Lost card statement. Lost Sberbank card statement

When they lose a bank card, they often have no idea exactly where and how the card was lost. It’s good if it was really lost at home and lies in the far drawer of the table, or if “honest” hands raised it, but the card could have been stolen. What should you do first if the card is lost?

In any case, if you haven’t found the card, don’t waste time, and first of all temporarily block your card account and write an application to restore your bank card. To do this, just call a Sberbank branch, if you have a Sberbank card, confirm your right to perform this action, and the account will be instantly blocked. No one will withdraw money from the card account at an ATM or transfer money from the account in any other way.

Restoration of a lost bank card is carried out after a written application from the card owner by replacing it (re-issuing) with the assignment of a new card number and PIN code.

When receiving a bank card from Sberbank or another bank, be sure to write down the contact phone number of this branch. If you lose your bank card, you will only need to call it, confirm your right to make transactions using the card and verbally order to temporarily block the account.

If your card is connected to the Sberbank Mobile Bank service, then such an order can be executed via SMS. How to send such an order can be found in the manual for using mobile banking.

If the card is lost, its operation can also be blocked via the Internet. But for this, an Internet banking system must be connected to the card, for example, in Sberbank such a service is called Sberbank online.

If you do not have a phone number for your bank branch, call the hotline of the bank that owns the card. They will definitely help you there. Just be prepared to answer a few questions, give a code word, or otherwise confirm your rights to perform actions with the card.

How to recover a lost bank card

As already mentioned, the bank does not restore a lost bank card. Instead, the bank issues a new card, with a new card number and card PIN code. That's why within 3 days After a verbal order to block the card account, you need to write a statement about the loss of the bank card and at the same time apply for a new card.

The application can be written at any branch of Sberbank (if you have a Sberbank card), and to issue a new bank card, it is advisable to contact the branch that issued the card to you. The card registration process will then be a little faster. Please note that you will not receive a new card immediately; you will have to wait about 2 weeks. With the exception of instant issuance cards, for example the Sberbank Maestro Momentum debit card. Therefore, if you need money, withdraw it from your bank card account at the bank's cash desk. Don't forget to take your passport with you.

A statement about the loss of a card can also be sent by fax, indicating your telephone number, full name and date of birth, place of receipt of the card, type of card, currency of the card account.

What else you need to know in case you lose your bank card

If the old, “lost” card is later found, it must be returned to the bank.

You will have to pay for an extraordinary issue of a bank card. The amount of this amount is set by each bank depending on the type and type of card (debit, credit). For example, at Sberbank, the reissue of some cards costs 150 rubles, and for the entry-level Maestro card - “Social” the fee will be only 30 rubles.

Suspension or temporary blocking of the card in case of loss of the card in any bank is free of charge. If you don’t have the phone number of the bank that issued the card at hand, look for the bank’s website on the Internet. On the website you will find not only a phone number, but also detailed instructions on how to behave if you lose your bank card.

If you have 100 rubles on your card and you call the bank operator on duty with a request to block it, then this is one thing. And if you have a very “decent” amount on your card, and you have lost the card, record any of your actions. Write down the date and time of your request, the details of the operator who accepted your application, ask to send a fax, etc.

Card blocking may have several stages. The so-called “soft” blocking only temporarily suspends the operation of the card and blocks the movement of funds in the account. It is convenient to use if you are almost 100% sure that the card will be found. If you are sure that the card will not be found or it has been stolen, then block it forever.

If you have several cards and connected to Internet banking, for example, Sberbank Online, don’t waste time, go to your page and transfer money to another card. There you can also block a lost card. As a result of these actions, your card will be included in the “black list” or stop list. A stop list is an electronic list of bank cards prohibited for use, which is sent to all stores and service departments that accept payments from cards of a given payment system. Even using a password, when paying with your card, the transaction is automatically blocked.

Publication date: 15/11/2013

If you lose your plastic card, you will have to get a new card with a new card number and PIN code. But the card account number will remain the same; the bank will not change it if the card is lost, but will only be temporarily blocked. The bank card cannot be restored.

Having issued a credit card at a bank, you must also take into account that you will have to repay not only the debt and interest on it, but also pay for banking services - card and account maintenance, some card transactions, SMS notifications about the status of your account, etc.

Both for opening and closing a card, the bank has certain rules that are detailed in the agreement. There in the contract you can find recommendations on what to do if you have lost your card.

When you receive the card, the bank gives you a “secret” envelope containing the card’s PIN code, as well as the card’s account number. Immediately write down the phone number of the duty operator of this bank. It will come in handy in emergency situations.

The main advantage of electronic money is that the electronic transfer of money for goods or services does not require the payment of large commissions, and sometimes is completely free. Another advantage is that it is impossible to lose an electronic wallet, like a bank card.


A small plastic card is a convenient means of storing money and paying for goods, but its small size can lead to its loss, and at such moments, clients of the most popular issuer have a question: what to do if you have lost your Sberbank card. All categories of the population use the card account services of this bank, to which salaries, benefits, scholarships and pensions are credited. In order to simplify the mechanism for restoring access to funds when a card is lost, simple rules for its re-issuance have been developed.

What does “lost bank card” mean?

Before sounding the alarm about the loss, you need to make sure that the card is really lost, because if after contacting the bank about the loss you discover it, the found card will no longer be able to be used. A cause for concern is the absence of a card in places where it is likely to be located or if the wallet or bag where it was stored has been stolen. Depending on the circumstances, the options for loss may be as follows:

  • she could get lost at home;
  • it could have been stolen by an intruder;
  • discovered missing after leaving a store or other crowded place.

If you lost your Sberbank card in your apartment

The option when you are absolutely sure that the card was lost within the apartment (for example, fell behind furniture or another hard-to-reach place) requires taking action only when there is no opportunity to get it, but there is an urgent need to use it. If you happen to forget where you put your plastic card and can’t remember, you should be aware that the client’s request regarding the loss serves as a reason for blocking, and you cannot use the old card, even if after a while you remember where you put it.

Losing a Sberbank card in a public place or in a store

If a salary card is discovered missing (or a credit card is lost) after leaving the store where it was used to pay for purchased goods, you must return there and ask the manager to advertise the loss. However, even if the payment instrument is returned, you cannot be sure that its data was not used by fraudsters. Although plastic means of payment have a high level of protection, the security of the funds is guaranteed only if the owner’s secret data is not available to third parties.


The most dangerous option for losing a Sberbank card, which requires immediate action, is theft. The targeted theft of plastic cards is carried out in order to make purchases via the Internet. This is explained by the fact that it is impossible to withdraw money from an ATM without knowing the PIN code, and to pay for goods in some online stores, customer identifiers are used, such as account number, secret code, expiration date. This data is indicated on the card and can be used for criminal purposes.

What to do if you lose your Sberbank card - step-by-step instructions

Regardless of how you lost access to a plastic means of payment, you need to know what to do if you lose your Sberbank card. The sequence of actions if the card is lost or stolen is identical, and it is as follows:

If it happens that you have forgotten the combination of digits of your personal identification number for conducting transactions with your account, and are trying to find out what to do if you lose your PIN code, then you should know: the secret code cannot be restored. To resume the ability to make payments and other payments if you lose your PIN code, you must follow the same steps as if you lost your card.

How to block a Sberbank card if lost

The integrity of the funds in the account depends on how quickly your actions are taken when a loss is detected. In order to prevent the use of personal data of a client who has lost access to a plastic means of payment, the bank provides several blocking options:

  • by telephone (calling a hotline or sending a message);
  • via the Internet;
  • contacting the bank.

Call the hotline

If your Sberbank card is lost, to block it you should call the phone number specified in the account servicing agreement. If it is not possible to find the document, you can use a bank statement, check, receipt, or visit the Sberbank website. You can call the toll-free number 24 hours a day. In order for an employee to block, he will need information about passport data, and he can also ask for a code word, if such an option was provided for when concluding the contract.

Via the Internet in Sberbank-online

Activation of the Internet banking service makes it possible to block access to the account of the owner of a plastic payment instrument online using a personal account. To do this you need:

  1. Log in to the system.
  2. Select the type, level of bank card (Visa, Mastercard) and account number to be blocked.
  3. Select the “operation” mode.
  4. Follow the “blocking” link.
  5. Fill out the application form that opens.
  6. Confirm the actions taken.

At a bank branch

The blocking procedure can be carried out by a bank employee, for which you need to contact the nearest branch and find out what to do if you have lost your Sberbank card. After submitting an application describing the reason for the blocking and indicating all the necessary data, an immediate blocking will occur. This method is convenient because it allows you to immediately inquire about all the details of the recovery procedure and clarify your further actions.

Via SMS to number 900

Using a mobile service to block an account is convenient and saves time. In order to use this method, you should type the message text starting with the term “blokirovka”. After this word, the last 4 digits of the account to be blocked and the reason identifier are indicated (0 - loss, 1 - theft). After sending a message to the short number 900, access to the account is automatically blocked.

How to restore a Sberbank card

A lost plastic card is subject to restoration, which occurs on the basis of an application for reissue. The procedure takes from 3-4 days to 2-3 weeks. The waiting time depends on certain conditions. For example, if you are the owner of an annual service card and it is about to expire, it is likely that it has already been issued - in this case, the waiting period will be minimal. The recovery instructions are described on the bank’s official website, and they are as follows:

  1. Filling out an application for loss of the established form.
  2. The procedure for obtaining a new card after its reissue.

Application Form

In order to launch the mechanism for restoring a Sberbank card, you should write a statement indicating the reason for the application. If the account owner – contact in person. A sample application is provided by a bank employee who will help you fill out the form. Another option for completing an application is to fill out an electronic form for card restoration through the client bank. Following the menu prompts, the user creates an application for reissue and sends it to the bank for consideration.

Card reissue

The card is produced based on the client’s application, and it can only be issued upon personal application. Reissuing a Sberbank card if lost, like its initial issue, is not a free service. Only a personalized means of payment whose validity period has expired will be issued without payment. You should pick up the prepared card at the branch where you submitted your application. For those who want to be safe in case of repeated loss, you can make a duplicate and put it in a safe place or give it to a family member for safekeeping.

How much does it cost to restore a lost Sberbank card?

The restoration service requires payment of a reissue fee. The amount of payment depends on the type, level and reason for the request for restoration. The cost of re-issuing a debit card due to loss ranges from 30 to 300 rubles, where the minimum commission is the standard entry-level type, and the maximum is personal or privileged. A credit card can be ordered for 150 rubles. The commission amount is automatically debited from the card account or paid through the bank's cash desk in cash.

Is there a fine for losing a Sberbank card?

The loss of a plastic card can happen to anyone due to circumstances beyond a person’s control, so banks are sensitive to this kind of problem and do not punish their clients with penalties. However, when a lost plastic card is blocked, data is automatically entered into the stop list (which guarantees complete safety of clients’ funds) and this operation costs 1,500 rubles. The funds are debited by the banking payment system from the holder’s account, and if the balance is insufficient, it becomes necessary to deposit cash into the cash desk.

Is it possible to withdraw money from a lost card?

The process of re-issuing a lost card may take several weeks, so in order to cash out the available balance of funds from a lost card, you should contact the bank office where the issue was made. You don't have to wait long to get the money in your hands. The algorithm of actions is as follows.

No matter how careful we are, we still won’t be able to insure ourselves against all unforeseen situations. The loss of a bank card is considered force majeure.
Therefore, Sberbank has prudently developed a number of instructions that will help answer questions if a Sberbank card is lost - what to do, where to go, how to act and how a new card is issued.

Having lost a plastic card, there is no guarantee that it will not fall into the hands of third parties, and they will not take advantage of the opportunity to withdraw money from it. It is necessary to act quickly.

First of all, you should immediately block the card. This will limit the access of fraudsters and will not allow any transfers to be made. If the card was simply forgotten somewhere and then found, you will need to go to the bank branch with your ID and unblock it.

If it is impossible to find the card, you must fill out a loss statement at the bank branch. At the same time, the client account will remain available to receive cash or carry out appropriate transactions. You should always have your ID with you.

Card replacement options

If you lose your Sberbank card, what to do depends on your own desires:

  • you can issue a card of the same format and link it to your existing account;
  • order another type of card and also link it to the current account;
  • refuse banking services altogether: close the account, withdraw the available balance.

Reissue of card in Sberbank

For more information about re-issuing a card at Sberbank, cost and timing, see

After the option is selected, a statement is written indicating the parameters of the card required for use. It will take about 14 days for him to be released. If there is a need to make transfers, withdraw money, or pay for services during this period, you can do all this only through a bank cash desk.

How to block a card if lost

The most affordable and fastest option is to call the bank. There are several options to choose from.

There are two free lines for all mobile operators:

  1. You can call us free of charge from mobile and landline phones.
  2. You can call 7 495 500 55 50 from abroad. The amount of payment is determined by the operator of the country providing communications.

Blocking via SMS to number 900 - instructions

After connecting to the Contact Center, you can use the keys to select a blocking service. You should act in accordance with the prompts of the automatic informant. It is possible to connect with an operator to carry out the intended procedure.

If you prefer to act independently, you can:

  • send an SMS notification with the command BLOCK (BLOCK, BLOKIROVKA or 03), then a space, the last 4 digits of the card number and the number 0. This will be a signal to the bank that the card is lost and it should be blocked for this reason. . If there is only one card, then there is no need to specify the card number;
  • use online banking. After logging into the service, you need to go to your card account and select the “Additional card transactions” option. The last item is “Blocking”, click. Once on the short application form page, complete the appropriate sections. By default, your full name and card number are indicated. From the list of reasons you must select “Lost”. Confirm the procedure with the code from SMS.

After the blocking operation, it doesn’t hurt to double-check the balance. There is a Sberbank mini-statement for this. If you suddenly discover an unauthorized cash withdrawal or transfer, you should contact the police and indicate the transaction number in the application. Additionally, you will have to write a statement to Sberbank about disagreement with the operation. However, all this must be done within 30 days.

Tips for using a bank card safely on video

Lost Sberbank card - what to do?

Sberbank does not charge a fine for the loss of a bank card by a user. But he charges for the procedure of re-issuing the card. The amount will depend on the type of card.

Cost of reissue in case of loss of different cards

Maestro Student Card.

Maestro Social Card.

Maestro Visa Electron card.

Visa Electron Momentum and Maestro Momentum card.

MasterCard Standard card.

MasterCard Standard Contactless card.

Visa Gold and MasterCard Gold cards.

MasterCard Platinum and Visa Platinum card.

Loss of credit or salary cards

The loss of a bank card in itself is very problematic. You will have to contact the bank branch to request the required amount of credit, which can be used until a new card is issued. All current balance and card debt will remain unchanged. The debt must be repaid at the bank's cash desk.

Reissue of credit or salary cards

If a Sberbank credit or salary card is lost, follow the same procedure as with a regular payment card. The only exception is that in the application for reissue it is necessary to indicate that the card was intended specifically for receiving wages.

You cannot find your map, although you have checked all possible locations. What does this mean and what should I do?

Possible consequences

  1. Nothing will happen. The card lies quietly where you usually don’t put it and waits for someone to find it.
  2. If the card is lost, they can find it and, if the finder is not law-abiding, try to use it for its intended purpose - to go shopping or ATMs. Moreover, if the card is lost along with the PIN code, the likelihood of losing all the money on the card increases sharply
  3. If the card is stolen, you can be sure that they will most likely try to use it
  4. If the card is forgotten in the store, and the store staff is respectable, the store administration will contact the bank that issued the card and report the find. If you return to the store, your card will be returned to you, but be prepared to present documents confirming your identity. If the company's personnel are prone to fraud, there is a chance that your card will be used for fraudulent activities
  5. If the card is forgotten at the ATM, you will have to spend time getting it back
  6. If the card is destroyed and you are sure of it, nothing threatens your finances

In all of the above cases, you will not be able to use the money on the card until you find it or reissue it (this can take on average from 2 days to a week)

Unfortunately, it is rarely possible to guarantee that your case belongs to point 1.

What to do

  1. Urgently call the bank that issued the card and ask to block the card, describing the circumstances of the loss. Or send an SMS message in a special format to a special number (each bank has a different one) if you are not able to talk to an operator.
    Many banks have a service that allows you to block a card directly from the bank’s website, you can use this service.
  2. After blocking the card, transactions requiring communication with the bank will be rejected and in most cases nothing will happen to the money.
  3. Contact the bank that issued the card and write a statement about the loss of the card and about its reissue.
  4. If the card is detained by an ATM, contact the bank that owns it and clarify the procedure for returning the card


Forgot your card in the store

  1. If you trust the administration and employees of the store so much that you are ready to entrust them with the amount of funds available on the card, you can simply return to the store and, having returned your card, continue to use it. In this case, you take on the risks of possible fraudulent actions on the part of the company’s personnel.
  2. After returning the card, you can unblock it by writing an unblocking application to the bank that issued the card, but it is better to return it to the bank and get a new one in return.
  3. When replacing a card, after receiving it, do not forget to re-register it with companies that make regular payments from it (Providers, mobile operators, travel companies, etc.), because payments using old details will not go through.

Card stolen

Your wallet with your card (or just the card itself) was stolen. If you believe that the card could have fallen into the wrong hands, it definitely needs to not only be blocked, but also put on the stop list. Blocking the card only rejects transactions that require communication with the bank at the time of payment. If the card is brought to a store using Flow-limit, the payment may still go through.

There is no need to put electronic cards (Visa Electron, MasterCard Electronic, Maestro) on the stop list, because All purchases with these cards are made with mandatory authorization and a regular block is quite enough to prevent fraud.

Forgot your card at an ATM

Call the bank that owns the ATM and find out the procedure for receiving the captured card.
In some banks, the procedure for returning cards captured by an ATM is so complex and lengthy that sometimes it is easier to reissue the card than to wait for a return. Check the terms with a bank specialist.

Physical destruction of the card

The card was destroyed in your presence without restoration (burnt in a fire, shredded for a bet, etc.) This rarely happens, but it still happens that you witnessed the complete destruction of your card and you can guarantee that no one will use it again will be able.

In this case, the risk of fraud with your card is negligible (well, only if you have compromised it earlier) and the only thing in which this situation is better than others is that you do not have to compete with the fraudster in the speed of decision-making. You can safely contact the office of the bank that issued your card and write a statement about the loss of the card, explaining the circumstances and an application for re-issuance of the card.

If you do not plan to continue using the lost card, instead of applying for re-issuance of the card, it is enough to write an application to close the card and account. After which, after the expiration of the period specified in the rules for using the card (usually from 35 to 60 days, the bank uses this time to complete settlements on card accounts), you can come to the bank office indicated by a specialist and receive the balance on the card. The balance of funds can usually be obtained in three ways: in cash, by transfer to another bank card in the same bank, by transfer to an account opened in the same bank.

Card lost abroad

If the card is lost abroad and money is needed, the lost card can be urgently replaced. This service is provided for by the rules of payment systems and is supported in all countries where they operate. For an emergency card replacement, contact your bank or payment system representative (). The card can be delivered to you by courier, or issued at one of the emergency service centers of the payment system. The new card has a number of restrictions - in particular, a shorter expiration date and a smaller limit. Each bank has an individual one, but in any case there should be enough money to not interrupt your vacation. The card replacement process may take several days. According to the rules of payment systems, replacement of Gold and Business class cards must be done within one business day, Classic - within three business days.

A faster option for assistance in case of loss of a card is emergency cash withdrawal. Typically, you can expect up to $5,000. To do this, you also need to contact the bank that issued the card or the payment system support service and receive instructions for action. You will be given a special code and the procedure for receiving funds will be described. Emergency cash withdrawal is made only after receiving confirmation from the issuer that the client has funds. The money must be issued within 24 hours, but no one guarantees strict adherence to deadlines.

Emergency card replacement and cash withdrawal services are provided to all Gold and higher cardholders. For Classic cards, not all banks provide this service and the service is paid.

Important to remember!

  • Never keep the card together with the PIN code
  • Do not write your PIN on the signature strip
  • Do not leave the card in plain sight unattended


  • Do not write down the PIN code explicitly - encrypt the information. For example: Max - MasterCard, Vera - Visa, Violinist - Maestro, etc.
  • Encrypt the PIN code like a phone number, where the PIN code digits are not the last four
  • Write down the card number and bank phone number so you know where to call
  • It is better to pay the bank to put your card on the stop list than to receive an invoice for fraudulent transactions.