Do I need to renew my medical insurance policy? How can I find out the expiration date of my compulsory health insurance policy? How to check the validity period of a compulsory medical insurance policy

Compulsory health insurance (CHI) is part of state health insurance and provides all citizens of the Russian Federation with the opportunity to provide the minimum necessary medical services.

A compulsory health insurance policy is a document that guarantees citizens the provision of free medical services.

How long is a standard compulsory medical insurance policy valid?

Is it possible to find out the validity period if it is not clearly indicated on the document?

Do I need to renew a paper policy and how to renew it?

Does it need to be changed?

Does its validity period depend on the format: new plastic or old paper?

The answers to all these questions are in our article.

Types of compulsory medical insurance policies

Until 2011, each insurance company had the right to choose the appearance of the document issued. Later, three formats were established that all organizations must follow:

Paper document (old style)

Available on A5 sheet in light blue color.

This is the most common option.

The main disadvantage of this format is that it is plain paper and can be easily damaged. Many people try to fold the A5 size, which is not the most convenient, and because of this, it can also quickly become unusable. Some information becomes unreadable or difficult to distinguish over time.

At the very beginning it was issued for a period of one year.

Now the policy is unlimited.

Do I need to renew my paper policy?
No, it does not need to be renewed either after a year or at other intervals.

Information on many Internet sites can confuse people.

A dated note from the insurance company representative on the back of the policy is not the expiration date of the policy. This is the date of registration of you as a client of this insurance company. The policy is valid despite the fact that it contains a note for 2013, 2014, 2015.

If there are several marks, as in the photo, this indicates that the policy holder has changed insurance. I changed companies, but did not renew it.

Do you have doubts and want to check the relevance of the policy by number or passport data? This may not be possible in all regions.
How - .

Plastic card (new sample)

It is smaller in size than a paper document.

On the front side there is an electronic chip with a contact pad, making it look like a bank card. All additional information about the policy holder is electronically stored on the chip.

Expiration date on the reverse side (where it can be seen in the photo)

Plastic wears out much more slowly, and therefore the information on it is retained for a long time, and there is no need to change it due to its unsuitability.

Electronic policies are not issued in all regions of the Russian Federation. Such documents require new equipment to read information from them.

Sometimes plastic compulsory medical insurance policies of a new type are issued without specifying a validity period, since they are unlimited and valid for the life of the owner.

Universal electronic card (UEC)

The main advantages of the UEC are that it has the format of a bank card that is already familiar to everyone and that it is quite difficult to damage or spoil it.

The card is valid for 5 years. Now they are no longer issued, but previously issued ones continue to be valid.

It was assumed that it would be changed only when personal data was changed, for example, last name, as well as passport, as well as upon expiration of the 5-year validity period.

Not all medical institutions have equipment for reading information from electronic media. This led to the fact that the implementation of the UEC was initially delayed and was later stopped.

Basic policy

Even if the policy is expired, by law you do not have the right to refuse medical care, especially emergency care. However, in this case, it will most likely be paid.

If you are denied emergency assistance, you have the right to complain to regulatory authorities, since this is illegal.

You can find out the expiration time of the document simply by having the policy in your hands. The validity period of its plastic form is clearly indicated on the back of the document. If not specified, the insurance is unlimited.
We described in detail the validity period of the paper card above.

The validity period can be checked on the Internet, both by the policy number and by the owner’s last name. You just need to know exactly the region where the policy was issued.

Often, owners begin to worry about the validity and relevance of the policy after they have damaged part or all of the document: they washed it, accidentally washed it out with water, or spilled paint or ink on it.

You need to remember that if you come to a doctor or clinic registrar with a damaged policy, there is a high probability that you will be denied a free appointment.

You have the right to replace a document that has become unusable and you must take care of this in advance. This is a free procedure, details of which you can find out in our article.

Temporary policy

For citizens of the Russian Federation

If you are receiving or replacing insurance for the first time at an insurance company office, you will be issued a temporary policy.

The validity period of the temporary policy (for a citizen of the Russian Federation) is 30 days. During this time they will make your main one.

A temporary document, despite its limited validity period, in all other respects has equal force with the main one.

For refugees and persons with temporary residence permits

A temporary compulsory medical insurance policy is also issued if a person is not permanently in our country. When issuing temporary insurance, their validity period is equal to the period of a person’s stay on the territory of Russia.

These may be refugees or persons with a temporary residence permit in the Russian Federation. These groups include foreigners who do business with us, study, or simply came to visit relatives for quite a long time.

Usually, for all these categories of persons, a period is assigned until the end of the calendar year, if it does not exceed the time they are in the country. At the end of the validity period, foreign citizens can renew the policy.

Do I need to change my old policy?

Every citizen of the Russian Federation should have a compulsory medical insurance policy, since this document is available throughout the country, within the framework of the state compulsory medical insurance program.

It must be issued for foreigners permanently residing on the territory of the Russian Federation.

If you received the document before 2011, it is still valid. You have no right to refuse medical services.

A policy obtained before 2007 is valid, but it is recommended to obtain a new document. To do this, you should contact the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund or any health insurance company, regardless of where you received your previous one. You will need two documents: a passport and SNILS.

The temporary policy is valid for 30 days. This period is usually sufficient for the insurance company to issue a permanent document.

Prospects for the development of the compulsory medical insurance system are directly related to the Russian economy. GDP growth at a level above the world average will allow us to consistently increase the range and quality of free services and, ultimately, achieve the level of social security of the leading countries in this area.

The current health insurance program in the country involves the provision of medical services to all insured persons on a completely free basis. In order to gain access, citizens only need to take out an insurance policy. Recently, the insurance system in Russia has undergone changes, as a result of which many questions arise about what is the validity period of the compulsory medical insurance policy today.

Compulsory medical insurance policy: who has the right to receive it and how to do it

Both Russian citizens and stateless persons who permanently reside in our country or have refugee status can count on receiving a policy that guarantees access to a full range of medical services.

In order to start the procedure for obtaining an insurance policy, a citizen should contact one of the accredited insurance companies.

The basis for including an individual in the compulsory insurance program will be a completed application in the prescribed form. In addition, a specific list of documents has been defined, in the presence of which a citizen applies to the insurance company. The number and type of documents provided will depend on what citizenship the applicant has.

For domestic citizens the following documents are required:

  • Identification document – ​​passport;
  • Pension certificate – SNILS;
  • For minors, you will need to provide a birth certificate.

For foreigners, the list of required documents will consist of:

  • Foreign identification document - passport;
  • Russian Federation refugee certificate (if the document is in the process of being processed, an application must be submitted);
  • Residence permit;
  • Pension certificate - SNILS.

Validity period of the compulsory health insurance policy

In order to determine the validity period of a medical insurance policy, it is necessary to indicate that until recently, policies of a completely different type were in force in the country. They were issued in paper format and, as a characteristic feature, had a strictly limited validity period.

Since 2011, when insurance reform was launched in the country, new models of policies have been in force. However, many citizens never contacted insurance companies for re-registration. However, the law clearly requires that the rights of these individuals to receive medical services be prevented. The validity period of the old-style medical policy for those citizens who have not yet issued a new document is unlimited. If employees of a medical organization refuse to take such a document into account, an individual can appeal to higher authorities with a complaint.

New health insurance policy, document validity period

The new type of insurance policy can be presented not only in paper format, as was previously accepted. Today, medical institutions accept three types of new policies:

  1. Documents issued in paper format;
  2. Policy in the form of a plastic card;
  3. Electronic insurance policy.

In the foreseeable future, it is planned to completely abandon the use of policies “on paper”, due to the fragility, but at the same time the high cost of production.

The most common insurance policy is made of plastic and has many advantages over the old medical policy, which until 2011 was strictly limited in validity. The new policies are practical and durable, eliminating the need for regular replacement. A plastic policy, in fact, is an analogue of a paper one, since all information about the insured person is reflected on the outside of the document.

A different principle is incorporated into the operation of electronic insurance policies, which store data about the insured person in a special chip.

Despite the fact that new-style policies do not require re-issuance and are not limited to any period, there is a certain category of documents that are all issued for a limited period. These include temporary policies that can be obtained in the following cases:

  1. Foreign citizens residing in our country on the basis of a residence permit;
  2. Foreign citizens who have acquired refugee status;
  3. Russian citizens in case of loss of the original of a previously issued policy.

The validity period of the temporary insurance policy in these cases will differ.

For those individuals who are not Russian citizens, the validity period of the policy will be equal to the validity period of the document on the basis of which the person has the right to stay in the country.

Persons with Russian citizenship may be issued a temporary policy in case of loss of the original policy issued earlier. In this regard, the validity period of the temporary policy for this category of individuals is limited to the period of issuance of an analogue of the lost document.

Despite the limitations on the validity period of temporary insurance policies, these documents provide their owners with all the necessary services in the field of Russian free medicine.

How to check the validity period of a compulsory medical insurance policy

Many citizens, both Russian and foreign, still have doubts whether the existing compulsory medical insurance policy is valid and whether its possible use has expired. All doubts can be resolved by contacting the electronic resource of the territorial insurance fund TFOMS.

The official website provides a service that allows you to check the relevance of an insurance policy, having its registration data available. In this case, you can obtain information both about the new policy and about the old document. This service allows you to check not only the validity of a previously issued document, but also the degree of readiness of a new document.

Compulsory medical insurance – compulsory health insurance. In Russia, compulsory medical insurance is an analogue of the American systems of providing medical services to the population - Medicare and Medicaid, which have been operating for half a century and are the backbone of American healthcare. In the States, the most important question regarding health insurance has been and remains the question of the list of medical services that are covered by this insurance. In Russia, until recently, the issue of the list of services within the framework of compulsory medical insurance did not arise particularly acutely. Maybe it's a matter of ingrained traditions of self-medication. Or maybe it’s because compulsory medical insurance has only begun to be significantly reduced in recent years. The main issue was the validity period of the compulsory medical insurance policy. That is, each policy, regardless of which insurance company it was issued, almost always had a very limited expiration date.

After which it needed to be replaced with a new copy, i.e. extended. True, certain categories of citizens were issued a perpetual policy, which was valid until its complete physical wear and tear. Finding out the period for which the policy was designed was not difficult. Information about compulsory medical insurance and the validity period of this policy was indicated on the document itself.

Before 2011, the validity period of a compulsory health insurance policy was on average several years, but the period of relevance of this document in different regions could vary greatly. In the Russian Federation, to this day, the most common and well-known version of the compulsory medical insurance policy is an A5 piece of paper, which, as a rule, is also folded in four to make it more convenient to carry in a purse or directly in your passport. Actually, this is why previously the policy had to be renewed so often.

The paper, which was not of the best quality, quickly deteriorated to such an extent that it became problematic to make out basic information about the policy holder. Currently, the old-style compulsory medical insurance policy retains its legal force. However, gradually the form of this medical document is being optimized, and old samples are giving way to new ones. What does the described document provide? Following:

  1. The compulsory medical insurance policy allows every citizen of the Russian Federation to count on a minimum set of vital medical services, for which the citizen does not pay directly, and the state tax on medical care is regularly collected from income.
  2. The policy allows you to keep a variety of statistics at the state level: how many people went to the hospital during a specific period, for what reasons, how often does it happen that the necessary treatment goes beyond the scope of compulsory medical insurance, and so on.

There are currently three forms of this document in force:

  • a well-known A5 paper sheet;
  • a plastic card with a set of basic personal and medical information about the patient (full name, home address, telephone number, blood type, disability, positivity for major infections such as HIV, tuberculosis, hepatitis, etc.). The entire set of information on the card must also be duplicated in the electronic database of medical institutions in the locality where the card holder lives;
  • UEC is a universal electronic card that exists exclusively in electronic form. Essentially, this is a cell in the database that saves the insurance company client from having to carry another document with him. However, in the regions of the country, the UEC has not been introduced everywhere; the process of transition to such an electronic catalog continues to this day.

But there is no talk yet of canceling the old compulsory medical insurance policy. Newborn children and people who have received a new passport (change of surname, loss or destruction of an identity card) are now required to be provided not only with a new insurance policy in paper format, but also with a plastic card. Compulsory medical insurance of the new model is unlimited.

Moreover, increasingly, UEC is also being introduced to holders of paper policies and cards. That is, a person receives all three mutually duplicating documents. In the future, it is expected that there will be a complete abolition of physical insurance carriers and a complete transition to UEC. This process is hampered by the slow computerization of Russia and the familiarity of the population with old paper policies, not to mention bureaucratic obstacles.

A medical policy, regardless of the date of issue and the insurance company, must always meet the same standard. Since 2011, such a standard has been introduced. As already mentioned, its owners are those born after 2011 and who have changed their passport. However, if desired, the old-style policy (before 2011) can be replaced with a new one. At the same time I received an insurance plastic card. Persons who received a compulsory medical insurance document before 2007 urgently need to update it.

Since certain clinics may refuse to serve a client who presents an expired policy. Although in fact this is illegal, because even the old policy retains its legal force. This means that the person was registered in the national health care system, from which no one has the right to exclude him.

It may also happen that the institution offers paid services to a client with an old insurance policy. In such a situation, you can safely go to Rospotrebnadzor and write a complaint to the head physician.

It is worth mentioning separately about persons officially temporarily residing in the country:

  • refugees;
  • foreigners doing business in the Russian Federation;
  • foreigners studying in the Russian Federation;
  • foreign tourists;
  • foreign relatives who came to visit.

All these categories also have the right to medical care from the Russian healthcare system, but their policy is always valid for exactly as long as their stay in the country takes. Moreover, even if the length of stay increases, the medical insurance policy is still subject to renewal. So to summarize:

  1. Persons who have a policy from 2007 or earlier are highly recommended to take an updated medical document instead. This can be done at the medical institution to which the person is assigned at his place of residence.
  2. Persons using a 2008–2010 policy are advised to find out whether the document needs to be renewed (the answer may vary in different regions). Although in most cases such policies retain their validity, since they are increasingly being made permanent along with the new policies from 2011.
  3. If you have both a plastic card and a paper A5 format, it is better to carry only the card with you. Legally, it is completely equivalent to a paper policy, and wears out many times slower.
  4. Currently, the need to renew policies is a thing of the past. Modern ones are replaced only if they are lost or physically destroyed.
  5. At the first opportunity, it is recommended to create a UEC, then even if all physical insurance medical documents are lost, a person will be able to receive all the assistance required under compulsory medical insurance without any problems.

In particular, the VHI policy should be mentioned. VHI is voluntary health insurance. The policy of this type of insurance, as a later and modern one, is issued in electronic card form. That is, the client receives a plastic VHI card. You can check all the necessary information on it using a reading terminal, which can increasingly be found in large clinics in the country. The client is also entered into an electronic database. Lately, voluntary health insurance offered by Rosgosstrakh has become very popular. A valid VHI policy provides a lot of advantages that, alas, compulsory medical insurance does not yet have:

  1. The client himself chooses a list of priority medical services and preferred institutions. Let's say that someone needs expanded gastroenterological services, and someone needs neurological services.
  2. VHI includes important diagnostic and treatment procedures that are not supported by compulsory medical insurance. For example, MRI of the knee joints. And dental services are now generally almost 100% paid.
  3. The second policy is renewed automatically (hence, will be valid indefinitely) if the agreement with the insurer stipulates that the latter has the right to write off funds from the client’s salary card when the time for renewal approaches. A lifelong VHI policy is rarely purchased due to its high cost.
  4. VHI eliminates the need to wait in line. Both for an appointment with a specialist and for a diagnostic and treatment procedure.

This policy can be purchased by both an individual (a specific person) and a legal entity. This, by the way, is the main qualitative difference between VHI and compulsory medical insurance. For example, some company is interested in additional medical protection for its employees. Then the company organizes voluntary health insurance as part of the employee’s social package, and in the contract the insured (client of the insurance office) will mean the company, the legal entity.

Every resident of the Russian Federation falls under the state program of compulsory health insurance (CHI). However, he can exercise his right to free medical care only if he has an insurance contract. Several years ago, the form of filling out and the type of this insurance changed somewhat. How is the replacement of a compulsory medical insurance policy with a new type of policy carried out today?

Is it necessary to change the compulsory medical insurance policy to a new type policy: latest news for 2020

Recently, the Moscow Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund announced that it was suspending the issuance of new-style policies until January 2020. Because of this, a rumor appeared that everyone needs to urgently change their old-style compulsory medical insurance policy to a new one before November 1, 2018, otherwise there will be problems with the provision of medical services.

On October 26, an explanation came from the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund, namely, it states that all policies are issued for an indefinite period and medical care under them can be obtained without any restrictions. Until November 1, you can apply to change the insurance company servicing your compulsory medical insurance policy if the quality of its services does not suit you. This can be done once a year. Therefore, dear readers, there is no need to urgently change your policy.

The text of the press release is below:

Do I need to change compulsory medical insurance when changing my registration?

Art. 51 clause 2 of the Federal Law “On Compulsory Health Insurance in the Russian Federation” regulates that all policies issued on the territory of the Russian Federation before 05/01/2011 are valid until they are replaced by a single format. Thus, the insurance you have in hand does not need to be changed until its validity period comes to an end.

However, in some circumstances the policy must be replaced without delay. For example, in the event of a change of place of residence, personal data or loss of insurance, it may be considered invalid. If outdated information remains in the compulsory medical insurance policy, the citizen may be denied medical care.

It is worth noting that there is no need to replace the compulsory medical insurance policy in case of a temporary change of place of residence, a short-term departure or a long business trip. But in case of change of registration, obtaining a new insurance contract is a mandatory condition.

Types of insurance documents

Section III of the Rules of Compulsory Health Insurance contains uniform requirements for the preparation of an insurance document, describes its types and information that must be provided in it. In 2020, citizens have several types of them in their hands:

  • on blue A5 paper;
  • in the form of a plastic card with a chip containing information;
  • as part of a chipped universal electronic card (UEC).

Since January 1, 2017, the issuance of UEC in the Russian Federation has been suspended. This card is no longer considered a mandatory tool for the provision of state and municipal services. Previously, when it was necessary to replace the contract, the insured person received new insurance as part of the UEC. This card can additionally be used when contacting government services, as a bank card, as well as an electronic wallet and travel ticket.

Currently, two types of policies are issued in the Russian Federation: paper and plastic. If we talk about durability and compactness, then the latter option wins. However, given that many medical institutions still do not have special equipment to read information from the card, the paper form is more convenient to use.

New sample policy and its features

The phrase “new model” should be understood as two innovations:

  • an updated form for filling out a paper form, which was introduced in 2011;
  • electronic plastic card, which has been issued since 2014.

New contracts with the insurer on a paper basis were issued with a validity period until 2014, so today they are no longer valid. Citizens can contact the insurance organization for a new paper copy or for a chipped electronic card. Plastic cards, which have been issued since 2014 and are issued by insurers, do not have an expiration date.

Validity period

Medical insurance policies differ not only in type, but also in terms of validity. In 2011, new documents began to be issued in Russia, but the old existing agreements are still valid. Medical insurance validity period:

  1. Most old insurance contracts were issued for a certain period. The end date is indicated on its front side. When it arrives, the citizen receives a new contract.
  2. The contracts of the new uniform sample are unlimited. Of course, this is very convenient. However, there are a number of circumstances under which they are subject to mandatory replacement.

There is no point in delaying the renewal of expired insurance, although health workers do not have the right to refuse to provide services in an emergency. As soon as the contract expires, you should select the appropriate insurance organization and issue a new one. This service is provided free of charge.

Replacement procedure

If you have valid old-style health insurance, there is no need to replace it. However, in some cases it is necessary to re-register it. How to change the policy? The procedure looks like this:

  • The first stage and a very important aspect is the choice of an insurer. In this matter, you need to be guided by the reputation of insurance companies and reviews of their clients. When replacing a policy, the policyholder usually contacts the organization where he received the previous one;
  • then you need to visit the insurer’s office and fill out an application in which you should clearly state the reason for the re-registration. At the same time, you need to carefully ensure that there are no errors in it;
  • At the appointment with the insurer, the client must present an identity card to the employee. As a rule, this is a civil passport;
  • the policyholder must present his personal account number;
  • after consideration and acceptance of the papers, the applicant is issued a temporary certificate, which has the same force. Its validity period is no more than 30 days;
  • The policyholder must obtain new insurance within 30 days. At the appointed time, he comes to the insurance company to receive it. Before you pick up the paper, it is better to make sure that all the information is true.

Soon, citizens of the Russian Federation will be able to obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy through government services. Currently, online issuance of health insurance is being tested - a trial version is open to residents of St. Petersburg.

Required documents to receive

In order to replace a compulsory medical insurance policy, a citizen must provide the insurer with the following documents and information:

  • civil passport;
  • application for replacement indicating the reason;
  • individual personal account insurance number (SNILS);
  • old insurance, if it has not been lost;
  • the child’s birth certificate and the identity card of his legal representative, if the insurance is issued for a minor.

If compulsory health insurance is issued for a child under 14 years of age, then presentation of SNILS is not a prerequisite for receiving it. In the event that another person, rather than a legal representative, acts on behalf of the insured person (for example, not a mother or father, but a grandmother or grandfather), a power of attorney will be required. This is regulated by the Rules of Compulsory Health Insurance.

It is possible to re-register compulsory medical insurance online. On the EMIAS website you can see points for issuing and replacing compulsory medical insurance policies, which accept applications for a contract directly through this electronic resource.

Points for issuing and replacing compulsory medical insurance policies in different regions of the country can be found on this website.

Registration deadlines

As a rule, the period for issuing insurance does not exceed 10 days. Insurance companies issue a new document within 1-1.5 weeks, depending on workload.

Clause 50 of the Rules of Compulsory Medical Insurance stipulates that the period for issuing an insurance contract cannot exceed the validity period of the temporary certificate issued during the acceptance of documents. Thus, the maximum duration for producing a new document is 30 days.

If compulsory medical insurance is issued through the MFC, then the time frame for receiving it may increase by a couple of days. This occurs due to the document being sent by mail.

Conditions for mandatory replacement

Here are the cases in which re-registration of health insurance is mandatory:

  • loss of a valid document (loss, damage, theft);
  • change of personal data of the insured person: last name, first name, patronymic;
  • in connection with moving to another city or region of the country for the purpose of permanent or temporary (if there is a certificate of temporary registration) residence;
  • replacement of a civil passport or other identification document, information about which is provided in the contract;
  • when changing the insurance organization providing health insurance;
  • presence of inaccuracies and errors in the insurance contract.

The above circumstances oblige the insured person to notify the insurer of changes within 30 days. As a rule, new health insurance is made and issued 10 days after the applicant applies. The service of issuing and replacing a compulsory medical insurance policy with a new policy is free of charge.


So, citizens of the Russian Federation can continue to use the old-style compulsory medical insurance insurance until its validity period comes to an end. The document is subject to re-issuance when moving, when changing the last name, first name or patronymic, when changing the passport and when lost. Obtaining a new contract with an insurer does not entail any problems or costs: the procedure for reviewing and accepting documents is quick, and medical insurance is issued within 30 days from the date of application.

You can find out more about the new model below.

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After the start of medical reform, compulsory medical insurance policies were issued in several regions in different formats. Over time, significant differences in form and duration of validity were tried to be brought to a single denominator. So in 2011, they planned to switch to a single document format, which was partly due to the introduction of the UEC.

Validity period of the compulsory medical insurance policy

While working on the implementation of the UEC, there were numerous problems, but today the new document is successfully functioning on the territory of the Russian Federation. The card is received by citizens who have applied for insurance for the first time and newborns.

The validity period of the document is indicated directly on it if the policy is temporary. The new permanent documents have no validity period limits, making the life of their owners much easier. Old policies are replaced with new ones when a passport is changed, due to damage, loss, or due to a change of surname.

Validity period of the compulsory health insurance policy

A medical institution does not have the right to refuse to provide assistance upon presentation of an expired policy.

Today, there are still citizens in the country with policies obtained before 2007. Because of such documents, problems often arise with patient registration, so it is recommended to replace the old compulsory medical insurance policy with a more modern version. At the same time, it must be remembered that refusal to provide medical services on the basis of an expired policy is unlawful. This behavior of employees of medical institutions is a reason to contact regulatory authorities.

Validity period of the new compulsory medical insurance policy

Over time, important parts of the document become abraded and become unreadable. This happens with a paper policy, which people like to fold in four to carry in their passport. It is recommended to replace such a document.

Policies that are issued in old names or become unreadable are often not accepted by healthcare workers who need to fill out basic information about the insured person. Unintelligible information creates a lot of problems during hospital admission.

Validity of the compulsory medical insurance policy in the Russian Federation

Perpetual compulsory medical insurance policies cease to be such when issued to persons who temporarily reside in the territory of the state and have received the right to provide free medical services. This category includes persons with temporary residence permits and refugees. In such cases, the policy is valid for the duration of the validity of the permitting documentation and is subject to replacement after a fixed period.

Old-style compulsory medical insurance policy validity period

The problem with processing electronic media has not yet been resolved in domestic hospitals. For this reason, data is often rewritten manually, but no one forbids presenting cards of a new type. In Moscow and some other large cities, this problem has been practically solved.

Most modern policies do not have a term limit. In the process of issuing a document, it is necessary to adhere to a single, standard format, regardless of which company is issuing it.

Advice from Today, on the territory of the Russian Federation, paper and plastic policies are equally valid, as well as insurance included in the list of UEC documents. The advantage of an electronic card is duplication of information on electronic media. At UEC, data is stored exclusively in electronic format, but it is not possible to use it in every region. All types of policies mentioned are equally valid, and in some regions they even issue a plastic and paper sample at the same time.