How to correctly calculate the cash limit. Cash limit

The New Year for accountants begins with a mandatory procedure - setting a cash limit.

This is dictated by the regulation of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 373-P dated November 12, 2011.

It follows from it that all organizations and individual entrepreneurs are required to determine the limit of cash held in the cash register of the enterprise.

Organizations and entrepreneurs must keep funds exceeding the cash limit at the end of the day in bank accounts.

Exceeding the established limit is permissible only on those days when payments or other social payments are scheduled.

Working with cash documents is allowed only to those responsible persons of the organization whose right to do so is secured by the relevant documents (order of the manager).

Information about the established limit is fixed in the administrative document.

For example, in an order, which must be signed by the manager and certified with a seal. However, in order not to get into trouble, you need to correctly calculate the limit.

How to calculate the cash limit

An appendix is ​​given to Regulation No. 373-P, which gives limit calculation formula cash at the register:

Cash limit = V / P * N,

V- the volume of all receipts for the billing period,

P- billing period, which should be no more than 92 days,

N— the number of days from one cash deposit to the bank to another deposit (must not exceed 7 working days).

If there are no receipts at the cash desk, the calculation is made using the following formula:

Cash limit = R / P * N,

where L is the cash register limit,

R - the volume of all funds issued, with the exception of salaries and social benefits. payments for the billing period,

P - billing period, which should be no more than 92 days,

N is the number of days from one receipt of cash by check at the bank to another receipt, except for funds intended for payment of salaries and social benefits. payments (must not exceed 7 working days).

From June 1, 2014, individual entrepreneurs and small businesses may not set a cash balance limit.

Example of calculating the cash limit

Example 1.

Let's choose the billing period for April 2020. Its duration is 22 days. Let's say cash is deposited at the bank once every 4 days. The receipt of cash at the cash desk during this period amounted to 560,000 rubles.

Substitute the data into the formula:

(560,000 /22) x 4 = 101,818 rubles

If in the locality where the organization or individual entrepreneur operates no bank, then the billing period increases to 14 days.

Example 2.

Let's choose the billing period for February-April 2020. Its duration is 62 days. Cash is deposited once every 10 days. The receipt of cash at the cash desk during this period amounted to 750,000 rubles.

(750,000 / 62) x 10 = 120,967 rubles

Example 3. Let's choose the billing period for February-April 2020. Its duration is 62 days. The organization does not receive cash for goods and services. Cash is received at the cash desk by check once every 5 days. During the billing period, 1,235,000 rubles were cashed out.

You can download form No. 0408020 (calculation for setting a limit) at.

After all, you need to keep an eye on the amount all the time - if there is a surplus, it is taken to a banking institution. Otherwise, you will be in trouble if an audit comes and amounts are revealed that should not be in the cash register.

General information

Cash discipline must be maintained in accordance with legal requirements. This means that almost all businesses (there are a few exceptions) are required to adhere to the established cash limit. What is it and what is it for?

Basic Concepts

Cash is the amount of money of a company or its division that carried out cash transactions. This is also the room in which such units are located.

The cash desk also refers to the accounting section, which is used to reflect data on cash flows and monetary documentation. The cash limit is the amount of money that can always be in the company's cash register.

Why is this necessary?

The purpose of establishing a cash limit is to reduce the amount of cash in circulation. After all, the main method of payment is not through cash registers, but through banking institutions (non-cash).

The economic essence of limiting cash is that amounts of money should work and not be a “dead weight”.

Current regulatory framework

The rules for establishing a cash balance limit are prescribed in.

In case of violation of the limit on the balance of amounts in the cash register, the norms of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation are also applied.

Features when determining the cash limit at the cash desk

When setting a cash limit, it is worth using government-approved formulas and taking into account the main recommendations of legislative provisions. Let's look at the basic rules and find out what to pay attention to.

Who sets the limit?

Companies that are not considered a small business must set a limit on the remaining amount of cash on hand. If the limit has not been set, it will be equal to zero.

The establishment of a limit on their own initiative is carried out by small enterprises and individuals with the status of an individual entrepreneur in order to ensure internal control and safety of money.

In such a situation, keep in mind that if a limit is set, the company undertakes to comply with it, and to deposit all funds in excess of the norm to banks. Otherwise, the norms of the Code of Administrative Offenses will be applied.

Cash limits in the cash register are established based on the order of the head of the enterprise. The amount of the limit and the date from which it will be valid are specified. The rules for determining limit amounts are also disclosed.

There are 2 ways to calculate the amount (according to the Appendix to Directive No. 3210-U):

  • in accordance with the amount of funds received;
  • in accordance with the volumes of cash issued.

By the way, the period taken when calculating limits is:

The period during which a company has the right to adhere to the established limit amounts is determined individually.

Usually the orders contain only the date from which the limit will come into effect. And then it can be used for more than one year, or, conversely, changed every month.

It is advisable to review the limit if the amount of money received for goods sold or the amount of funds issued changes (according to).

If the company has a separate division, then the cash limit is established taking into account the following information:

Let's consider the features of drawing up an order on limits. The signature on such a document is affixed by the management of the enterprise. The limit is approved for any period - for a month, half a year, a year, etc. you have the right not to reflect the period during which the cash register limit will be valid.

In this case, the task will only be easier, since there will be no need to monitor the validity period of the cash balance limit. The limit is set in rubles. The amount must be in round amounts (pennies are not used).

Limit calculations themselves are attached to orders. This way, the question will not arise why exactly this amount was approved. Special rules should be followed by departments that transfer cash to a banking institution.

The same applies to the additional office, from which money is taken to the cash desk of the head office. Orders to approve the limit are sent to all divisions by the head office.

The rules for transferring such a document are set out in the Regulations on the conduct of cash transactions or, for example, in separate orders. The most convenient way is this: orders about limits are collected at the head offices by department cashiers.

They must put their signature on a form that will be kept at the parent company. The second method is that the order is handed over personally to the management of the units.

Procedure in case of exceeding

Exceeding the cash limit is a problem for a small business. All enterprises are required to adhere to the procedure for conducting cash transactions. And such rules stipulate that banks set limits on balances at the end of the day for the company.

To do this, every year the company must submit payments in form 0408020 () to the servicing banking institutions.

You need to submit the form to 1 bank, and after calculating the limit amount will be communicated to other service institutions. If the limit is exceeded, a fine is imposed, which can reach 40-50 thousand for a company, and 4-5 thousand for.

Banks check how cash transactions are conducted once every 2 years (but not less often). If the limit is exceeded, the organization must hand over the proceeds on the same day. There may be problems with depositing money if the cash register limit is exceeded on a weekend.

Let's look at what methods are followed:

Cancellation for small businesses

Not everyone is required to set a cash limit. In order to exercise the right not to adhere to the limit, you do not need to register in the register of a small business entity.

You just need to actually meet the criteria that are established for such subjects ().

These are the requirements:

Individual entrepreneurs and small businesses can refuse to set balance limits and keep unlimited amounts of cash since last summer.

How is the right to refuse to set a limit exercised?

  1. Cancel the order establishing one that was previously valid.
  2. Issue an order according to which the limit will not be set from a specific day.

If there is no such order, the inspection structure may consider that the old order is still valid or that the limit was not set at all.

In the second case, the residual amount limit will be zero, and all funds in the cash register will be defined as over-limit. By the way, small businesses can refuse to set a limit even in the middle of the year.

Any date can be indicated in the order. So, remember - when you get small business status, you can't just stop considering the cash limit.

First, an order is created, which stipulates that cashiers will transfer funds to a banking institution when such a need arises on the basis of an oral order from management. This does not require the preparation of any documents.

Is a legal entity required to agree on a balance limit?

A company with the status of a legal entity itself determines the limit of the remaining cash amount in accordance with the Appendix to the Directive. But the new legal provisions do not say anything about the need to coordinate the limit with banking institutions.

This means you won’t have to do this. No special approval is required from a banking institution or federal tax authority. And now regarding the employees of the banking institution.

According to the new rules, they do not have the right to approve or reject the size of the limits. But such specialists have the right to control whether the rules for maintaining cash discipline are observed, including whether the limit is exceeded.

This is stated in clause 2.14 of the Regulations on the procedure for organizing cash circulation within Russia dated January 5, 1998 No. 14-P.

How to install on a newly created organization?

To answer this question, you should turn to.

The law states that the limit on the cash balance in the cash register is set by the company itself by order of the director. The regulatory document also discusses methods for its calculation.

But for a new enterprise, calculation formulas have not been established. So, you can use this:
When calculating, it is possible to take into account predicted data. With such information, the limit is approved. And when conducting business, if factual information is available, new calculations can be made and new limits approved.

That is, a new enterprise has the right to determine the limit using a formula based on expected income. If there is no such income, then the expected volume of cash disbursement is taken into account.

The newly created organization must count from the first 3 months of activity (so that the forecast limit for the balance of funds can be determined) from the moment when the first cash payments are made.

If the limit is not set, the inspection authorities will consider it zero. This means that at the end of the day you will need to hand over absolutely all the money.

Limitation is an obligation that almost every enterprise should fulfill, unless we are talking about a small business.

But the advantage is that the cash limit is determined by the company itself, which knows very well its needs for cash for daily expenses.

The main thing is to document the establishment of cash norms at the cash register with an order. Then, during the inspection, government officials will not find a reason to make claims and impose fines.

Many businesses are required to set a cash limit. But in order to formalize it correctly, it is necessary to issue an order. Let's look at the features of its preparation and give an example of what a sample of such a document, published for 2020, looks like. Cash limit must be carried out in accordance with...

When calculating the cash balance limit at an enterprise, it is worth following a certain procedure. Let's look at what rules apply in 2020. ContentsWhat you need to know? How to calculate the cash limit for 2020? Each accountant, if there is a cash register at the enterprise, has to calculate the limit on the cash balance in the cash register....

An enterprise, organization, or individual entrepreneur that carries out its activities through cash transactions must observe cash discipline, follow the rules for conducting transactions with cash and documents, and observe the cash limit. Control over the procedure for conducting all disciplines is entrusted to the servicing bank and tax authorities.

The cash register limit is the regulated, maximum allowable amount of cash present in the cash register at the end of the day. Today it is envisaged that Subjects determine the limit balance independently, but in accordance with the established formula. Funds accumulated in the cash register in excess of the limit must be credited to the current account. There are exceptions that allow the limit to be exceeded. These are days of salary payments, scholarships, social benefits, holidays and weekends.

Why is calculation necessary?

Calculation of the cash balance limit is necessary for determining and approving, by means of a signed order or instruction, the maximum amount of cash, to comply with the laws of the Russian Federation on tax reporting and the procedure for conducting cash transactions. The limit provision is established for all legal entities, including separate divisions, which have a bank account.

Most payments between entities should be made non-cash, through a current account. Cash payments are made from limited cash funds:

  • salaries and benefits;
  • for the consumer needs of individual entrepreneurs, without taking into account the needs for business activities;
  • payment for goods and services of third parties (except for securities);
  • issuing funds on account to employees of the organization;
  • refund for services not provided, work not performed, previously paid in cash, but goods returned.

Cash is not spent on other purposes. All funds in excess of the limit are transferred to the bank, to a current account. All operations related to the observance of cash discipline are carried out by a cash employee with the corresponding rights and responsibilities regulated by job responsibilities, against signature.

How to make the calculation - this is discussed in the video. We invite you to take a look.

Calculation of the limit based on cash proceeds

Cash combines the entire amount of cash received at the cash desk for services rendered, goods sold, work performed. When calculating the limit of a newly created organization, take into account the expected amount of cash is accepted.

The formula for calculating the cash limit is as follows:

  • O - in this case, the volume of revenue;
  • P - billing period;
  • Pi is the period of collection to the bank;
  • L is the received limit.

The billing period can be considered any period within three months (92 working days). This could be a week, a month or a single day, including peak revenues. Volume is considered the amount of all revenue for the specified period. The collection period is considered to be the frequency of transfer of cash to the bank. This can be a daily procedure or performed less frequently, but no more than once every 7 days. Moreover, for entities in the territory of which there is no servicing bank (meaning a populated area), the period increases to two weeks.

For example, we consider the billing period to be the week from September 12 to September 19. The total revenue during this time amounted to 280,000 rubles. Collections to the bank are made every three days. Then, the cash limit will be:

280000:7*3=120000 rubles

The frequency of deposits to the bank is completely It is not necessary to comply with this rule. This can be done more often or less frequently, depending on the established schedule or the needs of the organization.

According to the current rules, the head of an organization or an individual entrepreneur has the right to set a cash limit independently and as often as the dynamics of work require. The main thing is to correctly calculate the indicators and issue an order to set the appropriate limit.

This order, or instruction, is the main document for presentation to regulatory authorities during verification of compliance with cash discipline. Simply put, if there is a need to significantly increase the cash limit, it is necessary to take a suitable period for the calculations for the delivery of revenue (increased) and issue a new order after recalculating the formula.

You can find out about other calculations at enterprises.

If there is no cash proceeds

Organizations that do not accept revenue for services, sales of goods and work performed into their own cash register, but conduct non-cash payments, also have a cash register limit on the expenses of a business entity. Calculation of the cash register limit in the absence of cash proceeds occurs in the following way:

In this case The entire structure is preserved, with the exception of paragraph PP. It means the period between receiving (withdrawing) money from the bank. The list of permitted cash payments from the cash register is the same as for organizations with cash proceeds, except for wages and benefits.

Let's look at an example of calculating the cash limit. The cashier, for business needs, withdraws money from the bank once a week (once every five working days). It is convenient to take any week (five working days) as the billing period. Let's say 10,000 rubles were withdrawn. Then we calculate the cash limit as follows:

10000:5*5=10000 rubles

Restrictions on the interval between receiving cash from the bank and choosing a settlement period remain (7 and 92 days). When calculating the cash limit, fractional values ​​are often obtained. The indicator in this case is determined in whole rubles. It is necessary to round the figure upward.

What should you not spend cash on?

The Bank of the Russian Federation has determined a list of purposes prohibited from financing from funds received at the cash desk in the form of cash:

  1. Transactions with securities.
  2. Payment of real estate rental.
  3. Repayment and issuance of loans.
  4. Making payments on gambling winnings and lotteries.

Cash withdrawn from the organization's bank account is used for these purposes. Cash payments are limited to the amount of 100 thousand rubles per agreement.

What happens if the cash limit is not set?

If there is no document (order) confirming its official establishment for the subject, then all proceeds (cash) in the cash register at the time of inspection will be considered excess. The bank representative or tax officer who discovered a violation in terms of exceeding the limit, records the fact of violation in the relevant document, after which it transfers it to the Federal Tax Service. Based on this, a violation is issued and a fine is imposed. For an official it is provided for up to 5 thousand rubles, for an organization - up to 50 thousand rubles.

It is not a violation to store in the cash register without an established limit of cash provided for the payment of wages and benefits. The main thing is to meet the issuance within three days, starting from the day you receive the money from the bank.

Other cash limit violations

The list of limit violations also includes:

  • accumulation of funds in the cash register in excess of the established limit;
  • non-receipt of received cash to the cash desk;
  • violation of the procedure for storing cash;
  • cash payments in excess of limited limits.

Scheduled inspection in organizations according to the rules for conducting cash transactions by regulatory authorities must be carried out at least once every two years, but this does not mean that they do not have the right to check cash discipline more often. There is no limit or restrictions on repeated checks. At the same time, tax officials check the cash discipline itself, and the servicing banks check the primary documents, based on financial monitoring.

So, both entrepreneurs and organizations cannot keep funds in the cash register in excess of the established norms. “Excess”, excess, is subject to transfer to the bank, to a current account. Each subject calculates its limit independently, focusing on approved formulas. Of course, it is impossible to arbitrarily set the desired limit amount, but you can bring the limit closer to the desired figure using the necessary values. It is also allowed to set the limit as many times as necessary.

Cash Limit Calculation


Entrepreneurs, concluding transactions with organizations and other individual entrepreneurs, must comply with the cash payment limit.

The limit is 100,000 rubles. for payments under one agreement. Moreover, it applies not only during the validity period of the agreement, but also after its expiration (clause 6 of the Directive of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation dated October 7, 2013 No. 3073-U). You can pay the amount under the contract in cash if it does not exceed 100,000 rubles.

In addition, the balance must be transferred by bank transfer.

For example, if the contract price is 150,000 rubles, then only 100,000 rubles can be deposited in cash, and 50,000 rubles. must be transferred through the bank.

Cash balance limit

Cash balance limit in the cash register- the maximum allowable amount of cash at the end of the working day.

It is set annually at the beginning of the year, but in case of serious discrepancies, it can be revised during the year.

To round up the limitFor cash balances up to the ruble, mathematical rounding rules may apply.

Separate units(branches, representative offices) that have a bank account also set a cash limit.

From payment agents a separate cash book is maintained for funds received within the framework of its activities, and it forms separate PCOs.

Such money is not taken into account when calculating the cash limit and are fully surrendered to the bank on the day they are received, otherwise they will be regarded as over-limit balances.

There will be excess cash on hand.

There are no violations if the organization keeps funds in the cash register with a zero limit for issuing the current

salaries and other mandatory payments to employees (for example, benefits).

In this case, the main thing is to issue money within three working days, including the day you receive cash from the bank.

A cash balance in excess of the established limit is allowed:

  • On the days of payment of wages, scholarships, and social payments, including the day of receiving cash from a bank account for these payments,
  • On weekends, non-working days and holidays if the organization conducts cash transactions on these days.

The order to set the cash limit is issued by the Manager.

Fine for violation of cash discipline

The Code of Administrative Offenses (Article 15.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses) establishes fines:

for an organization - 40,000-50,000 rubles, for management - 4,000-5,000 rubles.

The list of violations includes:

  • cash payments with other organizations in excess of the established amounts;
  • non-receipt or incomplete receipt of funds to the cash desk;
  • non-compliance with the order of their storage;
  • accumulation of funds in the cash register in excess of the limit.

Formulas for calculating the cash limit

The limit is determined by one of two formulas.

If the organization receives cash proceeds: L = O/ P * Pc,

O - volume of cash receipts;
P - billing period for which the volume of receipts is taken into account (no more than 92 working days);
Pc - the period of time between the days of delivery to the bank (no more than 7 working days).

Example 1

LLC "Retail" (type of activity - retail trade, opening hours from 9-00 to 21-00, day off - Sunday).

Cash revenue for October 1,200,000 rubles,

for November 1,250,000 rubles, for December 1,350,000 rubles.

Total for 3 months (92 days) - 3,800,000 rubles.

The proceeds are deposited in the bank the next day at 12 noon.

The cash register limit will be 82,000 rubles. (3,800,000: 92 days x 2 days)

In the absence of cash receipts: L = O / P * Pn,

L - cash balance limit in rubles;

О - volume of cash disbursements, excluding amounts intended for wage payments;

P - billing period for which the volume of issues is taken into account (no more than 92 working days);

Pn - the period of time between the days of receiving cash from a bank check (no more than 7 working days).

Example 2

The organization works from Monday to Friday and spends 2,000,000 rubles per week. Money in the bank

are given once every two days, not counting Saturdays and Sundays. Then the limit will be 800,000 rubles.

(RUB 2,000,000: 5 working days x 2 working days).

Example 3

LLC "Services" (type of activity - services, working hours from 9-00 to 18-00, day off - Saturday, Sunday).

Cash costs for a week (5 days) - 20,000 rubles.

The organization receives money from the bank 2 times a month every 16 days.

The cash register limit will be 28,000 rubles. (20,000: 5 days x 7 days)

Example 4

The organization plans to open

The company must set the maximum amount of cash that can be constantly in the cash register: for this purpose it is determined cash limit. Sample order with calculation attached- lower on the page.

Running a cash register is convenient and easy in MySklada: cash transactions, tracking balances, printing outgoing and incoming orders, registering retail sales through the cashier’s workplace, as well as automatically creating a PKO when closing a shift and generating a Z-report at the point of sale. Try MoySklad - in the first two weeks all features of the service are completely free.

Here you can download the cash limit order for 2019 for free.

The order is issued by the head of the organization for any period - month, quarter, year, etc. The validity period of the cash register limit may not be specified. Then you can work with him until a new order is issued. Calculation formulas and illustrative examples are given below.

How to calculate the cash limit for 2019

The company independently establishes the procedure for calculating the cash limit. There are two options: based on the organization’s revenue or cash disbursement volume

Cash limit calculation: based on revenue

The first method is based on the organization’s actual or planned revenue. It is more suitable for those who sell goods or provide services for cash. In this case, the cash limit formula will be:

Limit = Revenue / Billing period x Days

The billing period is no more than 92 business days of the company. You can choose it arbitrarily, taking into account, for example, seasonality or “peak” revenues of previous years.

Days are the number of working days between the dates of depositing money into the bank; the duration of this period should be no more than 7 days, and in areas where there is no bank - no more than 14.

Example. In the 4th quarter, the cash desk of Solnyshko LLC received:

  • in October - 130,500 rubles,
  • in November - 345,000 rubles,
  • in December - 146,900 rubles.

Money is deposited in the bank every day. How to calculate the cash limit for 2019?

We calculate using the formula above:

(RUB 130,500 + RUB 345,000 + RUB 146,900) / (22 days + 20 days + 21 days) x 1 = 9879.4

The resulting figure must be rounded to whole rubles. Thus, the cash register limit is 9879 rubles.

Calculation of the cash register limit: based on the volume of cash dispensed

The second method is suitable for those who mainly use cash to pay for purchases or services. The cash limit formula will be based on the volume of cash dispensed:

Limit = Issue / Billing period x Days

Example. Tiger LLC in the 4th quarter of 2017 issued employees a report for payment for household goods:

  • in October - 30,000 rubles,
  • in November - 45,000 rubles,
  • in December - 60,000 rubles.

Money was withdrawn from the current account every 5 working days. The cash limit calculation will be as follows:

(30,000 rub. + 45,000 rub. + 60,000 rub.) / (22 days + 20 days + 21 days) x 5 = 10714.3

Rounding up to whole rubles, we get 10,714 rubles.

Cash discipline for online cash registers in 2019

Cash discipline presupposes compliance with the rules for cash payments, including the determination of the cash limit.

Since cash is used not only in trade organizations, but also where there is movement of cash, cash discipline applies to all legal entities. For example, CCT is needed when:

  • payment of wages,
  • money collection,
  • return or issuance of borrowed funds,
  • receiving or depositing cash at the bank,
  • settlements with accountable persons.

When using an online cash register, legal entities must still fill out the PKO, RKO, cash book and determine the cash limit. But some documents may not be kept.

So, after installing an online cash register, it is no longer necessary to use the register and certificate of the cashier-operator.

Cash limit for small businesses in 2019

In 2019, there is no need to set a cash limit for small businesses and individual entrepreneurs. All individual entrepreneurs are also allowed not to use incoming and outgoing orders and a cash book, that is, cash discipline is simplified for them. You can confirm the revenue received when maintaining records without PKO and RKO using Z-reports or strict reporting forms. But refusing orders can complicate monitoring of employees: there will be no confirmation that the employee received the money.

If you refuse the cash register limit, you need to issue an order to cancel it. Be sure to indicate in the document from what date the cash register procedure changes.

Let's take a closer look at cash discipline for individual entrepreneurs and organizations under different tax regimes, including those who use online cash registers.

Cash discipline for individual entrepreneurs on the simplified tax system in 2019

The use of a simplified taxation system does not exempt individual entrepreneurs from complying with cash discipline requirements.

Individual entrepreneurs using the simplified tax system have their own characteristics:

  • They must record cash transactions in the Income and Expense Accounting Book (KUDiR).
  • If an entrepreneur using the simplified tax system took money from the cash register for personal purposes, there is no need to reflect this operation in KUDiR (since this is not considered an expense under the simplified tax system).
  • It is not necessary to set a cash limit, maintain PKO, RKO and cash book - the entrepreneur himself chooses the accounting method.

Cash discipline for individual entrepreneurs on UTII in 2019

There is still time before the deadline, but it is better to set up an online checkout in advance. Firstly, you will have time to get used to the new rules, secondly, you will have time to apply for a tax deduction of up to 18,000 rubles, and thirdly, you will be able to immediately appreciate the benefits:

  • ease of payment,
  • savings on BSO printing,
  • ease of inventory,
  • efficiency in customer service.

Order a cash register from us - complete with OFD and FN for 15 or 36 months and the cash register program "MoySklad Cash Desk" for Win, Android or Linux. We will provide online training and help you import products and prices.

Cash discipline for LLCs on the simplified tax system in 2019

Cash discipline for LLCs has its own peculiarities. Note that:

  • It is necessary to set a cash limit and ensure its compliance.
  • Companies must maintain PKO, RKO and cash book.
  • An employee is appointed within the company who is responsible for the correct execution of cash transactions.
  • All transactions with funds must be recorded.
  • Funds received must be used only for the purposes for which they were issued.
  • An LLC has expenses where cash cannot be used. For example, payments for rent of real estate, payments on dividends or interest on a loan.

When paying in cash, the transaction amount should not exceed 100,000 rubles. But if the buyer is an individual, there are no restrictions.

Frequently asked questions about cash limit

What cash on hand limit can small businesses set?

For small businesses in 2019, there is no need to set a cash limit. Confirmation - instruction of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation dated March 11, 2014 No. 3210-U. If the company decides to determine the cash limit, the formula will depend on the volume of revenue or money issued.

How often should a company recalculate its cash limit?

This is decided by the head of the organization. The Central Bank of the Russian Federation does not specify a period, but the letter of the Central Bank dated February 15, 2012 No. 36-3/25 states that the cash limit should be reviewed if the volume of cash receipts or withdrawals has changed significantly.

When can you exceed the cash limit?

Exceeding the cash register limit is allowed in the following cases:

  • issuance of salaries, scholarships and other payments,
  • Company work on weekends and holidays.

Who sets the cash limit?

The head of the company determines the procedure for calculating the cash limit based on the economic characteristics of the enterprise.

Is it necessary to set a cash limit for an LLC in 2019?

Yes. All organizations are required to determine the cash limit for 2019. Sample order with calculation attached

Is cash discipline required for individual entrepreneurs?

Yes. But for individual entrepreneurs, cash discipline is simplified: they may not maintain PKO, RKO, cash book and not set a cash limit.

Is cash discipline observed at online cash registers in 2019?

Yes. But if you installed an online cash register, then some cash documents may not be maintained: for example, a cashier’s journal. Read more

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