Is it worth switching to a non-state pension fund? Advantages and disadvantages. Note to pensioners: is it worth joining a non-state pension fund? Is it worth joining a non-state pension fund?

According to the law, a citizen has the right to independently manage his funded pension. At the same time, the citizen has a question: leave the accumulated funds in the Pension Fund or transfer them to a Non-State Fund (NPF). Such (non-state) funds preserve the savings of working citizens at a higher percentage than the usual Pension Fund. Consequently, many insured persons have doubts about choosing a fund. Today we will determine whether it is worth transferring savings to a non-state pension fund.

Is it worth switching to a non-state pension fund?

Every working citizen has the right to independently make a choice in favor of one of the non-state pension funds. At the same time, there are no articles in the legislation that force citizens to transfer savings to one of the many funds. Therefore, the transfer of pension funds to a non-state pension fund is a voluntary desire of a citizen.

Well, now let’s find out whether it’s worth transferring the funded part (hereinafter referred to as NP) to the NPF. Such non-state pension funds were formed to increase the pension savings of citizens. Consequently, such companies operate under the control of government agencies, and the insured person will not be able to lose savings when transferring NP.

The main reason for the development of non-state pension funds is the low profitability of the Pension Fund (no more than 6%). At the same time, the inflation rate may exceed these indicators. As a result, the amount of savings depreciates every year.

When transferring NPs to NPFs, NPs contribute to more profitable areas. Thus, LF remains and increases annually. However, NPFs cannot guarantee a consistently high percentage of investment activities.

In addition, in most cases, NPFs are created by large companies such as Sberbank, Lukoil, Gazprom, and so on. Consequently, such companies have an excellent reputation and a high level of security.

Another important point is that if a non-state pension fund disappears from the market, then pension payments are automatically returned to the Pension Fund. As a result, citizens cannot lose their own NP.

Thus, transferring savings to a non-state pension fund is a profitable and safe event. This option is perfect for those who are thinking about future well-being and strive to preserve their income.

How to switch to NPF?

To transfer to a non-state pension fund, a citizen must do the following:

  1. Select NPF – read about how to analyze NPF in one of the following chapters.
  2. Contact the NPF - you can submit an application either in person or online on the fund’s website.

When applying in person, the client signs a compulsory pension insurance (compulsory pension insurance) agreement at the NPF branch. You need to have your passport details and SNILS with you.

When applying online, the client fills out a special online form to transfer to a non-state pension fund. Within a few days, a representative of the fund contacts the potential client to conclude an agreement.

Another way is to mail two copies of the agreement (can be found on the website of the selected fund) to the address of the fund’s main office. The letter should include a copy of your passport data and SNILS.

  1. Visit to the Pension Fund - after signing the agreement, the citizen must submit an application to the Pension Fund to transfer to a particular fund. The citizen must take with him standard documents - passport, SNILS. When visiting a NPF in person, this function (transferring the application to the Pension Fund) is performed by NPF employees.

Then the Pension Fund employees send the citizen a written notification of the decision made.

Since 2014, the insurance policy has been frozen until 2019. Consequently, in 2017, current employer contributions are received only for the insurance part.

Why is it worth switching?

When transferring a private fund to a non-state pension fund, a citizen receives additional benefits, such as:

  • higher percentage of investment activity;
  • indication of heirs when signing the joint venture agreement;
  • financial liability on the part of NPFs for the deposits of insured persons;
  • when the license is revoked, the NP is returned to the Pension Fund;
  • the ability to terminate the contract at any time (but preferably no earlier than 5 years);
  • inflation protection;
  • high level of service;
  • online access to the amount of savings;
  • openness – the fund is obliged to publish annual reports in the public domain.

Which fund is better?

When choosing a non-state pension fund, you should pay attention to such points as:

  1. Profitability for the entire period of work.
  2. Availability of the “Personal Account” service.
  3. Work period.
  4. Availability of a license.
  5. Reliability level.
  6. Volume of funds.
  7. Composition of founders – you should not trust small funds and individuals.
  8. Openness and accessibility of information.
  9. Positive customer feedback.
  10. Availability of convenient service (hotline, office near home).

When choosing a non-state pension fund, it is worth considering several indicators, not just profitability.

Over the past 4 years, citizens have given preference to such funds as:

  • Lukoil - Guarantor.
  • Sberbank.
  • Gazfond.

Transfer to NPF Sberbank

Since 2009, Sberbank has been carrying out activities to protect the pension savings of insured persons. The rating agency assigns this NPF an A+ rating (National Rating Agency - AAA). The main advantage of this NPF is the huge number of branches throughout the country.

To transfer to NPF Sberbank, a citizen must apply to any bank branch with a passport and SNILS (green card). At the bank, the client fills out a special form for transferring the NP to Sberbank. The whole procedure takes no more than 20 minutes.

After this, the citizen must submit an application to the Pension Fund for the transfer of funds to NPF Sberbank.

In the future, the client will be able to monitor the movement of low frequencies through his Sberbank personal account. Thus, in the online account, a citizen will have access to the following information: amount of NP; payment accrual date; income for the previous period.

Video: how to switch to NPF

In conclusion, it is worth recalling that every citizen has the right to independently choose one or another fund for the safety of pension savings. At the same time, it is important to take into account the peculiarities of the work of non-state pension funds, which are discussed in more detail in this material.

When it comes to ways to ensure a decent old age? Of course, this issue is of priority importance for middle-aged people today. And a certain part of them have no illusions that the state will provide all possible assistance in solving this problem. Yes, in difficult, from an economic point of view, conditions, power structures declare social guarantees, but people still need to prepare the ground in advance so as not to experience need when they retire. But how to do that?

One of the solutions to the problem

In order to improve the well-being of older citizens, they were created. Of course, they did not appear yesterday, and many of us know about their existence.

At one time, there was even a large-scale advertising campaign, the purpose of which was to attract as much investment as possible into the above structures. People began knocking on pensioners’ doors and inviting them to become participants in the new program. That’s when the question arose: “Is it worth moving to?” To figure it out, let’s first decide what this legal entity is.


As you know, a pension savings account is opened for each person. We work, we receive a reward for this, part of which goes to the Pension Fund, which distributes the material asset, again, partially accumulating it for the funded part of the pension. This is how a person secures his old age through his own efforts.

NPF is a legal structure that is controlled most carefully by the state. Moreover, all deposits that fall into it are insured. Therefore, if it suddenly happens that NPFs disappear from the market, their monetary assets will automatically be transferred to the deposits of the state Pension Fund. However, the following should be taken into account: NPFs carry out competent investment of depositors’ funds in securities, state corporations, bank deposits, accounts with credit institutions, etc.

Naturally, the citizen becomes richer as a result of such investments.

To be or not to be?

When considering the question of whether it is worth moving to a pension, it is important to understand the following: the amount of social benefits for people who will retire in the future consists of three parts. Basic (6%) - forms benefits for older citizens (men after 60 years and women after 55 years). Insurance (14%) - accumulates on the employee’s personal account, but over time it is “eaten up” by inflation. Cumulative (2%) - aimed at providing a high-quality financial basis for the future pensioner. It is the last of the above parts of social benefits that is of primary importance. Naturally, a rate of 2% is clearly not enough for a person to feel financially confident when he goes on a well-deserved vacation. As for the NPF, its base rate is not 2%, but 6%. Of course, this detail clarifies the question of whether it is worth moving to a non-state pension fund. And yet, when deciding it, there are both pros and cons. Let's list the main ones.


Some experts, when asked: “Is it worth moving to a non-state pension fund?”, confidently say: “Yes!” Why?

Firstly, the monthly payment amount will be made up not only of contributions from individuals, but also of the income portion, which is formed by assets obtained through investing the money supply. However, when deciding whether it is worth switching to a non-state pension fund and what benefits can be obtained from this, it is important to consider the following: in rare cases, the agreement fixes the amount of profit, so as to predict under what scenario the economy will develop on the world market, and what the profit will be The results of the game on the stock exchange are very difficult.

An important advantage of the old-age program under consideration is that it provides for the safety of invested assets: if some projects turn out to be unprofitable, then this will not decrease the money in clients’ accounts, since the structure compensates for the damage from its own reserves.

Do you doubt whether you should switch to NFP? Perhaps, you will be given confidence by the fact that if any change in the financial market occurs, the structure will not ignore this and will adjust the investment plan for the year, taking into account the emerging trends.


However, there is also a share of experts who answer the question: “Is it necessary to transfer to a non-state pension fund?” without hesitation, answer in the negative. Why?

Firstly, if the financial year turns out to be unfavorable, then there can be no talk of any stability of income.

Secondly, if the above structure for some reason loses its license, then the prerogative to transfer funds to another NPF and finance this procedure falls on the shoulders of the investor. Yes, these disadvantages cannot be called significant, and yet they cause some discomfort, but there are still more advantages. Of course, everyone must decide on an individual basis whether they need to transfer to a non-state pension fund.

Features of the procedure

For many, the question remains unclear: “Is the transition from the Pension Fund to the Non-State Pension Fund a right or an obligation?” Naturally, no one can force anyone to undergo this procedure, since it is voluntary. Moreover, you can write a corresponding application for transfer to a non-state structure at any time of the year; this is done once every 12 months. The document must necessarily indicate the legal entity where the funded part of the pension will be accumulated.

Procedure for carrying out the procedure

You don’t know how to switch to a non-state one. You need to do the following:

1. Determine the structure you trust most. Analyze reviews of people who have invested money in a particular NPF, check how many years it has been on the market, and read the company’s legal documentation.

2. Conclude an agreement providing for compulsory pension insurance and study its text in detail. The document must clearly state in what amount and with what frequency contributions must be made. Before signing the document, it would be a good idea to develop an individual pension plan with your employees, which will indicate approximate figures with the option of adjusting them, depending on the financial capabilities of the future pensioner. Flexible replenishment of savings is one of the beneficial conditions for the client.

4. Wait for written notification of the decision.

Now you have an idea of ​​how to transfer to a non-state pension fund.

Methods for submitting documentation

You can submit your application personally to a Pension Fund employee. Be sure to take your SNILS and passport with you. And do not forget to request the appropriate receipt when accepting documentation.

You can also send an application for transfer to a non-state pension fund through the MFC system.

It is not prohibited to address the above document by mail. In this case, you will have to use a registered letter with attachment and notification.

The envelope will need to be sealed with an application filled out on a special form, photocopies of SNILS and passport.


Many people are interested: will it be troublesome and difficult to register a pension in a non-state pension fund? Is the game worth the candle? This is what else worries future retirees. Regarding the first, we can say with confidence that the transition process will not take much effort and nerves from the client. As for the second, everyone must decide for themselves, having previously analyzed all the pros and cons.

Experts' opinions on this issue are divided: some argue that non-state pension funds are an excellent option to lay a good financial foundation for old age. The only difficulty is to find a reliable company that will competently manage your finances. Otherwise, the pension will not be secure. Others recommend taking your time and considering other investment options, of which there are many today. For example, you can invest monetary assets in securities, real estate, use a PAMM account, etc. To transfer or not to transfer pension to NPF? Decide for yourself!

Surely each of us has at least once thought about whether it is better to choose a Pension Fund or a Non-State Pension Fund. Well, it’s 2017 outside the window, there’s a crisis in the yard, it’s time to make a decision!

Perhaps someday, indeed, in our lives everything white will become white, and everything black will become black. Someday this sacramental beach slogan: “Saving drowning people is the work of the drowning people themselves,” or the banking slogan: “Taking care of your deposit is your personal concern,” will indeed not be just an empty ringing.

Okay, we can start with something else. And how much can we talk about respect for people on the part of the state, about caring for them only “on Victory Day” or on “Halloween”. As one actress rightly said, let's talk well about people while they are alive, and not at the funeral.

And the “cry of the soul” is caused by the place and significance of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in the life of the country’s citizens.

But first, about the “white” stuff - what a pension is, its essence.

There is nothing to be done, sooner or later we all have problems when, without money, solving these problems becomes impossible. We anticipate these problems in advance and what do we do? Everything is very clear! We are not waiting for the situation to come to a head, but are gradually accumulating the funds needed in the future.

One of the main problems for everyone over time becomes age, or rather, the circumstances associated with it. Yes, the time comes when a person is simply no longer able to perform those functional duties that are required of him in the workplace.

You have to move to another job, an easier one, or give up work altogether and start living on the money that you were able to accumulate during your entire previous life. And if banks helped you with your savings, they kept these funds and put them into circulation, generating interest, then that’s absolutely wonderful.

But here the question arises - do we, as a whole, have that determination, that character, that willpower to simply save money for retirement for decades, throughout our lives? The state answers unequivocally - NO! And this answer is probably correct. From here, from this excusable mistrust of the state towards its citizens, the country’s Pension Fund is developing.

In other words, pension contributions are essentially voluntary. But the state cannot be at risk of annually “entering the market” of hundreds of thousands of its citizens who do not have the slightest content and are no longer able to provide it. Hence the mandatory nature of pension contributions.

So far everything is white.

The “black” begins when the Pension Fund starts functioning.

A huge number of questions arise during the work of the Pension Fund and the relationship of citizens with it.

But first, some small calculations.

Initial data:

  • estimated period () – 40 years (or 480 months);
  • salary during this period - 50,000 rubles (and it could be more, oh, how much more);
  • the percentage of contributions to the Pension Fund is 22 (this is according to the Law of the Russian Federation!).

We count:

  1. For the entire period of work we received - 480 x 50,000 = 24 million rubles;
  2. They gave to the Pension Fund - 24,000,000 x 0.22 = 5 million 280 thousand.

This way, everyone retires a multi-millionaire! And what kind of problems, I wonder, might a pensioner have!? Let’s not forget that many are still quite ready to work. Let’s not forget that this money can be deposited in a bank, which will increase the amount for you with interest.

Now it becomes clear:

  • where does such an incredible staff of employees of this Pension Fund come from;
  • where do such incredible salaries come from for managers at all levels of this Fund;
  • where do all these multimillion-dollar palaces that the PF built in all regions of the country come from?

And this is with the money of our own citizens!

A very small section as an intermediate output

But, most likely, it is not mansions and not a bunch of workers doing nothing that forces the state to hold on to the PF. The point is different:

The fund is a huge source of funds for the state, which can be used at its discretion. A source, the abandonment of which is unthinkable for purely economic current reasons, and not at all out of love and respect for its citizens.

Correcting the situation in this generally noble idea of ​​the Pension Fund is as follows:

  1. The state must loudly announce to its citizens that their money in the Pension Fund still belongs to them and without any conditions.
  2. Any citizen can at any time find out the amount that he has personally accumulated (the state has accumulated for him - and there is nothing reprehensible in this, let’s not forget about our lack of organization in life and the state’s assistance to us in this matter).
  3. Any citizen has the opportunity to refuse to participate in the formation of his pension and take all accumulated funds for himself. The reason, yes, any: from the confidence that this will be enough for him until hour “X”, to the reluctance to leave something behind, and over 60 he no longer sees himself or does not want to see himself.
  4. The state, respecting the opinion of its citizens (A CORNER MESSAGE TO WHICH NEEDS TO BE CONSTANTLY PAYED ATTENTION) and caring about their future, can only constantly remind them of the need to think, not to let things take their course, they say, we'll see. The state needs to constantly conduct targeted campaigns to advertise a “smart and forward-thinking” lifestyle. You shouldn’t be afraid that everyone around you is so stupid that they will definitely do everything wrong (and we’ll just add - as the official wants).

As a matter of fact, the situation is very similar to that with the contract army. How is this voluntary! So there will be no army at all, who will join it voluntarily! But as the experience of the United States shows, they really do, and there are advertisements all over the country, and there are recruiting stations all over the country, and the idea is constantly working on how to make serving in the army attractive.

In the meantime, that's the point

In the meantime, everything is controlled by the forced idea of ​​the Pension Fund, we “hand over” a fifth of our honestly earned labor to the state - 22% (now we don’t even say that they are actually divided into insurance 16% and funded 6%).

What are the advantages of such a “mutual partnership”?

First. The state is responsible for the money received and guarantees its payment throughout the entire pension period.

But here we are counting again.

Initial data:

  • the amount of savings by the age of 60 is 6 million rubles;
  • I’m going to live at least 30 more years (oh, “Dreams, dreams, without them life would be boring,” as the brilliant American writer Edgar Allan Poe wrote, by the way, one of the founders of science fiction and “fear” in literature, the beginning of the 19th century, still in full heyday Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin).
  • Every month a pensioner will have 20 thousand rubles at his disposal. So, now more than half of pensioners can only dream of such a pension (and in our country it turns out to be minimal, note!).

When we say that the Pension Fund is under state guarantee, we are not exaggerating at all; after all, it is a state structure. Moreover, the state annually carries out (an increase, in simple terms) pensions, if those 400-600 rubles are of interest to anyone at all. Nevertheless, this is also some kind of plus, although for some it is even reduced.

But we must understand that the state will not be able to protect anyone in the event of global financial crises, such as those that occurred during the collapse of the Soviet Union, in 1998 or 2008. All the same, you will have to “get out” (and think!) yourself.

But recently, again, at the initiative of the state, a new reason has arisen for those shaping their lives “after work.”

These are – – Non-state pension funds.

Again, it's very simple. NPFs are specialized commercial structures that are ready to accept pension money, work with it much more actively, invest it in business, as they say, and due to this provide noticeably higher interest on such a pension contribution.

Something looks too much like the same “Khoper”. Yes, there is a risk of losing your investments and the main danger of non-state pension funds. Unfortunately, the recent situation is not very encouraging for investors. Thus, in 2016, the Central Bank of Russia revoked the licenses of four non-state pension funds with rather sonorous names - “Sun. Life. Pension", "Savings Fund Sunny Beach", "Savings", "Protection of the Future".

But, okay, these are all little-known NPFs. So, after all, the very respectable “Renaissance Life” ceased to exist.

To the list of Non-state pension funds accredited in 2016.

And again the conclusion - When choosing a non-state pension fund, be sure to comb through its entire “pedigree”, do not immediately rush to 13% per annum, while the Pension Fund offers only 7%. In any case, the choice between the NPF “We wish you happiness” with 15% and the NPF under Sberbank of Russia (there is one) with 12% must definitely be made in favor of Sberbank.

The choice of an Independent PF (you can even call it “commercial”, and the future pensioner himself becomes a “businessman”) instead of a “state” one is also due to another component of the relationship.

This is a long-standing problem of government organizations - openness and transparency of their actions. The NPF has taken publicity (potentially, of course) to the widest possible extent. When you come to the Independent Foundation, you come “to your home”, you are the boss here, you are received at the highest level (dreams, of course, quite according to Poe). I don’t even want to talk about how you are greeted at the State Pension Fund - there is no time for dreams, it’s just reality (or rather, “dust”).

You can say that investments in non-state pension funds are insured by the state. Yes it is. But if we now begin to examine the issue of relationships with insurance companies, then there is a danger that tomorrow another two or three non-state pension funds will close, they will simply go bankrupt.

The state protects its citizens from failed NPFs!? Yes, and that's true. The funds will be transferred to the Pension Fund, but only in full and as a percentage. Everything will be done quite quickly - but the nerve cells are still not restored, and running around to notaries in an attempt to request the necessary paper, and these incomprehensible questions: “Maybe you will move to another non-state fund” (yes, “healthy again”).

No, and there is no talk of any discrediting of government bodies. How can you discredit them if “the state is me,” from the Kremlin to the beach on Sakhalin. Moreover, funds in the State Pension Fund are exempt from taxes. Well, they can invest in areas strictly defined by law (unfortunately, “for themselves” - such an area is also on this list). Non-state funds do not have such restrictions - hence, among other things, a wider choice and a higher percentage.

And the bright side of the whole story with our pensions, or rather, their accumulation, is the following.

This whole story with depriving us of a fifth of our salary, “for the good,” of course, makes us all think about life today and the future. Perhaps someday we will start our morning “Nine-o-clock” by viewing the latest quotes on the stock exchange.

A non-state pension fund is a special form of non-profit organization that manages funds without access to citizens' accounts. In essence, NPF is an alternative to the state investment fund Vnesheconombank. They also invest the savings of future retirees in stocks, bonds and other securities in order to generate income.

What is the point of the 2013 pension reform? Today, every employer makes contributions to the pension fund, 16% of earnings goes to the insurance part, 6% to the funded part. According to the reform, all contributions from Russians who do not want to transfer the funded part of their pension to a non-state pension fund will be used to pay the current ones (for the insurance part), and the funded component. In the Pension Fund of Russia such Russians are called “silent people.”

Benefits of NPF

By the end of 2013, more than 24 million Russians younger than 1967 spoke in favor of transferring pensions to NPFs. The reasons why citizens prefer NPFs are related to a number of its competitive advantages in relation to Vnesheconombank:

This is the only opportunity to preserve the funded part of your pension - with proper investment, it can significantly increase your future pension;
- the income received from investing pension money from NPFs is higher than that of Vnesheconombank; in 2013, the latter’s profit was almost equal to the inflation rate;
- the funded part of the pension implies greater flexibility in its management (for example, it can be bequeathed to any person);
- NPF clients always have the opportunity to monitor the status of their personal account through their account.

Thanks to the inspections of the Central Bank scheduled for 2014 and the corporatization procedure, the reliability of the funds should increase. By law, even if a non-state pension fund goes bankrupt, it is obliged to transfer all savings to the Pension Fund, which insures their clients against the risk of losing pension money.

The advantage of a government fund is stability due to the ability to invest only in government securities. While NPFs have access to investments in shares and other securities, which makes their pension management more risky. At the same time, the flexibility of NPF investments leads to higher returns.

How to transfer your savings to NPF

The first thing you need to do is decide on a non-state pension fund. When choosing, you should take into account such parameters as the experience of NPFs in the market, the total volume of funds under management and the amount of own assets, the total return of the fund over several years, as well as reliability.

To transfer to a non-state pension fund, you must conclude an agreement with the fund (in 3 copies) and write an application for transfer from the Pension Fund to the non-state pension fund. The client will need a passport and SNILS. It is worth noting that until the funds undergo the corporatization procedure and are verified by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the acceptance of new clients is temporarily suspended.

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Where can I form a funded pension?

Persons who decide in favor can use the following options for their placement:

  • In the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation with a choice. In this case, the management company can be any - private, with which the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation has entered into an agreement, or state-owned (Vnesheconombank).
  • In a non-state pension fund (NPF).

If the savings are in the management company, then the assignment and payment of the funded pension will be made by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, in the case of placing funds in a non-state pension fund - by the selected NPF.

The formation of a funded pension occurs at the expense of , transferred by the employer for its employees to compulsory pension insurance (), , and at the expense of investing these funds. Insurance contributions are transferred by the employer in the amount 22% from wages employee, of which:

  • 6% goes to a funded pension;
  • 16% - for insurance pension (10%) and solidarity tariff (6%).

It is worth remembering that since 2016, pension savings from insurance contributions to compulsory pension insurance can be formed by individuals Born 1967 and younger, which until December 31, 2015 decided in favor of . The same opportunity remains for citizens who have recently started working, and for whom no more than 5 years have passed since the start of deductions of insurance premiums.

The procedure for forming a pension in a non-state pension fund or management company

Unfortunately, since 2014, by decision of the Government, the formation of a funded pension at the expense of insurance contributions "frozen". As a result, all contributions are transferred only to the insurance pension. extended into 2019 and will also be valid in 2020. As a result, only the voluntary component remains for the formation of pension savings.

The procedure for forming a funded pension differs from:

  • Unlike an insurance pension, there is no accrual in the funded version. Incoming funds are placed in the citizen’s individual account in the management company or non-state pension fund of his choice.
  • State pension savings are not indexed, their profitability depends on their investment in the financial market. However, there are risks, since this process can have both positive and negative results. In any case, there are state guarantees: in the event of losses or cancellation of a license from an NPF, the insured person retains savings in the amount of insurance premiums paid, but excluding investment income.

In the event of the death of the insured person, his savings can be paid to his relatives or to the person whom the insured person indicated in the agreement with the NPF (MC) or in the application.

Is it possible to transfer from a non-state pension fund back to the Pension Fund?

In order to reliably place your pension savings and receive maximum income from investing them, you need to take a very responsible and competent approach to choosing a non-state pension fund: basic information about NPFs can be obtained from the data of rating agencies, also on the official website of the Central Bank of Russia, where data on NPF profitability. There you can also see which NPFs have had their license revoked.

If desired, the person forming pension savings can direct funds at any time only for insurance pension:

  • In this case, the funds accumulated up to this point will not disappear anywhere, but will continue to be invested by the fund or management company in which they are placed, and will be paid to their recipient in full when the right to receive them occurs.
  • At the same time, he can continue to manage his savings. A citizen can (either change the Criminal Code) or transfer from NPF back to Pension Fund, but not into an insurance pension, but into a chosen one (private or public), which will invest them.

How to transfer pension savings to the state pension fund?

Transferring pension savings from NPFs to Pension Funds and vice versa, as well as changing the Management Company, is permitted by law annually, but no more than once a year.

It is true that it is worth knowing that the insurer is replaced more frequently once every five years can lead to loss of investment income, which was received by the previous insurer. Without loss of income, you can change the management company or its investment portfolio every year.

In order to still leave the NPF and transfer savings to the state pension fund, you need to:

  • Decide on the choice of the Management company that will invest the funds received, and select the investment portfolio that it offers. The list of management companies with which the Pension Fund has entered into a trust management agreement for pension savings can be found on the official website of the Pension Fund.
  • Submit to the Russian Pension Fund an application for transfer (early transfer) from the NPF to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Deadlines and methods for submitting an application for transfer of funds to the Pension Fund

An application for transfer of savings funds from a non-state pension fund to the Pension Fund must be submitted until December 31 of the current year. Depending on the type of transfer, the transfer will be made from the beginning of the year following the year of filing the application (for early transfer) or the year after the expiration of the five-year period from the date of its submission (for normal transfer):

  • The application form can be downloaded from the Pension Fund website or obtained from its territorial office.
  • An insured person can contact the Pension Fund in the way that is most convenient for him: in person or through a representative directly to the territorial department of the Pension Fund or a multifunctional center (MFC), via the Internet on the government services portal, or through partner organizations.
  • At the same time, you can notify the non-state pension fund from which you plan to withdraw and transfer pension savings about the termination of the contract.

Other required documents

In addition to the statement of his intention to transfer to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the insured person will need to submit additional documents: passport and (SNILS).

Before the end of the maximum period for submitting documents - until December 31 year preceding the one in which the transition is to take place, a citizen may change your mind regarding the selected insurer, or investment portfolio, or management company and submit a new appeal or replacement notice. The information that is received last and will be accepted by the Pension Fund for consideration.

After receiving the documents, the pension authority must review them before March 1 of the year in which the transfer to the Pension Fund is expected, and make a decision on whether to approve the application or refuse:

  • If the request is satisfied, the Pension Fund within the same period makes the necessary changes to the unified register of insured persons and until March 31 notifies the insured person and the NPF from which the funds are transferred about its decision.
  • If the decision is negative, the Pension Fund also notifies the insured person, but no changes are made to the register, and the agreement with the NPF continues to be valid.

Obligation of NPFs to transfer savings back to the Pension Fund

After the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, as a result of satisfying the request of the insured person, makes a positive decision on the transfer of savings from the NPF to the Pension Fund and changes are made to the unified register of insured persons, the agreement with the Non-State Pension Fund terminates:

  • At the same time, the NPF, on the basis of a notification received from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, must transfer the pension savings of the insured citizen to the state pension fund. Funds must be transferred from the NPF to the Pension Fund of Russia no later than March 31 the year following the year in which the application for transfer was made.
  • The Pension Fund, in turn, must transfer the savings received from the NPF to the Management Company within the month following the month in which they were received by it.

In accordance with Federal Law N 75-FZ, any NPF obliged to translate The pension savings of the insured person are returned to the Pension Fund if other cases arise:

  • revocation of the NPF’s license to conduct financial transactions with pension savings;
  • the death of a person who sent maternity capital funds or part thereof to a non-state pension fund for the formation of a funded pension;
  • on the basis of a notification from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in the event of the insured person’s refusal to send funds (part of the funds) of maternity capital to the formation of savings;
  • termination of the contract on compulsory pension insurance as a result of judicial recognition of its invalidity;
  • declaring the fund bankrupt by the arbitration court with the opening of bankruptcy proceedings.

When terminating a contract with an insured person, the NPF must send him a notification about this, as well as issue an extract from his individual personal account, from which funds will be transferred to the Pension Fund. The Pension Fund, in turn, must also notify the citizen about the receipt of savings funds from the NPF to his personal account.