What is a deposit? Types of deposits and their features. Bank deposit - what is it? When interest is charged

Deposit (bank deposit)- this is the amount of money placed by the depositor in the bank for a certain or indefinite period. The placed funds are used by the bank as working capital, which are used to make a profit. Regardless of the result, for the use of these funds, the bank pays the depositor a bonus in the form of interest.

During a crisis, this is the most reliable way to invest personal funds. All banks that accept money from the population for deposits are required to be members of the state, which guarantees the depositors of such banks the payment of compensation on deposits of up to 1.4 million rubles if any problems arise in this bank (bankruptcy or license revocation).

The lack of liquidity was the root cause of the crisis. Banks are taking serious steps to raise funds from outside. One of the measures is to increase interest rates on the entire line of their deposits. Banks are beginning to actively advertise their deposits, attracting funds from ordinary people to the bank.

Since during the crisis they have nowhere else to take money. Placing money in the bank, you are guaranteed to receive your income. in the form of the interest rate promised by the bank.

Today it is easy to find a bank deposit at 15-20% per annum in rubles, which seemed unrealistic just a year ago. These are pretty big numbers. And given the inflation rate, we can safely say that you will not only save your money, but also increase it.

A crisis is a time of profitable investments and purchases, including in the market of bank deposits . On deposits today you can both earn and lose. The result depends on the parameters of the deposit and your goal.

To make these words more clear, let's look at the table below:

  • at an interest rate of 14% per year

In this example, we considered a bank deposit, with an interest rate of 14% per annum, with monthly capitalization and the possibility of monthly additional contributions.

14% is the rate that existed before the crisis. In the spring of 2009, when the lack of liquidity in banks was particularly sensitive, there were offers on the deposit market much more interesting than 14% per annum.

For example, I invested 250,000 rubles at 20% per annum for 200 days in one of the banks. Deposits in this bank are insured, so I am calm about my money. After 200 days, the amount of interest accrued for the entire term of the deposit will be 27,397.26 rubles. Of which 958.90 rubles is a tax. Net I will receive 26,439.36 rubles.

Each bank has in its arsenal a fairly extensive range of deposits. As they say, for every taste and color. Although, often, this fact plays a bad service to banks.

It is explained simply. Most people in our country are financially illiterate. They already do not understand banking instruments, and here they are also offered a wide choice.

However, a wide choice is not only a problem for banking structures. How many customers leave the store empty-handed, just because they were offered too many choices!

For example, in the bank where I worked before, there were about 8 types of deposits, of which there were only two or three workers. A similar number of deposits is more necessary for sales.

This technique is borrowed from retail, where 20% of products bring 80% of revenue. Or in other words, 80% of the goods are necessary for the main 20% to sell well. Therefore, if you undertook to study the deposits of any bank, keep this in mind.

But nevertheless we will return to detailed consideration of bank deposits. If we approach this issue from an anatomical point of view, then all contributions have a skeleton.

The skeleton is the very essence of the deposit. Namely, the ability to save and increase their funds with the help of a bank. But each contribution has different properties. Depending on these properties, financial results differ. The properties are determined by the needs of the customers. The properties of the deposits are:

  • Interest rate
  • Interest capitalization (order and cyclicality)
  • Deposit term
  • Deposit currency

Interest rate

The higher the interest rate, the better. The final amount of money you earn depends on its size. However, this is not a key indicator of the profitability of the deposit.

Possibility to replenish the deposit during the term

For me personally, this is an important indicator, since I try to set aside 10-20% of my income every month. And if the deposit allows you to make deposits, then I try to use it, since interest is charged on the amount of the deposit. At the same time, some banks do not allow you to replenish your deposits, especially for deposits with a high interest rate.

Interest capitalization

This is one of the key indicators by which you should choose your deposit in the bank.

Capitalization- this is when the interest earned is added to your originally invested amount of money.

The more often capitalization occurs, the higher the final amount of the deposit will be, since interest is added to the total amount.

There are the following types of capitalization: monthly, quarterly and capitalization at the end of the term. Although there are quite unique capitalization conditions.

For example, one of my deposits capitalizes twice a month. In the middle and at the end.

In the figures you can see in detail the principle of capitalization. For example, I took 100,000 rubles, at 14% per annum, for a period of one year.

There are also different ways of calculating interest. They can be added to the deposit, or credited to a separate account, from which you can then withdraw them.

Deposit insurance

Here it is important to know whether the bank is included in the mandatory deposit insurance system or not, since.

Deposit term

This is a rather "tricky" setting. Let's say you made a deposit for a period of three years at 15 percent per annum. The agreement of many banks states that in case of early termination of the deposit, the interest rate will be charged at the rate of the deposit "On Demand", which usually does not exceed 0.5-1% per annum.

I rarely use deposits where the term of the deposit is more than a year. Circumstances change, conditions change, and it is important for me that I can manage my money quickly.

Deposit currency

Three main currencies are common in Russian banks: rubles, dollars and euros. The interest rate on deposits in rubles is usually much higher and fluctuates at the level of 13-20% per annum at the time of writing.

In dollars and euros, the interest rate is between 6 and 9%. It is worth noting that people who made deposits in foreign currency before the crisis earned very well. Given that from November 2008 to the present day, the value of the euro and the dollar has increased by an average of 30%.

Add to that the interest rate. Let me explain with my own example: on November 6, 2008, I opened a deposit in one of the banks, in dollars, at 9% per annum, for a period of 222 days. The deposit amount is 1000 dollars. I contributed 27510 rubles.

Interest is calculated at the end of the term. It will be 1054 dollars, which in terms of rubles, at the rate of 31 rubles per dollar (the dollar exchange rate on May 23, 2009), will be: 32674. The yield will be about 18%. The contract expires on June 16, 2009.

Possibility of partial withdrawal of the deposit without loss of interest

This is another interesting setting. If we continue to consider the previous example, I forgot to mention that my dollar deposit does not have the possibility of partial withdrawal or withdrawal of the deposit without losing interest.

Otherwise, I would have withdrawn money when the dollar was worth 35 rubles. Also, this parameter will be useful in other cases. For example, I have a deposit in another bank, where the possibility of partial demand exists.

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A bank deposit or, as it is customary to call it, a deposit agreement is an obligation under which the depositor transfers funds to the bank or the relevant organization. In exchange for this the investor receives after a certain time his money and interest on it.

As a rule, the amount of interest on deposit agreements is lower than the interest that banks receive on.

To raise funds, an organization must have a license. The deposit agreement must be executed in a written document or deposit certificate, savings book. Such documents may be provided for by law, other rules, if there is a reference to this in the law. The rules can be established both by acts of state bodies and banking rules..

A passbook can be issued to a specific person or to a bearer. It should reflect:

  • Account information (number);
  • Information about the institution to which the contribution was made or information about its branch;
  • Information about the amounts that are deposited into and debited from the account.

Placement of funds on deposit is made for a certain period of time. Sometimes invested funds can be received on demand at any time. But such a deposit will be less favorable in terms of its conditions.

The law gives the right to withdraw the invested money ahead of time, but then the interest rate will be reduced. In accordance with the law, the rate will correspond to the rate on deposits, which can be returned on demand.

If the depositor is this, then in the absence of the right to withdraw the deposit earlier than the time specified in the agreement, early termination of the deposit is impossible.

In some cases, at the end of the term, banks resort to tricks in order not to return the invested funds, as a result, the depositor misses the deadlines, does not comply with the requirements of the procedures for terminating the deposit. The money, of course, will be returned, but part of it will be spent on fines.

Interest can be paid every month, and can be paid after the expiration of the contract once.

In terms of changing the interest rate, you need to know that banks and credit organizations reserve such a right in deposit agreements and often use it. That's why you need to be prepared for interest rate changes.

You also need to know that the higher the percentage of deposits offered, the less reliable the organization is. A high interest rate indicates a crisis in a financial institution.

Placement of funds on deposit. Other questions

Deposits, or rather their return is guaranteed by a special fund, which consists of contributions from credit institutions. Part of the fund's assets is paid by the state. However You can apply to the fund only in case of bankruptcy of the bank.

Information regarding the provision of a deposit, is a prerequisite of the deposit agreement.

But, if the organization violates the contribution, then can go to court with the requirement to terminate the agreement with the bank or the relevant organization.

The size of the interest rate will then be depending on the place of residence or the discount rate of the Central Bank.

A deposit agreement signed in favor of an outsider is possible provided that his name is indicated. He may waive the right granted. However, before the moment he claims any rights to the deposit, the person who made the deposit can use this money.

- this concept has two meanings: the basis of banking security and the protection of the finances of the clientele. A deposit, in simple words and in the broadest sense, means a share when one party gives something of value to the other for a certain period of time for storage. Accordingly, a stored object is also called a deposit. And:

  • parties can be both individuals and legal entities;
  • the object of the deposit can be stored both with the condition of increasing its value, and without it;
  • the party accepting the deposit object for storage must be interested in such a service, i.e. the contract partner must either directly pay for storage, or the object itself can be used so that the party storing it receives a profit.

The options here are different. Thus, antiques, works of art, historically valuable documents and papers are stored with little or no increase in value. Such items are very reliably protected from inflation, because even in times of crisis they have a consistently high price.

Types of bank deposits by form

Another point is the legal position of the parties. The opener of a deposit can be at least a private, individual, individual, even a huge corporation. But the custodian almost always turns out to be a legal person. And in 90% of all cases we are talking about the bank. After all, it is with the bank in colloquial speech that the concept of a deposit is associated. This type of attachment can be opened in three forms:

  • deposit box, i.e., a metal box in a bank vault. For storage in such a capsule, customers give securities, precious stones, ingots of precious metals, art and antiques, valuable documents, etc. Banknotes are not the most common contents of such boxes;
  • deposit money account- by name it is clear that the bank opens an account in the name of the client, to which he transfers his funds under certain conditions;
  • metal deposit account- the same as cash, only when you deposit currency into it, it is automatically converted into a gold, platinum or silver equivalent by weight in accordance with the current exchange rate for precious metals. It is important that the electronic metal account has no physical expression, i.e. all these grams and kilograms of the precious metal are stored in the bank exclusively in informational form.

The most common is a cash bank deposit, when a client opens an account with a bank under certain conditions. This will be discussed. A deposit is both a contribution and a special loan. The bilateral benefit here is explained as follows.

Features of deposits and "lending in reverse"

The client deposits money for a reason, but on the condition that, according to a certain scheme, interest will be added to the initial amount. Thanks to this, the client will later be able to use a larger amount of money than the one that originally constituted his investment.

But it should be borne in mind that interest increases on deposits can hardly be considered as a way of investing, that is, increasing money capital. Such an increase is at most able to protect money from inflation, for which, in fact, a cash account is opened - the client wants to have financial savings, but so that they do not depreciate over time.

The benefit of the bank lies in the fact that, firstly, the client pays for opening a deposit, and secondly, and this is the main thing, the bank has the right to conduct various operations with clients' deposits. What matters to a depositor? To keep such and such amount of money in his account within the agreed period. And what will happen to this money in the interim periods is not his concern.

Therefore, the bank uses these funds for its own investment, for playing on the securities markets, for currency conversion. That is, everything that can bring and brings financial profit. It turns out that clients, as it were, lend their money to the bank for a while, with the help of which it earns money for itself.

And the remuneration of clients is a moderate increase in deposit finance, which protects their savings from depreciation. Such is the mutual benefit. To some extent, this is reminiscent of a reverse loan, when the client is the lender and the bank is the borrower. “What does the bank have as collateral?” – an inquisitive reader will ask like an old Indian from a joke.

Of course, the bank cannot provide collateral in the full sense of the word, but there are bank and government guarantees to save money up to a certain threshold. So, in the event of a bank collapse, the state can return 1 million 400 thousand rubles to the client, but we must remember that this amount also includes interest.

Therefore, if a client opened a deposit for 1 million 400 thousand rubles, and a year later the bank “burned out”, then when contacting the civil service, he will receive 1 million 400 thousand rubles back. In order for the required interest income to be included here, the initial contribution should have been less, for example, 1 million 325 thousand rubles.

Types of deposits by terms

How are bank deposits classified? First of all, by time intervals, i.e. for what period the account is opened and when the client has the right to withdraw money from it:

  1. Poste restante. The most flexible, but also the most unsuitable option for accumulating cash savings. The client deposits money into the account, after which he has the right to withdraw it at any time - even in a day, even in a year. The percentage profit of such a deposit is very small, since there is no benefit for the bank. It is impossible for the bank to use such deposit savings to increase its own profit - suddenly the client will suddenly appear and demand to cash out the entire account.
  2. Term deposit. A very common option with a good percentage profit. When the client puts a certain amount into such a deposit account, it will be unavailable for a certain period. It will be impossible to cash out or replenish, even if only partially. But in the period specified by the contract, tangible interest will be added to the initial amount. By opening such deposits on a regular basis, it is possible to protect growing savings from inflation. Banks are interested in time deposits, because it is known for sure that during such and such a period they are completely unavailable to customers, which makes them an instrument for the bank's financial operations.
  3. Cumulative deposit. A kind of urgent, only with more flexible conditions. For example, you can withdraw money only on agreed dates. And on the agreed dates, interest is calculated. In addition, there is almost always a condition for maintaining a certain small account balance. The cumulative option is used by those who do not want to get into credit bondage, but prefer to slowly save up on their own for new housing, a car, and so on. Banks even introduce special offers, for example: a savings deposit for buying real estate, a car deposit, etc.

Types of deposits by purpose

Another classification involves the division of deposit investments according to their intended purpose:

  1. Cumulative. Already mentioned above. It is worth adding that the interest of the savings deposit is still lower than that of the fixed deposit.
  2. Estimated. In most cases, it is similar to a demand deposit, however, there is one mandatory restriction - you cannot spend a certain minimum balance on the account. It is these balances that banks can also use for their own operations, so the interest here is higher than that of a demand deposit.
  3. Special. It happens that the client wants the salary or pension to go to the account. To do this, banks have developed a whole line of deposits specially tailored for such needs.
  4. Metal. The name speaks for itself. The electronic account of this deposit is the equivalent of the real mass of some precious metal. The client can at any time or strictly according to the schedule transfer hypothetical metal into currency. If the prices of gold, platinum and silver start to jump (which happens not so often), then experienced investors have a good profit from transferring metal into money and vice versa.

Currency deposits

It is clear that the absolute majority is occupied by deposits that work with rubles, US dollars and euros, that is, the main currencies for the Russian Federation. Interest is paid in the same currency in which the account is opened. The most productive are multi-currency options that support all three currencies.

The client is free to carry out the conversion, playing at the jumping exchange rates. Although the interest rate is a key concept in the field of deposits (as in the field of mortgages), it does not speak of the absolute guaranteed benefit of the deposit. For the optimal choice, it is necessary not only to understand the features of deposits, but also to show elementary care.

So, banks use a common trick when tempting high interest rates do accrue, but ... only once after the first quarter or year. After that, interest charges become completely normal. And a disappointed client will remember how, seeing 15% annual charges instead of the expected 7%, he was delighted to the point that he forgot to read the fine print at the very bottom of the deposit agreement.

Capitalization and its advantage over a fixed high interest rate

Particular attention should be paid to such an important factor in increasing profits as interest capitalization (compound interest). When concluding an agreement, be sure to find out if there is a condition for capitalization. And, no less important, what is the frequency of capitalization - once a month, quarter, six months, a year.

What does it mean in a deposit? The meaning of capitalization is that each subsequent interest is calculated from the new amount in the account. This means that at a constant interest rate, more and more will be added, because the amount in the account will grow.

For example, 10% of 10 thousand rubles is 1,000 rubles, and from 20 thousand - already 2,000. Such a simple calculation is shown for clarity, however, in banking practice, compound interest is calculated in a slightly different way using a special formula:

Y = X*(1+S)N

where Y is the calculated current amount of money in the account, X is the amount of the initial cash deposit, S is the interest rate only divided by 100 (percentage in the form of a number from 0 to 1), N is the years (or months, or quarters) while the deposit. Let's say the conditions are:

  • the client contributed 100 thousand rubles;
  • interest rate 8% (i.e. 0.08);
  • capitalization takes place once a year, and the client wants to know how much money he will have on deposit in 3 years.

Count: 100,000 * (1 + 0.08) 3 = 125,971.2 rubles.

Although it is easy to calculate in a simple way without this formula. After 1 year, the amount will be 108 thousand rubles. 8% of this amount is 8,640 rubles, therefore, after the second year it will be 116,640 rubles. 8% of this amount - 9,331.2. It turns out that after the third year, the client's account will have 125,971.2 rubles.

The concept of "deposit" occurs quite often. The fact is that deposits have long been an integral part of the global financial system. Moreover, deposits are part of the daily lives of tens of millions of people around the world. So what does the term "deposit" mean?

A deposit (or, as it is also called, a bank deposit) is a certain amount of money that is transferred by a person to a credit institution (for example, a bank).

The purpose of the transfer of funds is to receive some income (usually in the form of interest) that is generated as a result of certain financial transactions with cash.

How are deposit interest calculated?

Interest is paid for any time period, and not just for every week or month of a certain period of time. This means that if you choose a deposit of 7% for one month, then 7% of the total amount of the cash deposit will be paid only at the end of the week or month. If a bank deposit of 6.8% for four months is chosen, then the payment of 6.8% of the total amount of the deposit will occur only after these 4 months, and not 6.8% for each individual month.

It is important to understand these and other nuances, as some people do not understand the elementary financial issues associated with deposits.

Deposit agreement

In the bank deposit agreement, the bank that accepted the amount of money received from the person is obliged to return the entire amount of the cash deposit and pay interest on it on the terms and in the manner that were previously provided for by the agreement signed by the representative of the banking institution.

It is worth saying that in banking practice there is a concept “about the refusal of a citizen from the right to receive a bank deposit on demand”, however, from a legal point of view, such a right of a citizen is void.

When is interest calculated?

All interest on the total amount of the bank deposit is accrued from the day following the day the deposit is received by the banking institution. Accrual occurs until the day when the amount is returned to the depositor or until the day when the bank deposit is closed by the depositor himself.

Usually, a depositor (an individual who transferred his funds to receive interest profit) has the right to dispose of his own interest. The depositor has the opportunity to withdraw interest after the expiration of the period of payment of all interest that was previously specified in the agreement.

You can also add interest to the entire amount of the bank deposit. The addition of interest to the total amount of the deposit is called interest capitalization. Capitalization of interest allows (in some cases, when it comes to a high interest rate) to significantly increase the entire amount of the deposit, on which the remaining interest is calculated.

There are periods when the economy of the state develops at a normal pace. At such times, bank deposits are the least profitable (but also the least risky) form of investment. At such times, the bank deposit serves solely as a so-called "minimum benchmark", which is necessary in the calculations.

What are the deposits?

Types of deposits:

  1. Deposit on demand. This type of deposit without specifying any period of storage will be returned to the depositor at his first request. Traditionally, savings deposits charge some interest. These interest rates are somewhat lower than those for term deposits. Also, deposits on demand have a wider functionality. It lies in the fact that demand deposits may, by agreement with a banking institution or, according to the rules of individual countries, be a special tool on a checking account in the bank itself.
  2. Term deposit. A term deposit is understood as such an interest-bearing deposit that is deposited for a certain period of time and withdrawn only after the expiration of the originally agreed period. Such deposits have less liquidity than savings deposits (deposits), but they can bring a much higher percentage of profit.

Deposit security and insurance

Deposit insurance means that during the bankruptcy of a banking institution, the depositor who entrusted his funds to the selected bank will fully (or at least partially) receive back all the funds invested in the deposit in the shortest possible time.

Deposit insurance payments are made by special financial communities (funds) created by the state or the entire banking system.

History of deposit insurance

The very first banking insurance system was created back in 1933. Today it is called the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.

According to publicly available information from the International Association of Deposit Insurers, banking deposit insurance systems operate in more than a hundred countries around the world. For example, in European countries, each state that is part of the European Union is obliged to control the processes for the creation and operation on its own territory of at least one bank deposit guarantee system.

This obligation of European countries is dictated by the order of the European Parliament and a special council created to ensure the safety of deposits of European citizens. No bank in Europe that operates legally can not take deposits from individuals if this bank is not a member of one of the bank deposit guarantee systems.

What do we have?

In the Russian Federation, there is a special law that also regulates the activities of banking institutions in this difficult matter. This law is called "On insurance of deposits of individuals in banks of the Russian Federation". The law entered into force in 2003. According to the law, each bank that is one of the members of the bank deposit insurance system, in case of loss of its banking license, is a member of the insurance system.

This means that if the bank becomes bankrupt, the state will be obliged to return to depositors (individuals) up to 1,400,000 rubles.

Features of deposits in Russia

All private (commercial) banks operating on the territory of the Russian Federation are obliged to transfer to the Central Bank a part of the funds that were deposited. This is called the norm of the so-called "required reserves". Otherwise, this norm is called a reserve system.

Some enterprises also cannot place their money in deposits, so they are forced to draw up a promissory note. A promissory note is a veiled form of deposit that is needed specifically for enterprises and some companies.

Taxes on deposits

In relation to income received from bank deposits, the tax base is determined as an excess of the amount of interest that was accrued under any terms of the agreement.

Under certain conditions, this rule does not apply, but the rules change periodically, so if you want to take advantage of any benefits, you should clarify all the information you are interested in at the Central Bank or the commercial bank chosen for the deposit.


“What is a deposit? What is a bank deposit? What is a bank deposit? What is a contribution? -the answer to these questions is not familiar to everyone, and whether these concepts differ from each other. Let's start with the word deposit- This is a derivative of the Latin "depositum", which means "a thing deposited." In accordance with the economic and explanatory dictionaries of market economy terms, as well as in accordance with the small encyclopedic dictionary, deposits have a broader interpretation, one of the types of which is " contribution».

General definition of a deposit

Deposits- these are funds or securities deposited with financial and credit, customs, judicial or administrative institutions, with the right to return. An extended interpretation of this concept sounds something like this:

  • a deposit is a contribution to the customs authority to ensure payment of customs duties and fees;

  • a deposit is a contribution to judicial and administrative institutions to secure a claim, appearance in court, a deposit for participation in an auction.

  • deposit is a deposit funds or securities of enterprises, organizations and the population to commercial banks on certain conditions in order to generate income or obtain guarantees.

What is a contribution

From the last paragraph of the above definition, it becomes clear that deposits of individuals placed in banks (bank deposits) can also be called deposits, and then the phrase often used by individuals becomes clear - "deposit deposit".

Contributions- these are amounts of money deposited in a commercial bank for storage under certain conditions (bank deposit), or funds transferred to a less liquid form (for example, into shares or bonds of enterprises or banks, investments in one's own business ...) in order to make a profit or obtaining a guarantee. That is, even the word "contribution" has a somewhat extended (than just a contribution of money) interpretation.

Deposits, or rather even deposits, include savings certificates of banks, which are issued to individuals (registered or bearer). In paragraph 1 of Article 844 of Chapter 44 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the meaning of the certificate is defined as follows:

A savings (deposit) certificate is a security certifying the amount of the deposit made to the bank and the right of the depositor (certificate holder) to receive, after the expiration of the established period, the amount of the deposit and the interest stipulated in the certificate in the bank that issued the certificate, or in any branch of this bank.

Definition of a bank deposit in the legislation of the Russian Federation

I want to draw the attention of readers to the fact that in all banking legislation and in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the concept of deposits, and not deposits, is fixed. So, it is the meaning of the term "deposit" and everything related to them that is spelled out in Article 36 "Bank deposits" of the Federal Law "On Banks and Banking Activities" dated 02.12.1990 N 395-1, where:

Contribution- funds in the currency of the Russian Federation or foreign currency placed by individuals for the purpose of keeping and generating income. Income on the deposit is paid in cash in the form of interest. The deposit is returned to the depositor at his first request in the manner prescribed for this type of deposit by federal law and the relevant agreement.

Deposits are accepted only by banks that have such a right in accordance with a license issued by the Bank of Russia, participate in the system of compulsory insurance of deposits of individuals in banks and are registered with an organization that performs the functions of compulsory insurance of deposits. Banks ensure the safety of deposits and timely fulfillment of their obligations to depositors. Attraction of funds in deposits is formalized by the agreement in writing in two copies, one of which is issued to the depositor.

Banking legislation in this matter proceeds from the primacy of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. So, bank deposits are prescribed in Chapter 44 of Part 2 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (CC RF) dated 01.26.1996 N 14-FZ, where everything about deposits is legally fixed: a bank deposit agreement, the right to raise funds in deposits, the form of a bank deposit agreement, types of deposits, etc.

In addition, in accordance with Article 5 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Banks and Banking Activity” No. 395-1 dated December 2, 1990, attracting funds from individuals and legal entities in deposits (on demand and for a certain period) refers to banking operations, and in accordance with article 13 of the same law, such banking operations are subject to licensing.

Therefore, if you are offered to place your funds at interest by various "non-banking" enterprises, then before parting with the money, think carefully about the consequences - returning such funds will be problematic and difficult, and often simply impossible, since such "cooperation" goes beyond legal norms for placing deposits.