, then perhaps the bank will continue the practice it has started - it all depends on the efficiency of the bank’s internal collection service and on the tasks facing the financial organization at a specific point in time,” believes Vladislav Kotelnikov, head of the department for the return of overdue debts of Raiffeisenbank.

    The press service of Sberbank declined to comment, and it was not possible to contact Maxim Degtyarev. PKB confirmed participation in the tender and the fact of the transaction, but refused to disclose its terms.

    Natalya STAROSTINA

    Who can head Sberbank after Gref?

    German Gref, of course, has already outgrown and outlived Sberbank. He turned it into one of the best companies in the country, and it is obvious that he is bored and uninterested. He needs new guidelines, new horizons.

    German Gref. Illustration:

    What horizons might the former Minister of Economy and head of the largest bank in Russia have? Recent research by political scientists, as well as a survey on my blog, speaks for itself - Gref is seen in the place of prime minister. Does he count on this chair himself? I believe that yes, to the extreme - to deputy prime minister.

    Of course, there is a limitation here - Dmitry Medvedev. It has been proven, and there are no special objections to it from anyone except small groups of politically active ordinary people. On the other hand, Medvedev is supported by the ultra-liberal Alexei Kudrin, who is so proud of his liberalism that he may well lose his current position, not to mention the prospects of acquiring a new one. Gref looks the best in this situation. A successful project and more than one behind it.

    Dmitry Medvedev. Illustration:

    However, it’s still up to Vladimir Putin to decide. And we can only guess from the tea leaves. Circumstances decide a lot. In the end, they decided on the September castling, which surprised everyone so much.

    But what will happen at Sberbank? After Gref? There are also a lot of options. The same Elvira Nabiullina, the same Lev Khasis. But, understanding that if Gref leaves, he will leave behind a locum tenens who will keep Sberbank in its orbit and will never make a set-up either for Gref himself or for his entourage, which will probably remain in large numbers at Sberbank. A person who can move if he has to go back.

    Elvira Nabiullina. Illustration:

    So, there is already such a person at Sberbank. This is Vice President Maxim Degtyarev. Yes, Poletaev would really like to take Gref’s place, but no, the main contender is Degtyarev. Lately, he seems to have set himself the task of convincing Gref of his own absolute loyalty. The well-established economy of Sberbank should go to not the brightest, but the most reliable subordinate of German Gref: vice-president - director of the department for working with problem assets Maxim Degtyarev. Having completed a training course at the Sberbank Academy and subsequently received the post of chief specialist in distressed assets, Degtyarev does not have enough stars in the sky, but no one doubts his loyalty to Gref.

    Of course, anyone can dream, but it is clear that if Gref goes to the government, then he will take Khasis, Ashot, and Poletaev with him. But he will leave Degtyarev in place to look after his interests.

    Pavel Danilin - Director of the Center for Political Analysis, specially for the Expert Tribune "Realist"

    He quickly became a prominent figure. Now he is ready to use the successes of Sberbank as a springboard to political Olympus. What can hinder the future prime minister is only the team, including the candidate for the post of successor to the head of the bank, Maxim Degtyarev.

    Member of the board and Deputy Minister of the Ministry of State Property, head of the Center for Strategic Research, later - Minister of Economic Development and Trade, he was involved in Russia’s entry into the WTO, represented the state on the boards of directors of large raw materials and infrastructure companies, participated in the creation of free economic zones and prepared Sochi for the application to host the Olympics. In October 2007, Gref headed Sberbank of Russia, which by the summer of 2016 overtook Gazprom in capitalization. However, ten years as the head of a bank, even the largest in Russia, is too long for Gref’s active nature. In 2016, his political ambitions became obvious: by proposing to Putin to create a shadow committee on reforms, German Gref actually declared that he was ready to lead the development of the entire Russian economy. And although the proposal was not accepted then, today it is Gref who is increasingly being called the most likely successor to Dmitry Medvedev, whose rating is melting under the pressure of scandals, falling incomes and the lack of clear prospects for economic growth.

    In addition to the positive image of a reformer and progressive, German Gref has another important advantage: over the years of work at Sberbank, he created his own team, whose arrival in the government could become a symbolic gesture in the spirit of early Putin. A new conceptual view of the economy, a proven ability to innovate and achieve set goals over the years at Sberbank, and a selection of proven personnel - in fact, this is a ready-made recipe for the ideal cure for economic depression that Putin can prescribe for the Russian economy shortly before or immediately after the 2018 elections. This situation will also have a positive impact on the position of the Western world towards Russia: in developed countries they do not hide their sympathy for Gref and Navalny, who actively supports the head of Sberbank in his desire to change his occupation. There is also no shortage of people within the country to whom Gref’s arrival as head of government seems like an excellent decision. However, the rosy picture is slightly spoiled by the forecast for the activities of the most important bank for the economy after Gref’s departure for promotion.

    The so-called “Gref team” consists of four main figures who together can close all positions in the government’s economic bloc: Gref’s first deputy at Sberbank Maxim Poletaev will be put in charge of the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Economic Development will be given Kirill Androsov, who worked with Gref under Fradkov, head of Sberbank Capital Ashot Khachaturyants will be sent to head the Ministry of Energy, another first deputy chairman Lev Khasis- to the Ministry of Industry and Trade. Sources inside the bank say that a serious hardware war could break out between Poletaev and Khasis - apparently none of them wants to leave a warm place in Sberbank and go “up”, but the boss’s ambitions will certainly prevail, and the team will remain a team. “It is clear that if Gref goes to the government, then he will take Khasis, Ashot, and Poletaev with him,” notes political scientist, leader of information projects of the Effective Policy Foundation Pavel Danilin. - But what will happen in Sberbank after Gref? Sberbank will probably remain in large numbers. A person who can even move if he has to go back. So, there is already such a person at Sberbank. This is Vice President Maxim Degtyarev.”

    Maxim Degtyarev, who is confidently spoken of as Gref’s successor, is vice president of Sberbank and heads the department for working with distressed assets. Having completed a training course at the Sberbank Academy and subsequently received the post of chief specialist in distressed assets, Degtyarev does not have enough stars in the sky, but no one doubts his loyalty to Gref - after all, in particular, it was he who was entrusted with overseeing the high-profile transaction for the sale of the Ukrainian daughters of Sberbank. According to former State Duma deputy Ilya Ponomarev, Sber seems to have lost up to $70 million on this deal, and the circumstances that prompted the bankers to take such a step are still unknown. Initially assessing the Ukrainian subsidiary at $600 million, Sberbank received only $130 million for it, although Ponomarev is convinced that “for 200 million in real money this deal could be closed very quickly.” Refusing the offer, after a series of convenient attacks on its Ukrainian branches, the bank apparently sold the subsidiary for a lower price, leaving everyone to wonder what forced it to accept such a bad deal. In Moscow Sberbank, according to Ponomarev, sales issues were dealt with by Vice President Maxim Degtyarev and department head Yuri Svistunov.

    “It was more like some kind of order,” Ilya Ponomarev shared his impressions with the Ukrainian publication “Apostrophe”. - I even find it difficult to say - if not on command from above, then how much the Sberbank employees had to put in their pockets in order to agree to such an outright robbery... I know German Oskarovich well, or these two gentlemen (Maxim Degtyarev and Yuri Svistunov) stupidly deceived him , or, given that Mr. Degtyarev is not his actual employee, but a career FSB officer seconded to Sberbank, it is quite possible that Gref was simply ordered to carry out this operation.”

    The management of the most high-tech bank in Russia, which has 14,286 branches and serves millions of clients, should pass into the hands of Maxim Degtyarev. However, the methods that Degtyarev resorts to as a specialist in working with distressed assets say the least about him as a civilized manager. Since 2012, scandals have not subsided around Sberbank and borrowing companies, developing according to the same pattern: the issuance of a loan and negotiations on restructuring end in criminal prosecution of the lender and the confiscation of its property in favor of companies probably associated with Sberbank. In May 2017, a source in the Ministry of Internal Affairs reported that Sberbank insists on the arrest of the famous businessman Vladimir Kekhman, who is the founder and beneficiary of the JFC company, and part-time artistic director of the Mikhailovsky Theater in St. Petersburg and director of the Novosibirsk Opera and Ballet Theater. After receiving a loan from Sberbank, JFC, a fruit importer, encountered difficulties caused by political instability in the countries of the Arab East and was forced to declare bankruptcy. However, Sberbank was not satisfied with the procedure established by law for settling relations with the creditor, and Kekhman, who apparently has nothing to do with the company, became involved in a case of fraud on a particularly large scale. Kekhman openly says that “for three years the case has been conducted under open and incredibly active pressure from Sberbank,” but for now he remains free, most likely thanks to support from the Ministry of Culture and, probably, personal acquaintance with President Putin.

    Another large borrower with whom Sberbank involved law enforcement agencies is the owner of the Visma group, Valery Geryugov, who, at the initiative of Sberbank, was placed under house arrest by the court in April 2017. The producer of Arkhyz mineral water is suspected of theft of loan funds received from Sberbank totaling 1.8 billion rubles. The most well-known Sberbank borrower to the general public who has faced persecution from law enforcement is the head of the National Association, Eduard Sagalayev. The famous TV personality acted as guarantor for the loan that his son took out to create a drug treatment clinic - and now he faces prosecution at the origins of which is the Central Russian Bank of Sberbank of Russia. “The clinic has been operating for five years, we paid off this loan, but due to the crisis some difficulties arose, and we negotiated with Sberbank to sign a settlement agreement. Everything seemed to be fine, but Sberbank apparently decided to speed up the process in this way,” 70-year-old Sagalayev told Argumenty Nedeli.

    The scandal associated with the chain retailer Yulmart also calls into question the attitude of the possible head of Sberbank to the development of innovations and advanced technologies. The bank’s tough policy towards the borrower led to the initiation of a criminal case against the founder of the online trading network, Alexei Nikitin, and the former general director of the company, Sergei Fedorin. The main shareholder of Yulmart, Dmitry Kostygin, is confident that these “criminal cases are fueled” by the efforts of Sberbank employees. At the same time, Kostygin mentioned Maxim Degtyarev and Svistunov, emphasizing in an interview with RBC: “Sberbank as an organization is interested in repaying the loan, but the liquidation of Yulmart is more beneficial for individual employees.” This direct statement may confirm assumptions that have long been circulating in the market that Degtyarev and the contractors he attracts may well make money from liquidating borrowers’ businesses by resolving legal issues through judges, many of whom have their own loans from Sberbank. In the case of Yulmart, there is another coincidence: immediately after the attack on the domestic online retailer began, Sberbank announced the creation of a joint venture in the field of online commerce with the Chinese Alibaba. There were reports in the press that the bankruptcy of Yulmart was planned for the subsequent sale of assets to Chinese partners.

    It seems that only 3-5% of companies that find themselves in the area of ​​​​action of Maxim Degtyarev’s department return to a healthy state, and more than 95% of Sberbank borrowers who encounter any difficulties face liquidation and sale of property. Since the percentage of return on unsecured loans during the liquidation process is about 10-20%, the bank’s tough policy may have some hidden economic grounds, unless Maxim Degtyarev sees his function in visually teaching domestic businessmen all the risks of cooperation with Sberbank.

    In a conversation with RBC, the main shareholder of Yulmart, Dmitry Kostygin, it seems to me, ranked Maxim Degtyarev among the “dark forces” inside Sberbank and contrasted him with the “light force” of German Gref. In this context, it would be interesting to know how liberal Gref is aware of Maxim Degtyarev’s working style and how his technocratic beliefs can correspond to the involvement of security forces in resolving issues with borrowers? But even if we leave this question aside, the fact remains: the country’s largest universal commercial bank, which provides loans to thousands of businesses, may end up under the leadership of Maxim Degtyarev, a lover of “strong methods”. Will Sberbank turn into a threat to the Russian economy instead of being a locomotive of its development?