State stamp and visa approval of the document. Where you can successfully approve redevelopment Why approval is not needed

Many people are thinking about remodeling their apartment. They want to make an arch, combine several rooms or improve the layout. Fundamental changes are made only after receiving appropriate permission from the authorities. This is due to the fact that all adjustments must be safe and reliable, and it is not allowed to affect the load-bearing wall. Therefore, it is important to know where to coordinate the redevelopment of an apartment, what documents are prepared for this, as well as what preliminary actions are performed.

What changes are recorded?

Not all changes to a home require a permit. But if you plan to make drastic adjustments, then approval is a mandatory process. When do you need to approve the redevelopment of an apartment? The process is carried out by implementing the following actions:

  • installation or dismantling of window or door openings is carried out;
  • the location of various plumbing equipment changes, which leads to an increase in the load on the water supply system;
  • changing the gas stove to electric appliances;
  • the toilet is moved to another place;
  • capital partitions are installed.

All of the above actions require significant repairs and changes to the most important systems of the room. Therefore, permission to redevelop the apartment is required, issued by the BTI.

When is approval not required?

Before various small works, home owners think about whether it is necessary to coordinate the redevelopment of the apartment. Permission is not required when performing the following work:

  • partitions that are not load-bearing are dismantled;
  • there is no increase in housing area;
  • light partitions are installed that do not exert a significant load on the entire structure of the house;
  • several rooms are not combined;
  • the area that is a public place is not used;
  • property belonging to other residents of the building is not affected in any way.

Under the above conditions, standard work is implemented that does not require changes to the BTI database.

What actions are prohibited?

Some repair work is simply prohibited in residential premises, as they can negatively affect the service life and integrity of the entire structure. What cannot be agreed upon when remodeling an apartment? It is impossible to obtain permission for the following types of work:

  • as a result of the implemented actions, the living conditions of citizens worsen;
  • damage is caused to the structure of the house, so there is a threat to the safety of residents;
  • the ventilation system in residential premises is narrowed or completely dismantled;
  • it is planned to install partitions that are too heavy, putting significant pressure on the entire structure of the house;
  • the kitchen, which has a gas stove, is combined with a living room or other living space;
  • the appearance of the building deteriorates;
  • the balcony is combined with the living room;
  • the heating system for the loggia is extended;
  • a warm floor is being formed, and it is planned to connect it to the heating system in the house.

If the documents submitted to the administration and the BTI for approval contain the above changes in residential premises, then a refusal to carry out redevelopment will be immediately received. If work is carried out without obtaining prior permission, this will lead to the fact that future changes will not be legalized. Selling such an apartment is quite difficult, since buyers will be aware of problems with the design of the premises.

Additionally, the owner of the premises may be held liable for illegal and dangerous adjustments. He will be obliged to remodel the premises to their original condition. If he refuses, he will have to pay a significant fine, and there is also a possibility that the home will be confiscated and sold at auction.

Consequences of illegal redevelopment

Many people make various changes to their living spaces without first obtaining permission to redevelop the apartment. This leads to the appearance of illegal changes, since they are not registered in the BTI. The main negative consequences of such a decision include:

  • payment of a fine in the amount of 2 to 2.5 thousand rubles;
  • officials will demand that residential premises be returned to their previous condition, so a lot of time and effort will have to be spent on repair work;
  • if the requirement is not met, a trial will begin, as a result of which a decision is made to sell the property, for which electronic auctions are held;
  • the owner of the premises receives only compensation payment after the sale of the property;
  • if people use municipal premises, then the social rent agreement with them is terminated;
  • a ban is imposed on performing various registration actions with the property;
  • It will not be possible to carry out even standard unauthorized repairs, since various actions can lead to destruction of the structure or various emergencies.

When choosing any residential premises, buyers check on the basis of technical documents whether the apartment has any illegal redevelopment. It can be legitimized only on the condition that all actions were safe and correct. Otherwise, you may face serious negative consequences, which is why buyers usually refuse such “problem” apartments.

Stages of obtaining permission

The redevelopment of the apartment is being approved by the BTI. The procedure involves performing several successive steps. These include:

  • It is necessary to carry out approval before making direct changes to the design of the residential premises;
  • Initially, you need to contact the BTI, since it is this organization that is responsible for registering all changes to residential premises registered in Russia;
  • a conclusion is issued by BTI employees on the condition of the object;
  • the floor plan is transmitted;
  • Based on the information received, a project for redevelopment of the apartment is drawn up for approval;
  • in the department for major repairs of a specific region, you need to obtain an opinion on the condition of the house, based on documents from the BTI and the project generated by the applicant;
  • then a permit for redevelopment is issued at the SES and the city fire inspection, and specialists from these institutions check not only the immediate project, but also the documents received by the citizen from the administration and the BTI;
  • the final stage involves contacting the city architecture department, as well as obtaining permission from the housing inspection, since it is these organizations that make the final decision on the possibility of changing the design of residential premises.

It is not recommended to ignore the SES or fire inspection, since if there is no permission from these authorities, the legality of the redevelopment may be challenged. Additionally, such actions on the part of the property owner may result in the need to pay significant fines.

If the project is truly drawn up by professionals, and there are no plans to affect capital structures, then there will be no difficulties in obtaining permission. People who want to carry out serious repair work should know where to coordinate the redevelopment of the apartment in order to contact the necessary authorities immediately.

What documents are required?

To coordinate significant changes in the apartment, it is necessary to prepare the relevant papers in different organizations. These may vary from organization to organization. The documents required for redevelopment of the apartment are represented by the following papers:

  • passports of all owners or residents of the apartment;
  • title documents for housing;
  • extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate;
  • redevelopment project drawn up by experienced professionals;
  • floor plan obtained from BTI;
  • an agreement drawn up with a contractor to perform work in an apartment;
  • an extract from the house register containing information about the persons registered in the apartment;
  • technical report issued by BTI specialists;
  • consent to changes drawn up by all residents of the apartment;
  • a certificate confirming that citizens have no debts for utility services;
  • payment documents.

Additionally, other papers may be required.

Artist selection

Difficulties in obtaining permission usually arise if property owners plan to carry out renovation work themselves. It is advisable to entrust this process to professionals. A formal contract is drawn up with the selected contractor.

If you figure out where to coordinate the redevelopment of the apartment, then this process will not take much time, and you will not have to spend a large amount of money on it.

What does resolution look like?

After approval of the redevelopment, the owner of the premises receives permission for the planned work. It is represented by an official document that includes the following information:

  • name of the authority that issued the document;
  • direct text allowing specific changes to be made in the apartment;
  • date of document preparation;
  • validity period of the permit;
  • signatures of authorized persons;
  • seal of the organization.

The text usually contains recommendations on the basis of which it is necessary to make adjustments to the existing project. If a refusal is received, the problems in the documents can be eliminated, for which 3 months are given. After this, you can contact government organizations again.

How to legalize the redevelopment of an apartment in 2018?

Many people choose to carry out renovation work without first obtaining permission for the process. As a result, it will be difficult for citizens to sell such an object.

The question arises about how to legalize the redevelopment of an apartment in 2018. The process is necessarily accompanied by the payment of a fine in the amount of 2 to 2.5 thousand rubles.

If all changes are reliable and safe, then you can get permission for existing changes. To do this, you can contact the court or government organizations.

Methods to legalize redevelopment

There are two ways to register changes that have already been made:

  • administrative, which consists of collecting relevant documents, which are then transmitted to all necessary government agencies;
  • The judicial method involves going to court to force changes to the BTI.

It is advisable to obtain permission for this process before making changes, and only then carry out repairs.


All people planning to change the design of their home should know where to coordinate the redevelopment of an apartment, what documents are required for this, and also what difficulties may be encountered. A permit is not always required if the adjustments are minor.

If changes are made without permission, the redevelopment will be considered illegal. It can be legalized administratively or judicially.

Sometimes an apartment buyer is satisfied with the area, the house, and the price, but does not like how the premises are designed. And sometimes people who have lived in their own apartment for a long time get tired of its interior, and they begin to want something new.

And then the property owners remodel it according to their needs and desires. Let's talk about in which cases redevelopment does not need to be legalized, and in which it is necessary.

“Cosmetics” is not a reason

First, let's consider the question of in what cases it is not necessary to legalize redevelopment.

If the owner of the apartment has made cosmetic repairs without affecting the partitions, replaced the plumbing or rearranged it, then such changes do not need to be formalized. As for operations with non-load-bearing partitions - existing and newly erected, it is enough to notify the State Housing Inspectorate about them. In this case, obtaining permission is not required,” says Sergei Ilyasaev, CEO of Rezidential Group, developer of the Pirogovskaya Riviera residential complex.

According to the head of the division of the Sibpromstroy Group of Companies, the developer of the Zelenogradsky residential complex, Oksana Storozhuk, no documents need to be drawn up also if, as part of the redevelopment, balconies are glazed, mezzanines are installed, radiators are replaced, or changes are made to the space that are not subject to inclusion in the apartment’s registration certificate.

Global changes

The most common redevelopments are changes in the area of ​​rooms and the adjacent territory. For example, if the owner of the apartment removed the balcony door, removed the partitions, eliminated the built-in closet, the presence of which is noted in the floor plan of the living space.

You can find out whether it is necessary to register the “consequences” of repairs in the information department of the Housing Inspectorate or the architecture department of the district administration.

If the BTI plan does not contain information about redevelopment, and you have already made it, knowledgeable experts advise you to start processing the “planned” changes. In this case, you can avoid a fine for unauthorized redevelopment and a lengthy procedure for obtaining documentation,” comments Oksana Storozhuk.

But the recommendation to apply for permission for “planned” changes applies to cases when we are talking about unimportant details, the expert emphasizes. If you touched load-bearing walls during renovation or, for example, you wanted to make a jacuzzi in the bedroom or install a swimming pool on the roof of the house, you should expect a visit from a home inspector to check the fact of illegal redevelopment.

Redevelopments must be coordinated in cases where the architectural elements of the facades are affected, for example, when combining rooms with loggias, adds Sergey Ilyasaev. In addition, prior approval must be obtained when moving toilets and bathrooms.

Approval stages

All approval procedures regarding redevelopment can be completed, as experts say, “administratively.”

First, you need to contact the BTI and get documents there - a housing passport, an explication and a floor plan of the house. Then you should get advice from the Housing Inspectorate, since the further course of action and the package of necessary documents may vary somewhat in a particular region. Next, the apartment will be inspected by employees of the BTI and Rospotrebnadzor, they will find out whether the redevelopment will violate current sanitary standards, says Nikolai Kosyak, head of the Rambler/real estate project of Rambler&Co.

The next point is drawing up a sketch or project. You can do it yourself or hire specialists.

If you contact a design organization to develop a specific work plan and project, remember that it must have access to this type of work and be a member of the SRO. First, specialists must determine whether the redevelopment that the client has in mind can be carried out. If changes are prohibited, they should be abandoned, notes Sergey Ilyasaev.

A complete package of documents (consisting of an application for redevelopment, a document on the rights to the premises - a certificate or extract from Rosreestr, a redevelopment project and a technical passport) must be submitted to the MFC or to another administrative body that regulates these issues, for example, to the architectural department in the district administration.

The total period for reviewing an application for redevelopment is 45 days. The redevelopment is completed by drawing up a report from the acceptance committee, which is sent to the rights registration authority. The act is drawn up on average within 10 days, says General Director of the MIEL-Novostroiki company Natalya Shatalina.

In general, those who want to do a redevelopment will definitely have to go to the authorities. But perhaps the new look of your apartment is worth it!

The process of approving redevelopment is regulated by the Housing Code of Russia (Chapter 4) and local by-laws - in Moscow these are the “Fundamentals of Housing Policy of the City of Moscow” (Article 15) and Resolution No. 508 on the organization of reconstruction and (or) redevelopment of residential and non-residential premises in apartment buildings. These documents specify the permitted types of work, as well as the subtleties of document preparation. The authorities you need to contact depend on the region. In Moscow, this is dealt with by the Moscow Housing Inspectorate, in St. Petersburg - by the State Housing Inspectorate, in other regions - by the local administration (it is possible to apply through the MFC).

What does not need to be agreed upon

There is good news - not all work needs to be approved.

A permit will not be required for cosmetic repairs, including the replacement of finishing coatings, the installation or disassembly of built-in furniture (if it is not indicated in the technical passport), or the replacement of engineering equipment with a similar technical device.

You do not need permission to reinstall an electric stove in the kitchen, or to install an antenna, outdoor screens or air conditioners on the facades of houses. You can also change the materials of balconies and loggias yourself.

Rearrangement of heating (heating) and gas appliances is allowed if this does not require the installation of additional supply networks.

There are also a number of works that can be done without a project and permission, and then issued through a notification procedure. These include:

— rearrangement of plumbing fixtures in the existing dimensions of toilets, bathrooms, kitchens;

— sealing doorways in non-load-bearing partitions;

— glazing of loggias and balconies according to standard projects;

— eliminating or changing the shape of vestibules without increasing their external dimensions;

— installation of partitions without increasing the load on the floors;

— complete or partial dismantling of non-load-bearing partitions (except for inter-apartment partitions);

- arrangement of openings in non-load-bearing partitions (except for inter-apartment partitions).

Permission before redevelopment

According to the project, which must be submitted before redevelopment, all types of work are carried out that in one way or another affect load-bearing structures and general building utilities.

Also, the types of work for which you need to obtain permission in advance include all types that are not provided for in the part that does not need to be approved. For example, this is the reconstruction of floors, any work affecting the architectural appearance of the facade, the installation of new or relocation of existing bathrooms, any work related to gas.

If you have any doubts about whether the redevelopment needs to be approved, it is better in any case to contact the Moscow Housing Inspectorate before starting repairs.

What will never be agreed upon

Deterioration of living conditions is not allowed - both for neighbors and for one’s own.

The work must not compromise the strength and stability of supporting structures; accordingly, any loads must be within the design limits.

It is forbidden to install disconnecting or regulating devices on general apartment utility networks.

It is not allowed to transfer heating radiators connected to a common system to loggias, balconies and verandas.

It will not be possible to independently arrange a loggia or terrace on the second floor and above.

You cannot remodel a house that is considered unsafe.

It will not be possible to combine the kitchen and living room if the apartment has a gas stove - you will need a tightly closing door.

Required documents

To approve the redevelopment, you need to provide an application, documents for the apartment, a redevelopment project (if required) and a technical passport of the premises (obtained from the territorial department of the BTI).

Title documents may not be provided if the right to the premises is registered in. In Moscow, you also don’t have to bring a technical passport - it will be received by the Moscow Housing Inspectorate in the form of an electronic copy.

If the apartment is not owned, and people live there under a social tenancy agreement, written consent of all family members will be required.

If the building in which the apartment is located is an architectural, historical or cultural monument, you must provide a conclusion from the body for the protection of such monuments on the admissibility of redevelopment.

Permission or refusal

The decision must be made within 45 days from the date of application.

If documents were submitted through the MFC - within 45 days after the documents were transferred to the decision-making body. No later than another three working days, the approval body must send the decision to the MFC or issue it to the applicant.

A refusal of approval may be received if the necessary documents are not provided, the documents are submitted to the wrong authority, or the redevelopment project does not comply with the law. The decision to refuse must contain a justification. The refusal can be appealed in court.

Acceptance of work after repair

Once consent has been received, repairs can begin, but the process will not end there. After completion of all work, you need to invite an acceptance committee, which will confirm that the redevelopment corresponds to the original project.

Based on the results of the inspection, an act must be drawn up, which is sent by the body carrying out the approval to the body that maintains state records of real estate objects.

What are the consequences of redevelopment without approval?

For unauthorized redevelopment, a fine of 2000 to 2500 rubles is imposed (Article 7.21 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation). In addition, the owner will be obliged to restore the premises to their original condition, for which a “reasonable period” is given.

If an order is issued to return everything to its original condition, but it is not fulfilled, the apartment can be sold at public auction (the owner will receive the money minus legal costs).

Previously, Gazeta.Ru talked about ideas for redevelopment with advice from designers and realtors.

Before signing, draft documents are in some cases agreed upon with interested institutions, structural divisions, and individual officials.

This is done to check the feasibility and timeliness, compliance with applicable laws and regulations and is, in essence, an assessment of the project.

Coordination is carried out inside and outside the institution.

Document approval visa

Internal consistency carried out with those units whose participation is provided for in the implementation of this document. In institutions that have a legal service, documents are agreed upon with a lawyer before signing. The document can also be agreed upon with the deputy head of the institution who oversees the issues reflected in the document.

If the execution of a document involves financial costs, approval is required from the financial service (chief accountant).

Usually these are contracts and agreements concluded by an organization (firm) for the receipt or release of inventory, performance of work and services; orders on establishing official salaries, wage increases, bonuses, etc. Thus, an accountant visa is provided for on a large number of documents.

Internal approval is issued by a document approval visa, consisting of indication of the position of the endorser, his signature, its decoding (initials and surname) and date.

In case of disagreement with the document, or if there are any comments or additions to the draft, they are stated on a separate sheet, signed and attached to the document. In this case, the visa is issued as follows:

Visa location: if the original document is sent, then the visa is located below the signature or on the left margin of the last sheet of the copy that will be left at the institution.

For documents whose originals remain in the organization (these are primarily internal documents), the visa is affixed to the back of the last sheet of the first copy of the original document.

The institution must have list of essential documents indicating the persons whose visas are required upon registration. It is advisable to give such a list in the appendix to. Office workers should know well without whose visas a document cannot be submitted to the manager for signature.

If there is a computer network, the text of a document can be coordinated simultaneously with several specialists without printing it on paper.

Document approval stamp

External approval depending on the content, it can be carried out with subordinate and non-subordinate bodies, if the content of the document affects their interests, with research organizations, public organizations, state and departmental control bodies, and higher authorities.

External approval of a document can be formalized by a protocol of approval or discussion of the draft document, a certificate, but most often by the stamp of approval of the document.

Approval stamp has two options: agreement with a specific official and agreement with another document, most often a letter, protocol, etc.

In the first case, after the word AGREED, the name of the position is indicated, including the name of the organization, a personal signature is placed, its explanation is given and the date is indicated. In the second case, after the word AGREED, the type of document, its date and number are indicated.

The word AGREED is written in capital letters without quotation marks.

If coordination with several organizations is necessary, a separate approval sheet can be drawn up.

I often want to carry out large-scale renovations in my apartment and do some kind of radical redevelopment. If all the work is completed, but is not approved by the authorities, such an apartment becomes a big problem for its owner. It cannot be sold or used as collateral, and if an inspection is initiated and all changes are revealed, you will have to pay a fine.

Therefore, consent for redevelopment of the apartment must be obtained in advance and only after that repair work can begin.

Collection of documents and permits

You will have to deal with the Bureau of Technical Inventory, where a new registration certificate is ordered for housing in which some changes have been made. First you need to make a copy of the existing plan, then write an application for redevelopment. In addition to this package, documents on real estate ownership are provided.

If other people are registered in the house, it is necessary to obtain their consent to carry out the work. In a situation where the apartment is collateral with the bank or it was purchased with a mortgage, the owner will need to obtain permission from the bank to carry out the work.

If you use the help of a company that provides its services for coordinating redevelopment, then you need a power of attorney to be your representative.

Changes cannot simply be made to houses that are historical or architectural monuments. You must first collect permits from the authorities for the protection of cultural and historical monuments, as well as from the fire and gas services.

What can't be agreed upon?

As we have already found out, it is almost never possible to do without constructive changes in the configuration of the room. And if you can arrange a vestibule at the entrance or change the location of the door reception without any problems, then a number of actions are strictly prohibited:

  1. truncation or relocation of ventilation ducts and communication risers;
  2. expanding the window opening or adding it;
  3. combining a room and a kitchen with a violation of the thermal circuit;
  4. installing heating on a loggia or balcony, installing warm electric floors is also prohibited;
  5. Load-bearing walls and columns cannot be demolished.

Why is approval not needed?

Approval is not required to carry out the following repair and finishing work:

  • replacement of wall, floor and ceiling finishes;
  • installation of built-in furniture;
  • replacement of equipment (toilet, sink, etc.);
  • installation of plastic windows and air conditioners.

Project preparation

Before you agree on the redevelopment of an apartment, you need to understand all its aspects. Redevelopment means changing the functional purpose of rooms, dismantling partitions, as well as utilities, completing new doorways and filling in old ones. This reconstruction does not affect the façade of the building.

If you want to radically change your living space, start by drawing up a work plan, which will then need to be approved. When the work does not concern batteries and ventilation, then approval can be carried out according to a simple plan and additional permits are not needed.

It is best to order a project from a design and construction office. The sketch will be made in a special graphic editor, based on the specialist’s measurements of your apartment and your wishes.

The project also describes the type of building, additional technical characteristics and conditions, adding at the end the cherished phrase “Made in strict accordance with fire and explosion safety standards.”

You can contact any private or public organization, the main thing is that they have a certificate and permission to carry out such work. The project is completed by the signature of the chief engineer and the seal of the company, which takes full responsibility for the redevelopment.

Now it remains to find out where to coordinate the redevelopment of the apartment before hiring a team of builders and starting work.

Where can I get approval for a finished project?

Find the department of architecture and urban planning in your city (local architecture department is suitable for small cities) and give them the following package of documents for review:

  1. certificate of ownership of the property where work is planned to be carried out;
  2. cadastral passport, which is taken from the BTI;
  3. a redevelopment project completed for you by a special organization;
  4. agreements of all family members who live in the apartment to carry out work;
  5. statement. You can download the form online.

In return, the client is given a receipt for the papers and a date is set when he can come for the completed permit. The law allows 45 days for consideration of the application, after which a written response is issued. Now you can safely hire workers and purchase the necessary tools and materials.

Important aspects

Throughout the entire redevelopment process, it is important to keep a log of the work performed. It marks all the stages, otherwise the inspection will not sign the act and even if initial consent is received, the redevelopment will still be considered illegal.

To certify this journal-act, it is necessary to invite a commission from the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning, already known to us. The commission will check the compliance of the work described with the volume actually completed and if everything is in order, it will sign the act. If, as a result of the work, the area of ​​the housing has changed, then the certificate of ownership will have to be changed.

If not, we send the redevelopment act and certificate of ownership again to the BTI, where after some time a new registration certificate will be produced for you. In a situation where the redevelopment was carried out illegally and was accidentally discovered by a BTI engineer, you will have to pay a fine, because this is a violation of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation.

On average, it will take from 1 to 4 months to approve a redevelopment sketch. Serious change projects will accordingly take more time and money, because the services of BTI engineers and architecture management workers are not free.