The elements of environmental services are: Market of environmental goods and services: problems of formation and development in the regional space

Over the past decades, the relationship between society and the environment has become increasingly strained, and the threat of a global environmental catastrophe is becoming quite real. Until now, economic science has paid insufficient attention to environmental problems, which was one of the reasons for the formation of a technogenic type of economic development. This type of development can be characterized as nature-destructive, based on the use of artificial means of production created without taking into account environmental restrictions. To prevent global and local environmental crises, it is necessary to change the technogenic type of development to a sustainable type of development. The latter allows the needs of the present to be met without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Despite many controversial issues, the concept of sustainable development has already received wide recognition both in economic science and in international practice.

Calculations show that at current rates of population and production growth, even to maintain the anthropogenic impact on the biosphere unchanged, preventing its growth, it is necessary to reduce the average global load on the environment per unit of GNP several times over the next decades. Thus, the economies of the world are faced with a truly enormous problem that needs to be solved. This problem is also relevant for Russia, despite the fact that the number of Russians is decreasing and production volume has noticeably decreased. However, the population and production in our country are concentrated in areas where the state of the environment has long failed to meet environmental requirements and is dangerous to the health and even lives of people. In these areas, production will continue to develop and the population will increase even more. Therefore, reducing the environmental load per unit of GNP is also important for our country. Solving this problem requires the coordinated efforts of many people from different countries around the world using various means.

To date, two main approaches to solving the environmental problem have emerged. The first approach is based on the fact that it is possible to solve environmental problems through the introduction of environmental innovations into production. Yu. Yakovets justified this idea as follows: “Given that humanity can change the natural conditions of its existence and development to a very small extent, and trends in demographic dynamics change slowly, the main resource subject to the mind, will and labor of man for implementing the global environmental program is a technological breakthrough , the transition to an egologized post-industrial technological mode of production."

Other researchers consider it impossible to overcome the environmental crisis by purely technical means: a qualitative restructuring of the foundations of civilization is necessary by restructuring the consciousness of people. This point of view is developed by N. Moiseev: “Technical development is absolutely necessary, but it is not enough: civilization must become different, the spiritual world of man, his needs, his mentality must become different.”

It should be noted that both points of view are relevant today and find their recognition in theory and manifestation in practice.

To ensure sustainable development, of course, the introduction of environmental innovations, which are understood as new products, new technologies, new methods of organizing production that ensure environmental protection, becomes important. We are talking about the introduction of an environmental management system, environmental marketing, and environmental technologies that allow for interaction between economic development and environmental protection at the firm level.

The market for ecological (alternative) products is a qualitatively different market for products and services, guaranteeing the consumer a higher quality of consumed goods. It sets higher prices for products that meet environmental standards.

Scientific and technological progress plays an extremely important role in ensuring optimal correspondence between the development of production and the state of the natural environment. Society is faced with the task of greening technology and technology, harmonizing it with natural processes. However, the measures taken so far to introduce environmental equipment and technologies (mainly the construction of wastewater treatment plants) do not allow us to radically solve the environmental problem. The operation of treatment facilities is not reliable enough, does not exclude the possibility of accidents, their construction is very expensive and is not economically feasible. It is necessary to restructure the very type of production technology on an environmental basis: a transition to low-waste and waste-free production with the disposal of all waste. Environmentally important areas of technology development include environmentally friendly biotechnologies, waste processing technologies, and low-pollution technologies.

In the course of the unfolding of the scientific and technological revolution, the necessary technical prerequisites arise to ensure a new nature of attitude towards nature, the coordination of production and natural processes into a single system regulated by man. This will require a restructuring of science and technology in their relationship to nature, thereby ensuring the greening of social development.

In world practice, various ways are used to stimulate the implementation of environmental technologies: the introduction of environmental standards, rules, legislation, the provision of subsidies to reduce emissions, tax incentives, and the implementation of pollution rights. Experience shows that the least effective way of stimulation is the introduction of direct control measures.

National scientific and technical programs are being greened. In Japan, Germany, Holland, Italy, Canada, France, Great Britain, and Norway, government programs have been developed aimed at creating environmentally important technologies. For example, in Japan, a research center for innovative technologies for the Earth was created in 1990, funded by the public and private sectors. The main area of ​​work is related to global warming and alternative energy sources. In Germany there is an Eco-Technology Program of the Ministry of Research and Technology. In Holland, an organization for technological research and technology transfer has been created, in which environmental technologies occupy about 10% of its activities. In Italy, the Technological Innovation Fund was formed, where 5% of the funds are used for environmental technology. Canada has a Technology for Green Solutions Program. In many countries, environmental technologies fit into existing scientific and technical programs.

In developed countries, the production of environmental equipment and technologies is one of the most profitable, so the environmental market is rapidly developing. Approximately 40% of the global market for environmental products and services in the mid-1990s. was held in the USA. American companies produce cleaning equipment, create environmentally friendly consumer products: natural food, harmless paints, etc. The production of such products is considered prestigious and profitable, and firms thereby create advertising and a favorable image in the market. The environmental parameters of a product affect the competitiveness of a company in the global market.

Due to the tightening of environmental legislation, almost all countries will see an increase in the production of environmentally friendly equipment and environmental technologies. In Western countries this process has already begun.

The development of the market for environmental innovations is significantly influenced by European Union directives, in particular, the directive on emissions of sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and dust from thermal power plants. They guide environmental technology manufacturers to develop devices for monitoring microimpurities. Western European firms engaged in environmental business are successfully using current trends in environmental policy to increase their profits.

If in the 1970-80s. Since the main efforts of companies were aimed at neutralizing the consequences of damage to the environment, in the 1990s. the emphasis is on eliminating the causes of environmental violations. The use of preventive measures, rather than neutralizing the consequences of pollution, according to experts, is a more reliable means of solving environmental problems.

Preventive measures include eco-restructuring and environmental modernization of production. Environmental restructuring involves the restructuring of the industry structure as a result of reducing demand for the products of “dirty” industries or by modernizing firms that consume these products. Eco-restructuring is reflected in the form of a reduction in the cost of raw materials and supplies per unit of GDP.

Environmental modernization is associated with a change in the technological base of production, which is characterized by a reduction in the consumption of energy, water and other resources per unit of production. One of the indicators of environmental modernization of production is the degree of development of recycling (reuse of a resource after its processing). Recycling allows you to reduce the harmful impact on the environment without reducing the country's raw material capabilities.

The development of environmentally oriented business makes it possible to reduce the technogenic impact on the natural environment, thereby contributing to the country’s entry into a sustainable path of socio-economic development, in which the assimilative capacity of nature is not exceeded.

The market for environmental technologies in Russia began to take shape in the late 1980s. However, at present it is poorly developed. Due to the decrease in government funding for environmental work in Russia, state-owned enterprises that produced environmental equipment have practically ceased their activities. According to various estimates, from 400 to 1000 enterprises operate on the Russian market of environmental technologies and services.

It has become unprofitable to engage in environmental entrepreneurship in Russia, so the environmental market is poorly developed. The adoption of the new Federal Law “On Environmental Protection” in 2002 creates a regulatory framework for the functioning of the Russian environmental market. The law assigns a significant role to environmental innovation in solving environmental problems. In particular, it is planned to provide tax and other benefits for the introduction of the best existing technologies (based on the latest achievements of science and technology aimed at reducing the negative impact on the environment), non-traditional types of energy, the use of secondary resources and waste recycling. State support for entrepreneurial and innovative activities aimed at environmental protection is expected. An important task is to direct investments to the development of basic innovations of an environmental nature.

Recently, environmental management has developed in developed countries. R. Gray et al. define these activities as “the set of responses on the part of companies to environmental problems by assessing their position in relation to the environment, developing and implementing policies and strategies aimed at improving this position, and changing management systems to ensure ongoing improvement and effective management.”

Faced with challenges from government and other environmental stakeholders, businesses have sought to change their economic behavior and develop a new approach to improving production efficiency based on a more systematic approach to environmental management. To do this, they have developed a number of tools, including, for example, voluntary environmental charters, or "codes of conduct" in relation to the environment, namely the Responsible Care Program for the chemical industry, the multi-sectoral Business Charter for Sustainable Development of the International Chamber of Commerce and etc. This also includes voluntary environmental management standards EMAS and ISO 14000.

In order to reduce public spending, it is beneficial for the government to shift an increasing part of the costs of environmental protection and ensuring environmental safety directly onto the shoulders of business entities. The latter, by seriously engaging in environmental management, can ensure greater environmental and economic efficiency of production and gain advantages over competitors (by saving resources, improving the quality of management and production, etc.). This circumstance, in particular, is one of the sources of a new approach to organizing the relationship between society and the environment - ecological modernization.

The position of firms in relation to environmental management changes from defensive to neutral, active and proactive. Accordingly, the authorities change their attitude from coercion and punishment to care, help and, finally, trust. It is known that the majority of Russian enterprises are still in a neutral position in relation to environmental management, but there are incentives to change it to an active and even proactive one.

The creation and implementation of environmental innovations will form the content of the new scientific and technological revolution, which is replacing the current one. At this stage, the role of man in technical and natural processes increases significantly. In this regard, the task of greening the education system and forming a new scientific paradigm focused on the co-evolution of nature and man is becoming urgent.

The greening of scientific knowledge is reflected in the emergence of new scientific directions, including ecological economics, which appeared in the early 90s. XX century in the West. At the same time, natural ecosystems are given the importance of fundamental integrity into which economic systems are embedded. The ability of ecological systems to support life is limited, so the problem is to determine the ecological limits within which the economy can be sustainable.

The economic subsystem is considered together with the global ecological system, of which it is a part and which should be the object of scientific analysis.

One of the new business opportunities is the formation and development of the fast-growing global market for environmental goods and services. There is still no final international classification of this market or clear statistics of its development. But it exists and is gaining strength, especially in developed countries.

Experts unanimously assess the global market for environmental goods and services as very capacious (at least $500 billion) and one of the most dynamically growing and renewing. Its annual growth is more than 5%; in some countries the growth rate is predicted to be even higher. In particular, in the Baltic countries - up to 8% per year, in Canada - at the level of 10% in the next five years. The market for environmental goods and services in Eastern Europe, including the CIS, is estimated at approximately $20 billion, with an average annual growth rate of more than 1%.

In the first half of the 21st century, according to forecasts, up to 40% of global production will be products and technologies related to ecology and energy. Consequently, companies that were earlier than others in realizing and incorporating into their strategies new opportunities to use the environmental component of business will receive real benefits.

2. Economic efficiency of environmental investments in the environmental market

In world practice, an understanding is increasingly being established: environmental protection is clearly an economic investment. To form an environmental technology trust in the United States, investors raised $128 million in less than two weeks, assessing this endeavor as extremely profitable. Environmental protection activities directly contribute to lower production costs through cost reduction, loss minimization and waste recycling. We can give many examples from the foreign press about enterprises receiving money “out of garbage” or “out of thin air.”

It is quite difficult to prove the potential for sufficiently high profits using the example of Ukrainian enterprises with the current underdeveloped and rigid legislative framework and the absence of an effective economic mechanism for stimulating environmental activities. Although there are very eloquent examples here too.

Solving environmental problems can often objectively contribute to the emergence of new opportunities and new benefits for enterprises.

1. Companies are presented with additional opportunities for developing business activities, which ultimately increases their competitive advantages. Firms and countries that have made investments in environmentally friendly technologies earlier than others are becoming leaders in the world market. Technological primacy, as opposed to introduction to new technologies as such, provides a greater volume of added value and a monopoly position in the business world. For example, Germany, which has the most stringent environmental standards, has increased the share of exports of environmental goods while weakening its position in the industrial products market as a whole. This country accounts for 43% of environmental patents for internationally recognized products.

Leadership among automakers in recent years is largely determined by the ability to solve environmental problems and comply with environmental standards, which are becoming increasingly stringent. The winners are companies that find new alternative fuels, create economical, environmentally friendly engines, in particular hybrid ones - electric-diesel, diesel-gas, and develop lightweight materials for the production of auto parts.

It is noteworthy that both the government and business are joining forces to solve certain environmental problems. In 2000, at the auto shows in Detroit and Washington, leading companies Ford, General Motors and Daimler-Chrysler presented prototypes of eco-efficient vehicles: Ford Prodigy (72 mpg), GM Precept (80 mpg). /gal) Daimler Chrysler ESX3 (72 mpg). Overall, average vehicle fuel efficiency has risen to 21.4 miles per gallon today, up from 13.4 in 1970.

Denmark, for example, is a leader in wind energy (it accounts for 8% of all electricity produced in the country), about 50% of all wind turbines are produced here, providing about $1 billion in revenue annually. Leading places in this area are also occupied by Germany, Spain, and India.

2. Competitors who are unable to maintain high environmental standards leave the market. In the practice of developed countries, there are examples when the largest companies initiated the adoption of certain legislation and standards, in particular on waste disposal in the United States in the early 90s, since they contributed to the exit of a number of existing companies from the market and prevented the emergence of new competitors.

3. Advanced environmentally oriented businesses are protected from foreign competition. For example, the ban on the use of imported disposable drinking containers under the pretext of limiting the volume of garbage in Denmark helped eliminate foreign competitors who find it difficult and expensive to transport products in glass packaging with a relatively small market volume. By the way, the recycling rate of bottles and other glass containers in Denmark is 99.6% - a record level in the world. In Switzerland, since November 1, 1990, there has been a ban on the production and import of polyvinyl chloride bottles and packaging.

3. Ecological market marketing

It is clear that the demand for environmental goods and services, which is still small in Russia, determines the corresponding supply. But the growth of the environmental market itself can generate corresponding demand due to effective, cheap, practical environmental solutions offered by manufacturers.

Many domestic entrepreneurs have already realized that using the theme of environmental friendliness of their products in marketing can bring certain benefits in the competition for markets. The phrase “The company offers environmentally friendly products” is increasingly found in advertising publications. But until clear criteria for environmental friendliness have been developed for many product samples and there is no mechanism for assigning them, statements about “environmental friendliness” are nothing more than an advertising gimmick. At the same time, the observed widespread use of this topic in marketing indicates the gradual entry of ecology into the market. This means that it is necessary to create favorable conditions for those who really advocate for the environmental friendliness of their products.

It is expected to intensify the development of the national eco-industry and the environmental market, based on the following objective circumstances.

In Russia, however, environmental investments and current environmental expenditures amount to only about $15 per capita. Moreover, there is a tendency to reduce them.

Domestic businesses need to prepare for the strict rules of global trade, one of which is compliance with environmental standards and requirements. Russian enterprises, concerned about their image, seeking to export products, have already realized (some have realized) the urgent need for certification according to the ISO 9000 series quality management system. The International ISO 14000 series environmental management system is also recognized in all countries of the world.

The implementation of an environmental management system (EMS) usually follows the implementation of a quality management system (QMS). For those enterprises that are just beginning to implement a quality management system, it is advisable to simultaneously develop and implement an environmental management system.

The increasing role of environmental standards is determined by Russia's intention to join the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and join the World Trade Organization in the near future. At the same time, according to the GATT Code of Standards, national standards should be harmonized with international ones, incl. and in the field of environmental protection.

Thus, pressure from the market, which is currently external, is intensifying. Consequently, the demand for environmental goods and services will intensify.

Based on the analysis of the distribution of investments in recent years, the priority areas (segments) for the further development of the national environmental market have been and in the foreseeable future will be:

1. Protection of water resources (approximately 62% of total investments);

2. Air protection (16%);

3. Protection of subsoil and rational use of mineral resources, lands, conservation of natural reserve funds (12%);

4. Rational use, disposal and recycling of waste (10%).

Creating favorable conditions for the development of the environmental industry

To develop small and medium-sized environmental businesses and improve the conditions for their activities, the government needs to:

– use special financial and credit levers to stimulate the production of environmental goods and the development of environmental services;

– stimulate effective demand for environmental products and services, primarily through government acquisition policies. Provide easier access for enterprises producing environmental products to services provided by government agencies; directly participate in the marketing and demonstration of environmental technologies;

– promote the “greening” of banks (for example, introduce programs for banks to assess the environmental impact of projects or take into account the need for investments in environmental protection). As you know, the development of an environmental block of issues is very important for obtaining loans from international financial institutions, in particular the EBRD;

– publish a periodic newsletter containing constantly updated information on project opportunities, developments in environmental legislation, as well as a national directory “Green Pages”, including a list of environmental enterprises and the products and services they produce, open a corresponding page on the Internet. For your information, such information for other countries, in particular the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, can be obtained from the “Environmental Business Directory” published by the regional environmental center for the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, for Russia - from the recently published “Green Pages”;

– create environmental joint ventures with Western companies and improve export opportunities: local companies are better familiar with the conditions and rules of local markets, and foreign ones are more experienced in marketing and management, have greater access to financial resources and modern technologies;

– create additional target funds for investment in the environmental industry, which would help provide start-up capital to eligible enterprises and finance them in the early stages of development, or allocate for this purpose part of existing government funds, for example, enterprise development funds, to finance suppliers of environmental goods and services .


Thus, in conclusion of the work we can say the following.

The market for environmental (alternative) products is a market for products and services that guarantees the consumer higher quality of consumed goods that meet environmental standards.

Due to the tightening of environmental legislation, almost all countries will see an increase in the production of environmentally friendly equipment and environmental technologies.

Although the market for environmental technologies in Russia began to form in the late 1980s, it is currently poorly developed.


The textbook discusses current issues related to controlling the negative impact of economic activities on the environment and the implementation of market mechanisms that ensure such a reduction.

The textbook is an electronic version of the book:
Kovalenko V.I., Kuznetsov L.M. Research of the market of environmental services: Educational. allowance. – St. Petersburg: SPbGIEU, 2007. - 170 p.


1.1. Formation of a market for environmental services
1.2. Types of environmental services
1.3. Greening international relations and mass consciousness
1.4. Sustainability concept
1.5. The main contradictions of the concept of sustainable development
1.6. Environmental policy as a factor in the international competitiveness of states
Questions for self-control


2.1. Environmental doctrine of the Russian Federation
2.2. Provisions of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Environmental Protection”
2.3. Provisions of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Environmental Expertise”
2.4. Environmental control
2.5. Environmental certification
Questions for self-control

3.1. Environmental Policy Instruments
3.1.1. Administrative and control tools
3.1.2. Economic instruments
3.1.3 Tools of moral and ethical influence and persuasion
3.2. Evolution of environmental policy instruments
3.3. Greening tax systems
3.4. Selecting and making environmental decisions
3.4.1. Assessment of environmental results of projects
3.4.2. Market methods for assessing environmental results of projects
3.4.3. Quantitative methods for assessing economic damage from environmental pollution
Questions for self-control

4. Main types of services in the environmental market of the Russian Federation
4.1. Water, air, soil analyzes
4.2. Certification of workplaces
4.3. Waste disposal and storage services
4.4. Limits on environmental management
4.5. Drawing up a hazardous waste passport
4.6. Environmental audit
4.7. Environmental certification
4.8. Environmental insurance
Questions for self-control

5.1. Financing environmental programs and plans
5.2. Payment for negative impact on the environment
5.3. Natural resource payments
5.4. The state of environmental policy in Russia
5.4 Environmental costs
Questions for self-control

6. Information support for the environmental services market
Questions for self-control


The growth of the planet's population and technological progress inevitably lead to environmental pollution, which by the beginning of the 21st century has reached global proportions.

In this regard, environmental protection issues have become particularly relevant in the modern world. The term “environmental protection” in a broad sense refers to a set of measures designed to limit the negative impact of human activity on living and inanimate nature.

Such measures may include, in particular:
Limiting emissions into the atmosphere and hydrosphere in order to improve the overall environmental situation;
Creation of reserves, wildlife sanctuaries and national parks in order to preserve natural complexes;
Limitation of fishing and hunting in order to preserve certain species;
Restriction of unauthorized waste disposal.

In addition to the general measures listed above to reduce the negative anthropogenic load on the environment, there are a large number of legislative requirements and environmental regulations that must be observed in the process of economic activity. All this creates extreme difficulties in the work of enterprises, since it requires managers and staff to have in-depth knowledge of environmental legislation and to prepare all the necessary documentation and carry out the necessary work. The current situation has generated demand in the service market for environmental services. In turn, this has led to the emergence of numerous organizations capable of skillfully and quickly preparing all the environmental documentation required by law and providing environmental support for the activities of enterprises and organizations.

Thus, a market for environmental services was formed - one of the youngest existing markets. There is still no final international classification of this market or clear statistics of its development. But it exists and is gaining strength, especially in developed countries. Experts estimate the global market for environmental products as very large (at least $500 billion) and one of the most dynamically growing. Its annual growth is more than 5%; in some countries the growth rate is predicted to be even higher. In the first half of the 21st century, according to forecasts, up to 40% of world production will be products and technologies related to ecology and energy. The situation in the market for environmental services changes under the influence of demand, which in turn depends on the general economic situation, environmental conditions and is subject to the regulatory influence of the state. The successful development of the environmental services market, its scale and content depend on government influence on natural resource users to ensure they comply with environmental requirements. In this regard, today it is extremely important to study the environmental services market that actually exists in the world and, first of all, in Russia and to determine the main directions of its development. Today, without analyzing the market for environmental services, it is impossible to imagine an effective system for managing environmental quality, which is why the foundations of knowledge about the market for environmental services and the main trends in its development should be laid in the training of future environmental specialists in various fields. This manual examines the main types of environmental services presented on the Russian market and a number of issues directly related to the topic under consideration.

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Today we can say with confidence that the development of the economy of any modern state is increasingly connected with the concepts of “environmental work and services”, “market for environmental work and services”, their development and application. This is required by a society that increases demands on the quality of life, an integral part of which is the quality of the environment. The market for environmental works and services determines the process of greening the economy. Such a process is impossible without direct state regulation of the activities of the business sector that forms the market for environmental services.

It is quite difficult today to identify business areas in the domestic economy that could be classified as part of the environmental services market. In foreign business activities, the environmental sphere of work and services (the market for environmental services) includes: enterprises involved in the conservation of biodiversity; enterprises providing pollution prevention (production of equipment, instruments and controls for environmental protection, etc.); enterprises with environmentally friendly technologies (waste recycling, production of goods with environmental labeling); enterprises engaged in landscaping; enterprises engaged in information eco-business. The statistical system apparently determines the annual volume of their income and calls it the volume of environmental work and services. The work of such organizations is regulated by the state, and therefore each state has developed mechanisms for their financial support, since all these enterprises either try to preserve biodiversity itself (one of the areas that determine a favorable environment) or produce goods to preserve a favorable environmental environment. In Russia, financial support mechanisms for enterprises whose activities are related to environmental protection are practically undeveloped. The lack of government interest in this area is expressed, first of all, in the low level of budgetary targeted funding for environmental protection - the majority of environmental protection activities are financed by industrial enterprises. There is no environmental protection system in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and there is no justification for measures to reduce environmental impacts. In fact, all “target programs” of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are aimed at “developing” budget funds and patching up the “brightest holes” in this area of ​​life safety. The value of natural resources and environmental services is not represented at any financial level and is not reflected in either micro or macroeconomic indicators of the country’s development. Environmental payments, which should be compensatory in nature, are dissolved in the general budget of the state and are not directed towards eliminating environmental damage (including accumulated damage). And the state is always “searching” for means to “maintain” the environment. The market for environmental services should become an effective mechanism for regulating the relationship between producer and consumer (state, business, population, etc.). But the market for environmental services largely depends on government policy. The market for environmental services is a regulated market. For the types of activities of enterprises - market participants, licensing (accreditation, issuance of permits, etc.) is required for activities in the field of providing environmental services. The market for environmental services is designed to establish the level of prices for environmental services, force the state to assess the cost of natural resources, including clean water, clean air, clean land, etc. The market should lead to a systematic approach to legislation in areas related to conservation and/or restoration environment, a favorable environment for the population of our country. The main functions of the environmental services market should be the following: development of a number of laws (standards, rules) that define the requirements for the work of enterprises and organizations included in the environmental services market; pricing of environmental services, works and products; forecasting future needs for environmental services and works, as well as products of enterprises in this industry; application of methods of economic and other stimulation of enterprises in terms of increasing environmental safety, encouraging producers to minimize environmental damage; implementation of state policy that stimulates the introduction of the best technologies, equipment aimed at rational use of natural resources, obtaining economic benefits as a result of the use of technologies that provide the greatest protection of the environment. increasing environmental education. Let’s analyze the areas of activity that can be included in the concept of “environmental services market”, try to determine what, in the end, prevents its formation and what can be done to ensure that it functions. Enterprises that deal with biodiversity conservation issues - basically these organizations are formed according to resource-generating systems (water, forest resources, flora and fauna, etc.). Their work is related to the collection and processing of information, the development of environmental restrictions and regulation in the field of environmental management, analysis and forecasting of the activities of resource users, environmental monitoring, etc. They operate largely on orders from government bodies. Funded mainly by the state. Each of these enterprises requires highly specialized environmental legislation to operate. Difficulties arise in the fact that there is no system for preserving biodiversity either in the world or in our country. Therefore, all the work that is being carried out in this direction is scattered and does not have a systematic justification. It seems that the creation of such systems is an extremely distant prospect. These areas include enterprises engaged in reclamation and reproduction of the natural environment (land reclamation, reforestation, restoration of agricultural land, restoration (preservation) of water bodies, etc.). This also includes enterprises engaged in landscaping and landscaping. The overlap with other areas is that biodiversity itself is partly dependent on environmental pollution. But it is quite obvious that the conservation of biodiversity depends mainly on the spread of poaching and the deliberate destruction of the natural environment for the sake of development of the technogenic sphere. Let’s highlight these areas separately and classify them as “friends” of the environmental services market. The market for environmental work and services will still include technological and technical areas, those areas that are associated with reducing the technogenic impact on nature, human health and everything related to such areas of activity. Enterprises specializing in the production of environmental, resource-saving equipment and technologies, and environmentally friendly products are industrial enterprises that cannot be brought into a single classification by type of economic activity. However, it is obvious that the closer our country gets to the “developed” countries, the more it will pay attention to preserving the environment, the faster these areas of activity will develop. Without the products and work of such enterprises, an environmentally friendly environment cannot be achieved. The activities of these enterprises directly depend on special areas of environmental legislation. The difficulty in creating unified legislation in these areas of activity lies in determining the requirements for equipment and technologies with the help of which it is possible to achieve standard indicators for emissions, discharges of pollutants, and the formation of production waste. Such enterprises and their areas of activity today are not legally classified as environmental areas of development. Rather, these areas of activity today are regulated by legislation in the field of technical regulation. Therefore, such enterprises and their activities can only indirectly be attributed to the market of environmental works and services. However, this is certainly "partners" market. Environmental legislation does not define many necessary concepts. This is a serious gap in the legislation. For example, the concepts of “environmentally friendly products” and “environmentally friendly products” have not yet been fully defined and are not legally enshrined. Apparently, the areas of technical regulation need to be legislatively “intersected” with environmental legislation (at least in terms of environmental regulation and a number of concepts), and indicators must be developed that provide tax benefits in the field of environmental safety. Then it makes sense to classify these enterprises as part of the market for environmental works and services. Enterprises implementing the best technologies are close to the previous direction, but differ from it in legislation. Today, this direction is only a declaration, since there is no clear understanding of what some technologies should be better than others, and there are no legally enshrined tax benefits for those who want to introduce specific technologies that reduce their impact on the environment. The draft laws that are being considered today (related to production and consumption waste, regulation, fees for negative impacts on the environment) will apparently define “the best technologies.” Then their place in the environmental services market will be clear. While they can also be attributed to "partners" market. Enterprises whose activities are related to reducing anthropogenic impact on the environment, for example, the use, recycling and disposal of waste from economic activities (not including combustion for energy). Such enterprises can be classified as both the market and “partners” of the market for environmental work and services. Without such enterprises, the market infrastructure will not be complete. Such enterprises are very closely connected with the market for environmental services - the market for them can “collect” (provide) these secondary resources. "Partners" market - since their activities are not entirely related to these areas of work. These are, for example, metallurgical enterprises, glass enterprises, pulp and paper enterprises, plastic processing enterprises, etc. Such enterprises are noted in environmental legislation (for example, No. 89-FZ “On Industrial and Consumer Waste”) as related to waste management. But today “use of waste” is excluded from licensing in this area of ​​activity (note that “waste processing” was never included in the scope of licensing and the concept of “waste management”, it “merged” with the concept of “use”), which we agree with in in full. As for “waste neutralization,” these are many very specific, but completely different areas of activity and technologies. It is impossible to apply the same legal requirements to them, except for the most general ones - “converting waste from hazard class 1-2 to hazard class 3-4 for the purpose of further use or disposal.” Thus, for enterprises involved in the use and disposal of waste, there is also no clear legislation defining the rules and principles of their activities, including providing any benefits in the “environmental” part of taxation. Such legislation should be developed because these enterprises work to reduce their environmental impact, use waste for production purposes, thereby reducing the consumption of primary resources (i.e. preserving mineral resources) and replacing them with secondary ones. Let us note that it is impossible to cancel licensing in the field of waste disposal (excluding combustion to produce energy), since these types of activities must be regulated by the state - after all, we are talking about extremely hazardous waste. Enterprises associated with waste disposal: combustion to produce electricity (thermal energy), waste disposal, enterprises engaged in collecting waste (any), sorting and separating “recyclables”, enterprises transporting waste - these are specific market representatives environmental services. Unfortunately, these types of activities are not legally established at all (with the exception of some requirements for waste disposal facilities). There are only a few waste incineration plants in our country. They burn mostly solid waste and almost exclusively for their own needs. Selling the generated energy today is unprofitable. Waste disposal in our country began long before at least some legal requirements for disposal sites were developed, so most disposal sites do not meet these requirements and must be destroyed in order to somehow neutralize their impact on the earth and groundwater ( and, possibly, groundwater) by the resulting filtrate. Legislative acts for waste collection have not yet been developed. Today, in various regions of the Russian Federation, organizations are beginning to appear that restore the collection of secondary raw materials from the population. This work is illegal, as is the sorting of solid waste and the extraction of “useful” products - secondary raw materials - for sale to enterprises that use them in their production. There are no legally defined “steps” in this market. It is clear that regulatory legislation is required for waste collection. These types of activities cannot develop chaotically, as they do today. Let these be Self-Regulatory Organizations. They will at least be able to develop rules (standards) for activities in this part of the market. They will determine pricing and legalize the sale of recyclable materials. Enterprises transporting waste are generally excluded from licensing and are not included in any other regulatory framework. It is clear that this type of activity must be controlled. Let these also be SROs. They will develop rules (standards) for waste transportation, control waste disposal, be responsible for the non-formation of new unauthorized dumps, etc. Of course, for these types of activities, the state must determine, in addition to basic legislation, preferential taxation in terms of payment for environmental pollution. Organizations providing environmental services to business entities are also representatives of the environmental services market. Environmental services include inventory of pollution sources (air, water, waste), development of maximum permissible values, maximum permissible rules (VAT), PNOOLR, VSV, VSS, etc. for any industrial enterprises, consulting services in the field of environmental safety and environmental protection, environmental information services, environmental audit, medical and environmental audit, independent environmental assessment (incl. public examination). Today, these types of services are not designated in any way in the legislation. The first two areas must be carried out by the enterprises themselves. However, in 99.9% of cases, third-party organizations are involved - the enterprises themselves do not have qualified ecologists on staff. Since all environmental services today are provided on a voluntary basis - as needed, today the necessary qualifications of performers (except for basic education, which is not mandatory) and the requirements for the provision of these services have not been determined. Therefore, it is also obvious that the only control body in these areas of activity can also be self-regulatory organizations in the field of environmental safety and environmental protection. However, we cannot do without a common state policy and general legislation. Environmental management is an area that does not directly relate to the market for environmental services, but can contribute to the overall environmental “recovery” in the country. And one more area of ​​activity that does not directly relate to the market, but without which its functioning is impossible, is educational activity - additional professional education, on which the qualifications of personnel providing services in the environmental market directly depend. Perhaps, we have identified areas of activity that may relate to the environmental services market and also contribute to its development. In Fig. 1 presents the enterprises that belong to it.

Rice. 1. Enterprises that make up the market for environmental services, as well as “friends” and “partners” of the market Results The creation of a market for environmental services is necessary. The fragmentation of actions in this direction leads to economic problems that are insoluble in the absence of a market. The lack of necessary laws leads to indecisiveness of the legislative and executive authorities in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation regarding the creation of a system of environmental programs and justifications for measures. The lack of environmental education, environmental culture, and a sufficient level of environmental education leads to a lack of understanding of the requirements in the field of preserving the environmental well-being of the country's population. The market for environmental services must address these issues. _____________________________________________________ Environmental quality standards are currently being developed. The indicators of the standards are the requirements for such equipment and technologies. Perhaps it is these requirements that will define the concept of “best technologies,” but so far there are simply no such definitions. 2 It is clear that the difference lies in reducing the possible impact on the environment, but there is no specific legislation in this direction.

Irina Georgievna Orlova, Ph.D.,



One of the effective institutions of a mixed economy is entrepreneurship based on private property, a market method of organizing the economy and turnover of products. A flexible, dynamic, responsive, profitable business is necessary as a driving force for sustainable economic development and at the same time as a source of technical and financial resources required to solve economic and inextricably linked environmental problems.

If we consider the development of entrepreneurial activity from the standpoint of environmental safety, we should note the negative and positive aspects of this process. The negative ones include the frequent disregard by entrepreneurs of environmental legislation in order to extract maximum income by saving on environmental costs; concealment of facts of environmental pollution and the volume of real man-made waste; multiple point sources of emissions poorly controlled by government agencies. In addition, as follows from the world development experience, in the early stages of the formation of entrepreneurship, there is a kind of ecological expansion of business, due to the fact that in the absence of the necessary mechanism of legal regulation, the emerging market relations provoke the receipt of excess profits due to the wasteful exploitation of natural resources. Preventing these negative aspects requires the creation of an appropriate economic and legal mechanism that stimulates and encourages useful business activities, on the one hand, and leading to inevitable liability and punishment in case of deviations from the requirements of environmental legislation, on the other.

The positive side of entrepreneurial activity from an environmental point of view is the creation of environmental entrepreneurship. There are different definitions of the concept of “environmental entrepreneurship”. The most complete is the following: environmental entrepreneurship (eco-business) is an independent, risky production, research, credit, financial and other activity aimed at systematically generating profit from the use of property, production and sale of goods, performance of work and provision of services by persons registered in this capacity in the manner prescribed by law for:

  • conservation, restoration of the natural environment and its biological diversity;
  • reducing the negative (harmful) impact of man-made and natural factors on the environment;
  • assessing their impact on the state of the natural environment and ensuring environmental safety.

The following areas of environmental entrepreneurship are distinguished:

  • production of special environmental equipment, instruments, devices and apparatus for monitoring the state of the environment and cleaning discharges, emissions and waste;
  • expanded use of secondary resources and ecological reproduction;
  • creation of low-waste and resource-saving equipment and technologies;
  • environmental education and upbringing;
  • performance of specialized environmental services.

A separate area of ​​eco-business is also the production of “environmentally friendly” goods. Within each of the listed areas of activity, an independent market environment arises - ideas, patents, resources, goods, services, labor and capital.

The implementation of environmental policy led to the emergence and development of the environmental market. The concept of “ecological market” (ecomarket) is not among the terms enshrined in the legislation of Russia and other CIS countries. International organizations are still only developing its unified international classification. However, today the eco-market is assessed as one of the most developing sectors of the world economy. Its formation is considered one of the most important directions in solving problems of sustainable development. In countries with developed market economies, environmental entrepreneurship today is already an independent and very noticeable sector of the economy, the presence of which is considered as a mandatory feature of a civilized market.

Ecological products, technologies and environmental equipment occupy from 1 to 4% of the volume of foreign trade of a number of developed countries; due to the tightening of standards for the protection of nature and the human environment, an increase in their production and exchange should be expected. In some environmentally disadvantaged regions of the world, the development of these areas will proceed at an accelerated pace. German experts suggest that the market for “environmental goods” will soon take a leading place in the world economy, overtaking the production and maintenance of electronic equipment.

Ecological market can be determined as a mechanism for interaction between buyers and sellers regarding environmental goods (works) and services. Some authors argue that the market is not the appropriate area for solving environmental problems. At the same time, other researchers note that the cornerstone of environmentally sustainable development and environmentally oriented business is precisely the system of open competitive markets, when prices reflect the value of natural and other resources. The environmental market has the following characteristics: functions:

  • sanitizing (cleanses social production of economically unstable, unviable economic entities);
  • informational (gives production participants objective information about the socially necessary quantity, range and quality of supplied environmental goods (works) and services);
  • intermediary (promotes the establishment of technological and economic connections between specific participants in social production);
  • pricing (forms prices based on socially necessary costs);
  • regulatory (provides management of the processes of rational use of natural resources and environmental protection through the “invisible hand of the market”).

The environmental market, as part of the “big” market, is characterized by the identification of segments according to the object of market relations, which are natural resources; workforce (people); capital; scientific and technical developments; spiritual benefits; means of production; consumer goods; services. Thus, the environmental market appears to be a system of “small”, private markets (Table 19.1).

"Ecological products" is not highlighted in a separate column by either international or national statistics. To date, it has not been determined exactly which goods (works) and services belong to it. There are no criteria for classifying environmentally friendly products, such as pollution prevention technologies. While direct abatement technologies are still relatively identifiable, new products, technologies and industrial designs developed with environmental requirements in mind are usually classified as part of the relevant industry rather than the environmental industry. Thus, in different countries the concept of environmental products includes different products.

In order to determine it, it is necessary to highlight the criteria for classifying goods (works) and services as environmental. These include:

  • 1) the presence of an environmental effect obtained from the use of products, or the absence of a harmful impact (quantitative measurement of the effect should be based on a comparison of the cost assessment of environmental impacts with and without taking into account the use of environmental products);
  • 2) production, consumption, disposal of these products should not cause harm to the natural environment, the health of present and future generations.

Characteristics of environmental market sectors

Table 19.1


ecological market

Object of market relations in the environmental market sector

Natural resources market

Natural resources

Labor market in the field of protection of fire protection equipment* and software**

Specialists in the field of protection of hazardous materials and food products: in the field of environmental education, environmental certification, certification, licensing, etc.

Financial market in the field of security and protection of property rights

Ecological banking services:

  • environmental insurance;
  • exchange activities;
  • business centers

Market for research and development in the field of protection of fire and safety equipment

Development of energy- and resource-saving, low-waste technologies, environmentally friendly equipment and materials, instrumentation, environmentally friendly consumer goods, etc.

Market of means of production in the field of protection of fire and safety equipment

Environmentally friendly, cleaning equipment, instrumentation

Consumer ecological market

Environmentally friendly food; environmentally friendly materials for making clothes, etc.

Market of services in the field of protection of security and safety equipment

Services in the field of environmental certification, certification, licensing, audit and examination, EIA, metrological support and development of standards; legal and information services; engineering consulting services; services aimed at ensuring the activities of environmental facilities; environmental education; R&D; environmental services (tourism)

Market of spiritual goods in the field of PP

Natural landscape; scenery

*OPS - natural environment. **PP - environmental management.

Thus, environmental goods (works), services can be defined as economic benefits that meet the following conditions:

  • their production, consumption, disposal does not harm human health throughout his life and does not have a negative impact on the health of future generations and the state of the environment;
  • their purpose is to control, measure, prevent or reduce harmful effects on humans and the environment.

Ecological products (goods, services) can be classified according to their functional characteristics as follows:

  • work to study the state of the natural resource potential of the environment (collection and processing of information, analysis and forecast of environmental management activities, environmental monitoring, environmental inventory, expert consulting services, etc.);
  • works and services for reclamation and reproduction of the natural environment;
  • works and services ensuring the functioning of the environmental market;
  • environmental, resource-saving equipment and technology;
  • environmentally friendly consumer goods.

In countries with developed market economies, environmental entrepreneurship is an independent and very noticeable sector of the economy, the presence of which is considered as a mandatory feature of a civilized market. Eco-business has become a very profitable investment of capital, covering large volumes of production.

The growing demand for cleaning equipment has attracted not only numerous small companies, but also large industrial corporations to its production. At the end of the 1980s. The production of cleaning equipment in the USA was carried out by 500 thousand companies, while the share of 15-30 largest companies specializing in the production of gas and water treatment equipment accounted for 60-80% of its total sales. The US production and foreign trade of equipment for combating environmental pollution is not inferior in volume to the production of other groups of machinery and equipment (for example, chemical equipment, metalworking machines, etc.). There are more than 3,500 companies producing environmental equipment and related services in Canada, employing more than 110 thousand people. In the EU countries there are more than 10 thousand companies related to the field of environmental entrepreneurship. Their total sales exceed 40 billion euros per year. There is an increase in the number of firms specializing in environmental consulting services and waste disposal companies.

Environmentally oriented products hold a strong position in all economically developed countries both in the production of industrial goods (cleaning equipment, environmental engineering and eco-technologies, new materials, instrumentation, etc.) and in the production of consumer goods - from food to safe household products. The production of such products is very prestigious and quite profitable; At the same time, companies create advertising for themselves and a favorable image in the market. Profitability can be judged by the fact that the profit rate of US companies in the field of environmental entrepreneurship does not fall below the industry average in American industry. Currently, the competitiveness of goods on the world market is determined not least by their environmental characteristics, as well as by the costs of environmental protection, which affect the level of total production costs. It is believed that environmental technologies in the future will represent one of the main means of competition. According to expert estimates, the international market for environmental goods and services is estimated annually at $280 billion. Firms pursuing an active environmental policy achieve significant benefits by saving raw materials, modernizing production technologies, and gaining a positive image among consumers.

An essential feature of environmental entrepreneurship is that using the potential of small and medium-sized businesses, it represents an effective way to stabilize the environmental situation, which does not require additional budgetary allocations. However, the state needs to take a number of measures to promote, on the one hand, support for the development of eco-business, and on the other, legislative regulation of business activities in the interests of the whole society. Environmental entrepreneurship, in the context of the emergence of market relations in the CIS countries, is at the very beginning of its journey. As world experience shows, it can become an attractive, profitable business if the state constantly supports it, using all available levers of economic and, in particular, financial regulation. Such levers, as noted, include preferential financing and lending, tax exemption or preferential taxation of profits (in terms of the creation of environmentally friendly technology, the transition to low-waste technologies), benefits for companies engaged in complex waste processing, etc.

The development of entrepreneurial activity in environmental activities is also facilitated by the tightening of environmental standards and control over emissions into the environment. Thus, as a result of the introduction of more stringent emission standards in EU countries in the 1990s. The market for environmental technologies and equipment has grown to 3 billion euros and its further growth is predicted. It is obvious that in the future the main area of ​​development of environmental entrepreneurship will be the production of treatment equipment, control and measuring instruments, the development of recycling, energy and resource-saving technologies, environmentally friendly equipment, and this will ultimately lead to the creation of a competitive environment in the market for selection of the most economical types of equipment and technologies with comparable environmental effects.

In the post-Soviet republics, the market for environmental services is in its infancy. A market for research and development work is beginning to emerge, in particular, in the development of methodological materials for the preparation of environmental and economic tools, the implementation of tasks for the preparation of targeted environmental programs, strategic documents with an environmental focus, etc. At the same time, there is no target program for the development of the environmental market in the territory of the former USSR.

In order to form an environmental market, back in the early 1990s. The State Committee for Ecology of Russia has compiled a list of paid works and services included in the scope of activities of its divisions. This list includes:

  • licensing and certification of environmental characteristics of goods, technologies, equipment, materials, raw materials, etc.;
  • creation of data banks of resource-saving technologies, processes, environmentally friendly goods, equipment, works and services;
  • environmental certification, environmental auditing, environmental examination;
  • provision of technical assistance in the coordination, examination of regulatory and technical documentation and issuance of permits for environmental use;
  • training, retraining, advanced training;
  • participation in developments on environmental regulation and standardization;
  • development and substantiation of environmental forecasts for industrial and agricultural areas of cities and recreational areas, etc.;
  • regulation of environmental entrepreneurship through certification, licensing, auditing and accreditation of enterprises, organizations, firms in the production of environmental goods, works and services;
  • information services, etc.

However, the market for environmental goods and services in the Russian Federation is forming extremely slowly; there is no necessary regulatory framework for its functioning, as well as an effective mechanism for supporting and stimulating entrepreneurship in the environmental sector. It is obvious that in order to attract entrepreneurs to the development of eco-business, it is necessary to create a flexible mechanism for interaction between environmental and market structures, ensuring material interest and support for entrepreneurial activity from the state.


1. What forms of ownership of natural resources exist in

2. What is the difference between private ownership of land and “property for

private use" of land?

  • 3. What are the negative aspects of entrepreneurship from the standpoint of environmental safety?
  • 4. What is environmental entrepreneurship?
  • 5. What are the criteria for classifying goods, works, and services as environmental?
  • 6. What types of activities are united by the market for environmental services in

Environmental products A. Reduction of environmental pollution Air protection Water protection Solid waste management Rehabilitation and cleaning of contaminated sites Protection from noise pollution and vibration Environmental monitoring, analysis, assessment B. Clean technologies and products Low-waste / resource-saving technologies and processes Low-waste / resource-saving products C. Use of natural resources Indoor air quality control Water supply Reuse of materials Renewable energy Energy conservation Sustainable agriculture and fisheries Sustainable forestry Natural disaster risk management Eco-tourism

Environmentally friendly products The goal is to expand exports of developing countries, a balance of interests There is no generally agreed upon definition of EST non-timber forest products products of traditional crafts products from natural materials (jute, natural rubber) organic agricultural products Non-tariff barriers to trade in traditional crafts registration, eco-safety certificates labeling The task of national states is to provide their producers with access to certification consistent with international requirements. Biofuels - an environmental product Brazil's proposal

Ecoprom Production of gas cleaning equipment in 1985 in % Minkhimmash 56.7 Mintsvetmet 13.1 Ministry of Construction Materials 12.5 Ministry of Energy 8.8 Ministry of Light and Food Engineering 4.6 Ministry of Internal Affairs 4 Ministry of Coal Engineering 0.25 Total 100% 62.4 million rub. (in 1985 prices) Protection of the domestic eco-industry in the transition period Liberalization of trade in other types of treatment equipment and low-waste technologies

Environmental services Water management Waste management Engineering, project management services Environmental consulting, training, testing, eco-design, risk assessment Remediation of contaminated environments, reclamation, pollution prevention activities Smart opening of the market for environmental services leads to higher environmental and health standards , increased investment, technology transfers

Water resources management Water supply is a politically and socially significant area of ​​activity The private sector currently provides 5% of the world's population with water Water supply is a natural monopoly When these services are transferred, partial or complete, to the private sector, the latter operates under monopoly conditions: rising prices, unsustainable use of water resources, loss of public control, predominance of profit interests, social tension Services are excluded from the scope of the GATS when water is provided by municipal authorities
Waste management Industrial waste and household waste Expansion of the market for industrial waste management is expedient Methods of solid waste disposal - technological complexity and high cost In Russia and Moscow, recycling volumes are -3%. Lack of financial resources and domestic technological equipment. The process of forming a service sector for the management of household waste should consist of finding a compromise between the technical tasks and financial needs of service providers, on the one hand, and the effective demand of the population, on the other hand. A detailed study of the policy for opening the market for household waste management services, consistent with the stages of housing and communal services reform, is required.