Ano digital economy kovnir. Evgeniy Kovnir headed the group for the implementation of the national technology initiative

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Reviliani Gani, Sales Manager

Dmitry Markov

Director for Information Infrastructure

He received his higher education at the Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics with a degree in Communication Networks and Switching Systems. He holds an MBA from California State University East Bay.

He worked in various positions in telecommunications companies, where he worked his way up from an installer of low-current distribution systems to the technical director of CenterTelecom Service CJSC. He headed the construction and network development department of Comstar-UTS OJSC, where he was responsible for the construction of all types of capital construction projects and for the long-term capital investment program.

At PJSC NIS GLONASS, he headed the project to create a state emergency response system “ERA-GLONASS”, in 2014 he took the position of CEO of the company. Participated in the creation of Russia's first virtual mobile telecom operator, the construction of data centers, the creation of the necessary regulatory and technical framework, the development of a navigation and information platform, the project for the interaction of ERA-GLONASS with the European eCall system. Participated in the creation of a logistics transport center in Sochi, used to manage all types of transport both during the creation of Olympic venues and during the Olympics.

Nikolay Zubarev

Director for Information Security

Graduated from the Tver Suvorov School, the Military University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, and the Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation. Awarded the medal “For Distinction in Military Service”, III degree.

He served in the Main Directorate of the General Staff of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in various positions in various units. With direct participation, high-tech projects were implemented in the interests of the Russian Ministry of Defense.

He served in the state civil service in the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation in various positions, participated in the development of international cooperation, including through IT audit. He took direct part in inspections of relevant ministries, enterprises of the military-industrial complex and constituent entities of the Russian Federation. In the Administration of the Khimki City District, he coordinated business activities as deputy head of the department.

Managed business structures in the development of high-tech projects on information security and import substitution. Successfully localized the production of equipment for the needs of the military-industrial complex on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Sergei Nakvasin

Director for Digital Technologies

Graduated from National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI" with a degree in "Physics of Metals" with honors. In parallel with his postgraduate studies, he received additional education in the specialty “Financial Management.”

Managed various projects in the field of corporate governance, performance analysis and public reporting of organizations of the State Corporation Rosatom.

At the Agency for Strategic Initiatives, he was responsible for promoting action plans (“road maps”) of Neuronet, Healthnet, Technet of the National Technology Initiative, as well as for promoting programs for the development of breakthrough “end-to-end” technologies in promising markets. Deputy Chairman of the Coordination Council for Youth Affairs in the Scientific and Educational Spheres under the Council of the President of the Russian Federation for Science and Education. Awarded a Certificate of Gratitude for success in work, presented by Assistant to the President of the Russian Federation A.R. Belousov.

Dmitry Ter-Stepanov

Director for Regulatory Affairs

He received his higher education at the Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after. THEM. Gubkin, graduated with honors from the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation with a degree in Finance and Credit.

Worked at OAO Gazpromgeofizika (OAO Gazprom). Worked in various positions in the Federal Antimonopoly Service. At the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, as Deputy Director of the Department, he oversaw issues of competition development. As director of the department, vice-president of OJSC "Universal Electronic Card", he led the block of the company's development strategy, dealt with financial and administrative issues. At FSUE Russian Post, he headed the payment services department and was also involved in creating the payment infrastructure of the state information system for housing and communal services.

As head of the Department for Systematization and Classification of Information in the Socio-Economic Field of the Federal Treasury, he was responsible for ensuring the activities of the Subcommittee on Systematization and Coding of Technical, Economic and Social Information in the Socio-Economic Field of the Government Commission on the Use of Information Technologies, as well as the creation of the state information system “Unified information environment".

Has the class rank of Actual State Advisor of the Russian Federation, 3rd class.

Andrey Selsky

Director for “Personnel for the Digital Economy”

He received his higher education at Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, completed professional retraining at the MIRBIS Institute with a degree in Human Resources Management.

Worked in HR departments at Schlumberger, MTS and Sakhalin Energy (a Shell/Gazprom joint venture). While working at ECOPSY Consulting CJSC, he interacted with major Russian and international companies, implementing consulting projects in the field of talent management, development of competency models, and personnel strategy.

At the ANO Organizing Committee Sochi 2014, he worked his way up from project manager to director of the organizational development department, and was responsible for the implementation of the training program for staff and volunteers for the Olympic and Paralympic Games. For his contribution to the organization and holding of the Games he was awarded the Letter of Gratitude from the President of Russia V.V. Putin.

As Deputy Head of the Human Resources Department of JSC Russian Railways, he oversaw the training and development of the company's managers and specialists, and the development of educational programs.

At Sberbank, he was responsible for non-profit projects aimed at integrating approaches and practices for developing 21st century skills into Russian general education.

Pavel Anisimov

Director for Industry Areas

Graduated from the Faculty of Information Technologies of the Moscow State Institute of Electronics and Mathematics.

In the company I.S.P.A. – Engineering went from an ordinary manager to a deputy head of a business area and was involved in the implementation of digital technologies in the largest Russian television companies, such as NTV, NTV+, VGTRK, Expert TV channel and others. Many of the implemented projects involved the digital transformation of classic television production processes, including the business processes of creating and releasing news programs, the introduction of digital archives and the creation of a fully digital business news channel Expert.

He continued his career at the intersection of media and information technology at the Russian representative office of Microsoft Corporation, where he was responsible for interaction with the media industry.

From July 2015 to September 2017, he served as Minister of Information Technologies and Communications of the Kirov Region, responsible for the implementation of regional IT projects in the field of public services, education and industry areas. During his work, he was repeatedly awarded departmental and state awards for professionalism and high results, incl.
Government and Legislative Assembly of the Kirov region.

Evgeniy Kovnir has been appointed head of the Digital Economy ANO, which will implement the Digital Economy program in Russia. Before this, Evgeniy Kovnir was responsible for the National Technology Initiative at the Agency for Strategic Initiatives.

Evgeniy Kovnir

The autonomous non-profit organization Digital Economy was recently established by the state corporations Rosatom and Rostec, the companies Megafon, MTS, VimpelCom and Rostelecom, the Internet companies Yandex and Group, Sberbank and VEB Innovations", Rambler & Co, "Open Mobile Platform" and "1C", "Russian Post", Skolkovo Foundation and ASI.

In July of this year, the government approved the “Digital Economy of Russia” program until 2025. The program aims to introduce high technologies into leading sectors of the economy to significantly improve the quality of life of the population.

But what is this notorious “digital economy”, which, according to the President of the Russian Federation, creates a new paradigm for the development of the state?

Mainly, the program includes the following main areas of development:

Information Security

For security purposes, it is planned to reduce the share of Russian traffic passing through foreign servers, reducing dependence on foreign servers by 12 times.

Russia expects to reach a whole new level in the field of cybersecurity.

At the same time, domestic cybersecurity software should take its share in the Russian market, and Russian manufacturing brands should become recognizable. Thus, the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications plans to increase the recognition of domestic cybersecurity software brands to 50% by 2020, and the compatibility of Russian national standards with international ones should reach more than 50% by 2025.

Blockchain and Internet of Things

The subsection “government regulation” involves the adoption of a number of laws that provide the possibility of using blockchain (block chain technology, originally created to support transactions with the Bitcoin cryptocurrency) and the Internet of things.

According to Dmitry Medvedev, this technology will help get rid of excessive bureaucratization of business transactions.

The Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications also expects the adoption in 2019 of regulations allowing the use of Internet of Things and big data technologies. For example, big data allows you to process huge amounts of unstructured data and, on their basis, build public transport traffic or operating hours of institutions.

In turn, the Internet of Things, integrated into industry, can significantly reduce equipment repair costs due to its ability to predict breakdowns.

Information infrastructure

The Ministry also expects to provide all settlements in Russia with a population of more than 1 thousand people with broadband Internet access by 2025. In this case, the cost of the service will be only 0.05% of the average monetary income per capita.

For example, now the ratio of wages to the cost of Internet access is about 1%. Thus, according to Rosstat, the average monthly nominal accrued salary of employees of Russian organizations for February 2017 amounted to 35,845 thousand rubles, and the cost of Internet access at the end of 2016, as calculated by TMT Consulting analysts, was 341 rubles.

Moreover, by 2020, the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications intends to reduce the cost of the Internet by 10 times - to 0.1% of average income.

In hard-to-reach settlements, it is planned to provide high-speed Internet through satellite or unmanned technologies, but also “at prices affordable for the population.”

5G networks will be deployed by 2025 in cities with a population size of 300 thousand or more. 5G networks should appear in at least eight cities with a population of over 1 million people in 2020, and by 2025 - in 15 cities.

By 2025, Russia will also reach a 10% share in the global data storage and processing market, the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications predicts.

Research and development

To carry out research and development, the ministry plans to create at least 10 digital platforms and support mechanisms by 2018 so that educational institutions can train highly qualified specialists in the field of modern digital technologies.

According to the department’s plans, in 2018-2025, postgraduate and master’s schools will be formed in each area of ​​“end-to-end technologies” on the basis of leading universities and scientific organizations.

By 2025, at least 20 research centers of the largest global players in the field of digital economy will be created in Russia and at least 15 technology parks will be launched (and by 2020 there will be at least five of them).

Personnel and education

The subsection of the program dedicated to personnel and education implies the creation by 2019 of an electronic database of labor achievements of Russians, which will replace work books and diplomas. “The share of the working-age population that has a digital record of their personal development trajectory will be 10% by 2020, and 80% by 2025,” follows from the document.

The system will have an open software interface for expanding capabilities and basic services for working with information about employee competencies.

An innovation is also planned in education - starting from 2019, startups will be accepted as thesis work. In addition, the draft program involves increasing the number of graduates in the field of information technology. “The number of graduates of higher education - IT professionals (will be) by 2020 - 60 thousand people, by 2025 - 100 thousand people,” the program says.

Public administration

The main shift that may occur in public administration is the transition of document flow to digital format. Experts have long expressed ideas about abandoning paper, and Deputy Minister of Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation Alexey Sokolov stated that in regulatory terms everything is ready for the transition to digital; there are no legislative restrictions on moving away from paper.

According to the draft program, the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications expects to increase the share of departmental and interdepartmental electronic document flow to 90% by 2025.

An example of what is meant by e-government in Kazakhstan.

The draft program provides for the creation of a single space of digital trust - a system in which data identification, document flow, submission of information and receipt of services in electronic form will be carried out. By 2025, the share of services provided by authorities electronically should reach 80%, while 90% of citizens should be satisfied with the quality of electronic services.

Intradepartmental and interdepartmental exchange of documents in electronic form will use a digital signature in 90% of cases, the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications plans (by 2020 the figure is planned to be only 10%).

"Smart City"

By 2025, projects on the use of unmanned public transport integrated with urban traffic management systems are expected to be launched in 25 Russian cities. And in 10 cities there are projects on the use of individual unmanned vehicles. In general, the level of informatization of public transport will reach 100% by 2025.

At the same time, projects to automate parking space management will be launched in 10 cities in 2019.

By 2020, projects to implement domestic or localized foreign software for transport modeling will be launched in five Russian cities. By 2025, all projects in the field of transport modeling will be implemented using domestic software.

The Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications also expects that the Russian real estate market will significantly transform after 2020: transactions for renting and purchasing housing will move online thanks to blockchain, which reduces the risk of fraud, and construction will become more efficient and budget-friendly.

According to the program, by 2022, the share of transactions for the rental and purchase and sale of real estate in Russia concluded electronically should increase to 50% of the total volume. Nowadays, electronic transactions are quite rare.

The goal is also to increase transparency in the construction, rental and sale of real estate. To this end, until 2019, landlords who rent out apartments through electronic platforms will receive tax benefits, and the integrity of participants in electronic real estate transactions will be verified through a special state information system.

In addition, city authorities will monitor population satisfaction, including through social networks. “50 cities monitor public opinion and citizen satisfaction using digital analysis services on social networks, messenger groups and blogs at least once a week,” the program states.

Digital Health

The draft program also provides for a significant shift in the quality of medical services. According to the document, by 2025, a digital health ecosystem will be created that will ensure the availability of medical care at the point of contact and increase the efficiency of using human and information resources in the provision of medical services.

Until 2025, Russians should be provided with “available medical care at the point of need, meeting the criteria of timeliness, personalization, preventiveness, technology and safety.” The digital health ecosystem itself should be created “through the transfer of innovative solutions to medical organizations and support for domestic startup companies in this area.”

Already in 2018, services for citizens’ personal accounts and mobile applications will be developed and implemented, which will integrate with the personal account on the government services portal.

All initiatives to change federal legislation to regulate the digital health industry, according to the draft program, must be developed, discussed and submitted to the Federal Assembly by the end of 2018.

To achieve the goals in 2019-2020, it is planned to connect all Russian medical organizations to high-speed Internet. At the same time, by 2020, 30% of hospitals will have a speed of 100 Mbit/s, and by 2025 - 100%. This speed allows, for example, to view streaming video in HD format.

At the same time, in general, it is obvious that our society, both psychologically and technologically, is in a state of quite a serious gap with the innovations and structural reforms that will be introduced in the coming years.

However, “if the Russian Federation, like any other country, does not have the necessary set of technological resources (technologies such as robotics, artificial intelligence, augmented reality, blockchain and other distributed registry technologies), then in this case we will only become more dependent on those countries and those companies that have developed such technologies,” says Minister of Communications Nikolai Nikiforov.

In the UK, the Digital Economy Act was passed in 2010. China developed a four-stage government program for the development of a digital state in 2016 and at the end of 2016 already reported second place in the world. The United States is a stable leader, imposing its digital solutions on other countries in a “black box” format.

Economists talk about the inevitable arrival of the era of digital capitalism, the transition to the sixth technological order and a global change in the socio-economic formation.

However, the consequences of this process are completely unpredictable and can have tragic consequences for humanity, even those who develop technologies of the new digital era believe.

Based on materials from Elena Travkova, TASS

09.27.2017, Wed, 12:42, Moscow time , Text: Denis Voeikov

ANO Digital Economy, designed to coordinate the actions of business and government, has been officially registered. Based on the extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, one can judge who headed the organization and who was included in the final list of founders from among state corporations and large domestic IT businesses.

Management and founders of ANO "Digital Economy"

The CEO of the autonomous non-profit organization (ANO) “Digital Economy” became Evgeniy Kovnir, who until recently worked as deputy director of the “Young Professionals” direction at the Agency for Strategic Initiatives (ASI), and even earlier was director of the IT industry development department at the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications. Information about this is contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, in which the registration record of an autonomous non-profit organization with the official name of its leader appeared on September 25, 2017.

Let us recall that the ANO “Digital Economy” was planned to be created to organize interaction between business, expert communities and government bodies in the implementation of the “Digital Economy” program. In August 2017, Head of Government Dmitry Medvedev spoke about the prospects for large Russian IT companies to participate in it.

Based on the extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, one can now judge the final composition of the founders. They were Rostelecom, Megafon, Rosatom, Sberbank, ASI, Rostec, Yandex, Open Mobile Platform, 1C,, MTS, Development Fund for the Center for the Development and Commercialization of New Technologies , VEB Innovations, Rambler, Russian Post, VimpelCom (Beeline trademark).

Work biography of Evgeniy Kovnir

According to the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications, Evgeny Kovnir was born in 1973. In 1996, he graduated from the Moscow Air Force Engineering Academy named after N. E. Zhukovsky. From 1996 to 2002 served in various positions in the Ministry of Defense.

ANO Digital Economy is headed by Evgeniy Kovnir

In 2003, Kovnir underwent professional retraining at the intersectoral institute for advanced training and retraining of management personnel and specialists of the Russian Academy of Economics named after G. V. Plekhanov under the Management program with a specialization in Economics and Enterprise Management.

From August 2002 to July 2008, he was involved in IT development in the media industry (projects for informatization of television channels, radio stations), working for the system integrator I.S.P.A. groups" in the positions of department head and director of the area.

From August 2008 to February 2011, Kovnir worked at Microsoft Russia in the development of cloud services. From February 2011 to November 2012, he worked at the Media Group Ukraine (SCM) holding as a business development director and was responsible for all Internet projects of the holding. He also led the startup OLL.TV.

Kovnir has worked at the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications since February 2013. He joined ASI in September 2015.

A few facts about the state program

The President of Russia announced the transition to a digital economy at the end of 2016 Vladimir Putin. In his address to the Federal Assembly, the head of state suggested that in the next decade the IT industry will become one of the country's key export industries. Soon, a working group of the Economic Council under the President of the Russian Federation was created in the “Digital Economy” direction.

Already in April of this year, the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications presented a preliminary version of the program. It talked about creating a system of digital democracy and covering all the country's highways with cellular communications with the possibility of wireless data transmission. The project provided for the remote provision of state and municipal services,