Inventory happens. Types of inventory and features of inspection

Types of inventory

I. By volume

2. Partial

II. By method

1. Selective

2. Solid

A complete inventory is carried out before drawing up an annual report, during an audit or revision and covers material assets, settlement funds and settlement relations with other organizations and persons. All types of funds are also covered, including assets not owned by the organization.

Each separate inventory covering a portion of an organization's assets is called a partial inventory.

During a selective inventory, only a few valuables are checked from a specific financially responsible person to choose from. Selective inventory is carried out in inventories with a large range of values.

A complete inventory is carried out simultaneously in all structural divisions and enterprises that belong to this organization.

The planned inventory is carried out according to the schedule within the specified time frames approved by the manager, and the timing of its implementation is not subject to disclosure.

An unscheduled inventory is carried out not according to plan, but due to current circumstances (when transferring cases to a financially responsible person, after natural disasters, theft).

A repeated inventory is carried out if doubts arise about the reliability, objectivity, or quality of the inventory.

Control inventory. Upon completion of the inventory, control checks of the correctness of the inventory can be carried out with the participation of members of the inventory commissions and materially responsible persons, necessarily before the opening of the warehouse, storeroom, section, etc., where the inventory was carried out.

Inventory procedure

To carry out an inventory, a permanent inventory commission is created in the organization. If the amount of costs is small and the organization has an audit commission, the inventory can be entrusted to it. When the volume of work is large, working inventory commissions are created to simultaneously carry out an inventory of property and financial obligations. The personnel of the permanent and working inventory commissions is approved by the head of the enterprise.

The inventory commission includes representatives of the administration, organization, accounting service employees, and other specialists (engineers, economists, technicians, etc.). It may also include representatives of the internal audit service and independent audit organizations.

The absence of at least one member of the commission during the inventory serves as grounds for declaring the inventory results invalid.

Before checking the actual availability of property, the inventory commission must receive the latest receipts and expenditure documents or reports on the movement of material assets and cash at the time of inventory. The chairman of the inventory commission endorses all receipts and expenditure documents attached to the registers (reports), indicating “before the inventory on “__” (date),” which should serve as the accounting department’s basis for determining the balance of property by the beginning of the inventory according to the accounting data.

Financially responsible persons provide receipts stating that by the beginning of the inventory, all expenditure and receipt documents for property were submitted to the accounting department or transferred to the commission and all valuables received under their responsibility were capitalized, and those disposed of were written off as expenses.

The inventory commission ensures the completeness and accuracy of verification of data on the actual balances of fixed assets, inventories, goods, cash, other property and financial obligations, the correctness and timeliness of registration of inventory materials. The actual availability of property during inventory is determined by mandatory counting, weighing, and measurement.

For materials and goods stored in undamaged packaging of the supplier, the quantity of these valuables can be determined on the basis of documents with mandatory verification in kind (by sample) of part of these valuables. The mass (or volume) of bulk materials may be determined on the basis of measurements and technical calculations. Verification of the actual availability of property is carried out with the obligatory participation of financially responsible persons.

If the inventory of property is carried out over several days, then the premises where material assets are stored must be sealed when the inventory commission leaves. During breaks in the work of the inventory commission (during lunch breaks, at night, for other reasons), documents must be stored in a box (cabinet, safe) in a closed room where the inventory is carried out.

In cases where materially responsible persons discover errors after taking an inventory, they must immediately (before opening a warehouse, storeroom, section, etc.) report this to the chairman of the inventory commission. The inventory commission checks the specified facts and, if confirmed, corrects the identified errors in the prescribed manner.

During the inter-inventory period, in organizations with a large range of valuables, selective inventories of material assets in places of their storage and processing can be carried out. Control checks of the correctness of the inventory and sample inventories carried out during the inter-inventory period are carried out by inventory commissions by order of the head of the organization.

Reflection of inventory results in accounting is the final stage of verification of the company's assets and liabilities. And it is extremely important, because the reliability of your reporting depends on whether you distribute the results correctly. And for its distortion there is a fine. How to formalize and reflect the inventory results, read the material below.

Inventory as an accounting method

According to clause 6 of PBU 4/99 (approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated July 6, 1999 No. 43n), accounting records must give a complete and reliable picture of the financial condition of the company. To comply with this requirement, accounting uses a control method - inventory.

Inventory is a procedure for comparing the actual availability of a company’s assets and its obligations with accounting data. The inventory also provides an assessment of the condition of the company's assets.

The inventory procedure is strictly regulated by the following regulations:

  • Methodological guidelines for inventory of property and financial obligations (order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated June 13, 1995 No. 49);
  • Regulations on accounting and reporting in the Russian Federation (order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated July 29, 1998 No. 34n);
  • Law “On Accounting” dated December 6, 2011 No. 402-FZ.

The company must conduct an inventory of its own property, leased or for safekeeping, as well as valuables received for processing.

The company, in accordance with clause 27 of the Accounting Regulations, is obliged to conduct an inventory in the following cases:

  • before preparing annual accounting reports - with the exception of property that has already been inspected after October 1 of the current reporting year;
  • when changing matrially responsible persons;
  • upon detection of theft, abuse and damaged property;
  • when transferring assets for sale, lease or redemption;
  • during the transformation of the company, as well as during its liquidation - before the formation of the liquidation balance sheet;
  • in the event of emergency situations.

If the financial responsibility is collective, then the inventory is carried out when the team leader changes, more than 50% of the participants leave the team, or at the request of one or more team members.

So, as a general rule, an inventory of a company’s assets and liabilities is carried out at least once a year. Exceptions: fixed assets are allowed to be checked once every 3 years, library collections - once every 5 years, and in the regions of the Far North (and territories equivalent to them) an inventory of valuables on the 10th and 41st accounts can be carried out during the period of lowest balances.

To carry out an inventory, the head of the company forms an inventory commission, the composition of which is approved in an order in the form INV-22.

Each inventory is recorded in a journal according to the form INV-23.

Before the start of the verification procedure, the responsible persons confirm in writing that all accounting documents have been transferred to the inventory commission.

For each type of values ​​and obligations, there are separate inventory forms:

  • INV-1- for OS;
  • INV-3— for goods and materials;
  • INV-4— for shipped goods;
  • INV-6— for goods and materials in transit;
  • INV-15— for cash;
  • INV-16— for securities and BSO;
  • INV-17— to check settlements with counterparties.

Inventories record information about the property being inspected: name, quantity, condition, inventory numbers, etc. Data in the inventory is entered manually or using computer technology. Marks are not allowed.

If the audit reveals a deviation of the accounting data from the actual availability of property, the commission creates matching statements using the following form:

  • INV-18- for OS;
  • INV-19- for goods and materials.

Such statements are drawn up in 2 copies: for the accounting department and the financially responsible person, who must explain in writing the reason for the discrepancies.

Discrepancies can be of the following types:

  • surpluses are credited to the account. 91 in correspondence with the property accounting account at market prices (clause 29 of the Methodological Instructions for the accounting of inventories, approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated December 28, 2001 No. 119n).
  • the shortage - may be within the framework of natural loss - then it is charged to cost accounts. Excessive loss is written off at the expense of the guilty parties. If there are none or the court refuses to recover damages, then the shortage is written off as production costs (paragraph 5, clause 5.1 of the Methodological Instructions for Inventorying Property and Financial Liabilities);

ATTENTION! Natural loss rates can be used only if they are approved by legislative acts of the relevant government agencies. The accountant must write off shortages or damage to valuables in excess of the norms on the basis of a court decision (in the absence of the perpetrators or refusal to recover from the guilty person) or a conclusion on damage to property issued by a specialized organization (clause 5.2 of the Methodological Instructions for Inventory of Property and Financial Liabilities).

During inventory, misgrading may be detected. Then the surpluses and shortages are counted against each other, and the responsible persons provide the commission with written explanations. The offset can be carried out only for the same audited period from the same financially responsible person for the same values ​​(clause 5.3 of the Methodological Instructions for Inventory of Property and Financial Liabilities). If the surplus is not enough to cover the shortage, then the procedure is similar to that when a shortage is detected.

The results of all inventories are recorded in the results sheet in the form INV-26.

Accounting for inventory results: postings

Inventory results are reflected in accounting in the month in which the inventory ended. The results of the inventory for the year are indicated in the annual accounting report (clause 5.5 of the Guidelines for the inventory of property and financial obligations).

If surpluses are identified during the audit, the accountant will generate the following entry:

  • Dt 08, 10, 41, 43, 50 Kt 91 - valuables discovered during inventory were capitalized.

If a shortage is detected, then you should first make a posting to the debit of the account. 94 in correspondence with the account of missing values. If this is a natural loss, then the following is the wiring:

  • Dt 20, 23, 44 Kt 94 - the cost of inventory items was written off within the limits of natural loss norms.

If the amount of the shortage is greater than the norms for natural loss, or such norms have not been established for the object, and the culprit of the shortage works in the company, then the accountant makes an entry in accounting:

  • Dt 73 Kt 94 - the shortage is attributed to the responsible person.

The loss can be withheld from the employee’s salary - but not more than 20% of the monthly salary (Article 138 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation):

  • Dt 70 Kt 73 - the shortage is withheld from the salary of the material person.

The guilty person can independently deposit money into the company’s cash desk to pay off the debt:

  • Dt 50 Kt 73 - a financial person deposited money into the cash register to pay off a debt.

If the person responsible for the shortage is not found or the court does not allow the company to collect money from him, an entry is made:

  • Dt 91-2 Kt 94 - loss from shortage is written off due to the absence of the guilty party or refusal to collect.


Inventory results are reflected in accounting according to a strictly regulated algorithm in special statements, inventories and journals. Surpluses are received as other income of the company, and shortages are written off at the expense of the guilty parties, and if there are none, they are reflected in the accounts as other expenses.

Topic 1.2. Inventory. Its essence, meaning, types.

1. Inventory. Its essence and meaning.

2. The main goals and objectives of inventory.

3. Types of inventory.

INVENTORY. Its essence and meaning.

Inventory is a method of monitoring the safety of enterprise funds and the correctness of their reflection in accounting. Along with property (fixed assets, intangible assets, financial investments, inventories, finished products, goods, other inventories, cash and other financial assets), financial liabilities (accounts payable, bank loans, loans and reserves) are also subject to inventory.

Inventory is a method of checking whether the actual availability of funds corresponds to accounting data. It allows you to check whether all business transactions are documented and reflected in accounting, as well as make the necessary corrections and clarifications.

For a number of reasons, not all economic activity phenomena can be registered at the time of their occurrence (theft, loss). Such transactions are identified through an inventory, the results of which are used to document unaccounted transactions to ensure consistency between accounting and actual data.

Inventory is carried out without fail before drawing up an annual report, when there is a change in the financially responsible person, in case of damage, facts of abuse and theft, when liquidating an enterprise, etc.

To carry out an inventory, a permanent commission is created in the organization, which takes a receipt from the financially responsible person stating that all incoming valuables have been taken into account, and those that have been disposed of have been written off, and the corresponding primary documents have been transferred to the accountant. The commission, in the presence of the financially responsible person, checks the presence of material assets and draws up inventory lists, after which the inventory data and accounting data are compared and a reconciliation sheet is drawn up. Identified discrepancies are adjusted immediately after the completion of the inventory.


Main goals inventory are:

  • identification of the actual availability of property;
  • ensuring the reliability of accounting indicators;
  • comparison of the actual availability of property with accounting data;
  • checking the completeness of recording of liabilities.

All property of the organization, regardless of its location, and all types of financial liabilities (fixed assets; inventory and cash; work in progress; deferred expenses; funds in settlements; strict reporting documents; as well as values ​​that do not belong to this enterprise) are subject to inventory ).

An inventory of property is carried out according to its location in the context of financially responsible persons.

Carrying out an inventory is mandatory:

  • when transferring the organization’s property for rent, redemption, sale, as well as in cases provided for by law during the transformation of a state or municipal unitary enterprise;
  • before drawing up annual financial statements (except for property, the inventory of which was carried out no earlier than October 1 of the reporting year). An inventory of fixed assets can be carried out once every three years, and of library collections - once every five years;
  • when changing financially responsible persons (on the day of acceptance and transfer of cases);
  • when establishing facts of theft or abuse, as well as damage to valuables;
  • in case of natural disasters, fire, accidents or other emergencies caused by extreme conditions;
  • during the liquidation (reorganization) of an organization before drawing up a liquidation (separation) balance sheet and in other cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The main tasks of inventory are:

  • identification of the actual availability of fixed assets, inventory and cash, securities, as well as volumes of work in progress;
  • identification of inventory items that have partially lost their original quality and do not meet quality standards and technical specifications;
  • identification of excess and unused material assets for the purpose of subsequent sale;
  • checking compliance with the rules and conditions for storing material assets and funds, as well as rules for the maintenance and operation of machinery, equipment and other fixed assets;
  • checking the real value of inventory items recorded on the balance sheet, amounts of cash in cash, on settlement, currency and other accounts, cash in transit, work in progress, deferred expenses, reserves for future expenses, accounts receivable, accounts payable;
  • comparison of the actual availability of property with accounting data.


Distinguish four types of inventory :

  • partial inventory- happens once a year for each object. In a partial inventory, one or more types of funds in certain storage locations are inspected. This is a reliable method of control that does not interfere with work and does not require a high level of internal organization;
  • periodic inventory- carried out within a specific time frame depending on the type and nature of the property;
  • complete inventory- inspection of all types of company property. Carried out at the end of the year before the preparation of the annual report, as well as during a full documentary audit, at the request of financial and investigative authorities;
  • random inventory- carried out in certain areas of production or when checking the work of certain financially responsible persons.

In addition, depending on the reason for the conduct, inventories can be scheduled (carried out within the time limits established by the instructions) and unscheduled (carried out as needed, usually suddenly).



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Inventory. Its essence, meaning, types. Topic 1.2.

Inventory. Its essence and meaning. The main goals and objectives of inventory. Types of inventory. Issues discussed

“Inventory is a way of checking whether the actual availability of funds corresponds to accounting data. It allows you to check whether all business transactions are documented and reflected in accounting, as well as make the necessary corrections and clarifications. »

To carry out an inventory, the organization creates: - a commission that takes a receipt from the financially responsible person stating that all incoming valuables have been taken into account, and those that have been disposed of have been written off, and the corresponding primary documents have been transferred to the accountant.

Main goals: identifying the actual availability of property; ensuring the reliability of accounting indicators; comparison of the actual availability of property with accounting data; checking the completeness of recording of liabilities.

when transferring the organization’s property for rent, redemption, sale, as well as in cases provided for by law during the transformation of a state or municipal unitary enterprise; before drawing up annual financial statements (except for property, the inventory of which was carried out no earlier than October 1 of the reporting year). An inventory of fixed assets can be carried out once every three years, and of library collections - once every five years; when changing financially responsible persons (on the day of acceptance and transfer of cases); Carrying out an inventory is mandatory:

when establishing facts of theft or abuse, as well as damage to valuables; in case of natural disasters, fire, accidents or other emergencies caused by extreme conditions; during the liquidation (reorganization) of an organization before drawing up a liquidation (separation) balance sheet and in other cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Carrying out an inventory is mandatory:

identification of the actual availability of fixed assets, inventory and cash, securities, as well as volumes of work in progress; identification of inventory items that have partially lost their original quality and do not meet quality standards and technical specifications; The main tasks of inventory are:

identification of excess and unused material assets for the purpose of subsequent sale; checking compliance with the rules and conditions for storing material assets and funds, as well as rules for the maintenance and operation of machinery, equipment and other fixed assets; The main tasks of inventory are:

checking the real value of inventory items recorded on the balance sheet, amounts of cash in cash, on settlement, currency and other accounts, cash in transit, work in progress, deferred expenses, reserves for future expenses, accounts receivable, accounts payable; comparison of the actual availability of property with accounting data. The main tasks of inventory are:

Types of inventory Inventory Partial Periodic Complete Selective

Thank you for your attention!!!

Each structure, both commercial and non-profit, has material assets at its disposal. In order to ensure their safety, it is necessary to periodically check the actual presence and condition of objects, that is, carry out an inventory. Let's consider what an inventory is - a definition, as well as what types of inventory of property and obligations of an organization exist.

Inventory concept

In accordance with the domestic regulatory framework, inventory means an assessment of the actual availability and condition of the company’s property on a specific date by comparing real data and data presented in the company’s accounting records.

The implementation of audit activities is mainly enshrined in an accounting document such as Federal Law No. 402-FZ of December 6, 2011 “On Accounting,” which defines the requirements for this procedure. There is no law on property inventory as such. In addition to the law on accounting, the need for control measures was established by Order of the Ministry of Finance No. 49 of June 13, 1995.

Types of inventory

There are many criteria that allow you to classify the types of inventory activities: according to the mandatory nature of the implementation, volume, degree of coverage, purpose.

In the event that we are talking about a legally established requirement to conduct an audit of property, such an inventory is usually called mandatory. In some cases, an inventory of an enterprise is carried out on the initiative of the head of the company - such an audit is called proactive.

Depending on how significant the number of values ​​to be verified is, a full and partial inventory is distinguished. Based on the name, it is clear that with a partial inventory audit, only certain groups of property are subject to inventory, while a full audit is essentially an annual inventory and assumes total control over values ​​(in most cases, such an inventory is carried out before drawing up annual financial statements).

Based on the degree of coverage, that is, the scale of the implementation, a distinction is made between continuous and selective testing. A complete audit is carried out on the territory of the company as a whole, in all existing divisions, while a selective audit affects a certain range of material objects (for example, those related to the jurisdiction of a specific financially responsible employee of the company).

According to their purpose, audits can be scheduled or unscheduled. Planned inventories, by their nature, must be carried out in accordance with the schedule approved by the company, signed by the director of the company, which determines the frequency of control activities. If there is a small number of items, inventory can be carried out once a year. For large volumes, inventory is carried out more often, for example, once a quarter.

Unscheduled inspections are characterized by sudden implementation. In practice, such audits are most often carried out if management has doubts about the honesty of responsible persons or the identification of cases of theft or damage to valuables in natural disasters.

Who conducts inventory in the organization

The audit must be carried out by a specially created commission approved by the head of the company. The Commission acts as a permanent body. Its participants are representatives of different departments of the company: management, accounting department, auditors. The starting point for conducting an audit is the issuance of an order by the manager on the need to conduct an inventory, which determines the period of control, as well as the list of objects to be inventoried.

Inventory at an enterprise consists of several stages:

  1. Preparatory – issuance of an order, creation of a commission;
  2. The stage of direct verification - carrying out measures to establish the actual presence of material assets on the territory of the company, creating inventories, comparing the actual availability with accounting data, identifying discrepancies and searching for the reasons that caused them;
  3. The final stage involves the need to document the results obtained.

Carrying out an inventory in production is an integral part of monitoring the safety of the company’s valuables.

What is inventory?

This definition includes a verification of the company’s property, as well as its financial obligations for a specific period of time as a result of comparing the actual data received with information from the accounting records. Thus, such a procedure exercises so-called actual control over the safety of existing funds and valuables. In addition, it is an effective method of monitoring and checking the correctness of transactions in accounting accounts, compliance with financial discipline, as well as finding and correcting discrepancies among the actual data that were obtained as a result of the monitoring process itself.

Main goals

All types of inventory are aimed at studying the accuracy of data, timely identification of errors, monitoring the payment of necessary taxes and deductions, compliance with the rules of liability, identifying slow-moving, obsolete, and stale goods, and much more.

Main reasons

Currently, there are several different reasons for carrying out the above process. Let's list some of them:

  • Accidents and natural disasters.
  • Abuse of official powers.
  • Conducting audits.
  • Forensic investigative requirements.
  • Distrust of financially responsible persons.
  • Theft.
  • Changes in the properties and qualities of goods and material assets.
  • Identification of errors that entail significant material losses.

In the modern world, there are several classifications, thanks to which one or another process can be classified into one of these categories.

Let's consider this division in more detail. According to the mandatory nature of the inventory, the following types of inventory are distinguished: mandatory and initiative.

The first, as the name suggests, must be carried out in accordance with current legislation. The second group includes those checks that are appointed by the decision of the head of the company or enterprise. In turn, there is also a classification by location, according to which an inventory of material assets can be carried out:

  • in production;
  • at the register;
  • in retail areas;
  • in warehouses.

Types of inventory can also differ in frequency (scheduled, unscheduled and periodic) and in methods of implementation (natural and documentary).

Types of inspections by coverage

In this case, the following types of checks are distinguished:

  • full;
  • partial;
  • selective.

It should be noted that the first category includes monitoring of all assets and financial obligations of the organization. The second group involves checking according to one or more criteria. The third type is necessary when it is necessary to study the work of financially responsible persons or any separate area of ​​production.

Control of accounting objects

Currently, an inventory of balance sheet items is most often carried out. This includes: inventories, securities, fixed assets, finished products, monetary documents, goods in the trading network.