Chairman of the Board of OTP Bank. Press about us

The Board of Directors of OTP Bank decided to change the composition of the Management Board and appoint three TOP managers of the bank to the positions of Deputy Chairman of the Management Board, members of the Management Board of the Bank, according to the bank’s website.

Satybaldiev Muslim Makhmutovich

Belomytsev Igor Yurievich, Deputy Chairman of the Board, member of the Board of OTP Bank.

Dremach Kirill Andreevich, Deputy Chairman of the Board, member of the Board of OTP Bank.

Previously, their candidacies were approved by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

Ilya Chizhevsky, President of OTP Bank: “I am pleased to announce that the Board of Directors supported the proposal to appoint new members of the Bank’s Management Board. Kirill, Igor and Muslim have been working at the Bank for a long time, being responsible for key departments in the organization. This appointment is the next logical step, on the one hand, formalizing the level of responsibility of colleagues, and on the other, paying tribute to the effectiveness and results of their work in their areas.”


Muslim Satybaldiev was born in 1981 in Moscow.

2004 - graduated from the State University “Higher School of Economics”, “Strategic and Corporate Management”.

2003 - 2004 - At the same time, he received his education at the Higher School of Business at the Central School of Paris (ECP) and the European School of Management (ESCP-EAP).

2005 - 2013 CJSC ALFA BANK, where he worked his way up from coordinator of the sales department of credit products to Director of Development and Sales, Vice President, responsible for the development of distribution channels.

2013 - 2016, OTP Bank JSC, Sales Director, Deputy Division Director, responsible for managing operational sales of the classic network and alternative channels.

2016 - 2017, OTP Bank JSC, Director of the Network division.

2017 - present temp., OTP Bank JSC, Deputy Chairman of the Board, Member of the Board,

Responsibility includes the business of the classic branch network and alternative sales channels, work with the VIP segment, micro and small businesses, as well as the development of online commerce.

Igor Belomytsev was born in 1966 in Gorky.

1989 - received a diploma as an economist with a degree in Foreign Economic Relations from the Budapest Karl Marx University of Economic Sciences.

1993 - graduated from the Master's program at the Stockholm University of Economics.

More than 25 years in the banking industry. He began his banking career in 1990 at the Hungarian Mezobank, which was later merged with a large financial group in Central Europe - Erste Bank Group. Igor Yurievich was appointed Director of the Treasury Operations Division and was responsible for the development of ALM and management of the treasury activities of Erste Bank in Hungary, the development and implementation of business strategies in the field of treasury operations, and the initiation of the development of new investment products and strategies.

2001 - moved to Volksbank PJSC (Budapest) and successfully headed the Treasury Division and the investment direction in the Bank.

2007 - joined the team of OTP Bank (Ukraine) as Deputy Chairman of the Board, responsible for Treasury operations and asset and liability management, development of subsidiaries. Under the leadership of Igor Yuryevich, OTP Factoring, OTP Pension Fund, OTP Management Company and OTP Leasing were created and successfully developed.

2016 - moved to OTP Bank JSC (Russia), where he took the position of Advisor to the President and was responsible for the development of Corporate business and Treasury operations.

2017 - OTP Bank JSC, appointed Director of the Corporate Business and Treasury Operations Division. Successfully manages the development of strategies and new products in the business areas of these divisions.

2017 - present temp., OTP Bank JSC, Deputy Chairman of the Board, member of the Board appointed Deputy Chairman of the Board

Kirill Dremach was born in 1974 in Moscow.

1996 - graduated from the Moscow Economic and Statistical Institute, “Applied Mathematics”.

1996 - 2009, CJSC CB Citibank, Head of Information Technology Department.

2009 - 2011, Barclays Bank LLC, Director of the Information Technology Department, member of the bank’s board.

2011 - 2012, JSCB Absolut Bank (CJSC), Information Technology Department, Director of Information Technology.

2012 - 2016, JSC Citibank, Operations and Technology Directorate, Head of Operational Banking Technologies in Central and Eastern Europe.

2016 - 2017, OTP Bank JSC, Director of the Operations Management Division.

2017 - present vr., OTP Bank JSC, Deputy Chairman of the Board, member of the Board. His area of ​​responsibility includes the development of the IT department, operational, administrative and economic, purchasing activities, as well as coordinating the work of the department for collecting overdue debts.

There are several leading banks in Russia, among them OTP Bank. This organization offers products and services to both individuals and legal entities. Favorable service conditions and a loyal credit policy attract new customers every day and allow the bank to develop rapidly.

About OTP Bank

The history of the financial organization began in 1994. Initially, OTP was called Investsberbank, but due to radical metamorphoses associated with entering the OTP Group, in February 2008 it became known as OTP Bank.


In 2006, OTP Bank became part of the Hungarian OTP Group, which today is a leading financial institution and a leading provider of banking services in Europe. The group is involved in such areas as banking, insurance, investment, leasing. Its basis is OTP Bank, located in Hungary. It occupies 26% of the national market, and its assets are estimated at 10,978,359 million forints. In addition to Russia, the following countries are included in the group:

  1. Ukraine.
  2. Bulgaria.
  3. Slovakia.
  4. Serbia.
  5. Montenegro.
  6. Croatia.
  7. Romania.

The Latin abbreviation OTP stands for Országos Takarékpénztár (National Savings Bank). Over time, it migrated into the Russian language and began to be used to name local branches.


OTP Bank is developing rapidly. Throughout its activities, there has been a constant growth of assets and profits, the introduction of new technologies, and the creation of quality products. Great achievements have been repeatedly noted at various awards. Credit should also be given to the management, who, through their correct decisions, brought the company to a high level.

The history of the development of OTP Bank is presented in the table:

1994 A license to operate was obtained.
2003 The first loan was issued, after which a course was set for the development of consumer lending in Russia.
2004 The opening of 30 branches throughout Russia took place.
2005 There was a merger with Russian General Bank.
2006 The merger of two banks took place.
2007 It was included in the rating of financial organizations that are experiencing dynamic development, according to RBC.Rating.
2008 Took 8th place in the NAFI rankings.
2009 He won two significant awards in the financial sector: “Financial Olympus” and “Brand of the Year”.
2010 In the second, he won the “Brand of the Year” award.
2011 He won the “Financial Olympus”, “Finance” and other awards.
2012 A new president of the company, Z. Illes, has been appointed.
Internet banking has been created, allowing transactions to be carried out through a personal account on the website.
2013 The position of president of the company was taken by Georgy Chesakov.
Launch of a mobile application that improved remote customer service.
2014 It took 22nd position in terms of reliability among Russian banks in the Forbes rating.
2015 I. Chizhevsky took the presidential post in the company.
2016 A new Chairman of the Board of Directors of the company, Z. Mayor, was elected.
2017 RAEX assigned a rating at ruA level.

Mission and Vision

OTP Bank strives to win the trust of consumers, and it succeeds. It sells affordable products and services in all regions of the Russian Federation. Its mission is to increase the level of financial literacy and develop the banking services market. The vision of OTP Bank is to achieve the following long-term goals:

  • increase the number of regular customers to 3 million;
  • get into the TOP-20 banks of the Russian Federation;
  • to become one of the main industries of the OTP Group.

Considering that OTP has stable growth in profits and other indicators, it will be able to implement its plans in the near future. A large flow of clients is ensured by favorable conditions for loans and deposits, a wide selection of banking products, and high-quality service at the European level. Tariffs are calculated for citizens of different social status, including pensioners, beneficiaries, and the unemployed. The requirements that are put forward to potential clients are very loyal.

Management of OTP Bank

During the formation of the company, its management was constantly changing. However, today it looks like this:

Scope of GuidanceJob titleFull name
Governing bodyThe presidentChizhevsky I.P.
Deputy Chairman of the Management Board, Member of the Management BoardKapustin S.N.
Dremach K.A.
Belomytsev I.Yu.
Satybaldiev M.M.
Vasiliev A.V.
Director of Legal Support DirectorateOreshkina Yu.S.
Board of DirectorsChairman of the Board of DirectorsZ.Major
Member of the Board of DirectorsR.Barlai
F. Boehle
P. Chani
M. Akosh
Sh. Bela
Kummer A.Yu.

Financial indicators

OTP Bank improved its financial performance over the last reporting period (03.2018). Indicators from the reporting are shown in the table:

Address and details

The main office of the bank is located in Moscow and has the following legal and actual address: 125171, Moscow, Leningradskoye Shosse, 16A, building 1. However, delivery of postal correspondence is carried out to the address: 127299, Moscow, Klara Zetkin Street, 4A, building 1.

To make transfers, the details of the financial organization are given below:

Name of companyJSC "OTP Bank"
Correspondent account30101810000000000311 in the Main Directorate of the Bank of Russia for the Central Federal District
OKVED64.19, 66.19

Clients and partners

The main population that the bank serves are individuals. For them, he developed a standard set of products, including consumer loans at retail outlets, deposits, and credit cards. It also serves corporate clients. For them, settlement operations are carried out, funds are placed in deposit accounts and much more.

The bank has many partners. The most popular of them are the following companies: “Moscow Jewelry Factory”, “Snow Queen”, “Megafon”, “Euroset”. They offer various discounts and bonuses to bank clients. You can also get a loan at partner stores, which is very convenient.

OTP Bank is a leader in the financial market in Russia. Therefore, when choosing a reliable financial institution for making deposits or applying for a loan, you should pay attention to it first. It offers the most favorable conditions in Russia, which will be optimal for various segments of the population.

Brief description of OTP Bank (history, founders, branches, authorized capital)

The history of the Russian OTP Bank begins with the creation in March 1994 of the Hermes savings bank, which at that time was part of the concern of the same name. Later, the bank was transformed into JSCB "Bank of Investments and Savings" (abbreviated as Investsberbank). In February 2005, the merger of Investsberbank with the capital's Russian General Bank was completed at the initiative of the latter's shareholders. It was believed that Investsberbank had a more popular brand in the private deposit market, so the merger of banks took place on its basis, and the RSL license was revoked. The size of the deal was then estimated at $800 thousand. In August 2006, the bank also acquired Omskpromstroybank and Promfinservicebank. In October 2006, the Hungarian OTP Bank completed the acquisition of a 96.4% stake in Investsberbank for $477 million. In 2008, Investsberbank switched to the parent brand and was renamed OTP Bank.

Now the Hungarian OTP Bank controls 97.81% of the shares of the Russian credit institution, and another 1.2% stake is owned by the Hungarian investment and property management company MFB Invest. The remaining shares (less than 1%) are distributed among other shareholders.

OTP Bank provides customer service through its own network, consisting of 175 offices, including 9 branches, 166 branches (of which 35 branches are in Moscow), 51 cash desks and 225 ATMs.

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Clients are offered a standard set of banking products and services (money transfers, rental of safes, plastic cards, cash management services, remote banking services, trade financing, conversion transactions, securities transactions, deposits and deposits, as well as commercial, consumer, mortgage lending, etc. .). The activities of OTP Bank cover 70 regions of Russia, while the POS network includes more than 17,500 retail outlets, 95 credit and cash offices of the Bank, is represented in 7 of 8 federal districts, and is actively operating in all cities with a population exceeding 1 million people. . The largest regions of the Bank's presence are Moscow, St. Petersburg, Samara, Novosibirsk, Omsk and Rostov regions, and the Urals. In total, OTP Bank is present in more than 2,700 settlements in Russia.

At the end of 2012, the bank's balance sheet currency indicator increased by 22%. In the passive part, there was a noticeable increase in the volume of deposits of individuals and enterprises; in the assets, newly raised funds were mainly distributed into the loan portfolio, and also invested in securities.

The resource base is dominated by deposits and current accounts of individuals - 32% of liabilities, the bank's own funds account for 24%. 15% falls on accounts and deposits of legal entities, 6% is attracted from the parent organization. Turnovers on customer accounts within a month amount to 90-150 billion rubles.

Of the assets, 80% is occupied by the loan portfolio; in the portfolio, almost all loans issued are to individuals (97%). The organization has significantly increased the volume of loans to private clients. Delinquency is shown at 15% according to RAS (as of January 2012, this figure was 9%, growing dynamically). 12% of net assets are invested in securities, 2% of which are government securities; placement with banks (issued interbank loans) also accounts for 12%. In the domestic interbank market, the financial institution works in both directions, acting as a net lender and also attracting the missing amounts of funds. The organization actively conducts operations in the foreign exchange market, as well as in the debt securities market, including in the format of repo transactions.

At the end of 2012, OTP Bank received a net profit of about 6.5 billion rubles, according to financial statements under RAS (in 2011, the same figure was 5.2 billion). As of December 1, 2013, the bank earned 775 million rubles.

Board of Directors: Istvan Chametz (chairman), Ildiko Tax, Zoltan Schenk, Peter Forrai, Miroslav Vichev, Akos Monoshtori, Georgiy Chesakov.

Governing body: Georgy Chesakov (chairman, president), Sergey Kapustin, Valery Stepanov, Yulia Oreshkina.

The Board of Directors of OTP Bank decided to change the composition of the board of directors of the credit institution. Thus, from November 3, Muslim Satybaldiev, Igor Belomytsev and Kirill Dremach joined the board as deputy chairmen, the OTP reported.

“I am pleased to announce that the board of directors has supported the proposal to appoint new members of the bank’s board. Kirill, Igor and Muslim have been working at the bank for a long time, being responsible for key departments in the organization. This appointment is the next logical step, on the one hand, formalizing the level of responsibility of colleagues, and on the other hand, paying tribute to the efficiency and results of their work in their areas,” commented Ilya Chizhevsky, President of OTP Bank, on the personnel decision.

Muslim Satybaldiev was born in 1981 in Moscow. In 2004, he graduated from the State University Higher School of Economics with a degree in strategic and corporate management. At the same time, he studied at the Graduate School of Business at the Central School of Paris (ECP) and the European School of Management (ESCP-EAP). From 2005 to 2013, he worked at Alfa-Bank, where he rose from coordinator of the sales department of credit products to director of development and sales, vice president, responsible for the development of distribution channels.

Since 2013, Satybaldiev has been working at OTP Bank, where until 2016 he was sales director, deputy division director, and was responsible for managing operational sales of the classic network and alternative channels. Since 2016, he served as director of the Network division.

Satybaldiev’s responsibilities in his new position as Deputy Chairman of the Bank’s Board include the business of the classic branch network and alternative sales channels, work with the VIP segment, micro and small businesses, as well as the development of online commerce.

Igor Belomytsev was born in 1966 in Gorky. In 1989, he received a diploma in economics with a specialization in foreign economic relations from the Budapest Karl Marx University of Economic Sciences. In 1993 he completed his master's degree at the Stockholm University of Economics.

More than 25 years in the banking industry. He began his banking career in 1990 in the Hungarian Mezobank, which was later merged with a large financial group in Central Europe - Erste Bank Group. Belomytsev was appointed director of the treasury operations division and was responsible for the development of ALM and management of the treasury activities of Erste Bank in Hungary, the development and implementation of business strategies in the field of treasury operations, and the initiation of the development of new investment products and strategies. In 2001, he moved to Volksbank (Budapest), where he headed the treasury division and investment direction. In 2007, Belomytsev joined the team of the Ukrainian OTP Bank as deputy chairman of the board, responsible for treasury operations and asset and liability management, development of subsidiaries. Under his leadership, OTP Factoring, OTP Pension Fund, OTP Management Company and OTP Leasing were created.

In 2016, Igor Belomyttsev moved to the Russian OTP Bank, where he took the position of Advisor to the President and was responsible for the development of corporate business and treasury operations. In 2017, he was appointed director of the corporate business and treasury operations division. “Successfully manages the development of strategies and new products in the business areas of these divisions,” OTP emphasizes in the release.

Kirill Dremach was born in 1974 in Moscow. In 1996 he graduated from the Moscow Institute of Economics and Statistics (“applied mathematics”). From 1996 to 2009, he worked at Citibank, where he held the position of head of the information technology department. From 2009 to 2011, he was director of the information technology department at Barclays Bank and served on its board. In 2011-2012, he worked in the information technology department of Absolut Bank, holding the position of director of information technology. In 2012, he returned to Citibank - to the Operations and Technology Directorate, and served as Head of Operational Banking Technologies in Central and Eastern Europe.

Since 2016, Dremach has been working at OTP Bank, where he initially took the position of director of the operational management division. His responsibilities in his new status as a member of the board and deputy chairman include the development of the IT department, operational, administrative and economic, purchasing activities, as well as coordination of the work of the department for collecting overdue debts.

Against the background of the decline of the retail market, personnel changes began in the management of monoliner banks. The Chairman of the Board of the Hungarian OTP Bank, Georgy Chesakov, is leaving his post on October 15; the shareholders have not yet found a replacement for him

Photo: Novoderezhkin Anton/TASS

​The fact that Chesakov is leaving OTP Bank was told to RBC by three sources close to the bank, and confirmed by the press service. The letter, which was sent to bank employees on September 22 (available to RBC), says that Chesakov is leaving the post of president of OTP Bank on October 15, 2015. “This decision was made by mutual agreement of the parties; it was caused by differences in the vision of the further development of the bank in Russia. From October 16, 2015, Yulia Oreshkina, a member of the board of OTP Bank, will temporarily serve as acting president,” the letter says.

An RBC source close to the bank says that the decision to resign was unexpected both for Chesakov himself and for the team. “The decision was made spontaneously, bank employees only learned about it on Tuesday, a temporary manager was appointed, but the shareholders have not yet found a real replacement for Chesakov,” says the source, adding that the reason for the departure could be complaints against him from Western shareholders. “They didn’t like that Georgy was unable to join the team, create a strong team, and he also did not do enough to develop the bank in the regions,” notes the source.

Another RBC source cites “insufficient speed of bank optimization and cost reduction during the crisis” as the reason for Chesakov’s departure. The bank has been showing losses since 2014. ​ If at the end of 2012 it earned a profit according to IFRS in the amount of 6.95 billion rubles, then in 2013 it decreased to 607.4 million rubles, at the end of 2014 the bank received a loss of 2.3 billion rubles, and in the first half of 2015 year, the loss has already amounted to 3.4 billion rubles. ​Since the beginning of the year, OTP Bank’s loan portfolio has decreased by 13%, and overdue payments have increased by 44% according to Russian reporting.

Chesakov told RBC that the bank has done a lot over the past year to overcome the effects of the crisis. “As a result, the bank’s results in recent months are significantly better than the forecasts made in the spring. Nevertheless, our views with the shareholders on the further development of the bank differed, which led to the adoption of a mutual decision,” he added.

Chesakov headed OTP Bank in the fall of 2013; from 2006 to 2011, he worked at Tinkoff Bank, including as chairman of the board. ​Chesakov’s track record includes work at Russian Standard Bank, McKinsey & Company, BP, and Rust. He studied mechanics and mathematics at Moscow State University, graduating with honors, after which he received a master's degree in computer science at Princeton University, and in the early 1990s he received an evening education in business and economics at the Russian-American Independent University.

Before Russian Standard, he worked for three years at Investsberbank, where he was responsible for the retail lending business. The same year that Chesakov left for Tinkoff Bank, Investsberbank was sold to the Hungarian OTP Bank.

OTP Bank ranks 45th in terms of assets (171 billion rubles), the controlling shareholder of the bank is the Hungarian OTP Bank.

In the first half of 2015, retail banks brought a fifth of the losses of the entire banking system based on the results of the first half of the year. The total loss for the system amounted to 256 billion rubles, and the loss of seven of the ten largest retail banks amounted to 49 billion rubles. According to the results of the first half of 2015, VTB24 had the largest loss among banks specializing in lending to individuals - 12.3 billion rubles. (compared to a profit of 10.5 billion rubles for the same period last year). It was followed by Home Credit with a loss of 9.5 billion rubles. Svyaznoy and Orient Express lost 6.3 billion each, Russian Standard - 5.6 billion, Renaissance Credit - 5.1 billion, OTP - 3.4 billion rubles.

The income of retail monoliners is falling for two main reasons: firstly, the Bank of Russia introduced a ceiling on consumer loan rates; secondly, the banks themselves, which are now less actively and more carefully expanding their portfolios, competing for a higher-quality borrower, are forced to reduce rates. At the same time, banks have to pay more for funding, and rising deposit rates undermine the business model of even players with acceptable levels of credit losses. Banks are actively cutting branches and staff, reducing the scale of business, but this does not cover the increase in funding costs.