Little secrets: how to win the Russian Lotto lottery. Russian Lotto: a chance to get rich or a regular money scam? Has anyone won an apartment in Russian lotto?

Who doesn’t hope for a miracle that one day he will be lucky and incredibly rich by winning several million in the lottery? That is why thousands of people buy Stoloto tickets every day, sometimes spending half their salary on it, or even all of it. Hope for luck and a lucky ticket are a good thing. However, where there is fraud, it is a priori impossible to win. At least a large amount. And with small winnings, Stoloto has also been cheating too often lately, deceiving its participants even with such money as 120-180 rubles. As they say, take care of the world and take care of yourself. Don't believe me? But in vain...

The whole truth about Stoloto

Stoloto is the official state organizer of lotteries in the Russian Federation. It runs 16 different lotteries, among which the most popular are Gosloto, Sportloto and Russian Lotto. Tickets can be purchased both online on the website and at various points of sale. It is a monopolist of lotteries in Russia.

The most favorite game of most players is Gosloto, when you have to guess several numbers from a number of possible ones. For example, 4 out of 20, 5 out of 36, 6 out of 45, 6 out of 49. On the ticket, the participant indicates his “lucky numbers”, and later a drawing is held, during which the drum randomly throws out balls with numbers. The more matches, the greater the winnings. The jackpots are absolutely crazy - 8-80 million rubles!

But if you look for reviews about the Stoloto lottery, you will see that most of them are negative. And not because people were simply unlucky to win and their hopes of becoming millionaires were dashed, but because the organizers are constantly caught in fraud. They cheat here even with small amounts, let alone large ones!

Evidence of Stoloto's deception

Won millions? And a fig for you!

Occasionally, Stoloto pleases with the message that so-and-so won a jackpot or just a big prize of a couple of million rubles. The news spreads instantly. Hope flares up in the hearts of lottery participants that since someone has won such a huge amount, it means they will certainly be lucky. You just have to keep buying tickets and hope for a miracle. And here again the crowds are running for tickets.

Yeah... maybe sometimes someone managed to accidentally become one of these lucky ones, but apart from the sum with several zeros on the screen, they never saw anything else. Scandals have broken out more than once with those who won millions in Stoloto, but were left with nothing.

Story 1.

In November 2016, a resident of Transbaikalia won 6 million rubles in Stoloto. But when he tried to pick them up, he was told that there was a technical glitch, an error had occurred, so his ticket was declared non-winning. What 6 million?!

Story 2.

Pensioner Nina Koryagina from Dzerzhinsk was “broken off” even more by Stoloto. A woman won 54 million rubles on New Year's Eve 2017 in Russian Lotto. The lottery organizers confirmed her winnings and promised that they would contact her later about issuing the money. However, no one else wanted to deal with the winner - the phone was either constantly busy or unavailable for months. Interesting, isn't it?

Yes, I always want to believe that someday I will be able to win the lottery and solve all my problems. financial problems. However, if the lottery is dishonest, cheats and does everything to prevent people from winning or receiving minimum amounts, then the probability big win tends to zero. I hope the above evidence of fraud will make you think about whether it’s real to win at Stoloto or whether it’s all a scam. Are you ready to give your money to scammers for the sake of an illusory hope that simply is not destined to come true? But some people get so excited that they spend their entire salary and even take out loans to buy packs of tickets.

- I think it's better not to play it.

Advantages: opportunity to win small amounts

Disadvantages: you won't win much

I would like to dedicate my story today to such a television game as “Russian Lotto”, as well as to what people who directly took part in it think about it.

First, I would like to note that of almost all similar programs, in my opinion, “Russian Lotto” is the most popular among people, and before moving on to the general impressions of all participants, I would like to talk about our experience of the game, and recent one at that.

This was my husband’s birthday and my mother decided to give him a lottery ticket for this television game. Personally, my husband and I are quite skeptical about such events, but the ticket was in hand, why not take part, it shouldn’t go to waste, and, like any Russian person, the thought “what if I’m lucky” flashes through my mind. Although the chances were slim.

Thus, I waited until the day when the drawing took place, or rather, when the recording of this program was shown on TV.

Well, of course, as was to be expected, disappointment awaited me. One last number among all stubbornly did not want to fall out and fell out as the penultimate one. In general, my winnings amounted to 109 rubles, taking into account the fact that the ticket itself costs 100 rubles. At first I didn’t even want to go and take it off; you’d just have to wait in line and pay the tax. But when I found out that no tax is charged on such winnings, I still decided to withdraw this ridiculous amount of money. Well, what I want to say is that the cost of the ticket paid off and that’s fine. If anything, you can withdraw your winnings at any time post office country, if it is small.

Now I propose to consider the reviews of other users who took part in this television game.

The first thing that should be noted is that reviews of this television game available on the World Wide Web are mostly negative. Most people complain about the scam and deception of their players by the compilers of this most gambling television game.

Also, it must be said that many participants already find it suspicious that this television game is not shown live, or as it is now fashionable to say online, but is recorded, of course, processed, and the next day it is posted on television. But everything can be processed there any way you want and, of course, not in favor of people, so that even if they win, it’s a ridiculous amount and nothing more.

Another positive thing people consider is that the results of winnings, if for some reason I was unable to watch the program, are posted on the official website of this television game, and on several other sites, as well as the recording of the program itself.

In addition, another of the main negative aspects of this TV game, according to its participants, is the excitement itself, the desire for easy money - “what if I become the owner of an apartment or a car, or a million rubles.” It didn’t work, let me try again... In general, pure enticement.

It should also be noted that the most interesting point is the one that concerns the winning itself. It is undoubtedly here. But after looking through the reviews of all the participants in this lottery, I came to the conclusion that no one here has yet become a millionaire or the happy owner of an apartment with a car. At most, one single person who responded to this game said that he won one thousand rubles, but the vast majority of participants say, much like me, that they only recouped the cost of the ticket itself, that is, from 100 to 150 rubles and That's all. Therefore, you can’t really trust this gambling game.

Well, if we summarize all of the above, I can assume that this game is designed mainly only for small payments. It seems to me that if many people won apartments, cars and millions, then it would be unprofitable to keep it. And so people will see that they can win at least something and will buy tickets in the hope of an even higher win, that’s the whole secret.

Any player, so the first and most important condition for such a win is the purchase of this very ticket. There may be different tricks: choosing so-called lucky numbers (numerological method for determining the number of a name or), purchasing strictly at certain hours or days of the lunar cycle (astrological method), using extrasensory techniques (sensing emanating heat), as well as the most common method called “maybe you’ll be lucky.”

There is no denying the role of belief in winning, but there are still a few points that cannot be ignored if you are serious about it. By the way, seriousness is also important, because if luck “feels” that you subconsciously don’t believe in a lottery win, then you won’t see it. In addition, you must act as if you have already won the apartment.

Imagine your home in all its details: the location of the rooms, the interior, the view from the window, even the smell. Think about the renovation, the color of the wallpaper, furniture and other items, including chandeliers and switches, the color and shape of the sockets, etc. This method is visualization. However, it is not enough to use it only when purchasing a ticket, you must do it constantly. Read literature, interior and design magazines, and visit websites on the Internet.

It is not difficult to be charged with enthusiasm from these lines; it is much more difficult to maintain it for several weeks or even months until the wish comes true. After all, unfortunately, there is no guarantee that the method will work immediately. Remember that luck loves the patient and does not forgive betrayal. Don't give up on your dream, fall in love with your new hobby and don't forget to buy tickets for the lottery draws that offer apartments. With the development of technology, it has become possible to do this via the Internet, where there are many more options to choose from.

Try not to miss circulation releases if they are broadcast live on a television channel. Even if this happens early on a weekend, don’t be lazy to get up and turn on the TV. By doing this, you will show respect for your luck and show that you are serious, despite the many ways to check your ticket on the Internet or in the newspaper several hours or even days after the drawing.

If possible, go to the show. There is always an atmosphere of impatient anticipation and dizzying enthusiasm in the hall, which you can also become infected with.


  • lottery apartment
  • Residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg want to win housing in the lottery

The issue of housing for many people is the main pressing problem. Buying an apartment is often impossible due to financial difficulties. That’s why various lotteries are held, where free square meters are promised as the main prize.

You will need

  • - “Affordable Housing” lottery ticket


Buy a ticket for the All-Russian Affordable Housing lottery, in which apartments are raffled off in all regions of Russia. Its approximate cost is 100 rubles.

Please note front side ticket In addition to decorative elements, there should be a marking of the circulation, the name of the lottery, as well as information about the time of the drawing: the second Sunday of every month.

Please note that there is an image of two golden coins on the right; you do not need to touch them or open them. The inscription vertically located at the edge of the ticket warns about this: “Do not erase the PIN code.” This information is of a technical nature and relates solely to the printing process. Tickets whose technical field has been erased are considered damaged.

The ticket contains two games that are independent of each other. You can win in one game, but not win in the other, you can win in both, then the winnings are summed up.

Game field No. 1 is called “Housing number”. Erase the protective layer in the “Housing Number” game window. You will see an eight-digit number. If the housing number of your ticket matches the winning number drawn in the current draw, then this ticket wins an apartment or the cash equivalent of its value - 2,500,000 rubles. In this case, all numbers must match in strict sequence, from left to right.

Today, gambling has firmly established itself in a person’s life, as it allows you to escape from the drabness of everyday life, have fun and even get money for it. For example, these include such a wonderful and famous game as lotto. Unlike everyone else, she doesn't need investment big money, and many people know her well, and not just by hearsay. In the old days, when gathering in the evenings with their loved ones and friends, they opened the box, took out wooden barrels, winning coins and different cards with numbers (24 cards of 15 numbers each).

The principle of the game is that the presenter (can be any of the players) without looking, draws a random barrel and names the number indicated on it (starting from 1 and ending with 90). Whichever player has it closes it. Whoever covers the entire card the fastest wins.

Perhaps due to the fact that the game is perfect for the whole family, the Russian Lotto lottery was launched in 1994, taking place every Sunday on the NTV channel. The television lottery works in a similar way, only instead of the presenter there is a TV presenter, and instead of symbolic winning coins there are various prizes. For example, cars, apartments, large sums of money, and so on.

In order to try your luck, you just need to buy tickets, turn on the program on the TV channel and follow what is happening. However, it is one thing to watch others play, and another thing to try to play yourself. What you need to know before you take a risk and spend a certain amount of money, what you should be guided by in the game Russian lotto Is it even possible to win this lottery? Of course, yes, but at what cost will depend only on the accompanying luck.

Do people win at Russian lotto?

This question has been worrying many people for several years, and this is not surprising. After all, each of us would be pleased to become a winner and win some kind of prize, and especially when it comes to apartments and large monetary amounts. Just the thought that by buying a ticket you can become rich and have your own home, practically for free, is already driving you crazy. Unfortunately, our desires do not always coincide with our possibilities, and even more so with the intentions of fate. Tickets and lotteries are different, therefore, the winner is determined differently. However, if you believe the statistics, almost every fourth ticket is a winner, which means there is still a chance to win in the Russian Lotto. Some rely solely on their luck, and are guided only by their desire to experience adrenaline and enjoy the gameplay. Others bet on their favorite numbers, for example, birthdays, memorable dates, and so on. Still others take the same thing every time in the hope that sooner or later luck will smile on them. One way or another, you need to try - who knows, maybe this time you’ll be lucky, maybe this time you’re destined to become a winner, maybe this time your whole future life will change!

How to get a prize

You can claim your prize within six months, starting from the first day of the next draw. The place where you receive your winnings will depend on the method of placing your bet. It should also be noted that simple points selling tickets do not process payments made in terminals and on websites.

  • If you placed a bet at the box office, you did not indicate mobile phone, you have a simple receipt. Place of receipt - the nearest retail points of sale.
  • If you placed a bet via message or on the Stoloto website, you will receive an electronic receipt. Place of receipt - either electronic transfer to your wallet via the website or in terminals.
  • If you placed a bet in terminals and indicated your cell phone number, then you received an electronic receipt. The place where you can receive your winnings is similar to the previous one.

Game terms and rounds

  • Shout - call the number indicated on the barrel (applies to the leader).
  • Apartment means a closed row of cards.
  • Covers are chips that cover the named numbers.

As for the tours, there are three main ones, on which the overall result will directly depend. So:

  • First round. At this stage, you need to be the first to close any horizontal row of 5 numbers.
  • Second round. At this stage, it is necessary to close all 15 numbers of the card before anyone else.
  • Third round. Similar to the previous one, only instead of 15, 30 numbers must be closed.

  • You can purchase multiple tickets. This will not only increase the chance of winning several times, but also enjoy the game even more.
  • You don't need to play with your last money. Making money from the lottery is quite a difficult task, so living on your winnings is not so easy.
  • You need to get maximum pleasure and adrenaline from the game, but in no case constant disappointment. Perhaps you should try your luck at something else?
  • And the most important thing is to be patient.

Probability theory

How to win at Russian Lotto? The theory of probability or the static method using calculations will help you create a combination of lucky numbers. If such calculations are difficult, you can resort to the help of special computer programs. A good example This method is the experience of one American named Doug Myrock. He played lotto for many years and was guided by the same number. Ultimately, he managed to win 31 million dollars.


How to win at Russian Lotto using only one memorable date, for example, your birthday? It's very simple. It turns out that thanks to such a science as numerology, you can still get your lucky numbers. By adding the date, month and year, the first lucky number is obtained, by adding the letters of the name, the second number is obtained, and by adding the two listed, the third is obtained.

Subconscious influence

Oddly enough, it is the thoughts that often arise in the subconscious that help you hit the jackpot. This is confirmed by the opinion of some psychologists who claim that if you believe in it, then sooner or later you can win. In addition, you can draw yourself and a huge bag of money on a blank piece of paper. This will allow you to believe in your luck more.

Random Events

There are also those who are inclined to believe that what happens has an important impact on winnings. For example, that a successful combination of numbers consists of the number of a car that was recently involved in an accident, the numbers of a large-scale disaster, and so on. And, what’s most interesting, this method works. You just need to look around and understand where the very number is hidden that allows you to understand how to win in the Russian Lotto.


Buying a ticket is a kind of ritual that you need to approach with a mind set and prepared. First, you need to exclude colors with a yellow or red tint from your clothes. In addition, clothing with stripes or checkered patterns should be excluded. And, finally, do not wear gold or silver jewelry.

Each of the above methods will help answer the question, how to win at Russian Lotto? However, you should also remember that none of them can promise 100% success in one go. If you are not destined to win such prizes, then no amount of advice can help.


In addition to the questions - how to play Russian Lotto, is it possible to win it, the list of winners remains relevant. There is a popular stereotype that all lotteries are obviously fake, that all those who win are employees or acquaintances of the creators of this project, aimed at luring others. However, in reality, this is all fiction. Everyone who takes part in this lottery, buys tickets and receives prizes are ordinary people who want to change their lives for the better, and most succeed. Even if sometimes these are only consolation sums, but at least some kind of success, the first step towards great things. You can’t just take it and learn to write, read and speak the first time without some effort, just like in the lottery - you can’t just go and win a large sum of money. You need to try, hope, believe in yourself and in the ticket you bought.

The list of winners is updated every week, and it includes completely different people of different ages and occupations. So now you can safely buy the Russian Lotto lottery. Has anyone won? This question has worried, worries and will worry many gambling people for many years to come.

The Russian Lotto lottery is an opportunity to remember the old days, when you could get together with the whole family and just enjoy the game with your loved ones. On top of that, you can also get a solid win. Taking part in the game today will not be difficult, since you can play both via the Internet and using special cash desks where game cards are sold. The only thing is that you always need to stop in time, and if you win, keep your ticket.

Everyone has probably played Russian Lotto at least once. This is quite an old and funny entertainment that is suitable for both children and adults. You are given cards with numbers on them (in a row). They are closed with barrels on which the corresponding numbers are indicated. The barrels are most likely wooden or plastic. One of the players takes these numbers out of the bag (without looking). The winner, of course, is the one who covers them with barrels first, but during the game there may be minor winnings (the one who covers one or more horizontal rows is considered the winner).

What is “Russian” - many will answer. And indeed, this once family game has turned into a means of earning money. Only earnings for whom? For those who play, or those who provide such an opportunity? Most likely, for the latter. Nowadays, many lotteries have become widespread, including the “Russian Lotto”, people’s reviews of which differ. Some say that it is very interesting and addictive, others believe that it is a waste of money and nerves, especially since now you can play. play this game on a computer, phone, tablet, etc. For example, reviews left about the Russian Lotto lottery indicate that many are interested in whether it is possible to calculate the winnings. In addition, is there any effective scheme for playing the game? Essentially, these are questions about how to win the Russian Lotto.

For the most part, it is believed that winning here is simply luck. But the organizers of the Russian Lotto television lottery, which aired in Russia, on the contrary, insist that every third ticket is a winning one. Although, in fact, judging by mathematical calculations, the probability of winning is only five percent. But psychologists say that Russian Lotto, reviews of which are contradictory on all sides, can be profitable. You need to get a good night's sleep, have breakfast, and in a good mood, with the thought that you will buy a winning ticket, go buy it. Mystics unconditionally support psychologists. They give advice on what to wear, what to eat and what thoughts you should have when purchasing a ticket. Most likely, following absolutely every recommendation is not the most rational behavior. Because sometimes they simply contradict each other and common sense.

The optimal point of view on “Russian Lotto”, reviews of which vary, would be neutrality. You can, of course, sometimes play, but you don’t need to get too carried away, especially for very gambling people. It’s better to buy lotto for home and play with the whole family. You can even get together every weekend (at the dacha, for example). A sea of ​​emotions guaranteed!

The game is fun and exciting, but, ultimately, everyone chooses for themselves what they want: excitement, money, adrenaline or a little healthy competition among family and friends. It is clearly not worth considering this game as a way to get rich. Of course, there are cases of winning, as in any gambling game. But no one knows whether Fortune is favorable today. So think and decide for yourself!