How to get a deferred payment on a bank loan. How to change the loan payment schedule

When applying for a loan at a bank, the borrower undertakes to make monthly payments and pay the entire amount in the future. But it happens that due to the current situation, the debtor is not able to repay the debt, and it is necessary to issue a deferment for a certain period. Is it possible to take a loan deferral, and what is required for this?

Is it possible to defer loan payments?

In order not to incur risks (collision with collectors or loss of property issued to the bank as collateral) and not create difficulties for loan managers, the borrower may officially ask the lender to postpone the payment date under the loan agreement. The borrower gets a "credit holiday" and time to improve the situation and maintain the ability to repay the loan in the future. The change in the terms of the loan is fixed in:

  • articles 450 and 451 of the Civil Code;
  • Federal Law No. 353.

According to the law, any citizen who has taken a loan from a bank has the right to ask for a deferment once a year.

Possible deferment options

A deferment of payment on a loan at a bank is a certain period of time during which a person may not pay a specific part or the entire loan in its entirety. It comes in options:

  1. Postponement of principal payments. In this case, the basic part of the debt (loan body), taken under the loan agreement, is temporarily not paid. The debtor pays only the accrued interest. The maximum period of such a delay is 1 year.
  2. Deferral of payment of interest on a loan. The borrower at the time is calculated only on the main part of the loan. A profitable option for those who want to reduce the total overpayment on the loan amount.
  3. Postponement of both payments. Most often it is given only to reliable clients and for a short period - up to 3 months.
  4. Reviewing the terms of the loan. Here, the borrower will have to provide the bank with a plan for restructuring the agreement that is convenient for you, containing reasonable arguments. The client must convince the lender that it will be beneficial to both parties.
  5. Change in payment schedule. In this case, for a certain period, monthly payments are stopped, provided that an increased payment is made in the future.

When the grace period has expired, the borrower must resume payments. Despite the severity of the situation, the type of transfer of loan payments chosen and the confirmations provided, the decision to postpone will be made by the lender.

In most cases, the amount of the debt is recalculated, and the debtor pays the bank even more. If this is a forced measure to avoid court or bankruptcy, you will have to use it.

There are situations when the client was allowed to change the terms of payment for the debt, while maintaining the obligation to pay a reduced monthly amount. Then the borrower must fully pay the established amount of payments. Otherwise, the bank may cancel the deferment. This possibility is indicated in the additional agreement concluded for the period of revision of the payment program.

How to get a loan installment

The client is preparing an application for deferred payment on the loan. You can view a sample application to the bank for deferred payment on a loan below:

There is no single approach to issuing credit holidays. The transfer of loan payments, first of all, depends on the approach of the bank:

  1. Some credit institutions in the loan agreement fix the conditions under which a deferment can be granted. Then the lender will act in accordance with these provisions. This applies to the maximum payment transfer period, the conditions under which the service is provided (it can also be provided on a paid basis), and the documents that the debtor must provide.
  2. Other banks do not put in the loan agreement the client's right to take a deferment, resolving this issue on an individual basis. To do this, a credit committee is involved, which will study the submitted documents, the borrower's credit history and his situation, and then make a suitable decision.
  3. There are lenders who, when a client applies, give him the right to independently choose one of the loan restructuring schemes operating in this bank (such a system operates in Sberbank). For example, there is an opportunity to extend the term of the agreement, reduce the interest rate, redistribute payment dates, etc.

Restructuring is usually given to individuals with a particularly difficult situation that will not improve in the near future. Often the bank revises the terms of the loan and extends the repayment term by raising the interest rate. Sometimes banks give the right to clients to take credit holidays, which are provided as a result of a promotion and not provided for in the loan agreement (usually for a certain amount). In addition to the application, the client must provide the following set of documents:

  • a copy of the passport;
  • a document from the Pension Fund (in case the debtor is a pensioner and the amount of money received does not allow paying);
  • certificate of income from the previous / current place of work (form 2-NDFL) or registration at the labor exchange. You may need a certificate of earnings of guarantors, family members and relatives of the borrower;
  • work book (if the borrower was fired, an appropriate note should be made in it);
  • certificate from a medical institution (if the loss of income is associated with health problems).

A consumer loan deferral is provided to the following categories of debtors:

  1. People who (according to the medical report) suffer from a serious illness are unable to work and/or need long-term treatment.
  2. For those who have temporarily lost their income(including mothers who took maternity leave or caring for a baby under 1.5 years old) and was registered with the employment service, as well as people who have financial problems that are not directly dependent on them (say, burned out real estate, car, etc.).
  3. Borrowers who left for permanent residence in another locality(or planning to do so).
  4. Citizens who have lost a breadwinner or undertook to pay for the treatment of a relative.
  5. Persons with force majeure circumstances(lost relatives and friends, victims of natural disasters, etc.).

If wages are delayed, the borrower needs to provide the bank with a certificate from the place of work, which indicates the approximate terms for calculating payments. Reducing the client's salary is also a good reason. But dismissal on the personal initiative of the debtor is not a good reason for granting a deferment. Banks also refuse those who:

  1. Previously, he allowed delays and did not warn the lender about the problems that had arisen in a timely manner.
  2. Deliberately ignored requests and attempts to contact the bank employees.
  3. Could not justify the refusal to fulfill financial obligations, and was also seen in fraud.
  4. Already violated the terms of the loan agreement.
  5. Took out a loan less than 3 months ago, but is already trying to get a deferment.

What to Consider

Whatever the reason for the borrower requesting a deferment, the bank will require supporting documentation. So, in case of loss of a job, a document must be submitted indicating the reason for the deprivation of a job (liquidation of an organization, dismissal by decision of the employer, mutual agreement, etc.).

The creditor's decision will be influenced by the cause and period of the client's temporary insolvency. It is unprofitable for the lender to conduct legal proceedings due to a short delay in payment and lose a person. It is better to find out in advance when you can contact the lender for an answer on request. Perhaps he wants to play it safe, and the debtor will need to find guarantors. If the bank is not sure that in the future it will be able to repay the debt, it may require the involvement of those who can guarantee the payment of the loan.

Revision of the main term of the loan agreement is also unfavorable. So, if you took a loan for 5 years, and then issued a deferment for 1 year, you will be given 4 years to fully repay the loan. Therefore, monthly payments will be increased.

How to get a loan deferral for a short period? Most often, the bank already gives a little time to delay payments. Say, without consequences, you can make a payment 5 days later than the deadline. The debtor will most likely be notified of the non-payment, but you can promise to make payment in the coming days. With a small delay, it is not necessary to notify the lender, and this will not be reflected in the credit history in any way.

If the client was denied a deferment, he still has some time left. As a rule, the creditor files an application for non-payment of the debt to the court after a year or six months from the date of the last installment. This carries certain risks, but it makes it possible to improve the situation and not take new loans to pay off old debts.

So, deferred payment on a loan is a convenient tool that allows banking institutions not to lose existing customers and attract new ones. All banks have their own conditions for granting credit holidays. You can find out about the possibility of transferring payment on a loan in the loan agreement or by contacting the lender with an application and supporting documents. If the question arises as to whether it is possible to defer payment on the loan, and the principles of the organization's work allow you to take a deferment and the audit revealed that the client has good reasons, the application will be approved.

Each borrower evaluates his options before taking out a loan, but it happens that it is necessary to postpone the payment date. Sberbank always tries to meet the needs of its customers, therefore it offers to use the restructuring program. How can I postpone the payment date on a loan at Sberbank? This will be discussed in the article.

When is it possible to postpone the loan payment?

Previously, the bank simply postponed the payment for a month. If the loan was repaid on time, then fines and penalties were not charged. Credit history also did not deteriorate. Sberbank, due to changing economic conditions, has developed a new program that allows the borrower to restructure the debt. How can I postpone the payment date on a loan at Sberbank? In the following situations:
  • when you lose your job, which was the main and only income to pay off the debt. It is rare for anyone to solve such a vital problem in one month;
  • at the birth of a child. Sberbank can legally grant a deferment for a period of one to three years. This is spelled out in the legislation, but usually refers to the repayment of a mortgage;
  • decrease in monthly income. Often, loans taken from Sberbank are repaid at the expense of the general income of the family. If one family member loses his job, the ability to make monthly payments is reduced, although the loan was originally calculated on the income of one family member;
  • illness or injury. Such misfortune usually leads to treatment, which affects the decrease in income.
The above list is far from complete. If the decrease in income is documented, then Sberbank will consider the application.

What are the loan deferrals at Sberbank?

There are opportunities for restructuring.
  • Postponement of the loan term. This will give the borrower more time to pay. Sberbank splits the entire remaining amount into a new number of months, which automatically reduces the amount of the monthly payment. Such restructuring reduces the financial burden, but increases the debt. This is because additional interest is charged on the added months.
  • Creation of an individual payment schedule. Sberbank may offer us to repay the debt throughout the entire period in different amounts. There are many options for such a schedule, and each moment is necessarily worked out and agreed upon individually;
  • Reducing the burden of restructuring fines. Sberbank accrues penalties and fines in case of delay in payments. If the circumstances of the delay in payments are recognized by bank employees as significant, then part of the fines may be removed. The foam will remain. You should not wait for the complete abolition of the amount of fines and penalties.

Changing the due date of payment on a Sberbank loan

Various methods can be used to obtain the best payout conditions. For example, you can pledge your property or involve a relative as a guarantor for a loan. The Bank always considers such proposals and makes concessions.

Loan restructuring process

For restructuring, you should contact the bank branch, write a statement and explain to the employees the reason for this situation. There are no hopeless situations and you can always find a way out that suits both sides. The bank is not interested in litigation, but simply wants to return its funds.

The procedure for performing the restructuring procedure

How can I postpone the payment date on a loan at Sberbank? You need to do the following:
  • come to the branch of Sberbank;
  • bring the necessary package of documents;
  • contact the employee with a request;
  • to write an application;
  • wait for the result. This usually takes up to 2 weeks;
  • get a restructuring.

If the option proposed by Sberbank suits completely, then an additional agreement is signed to the main loan agreement.

The payment date becomes a key in the lives of people who have entered into a loan agreement. On this day, you need to “break”, but deposit the necessary amount into the account, otherwise there will be adverse consequences that cannot be quickly overcome. When concluding the contract, the borrower chooses the most convenient payment date, based on a number of circumstances. But life goes on, and circumstances may well change. This is where the question arises: is it possible to somehow postpone the payment date in Sberbank so that it is easier for the borrower to pay off the obligation, or is it basically impossible? It is worth looking into it in detail.

To begin with, let's determine that there is a difference between postponing the payment date during the payment period and changing the payment schedule with an increase in the term of the loan and other financial indulgences on the part of the bank. In the first case, the borrower asks to reschedule the payment date within the month within which he must make the payment. For example, before he always paid the loan on the 3rd day of each month, then it became inconvenient for him, and he asks to transfer the payment to the 15th day of each month. These are purely organizational changes that do not significantly affect the terms of the contract.

In the second case, the client needs to change the date of payment on the loan with an increase in the term of the contract. For example, a loan was taken for 2 years, and it is required to stretch the schedule for 3 years. These are already significant changes in the terms of the contract, which involve debt restructuring. Debt restructuring is a separate difficult topic to talk about, we will talk about it in another article. Now we will touch on the first case. So, in what situations, it is possible to qualify for the postponement of the payment date?

  1. The borrower's income dates have changed and it is difficult for him to calculate the budget.
  2. The debtor has additional loans, and he wants to combine all payments on one date.

This is true even if additional loans were taken from other banks or even from microfinance organizations.

  1. Due to a confluence of life circumstances, the structure of income and expenses has changed, but debt restructuring is not yet required.

When contacting the bank, employees will be asked to prove the need to transfer the payment date to another date. Therefore, be prepared to provide written and other evidence.

What needs to be provided?

If the above circumstances are relevant to you, then you need to decide how to transfer the payment. First of all, you need to contact the office of Sberbank, preferably the one where you concluded the contract. There you will be asked to write an application for postponing the date of payment on the loan. The application must indicate the reason for the postponement of the date, and also indicate how you can prove this fact. Copies or originals of all listed documents must be attached to the application. As a result, you provide bank employees with:

  • passport;
  • a loan agreement under which it is planned to change the payment date;
  • new loan agreements (if any);
  • payslip (if the payroll date has changed);
  • an employment contract and additional agreements, from which it is clear that the procedure for calculating wages has changed;
  • documents confirming the fact of making payments on this and other loans in previous months.

Many people would like to resolve this issue remotely through Sberbank Online, but, unfortunately, to date, this option is not provided in the system. You will have to go to the Sberbank branch and write an application there.

As soon as you hand over the application with all the documents (or their copies) to the Sberbank manager, you will be asked to wait during the day. The next business day you can come to the bank and you are required to announce the decision. If you applied to the bank on the last working day, then the decision will be announced to you immediately after the end of weekends and holidays.

With a positive decision of Sberbank, the postponement of the payment date will be formalized by an additional agreement to the loan agreement. The old payment schedule will cease to be valid, and a new schedule will be approved in its place. According to it, you will continue to repay your consumer loan from month to month.

If there is a delay

It should be noted that only debtors with a good credit history can count on a positive decision to postpone the payment date. If the debtor allowed delays on past loans, and even more so, paid the current loan incorrectly, the bank is unlikely to meet him.

In this case, the borrower should not apply for a postponement of the payment date, it is better to apply for a loan holiday. The bank will not necessarily go to a meeting in this case, but there are more chances than in the case of rescheduling the date.

In conclusion, we note that individuals who have taken a loan from Sberbank can quite count on the postponement of the payment date, but only if they are good borrowers. If the debtor allowed delays and ruined his credit history, the chances of getting a positive decision to postpone the payment date are close to zero.

Is it possible to transfer the date of payment on a loan to VTB? This question may be relevant for many loan payers.

Postponement conditions depend on specific circumstances:

  • type of loan;
  • whether or not the borrower has overdue debts;
  • reasons for and duration of the delay.

How to change the payment schedule

Typically, a loan contract fixes a specific date for making a monthly payment. For example, the contract states that the payment must be made at the same time: on the 5th day of each month. Violation of this period entails certain sanctions.

If the payer has changed jobs or the pay date has been changed, it is difficult to repay the loan on time. In this situation, you need to ask the bank to change the loan repayment date.

For this you need:

  • apply to a financial institution with an application for the transfer of payment on the loan;
  • provide a supporting document on the change in the date of payment of wages (a labor document or a local act of the organization on the payment of wages).

As a rule, such minor movements in the date are allowed by banks without any problems.

Consumer credit is the most popular type of loan for individuals. To transfer payment for this type of debt obligation, you need to follow the algorithm:

  • apply to the bank;
  • indicate and document the reason for the transfer of payment.

After that, an employee of a financial institution will make changes to the signed loan agreement.

How to reschedule a mortgage payment

A mortgage is a special loan agreement, according to its terms, the money is given on the security of real estate. Given that the mortgage agreement is registered with the Regpalate, after the bank approves the change in the payment date, a new agreement will be drawn up. This agreement must be submitted for registration to the Regpalata. Only then the contract is transferred to the bank.

How to transfer a credit card payment

You cannot transfer a payment from a card to another date using a regular application. The payment date is registered in a special program and is tied to the card itself (such conditions are indicated for the Mir, Mastercard and Visa cards). In this regard, it is necessary to take a loan from a bank, pay off the debt on the card, and then issue a new loan by issuing another card that will have a different number.

It is not necessary to repay the debt in full. The cards have a minimum payment (usually 10 percent). Therefore, you can pay only this amount, and then pay the rest.

Deferred monthly payment VTB 24

In practice, a more serious situation may arise when, for example, one month the client cannot make payments on the loan. The reasons can be different: illness, lack of work, another tragedy in the family.

In this case, you can’t just not pay the loan, you must definitely notify the bank about your difficulties. If there is a good reason, you will most likely be pushed back, and you will be fine.

How to transfer a payment in case of delay

In case of delay and inability to pay the loan in full, you must immediately contact the bank branch. If the delay is one month, the bank will accrue interest (usually in the amount of 10 percent of the monthly payment) and indicate a new date for the payment. At the same time, the loan term will increase for this month.

The client can use the calculator to independently calculate the overpayment. For example, a consumer has a car loan. His monthly payment is 20 thousand rubles. There are 11 months left to pay - until February. With a delay of 1 month, the client will make one payment in the amount of 22 thousand, and the remaining 10 months will pay 20 thousand. But the closing of the loan will not be in February, but in March.

Reasons for deferred payment

In order for a credit institution to make a deferral, good reasons are required. The table below provides a list of reasons that are recognized as weighty for a delay, and those are not.

Loan restructuring

There are cases when the payment deadline can be postponed only with the help of restructuring. For example, a client is experiencing financial difficulties that appeared in March 2017 and it is impossible to quickly solve their problems. For example, he is fired from his job and cannot find a new one. Then it's not possible to transfer.

When taking out a loan, the payment date usually corresponds to the day the contract is concluded. In some cases, the borrower may indicate a convenient repayment date, while the amount of the first payment will be slightly adjusted. If it is inconvenient for the borrower to pay according to the previous schedule, he can ask the bank to reschedule the payment date or completely restructure the loan.

How to reschedule a consumer loan payment date

It is usually necessary to reschedule a loan if the date of receipt of income has changed. For example, a borrower has changed jobs, and now the payment is due a day later than it is necessary to pay. Of course, you can save money all month, or pay a few days earlier. However, this is not convenient for everyone. And if the payer has several loans, then different dates become a real headache. It is easier to pay all debts in one day and no longer worry that a delay has been made somewhere.

Rescheduling a payment date on a regular loan is the easiest way. To do this, you must contact the branch of the bank where the loan was issued, with an application and documents:

  • loan agreement;
  • payment schedule;
  • borrower's passport;
  • payment orders for the last few months, from which it follows that the debt was repaid on time.

The application must indicate the reason for the transfer of payment and attach confirmation that this is necessary. For example, if the place of work has changed, you can attach a copy of the new employment contract, if the date of payroll has changed - a copy of the "settlement", etc.

The bank considers the application within a day and, if the client has a good credit history, as a rule, satisfies the application.

An additional agreement to the contract will be concluded with the borrower, where the postponement of the date will be agreed. He will also be given a new payment schedule. The first payment in the new schedule may be more or less - depending on how many days have passed since the last repayment under the previous regime.

How to reschedule a mortgage payment

A mortgage is fundamentally different from a consumer loan in that an apartment acts as collateral for the loan. Also, the mortgage agreement is registered in the Regpalate, and the property is recorded in Rosreestr as being under encumbrance.

To reschedule a mortgage, it is no longer enough to draw up a simple agreement. The loan needs to be restructured. For this, basic documents and confirmations that the payment date needs to be rescheduled are collected. The main reason is the change in work and payroll time.

The bank reviews the documents during the day, and if it deems it necessary, starts the restructuring operation.

The most commonly used scheme is:

  • the borrower's appeal is fixed;
  • the bank approves the restructuring;
  • specialists prepare documents for signing;
  • the borrower signs a new contract;
  • his old payment is covered by the new loan;
  • the borrower applies to the Registration Chamber to cancel the previous contract and register a new one;
  • after passing state registration, a copy of one agreement is sent to the bank, a copy of the previous one is destroyed.

How to reschedule a credit card payment date

It is not possible to transfer the date of payment on a credit card by means of an application. It is "attached" to the end of the grace period, which, in turn, depends on the date the card was activated. A simple statement cannot solve the issue, since all credit card transactions are recorded by the computer, and it is impossible to change the program.

The only way out is to take a bank loan for the same amount on a convenient day, pay off the card debt, and then service a new loan.

How to reschedule a payment due date

In all of the above cases, situations were described when the borrower had a good credit history. But what if there are many delays?

The only way out is to refinance the loan, that is, taking another loan from the same bank with a convenient payment date. If there are a lot of loans, then you can perform the operation of “consolidating” them into one in a particular bank.

You can also ask for a credit holiday with a restructuring of the current payment schedule.

In any case, the date of transfer of payment on the loan is agreed with the bank's specialists. And if the borrower has serious enough reasons, then it is quite possible to change the loan payment time.