Russian economy. Family economy What sectors of the economy do your parents work in?

1. What enterprises are located in your area or city? When did they arise? What types of products and for what purposes do they produce?

An enterprise is an independent economic entity created in accordance with the procedure established by law. As a rule, this is a legal entity (limited liability company, joint stock company, etc.), i.e., it has separate property in its ownership, full economic management or operational management, and is responsible for its obligations with this property and acts in court on its own behalf.

All enterprises produce some kind of product or provide services (which can also be considered a product). The size of the enterprise can vary, starting with one employee. Table 1 provides information about the ten largest (by number of employees) enterprises in Russia. Fill out a similar table for enterprises in your area (information about them can be found in local newspapers, directories, and Internet sites).

2. Try to classify enterprises in your city or region: by industry, by sector. Which of these classifications seems more suitable to you: for study; to identify problems: to predict the development of the economy?

It is proposed to determine the industries and sectors of eight enterprises. You can fill out a similar table for enterprises in your city or district. For example, for the ten largest enterprises in Moscow and the Moscow region, this table will look like this:

Labor resources largely depend on the demand and supply of jobs. Sometimes changes in the industrial orientation of regions lead to tragedies. Thus, in coal mining areas (Vorkuta), the closure of unprofitable coal mines leaves a huge number of miners out of work and without wages. They are forced to retrain and look for another job or move to other areas. Perestroika had a strong impact on employment, and consequently on the standard of living of specialists. The closure of a large number of research and production enterprises of the military-industrial complex forced scientists and people of rare professions to look for new jobs. The so-called “brain drain” abroad has begun.

Company Location Industry of specialization Number of employees Types of products
"GAS" Nizhny Novgorod Automotive-building 96 000 Cars "GAZ", "Volga"
"VAZ" Tolyatti Automobile-building 93 000 Zhiguli cars
"KAMAZ" Naberezhnye Chelny Automobile-building 90 000 Kamaz and OKA vehicles
"ZIL" Moscow Automobile-building 79 000 Cars
Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works Magnito-gorsk Ferrous metallurgy 52 000 Steel, rolled products
Norilsk Mining and Metallurgical Plant named after. A. P. Zavenyagina Norilsk Non-ferrous metallurgy 50 000 Nickel, cobalt, copper, etc.
"IZHMASH" Izhevsk Automobile-building 47 000 Passenger cars, motorcycles, hunting rifles, machine tools, etc.
Severstal Cherepovets Ferrous metallurgy 39 000 Steel, rolled products
"Uraltract" (Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant) Chelyabinsk Tractor-building 38 000 Tractors, motorcycles
"Northern Machine Enterprise" Severo-dvinsk Shipbuilding 38 000 Marine vessels, submarines

Material from the site

Company Branch of the economy Note
"ZIL" Mechanical engineering (automotive) Heavy and mini trucks, household appliances
Voskresensky chemical plant Chemical industry (production of mineral fertilizers) One of the largest mineral fertilizer production enterprises in Russia. Produces super-phosphate, micro-fertilizers, phosphorus-potassium fertilizers, sulfuric acid (the cheapest in the country)
Petelinskaya poultry farm Agriculture (poultry farming) Eggs and poultry
Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomo-nosova Enlightenment (science) The largest educational institution in Russia
Electrometallurgical Plant named after. I. F. Tevosyan Ferrous metallurgy Steel, rolled products

3. Do changes in the structure of the economy affect labor resources? What do you think are the demands placed on labor resources as the economy develops?

In general, as the economy develops, more and more qualified workers are required who are fluent in modern technology and have a broad outlook. In most cases, many specialists, in order to meet modern requirements, have to periodically improve their qualifications.

Didn't find what you were looking for? Use the search

1. Solve the crossword puzzle and you will find out what economics is.

Use your textbook to complete the definition.

Economy - This is the economic activity of people.

2. Do you know the sectors of the economy? Label the pictures yourself or with the help of a textbook.

3. In addition to those listed in the textbook, there are other sectors of the economy. For example, forestry, communications, catering, housing and communal services, banking sector, consumer services. Think about and explain (verbally) what each of these industries does.

  • Forestry is a branch of the economy that deals with forests: it studies forests, takes care of their reproduction, protects forests from pests and fires, and regulates the use of forests for economic purposes.
  • Communications is a branch of the economy that develops and regulates means of communication: radio, television, Internet, telephony, etc.
  • Public catering is a branch of the economy engaged in the production and sale of culinary products: restaurants, cafes, canteens, buffets, confectionery shops, bakeries, cafeterias, dumpling shops, etc.
  • Housing and communal services is a branch of the economy that ensures the operation of engineering infrastructure in populated areas: hot and cold water supply systems; supply of heat, electricity, gas to houses; waste collection and landscaping systems.
  • The banking sector is a branch of the economy that ensures the operation of banks and the country’s financial system. It includes state and private banks, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and other institutions.
  • Consumer services are a branch of the economy responsible for providing various services to the population: repair services (shoes, clothing, household appliances, etc.), transport services (taxi, transportation of furniture and large items), dry cleaning and laundry services, repair and decoration of apartments, hairdressing services, manicure services, rental services of bicycles, mopeds and scooters, and other services.

4. Our enterprising Parrot offers a task. Collect on p. 69 small collection of coins. To do this, place different coins under the page and use a simple pencil to make their prints.

5. At home, find out from adults what sectors of the economy they work in. Write it down.

My mother works as a teacher in the Education sector, and my father works as a programmer in the Information Technology sector.

6. Using the book “Encyclopedia of Travel. Countries of the World" fill out the table (according to the model given in the first line).



Hungary Forint
Brazil Real
India Rupee
China Yuan
Poland Zloty
Switzerland Swiss frank
Japan Jena

Additional information: message about world currencies.

Message plan:

  1. What is a monetary unit and why is it needed?
  2. Dollar
  3. Euro
  4. GBP
  5. Russian ruble

The most famous monetary units of the world

Once upon a time, people knew nothing about money. They exchanged goods: milk was exchanged for eggs, flour for clothes, and meat for clay mounds. Over time, the variety of goods became so great that it became inconvenient to exchange goods and people came up with a universal means of comparing the cost of things and services - money.

Money, or monetary units, is an equivalent with which the value of any goods and services can be measured and compared. Each country has its own monetary units: the ruble in Russia, the dollar in the USA, the crown in the Czech Republic, the lira in Italy, etc. At the same time, the monetary unit (currencies) of different countries can be exchanged among themselves at a specially established price (exchange rate) and goods from other countries can be purchased with them.

The most common currency units in the world are the US dollar, the European Euro, the British pound sterling, the Japanese Yen and the Swiss franc. These currencies are easily exchanged for any other currency in the world.

The US dollar is a fairly old currency. It became the official currency of the United States of America back in the 18th century, and before that, various coins were called dollars in many European countries. Now the dollar is the national currency of more than 20 countries, and is also considered an international means of payment.

The euro is a very young currency. The Euro became a full-fledged means of payment only in 2002. The Euro was invented specifically as a single monetary unit for the countries of the European Union. The Euro is now the official currency of 29 countries, most of these countries are members of the European Union.

The pound sterling is the national currency of the United Kingdom. This coin appeared in the 12th century and its name originally meant “pound of pure silver.” The coins were actually minted from real silver and 240 of these coins were supposed to weigh exactly a pound (about 350 grams). So counterfeit pounds sterling could be easily identified using a scale. Now the pound sterling is the most expensive currency in the world and, moreover, one of the most stable.

The Russian ruble is the official currency of our country. The ruble has almost as long a history as the English pound sterling - the ruble has been known since the 13th century. Over the many centuries of its existence, the ruble has changed both its appearance and its value many times. For example, in the 16th century, for 1 ruble you could buy a live cow or horse, in the 80s of the last century, for a ruble you could buy half a kilogram of sausage or have a great meal in the canteen, and now for 1 ruble you can only buy a box of matches, and even then not in all cities of Russia.

The ruble is used as a national currency not only in Russia, but also in some other countries: in Belarus the Belarusian ruble is used, in Moldova the Transnistrian ruble is used. Now our state is striving to make the Russian ruble the same global currency as the euro dollar or pound sterling.

Each family has its own farm. This farm can grow and expand, but not because family members receive any profits, but only due to increased earnings of family members and family savings.

A child is a family member, which means he is a participant in the family household. The economic education of children should consist of educating not only the economic members of the family, but also the education of the owner and citizen.

Many parents think that educational work occurs only during conversations and conversations with children, while managing their play or their attitude towards people. In all these areas, indeed, a lot of pedagogically useful things can be done, but this benefit will be negligible if the child is not brought up in the economic field.

A family farm is a very convenient field for nurturing many very important character traits of the future citizen of the owner.

With the help of proper leadership in the field of family farming, the following are cultivated: collectivism, honesty, caring, frugality, responsibility, ability to navigate, operational ability.

So, we will look at each of these important character traits separately.

Collectivism. In its simplest definition, collectivism means the solidarity of an individual with society. The opposite of collectivism is individualism. In some families, due to insufficient attention of parents to these issues, such individualists are brought up. If a child, until childhood, does not know where the family’s funds come from, if she gets used to only satisfying her own needs and does not notice the needs of other family members, if she does not connect her family with the whole society, if she grows up as a greedy consumer, this is the upbringing of an individualist , which can then cause a lot of harm both to the entire society and to oneself.

This is a very erroneous and harmful way of education, and parents suffer more and faster from this error. Only raising a collectivist can be the correct education in our country, and parents should carry out this education regularly. For this, there are the following recommendations: as early as possible, the child should find out where the father and mother work, and what this work consists of, how hard it is, the stress and achievements in it. At the first opportunity, parents should introduce the child to some of their colleagues and employees and talk about the significance of their work. In general, as early as possible, a child should understand well that the money that parents bring home is not only a convenient thing that can be spent, but also constitutes earnings based on great and useful social labor. Parents should always find time and simple words to tell their child about what happened.

The child should quickly familiarize himself with the family budget. She should know the earnings of her father and mother. There is no need to hide the family financial plan from her, but, on the contrary, gradually involve her in discussing family financial notes. She must know what the parent needs, how big and urgent this demand is, and must learn to refuse to satisfy some of her needs in order to better satisfy the needs of other family members.

If a family lives in very good material conditions, the child should not be allowed to be proud of these conditions in front of other families, so that she gets used to showing off her suit, her apartment. She must understand that there is no basis for arrogance in family wealth.

But if a family, for various reasons, barely meets its needs, one should ensure that the child does not envy other families and does not want to move to them. A child should know that there is more pride in persistently fighting for a better life than in spending an extra penny.

Honesty. Honesty does not fall from the sky, it is brought up in the family. Parents should closely monitor the development of honesty in their child. They should not deliberately hide anything from the child, but they should also teach the child not to take anything without permission, even if it lies before the eyes, not closed, not closed. You can deliberately leave all sorts of tempting things in sight and teach your child to treat them calmly, without greedy desire. Once again, we draw the attention of parents to the fact that honesty must be cultivated from a very early age.

Caring. By the way, the components that make up the family's household are gradually aging and must be replaced by new ones. New things need to be bought, which means spending a certain amount of money earned by parents or other family members. From childhood, a child must learn to use things wisely and not allow things to guide her. The most important feature of caring: it is not like greed. It is necessary that the child cares more about other family members than about herself, and especially that she cares about the joint things of the family.

Thrift. Thrift is a special type of care, only care turns out to be more in a person’s thoughts, in a person’s reasoning, and thrift turns out to be in habits. You can be a very thrifty owner and at the same time have no thrifty habits at all. These habits must be cultivated from a very early age. From a very early age, a child must be able to eat without soiling a tablecloth or suit, and she must be able to use things without soiling or breaking them. These habits come with certain difficulties, and yet you still need to strive to form these habits. Habits are formed through repeated exercise.

Thrift should extend not only to your family's belongings, but also to people's belongings and especially to public items. Therefore, never allow things to be handled carelessly on the street, in the park, or in the theater.

Responsibility. Responsibility lies not only in the fact that a person is afraid of punishment, but also in the fact that a person feels awkward even without punishment when, through his fault, a thing is damaged or destroyed. It is precisely this kind of responsibility that must be instilled in a citizen, and that is why one should not be punished for damaging things, but it is necessary for the child to see for herself the damage that she caused by careless handling of the thing, and to regret her negligence. Of course, the child needs to be told about this, all the results of negligence must be explained to her, but it will be even more useful if the child feels these results from his own experience.

It is extremely important to cultivate responsibility in cases where the interests of other family members or even public interests are affected. If there is the right collective tone in the family, this education is very difficult to carry out.

Orientation ability. This is the most important ability, without which there cannot be a good business executive. What is it? It lies in the ability to see and understand all the details surrounding a given case. When a person does something, she should not forget that there are also people behind her and next to her and are also busy with something. Orientation is impossible if a person is accustomed to seeing only what is happening around, does not see and does not feel. In economic activity, the ability to navigate is of great importance. While doing one thing, a child should not forget all his other affairs and the affairs of the people around him.

Operational Capability. This ability is needed to develop long-term economic work that goes beyond the limits of one short assignment. Already With At the age of seven or eight, and often earlier, the child must be given such long-term tasks, for example: watering flowers, keeping books in order, feeding the cat, looking after his younger brother. A particularly important area of ​​cash costs. Here the author strongly advises each family to give the child some independence in spending money to meet his own, and in some cases, general family needs. To do this, you need to give her a certain amount of money once or several times a month. With an exact indication of what this money should be spent on.

At the same time, it is necessary to monitor how the boy or girl performs the assigned tasks, whether they abuse their freedom for entertainment rather than in practice. Sometimes such mistakes occur due to the fact that the amount was intended incorrectly, but it also happens that the boy simply does not take his rights and his capabilities seriously enough. In this case, you should bother the child with constant checks, and even more so with constant mistrust. You just need to be able to see the child’s behavior in the industry assigned to her.

The economic activity of the family is the most important arena for educational work. It is in the family farm that the following are brought up:

Collectivism, that is, a person’s real solidarity with the work and interests of other people, with the interests of the whole society. Collectivism is brought up by the method of bringing the child closer to the conditions of the parents’ activities, by the method of the child’s participation in the family budget, modesty in times of abundance and dignity in times of need in the family;

Honesty, that is, a frank, sincere attitude towards people and things;

Care, that is, constant attention to family needs and plans for meeting them;

Thrift, that is, the habit of taking care of things;

Responsibility, that is, a feeling of guilt and embarrassment in the event of damage or destruction of a thing;

The ability to orientate, in other words, the ability to pay attention to a group of things and issues;

Operational ability, that is, the ability to manage time and work.

The entire family economy should be a collective economy and conducted in calm tones, without nervousness.

What is meant by the words “economy” and “economy”?

In the last century, the word “economy” was defined as “the management, management of procedures and expenses for an establishment, a plant, etc.” (V.I. Dal). The Greek word “economy” (oikonomia) is of the same origin - from the words oikos - house and nomia - management.

Nowadays, the concepts of “economy” and “economy” are used in a broader sense: as a designation for the sphere of production and consumption of various goods and services.

What unites a hunter in the Siberian taiga, a worker on a car factory assembly line, a doctor, a scientist? All of them are employed in the economy, that is, they perform work necessary for society, which at the same time brings them income.

The word “economics” is also used to denote the science that studies the relationships between people in the process of production, distribution and consumption of goods and services. But we will use the word “economy” only to designate a real object - the Russian economy. In this sense, the terms “economy” and “economy” will be used as synonyms.

The elementary “building blocks” of the economy (like molecules in chemistry) are enterprises: factories, factories, shops, clinics, airports, elevators and many, many others.

The study of farming and economics shows us what people “feed” on and how they exist.

What is the structure of the economy?

Enterprises can be grouped according to a variety of characteristics. For example, you can combine them by size - large, medium, small, by the number of employees or by the cost of products (services), or by form of ownership - public, private, cooperative, etc.

Rice. 1. Sectors of the economy

When studying economic geography, the most common division is into economic sectors (Fig. 1). In turn, each industry can also be divided into parts. For example, in the industry (Fig. 2) enterprises are grouped that are homogeneous either in the purpose of their products (fuel, etc.), or in the type of feedstock (woodworking, etc.), or in the nature of technological processes (chemical) .

Rice. 2. Industries (the size of the sector is proportional to the number of employees in the relevant industries)

Sectors of industry can also be united on some basis. Most often they are combined into two groups:

  • heavy industry, which produces mainly products for industrial purposes, that is, intended for further use in the economy: fuel, metals, machinery and equipment, cellulose, synthetic fibers, etc. (this includes all industries except light and food);
  • light and food industries, producing mainly consumer products directly used by the population.

In world statistics, all sectors of the economy are usually grouped into three sectors:

  1. primary activities (primary sector) - “extraction of resources” from nature: mining (extractive industry), fishing, hunting, agriculture, logging;
  2. secondary activities (secondary sector) - processing of natural materials: manufacturing and construction;
  3. tertiary activities (tertiary sector) are no longer the production of any material goods, but the provision of services. This includes transport, trade, healthcare, education, etc.

In recent decades, they began to distinguish the quaternary sphere - the production of new information and its processing. This is science, design work, “continuous education”, retraining of personnel, etc. The importance of this area for the development of modern society becomes decisive: after all, the most important thing is the invention of new things (in technology, in science, in production) and the rapid development everything new by society.

All countries of the world initially developed as agrarian countries, with employment predominating in agriculture. From the end of the 18th century. In England, and then in other countries, industrialization begins - industry becomes the leading sector. And from the middle of the 20th century. in developed countries, primacy shifts to the tertiary sphere.

Technology(from the Greek techne - art, skill) - a set of methods of processing, manufacturing products, giving them new properties, etc. Previously, they only talked about production technology. Now this term is also applied to the service sector - for example, banking technologies, advertising technologies, etc.

What are intersectoral complexes?

The most closely related sectors of the economy are combined into intersectoral complexes: fuel and energy, agro-industrial, etc. For example, the fuel and energy complex (FEC) includes: 1) fuel production (oil, gas, coal); 2) its transportation (via oil and gas pipelines, various modes of transport); 3) fuel processing (for example, oil in oil refineries); 4) supply of fuel to consumers (for example, gas stations); 5) generation of heat and electricity, their transportation to consumers (via heating networks, power lines, etc.).

As we see, the fuel and energy complex includes all types of activities: primary (fuel production), secondary (fuel processing, heat and electricity production), tertiary (fuel transportation, supplying consumers with it) and even quaternary - scientific research, design development, etc.


The main characteristic of the economy is the means of obtaining means of subsistence. Elements of the economy - enterprises - can be grouped by industry, by sector; industries can unite into inter-industry complexes. The main pattern of global development is the gradual reduction in the share of the primary sector; In countries that have already gone through a period of industrialization, the share of tertiary activities is growing.

Questions and tasks

  1. What businesses are located in your area or city? When did they arise? What types of products and for what purposes do they produce?
  2. In what sectors of the economy are your parents (relatives, acquaintances) employed? Which ones would you like to work in? What sector of the economy do they belong to?
  3. Try to classify enterprises in your city or district: by industry, by sector. Which of these classifications do you think is more suitable: for studying, for identifying problems, for predicting economic development?
  4. Do changes in the structure of the economy have an impact on labor resources? What do you think are the demands placed on labor resources as the economy develops?