Essay on the topic “The role of credit in the economy.” Department of Economics and Finance Finance


Essay- attempt, trial, essay.

1. Prose essay - a short argument with a free composition.

2. Expresses individual impressions and considerations on a specific occasion or issue and does not obviously claim to be a definitive or exhaustive interpretation of the subject.

3. Purpose of the essay consists of developing the skills of independent creative thinking and written presentation of one’s thoughts.

The following skills must be demonstrated:

Independently, in writing, fully express an opinion on a specific complete issue (topic);

Use necessary and sufficient argumentation, without going beyond the scope of the issue under consideration;

Know social science terminology, use social science concepts in accordance with the content of the problem under consideration;

Critically evaluate various statements, conclusions regarding public objects, phenomena, processes;

Understand the requirements and scope of the issue (the ability, while staying within the framework of the problem under consideration, to reveal its essence);

Analyze, generalize and explain social phenomena;

Determine and explain your attitude to problematic judgments on social science topics;

Provide coherent and convincing arguments that allow you to reveal your own opinion (your own position);

Critically evaluate proposed problematic statements;

Present facts in writing in a narrative form, without going beyond the scope of the question posed;

Form an opinion about the approaches underlying problematic statements.

Memo for the student

1. Determine the meaning of the proposed statements by answering the question: What did the author want to say?

2. Understand the problem by answering the questions:

What are the main problems associated with this topic?

What do I need to know to solve it?

3. When choosing a topic, you must be sure that:

You have good knowledge of the basic science to which this topic relates;

Clearly understand the meaning of the statement (what the author wanted to say);

You can express your attitude to the statement (agree completely or partially, try to refute it);

You know the social science terms necessary for a competent discussion of the topic based on theoretical knowledge (in this case, the terms and concepts that you want to use must relate directly to the topic of the essay);

Be able to give examples from history, public life, and your own life experience to support your position

You see the various sides (aspects) of the problem raised in the statement and can characterize them.

Remember that you must base your answer on the basis of a specific statement, and not the field of knowledge as a whole.

4. Formulate your attitude to the statement by answering the questions:

5. Identify the main aspects of the problem.

6. Define the terms, concepts and generalizations you need to express and justify your position at a theoretical level. Answer the questions:

7. Select facts, examples from public life and personal social experience that convincingly substantiate your position.

8. Write the text of your mini-essay. Re-read it. Remember that judgments and arguments in an essay should be disclosed based on theoretical principles, conclusions and factual material, and the text itself should highlight various aspects of the problem.

Essay structure

1. Understanding the statement clear and distinctly expressed. This statement should not be repeated verbatim. It is important to reveal its main idea in such a way that the context that determines its content and essence becomes obvious.

2. Determination of personal position for the selected statement: “I agree with this opinion”, “I cannot join this statement”, “In this statement there is something with which I agree and something that seems controversial to me.”

3. Main part The essay is a detailed statement of one’s own opinion regarding the problem posed. The following should be presented here:

Judgments (arguments), definition key social science concepts that help uncover the topic;

Evidence, i.e. facts and examples supporting judgments, points of view;

Consideration and refutation of counterarguments.

Each thesis must be argued using facts and examples from public life and personal social experience.Arguments - these are facts, phenomena of social life, events, life situations and life experiences, scientific evidence, references to the opinions of scientists, etc. It is better not to overload the work with countless arguments, but of course you need to remember that one argument seems unconvincing.

4. Conclusion , briefly summing up the thoughts and reasoning. The conclusion may contain a repetition of the main judgment or opinion; a brief overview of the argumentation in defense of the main conclusion.

The most important parts of the work are the introduction and conclusion. The introduction focuses the essay's problems, poses key questions, points out contradictions, and reveals the social scientific aspects of the topic. The conclusion should be the most striking thought that summarizes the reasoning.

What needs to be done when working with an essay?

When completing the proposed task of writing a mini-essay (essay), you must:

1) analyze the statement, understanding its meaning;

2) identify the key thesis and determine your position in relation to it.

3) determine what theoretical concepts, terms, scientific theories will help reveal the essence of the thesis and one’s own position;

4) formulate the thoughts and ideas that have arisen and put them in writing;

5) analyze the content of what was written, check the style and literacy, compositional structure, logic and consistency of presentation.

The main approaches to writing an essay can be presented in the following constructor:

The meaning of this statement is that...

It’s good to add confirmation of the relevance of the problem raised

Formulation of your own position (with explanation!)

We can only agree with the first part of the statement, after all…

Multidimensionality of statement analysis

The statement can be analyzed from different angles...

Let's look at the statement from different aspects...

This statement is multifaceted: on the one hand...

The statement can be considered in two senses...

The statement can have both direct and figurative meaning...

The statement can be analyzed both in a broad and in a narrow sense...

This statement is ambiguous. It can be interpreted as...

Theoretical level of argumentation

Let's consider the statement from the point of view of economic theory...

Let's turn to the theoretical meaning of the statement...

In economic (...) theory, this statement has its basis...

This statement has a deep theoretical basis...

To substantiate this statement from a theoretical perspective...

Empirical level of argumentation: A) reliance on the facts of social life

B) reliance on personal experience

A) Let’s give examples from public life that confirm my idea...

Let's look at examples from history...

What do the facts of social life tell us...

Numerous examples from public life refute the author’s idea...

Many examples from our life confirm the author’s thoughts... I can confirm my thoughts with examples from my own life...

My personal experience and the experience of my parents suggests the opposite...

It's good to end your essay with a conclusion.

What are the main ideas (problems) in an essay?

When writing an essay, it is necessary to identify the problems raised in the above statements, for example:

Topic: “Economics is the art of satisfying unlimited needs with limited resources” (L. Peter)Problem: rational use of resources using efficientfekt efficient management methods and reasonable consumption.

Topic: “Every person should be given an equal right to pursue his own benefit, and the whole society benefits from this” (A. Smith) Problem: private interest is the source of initiative and entrepreneurship in the economy.

The main idea (problem), being a kind of condition of the task, to which you need to periodically return throughout the entire process of writing an essay, requires a clear designation. This is necessary in order to correctly reveal its content, and also not to accidentally go beyond the framework and not get carried away by general reasoning.

Let us list the main ideas (problems) that graduates can encounter in the proposed topics of assignments on e.economics

1. The contradiction between limited resources and limitless human needs.

2. The problem of economic choice.

3. Factors of production and their importance in the economy.

4. Labor as a type of activity and economic resource.

5. Capital as an economic resource.

6. Intellectual capital as the main source of formation of competitive advantages in economic activity.

7. Factors determining productivity and competitiveness of production in the modern economy.

8. The essence and functions of money in economics.

9. Efficient use of resources.

10. The meaning of the social division of labor.

11. Two sides of the social division of labor - specialization and cooperation.

12. The benefits of social labor cooperation: joint work,

learning by doing and comparative advantage.

13. Efficiency in the distribution of available resources.

14. The role of trade in the development of society.

15.Incentives and production efficiency.

16. Fairness in the distribution of social benefits.

17. The essence of market relations.

18. The role of the state in regulating the economy.

How many and what arguments should be given?

The number of arguments in an essay is not limited, but the most optimal ones for revealing the topic are3-5 arguments .

You need to be very careful in selecting arguments to support your point of view. Arguments must be convincing and justified. Data from relevant sciences, historical facts, and facts from social life are used as arguments. Arguments of a personal nature (examples from personal life) are rated the lowest, so they should be presented with extreme caution.

A favorable impression is created if your essay indicates the points of view of other researchers on the issues under consideration, provides reference to different interpretations of the problem and different ways to solve it (if possible). Indication of other points of view can be direct (for example:“Gorbachev M.S. thought this:..., and Yeltsin B.N. - otherwise:..."), or maybe indirect, non-personalized:“A number of political scientists think this way:..., others think differently:..., and some suggest something completely different:....”

What is the merit of an essay?

TO merits of essay can be attributed:

Inclusion of the names of his predecessors, followers or scientific opponents;

Description of different points of view on the problem or different approaches to solving it;

The presence of an indication of the polysemy of the concepts and terms used with justification for the meaning in which they are used in the essay;

The presence of an indication of alternative solutions to the problem.

The original technology for preparing to write an essay is presented in the work of O.A. Chernyshova. The author suggests adding certain parameters to template tables for working with statements that will allow graduates to focus on the main stages of writing an essay. The main parameters, in her opinion, include:

Formulating the problem, the main idea raised by the author of the statement;

Indication of the relevance of the topic under consideration;

Determining the meaning of a statement;

Identification of basic terms and concepts that will help reveal the topic at a theoretical level;

List of examples that will serve as arguments.

Here are a few examples of working with statements using the presented technology:.

1 . Essay topic

“Money is like manure: if you don’t throw it away, it’s gone! it will make sense"

(F. Hayek).

3. Relevance of the problem

Money plays a significant role in the economic development of states. A properly launched monetary circulation mechanism contributes to the progressive development of the economy.

4. The meaning of the statement

If you don’t spend the money you earn, it will remain just pieces of paper.

5. Basic social science concepts

Money, functions of money, inflation, wealth, capital economics

6. Examples

Many entrepreneurs in America and Europe had pennies in their pockets at the beginning of their lives, but thanks to their entrepreneurial talent they earned fortunes (Henry Ford, Steve Jobs, etc.). The export of capital from countries leading the world economy to third world countries with cheaper labor and nearby raw materials serves to increase production volumes and reduce the cost of goods.

1. Essay topic

“The importance of non-productive assets is growing today. Ideas, people, group work, communication, enthusiasm and finally knowledge"

Alan M. Webber.

The problem that is raised in the above statement is related to the role of new factors of production in economic activity, as well as the efficiency of managing non-productive assets, i.e. with competent management.

3. Relevance of the problem

The efficiency of the modern economy largely depends on how correctly non-productive assets are used. This task faces most modern countries.

4. The meaning of the statement

The author of the statement speaks about the innovative nature of the modern economy and the role of new factors of production. He emphasizes the need to achieve high production efficiency, better use of the resource potential of an enterprise, firm, company, which is the main goal of management.

5. Basic social science concepts

Factors of production, structure of the modern economy, efficiency of economic activity, knowledge as a factor of production, management.

6. Examples

Innovative knowledge-based economy in Europe and the USA, APP CorporationL E, MICROSOFTthat have become successful thanks to the use of the latest scientific advances.

Economics Essay Topics

1. “Trade has never ruined a single nation” (B. Franklin).

2. “Business is the art of extracting money from another person’s pocket without resorting to violence” (M. Amsterdam).

3. “Wealth does not lie in the possession of treasures, but in the ability to use them” (Napoleon).

4. “Money is like manure: if you don’t throw it around, it won’t be of any use” (F. Hayek).

5. “Moderation is the wealth of the poor, greed is the poverty of the rich” (P. Cyr).

6. “Even the most generous person tries to pay less for what he buys every day” (B. Shaw).

7. “It is not the art of acquiring that one should learn, but the art of spending” (J. Droz).

8. “Developing a budget is the art of evenly distributing disappointment” (M. Steens).

9. “The last thing the economy can do is create a new person. Economics refers to the means, not the ends of life” (N. Berdyaev).

Yu. “Economics is the art of satisfying unlimited needs with the help of limited resources” (L. Peter).

11. “If money does not serve you, it will dominate you” (F. Bacon).

12. “The main goal of capital is not to get as much money as possible, but to ensure that money leads to an improvement in life” (H. Ford).

13. “Dishonest profit makes dishonest nature easier” (Pyriander).

14. “There are no free lunches” (B. Crane).

15. “The whole advantage of having money is the ability to use it” (B. Franklin).

16. “All commerce is an attempt to foresee the future” (S. Butler).

17. “An equal division of fortunes and lands would lead to general poverty” (P. Buast).

18. “Taxes are money levied by the authorities from part of society in the interests of the whole”

(S. Johnson).

19. “Inflation provides everyone with the opportunity to feel like a millionaire” (A. Rogov).

20. “The main goal of capital is not to get as much money as possible, but to ensure that money leads to an improvement in life” (H. Ford).

21. “The best economic system is the one that maximally provides people with what they need most” (J. Galbraith).

22. “Competition is the only method of mutual coordination of our individual actions without coercion or arbitrary interference from authorities” (F. Hayek).

23. “What we must not forget is the simple truth: everything that the government gives, it first took away” (D. Coleman).

24. “Developing a budget is the art of evenly distributing disappointments” (M. Stans).

25. “Supply and demand are a process of mutual adaptation and coordination” (P. Heine).

26. “A person with many virtues will add two more to them if he is able to earn and spend a lot of money wisely” (E. Sevrus).

27. “Give me good politics and I will give you good finances” (Anne Robbert Jean Turgot).

28. “The word “crisis”, written in Chinese, consists of two characters: one means “danger”, the other means “opportunity”” (D. Kennedy).

29. “The most effective means for achieving and ensuring well-being is competition” (L. Erhard).

30. “The real value is not the value that your product or service itself has, but the value that it is endowed with in the mind of the client” (B. Bishop).

31. “If you want to succeed in business, then try to understand what happens in people’s heads and makes them act this way and not otherwise” (B. Bishop).

32. “Don’t sit idly by waiting for that bright moment when our business begins to bring you profit. He won’t do this on his own, he needs to be forced” (D. Reese).

33. “We assume a free play of the forces of supply and demand in the market” (A. Marshall)

Municipal Educational Institution

"Secondary school No. 12 of Magnitogorsk"

Work for the city competition for students “Fundamentals of Financial Literacy”

ESSAY on the topic: “The profession of financier in the modern world.”

Completed by: Daria Svyazinskaya

student of 8th grade "A"

Head: Guseva Anna Vladimirovna

history and social studies teacher


2012-2013 academic year Year

The world of professions is rich and diverse. Technological progress, the emergence of new industries, the social needs of society and many other factors contribute to the emergence of new professions.

One of the most in demand in modern society, in the context of the development of a market economy, is the profession of financier. Who is a financier?

According to encyclopedic data, a financier is a specialist in the field of financial transactions, whose main task is the ability to invest funds profitably so that they bring maximum profit with minimal risks.

The dictionary of banking terms gives the following definition: “A financier is a specialist who conducts large monetary transactions on a legitimate basis.”

In both cases, the profession of financier is defined in a broad sense. In a narrower sense, financiers are people of such professions as: bankers, investors, traders, stock exchange workers, financial directors, tax inspectors, economists, accountants, financial managers, auditors.

Thus, the “field of activity” for a modern financier is the market, investments, advertising, introduction of new products, banks, exchanges, etc.

Financiers are in demand wherever it is necessary to control the inflow and outflow of funds. A representative of this profession manages quite a lot of money, so he must calculate his every step in advance, because any mistake made by a financial worker can lead to serious financial losses. As a result of the incompetence of one person, the company, enterprise, state, workers and their families will suffer.

The work of a financier can be called difficult. He deals with large sums of money, which means he must have a high level of honesty, because money is a great temptation. A representative of the financial system must be attentive, must be well acquainted with the economic situation in the country, understand the legislation, be able to analyze incoming information, he must have strategic thinking, and love numbers.

There is an opinion in society that the profession of a financier is very profitable, I think that this is really so. But, like any other profession, it requires a huge contribution of mental strength and attention.

According to sociologists and psychologists, financiers in most cases are workaholics, often work on weekends, and these are people who are more susceptible to stress than others. Despite this, most young people strive to go through a difficult path from an ordinary clerk to a major financial worker.

In our country, the profession of a financier has become in demand and prestigious relatively recently. Time passes, priorities in society change. Today, more and more graduates are choosing this profession for themselves and universities have something to offer. Moreover, there is a demand for highly qualified workers in the field of finance today, and I think that it will continue to grow.

The essay writing process consists of several stages:

  • Choosing a topic and stating a problem;
  • Thinking, reading, taking notes;
  • Writing;
  • Examination;
  • Improving your writing.

    What is important in an essay?

  • Reliance on sources, monographs, articles, textbooks, lectures (listed in order of importance). Before making a link to an electronic resource on the Internet, make sure that the site (author of the article) to which you want to link is truly authoritative, belonging to a well-known university or scientific school.
  • Analysis of concepts, approaches, methods and research results.
  • Demonstrate understanding of the complexity of the problem.
  • Logical thinking.
  • The validity of the author's position.
  • Emotional neutrality.
  • The quality of an essay is determined by several factors: the quality of the source material you are going to use, the argument used (how accurately it relates to the issues raised in your essay), the quality of the processing of the available source material (its organization and arguments).
The problem statement is done AFTER you start reading.

“Strategic reading” – 2-3 key articles, 8 – 10 articles developing the topic in a direction that interests you.

Anti-reading - It is important to include one or two case studies on your reading list that have an opposing point of view.

“Draw a circle” - the content of the topic can cover a wide range of problems that require the use of a large amount of literature. In this case, you may decide to cover and illustrate only certain aspects of the topic. You will not have problems with the content if you do not go beyond the outlined circle, and your choice will be well founded, and you will be able to support it with appropriate evidence.

Make an outline, break it down into sub-headings, “sub-sub-headings” and “sub-sub-sub-headings”.

Introduction should contain specification of the topic and formulation of the question. It is very helpful to formulate clear goals that you plan to achieve during the essay writing process, as well as provide brief definitions of key terms.

Try to keep the number of definitions to a minimum (say, three or four) with a brief summary (one sentence is enough).

Main part involves developing your argumentation and analysis, as well as justifying them based on available data, other arguments and positions on the issue under study.

When writing an essay, how and what empirical data and other sources are used is extremely important.

All data relates to a specific topic, problem and question, so make sure it is relevant to the topic and question before using it.

At citing Always put the text in quotation marks and give an exact reference to the source. Do not forget to provide a reference to the source even when you convey the text in your own words, provide a summary or paraphrase. An attempt to pass off someone else's thoughts as your own will be considered plagiarism.

When you are preparing a summary/report about the views of a particular author or authors who are controversial among themselves, a reference to the source is also necessary. For example; “According to Sen...” “Nolan’s critique of Sen shows that...” Don’t cite works you haven’t read yourself; The only exception to this rule would be if you are referring to an author quoting another author, then you might say: “As Sen (1983, p. 26, cited in Nolan, 1993, p. 104) writes... "

Testing and improvement

When writing a draft, your main task is to develop an argument, polish the main ideas and arrange them in a strict sequence, accompanying them with illustrative materials or supporting data, etc.
After writing the first draft, let it rest for a day or two, and then return to the work of checking and improving with a “fresh mind.”
When checking, first of all, pay attention to the following points:

  • Order of sentences in each paragraph. The criterion is the logic of presentation.
  • Optimality of the words used in terms of content and style.
  • Paragraph order. The criterion is the logic of presentation.
  • Necessity and sufficiency of the given details, figures and examples.
How to check?

Ask questions to the text and answer them (evaluation criterion is the persuasiveness of the answers): Does the essay you wrote coincide with your intentions in the field of work structure and analysis? Is it coherent and convincing? Has enough data been used? relevant data? are they used effectively? etc.

Check style (check spelling, punctuation, etc.) and consistency (content).

If something is wrong, don’t be lazy to change it!

Do not forget:

  • format the title page correctly;
  • duplicate the topic on page 2;
  • submit your essay electronically;
  • correctly format the list of references.

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  • Essay "Why taxes are necessary for the state"

     Essay on the topic “Why are taxes necessary for the state?” Taxes are one of the most necessary resources thanks to which the state exists. In order for the state to develop and provide its citizens with the necessary living conditions, it needs finance . Our country has established taxation of citizens. A 13% income tax is paid to the state treasury by all categories of working Russians without exception: be it a worker, military personnel, entrepreneur or director of a large enterprise. Understanding...

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  • Essay

     Topic essay : “Where would I invest my existing capital to start my own business?” Student: Zhumamuratov Er-Targyn Specialty " Finance " group 145 Lately, I have been increasingly thinking about where I can invest my money so as to get maximum profit with minimal risks. At the moment I am considering the four most suitable options for myself: a bank deposit, real estate, precious metals...

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  • Essay on IM

     Essay on the topic: “Informatization of management activities of an enterprise.” A developed enterprise information system is necessary for adoption effective management decisions in a modern market economy. This topic is the most relevant today, since good information support is the key to the success and competitiveness of a company. In modern conditions, information support has become an important area, which consists of collecting and processing information, as well as...

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  • Essay Causes and Consequences of Global Financialization

    capabilities of financial institutions, expanding the field of their activities and the range of services provided. Purpose essay is to identify the essence financialization of public life and the consequences of this process in modern economic conditions. The process of financialization in financial and economic literature is interpreted as a phenomenon " finance for the sake of finance ". Its essence lies in changing the role finance and financial relations in the life of society, strengthening the position of financial institutions and financial integration of national...

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  • Essay introduction

    Federal state educational budgetary institution of higher education "Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation" (Financial University) Department of Economic Theory Essay in the discipline “Introduction to the specialty” on the topic: “Development of the Financial University and financial and economic education in Russia in the 60s - mid-80s. XX century" Completed by:...

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  • Finance

    MINISTRY OF EDUCATION OF THE REPUBLIC OF BELARUS EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION “BARANOVICHI STATE UNIVERSITY” Faculty of Economics and Law ESSAY By discipline " Finance and financial market" on the topic: "The main stages of development of the budget and budget system of the Republic of Belarus (IX – XXI centuries)" Completed by a student of the Faculty of Economics and Law Elena Viktorovna Melnik Specialty 1-26 02 03 - Marketing Group: MZDS 61 Baranovichi. ..

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  • Essay on the topic “My professional choice” Why did I decide to become a teacher?.. Yes, I, like many girls, played school as a child. Yes, my grandmother on my mother’s side (although not my own) was a primary school teacher. True, by the time of my birth, Maria Petrovna was no longer in this world. But my mother said that she graduated from the Smolny Institute, was a very literate, educated person, and read books by French writers in the original. Mom still remembers nursery rhymes in French...

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  • economics essay

    Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Bashkir State University" Institute of Economics, finance and Business Department economic theory Discipline "Economics" Essay on the topic: Corruption in the Russian Federation Completed by: student gr.3.1, Khamatdinova L.F. . Ufa - 2014 Leafing through economic magazines, I became interested...

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  • Financial management system

    Basic data about the work Template version 3.1 Type of work Essay Name of the discipline: Research of control systems. Topic Experience in systems research management finances . Last name Kudinovich First name Evgeniya Patronymic Alexandrovna Contract No. 2910013400301147 Main part Experience in researching management systems in marketing. When conducting research at enterprises, researchers are set goals that require not only analysis and identification of problems, but also justification of recommendations proposed to resolve them...

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  • Personal finance

    Department finance Essay on the topic: “Personal finance » Completed by: Teacher: St. Petersburg 2013 CONTENTS INTRODUCTION.................................................... ........................................................ ................3 Personal finance as an element of the financial system...................4 Concept and essence finance population........................................................ 7 Features of personal finance ..........

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  • Essay The global economic crisis and its impact on the development of the Russian financial system

     Essay to the article “The global economic crisis and its impact on the development of the Russian financial system” by K.L. Astapov in MSU Bulletin episode 6 “Economy” This article examines the relationship between a global economic phenomenon in the form of a crisis, which is of paramount importance for the development of the financial sector and the improvement of the monetary system in relation to the Russian Federation. The author of the article draws a clear line between the situation before the economic crisis, when stability...

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  • Essay

     MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN Kazakh Economic University named after T. Ryskulov Department " Finance » Essay : “Psychology of activity” Completed by: 1st year master’s student PM Specialty “ Finance » Ainabekov Amanzhol Almaty 2013 Psychology of Activity Activity is one of the broadest concepts in the social sciences and humanities, which is especially often used in modern philosophy, sociology and psychology. Discussed above...

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  • Essay

    Primorsky Krai: current economic problems and ways to resolve them. Essay . As a starting point for this work, we turn to general characteristics of Primorsky Krai. Primorsky Krai is one of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the administrative center of which is the city of Vladivostok. The area of ​​Primorsky Krai is 165.9 thousand km², and the population as of the end of 2011 is about 1.95 million. In the context of considering the demographic situation, I note that the population density...

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  • Essay

    Faculty of Economics and finance Essay By discipline Domestic history (discipline name) Topic: Reign of Alexander I (topic of work) Completed by a 1st year student...

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  • Essay by Jean Baptiste Say

    Federal Agency for Education Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Siberian Academy of Public Administration" Department finance and credit Essay in the discipline: “Money, credit, banks” topic: “Jean Baptiste Say” Completed by: student gr. 09122 Suleymanov S.A. Checked by: Novikova I.A. Associate Professor of the Department, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor...

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  • essay

     Essay on the topic: “Can an enterprise operate effectively without using strategic planning mechanisms?” I think not, because A strategy is a detailed, comprehensive, comprehensive plan designed to ensure that an organization's mission is achieved and its goals are achieved over an extended period of time. It reflects the main goals of the company, such as expanding market share, increasing profits, conducting advanced scientific and technical research that ensures high...

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  • Household finance

    household subjects ESSAY on the topic of: " Finance economic entities" FINANCE BUSINESS ENTITIES 1.Finance economic entities: the basics of functioning of organization and management An economic entity is an artificial entity created by a group of individuals or legal entities. This association allows not only to unite the entrepreneurial efforts of different people in one direction, but also to limit the scope of responsibility for the consequences of the activities of such a team. Usually the founder...

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  • Essay review

    Essay -review of the book by K.M. Ushakova “School management: crisis during the period of reforms” Kulikova E.N., leading specialist of the education department Vagaisky municipal district of the Tyumen region “School management: crisis during the period of reform” - one of the books about human resource management of the school by K.M. Ushakov, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, professor, editor-in-chief of the “Director” magazine, widely known to heads of educational institutions. The author's point of view, sharply posed...

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  • Essay I am a manager

    educational institution of higher professional education STATE UNIVERSITY OF MANAGEMENT in Obninsk Department of Management in economic and social systems Specialty: _Organization Manager_ Specialization: ____ Finance ______ Form of study: correspondence CONTROL TASK in the discipline “_Introduction to the specialty_” E S S E on the topic _______ “I am a manager”____________ (name of the topic) Performer 1st year student MO1-09 group ______________...

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  • Faculty of Economics and finance Department of Economics of Urban Economy and Service Sector ESSAY by discipline Domestic history (name of discipline) Topic: “Battle for Moscow. Results and its historical significance" (topic of the work) ...

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  • Essay on World Economy

     Essay on the topic: REGULARITIES OF DEVELOPMENT OF THE WORLD ECONOMY The world economy is formed on the basis of extremely complex relationships and processes, interaction between different countries. The motivation for the entry of national economies into the world economic community exists on two principles: mutual interest in the development of the world economy and the objective need for intercountry economic relations. The process, naturally, cannot proceed spontaneously, but must be regulated by adequate economic laws...

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  • Essay - quantity theory of money

    EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION FEDERAL STATE BUDGETARY EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION OF HIGHER PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION "ST. PETERSBURG STATE UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS AND FINANCE » Department of General Economic Theory Essay in economic theory on the topic: “Quantitative theory of money” Completed by student of group No. M108 – Vladislav Konstantinovich Edelman Supervisor:...

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  • essay Using financial statement analysis to evaluate a business

    "South Ural State University" (national research university) FSBEI HPE "SUSU" (NRU) INSTITUTE OF ECONOMICS, TRADE AND TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT OF "MARKETING AND MANAGEMENT" MASTER'S PROGRAM "BUSINESS EVALUATION AND CORPORATE FINANCE » Essay on the topic: Application of financial statement analysis for business valuation Completed by: Student gr. IETT-284 Maltsev.SA Scientific supervisor: Doctor of Economics, Professor Prosvirina. I.I Chelyabinsk 2016 The process of privatization, the emergence of a stock...

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  • Essay on history quote from Peter I

    Student: ; Group MT10-11; 1 course; year 2013; MSTU im. N. E. Bauman; Essay based on historical statements and quotes. "I have a feeling that Russians someday, and perhaps during our lifetime, will put to shame the most enlightened peoples with their success in the sciences, tirelessness in their work and the majesty of their firm and loud glory.” Peter I the Great I sympathize with this statement of Peter I. The history of Russia is rich in events that confirm the prediction of Peter I. But I would like to cite the events of the 20th century as an example, so...

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  • Essay on the topic “Integrated information space of an educational institution” Everyone knows that now is the time of information technologies and everyone follows the trends of new technologies, including universities. In this essay The object of the study will be about the information space of educational institutions. The integrated information space of an educational institution (university, college, lyceum, gymnasium, etc.) is the basis of modern management and development of education...

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  • Essay

    Russian Federation Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Vladimir State University named after Alexander Grigorievich and Nikolai Grigorievich Stoletov" (VlGU) ESSAY discipline: Current problems finance . “Directions for improving the tax policy of the Russian Federation.” Completed by: Master's student ZFKdm-116 Manukyan G.A. Checked by: Head of the Department of BUFiS, Professor Luskatova O.V. Vladimir, 2017 Considering the global trend of harmonization...